PLEASE help with server-side form validation using PHP!!!

I feel like im going round and round in circles with this, after looking into all sorts of server-side advice i've come to the conclusion that i want to validate my form using server-side validation with PHP.
So my form has several drop down menu's and  textareas  (not all of them need validation). For the part of my form i would like to validate, all i want is the drop downs to have to be changed/selected. So just a simple message like "You must select an option" if customers haven't done so. For the textareas, they just need to be filled out, so a message like "Information required" to come up if customers haven't done so.
I believe i need to create a PHP page say for example 'error.php' place  the validation code in there and set this part of the the form to -
<form name="product"form action="error.php" method="post" class="product_form">
BUT im getting really confused with creating the code for the error.php. Please please can anyone help me with this!!!???
Here are the drop down menu's i need validation on, error message being "You must select an option",
and here are the textareas that need validating, error message "Information required",
I'd really appreciate any help!!!

Ness_quick wrote:
Great thats good enough for me. In that case, would you please be able to help me create the javascript for the above validation?? If you could just help me create it for this page i can amend it for all the other pages. I'd really really appreciate it!!!
Can you follow the below example?? Obviously AFTER validation has been successful you need to collect the information from the form and send it to the recipient email address...that's where you can use php. I'll check back tomorrow and see how you are doing.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>Form validation</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function RequiredFormFields() {
    // inform customer to provide figurine choice
var figurine = document.forms.product.figurine.value;
if (figurine == "-- Select figurine --")
alert("Please provide figurine choice");
return false;
// inform customer to provide engraving choice
var engraving = document.forms.product.engraving.value;
if (engraving == "-- Select engraving --")
alert("Please provide engraving choice");
return false;
// inform customer to provide font choice
    var font = document.forms.product.font.value;
if (font == "-- Select style --")
alert("Please select font style");
return false;
// inform customer to provide their name
var Name = document.forms.product.Name.value;
if (Name == null || Name == "")
alert("Please provide your name");
return false;
// inform customer to provide their house number/name
var house =;
if (house == null || house == "")
alert("Please provide your house number/name");
return false;
} // end function
<form name="product" form action="processForm.php" method="post" class="product_form" onsubmit="return RequiredFormFields()">
<p class="product_form_options">Choice of Figurine<br>
<select name="figurine" class="productButton" id="figurine" onChange="Recalculate()">
<option selected>-- Select figurine --</option>
<option value="7031">Tropical Green Granite with bronze sacred heart figurine as pictured(&pound;7031)</option>
<option value="5216">Tropical Green Granite with bronze effect sacred heart figurine (&pound;5216)</option>
<option value="5216">Tropical Green Granite with reconstituded figurine MF122(&pound;5216)</option>
<p class="product_form_options">Engraved Lettering<br>
<select name="engraving" class="productButton" id="engraving" onChange="Recalculate()">
        <option selected>-- Select engraving --</option>
        <option value="2.30">Sandblast and enamel painted (&pound;2.30/letter)</option>
        <option value="2.80">Sandblast and guilded (&pound;2.80/letter)</option>
        <option value="2.20">Maintenance free (&pound;2.20/letter)</option>
        <option value="3.73">Traditionally hand cut and enamel painted (&pound;3.73/letter)</option>
        <option value="3.98">Traditionally hand cut and gilded (&pound;3.98/letter)</option>
        <option value="4.34">Raised lead and enamel painted (&pound;4.34/letter)</option>
        <option value="4.59">Raised lead and gilded (&pound;4.59/letter)</option>
<p class="product_form_options">Letter/Font Style<br>    
      <select name="font" class="productButton" id="font" >
           <option selected>-- Select style --</option>
           <option value="Maintenance free">Maintenance free </option>
           <option value="White painted block">White painted block</option>
           <option value="White painted roman">White painted roman</option>
           <option value="White painted Script">White painted Script</option>
           <option value="White painted Celtic">White painted Celtic</option>
           <option value="White painted Nova">White painted Nova</option>
           <option value="Sliver painted block">Sliver painted block</option>
           <option value="Sliver painted roman">Sliver painted roman</option>
           <option value="Sliver painted Script">Sliver painted Script</option>
           <option value="Sliver painted Celtic">Sliver painted Celtic</option>
           <option value="Sliver painted Nova">Sliver painted Nova</option>
           <option value="Gold leaf painted block">Gold leaf painted block</option>
           <option value="Gold leaf painted roman">Gold leaf painted roman</option>
           <option value="Gold leaf painted Script">Gold leaf painted Script</option>
           <option value="Gold leaf painted Celtic">Gold leaf painted Celtic</option>
           <option value="Gold leaf painted Nova">Gold leaf painted Nova</option>
           <option value="Gold leaf painted Old English">Gold leaf painted Old English</option>
<input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" value="">
<p>House name or number:<br>
<input name="house" type="text" id="house" size="67">
<input name="submit" type="submit" class="place_order" id="submit" value="Place order">

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    anyone knows how to do server-side form validation??
    Thanks in advanced

    try this way
         //create a validation java class in that class u create separate methods for validating
         for example if u want to validate that a particular text box should not be empty
         then u can try this way
         say like this
         class ServerValidation()
         boolean message=false;
         public static boolean isTextBoxEmpty(String value)
         System.out.println("Text box is empty");
         return message
    now say u r having a html page in which there is a text box on submiting u call say validate.jsp
    in this jsp u write this way
    String message=request.getParameter("name of ur text box");
    boolean b=ServerValidation.isTextBoxEmpty(message)
    //valid is true do ur other activity
    String messageToUser="Please Enter Some value"
    u can now display this message on jsp and create a back button
    hope its clear

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    Hi exprets.
    How can i validate a form with jsp without the involvement of any client side script so that when a field is not filled properly it should display the form again with the data filled previously and a message against the incorrect field.
    I have a generic asp code that can be used with any form. There are some complexities in it for me in converting it to jsp because I am very net to it.
    Here is the asp code:
    const errorSymbol = "<font color=red><b>*</b></font>"
    dim dicError
    set dicError = server.createObject("scripting.dictionary")
    sub checkForm
    dim fieldName, fieldValue, pFieldValue
    for each field in request.form
    if left(field, 1) = "_" then
    ' is validation field , obtain field name
    fieldName = right( field, len( field ) - 1)
    ' obtain field value
    fieldValue = request.form(field)
    select case lCase(fieldValue)
    case "required"
    if trim(request.form(fieldName)) = "" then
    dicError(fieldName) = "<font size=-2 face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color=blue>" & fieldName & " is required</font>"
    end if
    case "date"
    if Not isDate(request.form(fieldName)) then
    dicError(fieldName) = "<font size=-2 face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color=blue>" & fieldName & "must be a date</font>"
    end if
    case "number"
    if Not isNumeric(pFieldValue) or (instr(pFieldValue,",")<>0) then
    dicError(fieldName) = "<font size=-2 face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color=blue>" & fieldName & " must be a number</font>"
    end if
    case "intnumber"
    if Not isNumeric(pFieldValue) or (instr(pFieldValue,",")<>0) or (instr(pFieldValue,".")<>0) then
    dicError(fieldName) = "<font size=-2 face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color=blue>" & fieldName & " must be an integer</font>"
    end if
    case "email"
    if instr(request.form(fieldName),"@")=0 or instr(request.form(fieldName),".")=0 then
    dicError(fieldName) = "<font size=-2 face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color=blue>" & fieldName & " must be an email</font>"
    end if
    case "phone"
    pFieldValue=replace(pFieldValue," ","")
    if Not isNumeric(pFieldValue) then
    dicError(fieldName) = "<font size=-2 face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color=blue>" & fieldName & " must be a phone number</font>"
    end if
    case "login"
    Dim i, ch, login
    login = false
    pFieldValue = request.Form(fieldName)
    if len(pFieldValue) < 5 then
         login = false
              for i=1 to len(pFieldValue)     
              ch = Mid(pFieldValue, i, 1)
                   if i=1 then
                        if(((ch >= "A") and (ch <= "Z")) or((ch >= "a") and (ch <= "z"))) then
                             login = true
                             login = false
                             exit for
                        end if
                   end if
                   if (i > 1) then
                        if(((ch >= "A")and(ch <= "Z"))or((ch >= "a")and(ch <= "z"))or((ch >= "0")and(ch <= "9"))or(ch = "_")) then
                             login = true
                             login = false
                             exit for
                        end if
                   end if
         end if
         if login = false then
    dicError(fieldName) = "<font size=-2 face=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif color=blue>" & fieldName & " must start with an alphabet, having numbers (0-9), alphabets, the underscore and no spaces</font>"
    end if
    end select
    end if
    end sub
    sub validateForm2(byVal successPage)
    if request.ServerVariables("CONTENT_LENGTH") > 0 then
    ' if no errors, then successPage
    if dicError.Count = 0 then
    ' build success querystring
    for each field in request.form
    if left(field, 1) <> "_" then
    fieldName = field
    fieldValue = request.form(fieldName)
    tString=tString &fieldName& "=" &Server.UrlEncode(fieldValue)& "&"
    end if
    Dim PageRed
    PageRed= successPage&"?"& tString
    end if
    end if
    end sub
    sub validateError
    dim countRow
    for each field in dicError
    if countRow=0 then
    response.write "<br>"
    end if
    response.write "<br> - " & dicError(field)
    if countRow>0 then
    response.write "<br>"
    end if
    end sub
    sub validate( byVal fieldName, byVal validType )
    %> <input name="_<%=fieldName%>" type="hidden" value="<%=validType%>"> <%
    if dicError.Exists(fieldName) then
    response.write errorSymbol
    end if
    end sub
    sub textbox(byVal fieldName , byVal fieldValue, byVal fieldSize, byVal fieldType, byVal fieldTitle, byVal maxLength, byVal action)
    dim lastValue
    lastValue = request.form(fieldName)
    select case fieldType
    case "textbox"
    <input name="<%=fieldName%>" size="<%=fieldSize%>" value="<%
    if trim(fieldValue)<>"" then
    response.write fieldValue
    response.write Server.HTMLEncode(lastValue)
    end if%>" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid;"
    title="<%=fieldTitle%>" maxlength="<%=maxLength%>" <%=action%>>
    case "hidden"
    <input type="hidden" name="<%=fieldName%>" size="<%=fieldSize%>" value="<%
    if trim(fieldValue)<>"" then
    response.write fieldValue
    response.write Server.HTMLEncode(lastValue)
    end if%>">
    case "password"
    %><input name="<%=fieldName%>" type="password" size="<%=fieldSize%>" value="<%
    if trim(fieldValue)<>"" then
    response.write fieldValue
    response.write server.HTMLEncode(lastValue)
    end if%>" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid;"
    title="<%=fieldTitle%>" maxlength="<%=maxLength%>">
    case "textarea"
    <textarea name="<%=fieldName%>" rows="3" cols="<%=fieldSize%>" style="BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid;"
    title="<%=fieldTitle%>" <%=action%>><%
    if trim(fieldValue)<>"" then
    response.write fieldValue
    response.write Server.HTMLEncode(trim(lastValue))
    end if
    end select
    end sub %>
    End of validateform.asp
    and I use it like this:
    <!--#include file="includes/validateForm.asp" -->
         on error resume next
    <body leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" topmargin="0">
         validateForm "addcustomer.asp"
         <form action="" method="post" name="form1" >
    Customer Name
    <%textbox "Name", pName, 30, "textbox", "Customer Name", 50, ""%>
    <%validate "Name", "required"%>
    the last two scriptlets create a Name field which is required. If user does not fill it an error message appears against it.
    Can someone help me please.

    Wow... some ASP code... its strange to see ASP these days as its been ages since i have coded in ASP.
    Well to answer your question, there are couple of options to overcome this issue.
    1) Make use of Struts Framework. It automatically takes care for the error handling(ok not automatically), but error handling of the type you are looking for is built into it and one needs to modify according to his/her own application.
    2) The other option will be to submit the data to the servlet. Populate the data into the respective fields of a Bean and put the bean into session/request as per ur requirements. On the JSP page, check if there is some data in the bean. If yes, then populate the values of HTML controls from the BEAN and the one that is empty/has custom error that you might enter in servlet can be displayed as an error message to the user.
    Hopefully this works for you. Give it a shot and its correctly said, that "necessity is the mother of invention"

  • Help with conditional Spry Form Validation

    I am creating some validation for this form and need some help.
    Need to require a finish to be selected if a qty is selected and visa versa.
    I have got this part working but can't get it to destroy the validation if the qty/finish is added and then removed.
    Here is the code for just the 2 fields:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
    <title>Deleting and rebuilding validations</title>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryValidationSelect.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationSelect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // build validations and delete / destroy them
    function val(e){
         // get the value
         value = e.value;
            //check if value is greater than 0
          if (value>= 1 ){
              // if it is then turn on validation
                  var spryselect1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect("spryselect1", "none", {isRequired:true});
            return true;
    function val2(e){
         value = e.value;       
          if (value= "" ){
                  var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield1", "integer", {isRequired:false});
            else { var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield1", "integer", {isRequired:true}); }
            return true;
    <form id="form1" method="post" action="#">
         <p><span id="spryselect1">finish:
             <select name="finish" id="finish" onclick="val2(this);" >
            <option>please select</option>
            <option value="6, Antique Wiluna White">Antique Wiluna White</option>
            <option value="12, Antique Wiluna White Gloss">Antique Wiluna White Gloss</option>
            <option value="2, Charred Oak">Charred Oak</option>
            <option value="10, Charred Oak Gloss">Charred Oak Gloss</option>
            <option value="5, Gentle Beige">Gentle Beige</option>
            <option value="1, Refined Oak">Refined Oak</option>
            <option value="9, Refined Oak Gloss">Refined Oak Gloss</option>
            <option value="4, Rocksalt">Rocksalt</option>
            <option value="7, Snowdrift">Snowdrift</option>
            <option value="13, Snowdrift Gloss">Snowdrift Gloss</option>
            <option value="3, Vicenza Walnut">Vicenza Walnut</option>
            <option value="11, Vicenza Walnut Gloss">Vicenza Walnut Gloss</option>
            <option value="14, 2 Pack Gloss White">2 Pack Gloss White</option>
    </span><span id="sprytextfield1">
    <input type="text" name="qty" id="qty"  onblur="val(this);" />
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var sprytextfield1, spryselect1;
    Also is there a shortcut so this doesn't have to be repeated for all 80 or so fields?

    I am very busy at the moment with having a few projects on hand. Maybe the following example will help you. If not, please come back here.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Deleting and rebuilding validations</title>
    <link href=" d.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <form id="form1" method="post" action="#">
        <input type="radio" name="radio" id="Married" value="Married" onclick="val(this);">
        <label for="Married">Married</label>
        <input type="radio" name="radio" id="Defacto" value="Defacto" onclick="val(this);">
        <label for="Defacto">Defacto</label>
        <input type="radio" name="radio" id="Single" value="Single" onclick="val(this);">
        <label for="radio">Single</label>
      <span id="sprytextfield1">
        <label for="f_married">Married</label>
        <input name="married" id="f_married" type="text" value="">
        <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span>
      <span id="sprytextfield2">
        <label for="f_defacto">Defacto</label>
        <input name="defacto" id="f_defacto" type="text" value="">
        <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span>
      <span id="sprytextfield3">
        <label for="f_single">Single</label>
        <input name="single" id="f_single" type="text" value="">
        <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span>
      <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
    <script src=""></script>
    var sprytextfield1,
    // build validations and delete / destroy them
    function val(e){
        // get the value
        value = e.value;
        // see what radion button we have
        if(value == "Married"){
            // if there inst a validaton build one
                sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield1");
            // if there is a validaiton in sprytextfield destory it, and clear the variable
            if(sprytextfield2 && sprytextfield2.destroy){
                sprytextfield2 = null;
            // same as the rest
            if(sprytextfield3 && sprytextfield3.destroy){
                sprytextfield3 = null;
        } else if(value == 'Defacto'){
                sprytextfield2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield2");
            if(sprytextfield1 && sprytextfield1.destroy){
                sprytextfield1 = null;
            if(sprytextfield3 && sprytextfield3.destroy){
                sprytextfield3 = null;
        } else if(value == 'Single'){
                sprytextfield3 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield3");
            if(sprytextfield1 && sprytextfield1.destroy){
                sprytextfield1 = null;
            if(sprytextfield2 && sprytextfield2.destroy){
                sprytextfield2 = null;
        // proceed with the rest as normal
        return true;
    Carn the Pies

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    i have 2 hard disks 3 tb for each , i tried to install windows server 2012 for one week till now i cant do it , i tried UEFI , i made UEFI windows and convert the hard disk to gpt when the installation is done , i cant boot , i tried to fix bcdboot and bcdedit and doesnt help . i read that is somthing related with the south bridge but when i enter the bios i found just enabled and disabled .
    so please someone help

    what do you mean you have 1.5(1)b ?
    to my knowledge this doesn't exist .
    Can you provide overview what you are trying to do ?
    What errors are you getting ?
    Have a look at this

  • Please help with snippet for form.

    I'm building my wedding photography site with iWeb and I want to place a form on there where customers can, via a series of pull down menus, choose various addons to their wedding package which I want to show a running total at the bottom for an instant quote. I would then need to get a copy of this data sent to me.
    What kind of HTML snippet would I need and where could I find one?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks Scott, that jot form looks great for a contact form etc. Due to being add free. But it doesn't look like it allows me to add a value to a selection on a drop down menu and a way of adding it up/displaying the total on my site.
    Example id need fields like this;
    "album required"
    The available selections could be:
    "12 x 8" value added to viable running total would be £100
    "14 x 10" value added to viable running total would be £150
    "16 x 12" value added to viable running total would be £200
    Then another field may be:
    "Hi Res CD required?"
    the available selections could be:
    "no thanks!" having a value of £0
    "50 images" having a value of £100
    "all images" having a value of £250
    So if the user chooses "16 x 12" and "all images" the running total on the page would show the user "£450"
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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    Hey guys, I'm really in a tight spot here as I have no idea how to get my setup working properly. I recently bought an entirely new Imac, Logic Express 7, and a drum plugin called Drumkit From **** Superior (VSTi I believe is the type of plugin they call it). It is supposed to be compatable but I see no way to get it to show up as a plugin. I tried some other programs and it shows up as a plugin and I'm able to get into the interface, but I can't in LE7.
    It is supposed to be compatable as a "rewire" plugin or something like that, but I'm not too sure how to approach that differently, both manuals are very vague.
    Basically, I'm wondering:
    1. How would I go about getting Drumkit From **** Superior to show up as a "plugin" (and what it would be under) if I have to use it a "rewire"?
    2. If I could get it running as a plugin, how would I go about programming a drum part using that "drumkit" in Logic Express?
    Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated.

    It's a tough one man, I'm actually wanting to go for EZdrummer which I think comes under the same umbrealla as DFH, the patch will come to let you upgrade to intel hopefully by September so hold onto that plug in as I think it'll be worth it in the long run. In the mean time do you have any other options to make beats?
    I use Reason 3.0, I sequence my beats using Reason Drum Kits 2.0 and export them as WAV or AIFF files into Logic, do you have anything similar that you can do? write you beats else where and import into Logic?

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    Read more
    Acrobat form with server side submit, posting blank data,
    thanh xả tràn
    I have a PDF form which gets submitted to the server using a submit (server-side) button. The data is then received in XML format by a ColdFusion component which does some validation and stores it into the database.
    This PDF form is usually filled in by our clients using Adobe Reader 8 or below. While most of the times(and I mean like 96-97% of the times) everything goes well, at times we receive blank data into our database!! This renders couple of other features in our application useless as they try to parse an XML which does not exist.
    I do believe that this is not a problem at the ColdFusion side because all it does is trim(ToString(toBinary(GetHttpRequestData().content))).
    Does anyone has a clue as to why the data will be lost upon form submission?? I have done a lot of googling around it but in vain!

    There is an outside chance someone is just playing with you and submitting a blank form. Not uncommon if someone is not too familiar with forms.

  • How can I sync my iPhone on a different computer without erasing my applications? My iPhone was earlier synced with a PC which I don't use anymore. Please help with proper steps, if any.

    How can I sync my iPhone on a different computer without erasing my applications? My iPhone was earlier synced with a PC which I don't use anymore.
    On the new computer, I am getting a message that my all purchases would be deleted if I sync it with new iTunes library.
    Please help with proper steps, if any.

    Also see... these 2 Links...
    Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device
    Syncing to a New Computer...

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    SELECT SUM (DECODE (t_one_mon_c_paid_us, 0, 0, 1)) t_two_y_m_mul_ca_
    FROM (SELECT SUM (one_mon_c_paid_us) t_one_mon_c_paid_us
    FROM (
    SELECT a.individual_id individual_id,
    TO_DATE ('05-MAY-1955')
    ) >= SYSDATE - 45
    AND a.country_cd = 'US'
    AND b.individual_id in (
    SELECT UNIQUE c.individual_id
    FROM order c
    WHERE c.prod_cd = 'A'
    AND NVL (c.last_payment_dt,
    TO_DATE ('05-MAY-1955')
    ) >= SYSDATE - 745)
    THEN 1
    ELSE 0
    END AS one_mon_c_paid_us
    FROM items b, addr a, product d
    WHERE b.prod_id = d.prod_id
    AND d.affinity_1_cd = 'ADH'
    AND b.individual_id = a.individual_id)
    GROUP BY individual_id)
    Edited by: user4522368 on Aug 23, 2010 9:11 AM

    Please try and place \ before and after you code \Could you not remove the inline column select with the following?
    SELECT a.individual_id individual_id
            when b.Ship_dt is null then
            WHEN b.ship_dt >= SYSDATE - 90
            WHEN b.ship_dt >= SYSDATE - 45
            WHEN b.ship_dt >= SYSDATE - 30
          END AS one_mon_c_paid_us
    FROM  items           b
         ,addr            a
         ,product         d
         ,order           o
    WHERE b.prod_id       = d.prod_id
    AND   d.affinity_1_cd = 'ADH'
    AND   b.individual_id = a.individual_id
    AND   b.Individual_ID = o.Individual_ID
    and   o.Prod_CD       = 'A'             
    and   NVL (o.last_payment_dt,TO_DATE ('05-MAY-1955') ) >= SYSDATE - 745
    and   a.Country_CD    = 'US'

  • Want a complete migration guide to upgrade to database using DBUA..We are implementing R12.1.3 version and then have to migrate the default 11gR1 database to version. Please help with some step by step docs

    Want a complete migration guide to upgrade to database using DBUA..We are implementing R12.1.3 version and then have to migrate the default 11gR1 database to version. Please help with some step by step docs

    Upgrade to -- Interoperability Notes Oracle EBS R12 with Oracle Database 11gR2 ( (Doc ID 1585578.1)
    Upgrade to (latest 11gR2 patchset certified with R12) -- Interoperability Notes EBS 12.0 and 12.1 with Database 11gR2 (Doc ID 1058763.1)

  • Updating form with server-side scripts

    For security reasons, we want to do a web service call with only server side scripts. That way we have full control over the access to the wsdl and no problems with the security.
    However, if I try to run the scripts on server-side I get no update of the data in the form... so what to do to solve that problem? Anybody with experience from that?

    To make a small update I've been messing around with various different things to be able to achieve the goal. One of the initial problems was that the Designer actually manages to create two different SOAP addresses, one of them is the correct and secure way and the other one is direct to the data source, which would be an unsecure and blocked route. That changed things a bit when I realized that.
    But still, the problem remains. If I run the script Client-Side, it works but is not an acceptable solution. If I run it Server-Side, it can't read the data and doesn't recognize the call to SOAP.connect()...
    Does anybody have any experience in webb service connection with server side scripts?

  • HT201210 cont contact apple server error please help with ipad touch 4. im just fed up with apple please help me because why is it only apple with these kind of problems?

    cont contact apple server error please help with ipad touch 4. im just fed up with apple please help me because why is it only apple with these kind of problems?

    If you mean updae server
    Update Server
    - Powering off and then back on your router.
    - iTunes for Windows: iTunes cannot contact the iPhone, iPad, or iPod software update server
    - Change the DNS to either Google's or Open DNS servers
    Public DNS — Google Developers
    OpenDNS IP Addresses
    - For one user uninstalling/reinstalling iTunes resolved the problem
    - Try on another computer/network
    - Wait if it is an Apple problem
    Otherwise what server are you talking about

  • Hi. I have an iPhone 4s. The music doesn't play when I connect it to my car stereo. It used to play previously but stopped playing all of a sudden. My phone is getting charged when I cut it to the USB port. Please help with this. The iOS is 6.1.3.

    Hi. I have an iPhone 4s. The music doesn't play when I connect it to my car stereo. It used to play previously but stopped playing all of a sudden. My phone is getting charged when I cut it to the USB port. Please help with this. The iOS is 6.1.3.

    Hello Priyanks,
    I found an article with steps you can take to troubleshoot issues with an iPhone not connecting to your car stereo:
    iOS: Troubleshooting car stereo connections
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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