PLSQL Developer

when using PLSQL Developer to read-only an other owner's packages (I've execute grant on them), I can see only spec, otherwise if I use Toad I can see both, spec and body packages, in read-only mode.
How I can configure PLSQL Developer to do the same?

user4979851 wrote:
when using PLSQL Developer to read-only an other owner's packages (I've execute grant on them), I can see only spec, otherwise if I use Toad I can see both, spec and body packages, in read-only mode.
How I can configure PLSQL Developer to do the same?Please confirm that you are talking about the PLSQL Developer, and not SQL Developer.
PLQSL Developer is a product from a totally different company and docmented at - they have their own support forum through that site.

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    A very good starting point is (in my opinion): [Steven Feuerstein PL/SQL Obsession|]. Also the official site [PL/SQL Technology Center|]

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    A-K wrote:
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    Thanks.bigdelboy is not a senior, merely a bigdelboy ... thoug I suppose as he was talking about ICL4130's today his age may be showing a little.
    As you have a PL/SQL I assume (possibly incorrectly) it is a PL/SQL OCA certification. In that case you should ensure you get a PL/SQL OCP first to demonstrate a high level of competence in that area.
    After that you may feel that a DBA certifcatiion may be helpful it towards some of the 'DBA' takes you are doing. 'DBA' covers a whole load of things, so its difficult to say how relevant the OCA would be for you. But a different way of looking at it is that self studying for a DBA probably wouldn't do much harm and you would learn cosething is the self study. But having said that you might want to review other things to look at:
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    The things I've mentioned are not directly career moved focused, so in that sense I probably havan't answered your question.
    Rgds - bigdelboy.

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    Duplicate post.
    value not displaying in report whereas it returns in plsql developer
    value not displaying in report whereas it returns in plsql developer

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    Wrong forum - please repost in the SQL Developer forum, edit this post to include the link to the SQL Developer thread and then mark this as ANSWERED.
    SQL Developer
    when connecting through plsql developer getting the error: ora-12545 connect failed because target host or object does not exist
    In you post on the other forum include your 4 digit Oracle version and the version of SQL Developer that you are using.
    Also provide the step by step details of how you are trying to create the new connection.
    The error message is telling you that you are using a server or host name that does not exist.

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    SQL> show serveroutput
    SQL> select /*+ no_index(t1 idx_t1) */ * from t1 where n=3;
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'advanced'));
    While I input the same SQL in PLSQL Developer:
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null,null,'advanced'));
    SQL_ID     9babjv8yq8ru3, child number 0
    NOTE: cannot fetch plan for SQL_ID: 9babjv8yq8ru3, CHILD_NUMBER: 0
    Please verify value of SQL_ID and CHILD_NUMBER;
    It could also be that the plan is no longer in cursor cache (check v$sql_plan)
    And the most important is:
    SQL> show serveroutput
    The result of it is empty.
    The reason for that is serveroutput is only supported in sqlplus not PLSQL? I know serveroutput is sqlplus language not SQL. However I use "show serveroutput" in command window of PLSQL Developer which is the same as sqlplus. What's the real reason for that?
    Thanks for your kindly reply.

    " If serveroutput is on when you call this function, the last statement you will have run will be the (hidden) call to dbms_output that follows your execution of any other statement – so you won’t get the plan and statistics."
    "Luckily I recognized the line BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINES(...); END; from the tkprof output files. It is what SQL*Plus does after each statement: flushing the dbms_output buffer to the screen. To have the dbms_xplan.display_cursor show what I want, I started writing a little script against V$SQL to get the latest "real" SQL-statement, but then I realised I cannot possibly be the first to encounter this problem. Googling led me to this very useful blog entry by Jonathan Lewis. It contains almost everything you want to know about the display_cursor function. A simple "set serveroutput off" is enough to get the function working! "
    So, actually you should have set serverout off.
    Probably also depending on how you're gathering the execution plan statistics (you're not using the gather_plan_statistics hint?) and the SQL*Plus version and database version you're working with...

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    please give suggestions on this urgent

    You can obviously schedule a job in database using Database Scheduler but you should have a appropriate privilege to do so.
    Best thing is ask your DBA and they will schedule for you. You just have to proivde, what time you want to execute and what you want to execute and they will take care.
    job_name => 'your_job_name'
    ,start_date => TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ('2007/05/21 14:08:13.335383 -04:00','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss.ff tzh:tzm')
    ,repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY;BYHOUR=7;BYMINUTE=00'
    ,end_date => NULL
    ,job_class => 'DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS'
    ,job_type => 'PLSQL_BLOCK'
    ,job_action => 'begin YOUR_JOB_NAME ; end;'
    ,comments => 'ANYCOMMENT'

  • Please send me real time scenarios for plsql developer..

    hello xperts..
    please send me real time scenarios for plsql wiil be greatful to me .my mailid: < email address removed by moderator >

    Almost a duplicate of this thread: hi..everyone..plz share realtime unix shellscript commands
    and just as badly requested.
    Read: Re: 2. How do I ask a question on the forums?
    +Locking this thread+

  • Plsql developer issuev

    I am not able to debug with plsql developer .it says don't have privilidge for debug connect session.since i dont know the sys password i am not able grant this privilidge.
    need help regarding this issue .

    As DBA you should know the SYS password. If you lost it, you can log on on the database server itself without password...
    Have fun,

  • Need help in regarding Oracle PLSQL developer interview questions

    Hi all,
    I am totally new in this field regarding plsql. I have just finished training in oracle plsql and in oracle financials. But for starting career i am looking jobs as:Oracle plsql developer. Can somebody help me what type of questions people going to ask? I am not confident yet, i have made my resume but for submitting resume i just want to be aware for the interview questions. Can somebody help me in telling me good questions and answers as to what to prepare?
    Thanks in advance.

    Do you have experience in Oracle 10g? If so, what are your favorite new features? (shows depth of experience and how well they are keeping up with technology)
    Partitioning (Practical Scenarios)
    Have you ever worked with partitioned tables? Example:
    What types of partitioning?
    What types of indexing, global or local? Why did you choose global or local?
    What do you see in SQL that is accessing partitioned tables that enables Oracle to take advantage of partitioning?
    What is partition pruning?
    PL/SQL Bulk Features
    Have you ever used PL/SQL bulk features? Which ones? Can you provide an example?
    What makes bulk processing faster?
    What PL/SQL data constructs are required to use bulk features?
    Oracle Collections
    What are the three types of collections?
    When would you use a varray versus a nested table?
    Global Temporary Tables
    Have you ever used Global Temporary Tables? Example:
    How does Oracle treat Global Temporary Tables differently than regular tables, making them faster?
    Autonomous Transactions
    What is an autonomous transaction? Example:
    SQL Tuning
    Someone comes to you with a SQL statement that is running slow, what are some potential problems that can be identified just by looking at the SQL statement?
    What are the steps you follow in the database to tune SQL?
    Locking Techniques
    Types of Locks
    Lock Escalation
    Autonomous transactions, where to use examples if any
    Difference between Truncate and Delete Statement
    PL/SQL tables, index by tables, VARRAY, associate arrays, differences and when to use
    Performance tuning related, Using Explain plan, SQL* Plus auto trace, and using tkprof
    Different types of joins oracle uses ( Hash join, Merge Join, Nested loop join)
    dbms_profiler package uses
    Unit testing approach, if you know and worked on out PLSQL frame work for automatic testing, its big advantageous
    Oracle approach for read consistency, what is SCN, dirty reads, phantom reads etc..
    Standards ( Coding standards, naming standards etc.) , There are guidelines and naming standards for variables, package, procedure, function names, database object names etc…( Be prepared what standards you followed in previous projects )
    Snapshot too old error, fetch out of sequence error when it comes, should be able to explain.
    Oracle block, what it contains. Row chaining, row migration concepts
    Version control software’s (experience in clearcase and clearquest is big advantage). If you have not used these, know about the importance of these and be prepared to explain which ones you used in previous projects, and how the PL/SQL code used to deploy.
    Oracle server architecture, know about oracle memory structures, background processes overview

  • Plsql developer - cannot run a script

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    set echo on
    set feedback on
    spool <path>
    @@ <first script>
    @@ <second script>
    so on and at the end closed or ended the spool...........
    I am trying to run this script in plsql developer but it gives me an error ............. on every statement .......
    Can any one help me how do I run this script........

    Well the actual scripts (something similar) would have helped.
    But since we dont have that let me start with basics
    Hope you are running those commands in the COMMAND Window and not sql window?Is that so?

  • PLSQL Developer - off topic

    I use PLSQL Developer as a tool to work with oracle database. For some reason when I am quering and have a syntax error in my statement, the PLSQL Dev locks and I have to kill the session and reload a new PLSQL Dev. Any Idea what could be wrong in installation or else. Thanks

    If you're talking about PLSQL Developer by Allround Automations then I suggest you post on their own forum, if you're talking about SQL Developer (formerly Project Raptor) then you'd be wise to post on the SQL Developer forum.
    Either way, you're unlikely to get much help on this here.

  • PLSQL Developer 与 Oracle SQL Developer 哪个更好?

    一直都是使用 PLSQL Developer 做一些开发, 想知道它与 Oracle SQL Developer 有什么不一样, 哪个更好用?

    我想对于这两个产品,哪个更好众说纷纭。我觉得各自有各自的优缺点。当然相对于PLSQL Developer 来说Oracle SQL Developer 的最大优点之一就是它的免费吧,当然它的很多细节上的功能还没有那么丰富。^_^
    你可以通过以下链接下载 Oracle SQL Developer
    We’ve given up all of our licenses for other tools. We simply don’t need them anymore. Oracle SQL Developer does it all for us. We’ve saved a lot of money because it’s free. It’s also given our development staff a standard tool and they love it. It’s made training and support easier.

  • Installation of PLSQL Developer

    Can anybody can tell me where can i download the PLSQL Developer and help me how can i install the PLSQL Developer

    <p>If you are referring to the Oracle SQL Developer software, it can be found <b>here</b>. If you are referring to PL/SQL Developer (not an Oracle product), Google is your friend.</p>

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