Pocket PC checkbox problem

after i change my url  xxxx?sap-wd-client=PieClient     
when i display webdynpro page in pocket pc
although i have disable the checkbox...
the checkbox still able to change....
pls advice

What I mean is..
  create Action and bind that action check Box Ontoggle.
bind a boolean variable check box value.
If Suppose table context
in on toggle method{
if you did like that if he checked the check box. by that action it will remain as unchecked .

Similar Messages

  • Checkbox problem in JSF Page

    Hi Experts,
    I am using Jdeveloper have one tab in my page.In that page i have table dropped on it which is a combination of 3 views.When i check the checkbox some fields should be automatically filled up by the data present in the database.Whenever i uncheck it should not show anything for this i have written one impl class.This scenario works fine when i run app module.But this is not happening when i run the page.When i check the checkbox its showing this error,
    JBO-29114 ADFContext is not setup to process messages for this exception. Use the exception stack trace and error code to investigate the root cause of this exception. Root cause error code is JBO-25009. Error message parameters are {0=java.lang.Long, 1=5F000F89D9F548358C6B76AB7ED20467, 2=java.lang.String}
    ADF_FACES-60097:For more information, please see the server's error log for an entry beginning with: ADF_FACES-60096:Server Exception during PPR, #2.
    Please anyone can help me on this problem.
    Edited by: Sri on Mar 21, 2012 12:49 AM
    Edited by: Sri on Mar 21, 2012 12:52 AM

    what you wrote impl.class how did you perform drag and drop operation in jspx/jsff.
    or use any valuchangelisteners.

  • Multi update region with 5 checkboxes - problem in updating

    I have a multi update region with more 5 checkboxes which 2 tables LO & SCLO. LO ID is the unique id for each row.
    1st checkbox - If we select 1st checkbox, I am adding a record to SCLO with LO ID.
    2nd Checkbox - yes/no attribute in SCLO table.
    3rd - 5th checkboxes - T/F attributes in LO table.
    Everything is working well if there is LO ID, because I will have a hidden item for LO ID and process where I am only updating LO and adding SCLO.
    When I add a new LO, the trouble occurs for updating 3rd - 5th ck boxes because there will be null value for all the columns in the row.
    What I did is, I first insert LO and gets LO ID from OUT parameter, sets 3rd - 5th ckboxs as null. Then get the out parameter (LO ID) and tried to update again the LO table which is causing some problem and the code, loops are getting very tricky.
    Is there any easy way to handle this?

    Try waiting, a lot of people are also interested in updating to iOS 5.1 so it's probably server related.
    Hope I helped,

  • Deleting With Checkboxes Problem

    I have created queries and processes as per the How To's etc. for deleting rows via check boxes. The problem I am having is that if the query returns 3 records for example and I select only 1 via the check box, all 3 records end up being deleted.
    This is my query which is in an SQL Query (updatable report) region;
    htmldb_item.checkbox(1,"a"."FUNDING_ID") "DEL",
    from "BCR_Funding" "a", "BCR_Constructor" "b"
    where "PROJREV_ID" = :P10_REVIEWID
    and "a"."CONSTRUCT_ID" = "b"."CONSTRUCT_ID"
    and "a"."REQ" = :P10_REQ
    order by "b"."CONSTRUCTOR", "a"."YEAR"
    Note that "FUNDING_ID" is the primary key in "BCR_Funding".
    I have a "Delete Checked" button and the process behind it is as follows;
    delete from "test_tab";
    for i in 1..htmldb_application.g_f01.count
    insert into "test_tab" values (BCR_SEQ.nextval, htmldb_application.g_f01(i));
    delete from "BCR_Funding" where "FUNDING_ID" = htmldb_application.g_f01(i);
    end loop;
    I am using "test_tab" to see which values are being returned by the htmldb_application function.
    At the completion of the process, "test_tab" contains the following
    test id
    5052 5049
    5053 5050
    5054 5050
    5055 5051
    "test" is simply the PK for the "test_tab" table. "id" contains the values of "FUNDING_ID" returned and deleted. Note that only id = 5050 was selected for deleting via the checkbox, yet 5049 and 5051 were deleted also.... @#$%#@
    I want this to work such that only 5050 would be deleted...

    I have modified the process code to the following to try and see what's going on;
    str varchar(5);
    delete from "test_tab";
    str:= to_char(htmldb_application.g_f01.count);
    for i in 1..htmldb_application.g_f01.count
    insert into "test_tab" values (BCR_SEQ.nextval, to_char(htmldb_application.g_f01(i))||' ('||to_char(i)||' of '||str||')');
    delete from "BCR_Funding" where "FUNDING_ID" = htmldb_application.g_f01(i);
    end loop;
    It would appear that if the query returns x rows and I select the checkbox in y rows, then the process attempts to delete x+y rows.
    I have before and after screen images, i.e. before and after the "Delete Checked" button is hit which I can e-mail.
    Hope someone can help....

  • Report with checkbox problem

    I have a process that approves activities by clicking on the checkbox of my report. This is my first column called htmldb_application.g_f01. When I try to approve activities and I try to return the value of htmldb_application.g_f11(i), it always stays on the first value. Here is my code :
    --Niveau_Approb number;
    Retard number;
    Date_Prevue_Active date;
    Approbation1 number;
    Delegue2 number;
    Approbateur2 number;
    Approb2 number;
    l_count number;
    Usager_Approb2 number;
    Niveau number;
    for i in 1..htmldb_application.g_f01.count
    select count(*)
    into Usager_Approb2
    from Approbateur, tache, activite
    where activite.code_activite        = htmldb_application.g_f01(i)
    And   activite.code_tache           = tache.code_tache
    And   tache.code_tache              = approbateur.code_tache
    and   approbateur.niveau_approbation = 2
    and   approbateur.pein               = :USAGER_ACTIF
    and   code_activite not in
             select code_activite
             from Delegation, tache, activite
             where activite.code_activite        = htmldb_application.g_f01(i)
             And   activite.code_tache           = tache.code_tache
             And   tache.code_tache              = delegation.code_tache
             and   to_date(activite.date_prevue, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
             between to_date(delegation.date_debut, 'YYY-MM-DD') and to_date(delegation.date_fin, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
             and   delegation.niveau_approbation = 2
             and   delegation.pein = :USAGER_ACTIF);
    select count(*)
    into Approbation1
    from approbation
    where code_activite      = htmldb_application.g_f01(i)
    and   niveau_approbation = 1;
    into Delegue2
    from Delegation, tache, activite
    where activite.code_activite        = htmldb_application.g_f01(i)
    And   activite.code_tache           = tache.code_tache
    And   tache.code_tache              = delegation.code_tache
    and   delegation.niveau_approbation = 2;
    select count(*)
    into Approbateur2
    from Approbateur, tache, activite
    where activite.code_activite         = htmldb_application.g_f01(i)
    And   activite.code_tache            = tache.code_tache
    And   tache.code_tache               = approbateur.code_tache
    and   approbateur.niveau_approbation = 2;
    Niveau :=htmldb_application.g_f11(i);
    IF (htmldb_application.g_f11(i)=2) And (Approbation1 <= 0)
        RAISE_application_error(-20000,'  An approbation from level 1 needs to be done before you approve level 2./ Une approbation de niveau 1 doit avoir été effectuée pour que vous puissiez approuver avec un niveau 2.',TRUE);
    elsif (htmldb_application.g_f11(i)=1) and (usager_approb2 >= 1)
         RAISE_application_error(-20000,'You already have to approve level 2 so you can not approve level 1/ Vous devez déjà approuver un niveau 2 alors vous ne pouvez approuver un niveau 1.',TRUE);
       Values (:USAGER_ACTIF, htmldb_application.g_f01(i),sysdate, sysdate,
       :USAGER_ACTIF,htmldb_application.g_f11(i), :USAGER_ACTIF, sysdate);
       Select NBJRS_RETARD into Retard from tache, activite where activite.code_activite =   
       htmldb_application.g_f01(i) and activite.code_tache = tache.code_tache;
       Select date_prevue into Date_Prevue_Active from activite where activite.code_activite =  
       if (trunc(sysdate) > trunc(Date_Prevue_Active)+Retard)
          if (htmldb_application.g_f11(i)= 1 ) And (Delegue2 <=0) And (
              Approbateur2 <= 0)
             Update activite set succes = 'T', STATUT_QUALITE = 'En Retard',DATE_REVISION = sysdate,
             pein_revision = :USAGER_ACTIF
             where code_activite = htmldb_application.g_f01(i);
          elsif (htmldb_application.g_f11(i) = 1) And ((Delegue2 > 0) OR (
                 Approbateur2 > 0))
              Update activite set succes = 'C', STATUT_QUALITE = '2',
              DATE_REVISION = sysdate,
              pein_revision = :USAGER_ACTIF
              where code_activite = htmldb_application.g_f01(i);
           elsif (htmldb_application.g_f11(i) = 2) and (Approbation1 > 0)
                Update activite set succes = 'T', STATUT_QUALITE = 'En Retard',
                DATE_REVISION = sysdate,
                pein_revision = :USAGER_ACTIF
                where code_activite = htmldb_application.g_f01(i);
           end if;
         if (htmldb_application.g_f11(i)= 1 ) And (Delegue2 <=0) And ( Approbateur2 <= 0)
                 Update activite set succes = 'T', STATUT_QUALITE = 'À Temps',
                 DATE_REVISION = sysdate,
                 pein_revision = :USAGER_ACTIF
                 where code_activite = htmldb_application.g_f01(i);
         elsif (htmldb_application.g_f11(i) = 1) And ((Delegue2 > 0) OR ( Approbateur2 > 0))
                 Update activite set succes = 'C', STATUT_QUALITE = '2',DATE_REVISION = sysdate,
                 pein_revision = :USAGER_ACTIF
                 where code_activite = htmldb_application.g_f01(i);
         elsif (htmldb_application.g_f11(i)= 2) and (Approbation1 > 0)
                 Update activite set succes = 'T', STATUT_QUALITE = 'À Temps',
                 DATE_REVISION = sysdate,
                 pein_revision = :USAGER_ACTIF
                 where code_activite = htmldb_application.g_f01(i) ;
         end if;
      end if;
    Anyone can help me ??
    end if;
      --  RAISE_application_error(-20000,Niveau,TRUE);
    end loop;

    Hi all,
    I have the same problem with another report, here is part of my code :
    q VARCHAR2 (30000);
    tbl VARCHAR2 (30000);
    w varchar2(500);
    n varchar2(3);
    q := ' select APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX(14,rownum) id,x.Nom,' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.SELECT_LIST_FROM_LOV(11,x.IdHoraire,''' ||
    'LISTE DES HORAIRES DE TRAVAIL' || ''',null,''' || 'NO' || ''') as Horaire,' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.CHECKBOX(12,x.TechAccredite,' ||
    'decode(x.TechAccredite,null,null,' || '''CHECKED''' || ')) Accredite, ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.TEXT(13,x.Numero,10,10,' ||
    '''onblur="javascript:if(!valider_telephone(1,this.value)){alert(''' ||
    '''Numero non valide''' || '''); this.focus();};"''' || ') Tel, ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.HIDDEN(10,x.IdCT) as ICT';
    q := q || ' from (';
    tbl := ' a valide select statement';
    q := q || tbl || ' ) x ';
    w := ' where ';
    w := w || ' x.IdDepot = decode(:P97_IDDEPOT,-1,x.IdDepot,:P97_IDDEPOT) ';
    w := w || ' or x.IdDepot is null ';
    w:= w || ' order by 2';
    q := q || w;
    RETURN q;
    and I created a process :
    res varchar2(100);
    id number;
    res := 'res';
    for i in 1..APEX_APPLICATION.G_F14.count loop
    id := to_number(APEX_APPLICATION.G_F14(i));
    res := res || ' i=' || i || ' rownum ' || id || ' th ' ||
    end loop;
    :P97_POUB := res;
    My process just print the 'res' in an item named P97_POUB, so I can see if evry thing works.
    But I still have a no data found error.

  • Checkbox problem in ALV toolbar

    Hello all,
    I hv added a checkbox in my alv toolbar using classes.
    i.e. MOVE 'NO_DEFECTS' TO ls_toolbar-function.
          MOVE 'No Defects' TO ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
          MOVE 'No Defects' TO ls_toolbar-text.
          MOVE 5 TO ls_toolbar-butn_type.
          MOVE ' ' TO ls_toolbar-disabled.
          APPEND ls_toolbar TO e_object->mt_toolbar.
    Alv is displaying in one subscreen.
    My problem is my checkbox is displaying as a button instead of a check box and also i want to know how can i check whether my checkbox is active or not.
    I want to disable some buttons in the alv toolbar based on this checkbox.
    Thanks in advance.

    To disable the buttons in the toolbar, In the ALV events exclude the fcodes of the buttons you want to disable and pass it to the
    to the program like the below statement
      set pf-status 'STDPOPBX_FULLSCREEN' excluding lt_extab
                              of program 'SAPLKKBL'.
    To use the check box pass the ls_toolbar-ICON as ICON_WD_CHECK_BOX.

  • J2ME,CDC, Pocket PC Keyboard problem

    I've developed a number of java apps for the pocket pc J2ME/CDC platform.
    Whenever I open the simulated keyboard and then close it, components (labels and text fields) disappear from the panel. Opening and closing the keyboard "occasionally" causes the missing components to reappear. But this is not a reliable work around.
    Has anyone run into this problem?
    I've already tried saving the panels graphics properties at startup and then performing panel.paintAll(Graphics g) or panel.paintComponents(Graphics g). Neither worked successfully.
    Thanking you in advance for your help.
    Joseph Lee

    J2ME CDC platform, I've run into a similar problem. I was using the IBM J9 (WEME 4.7.2) with the Windows Mobile 2003 2nd edition & WinCE 4.2 no problem, except for 256 character limit in classpath startup string, but when upgrading mobile devices OS to Windows Mobile 5.0 & WinCE 5.0 had to upgrade the IBM J9 WEME to the 6.1.1 version, which eliminated the 256 character limitation in the classpath, but now my special keys (F1, F2, F3, F4) do not pass thru the JVM. This is important function to my Oracle GUI client application which runs on wireless mobile scanner computer devices. I've tested key mappings, and when running trace files, the IBM WEME 6.1.1 does not pass any values (which show up as translated ASCII values, i.e. F2 = 71, F2 = 72), so I'm guessing that the API has changed. Currently running more tests.
    mark Colonese

  • Checkbox problem with wieving the records on datapage

    Hi guys!
    I generate in my MultirowEditForm 4 columns (Id, Name, Deletion, Reason). I can change just Deletion(it's checkbox Y/N) and Reason(it's Textfield) column.
    I want to do following and don't know how :-)
    On the top of the page I want to have another checkbox that will works as follows.
    If it's checked I want to view just the records, where Deletion is checked.
    If it's unchecked I want to see all the records from database.
    Can anybody help me to solve it?
    Thanks a lot

    Does anybody have any idea how to solve it, please?
    Thank you

  • Fill and save form in Acrobat Reader + checkbox problem

    I use Acrobat Pro X to create fillable forms and then save the file as Reader Extended PDF - Enable Additional Features, and when I want to open it and fill it in in Acrobat Reader, I get a pop-up saying I can only save it as a blank document.
    Another issue I'm having is that when I fill it in Preview and save it, everything saves except the checkboxes, they are always blank.
    Could this be because I'm using Mac OS X Lion?

    I'm sure I open the one that I save as enabled version but it does sound like the file is just being saved as a regular PDF. Here is the screenshot below of the security settings, I'm not sure exactly what the enabled version is supposed to show.
    And here is the message I'm getting:

  • Pocket Flash player problems

    I'm running a windows mobile 5 pocket pc (dell axim x51v)
    with flash player 7 installed and when I try to visit web sites
    (scifi.com) with flash content using PIE it tells me that I need to
    download adobe flash player. Can I get some help please.

    > I'm running a windows mobile 5 pocket pc (dell axim
    x51v) with flash
    > player 7
    > installed and when I try to visit web sites (scifi.com)
    with flash content
    > using PIE it tells me that I need to download adobe
    flash player. Can I
    > get
    > some help please.
    The developer of that web site has a Flash version 'sniffer'
    that checks to
    see if you have a version of the Flash player installed. His
    sniffer ignores
    the possibility that anyone uses anything but PC or Mac to
    view the site. In
    simple terms - you are not allowed to see the content because
    the developer
    has not catered for mobile browsers.
    So - either don't go there on your PDA, or contact the web
    site owners and
    see if they have plans to accommodate you.
    Since most web developers are using Flash 8, you may find
    that you are
    simply not going to be able to see the content.
    EuroTAAC eLearning 2007
    Adobe Community Expert: Authorware, Flash Mobile and Devices
    My blog -
    Authorware tips -

  • Automate Print Dialog with AppleScript in Lion - Checkbox Problem

    I'd like to automate a daily printing of an ical Calendar.
    I have the following applescript.
    tell application "iCal"
      view calendar at (my (current date))
      switch view to day view
      tell application "System Events"
      keystroke "p" using command down
      delay 1 -- (seconds)
      if value of checkbox "Calendar Keys" is not 0 then
      click checkbox "Calendar Keys"
      end if
      end tell
    end tell
    However, I get the following error:
    System Events got an error: Can’t get checkbox "Calendar Keys".
    I've used the Accessibility Inspector, and it tells me that the check box is called 'Calendar Keys", so I'm not sure what's going wrong.
    Any ideas?

    The following script seems to do the trick, although you must wait several seconds before the "Print" button is finally clicked.
    tell application "Calendar"
        view calendar at (my (current date))
        switch view to week view -- day, week or month view
        tell application "System Events"
            keystroke "p" using command down
            tell process "Calendar"
                repeat until exists window "Print"
                    delay 0.1
                end repeat
                tell window "Print"
                    click button "Continue"
                    repeat until exists button "Print"
                        delay 0.1
                    end repeat
                    click button "Print"
                end tell
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell
    OS X 10.9.1
    Calendar 7.0 (1835.1)
    Message was edited by: Pierre L.

  • Cfgrid, checkboxes in non-edit mode

    I have a nice data-entry form that works great.  I have gotten a simple cfgrid to work nicely, displaying contract articles.
    The cfgrid opens in a sweet popup window using cfwindow.  Now here are my problems:
    The cfgrid is read-only.  I do not want the user updating this data!
    There are 16 pages of contract articles, from which the user may select up to 10; however, they must select at least 1 article.
    No matter what I try, I cannot get check boxes to appear in the first column of the grid.  There's a column there, with my header, but no boxes.
    The current system forces the user to select and save the applicable articles from each page on which they appear.  What they want is the ability to click the check box, scroll to the next page (or 7) and select another without having to press Save each time (or leave the pop up window until they have selected all their articles).
    Once the user selects their articles, how do I access their choices?
    Here's my code:
    The query to populate the grid:
       <cfquery datasource="#REQUESTDataSource#" name="articles">
              SELECT ArticleName from Articles ORDER BY ArticleNumber
         <cfreturn QueryConvertForGrid(articles, page, pageSize)>    
    The code that calls the pop-up window:
         <cfinput type="button" name="popArticles" onClick="ColdFusion.Window.show('ArtPopUp')
               value="Click to select Contract Articles">
    The code that opens the window and displays the grid:
         <cfwindow name="ArtPopUp" initShow="false" center="true" title="Select Contract Articles">
                   <cfgrid name="ArticleGrid" format="html" selectonload="false" selectmode="row"
                                  bind="cfc:Functions.GetArticles({cfgridpage}, {cfgridpagesize},
                                                   {cfgridsortcolumn}, {cfgridsortdirection})">
                        <cfgridcolumn name="selectArt" header="Select" select="true" type="boolean"
                            values="1" display="yes">
                        <cfgridcolumn name="ArticleName" header="Contract Articles" select="no">
    I've tried SelectMode="edit" with a corresponding "onChange" entry, but that didn't work.
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    OK, CF 9 solved the checkbox problem marvelously!  Here's the code that ended up working (for anyone else struggling with this problem!):
    <cfquery datasource='database' name='GetArticles'
         SELECT ArticleNumber, ArticleText
           FROM Articles
        ORDER BY ArticleNumber
         <cfgrid name='art_grid' format='flash', selectMode='edit' query='GetArticles'>
               <!---  Display the checkbox column  --->
              <cfgridcolumn name = 'ArticleIndex' select='yes' type='boolean' values='1' display='yes'>
               <!---  Display the text column  --->
              <cfgridcolumn name = 'ArticleName' select='no'>
    I'll start a new discussion for my other issues.

  • UIX Checkbox

    The How-to document "Creating an ADF Databound Check Box in JSP" describes the process for the common case of mapping a character based flag in an Oracle database to a JSP Check Box control. It appears straightforward.
    However, when I try a similar approach when using UIX, it does not appear to work. I have the following issues...
    1. I can only ever get the negative case to work. Even if I set the attribute to "Y" or "N" in the action class, only when the checkbox is not checked does it work. I would imagine that the value is being overriden at a later time in the case where the checkbox is checked.
    2. The checkbox will not populate from the data. I have populated the selectedValue in the tag. Is there something else I need?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have tried a number of approaches but can not seem to solve this simple problem. I have tried creating custom domains and data controls but have not had any success.

    another way to do it is to set the messageBox in your page - define value=... for the value it should take when it's checked;
    here an example for a bound attribute "IsValid":
    <messageCheckBox model="${bindings.IsValid}" value="Y"/>and then see if the checkbox was actually included in the request parameters (parameter name will be VB_Isvalid in my example) or not. If it is not included then we have to explicitly set the unchecked case into the ADF Form Bean for the normal update process to handle:
      protected void processUpdateModel(DataActionContext ctx)
        // First look for the request parameter VB_Isvalid
        Object cbInRequest = ctx.getHttpServletRequest().getParameter("VB_IsValid");
        Object event       = ctx.getHttpServletRequest().getParameter("event");
        // We only need to do anything if the checkbox was not submitted during an event
        if (cbInRequest == null && event != null)
          // Get hold of the checkBoxBinding
          DCBindingContainer bc = ctx.getBindingContainer();
          JUCtrlValueBinding checkBoxBinding = (JUCtrlValueBinding) bc.findCtrlBinding("IsValid");
          // Reset it explicitly to the *unchecked* value (N in this case)
        //Now let the model update progress using the data in updateForm as normal
    If you have access to MetaLink, I wrote Note 316851.1 for UIX based on Duncan Mills's document: "Creating an ADF Databound Check Box in JSP" (http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/jdev/tips/mills/adf_data_bound_checkbox.html)
    You can download an example application from MetaLink.
    It could be there is an easier solution though:
    "the simple solution for the “checkbox” problem is to overwrite the reset() method in a subclass and use the subclass instead of the default DynaActionForm."
    as explained in the following blog:
    However, I had no time to test it yet.
    If you do, please update this thread with your feedback.

  • Dynamically ticking a form checkbox

    I have a form with a select list that onchange, should call a javascript that checks a single checkbox. (problem reduced to bare minimum for the moment) Having perused the forum and how-to docs, I still haven't managed to dynamically check 1 box. I would have thought this is a basic javascript problem, however the usual suggestions from various javascript forums have also not worked (which are basically the approcah below).
    Is there an Apex factor I am not considering? Here's my seemingly straightforward approach, what have I missed please?
    function checkThis(){
    document.getElementById('P100_DB_UPGRADE_REQD').checked = true;
    Function call, from select list:
    The error I get is: "document.getElementById("P100_DB_UPGRADE_REQD") has no properties." Tried to get element with html_GetElement as well and got same error.

    The ID naming convention for checkboxes is a bit different. If you item is 'P100_DB_UPGRADE_REQD', the ID of the first box will be 'P100_DB_UPGRADE_REQD_0', the next one will be 'P100_DB_UPGRADE_REQD_1', and so forth.
    So, in order to check the first (and maybe the only) checkbox, you need to use:
    document.getElementById('P100_DB_UPGRADE_REQD_0').checked = true;Regards,

  • I am getting a error IO when trying to upload multiple images within wordpress using the flash uploader. I do not get the error when uploading using explorer. The error only appears if I try uploading using firefox....any ideas?

    I am getting a error IO when trying to upload multiple images within wordpress using the flash uploader. I do not get the error when uploading using explorer. The error only appears if I try uploading using firefox....any ideas?

    Logged the call with SAP who directed me to 'Define settings for attachments' in IMG and setting the 'Deactivate Java Applet' & 'Deactivate Attachment versioning' checkboxes - problem solved.

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  • Gradient Problems with colours

    Hi I am new to Illustrator (just bought CS5) and I am having trouble with the colours when using gradients (colours are generally duller as well) but when I make a gradient from red to black the computer automatically puts a grey inbetween, (photosho

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    My first generation iPad will not download OS6, is there any way to do it?

  • How can i make a simple app?

    Hi,  i just became an apple develiper,  Im wondering how to make a simple app like a "flashlight" like app,  Can anybody help me out?  would i have to start from scratch or could i use someone else's start??

  • Copying a Slide to a Master Slide

    I'm working in a slide that I want to reuse as a Master Slide. The only way I was able to do that is to make a new master and recreate every element on my slide. It even didn't allow me to copy&paste stuff from the slide to the master. What I am look

  • Question on dual table..

    after i insert another row into dual table, SQL*PLUS still returns only one row. But PL/SQL Developer returns 2 rows. What does SQL*PLUS do to return only one row no matter many rows exist in DUAL table?