PocketPC Join Numbers Primitive bug?

OK people whats wrong with this?  I use the join numbers primitive and it gives incorrect results.  I tried on the desktop version and I get the correct Hi.LO output of 3451263.
I compiled on both PocketPC v8 and v8.01
Am I crazy?
Join Numbers Pics.zip ‏10 KB

I forgot to attach the VI in the zip file
Join Numbers Test.vi ‏11 KB

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    Go to Solution.
    join numbers.png ‏108 KB
    test comm.png ‏91 KB

    Hi yan,
    it seems you really need a refreshment on all those bits/bytes/numeric representations
    Typecasting floats (DBL) to U16 will probably never result in the desired value.
    Why do you convert your U16 modbus values to DBL anyway? Stick with U16 and you will have no problems using JOIN or any other bit-banging function...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Join Numbers VI, 8-bit, 16-bit, etc.

    I am a "LabView beginner" and am tyring to process an array of data acquired into an array of 8-bit elements. I'm using a PCI-DIO-32HS and ports 0 and 1 make up a 16-bit word. I am successfully reading in the data and it is being written to an array of 8-bit values. Element 0 is the LSbyte, 1 is the MSbyte, 2 is the next LSbyte, etc. I then have a loop that uses the "join numbers" vi in Labview. I address element 0 and element 1 with separate vis, and then send the result the join numbers vi to create the 16-bit result (the join numbers vi performs the arithmetic shift for you).
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    Another and probably faster method to convert the U8 array to a U16 array is to use the Type Cast function(Function Palette>>Advanced>>Data Manipulation) in LV. Simply typecast the U8 array to U16 by passing a U16 array constant into the center input of the Type Cast function.
    Christian Loew, CLA
    Principal Systems Engineer, National Instruments
    Please tip your answer providers with kudos.
    Any attached Code is provided As Is. It has not been tested or validated as a product, for use in a deployed application or system,
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    to the Sample Code License Terms which can be found at: http://ni.com/samplecodelicense
    typecast.gif ‏3 KB

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    including the problematic one: employee Grant with no department.
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    Without HR schema one could see similar problem (only with extra row now) in the query:
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    union all
    select 2 Id, 'Smith' Name, 2 depId from dual
    union all
    select 3 Id, 'Sarah' Name, 1 depId from dual
    union all
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    union all
    select 5 Id, 'Betty' Name, 1 depId from dual
    union all
    select 6 Id, 'Thomas' Name, 1 depId from dual
    union all
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    full outer join
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    union all
    select 2 Id, 'IT' Name from dual
    union all
    select 3 Id, 'Gov' Name from dual) departments
    on employees.depid = departments.id
    where employees.depid is null
    This is also fixed in 10g.

    Bug reports can be found on support.oracle.com.
    Search for "full outer join" (or whatever). Click on the icon to the left of the search text to select from a list of sources. Change it from "All Sources" to "Bug Database".

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    Hi, welcome to Apple Discussions.
    See my article on Grouping Tracks Into Albums, in particular the topic One album, too many covers.

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    Truebe wrote:
    Switching back and forth between Safari and Numbers I noticed that occasionally if there was something I had recently searched for in the Safari search box, the first word of that search would appear in the find/replace search box in Numbers. Is there any way to prevent this from happening?
    This question was already asked and responded during the last eight days.
    Why are you calling the described behavior a bug?
    The search tool isn't the property of a given application, it's a system tool.
    Some developers inserted a piece of code using their own "old_search" in the dialog, other doesn't and rely upon the default structure. Just a matter of design choice.
    When I search something in the AppleScript editor, I retrieve it in iWork applications as well as in Safari, Mail, TextEdit, iText Express ….
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 4 novembre 2010 21:07:17

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    Hex String to Number Bug.zip ‏23 KB

    I just wanted to let you know that I have brought this issue up to
    R&D. They are now aware of it, however I cannot give you a
    timeframe on how long it would take to get back with me. I will surely
    contact post on this forum as soon as I have something to report.
    Again, thank you very much for bringing this up to our attention.
    Best Regards,
    Rudi N.
    Applications Engineer

  • 3.2, BC4J, outer joins, insert, lookup, bug

    I have a table voyage that has a foreign key to routes. This relation is not mandatory.
    I created a frame that shows the voyage. I use an outer join to show the route name if there is a route
    SELECT voyage.ID
    , voyage.routeID
    , route.ID
    , route.Name
    WHERE voyage.routeID = route.ID(+)
    FROM voyage, route
    This works fine for selecting rows. But when I insert a new voyage and try to commit it, I get an error message that route.ID is not allowed to be NULL.
    Any suggestions?

    Hello Folks!
    I would like to bring this topic up again!
    We have problems using view objects with outer joins, too.
    In JDev 3.1 we finally managed to handle things a bit. All worked fine except of deleting a record! No chance here!
    So we prayed for better behaviour in JDev 3.2.2. But as it seems it's getting even worse. I just checked our application.
    Here are the results:
    - In the Business Component Tester everything works fine. No errors.
    - As generated business component data form in applet I can't insert a record. The joke is that deleting now is possible!!! The error I get is:
    "AttributeInfo: cannot insert null into..". When I remove all AttributeInfos named by the error messages all works fine. But that's no solution cause we need these information!
    thanks for any help on this.

  • Audio and other Bugs in 2.0 - are they fixed in 3.0?

    I just completed creating an e-learning course using
    Captivate 2.0 that used quite a lot of graphics and video. The
    numbers of bugs I experienced when publishing to Flash in 2.0 were
    so substantial that the delivery date had to be delayed almost two
    months, much to the unhappiness of the client. I'll list the most
    frustrating problems and hopefully someone can tell me if these
    issues were fixed in 3.0. It's difficult for me to justify an
    upgrade if I'm going to run into the same horrible problems.
    I will start out by stating that I keep my project files
    under 20 slides and all the slides have audio. The slides are 800 x
    500 and none of the animations/video I'm using are more than 20
    secs long. I'm running Captivate 2.0 on a Dell laptop with an Intel
    Core 2 Duo, running Windows XP (with all the updates) and with 1 GB
    of RAM. I've upped my Virtual Memory to 5 GB. My machine meets all
    the specifications listed for Captivate 2.0, but I suspect that one
    really needs a much faster machine with a lot more memory to work
    at anything other than a snail's pace. I also make sure that no
    unused graphics or animations are left in a project's library and I
    defrag my hard drive at least once a day (if I don't Captivate
    crashes everytime I try and open or save a file).
    - It takes up to 15 minutes to open or close a file. It
    doesn't matter how big the file is. And the more files I open and
    close in Captivate in any session, the slower my machine gets and I
    evenutally have to restart it. It also takes 10-15 minutes to save
    some of my project files, whose sizes have ballooned for no reason
    (see below). If Captivate crashes during the save or even right
    after a file is saved, the file is corrupted and cannot be opened.
    I've had to redo work two or three times because of this problem.
    - A project file with 10 multiple choice quiz questions and
    two other simple slides (and only one brief audio file) is over 1
    GB in size. I can't have more than 10 quiz questions because the
    file sizes get so large that the program crashes before I can save
    the file. I also have a number of 3-slide projects with graphics,
    no animations, and some audio that are over 1 GB in size. But then
    I have 20-slide project files with a lot of video and graphics and
    audio that never go above 200 MB. In fact, all my project file file
    sizes seem enormous for no good reason. And it's not from orphan
    files in the Library. It's going to take like 10 DVDs to turn over
    all my project files (about 40 project files - all under 20 slides
    each) to the client. It's ridiculous!
    - If I import audio as a WAV file and then publish the
    project to Flash, the audio either moves to different slides or one
    audio file gets repeated in all the slides. The only way to fix
    this is to convert all the .WAV files to .MP3 files (but at a very
    low bit rate), delete all the old WAV files from the project, and
    replace them with the MP3 files. Using a WAV file always leads to
    major audio scrambling when I publish to Flash.
    - If I use a .MP3 audio file with a higher bit rate, when I
    publish to Flash, the audio is slowed down by about 50%.
    - Graphics fail to show up in the .SWF file after a publish
    to Flash. This is entirely random and different graphics are
    affected each publish, so I never know what the published file will
    look like.The only way to fix this is to go back to the Project
    file, double click on the graphic and make a change to one of the
    options, save the change, reopen the graphic and change the option
    back to the one you started with. Then cross your fingers that
    another graphic won't vanish during the Publish process.
    - Objects that I have fading in and out on the timeline work
    perfectly in the project file, but when they are published as Flash
    output, the timings are all off by up to 15 seconds. This happens
    on a couple of slides and I can find no explanation or way to fix
    this. And it's completely random. One publish may have the timings
    out of whack and the next one has the timings correct.
    - Adding any animation to a project file causes all drop-down
    menus to stop functioning. I see from other posts that I just need
    to click on an object in the Library. Wish I had known about that
    sooner. I ended up restarting Captivate a lot.
    - After closing Captivate, it takes 15 minutes or more before
    my machine works at anything like it's normal speed. If I try to
    shut down my machine right after closing Captivate, I get an error
    message telling me Captivate is still running. It appears that
    Captivate does not release memory after it is closed. I have to
    restart my machine everytime I close Captivate just so I can
    continue working in other applications normally.
    These are just the major problems which caused the most
    headaches and delays. Most of it seems to be the VERY buggy publish
    to Flash option and some problems with releasing memory.
    I know a lot of other people have experienced these problems,
    as I've read about them in other posts. Has Capitvate 3 fixed any
    of these issues? There is no way I'd ever attempt another
    e-learining project with Captivate 2. This one about killed me.

    Thanks to everyone who has responded and tried to help.
    Unfortunately, none of suggestions have worked.
    Here's the update:
    - All my files are local, so the business about working on
    network drives is not applicable.
    - I tried the Save As option to try and decrease my huge file
    sizes as suggested by a couple of people. I did a Save As to
    another file name, then deleted the original file and did another
    Save As from the renamed file back to the original file name. My
    file sizes INCREASED each time I saved. I now have a 12 slide
    projects file with multiple choice quiz questions, no video,
    minimal graphics and audio that tops out over 1.1 GB.
    - I can't copy slides from one file to a new file because the
    file I want to copy slides from is so large that Captivate crashes
    everytime I try to Import slides from another project.
    - No one has mentioned anything about all the bizarre, random
    things that happen to graphics and audio when you publish to Flash.
    This is by far the most frustrating aspects of working with
    Captivate 2.0 - there is no telling what will turn up in your .SWF
    file and whether the audio will be on the correct slide. I've seen
    several posts about the problems using WAV files for audio or about
    MP3 files being slowed down in the SWF files but no one can say if
    these problems have been fixed in 3.0. Likewise the disappearing
    graphics and the inexplicable timeline delays when publishing from
    my Project file to an SWF file. And now a new one has popped up: in
    the SWF file, the screen size suddenly gets smaller on several
    slides, then goes back to normal!
    - It sounds like I need a lot more memory and faster machine
    (despite Adobe stating that my machine should be adequate to use
    Captivate) to deal with the slow performance, constant crashing,
    and frequent corrupted files. But this can't possibly explain the
    extreme file bloat and all the Publish errors when creating SWF
    At this point there's no way I can upgrade to 3.0 because of
    all the problems with 2.0. I can't make a justification to my boss
    to spend more money on a software program that (from his
    perspective and mine) does not work as advertised and has impacted
    this project so dramatically.
    It sounds like I'm the only Captivate user who is
    experiencing these difficulties, which is really perplexing and
    bizarre. Perhaps Captivate and Dell laptops are not compatible? I
    sure do wish that Captivate had a Mac version. At least there
    wouldn't be the usual Windows software excuse of "it must be your
    Sigh... I sure did want to like Captivate, but everytime I
    open the program I get the hebbie jebbies, expecting some new
    disaster to befall me.

  • ODI-15605: Multiple ordered joins in this dataset use the same order number.

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    ODI version: 11.1.1, Build ODI_11.
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    Keith H.

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    Hi cowboy,
    well 640×480 is not exactly half of 680×480×2...
    - You have to read the specs of your camera. Then you should know how to combine the values.
    - When you get 10bit values you probably need I16 datatype to store the values. Unless you also decrease the color resolution to 8 bit you are still stuck to 640×480×2 byte per image...
    - To join numbers you should have a look at the numerics->data manipulation function palette
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Flex Bug Quash - Round 2 Indy Style

    Want to help improve the quality of Flex for yourself and others? Have a bug that you’re dying to have fixed? Come join the Flex Bug Quash on Sunday May 17th. You can participate either in person at the 360|Flex event in Indianapolis or remotely via Adobe Connect. We recently hosted the first Flex Bug Quash in Seattle and had quite the turn out with 180 participants, 2/3rds of which were remote. Prior to this event, in the 13 months that Flex has been open source, we had received 111 patches, in the Seattle Bug Quash alone we got another 57 patches from the community, bring us up 168 patches submitted. This event was a definite success and we hope to have an even better event in Indianapolis! This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge of Flex, learn from other leet Flex developers, and contribute to making Flex a better product. For more information check out bugquash.com.

    alexj wrote:I love it too
    Labello wrote:any chance of a fitting openbox-theme to evolve?
    Sure. It's easy to make em. Keep your eyes open.
    Foucault wrote:
    Very sweet theme, I really like it. I would like to point out something though. I don't know if it's only for me but the hover effect on comboboxes makes the text illegible.
    http://i.imgur.com/0FPMR.png Mouse off
    http://i.imgur.com/qmiFa.png Mouse on
    I've corrected that now and I'll upload version 2.0.1 in a moment.
    Edit: Seemse like I have a few reuests about more colors. I'll fix that to and upload a new version in the morning instead. I'm really tired and need some sleep.
    Last edited by Hund (2010-09-14 06:32:34)

  • How to get a decimal number from three single byte numbers

    i'am in a difficult situation. I have motor which provides me the number of steps moved as three numbers of length one byte.I 'am attaching the program with this message. Here the commands from index 2-4 outputs will provide the number of steps moved. But these are numbers with a single byte length(<256). So how can I get the corresponding decimal number from these three single byte length numbers. please reply
    stop2.vi ‏11 KB

    Without knowing what motor you are using, I'm guessing that you probably need to use the Join Numbers to combine the bytes into a U32.  The other option is to use the Type Cast function.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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