Podcast Hosting?

Could someone recommend a good hosting service for my podcasts? I am currently using podbus.com and have been very dissapointed with that service. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Compac   Windows XP  

An RSS file is just a plain text file sitting on your web server, isn't it? I don't beleive there is anything going on special with the server. The big concern you'll have is storage space and bandwidth.
Hostway (http://www.hostway.com) has a great special going on right now - 150GB of disk space & 1500GB traffic for $145/yr). Yes that is GB not MB. They have special podcasting plans, that costs extra and give you a fancy way thru the control panel to set up your podcasts, but you don't really need it to have a podcast. As long as you can edit a text file your all set to podcast.
I recently setup an account and moved my podcast website here and its working pretty good.

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  • HT3311 Problem submitting podcast (hosted on GoDaddy) to i Tunes Store - host parameter null

    Why do I get following reply from iTunes Store when I attempt to publish my podcast:
    "We had difficulty reading this feed. Host parameter is null." ?
    This is my podcast website:
    I have validated the following feed with Feed Validator.  It is ok.  (there are some minor suggestions for changes which should not be criical)
    When I write this feed URL in the box for suscribing to podcasts in ITunes  (Advanced/Suscribe to podcast menues),  iTunes finds my podcasts and downloads them successfully (and fast).  All the podcasts downloaded that way work fine.
    So, if the rss reed is validated, and works in iTunes,  why am I not able to publish my podcasts in iTunes Store?
    My hosting service is GoDaddy.com.   I see from other articles on this support forum (Apple) and on GoDaddy´s support forum, that other people have had the same problem.   Sometimes their problem apparently just disappeared (and iTunes Store finally just stopped writing "We had difficulty reading this feed.  Host parameter is null"  everytime they tried to submit their podcasts to iTunes.  I have now tried submitting this and other podcasts (hosted on GoDaddy) many, many times for several days, but always get the same irritating negative message.
    Does anyone out there understand what the problem could be?   As far as I can see from reading other descriptions of this same problem, no one has yet provided an adequate explanation of what is causing this "glitch" (as some call it). 
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    I have now tested all my podcast rss feeds which are now stored on GoDaddycom hosting service in three ways:
    1) Feed validator
    2) iTunes (Menu: Advanced/suscribe to podcast)
    3) iTunes Store "Submit Podcast Page"
    All 16 rss feeds are valid according to Feed Validator.  There are some small insignifcant suggestions for improvements which are not critical.
    All 16 rss feeds function in iTunes (Advanced/suscribe to podcasts)
    None of the 16 rss feeds can be successfully submitted to iTunes Store "submit podcast" page.  The same error occurs in all cases:
    "We had difficulty reading this feed. host parameter is null"
    The following 5 of these 16 podcasts were submitted while the websites were hosted by MobileMe.  No problems with submission.  All accepted and now on iTunes.  These podcast sites are now transferred to GoDaddy.com (with same domain as earlier  - einarpetterson.org - and all function.  I can change pages, make alterations etc.
    Here are the 5 rss feeds.
    http://www.einarpetterson.org/New_Perspectives_on_Baroque_Art_and_Culture/Podcas ts/rss.xml
    The following 11 podcasts now hosted on GoDaddy webhosting service can not be submitted successfully to iTunes Store despite the fact that their rss feeds are validated by Feed Validator and work on iTunes (and probably on most  other rss readers)
    http://www.einarpetterson.org/KUN2_4009_tidlig_kristen_kunst_HS2009/Podcast/rss. xml
    http://www.einarpetterson.org/KUN2_4011_Middelalderen_i_Italia_HS2009/Podcast/rs s.xml
    I may have made some error in my submission to ITunes Store, but do not think so.  If anyone discovers that I have made a simple and stupid error, please tell me.  If I have not made an error, one should probably not use GoDaddy.com as a webhosting service if one ever wants to publish podcasts to iTunes Store.
    It would be interesting to hear if anyone in this forum who is using GoDaddy.com webhosting service has recently (or ever) managed to succesfully submit a rss feed to iTunes Store submit page.  If so, I would like to hear about it.

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    thank you!

    Hi lroom, welcome to the discussions.
    Normally you put this in your podcast's rss xml code right below the <channel> tag:
    But it sounds like your host is gone, so that won't work. You could try writing them and explain the situation, giving them your old feed location and the new feed location.
    You'll probably just need to submit a new feed to the iTMS.
    Hope this answers your question.

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    Thanks for any replies

    In order to switch iTunes to a new feed URL, you need to first get the new feed up and running, and then add a special tag to the old feed to redirect iTunes: so it's important to keep the old feed running for at least two weeks after the change.
    The exact method is described here:
    Please be careful to follow it exactly, and note the warning that if you make a typing error you can lose control of your podcast.

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  • Changing podcast hosting

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    Any help would be appreciated!

    Firstly you need to place the feed on your new server. It should include all the episodes which are on the old feed. Then you need to add a special tag to the old feed and leave it in place for a couple of weeks. The full method is described here:
    There is no 'merging' of data: iTunes simply reads the feed as it sees it. For example. if the old feed contains episodes which are not in the new feed, these episodes will disappear from the Store when it updates, and subscribers who have not downloaded them will no longer see them. (Episodes which subscribers have downloaded will be retained.)
    When you do the transfer as described, subscribers will be seamlessly transferred to the new feed and will not even be aware it's changed. The Store will take a couple of days or so to update. Once the transfer as happened it is permanent, so it's vital that you don't make an error in creating the tag. If you inadvertently transfer to a non-functioning URL you can't get it back, so you should check the new feed URL by subscribing manually in iTunes to make sure everything is OK before you proceed.

  • If you're having Podcast hosting issues on a non-.mac site, please read:

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    i was able to change it through my control panel on my host's website. i think windows web server runs on IIS or something lame like that and linux, well, not sure what runs on that...maybe apache? anyway, thank God for being able to switch on the fly. what a nightmare.

  • How to edit podcast hosted on mypodcast and now added to itunes?

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    Just make the changes in the feed an reupload it. It will normally take 1-2 days - sometimes longer - for new episodes and other information changes to appear.
    If you want to change the picture you should give the new picture a new filename and change the feed accordingly: iTunes caches the image and if you change the picture without changing the filename it's unlikely iTunes will realise it's changed. If you're using an online service to make your podcast, as seems to be the case, you may not be able to change the filename so all you can do it wait and hope the change is picked up eventually.

  • Hosting podcasts?

    1. Are podcasts hosted on Apple's servers or somewhere else?
    2. If not on Apple's servers, can they be?

    When you buy a .Mac subscription you get server space known as an 'iDisk' because it appears on your desktop like a network hard disk (albeit a rather slow one). HTML files, pictures, and media including podcasts can be uploaded to the Sites folder on the iDisk: HTML files appear on the web with the URL
    and so on. So, yes, you can host your podcast on the Apple server: or any other server. If you only want server space you might feel .mac was a bit expensive (though it does offer quite a large amount of space, which will double shortly when MobileMe comes into play).

  • Should I create a new iTunes account for a podcast?

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    If it's used strictly for authentication, then it most likely won't be an issue. I just wanted to verify how it is used, and best practices, before submitting our first episode.

    It is just for authentication - no need to create a new account for your podcast.
    Just submit with the one you already have.
    Any changes to your show in iTunes are managed via your RSS feed - not from your iTunes account.
    Rob W

  • My podcast isn't updating and I can't figure out why, please help?

    Hi everyone,
    I'm at my wits end and I can't figure out what's wrong with my podcast in regards to iTunes.
    We have a website we update that originally iTunes was pointed at (http://www.whydaddydrinks.net/?feed=rss2) and then iTunes started having issues with not updating. Recently we tried changing the feed of the podcast to the RSS feed for our podcast hosting account at Podbean (http://whydaddydrinks.podbean.com/feed/) and it's running into the same issue.
    I've checked FeedValidator for both feeds and they're fine (http://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.whydaddydrinks.net%2F%3F feed%3Drss2 and http://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwhydaddydrinks.podbean.com%2 Ffeed%2F). I've clicked the links to the .mp3 files and they play off the web, so, in theory, there shouldn't be any issue as far as I know; Episode 13 shows up in iTunes but dosn't appear to be connected to the file and Season 2 Episode 1 doesn't show up at all.
    Can any of you offer any suggestions as to what the heck is going on?

    Your Store page is at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/your-book-is-why-daddy-drinks/id515363310?mt =2
    This is using the feed at http://www.whydaddydrinks.net/?feed=rss2 so the other feed URL you posted is irrelevant.
    This feed has episodes up to 13 which contain playable media, and these all show in the Store and when subscribing. However the URL for the media file for episode 13 is
    http://media40.podbean.com/pb/89ea6f327345e33833ff09885e48b8a1/50e904db/data2/bl ogs48/462271/uploads/YBIWDD_Episode13.mp3
    and there is no file at this address. The previous episode downloads OK.
    This feed contains two later episodes but neither has an 'enclosure' tag containing the URL of a media file and so the episodes don't show in iTunes. You are using WordPress to make your feed, and this problem arises a lot - it presumably means that you have failed to do something you need to do in WordPress to get the media file into the feed, but I can't advise on specifics of WordPress.
    The other feed has one of these two episodes, and there the latest episode does have an 'enclosure' tag and the episode appears when subscribing manually; however as I say this feed is not in use by the Store.
    So you need to do with the original feed whatever it was you did with the new feed to get the episode into the Store, and you need to chase the missing media file for episode 13.
    If you want to move the Store to using the Podbean feed you need to follow the procedure outlined here:
    Note that the title in the Podbean feed is 'whydaddydrinks' which many not be what you want.

  • How can I see usage statistics on my podcast?

    I would also like to change the email address associated with the podcast (created in 2007 and we've changed personnel since then) but that's secondary.
    My main question is where can I go to see how much activity we're receiving on my podcast via iTunes? I can see how many downloads my mp3 files are getting from my server stats, but surely there is a way to see how much traffic / downloads I'm getting on the iTunes podcast?

    The best solution for stats is to host your media files at a podcast host that knows how to count and more importantly filter out your data.
    Most self hosted accounts show their stats from 5 to 15 times higher than they really are. 
    Libsyn.com provides that info for you if you host your files with them - and the data is filtered out for repeate requests especially from iOS devices which do byte range requests - which really through off non-podcast hosting stats. 
    This is the reason you see many of the big shows hosting with a true podcast host - so they can get accurate metrics. 
    Rob W

  • I'm moving my podcast and I don't know where to put the itunes:new-feed-url into the code. I'd love to just have somebody point to the right spot. Please advise.

    Where does it go?
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    It doesn't go anywhere in that: that isn't a feed, it's a web page. A feed is a text file in XML format.
    Would you like to post the URL of your iTunes Store page?
    This page about podcasting includes a basic sample feed so you can see what one should look like, and at the bottom of the page is the method for redirecting iTunes to a new feed.

  • I replaced a podcast episode on my rss feed but it won't delete in iTunes.

    Hi. I recently started a podcast and we just became searchable in iTunes yesterday. After recording our second episode a few days ago, one of the podcast hosts finished editing and added the media file to our website and rss feed. I guess he never listened to it before doing so because there is a bad audio problem (one part is way louder than the others.) We have since fixed the audio problem and replaced the file on the post but when I listen to it on iTunes it is still playing the old episode with the audio problem.
    I have deleted the entire post for episode 2 and currently episode 1 is the only one in the rss feed (as far as I know.)
    It's still showing up on my computer's iTunes and iPhone podcast app. I cleared my iTunes cache and went into settings and deleted the podcast from the podcast app, I unsubscribed and resubscribed and episode 2 is still showing up.
    Am I missing something? Is there a better way to clear the cache?
    I had thought that subscribing would automatically link to what's happening in my feed but I can't seem to shake that old episode.
    I am ready to make a new post with the fixed audio file but I would like to make sure that a.) The old one is gone so that two Episode 2s don't show and b.) that there isn't somewhere the messed up audio file is hiding.
    Here is the link to my iTunes podcast feed:
    Here is the feed that iTunes is pulling from:
    I greatly appreciate the help.

    Mr. Churchill - First, to answer your last questions:
    Yes, the movie is fully downloaded, all 3.69 GBs.
    No the Apple TV has 127.5 GBs of its 144.63 GBs free.
    Second, I tried turning the Time Capsule WiFi rounter and Apple TV off (for at least two or three minutes, not the usual 10 seconds recommended) and I still could not move the movie.
    Third, I severed the link and set it up again re-synced all 5,103 items back and still when I move the movies to the Apple TV box and Apply it, after 35 seconds it stops the sync and moves it back the the Rented Movies box.
    Though I have set my Apple TV to sync with my MacBook Pro I cannot find a way to connect it to other than shared library, but not the "not shared library" (Is this what the Rented Movies are?). Is what Fletch is talking about int the "Rental Movies not showing up on Apple TV" discussion my problem and a solution?
    Re: Rental Movies not showing up on Apple TV 
    Mar 4, 2008 1:58 PM (in response to Mark_Mac)
    there are three possibilities: you have not upgraded to version 2.0 or in Summary on the ATV device in iTunes, you should look whether you have it set up to only sync or otherwise disables movie syncing, or you have not paired your Mac to the ATV (on your tv, settings/computers/connect to itunes library - not shared library) 
    MacMini core duo, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    Or is it something else?

  • I need help uploading my podcast to iTunes

    Hello guys,
    First of all, I not very tech savvy so please bare with me.
    I've been trying to upload my podcast to iTunes but I get this error:
    Podcast cover art must be at least 1400 X 1400 pixel JPG or PNG, in RGB color space, and hosted on a server that allows HTTP head requests.
    My images are 1400 x 1400 in JPG, but still, I can't upload them.
    My podcast feed URL is: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:23141041/sounds.rss
    I'd appreciate any help I can get, since I have a deadline to upload it.

    Go with a better podcast host.  One that is 100% iTunes compliant like Libsyn.
    Here is a tutorial about podcasting:
    Chapter 7 goes over creating a libsyn account, setting up your RSS feed and uploading your first episode.
    Chapter 10 goes over submitting your RSS feed to iTunes and Stitcher.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    Rob W

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