Podcast video is a series of still photos

When I view a video podcast the video is a fast changing series of still photos. The audio is fine. I recently reset my laptop to the factory settings and have "un" then "re" installed Itunes to solve the problem. No luck. I have the most recent version of Itunes. Anyone??
Thanks JT

The podcasts that I view are the Global National and the Global BC news vodcasts. Have never had a problem until I reset my laptop

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    Message was edited by: John Cogdell

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    I found that the FLV played fine on my cable-modem connection (via my wireless g to my laptop). Now, for faster Export, you might weigh the lower connection speeds vs the resulting quality. Personally, I err on the side of quality, until the Webmaster starts complaining that too many users are still on dial-up, but that's just me.
    Now, I was listening on the laptop on the patio (not the most critical listening environment, or method), but found nothing objectionable. The overall Audio levels might be a bit low, but at least should not blow speakers, if users have the volume set to max - unlike some music videos. The lack of an external mic connection is a big drawback, even on some higher-end video cameras.
    I also found the result quite good. My wife has the G-10, but has never used it as a video capture device - impressive in your use.
    The subject and location were interesting, as well. It's been far too long since I hiked the New River and surrounding areas.
    Thanks for sharing,
    PS - did you solve the disappearing stills issue?

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    If you are listening to music, then you will only get music and album art, not video. You have to have the videos to watch the videos.
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    - McKenna

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    Much easier in iMovie HD 6 but read Karstens site
    Karsten Schluter : http://karsten.schluter.googlepages.com/im08tricks
    Here You find lot's of trix.
    Yours Bengt W

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