Podcasts of music won't play continuously in sequence?  How do i fix this?

i'm registered with KEXP.org Podcast (song of the day). The problem i'm having with them on my Ipod is that they won't play continuously in a sequence. At the conclusion of a song, it stops and reverts back to the menu. How do i correct this? It's uber annoying. thanks!
dell xps400   Windows XP Pro  

Start here:
iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

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    I just opened your site with Safari and on the Home page the music play straight away and then there is the player at the bottom right of the page which I can see with no problem at all.
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    Thank you Kyn.
    yes its an animated GIF
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    AshleyG0990 wrote:
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    What you did was sync it to a computer. The iPhone can sync to ONLY one iTunes library at a time. you can't put media on it from multiple computers. It's been this way since 6/29/2007.
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    Completely different issue. What did you think it would do when you set a passcode for the phone?

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    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.                        
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings        
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