Point nearest of all in an array

I am having two  2 D array of  elements. Array1 and Array2.
I take a value from Array2 and calculate its distance from all the elements in Array1. I need to get the element which is at the shortest distance from it. How is it posible?
 I have made a VI.After calculating the distance how is it possible to check for the shortest and how to store that nearest value in an array??
 please have a look
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Go to Solution.
Nearest distance.vi ‏11 KB

While I did not quite understand what kind of output you want, here's one possible solution that can probably point you in the right direction. Good luck!
I assume you want the value of the nearest array element and I assume by distance you mean the 2D distance between the two points in the complex plane. Other interpertations would be to get the array indices of the closest value, for example.
Message Edited by altenbach on 03-12-2009 09:19 AM
LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
Nearest_distanceMOD.vi ‏14 KB
Nearest.png ‏7 KB

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    Although this doesn't directly answer your question , I've attached a VI that will hopefully give you a start and point you in the right direction. It generates a Boolean array that indicates between which indecies an intersection has taken place. Then, all you need to do is use triganometry to work out exactly what the intersection point is.
    Copyright © 2004-2015 Christopher G. Relf. Some Rights Reserved. This posting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
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    ArrayElements.vi ‏9 KB

    accessing each individual item in the array is possible by using an "auto-indexing" input tunnel. Right-click your input-tunnel and select "Enable Indexing" for this. It is rather strange that it is not already like this as for for-loops, auto-indexing is default. Please note that with auto-indexing input-tunnels, you don't need to conntect the "N" terminal. Also, the "Index Array" function in the loop is not necessary as well (in fact, it will create a wiring error).
    Output-tunnels is the same... but in your provided example, the code will be "Rube Goldberg" as it does nothing else then to copy the array if you configure the output-tunnel to be auto-indexing. So this only makes sense, if you add some analysis functions in the loop which modify specific elements.
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

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    1.  typedef struct {
    2.        int32   cnt;            /* number of bytes that follow */
    3.        uChar   str[1];         /* cnt bytes */
    4.  } LStr, *LStrPtr, **LStrHandle;
    6.  typedef struct {
    7.        int32 dimSize;
    8.        LStrHandle Strings[1];
    9.  } LVStringArray;
    11. typedef LVStringArray **LVStrArrayHdl;
    13  _declspec(dllexport) void avg_hello(int *count, LVStrArrayHdl in_array)
    14.      {
    16.       unsigned char *local_str="Entering function ma_in()";
    17.       (*count) = 0;
    18.       LStr* LV_array;
    20.       LV_array = &(**((**in_array).Strings[*count])); //Set address to which should point LV_array
    21.       subfunc(count, &in_array);                      // Call a function which resizes array (works)
    22.       sprintf(LV_array->str, local_str);              //passing string to LabView (not working)
    24. }
    Go to Solution.

    thank you Andrey Dmitriev! spasibo!
    With your example I understood where I have error in my code:
    I tried to assign to pointer an address of string which wasn't yet pre-allocated!
    that means simply swapping strings we get final code:
    1.  typedef struct {
    2.        int32   cnt;            /* number of bytes that follow */
    3.        uChar   str[1];         /* cnt bytes */
    4.  } LStr, *LStrPtr, **LStrHandle;
    6.  typedef struct {
    7.        int32 dimSize;
    8.        LStrHandle Strings[1];
    9.  } LVStringArray;
    11. typedef LVStringArray **LVStrArrayHdl;
    13  _declspec(dllexport) void avg_hello(int *count, LVStrArrayHdl in_array)
    14.      {
    16.       unsigned char *local_str="Entering function ma_in()";
    17.       (*count) = 0;
    18.       LStr* LV_array;
    19.       subfunc(count, &in_array);                      // Call a function which resizes array (works), First we resize array, and only after that we can assign an address of string to a pointer
    20.       LV_array = &(**((**in_array).Strings[*count]));  //Assigning address to which should point LV_array
    22.       sprintf(LV_array->str, local_str);              //passing string to LabView (not working)
    24. }

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    just to chime in, this another "oops we did it again" by adobe.
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    Just use the "Add Array Elements"-function located in the Numeric palette.
    Message Edited by becktho on 02-21-2006 12:58 PM
    Using LV8.0
    Don't be afraid to rate a good answer...
    AddArrayElements.PNG ‏14 KB

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    Captivate 8 user

    Here's the shortest code with the problem I could come up with.... You can run it if you create two different default paragraph styles: 'Product - Description' and 'Product - Title No Indent';
    The problem is that the first line should have 'Product - Description' style, but it instead it gets 'Product - Title No Indent'.
    If I comment out one of the paragraphs, everything works fine. What's wrong?
    var doc = app.documents.add(),
        product, text_frame, i, l;
    product = {
        'text': [
                'style': 'Product - Description',
                'text': 'Designed for monitoring sterilization processes.'
                'style': 'Product - Title No Indent',
                'text': 'Designed for monitoring sterilization processes.'
                'style': 'Product - Description',
                'text': 'Designed for monitoring sterilization processes.'
    text_frame = doc.pages[0].textFrames.add();
    text_frame.geometricBounds = [ '0pt', '0pt', '240pt', '300pt'];
    for ( i = 0, l = product.text.length; i < l; i++ ) {
        text_frame.contents += "\r" + product.text[i].text;
        text_frame.parentStory.paragraphs[-1].appliedCharacterStyle = doc.characterStyles[0];
            doc.paragraphStyles.item( product.text[i].style )

  • Deleting all elements from array and array to spreadsheet string

    I would like to write a new data file for each "recording" session without closing the VI.  My problem is that the last "recording" session's data is at the top of every successive session's text file.  I do not want this.  I've tried to delete all rows from the array after my array to spreadsheet string function, but I think the problem is somewhere with the shift register and how the array is built.  I'm not too familiar with LabView and this aspect of my interface is driving me crazy.  Attached is my code and two successive data files.  I have not been able to find a solution on these or the LAVA forums.  Any help would be appreciated.
    Also, I know there is an easier way to write this kind of streaming data, but I need to do it this way for other devices and synchronization purposes.
    testsecond.txt ‏90 KB
    test41.vi ‏80 KB
    testfirst.txt ‏78 KB

    A few more comments to your code:
    Your loop does not have a wait, meaning it spins the empty case millions if times per second, consuming all CPU while not doing anything. Add an indicator to [i] to see.
    To clear a 2D array in one case frame, just don't wire the output tunnel and set it to "use default if unwired". You'll get an empty array. No fancy tools needed.
    I probably would use an event structure and also protect the data if the save dialog is canceled.
    Here's a simple draft that probably requires a bit more work but should show some of the ideas.
    You should also
    add some protection that the VI cannot consume all available memory if it runs forever.
    Create a seperate case to save the data later if the file dialog is cancelled the first time.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    test41MOD.vi ‏107 KB

  • Georaster return all values in array

    I want to return all values of the raster in a array, to display it in a web page.
    Is there a function which return that values in one query ?

    So far, there isn't a function which returns cell values in an array, but you can call SDO_GEOR.getRasterSubset(*)  to get raster data in a blob, and then using functions defined in the dbms_lob package to get raster data.

  • Dual layer point break and all this young things in the mood

    thanks to all the forum crew, after month of works on several dvd-9 project i can resume for the rest of the world the key success to make a right point break :
    first create in automatic , if it's work don't try more , burn it and test it on a set top dvd player. if your happy with it don't try more and keep your time for pleasure.
    personnally it doesn't work oftenly and worst a project that was burn 25 times was unburnable 15 days later how does it possible, even in toast and even after create again and again so no choice i had to try put the point break manually
    first go in your VIDEO TS folder select all the files watch the properties then now select about the first half of the files and watch on the propertie when you got about 4 gig this will be your layer 0 watch the last selected clip using videolan (vlc) this is the clip where you'll try tu put manually the break point. then the nightmare start : put a breakpoint marker on the timeline create the folder and then try tu burn you can have two kind of error the layer 0 is too big in this case try to put your maker before or the layer 1 can't be bigger than the 0 so put your marker after
    about toast , toast save me sometime because it set in auto the marker differently from dsp so its like another try out in the big point break game but in truth each time i used toast the replication factory send me back the dvd even if it was properly working on a set top player it wont fit for replication.
    my studio upgrade is waiting this projects are over and replicated because im quiet to scare to upgrade such software in the middle of a projects.
    at last as a recomandation for the developers why dsp give us this choice when i put manually my break point i had no choice where to put it i try every way until it works there is no way to choose if you want burn it
    last but not least why can't we export the subtitles done on DSP this is a big mess to copy this huge part of the job from a project to another an export option on stl format would be great
    and a very important question to finish wich scsi card shall i buy to connect my DLT IV quantum 4000 on my G5 (at a reasonable price) i prefer ask it here as i use this dlt only for dvd mastering and some people tell some scsi chip/card doesnt work with dsp

    Silly question but brilliant answer lol that is the case lol the data is coming out at 4.3Gb on one disc and 4.19Gb on another so I can run with single layer discs :-)
    Thanks again, I suppose I should check these things when people ask me for solutions lol although I expect them to check something like that lol
    Thanks again

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