Pop up menu with rollover images?

I have created a standard pop up menu in behaviors... is it
possible to have images appear as the pointer is rolled over the
individual pop up menu items? or should I be using fireworks to
create an advanced pop up menu?
Many thanks for any help you can give me!

>I have created a standard pop up menu in behaviors... is
it possible to
> images appear as the pointer is rolled over the
individual pop up menu
> items?
Yes, look in behaviors
> or should I be using fireworks to create an advanced pop
up menu?
NEVER! use fireworks to generate code. You'r just asking for
trouble down
the line.

Similar Messages

  • Spry Horizontal menu using rollover images

    I see there are a lot of posts about spry menus and problems in IE. I wasnt sure if my problem is the same as the others, so my apologies if it's redundant. I'm working on a site with rollover images in the top menu of a spry menu bar with drop downs that fall below three of the menu items. Everything looks good in Mac/Win Firefox and Mac Safari. In Win IE 8 the menus go horizontally, left to right, instead of falling below the top level item as they should.
    The site is here: http://tinyurl.com/y8dxo8m
    The Spry CSS is here: http://tinyurl.com/yd8yhem
    Should I not be using rollover images with the Spry menu? I've spent quite a bit of time on trying to solve this, including attempting to rebuild the menu from scratch.

    I Paty, I just inserted the Dreamweaver rollover into the navigation. I'm not sure if that's the best approach to achieve what i wanted out of my design, but it seems to work. I checked it in Adobe's Browserlab and it works across all browsers. I'm looking into purchasing the Project7 product. It's not a lot of money and seems easier to work with for embedded graphics than the spry software. I spent way too much time with the spry trying to get the nav to look like I wanted it to while working in all browsers.

  • How do i get that little pop up menu with all the editing choices on it that i used to get?  Is there a way to get the editing box to pop up as I make a new event instead of editing an event after i just made it ??????

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    iCal Help is a good place to start. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Copying a table with rollover images & links

    Need help...
    Using Dreamweaver CS4.
    I have a table with rollover images and links from those rollovers"
    I now want to copy and paste the table into other pages, but when I do, my links are broken and the rollovers don't work.
    I have my Site Def preferences set to "Links relative to: Document"
    Is there an easy way to copy & paste a table with rollover graphics and links?
    I've tried dragging the table from the page with the working links onto the different page.  The graphics show up, but the second state of the rollovers soesn't show up, and I get some weird link error:
    Can anyone help?

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 
    <title>Phyllis Bramson</title> 
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    body { 
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        if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} 
    function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 
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    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <meta name="Keywords" content="Bramson, artist, Chicago, painter" />
    <meta name="Description" content="Phyllis Bramson is an established Chicago painter and educator." />
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  • POP UP menu with image not pull down

    I'm new to fireworks. I've looked at tutorials, but it seems
    all the pop up menu features are for pull down menus. I want to
    press the button and have a blank ( separate window 360x 303 pixals
    ) pop up with a jpeg image in it. How do I do this?

    What you are wanting to do is called Disjointed Rollovers.
    Here is a
    great tutorial to point you in the right direction:
    katveze wrote:
    > I'm new to fireworks. I've looked at tutorials, but it
    seems all the pop up
    > menu features are for pull down menus. I want to press
    the button and have a
    > blank ( separate window 360x 303 pixals ) pop up with a
    jpeg image in it. How
    > do I do this?

  • Horizontal Menu Bar Rollover image

    I have been slowly piecing together some Horizontal Menu Bars
    by learning from the code on this page...
    keeping that in mind my code is probably wrong in a number of
    ways. The problem that I have run into and cant seem to solve on my
    own is that I want one of my Horizontal Menu bars to have rollover
    images only on the primary level. If you follow the link below you
    can see what I have done thus far. The "tabs" are images and I want
    them to rollover to another image, which is just the same tab in a
    darker shade of grey. The tabbed menu bar is labeled MenuBar2 in
    the code
    The other problem I’ve been having with both menu bars
    is the way they appear in IE... it looks great in everything else.

    Hi Beth, I have been going crazy on this end with the Sub Menus showing up at the top of the Internet Explorer Browser. They work fine in FF and Chrome...
    I have CS4 and tried reading everything possible.... here is my page. I am normally pretty good at resolving these issues but I'm going nuts.. ha!
    Thank you for any assistance you can provide. I would be forever grateful!
    David Abbott
    I Love My Dog
    [email protected]

  • XML Menu with thumbnail images

    Hello all,
    I am trying to create a dynamic menu for a video player. Much
    like the one found here (
    MTV OverDrive. )Obviously
    this is a Flash site and I can only assume the video list is being
    generated via XML. I am trying to accomplish the same thing, only I
    am not using FCS.
    I just want to create the buttons dynamically with thumbnail
    images and text via XML, and in turn load the video based on a
    button click. I have the video part working fine, using a video
    object, I just need to know how to create the buttons WITH THUMBS
    from an XML file. I can figure out how to load the video once the
    button is clicked. The problem is the menu itself and loading the
    different thumbnail with the button.
    I am sure it has something to do with "attachMovie,
    DuplicateMovie, or CreateEmptyMovieClip" but I am not sure how to
    do this with XML.
    I really want to stay away from using the pre-built
    components and want to code this myself so a list component is out
    of the question.
    I have search for many hours now and can not find anything
    that is like what I am looking for yet. So any help pointing me in
    the right direction would be much appreciated.
    From what I can gather it has something to do with creating
    what the button is going to look like (mainly the Background for
    mouse on and over states) and save it off as a MC then giving it a
    linkage ID. Within that MC I would think there would be another MC
    to hold the Thumbnail image with its own linkage ID and another MC
    that has a named dynamic text filed with it own linkage ID. Am I
    total off base here?

    On the same line I would suggest you to create an MC and put
    a button and a textField inside. Then using duplicate MC function,
    create instances of this MC according to the XML. For this, create
    XML nodes for each clip containing text, image to be displayed, URL
    for the video etc., and repeate the node for as many as you
    require. Then parse the XML in flash in an multi dimensional array.
    Then using length pf array duplicate your MC and populate the
    required menu. I guess this is enough for you.
    Anything else required do contact me!

  • Is it possible to create a pop-up menu with sub-headings

    I am trying to setup a pop-up menu in Number that would give me the ability to first create subheadings, that I can then enter my selection list in.
    Subheading 1
         eg 1
         eg 2
         eg 3
    Subheading 2
         eg 1
         eg 2
         eg 3
    Subheading 3
         eg 1
         eg 2
         eg 3
    I did try to search for a solution to this, but nothing came up that I recognized quickly.  So, I'm hopeful that someone out there in the Apple community has a quick work-around for acomplishing this.

    Strictly speaking this i not possible.  You could precede each entry that is indented with a space to make the menu appead to have sub entries.

  • Pop-up menu with defined values

    I am working on creating an invoice in Numbers and am wanting to create values that are tied to my pop-up menu on a cell. For example, if 'Travel day' is selected on my pop-up menu in cell A2, then I would like $300 to come up in cell C2 automatically. Or, if 'Work day' is selected in cell A2, then I would like to have $450 come up in cell C2. Is this possible? Help please

    You pop-up will need three values: a 'blank' (actually a single space character), Work day, and Travel day.
    For C2, you could use a pair of nested IF statements:
    =IF(A="Work day",450,IF(A="Travel day",300,"")
    For a menu with more possibilities, you might want to take a look at LOOKUP or VLOOKUP in the iWork Formulas and Functions User Guide.
    The guide can be downloaded via the Help menu in Numbers. The search function in the guide will take you quite quickly to a description of either of these functions, with examples of how each may be used.

  • Pop-up Menu with numbers and letters

    When using a pop up menu i only have numbers in there e.g. $50. What i want to have in there is 3hrs instead of $50 because that's what will be relevant but
    the formula sees 3hrs as $50 so the spreadsheet still works. If i add letters eg $50 = 3hrs I get the following error message
    It would be great if its could say 3hrs instead of $50  4hrs instead of $70  5 hrs instead of $80
    Hope that all makes sense and someone can help me
    Many thanks
    Danny Kirk

    Hi Danny,
    When you put a mixture of numbers and letters into a cell, Numbers treats it as a (text) string. The arithmetic operators ( +, - * and / ) work only with numbers, duration values, and Date & Time values. You are getting an error because a formula using the value placed in the cell by the pop-up menu expects a number, but you have given it a (text) string.
    You can supply the operator with the number 50, formatted as currency ( $50 ), or you can provide a duration ( 3h ). If you place the operator into a formula that can use the type of value you choose, you will not get the error message.
    There does not appear to be a linear relationship between the number of hours and the number of dollars. Unless you can specify a relations ship that can be expressed mathematically, you will need to use a lookup table to match the hour values in the pop-up's menu to the related dollar value to be returned.
    Here's a simple example. Note that "3h" (without the quotes) as used in SGIII's example above is a Duration value, "3hrs" (again without the quotes) will be interpreted by Numbers as a duration, and will be automatically reformatted to display as "3h". The dollar amount has been entered (and displayed) as a number. The Amount column on the Main table has been formatted as Currency, with the default two decimal places.
    The formula in each cell of Main::Column A is: =LOOKUP(B,Lookup :: A,Lookup :: B)
    (LOOKUP is the name of the function used. "Lookup" is the name of the table from which the information is retrieved.)

  • Trouble with rollover image in div

    Hello there,
    I am having some trouble with the following.
    I want to create a rollover image 90 pxl x 90 pxl and put it inside a div 90 pxl x 90 pxl.
    The div is inside other divs and makes up a kind of a table. I checked that all the div and image sizes are the same but when I place the cursor inside the div and select 'insert rollover image', my images are all squashed up and don't appear normal size. Very odd.
    Here is some of my code:
    CSS of div (I want to put my image inside smallBox01a)
    #Header #rightColumn #smallBox01 {
        height: 90px;
        width: 270px;
    #Header #rightColumn #smallBox01 #smallBox01a {
        float: left;
        height: 90px;
        width: 90px;
          <div id="smallBox01a"><a href="tobi.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('tobi','','Images/TobiOver.jpg',1)"><img src="Images/TobiOff.jpg" alt="Tobi" name="tobi" width="90" height="90" border="0" id="tobi" /></a></div>
    Poor old Tobi cat's face is all squashed up. Any idea what is going wrong? I don't have any padding within the div either.
    PS I also should add that when I tried to simply add in one of the Tobi images instead of the rollover image, it appeared perfectly fine within the div. It is only the rollover that is getting vertically squashed up.

    So, I've been playing around with your page in dreamweaver and I put a <div> container around your entire web page and then set the width to 1200px. That contained all the contents so that when you re-size the web page the contents don't colapse.
    Not sure if that's what Murray or Nancy mean and am curious if their is a better way.
    That would work although 1200px is too wide.  Something along the lines of 1000px would be better, since you want the page to display in a maximized browser viewport on a 1024 screen without dropping horizontal scrollbars.  I still use 960px as a maximum width....
    Re the centering of the page: Good question I would like to know how to do it "properly"
    In the CSS body rule I put:  margin-left: 20%;
                                                margin-right: 20%;
    Again, I'm not sure if that's the correct way to center the page, and would like to know a better way.
    It's not the best way to do this, which would be to use a fixed width container (as you have done) and just assign it left/right margin settings of 'auto', e.g.,
    #container { width:960px; margin:0 auto; }
    You can center *any* block element within its container with this method.

  • Looking for a way to create a pop-up menu with two sub-layers

    I'm looking for a solution in Fireworks CS3: creating a
    pop-up menu which goes two deep instead of the standard one-deep.
    Does anyone know if this is possible?

    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Jim Babbage .:CMX:. & .:Adobe Community Expert:."
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ga4amp$4ci$[email protected]..
    > paulkirtley wrote:
    >> I'm looking for a solution in Fireworks CS3:
    creating a pop-up menu
    >> which goes two deep instead of the standard
    one-deep. TOP LEVEL >
    >> Does anyone know if this is possible?
    >> Thanks!
    > Please don't so this in FW. FW is primarily a web
    graphics and prototyping
    > tool, not a web page creator. There are better options
    out there, both
    > free and commercial.
    > Check out Project Seven for several options in this
    > --
    > Jim Babbage - .:Community MX:. & .:Adobe Community
    > CommunityMX - Free Resources:
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  • CS6 Rollover.js Error with Rollover Images

    Hello there,
    I've been trying to figure this out for days and it seems to be over my head.
    I've created png's for rollover images: one file called "up" and one called "over." Over is when the mouse is over the image, up is as it is normally.
    When I click "insert," --> "image," --> rollover image, I get this poppup box:
    I have tried to delete that cache file that's stored in the library, and it still won't work.
    I'm just trying to create a simple nav bar... I could use ul/li but I'd rather use images.

    Hi SnakEyes02,
    That could be. Let me know when you have grabbed these. They were Word docs that I saved the same way I always have done (Save As, Format: Web Page (.htm)), creating .htm files that work in CS5.5 Dreamweaver and earlier versions.
    Thanks for your help. Tim

  • Comic project part 1:Need to pop. an array with 100 images(001.jpg-100.jpg)

    Hi guys. I am trying to break down my project logically. In the first part, I need to populate an array with 100 images, named 001.jpg through 100.jpg. Any takers?

    Well, I dont think its quite as complicated as it might seem. I dont want to build a comic reader that lets you download new titles. I want to build a page flipper that lets me flip back and forth between 100 images. Back button, forward button, website button in middle on the bottom.
    My goal is to post the completed code online for artists to use. I will see my comic start to finish to make sure it works. Then I will do another and finish the documentation (which goes from signing up as a developer, signing up the itunes connect banking information, and finishes with submitting the app). I want to provide artists with an easily customizable framework upon they can drop their comic images appropriately named into the project folder, and compile.
    Its a glorified slideshow, only one that requires a button push to advance. This way artists can be artists, not programmers. I had swiping as the interface (I have a 90% functional app, but there are changes that need to be made. Not a lot, but enough that I have to keep asking questions) until I realized that the comic can be read one handed, so I am moving to buttons! Doh!
    There wont be any updating. Each issue is self contained.
    Another issue with my sample code: it is set up now where I can name the images "image001.jpg" "image002.jpg" etc. This is a little cumbersome. I am hoping the array method will allow for the code to pull the images, and no one will have to trouble shoot 100 image names to find problems. I hope I am not being unclear in my explanation. Thanks for your kind words. My app works as is. But artists will immediately see the shortcomings. If I can fix only one or 2 small issues, it will be good enough for thousands of artists to pick up and use to sell comics. I have the source code for anyone that wants to take a look.

  • Help with Rollover Image

    Hello, i am new to using dreamweaver and setting up webpages. I was attempting to create a roll-over image in my navigation bar and the image is popping up and working, but the original image is still there next to it. Wondering if anyone has any idea on why the original image is still there in addition to the new image with the rollover. Any help would be appreciated!!
    Here is the link to my page - http://steamboatplaces.com
    Thanks a lot!

    If you're talking about the "Home" button in particular, I see two instances of the image in your code (the rollover works just fine for me).  You've got home_on.jpg and home_btn.gif (perhaps one is a placeholder, though?). 
    If you're still having a problem with the rollover, kindly post what browser and version you're using to preview the site (as I wasn't able to reproduce any problems with the rollover in Chrome and IE8/IE8 Compatibility Mode).

Maybe you are looking for

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    My ipod nano is not being recognized in iTunes or in Windows, it only shows up as a USB and when i plug it in it says 'do not disconnect' This happened after I put the ipod nano in Philips Ipod speakers. I've reset the ipod mulitple times, uninstalle

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  • Videos not working after 13.0.1 update

    Hello. Just updated firefox to version 13.0.1 but videos in youtube/facebook etc etc are not playing. Checked all of my plugins and flash, real player, quicktime etc are all up to date. Anyone got any ideas as to a fix? Thanks.


    Hi, can you please tell / guide me how the method set_menu of the ALV api classes works. I am try to create a context menu for a cell editor in ALV. This method accepts string as importing parameter. I have tried supplying a string as parameter but n

  • ORARRP source code

    Hi, I was wondering if Oracle would be willing to share the source code for the ORARRP utility? After all, it is unsupported. The last version is 1.3.4 dated October 2001, and there are a few issues that we specifically need to address in order to al