Populate a drop down list with data from Excel and fill in a text field, based on drop down selectio

I have a problem with a PDF form: There's a drop down list that I populate with Excel data that I've put in an XML file through an XSD file -- no problem here. The drop down list has a data binding to the XML file, so that a choice in the drop down list can be associated with an object in the XML file. So, when I make a choice in the drop down list, a corresponding object value is fetched from the XML file and put in a text field on the form.
How to do this is described by Stefan Cameron here:
There's a snag, though, and to describe it more clearly:
The XML file contains three types of objects: role, role number, and role cost center. Of these I use the first and the third, i.e. the role and the role cost center. The drop down list contains the roles, and when I select a role, the corresponding cost center is filled out in the text field. So far, so good!
But -- if the cost center has the same value for two or more roles, all of these roles "bounce back" into the drop down list, that is, they are all selected in the drop down list. How many of these you can see depend on the height of the drop down list -- if it's low you'll only see the first one.
If I modify Stefan Cameron's data in his example I get the same behavior, so the problem seems to have to do with how XML data are fetched.
I'm sure there's a workaround, but I can't find it! I've spent many hours browsing the web without finding anyone with a similar problem.
Any suggestions appreciated!

Although your issue is far beyond mine, I was hoping you can help me out.....
I need to create a drop down list of names which I wish to somehow link to an Excel spreadsheet.
Please let me know the steps I need to do.  I've tried several things, but nothing seems to work and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.
Thank you

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    Thanks and Regards

    I am suggesting the solution.
    I will try out and let u know soon.
    Make a coma separated file from your excel file.
    Assuming that your requirement allows to make a csv file.
    This file may be passed as an file object to be read by java.Using JDBC you must be able to populate the data base.You can also use String Tokenizer if needed.
    You do not want to  go via sql Loader?
    For reading the excel file itself do you want java?

  • Get the data  from excel and insert into the database

    I want to read the data from excel file, get the data from excel and insert into the database.

    You can use the Apache POI HSSF API to read data from Excel files and you can use the Sun JDBC API to insert data in database.
    This has nothing to do with JSP/JSTL.

  • To populate dynamically created int table with data from other table

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    I have already created an internal table dynamically, but now want to populate it with data from another IT depending on the plant name.
    My dynamic int table contains fields with plant name like '8001' ,'8002' and so on.
    no I want to read data from the other table and depending on bwkey which contains similar data like plant name , want to append to this new dynamic int table through read key statement.
    I cannot reference the field name hard coded as it does not allow field symbol reference to be hard coded.
    Pls help.

    Check the code below:
    REPORT  ztestdyn.
    TYPE-POOLS : slis.
    TABLES: yyle0003.
      g_exit    TYPE c,
      g_save    VALUE 'A',               "For parameter I_SAVE
      g_repid   LIKE sy-repid,           "For program name
      g_variant TYPE disvariant.         "For parameter IS_VARIANT
      DATA: d_ref TYPE REF TO data,
            d_ref1 TYPE REF TO data,
            i_alv_cat1 TYPE TABLE OF lvc_s_fcat,
            ls_alv_cat1 LIKE LINE OF i_alv_cat1.
      DATA: BEGIN OF total_tab OCCURS 0 ,
            tknum TYPE yyle0003-tknum,
            quantity TYPE p,  "yyle0003-QUANTITY,
            END OF total_tab.
      DATA: BEGIN OF g_scandata_tab OCCURS 0.
              INCLUDE STRUCTURE yyle0003.
      DATA: END OF g_scandata_tab.
      DATA: g_yyle0003_tab LIKE yyle0003 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: g_itab1 TYPE TABLE OF yyle0003.
      DATA: wa_itab1 LIKE g_scandata_tab.
      TYPES: BEGIN OF itab2,
             tknum TYPE yyle0003-tknum,
             vhilm TYPE yyle0003-vhilm,
             quantity TYPE p,
             END OF itab2.
      DATA: g_itab3 TYPE TABLE OF itab2.
      DATA: wa_itab3 TYPE itab2.
      DATA: g_itab5 TYPE TABLE OF itab2.
      DATA: wa_itab5 TYPE itab2.
      DATA: g_itab4 TYPE TABLE OF itab2.
      DATA: wa_itab4 TYPE itab2.
      DATA: gv_wa TYPE REF TO data.
      DATA : wa_tab TYPE itab2.
      DATA: BEGIN OF itab6 OCCURS 0,
             vhilm TYPE yyle0003-vhilm,
             quantity TYPE p,
             END OF itab6.
    ******************Start of Internal Table Definition *******************
            g_custom_container_0100 TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
            g_alv_grid_0100    TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
            g_container_0100   TYPE scrfname VALUE 'LIST',
            g_mylayout         TYPE lvc_s_layo,
            ok_code            LIKE sy-ucomm.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS :<f_fs> TYPE table,
                     <f_fs11> TYPE table,
                     <f_fs1> TYPE table,
                     <f_fs3> TYPE ANY,
                     <f_fs4> TYPE ANY,
                     <f_field> TYPE ANY,
                     <f_fs5> TYPE ANY.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_wa> TYPE ANY.
      DATA: l_var TYPE i,
            l_i   TYPE i.
      DATA: l_var1 TYPE char20,
            l_var2 TYPE char20.
          L_FILL TYPE i,
          L_TOT  TYPE I.
    DATA: l_int TYPE i,
           l_sum TYPE i.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_fs2> TYPE  itab2, "
                     <f_fs6> TYPE ANY,
                     <f_fs7> TYPE ANY.
      DATA: l_var3 TYPE char15.
      DATA: l_quant TYPE p.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_fs8> LIKE itab6, "
                     <f_fs9> TYPE ANY,
                     <f_fs10> TYPE ANY.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS : <f_fs12> TYPE ANY,
                      <f_fs13> TYPE ANY.
      SORT g_scandata_tab BY tknum vhilm.
      LOOP AT g_scandata_tab INTO wa_itab1.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_itab1 TO wa_itab3.
        APPEND wa_itab3 TO g_itab3.
      LOOP AT g_itab3 INTO wa_itab3.
        COLLECT wa_itab3 INTO g_itab4.
      LOOP AT g_itab4 INTO wa_itab4.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_itab4 TO wa_itab5.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_itab4 TO itab6.
        APPEND wa_itab5 TO g_itab5.
        COLLECT itab6.
      CLEAR wa_itab3.
      SORT g_itab4 BY tknum vhilm.
      DESCRIBE TABLE g_itab4 LINES l_var.
      l_i = '2'.
      ls_alv_cat1-fieldname = 'TKNUM'.
      ls_alv_cat1-col_pos = 1.
      ls_alv_cat1-coltext ='ShipmentNo.'.
      APPEND ls_alv_cat1 TO i_alv_cat1.
      DATA: l_var4(10) TYPE c,
            l_var5(10) TYPE c,
            l_fieldname(20) TYPE c..
      LOOP AT g_itab4 INTO wa_itab4.
        IF l_var >= 1.
          CONDENSE wa_itab4-vhilm NO-GAPS.
          ls_alv_cat1-fieldname = wa_itab4-vhilm. "l_fieldname.
          ls_alv_cat1-col_pos = l_i.
          ls_alv_cat1-coltext = wa_itab4-vhilm.
          ls_alv_cat1-do_sum  ='X'.
          APPEND ls_alv_cat1 TO i_alv_cat1.
          CLEAR : ls_alv_cat1, l_fieldname.
          l_i = l_i + 1.
        AT LAST.
          ls_alv_cat1-fieldname = 'TOTAL'. "l_fieldname.
          ls_alv_cat1-col_pos = l_i.
          ls_alv_cat1-coltext = 'TOTAL'.
          ls_alv_cat1-do_sum  ='X'.
          APPEND ls_alv_cat1 TO i_alv_cat1.
          CLEAR : ls_alv_cat1, l_fieldname.
        SORT i_alv_cat1 BY fieldname.
      SORT i_alv_cat1 BY col_pos.
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = i_alv_cat1
          ep_table = d_ref.
      ASSIGN d_ref->* TO <f_fs>.
      CREATE DATA gv_wa LIKE LINE OF <f_fs>.
      ASSIGN gv_wa->* TO <fs_wa>.
        LOOP AT itab6.
        CLEAR wa_itab5.
        wa_itab5-tknum = 'Total'.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING itab6 TO wa_itab5.
        APPEND wa_itab5 TO g_itab5.
        CLEAR wa_itab5.
         DESCRIBE TABLE g_itab5 LINES L_TOT.
           LOOP AT TOTAL_TAB.
          L_TOTAL = L_TOTAL + total_tab-quantity.
      LOOP AT g_final ASSIGNING <f_fs2>.
        <f_fs7> = <f_fs6>.
        CONDENSE <f_fs2>-vhilm NO-GAPS.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 3 OF STRUCTURE <f_fs2> TO <f_fs4>.
        MOVE <f_fs3> TO l_var1.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT l_var1 OF STRUCTURE <fs_wa> TO <f_fs5>.
        <f_fs5> =  <f_fs4>.
        CLEAR total_tab-quantity.
        READ TABLE total_tab WITH KEY tknum = <f_fs6>.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          ASSIGN total_tab-quantity TO <f_fs12>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'TOTAL' OF STRUCTURE <fs_wa> TO <f_fs13>.
          <f_fs13> = <f_fs12>.
        L_FILL = L_FILL + 1.
        IF L_FILL = L_TOT.
         ASSIGN L_TOTAL TO <f_fs12>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'TOTAL' OF STRUCTURE <fs_wa> TO <f_fs13>.
          <f_fs13> = <f_fs12>.
        AT END OF <f_fs2>-tknum.
          APPEND <fs_wa> TO <f_fs>.
          CLEAR  <fs_wa>.
      CLEAR: <f_fs6>,
      CLEAR <fs_wa>.
    CALL SCREEN 0100.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      CHECK sy-ucomm IS INITIAL.
      SORT g_scandata_tab BY tknum vhilm.
      CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container_0100
             EXPORTING container_name = g_container_0100
               cntl_error = 1
               cntl_system_error = 2
               create_error = 3
               lifetime_error = 4
               lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5.
      CREATE OBJECT g_alv_grid_0100
             EXPORTING i_parent = g_custom_container_0100.
      g_mylayout-grid_title = 'Display Scanning data'.
      CALL METHOD g_alv_grid_0100->set_table_for_first_display
          it_outtab                     = <f_fs>
          it_fieldcatalog               = i_alv_cat1
                      invalid_parameter_combination = 1
                      program_error                 = 2
                      too_many_lines                = 3
                      OTHERS                        = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
                             WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT

  • Upload data from excel where one column has text of 3000 characters

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    the selection screen has feature of file upload & the users will upload excel files from their respective presentation servers.
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    I have used TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP & when i read my internal table to check this column length, it shows only 255 characters where as data in the excel sheet has 3000 characters (say for eg.)
    Can anybody throw some light on this.
    Thanks in advance

    You can try using this function module and see that whether all your data is coming into the internal table properly.
    For the other part you needed to convert the internal table data into the structure as need by the BAPI and then call the create BAPI to create the materials in the SAP System.
    Hope this helps.

  • Error while populating drop down list with values from a database

    Hi all,
    I have a JSP page with a drop down list that is to be populated with values from a database.
    This is the code in my JSP file:
         <!-- Form for picking the floor -->
             <!-- Get the available floors -->
             <% ArrayList<Integer> floornumbers = dataManager.getAllFloorNumbers();
                Iterator<Integer> iterator = floornumbers.iterator(); %>
             <!-- Create the form for users to select the floor -->
             <form id="floorselectionform">
                  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="floorselected"/> <!-- Guides the servlet to redirect to the appropriate page -->
                  Select floor | <select name="floorselector" id="floorselector">
                       <% while (iterator.hasNext()) { %>
                       <option value="<%=iterator.next().intValue()%>"> <%=iterator.next().intValue()%> </option>
                       <% } %>
                  <input type="submit" value="Go!"/>
             </form>   The DataManager.java class simply forwards this to its respective Peer class, which has the code shown below:
          package seatplanner.model;
        import java.sql.Connection;
        import java.sql.ResultSet;
        import java.sql.SQLException;
        import java.sql.Statement;
        import java.util.ArrayList;
        /* This class handles all floor operations */
         public class FloorPeer
         /* This method returns all the floor numbers */
         public static ArrayList<Integer> getAllFloorNumbers(DataManager dataManager) {
            ArrayList<Integer> floornumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            Connection connection = dataManager.getConnection();
            if (connection != null) {
              try {
                Statement s = connection.createStatement();
                String sql = "select ID from floor order by ID asc";
                try {
                  ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery(sql);
                  try {
                    while (rs.next()) {
                  finally { rs.close(); }
                finally {s.close(); }
              catch (SQLException e) {
                System.out.println("Could not get floor numbers: " + e.getMessage());
              finally {
            return floornumbers;
         }  The classes compile properly, but when I load this page up in Tomcat it just freezes and does not load the form. I tested the DB connection and it works fine.
    What am I doing wrong in the JSP code?
    Thanks for the help in advance.
    UPDATE: I commented out the form, and added <%=floornumbers.size()%> right above the commented code to check if the ArrayList is indeed getting populated with the values from the database (the values are of type integer in the database). The page still freezes like before. I'm puzzled now :confused: .

    Wrong usage of Iterator.
    <!-- Form for picking the floor -->
             <!-- Get the available floors -->
             <% ArrayList<Integer> floornumbers = dataManager.getAllFloorNumbers();
                Iterator<Integer> iterator = floornumbers.iterator(); %>
             <!-- Create the form for users to select the floor -->
             <form id="floorselectionform">
                  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="floorselected"/> <!-- Guides the servlet to redirect to the appropriate page -->
                  Select floor | <select name="floorselector" id="floorselector">
                       <% while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                                    Integer inte = iterator.next();
                       <option value="<%=inte.intValue()%>"><%=inte.intValue()%></option>
                       <% } %>
                  <input type="submit" value="Go!"/>
             </form>or make use of enhanced loop as you are already using J2SE 5.0+ for avoiding confusions.
    <!-- Form for picking the floor -->
             <!-- Get the available floors -->
             <% ArrayList<Integer> floornumbers = dataManager.getAllFloorNumbers(); %>
             <!-- Create the form for users to select the floor -->
             <form id="floorselectionform">
                  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="floorselected"/> <!-- Guides the servlet to redirect to the appropriate page -->
                  Select floor | <select name="floorselector" id="floorselector">
                       <% for(Integer inte:floornumbers) {%>
                       <option value="<%=inte.intValue()%>"><%=inte.intValue()%></option>
                  <input type="submit" value="Go!"/>
             </form>and a lot better thing would be making usage of basic Taglib provided with JSTL spec or struts spec which make life easier and simple.
    something like usage of <c:forEach/> or <logic:iterate/> would be lot better without writing a single scriptlet code.
    Hope that might help :)

  • Populating InDesign templates with data from Excel or XML?

    I have a client who does a weekly catalogue for computer parts. It’s very detailed and extremely time consuming, and we are looking at moving it to an automated InDesign workflow to save time and money in production. Once imported into InDesign, the resulting file can be exported as a formatted XML document to a webpage for auto formatting.
    I know you can import XML directly into InDesign and vice versa. I have created some categories and tables in Excel and exported this as an .xml document. When I import that document into the View > Structure panel, it displays a whole list of attributes but not the actual text I was after.
    Any help much appreciated. I’m using InDesign CS4 and doing some research on google at the moment.

    Hi CDesign2,
    If I understood you correctly, you are either trying to
    View your xml data in Adobe LiveCycle form to redit the form???
    View your xml data in Adobe acrobat pro
    Or wishing to collate updated(new) data into adobe (lifecycle) tracker and view the data set
    I suspect points 2, 3 may be the case.
    My experience with migrating excel data back to adobe is this.
    If you created the original form with adobe, you have the option of distributing the form (file/form distribution..)
    to recipients list (could include form creator).
    This allows adobe to generate a distribution and form response file and therefore able to track returned forms either as pdf (preferably) or excel/xml converted back to pdf after saving it.
    For Point 2 above,assuming your original data set were created using an adobe form you previously saved, open your original form in acrobat pro, go to menu/forms/manage form data/import data (usually as xml). It automatically repopulates the form.
    To view returned forms as a set, go to menu/forms/compile returned forms and this will bring up a window that
    requires you
    -to browse and locate your response file (essentially defining the index form),which is opened into the top row
    -then find and add each new completed form into a list in the second row.
    You then click ok and all returned forms are opened in a tracker window...
    I just realised I am talking about liveCycle ES version8 and this forum refers to pre ES!
    I am not sure if this helps but I hope it answers some of your questions.

  • How to open Word file in APEX, fill it with data from DB and then save it?

    Hi everybody!
    I haven't enough experience with HTMLDB, I searched for similar thread but didn't find anything, so I decided to write here. I want to open a MS Word document, put some data from a table or report and then close it with saving changes. Could anyone help me to do that, please?
    Thanks in advance!

    Guys, thanks for being so helpful :-)
    I tried this example http://htmldb.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=18326:44:::::P44_ID:1682,
    but didn't sort out the problem. I downloaded, imported and installed Mail Merge. I readed readme.txt and did everything like it is written, but when I click on "Mail Merge" for emp.rtf, I recieve this in my browser: "You are not authorized to view this page".
    By the way, the precedure MAIL_MERGE and the function FIND_RTF_HEADER are valid, cause I changed them according to readme.txt.
    Do you have any idea why is this happening and are you sure that Mail Merge works with APEX production version, not only with HTMLDB?

  • Discoverer Plus Automation- Extract data from Pac2K and fill in Excel 5 min

    I am new to this tool. I have zero knowledge on this tool.
    I got a requirement to fetch the data from Pac2K tool for every 10 mins and export to Excel sheet. This should be done using Discoverer plus. I am using discoverer plus web application.
    As it is very difficult to fetch the data manually for every 10 mins, I got a requirement to do the automation.
    So, if you would be so kind, could you please let me know possiblity to do the automation for the above process using the Discoverer plus Web Application.
    If possible please let me know in detail.

    Using the Plus it is not possible to automate the export to excel.
    This can be done using the desktop edition using a command line.
    you can create a batch file and schedule it using any scheduler.

  • How create report with data from table and some columns results function ?

    How can i create on apex report region with some columns (of the report) as returned from a table and the other columns as results of plsql functions ?
    for example , I want to create a report like that:
    device last_date error_msg stop/start
    kodak1 06/04/08 null >>
    kodak2 08/03/08 good msg --^--
    kodak3 08/04/08 err msg >>
    3 rows returned
    where the 3 first columns are data returned from the table and the forth column is the result of plsql function (returned for example false) and on that i want to display a button of start ( >> in this example ) or stop ( --^-- in this example)

    There is no problem here -- this is fully suported scenario.
    1. Bind Table dataSource to Customers node.
    2. Bind individual cell editors to any attribute of customer or any nested node like Address, say create column with InputField as editor, then for "value" property select Customer.Address.Street.
    Your nested nodes (like Address) must be non-singleton, set singleton=false on context designer tab.
    Valery Silaev
    EPAM Systems

  • Import data from excel file

    Is anybody can help how to import data from excel file to the form created with designer 7.0. Originally there is a script inside the form to populate drop down list and depending from data selected in the ID number drop down list, there will be filled out the description and the prices text fields. But now I have to modify this form with data from excel file, which has more than 30000 lines and put all this data to script is too much.
    So, can somebody know how can I after filling the ID number field , populate the description and price text fields with data from excel file corresponding to this ID number ?
    This form is used in Adobe reader.
    Any comments are welcome.

    That's what i said in my prev. Post to clear cache... :)
    disable your cache from nqsconfig.ini
    In cache section of NQSConfig file,
    you find
    ENABLE     =     YES;
    set to NO
    if you are using data ware house as the source for OBIEE,
    you know that when ETL is done, so just create iBot to purge cache automatically at that particular intervals,
    So that report runs freshly at that time
    And what happened to your View Selector question?
    Edited by: Kishore Guggilla on Jul 3, 2009 3:52 PM

  • Upload data from excel to crm using BDOC possible or not

    Hi all,
    I need to upload data from excel to crm(opportunity management) .is it possible using bdoc or not. Please provide the list of methods to upload data from EXCEL and also provide the best method for this scenario .

    BDocs are used to transfer data from one SAP system to another like from CRM to ECC or R3.
    If u want to upload data from excel to CRM, this can be done with the help of idocs and not bdocs (method 1 - using LSMW).
    Take help of a crm technical consultant and define lsmw projects. The project will take care of field mapping and conversion. Once that is done, 4 steps need to be done.
    1. Read data
    2. Convert data
    3. Generate idocs
    4. Post idocs
    Once the posting of idocs happen error-free, the data will be available in crm system.
    Another method will be using transaction SECATT.
    Here u can define test scripts and record what all activities are done in a transaction. Then define ur test configs which will contain the excel sheet data and then upload the data.
    Reward with points if this helps.

  • How to read the data from excel file and store into the table?

    Hi All,
    I have table with BLOB datatype contains a excel file. I have to read that data from excel and store into one table with all the fields in excel.
    All the excel fields and my table columns are same.
    Can you share with me how can acheive this using LOB's?

    Hi OraSuirya,
    you can try with external tables .
    syntax as follows
    create table ext_table_csv (
    i Number,
    n Varchar2(20),
    m Varchar2(20)
    organization external (
    type oracle_loader
    default directory ext_dir
    access parameters (
    records delimited by newline
    fields terminated by ','
    missing field values are null
    location ('file.csv')
    reject limit unlimited;
    For this you need to create directory
    Directory Creation syntax:
    create or replace directory ext_dir as 'D:\oracle\user_dir\ext_dir';
    grant read, write on directory ext_dir to <User>;
    please paste the excel file in the particular directory .
    I hope this will help you.
    Please correct me if I am wrong anywhere .

  • Copying data from excel(more than one row) and pasting into table control

    I have a requirement to copy data from excel and have it pasted it into the corresponding fields table control when the user clicks on an icon.For the first part I used a class to copy it from the clip board.By the previous process,I get the data inside an internal table, but even after  trying to split the data using 'split at cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab into table itab.' it's not working.The table and the excel file are of the same structure.
    Does anyone know any cause as to why it might not work?Is there any other way to achieve my objective?

    try to get data into internal table as below
    TYPES :     BEGIN     OF             ty_data          ,
                zbukr     TYPE           payr-zbukr       ,
                hbkid     TYPE           payr-hbkid       ,
                hktid     TYPE           payr-hktid       ,
                rzawe     TYPE           payr-rzawe       ,
                chect     TYPE           payr-chect       ,
                laufd     TYPE           reguh-laufd      ,
                laufi     TYPE           reguh-laufi      ,
                lifnr     TYPE           reguh-lifnr      ,
                vblnr     TYPE           reguh-vblnr      ,
                rwbtr     TYPE           reguh-rwbtr      ,    "uncommented
                unique_no TYPE           char13           ,   " Added SAP Doc. No. and current year concate in NEFT,RTGS and Fund Transfer cases
                END       OF             ty_data          .
    DATA :      wa_file   LIKE LINE OF   it_file          ,
                wa_data   TYPE           ty_data          .
    DATA:      it_data1 TYPE              kcde_intern WITH HEADER LINE,
               wa_data1 LIKE LINE OF      it_data1.
            filename                = lv_file1
            i_begin_col             = '1'
            i_begin_row             = '4'
            i_end_col               = '11'
            i_end_row               = '60000'
            intern                  = it_data1
            inconsistent_parameters = 1
            upload_ole              = 2
            OTHERS                  = 3.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          PERFORM format_data.
    FORM format_data.
      DATA : ld_index TYPE i.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs>.
      DATA it_tab LIKE wa_data OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
          LOOP AT it_data1.
            MOVE it_data1-col TO ld_index.
            it_tab TO <fs>.
            MOVE : it_data1-value TO <fs>.
        MOVE it_data1-value TO p_table.
            AT END OF row.
              APPEND it_tab.
              CLEAR it_tab.
           it_data[] = it_tab[] .
    endform.                    "format_data

  • Cannot retrieve the data from excel sheet

    hi all ...
    i am trying to retrieve the data from excel sheet and at the same time i am inserting the data into mysql database.
    code is as follows
    try{             Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");             conn1=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:"+estr,"","");             Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");             conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/"+ t_dsn ,"root","manager");             sql="select * from student_info";             srch2 = conn.prepareStatement(sql);             rs1 = srch2.executeQuery();             String query  = "select * from ["+einput+"$]";             String query1= "select  count(*) from ["+einput+"$]";             st  = conn1.createStatement();             rs  = st.executeQuery(query);             ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();             c = rsmd.getColumnCount();//gets the column count             rs1  = st.executeQuery(query1);             while (rs1.next())  //loop to get no. of rows             {                 r = rs1.getInt(1);             }             rs = st.executeQuery(query);             for(i=1;i<=r;i++){                 rs.next();                 for(j=1;j==c;j++) {                     a = rs.getString(j);                     b= rs.getString(j);                     d = rs.getString(j);                 }                 rs1.next();                 PreparedStatement ps2 = conn.prepareStatement("insert into materials_out values(?,?,?)");                 ps2.setString(1,a);                 ps2.setString(2,b);                 ps2.setString(3,d);                 ps2.executeUpdate();             }         }catch(Exception e){             e.printStackTrace();         }
    but it is showing error as :
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name too long
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(JdbcOdbc.java:6957)
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(JdbcOdbc.java:7114)
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLDriverConnect(JdbcOdbc.java:3073)
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.initialize(JdbcOdbcConnection.java:323)
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.connect(JdbcOdbcDriver.java:174)
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:582)
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:185)
    at Outward_register.jButton2ActionPerformed(Outward_register.java:368)
    at Outward_register.access$400(Outward_register.java:23)
    at Outward_register$5.actionPerformed(Outward_register.java:312)
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1995)
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2318)
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:387)
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:242)
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(BasicButtonListener.java:236)
    at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:6038)
    at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(JComponent.java:3260)
    at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:5803)
    at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:2058)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:4410)
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2116)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:4240)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:4322)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:3986)
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:3916)
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2102)
    at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:2429)
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:4240)
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:599)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:273)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:183)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:173)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:168)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:160)
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:121)
    please help me ...

    please help me ... The question has nothing to do with 'getting' data from excel and certainly not with putting it into MySQL.
    The stack trace specifically tells you that your connection string is wrong.
    It also tells you which connection string is wrong.
    Which you can use to determine specifically which one is wrong. And which you did not provide that info to us.

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