Populating 2d array

Hi All,
I'm trying to create a 2d array (10x10) with numbers from 1 to 100. At the moment I'm getting:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
4 8 12 16 etc etc etc
What I want is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 etc etc etc
Can anyone help?

well.. u didnt put the code but i can guess u did something like
for ( x = 1 ; x <= 10 ; x ++ ){
for ( y = 1 ; y <= 10 ; y++){
array[x][y] = x*y;
although u do not want to do that ;) u are doing row * column which gives u the multiplication table. try looking at it in smaller examples, say 3x3
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
notice as u travel accross left to right it increases by 1, and it increases by 3 downward. this behavior is consistant throughout the model. You can then simply add the two together column*1+ (row-1) * 3 and you have the value of any element in your array. The row is -1 because the first row has not yet reached the 3
This same principle from the smaller model can be used for your array

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    Later I can create an 'entry form' that would allow new parts to be added by staff that doesn't require knowledge of LabView programming. (The "Users" should NEVER have to see the underlying block diagrams/code to add or edit parts ot test parameter values.)

    In 8.2 you can do this with a property node and the "Strings [ ] Property".  It accepts an array of strings.  Order of strings in array sets the order in the control.  Should work in 7.0 as well.

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    TYPE type_DIR IS TABLE OF site_direction.site_direction_id%TYPE INDEX BY    BINARY_INTEGER;
    var_DIR_LAN type_DIR_LAN;I have to populate data into this from a relational database tables "site_direction" and "site_lanes".
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      CURSOR lane_numbers(c_site_id NUMBER, c_direction_id NUMBER) IS
           SELECT site_lane_id
          FROM site_lanes
             JOIN report_parameters
               ON site_lane_id = report_parameter_value
            WHERE site_lanes.site_id           = c_site_id
              AND site_lanes.site_direction_id = c_direction_id
              AND report_parameters.report_parameter_id  = in_report_parameter_id
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           FROM site_direction
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           JOIN report_parameters
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    Return the values to what? Using what version of what software?
    Ideally you are using those cursors, though I can't imagine why they are necessary, to BULK COLLECT into the array. If so then just pass the array as a parameter.
    If passing back to an external program like JAVA or .NET then a REF CURSOR would be appropriate.

  • Populating an array of objects with a loop. Noob PHP question.

    Hey guys,
       You are all such a great help! Here is another one for you, the simple code below should create an array of pizza objects (and it does) then display each object in order. However... for some reason each object in the array seems to inherit the properties of whatever the last object entered was.
    This code:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    class pizza{
              public $price;
              public $description;
              public $name;
    $menu2=fopen("pizzaMenu2.txt","r") or exit("System Error!");
    $pizzas = array();
    //This loop does all of the READING and populating of variables
                //First get the array position
                                  $arraypos = (int)fgets($menu2);
              //Then Put in Title in title2 array
                                  $pizzas[$arraypos2] = new pizza(0,0,0);
                                  $pizzas[$arraypos2]->title = fgets($menu2);
                                  $pizzas[$arraypos2]->description = fgets($menu2);
                                  $pizzas[$arraypos2]->price = fgets($menu2);
      } //End of reading loop
    //begin writing data
    while ($arraypos <=3){
              echo "the array is in position: ".$arraypos;
              echo "<br />";
              echo $pizzas[$arraypos2]->title;
              echo "<br />";
              echo $pizzas[$arraypos2]->description;
              echo "<br />";
              echo $pizzas[$arraypos2]->price;
              echo "<br />";
    }//end of writing data loop
    returns this:
    the array is in position: 1
    Test Pizza Two
    The same as one with an extra one, yum!
    the array is in position: 2
    Test Pizza Two
    The same as one with an extra one, yum!
    the array is in position: 3
    Test Pizza Two
    The same as one with an extra one, yum!
    when it should return this:
    the array is in position: 1
    Test pizza One
    Loaded with all that test pizza goodness! Lots and lots of ones 1111!
    the array is in position: 2
    Test Pizza Two
    The same as one with an extra one, yum!
    the array is in position: 3
    Test Threeza!
    Do you see what I did there? I added a three to pizza, hahaha, I am so punny.
    using the following text file pizzaMenu2.txt:
    Test pizza One
    Loaded with all that test pizza goodness! Lots and lots of ones 1111!
    Test Threeza!
    Do you see what I did there? I added a three to pizza, hahaha, I am so punny.
    Test Pizza Two
    The same as one with an extra one, yum!
    Now, I have done line by line testing and shown that the values are being entered into the proper objects in the proper array, but whatever goes in last overwrites all of the other objects, so in the end I have 3 objects in my array that are all the same. I am not sure what I am missing here.

    Christ-Guard wrote:
    Thanks! I majored in computer science
    That helps enormously.
    Christ-Guard wrote:
    Also, I have never worked a CS job before and I've been out of school for 8 years, so I am better at remembering "This should work" then I am at "This is how I write this code".
    If you have a good idea something should work, based on theory, then that's half the battle.
    Its having no knowledge if something will work or not when it becomes a problem.

  • Populating 1D Array, Help with 1 Error

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    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.io.*;
    public class customerList {
         private int count;
         private customerRecord data[];
         public customerList()
         data=new customerRecord[100];
    public void getCustomerList(String fileName) throws IOException
         Scanner scan=new Scanner(new File("/Users/kd/Documents/workspace/Assignment1/src/records.txt"));
              int customerNumber=scan.nextInt();
              String firstName=scan.next();
              String lastName=scan.next();
              float balance=scan.nextFloat();
              data[count]=new customerRecord(customerNumber, firstName, lastName, balance);
    public customerRecord getCustomer(int customerNumber)
              for(int i=0; i<data.length; i++)
                        return data[i];
              return null;

    ahh, i see....stupid mistake. would it still be 'legal' for me to do:
    public void getCustomerList(String fileName) throws IOException
         Scanner scan=new Scanner(new File("/Users/kevindoster/Documents/workspace/Assignment1/src/records.txt"));
              int customerNumber=scan.nextInt();
              String firstName=scan.next();
              String lastName=scan.next();
              float balance=scan.nextFloat();
              data[count]=new customerRecord(customerNumber, firstName, lastName, balance);
    }or is there a problem with my limitations in the while loop

  • Trouble creating and populating an array of objects.

    I'm trying to create/populate an array of objects with consisting of a {string, double, integer}, and am having trouble getting this theory to work in Java. Any assistance provided would be greatly appreciated. Following are the two small progs:
    public class HairSalon
    { private String svcDesc; private double price; private int minutes;
    //Create a constructor to initialize data members
    HairSalon( )
    svcDesc = " "; price = 0.00; minutes = 0;
    //Create a constructor to receive data
         HairSalon(String s, double p, int m)
         svcDesc = s; price = p; minutes = m;
    //Create methods to get the data members
    public String getSvcDesc( )
         return svcDesc;
    public double getPrice( )
         return price;
    public int getMinutes( )
         return minutes;
    public class SortSalon
         public static void main(String[ ] args)
         SortSalon [] sal = new SortSalon[6];
    //Construct 6 SortSalon objects
              for (int i = 0; i < sal.length; i++)
              sal[i] = new SortSalon();
    //Add data to the 6 SortSalon objects
         sal[0] = new SortSalon("Cut"; 10.00, 10);
         sal[1] = new SortSalon("Shampoo", 5.00, 5);           sal[2] = new SortSalon("Sytle", 20.00, 20);
         sal[3] = new SortSalon("Manicure", 15.00, 15);
         sal[4] = new SortSalon("Works", 30.00, 30);
         sal[5] = new SortSalon("Blow Dry", 3.00, 3);
    //Display data for the 6 SortSalon Objects
         for (int i = 0; i < 6 ; i++ )
         { System.out.println(sal[i].getSvcDesc( ) + " " + sal.getPrice( ) + " " + sal[i].getMinutes( ));
         System.out.println("End of Report");

    Hey JavaMan5,
    That did do the trick! Thanks for the assistance. I was able to compile and run the program after adding my sorting routine. Do you happen to see anything I can do to clean it up further, or does it look ok? Thanks again,
    public class SortSalon
         public static void main(String[ ] args) throws Exception
         HairSalon [] sal = new HairSalon[6];      
         char selection;
    //Add data to the 6 HairSalon objects
         sal[0] = new HairSalon("Cut", 10.00, 10);
         sal[1] = new HairSalon("Shampoo", 5.00, 11);      
         sal[2] = new HairSalon("Sytle", 20.00, 20);
         sal[3] = new HairSalon("Manicure", 15.00, 25);
         sal[4] = new HairSalon("Works", 30.00, 30);
         sal[5] = new HairSalon("Blow Dry", 3.00, 3);
    System.out.println("How would you like to sort the list?");
         System.out.println("A by Price,");
         System.out.println("B by Time,");
         System.out.println("C by Description.");
         System.out.println("Please enter a code A, B or C, and then hit <enter>");
              selection = (char)System.in.read();
    //Bubble Sort the Array by user selection
              case 'A':
              BubbleSortPrice(sal, sal.length);
                   case 'a':
              BubbleSortPrice(sal, sal.length);
                   case 'B':
              BubbleSortTime(sal, sal.length);                    break;
                   case 'b':
              BubbleSortTime(sal, sal.length);
                   case 'C':
              BubbleSortService(sal, sal.length);
                   case 'c':
              BubbleSortService(sal, sal.length);
              System.out.println("Invalid Selection, Randomly Sorted List!");
    //Display data for the 6 HairSalon Objects
              for (int i = 0; i < sal.length ; i++ )
         System.out.println(sal.getSvcDesc( ) + " " + sal[i].getPrice( ) + " " + sal[i].getMinutes( ));
              System.out.println("End of Report");
    public static void BubbleSortPrice(HairSalon[] array, int len)
    // Sorts the items in an array into ascending order by price
    int a, b;
    HairSalon temp;
    int highSubscript = len - 1;
    for(a = 0; a < highSubscript; ++a)
         for(b= 0; b < highSubscript; ++b)
         if(array.getPrice() > array[b + 1].getPrice())
              temp = array[b];
              array[b] = array [b + 1];
              array[b + 1] = temp;
    public static void BubbleSortTime(HairSalon[] array, int len)
    // Sorts the items in an array into ascending order by time
         int a, b;
         HairSalon temp;
         int highSubscript = len - 1;
         for(a = 0; a < highSubscript; ++a)
              for(b= 0; b < highSubscript; ++b)
         if(array[b].getMinutes() > array[b + 1].getMinutes())
         temp = array[b];
         array[b] = array [b + 1];
         array[b + 1] = temp;
    public static void BubbleSortService(HairSalon[] array, int len)
    // Sorts the items in an array into ascending order by time
         int a, b;
         HairSalon temp;
         int highSubscript = len - 1;
         for(a = 0; a < highSubscript; ++a)
         for(b= 0; b < highSubscript; ++b)
         if(array[b].getSvcDesc().compareTo( array[b + 1].getSvcDesc()) > 0)
                   temp = array[b];
                   array[b] = array [b + 1];
                   array[b + 1] = temp;

  • Help populating an array of objects

    New here, trying to figure this out.
    I'm trying to create an array of objects, then populate the array defining fields. I stripped this down as far as i could to simplify the problem but I get the following error when I compile (i tweaked the carrot placment, formating issues i guess):
    PointsTest.java:41: ']' expected
    cubeArray[0] = new Point();
    PointsTest.java:41: invalid method declaration; return type required
    cubeArray[0] = new Point();
    2 errors
    My code:
    class PointsTest{
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                   //So far, this works.
                //convert 3 numbers to point coordinates held in temp variables
                float xT = (Float.valueOf(args[0])).floatValue();
                float yT = (Float.valueOf(args[1])).floatValue();
                float zT = (Float.valueOf(args[2])).floatValue();
                Point point1 = new Point(xT, yT, zT);
    class Point {
        //A BASIC point class
        //fields defined
        float x, y, z;
        //a constructor that sets initial XYZ values
        Point(float startX, float startY, float startZ) {
                x = startX;
                y = startY;
                z = startZ;
        //a no argument constructor for defualt states
        Point () {
            x = 0;
            y = 0;
            z = 0;
        void printXYZ(){
            System.out.println("coordinates: " + x + " " + y + " " + z);
    class Cube{
         Point cubeArray[] =  new Point[9];
         cubeArray[0] = new Point();
    }I've looked for answers online without much luck, I'm not worried about using a loop to populate the array at the moment (you can do it one at a time, right?). Didn't see any obvious listings in the java tutorials about arrays of objects. Any help would be appreciated.

    You need to put operations inside of a method instead of just floating them around inside the top-level of your Cube class. The errors you are getting are related to the fact that only class data members or methods are supposed to be inside the top-level of a class definition.
    Something like this should get you started:
    class Cube{
            private Point[] cubeArray;
            public Cube(){
             cubeArray =  new Point[9];

  • Populating byte array

    I want to populate a byte array named data in such a way that its first element contains any digit between 1 and 9. Then from 2nd element till 8th element there would be a string and from 9th element till end (say 20th element), there would be another string. How can i populate my byte array in this way? One way to populate the array is to do it element by element but its bad when working with large strings.
    Can anyone please help me???

    Now if i again convert bytemsg to String using
    toString function, and print it, it gives garbage
    value, not "Testing". Please can u tell me why it is
    happening??Calling toString on an array does not show the contents of the String. See the String class constructors instead.

  • Question on Populating an Array with Integers

    I want to populate an array I have created with integers that will come from user input.
    I COULD have required the user to input one at a time, and hit enter after each one, assigning a new variable name to each successive int. That would defeat the purpose of an array, and is more code than needed to accomplish what I want to do.
    Here's where I am stuck:
    I have my own input reader class, no problem. I have my array declared and instantiated, no problem.
    The int's will come in a string, and I can parse the string into ints. Now the rub- once the string is parsed into ints, how will Java know to sort the ints into my array?
    For example, if I created an array of 6 ints, and ask the user for 6 ints, say, 123456. How will Java know to put the int 1 into array position 0, 2 into array position 1, etc etc?

    Will the user input int ALWAYS be a single digit (0-9) or can it be any int value? If it can be any value, you need to require the user to put some sort of delimiter between the values, like a space:
    1 23 4 567 8
    Read the input into a String and use StringTokenizer to get the String representing each int. Then convert using Integer.parseInt().

  • Error in a array populated using jsp in client-side in java-script

    hii ,
    I have this problem.
    I have populated an array with records in jsp.The array is being populated correctly ..i hav check it .
    Now I need to get back this array in client side in a java-script function.
    I need this bcoz i need to check whether the value entered in a particular field in the form is there in the table before the form is submitted...hence the need of array.
    Surprisingly in my java-script function i can get back the length of array,but as soon as i am writing something like arr[0] where arr is the name of array populated in server side using jsp,i am get scripting error.
    i.e a code like
    funtion partynamecheck()
    var n=<%arr[0]%>
    alert (n) ;
    is giving scripting error.i.e showing error in page at the bottom left -side of browser.
    but code like
    funtion partynamecheck()
    var n=<%arr.length%>
    alert (n) ;
    } is working fine.
    Please help ..all wrk stuck.

    i cann't help you with javascript, but the jsp-expression must have this syntax
    var n=<%=arr[0]%>
    Hope this help!

  • How to  insert  300 data from associative array to backend table in PL/SQL

    HI ALL,
    I'm posting my code here:
    Creating back end table:
    Create table orlando
    ( id number(20),
    calltype number(12),
         gateway_name varchar2(25),
         accounting_id varchar2(18),
         start_time_system_ticks number(11),
         node_time_zone      varchar2(25),
         start_date varchar2(10),     
         start_time varchar2(10),
         softswitch_response number(11),
         alerting number(11)     
    Creating package:
    type apollo_rec is record(
    id number(20),
    calltype number(12),
         gateway_name varchar2(25),
         accounting_id varchar2(18),
         start_time_system_ticks number(11),
         node_time_zone      varchar2(25),
         start_date varchar2(10),     
         start_time varchar2(10),
         softswitch_response number(11),
         alerting number(11)
    TYPE bin_array IS TABLE OF apollo_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
    PROCEDURE rr (state_array bin_array);
    END ;
    PROCEDURE rr (state_array bin_array) IS
    FOR i IN 1 .. state_array.COUNT LOOP
    INSERT INTO orlando(id,calltype,gateway_name,accounting_id,start_time_system_ticks)VALUES(state_array(i).id,state_array(i).calltype,state_array(i).gateway_name,
    END ;
    END ;
    I've run this code in i*SQL PLUS.But when I run this code for 5 entries there is no error but when I modify the insert statement for 300 entries(300 identifiers in the insert statement)
    it gives me error:
    Warning: Package Body created with compilation errors.
    Errors for PACKAGE BODY R:
    7/2      PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    7/14      PL/SQL: ORA-00913: too many values
    Is there any feature in PL/SQL to decrease the entries in insert statement and make the insert statement along with the program small and increase the program performance.
    Edited by: 983040 on Jan 20, 2013 11:11 PM

    Basic example (ran on
    SQL> create table testtab( id number, day date, val varchar2(30) );
    Table created.
    SQL> create or replace package TestTabLib as
      3          type TTestTab is table of testtab%rowtype;
      5          procedure InsertRows( rowArray TTestTab );
      7  end;
      8  /
    Package created.
    SQL> create or replace package body TestTabLib as
      3          procedure InsertRows( rowArray TTestTab ) is
      4          begin
      5                  forall i in 1..rowArray.Count
      6                          insert into testtab values rowArray(i);
      7          end;
      9  end;
    10  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> declare
      2          rowArray        TestTabLib.TTestTab;
      3  begin
      4          --// populating the array - using a bulk fetch as
      5          --// an example
      6          select
      7                  object_id, created, object_name
      8                          bulk collect into
      9                  rowArray
    10          from    all_objects
    11          where   rownum < 11;
    13          --// bulk insert array
    14          TestTabLib.InsertRows( rowArray );
    15  end;
    16  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from testtab;
            ID DAY                 VAL
           100 2011/12/05 09:16:03 ORA$BASE
           116 2011/12/05 09:16:04 DUAL
           117 2011/12/05 09:16:04 DUAL
           280 2011/12/05 09:19:09 MAP_OBJECT
           365 2011/12/05 09:19:10 SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP
           367 2011/12/05 09:19:10 SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP
           368 2011/12/05 09:19:10 TABLE_PRIVILEGE_MAP
           370 2011/12/05 09:19:11 TABLE_PRIVILEGE_MAP
           371 2011/12/05 09:19:11 STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP
           373 2011/12/05 09:19:11 STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP
    10 rows selected.
    SQL> declare
      2          rowArray        TestTabLib.TTestTab;
      3  begin
      4          --// populating the array - using a custom build
      5          --// loop example such as a Java front-end will
      6          --// use reading data from user input form
      7          rowArray := new TestTabLib.TTestTab();
      8          rowArray.Extend(2);     --// user entered 2 values
      9          for i in 1..rowArray.Count loop
    10                  rowArray(i).id := i;
    11                  rowArray(i).day := trunc(sysdate);
    12                  rowArray(i).val := 'value '||to_char(i,'000');
    13          end loop;
    15          --// bulk insert array
    16          TestTabLib.InsertRows( rowArray );
    17  end;
    18  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from testtab where val like 'value%';
            ID DAY                 VAL
             1 2013/01/21 00:00:00 value  001
             2 2013/01/21 00:00:00 value  002

  • Assigning java script array to a variable in struts form class

    I am trying to send a javascript array of string from jsp to struts action form.
    I have constructed a javascript array and assigned it to the form variable. But iam not able to access the variable in Action form. :( please let me know as to how i can send a string array in javascript to action form?.
    var scriptarray = new Array();
    // code for populating the array
    document.MyForm.javaArray = scriptArray;

    var input = document.createElement("input");
    input.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
    input.setAttribute("name", "bla..bla");
    input.setAttribute("value", "bla..bla");And in addition to that.. Google is still alive

  • Using a local Array in a Business Rule

    Newbie question here...
    I am writing a business rule that applies a standard rate to a lot of different lines in a business rule. This rate only varies by year, so from a logical perspective I think of it as a 1 dimensional variable. However the rate is actually stored in my normal Essbase cube (8-dimensions) something like the following:
    Dimension Dimension Member
    Account: Rate
    Dim2: No Dim2 Value (A dimension member called "No dim2 Value")
    Dim3: No Dim 3 Value
    Dim4: No Dim4 Value
    Dim5: No Dim5 Value
    Dim6: No Dim6 Value
    Dim7: No Dim7 Value
    Year: [varies by year]
    So right now my formula to calculate things looks something like the following:
    "Target Account 1" = "Driver Account 1" * Rate ->
    "No Dim2 Value" ->
    "No Dim3 Value" ->
    "No Dim3 Value" ->
    "No Dim5 Value" ->
    "No Dim6 Value" ->
    "No Dim7 Value"
    But I have to do this for several "Target" and "Driver" Accounts in the rule, which means an ugly looking rule. What I would like to do is create a local array at the beginning of my business rule and populate it with the rate:
    ARRAY _rate[Year]
    and then set the value of the array equal to
    Rate -> "No Dim2 Value" -> "No Dim3 Value" -> "No Dim3 Value" ->
    "No Dim5 Value" -> "No Dim6 Value" -> "No Dim7 Value"
    This will allow me to simplify my formula down to
    "Target Account 1" = "Driver Account 1" * _rate
    My first question is "can I do this?" I've been able to create an array and use it in the formula, but I can't figure out how to populate the values in the array from my main Essbase cube.
    The second question is "does it make sense to do this?" In addition to making the code easier to read, my guess is that populating the array once and just using it within the scope of the rule would be a bit more efficient than referencing that big cross dim expression, but I really don't know.
    Any advice anyone has would be appreciated.

    I am familiar with what you are trying to accomplish.
    Having Essbase store a fixed rate over time to be used in calculations is possible. However formulas start to look complex depending on how many dimensions you have and what the desired outcome is.
    There are alternate techniques to the one you mentioned.
    You can create a new database for rates only and make it with fewer dimensions. Then use the @XREF function to retrieve it in your formulas.
    If the rate doesn't change very often you can put the Rate inside of the formula as is.
    For example Y2006_Rate = 5%.
    Brian Chow

  • Use of multi-dimensional arrays in forms - forms debugger crash

    Hello All readers,
    have an issue with use of multi-dimensional arrays in forms when debugging and/or calling another form post array-population.
    USING VERSIONS: oracle forms 9.0.4, Jinitiator, oracle db 10.1
    the following code snippet works from a when-button-pressed trigger when called without the debugger. when called with the debugger it crashes when any element of the multi-dimensional associative array is accessed/populated/read. In addition, if i populate the multi-dimensional array then call a form (a msgbox form to display the arrays content as a string) it crashes too.
    type datasource_rec is record (field varchar2(32), val varchar2(3999));
    type datasource_arr is table of datasource_rec index by binary_integer;
    type datasource_arr_arr is table of datasource_arr index by binary_integer;
         l_arr datasource_arr_arr;
         procedure poparr(i_arr out datasource_arr_arr) is
              idx binary_integer := 1;
              iidx binary_integer := 1;
              while (idx <= 10) loop
                   iidx := 1;
                   while (iidx <= 10) loop     
                        i_arr(idx)(iidx).field := 'field'||to_char(iidx)||':'||to_char(idx); --# debugger crashes here with JVM aborting... message (which crashes forms builder too)
    i_arr(idx)(iidx).val := 'test value';
                   iidx := iidx+1;     
                   end loop;
              idx := idx+1;
              end loop;
         procedure printarr is
              idx binary_integer := l_arr.first;
              iidx binary_integer;
              l_msg varchar2(4000);
              l_response pls_integer;
              while (idx is NOT null) loop
                   iidx := l_arr(idx).first;
                   while (iidx is NOT null) loop
                        l_msg := l_msg||chr(10)||l_arr(iidx)(idx).field||' = '||l_arr(iidx)(idx).val;
                   iidx := l_arr(idx).next(iidx);
                   end loop;
              idx := l_arr.next(idx);
              end loop;
              alerts.info('see console for full printout: '||chr(10)||l_msg);
    --l_response := msgbox.show(l_msg); --calls another modal form to display a long message, which crashes the runtime with a java console message*
    The java console does not print anything useful when both forms builder and the runtime crash/hangs as a result of the debugger being attached (except displaying a "JVM aborting" message) but when the runtime alone crashes as a result of calling another form after popping the MD array it prints:
    oracle.forms.net.ConnectionException: Forms session <28> aborted: unable to communicate with runtime process.
         at oracle.forms.net.ConnectionException.createConnectionException(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.net.HTTPNStream.getResponse(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.net.HTTPNStream.doFlush(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.net.HTTPNStream.flush(Unknown Source)
         at java.io.DataOutputStream.flush(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.net.StreamMessageWriter.run(Unknown Source)
    has anyone else encountered this problem and found a solution/workaround? is their some sort of memory limitation for forms-side handling of (multi-dimensional) arrays?+
    many thanks
    ps: i get similar problems when a) populating the array from a server/db-side packaged procedure (crashes with java console message as above even when not debugging) b) using server/db-side packaged types for the array.

    Hello All readers,
    have an issue with use of multi-dimensional arrays in forms when debugging and/or calling another form post array-population.
    USING VERSIONS: oracle forms 9.0.4, Jinitiator, oracle db 10.1
    the following code snippet works from a when-button-pressed trigger when called without the debugger. when called with the debugger it crashes when any element of the multi-dimensional associative array is accessed/populated/read. In addition, if i populate the multi-dimensional array then call a form (a msgbox form to display the arrays content as a string) it crashes too.
    type datasource_rec is record (field varchar2(32), val varchar2(3999));
    type datasource_arr is table of datasource_rec index by binary_integer;
    type datasource_arr_arr is table of datasource_arr index by binary_integer;
         l_arr datasource_arr_arr;
         procedure poparr(i_arr out datasource_arr_arr) is
              idx binary_integer := 1;
              iidx binary_integer := 1;
              while (idx <= 10) loop
                   iidx := 1;
                   while (iidx <= 10) loop     
                        i_arr(idx)(iidx).field := 'field'||to_char(iidx)||':'||to_char(idx); --# debugger crashes here with JVM aborting... message (which crashes forms builder too)
    i_arr(idx)(iidx).val := 'test value';
                   iidx := iidx+1;     
                   end loop;
              idx := idx+1;
              end loop;
         procedure printarr is
              idx binary_integer := l_arr.first;
              iidx binary_integer;
              l_msg varchar2(4000);
              l_response pls_integer;
              while (idx is NOT null) loop
                   iidx := l_arr(idx).first;
                   while (iidx is NOT null) loop
                        l_msg := l_msg||chr(10)||l_arr(iidx)(idx).field||' = '||l_arr(iidx)(idx).val;
                   iidx := l_arr(idx).next(iidx);
                   end loop;
              idx := l_arr.next(idx);
              end loop;
              alerts.info('see console for full printout: '||chr(10)||l_msg);
    --l_response := msgbox.show(l_msg); --calls another modal form to display a long message, which crashes the runtime with a java console message*
    The java console does not print anything useful when both forms builder and the runtime crash/hangs as a result of the debugger being attached (except displaying a "JVM aborting" message) but when the runtime alone crashes as a result of calling another form after popping the MD array it prints:
    oracle.forms.net.ConnectionException: Forms session <28> aborted: unable to communicate with runtime process.
         at oracle.forms.net.ConnectionException.createConnectionException(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.net.HTTPNStream.getResponse(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.net.HTTPNStream.doFlush(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.net.HTTPNStream.flush(Unknown Source)
         at java.io.DataOutputStream.flush(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.forms.net.StreamMessageWriter.run(Unknown Source)
    has anyone else encountered this problem and found a solution/workaround? is their some sort of memory limitation for forms-side handling of (multi-dimensional) arrays?+
    many thanks
    ps: i get similar problems when a) populating the array from a server/db-side packaged procedure (crashes with java console message as above even when not debugging) b) using server/db-side packaged types for the array.

  • How to use Associative Array in sql query?

    I have a problem on using Associative Array variable on query; and my query is similar to the one below;
    othersGenerics OTHERGENERICS;
    CURSOR cursor_othersGenerics IS
    select master.GENERICCODEID
    from asmtrg_icfocusgroup fg
    join asmtrg_icfocusgrpchannel fgc on FGC.GROUPID = FG.ID and fgc.isactive=1
    join asmtrg_icfocusgengroup fgg on FGG.GROUPID = FG.ID and FGg.ISACTIVE=1
    where fgc.channelid=1 and fg.isactive = 1
    OPEN cursor_othersGenerics;
    FETCH cursor_othersGenerics BULK COLLECT INTO othersGenerics;
    CLOSE cursor_othersGenerics;
    SELECT icfrd.*,
    WHEN EXISTS(select ta.genericcodeid from <???XXX???> ta where ta.genericcodeid = icfgrp.genericcodeid) THEN -1
    ELSE icfrd.icfgroupid
    WHERE (channelId IS NULL OR icfrd.CHANNELID = channelId)
    AND (asmCodeId IS NULL OR icfrd.ASMCODEID = asmCodeId)
    AND (yearId IS NULL OR icfrd.YEARID = yearId)
    AND (monthId IS NULL OR icfrd.MONTHID = monthId)
    By the way this is a part of my function.
    The "othersGenerics" is my associative array variable and <???XXX???> is the place where I need to use my "othersGenerics" array to check. So far I've tried
    "select ta.genericcodeid from table(cast(otherGenerics as OTHERGENERICS)) ta where ta.genericcodeid = icfgrp.genericcodeid",
    "select ta.genericcodeid from table(otherGenerics) ta where ta.genericcodeid = icfgrp.genericcodeid",
    "select ta.genericcodeid from otherGenerics ta where ta.genericcodeid = icfgrp.genericcodeid"
    and these are not working.
    What is your suggestions?

    Your type will have to be created as an independent object in your schema. So CREATE TYPE cannot be in your function declaration, it has to be outside it. (And then the line inside your declaration that defines the type will have to be removed.)
    But now I can see that you use this array as a kind of "temporary lookup table" - you populate the array and then use it for lookup in your select statement. An alternative way of doing this could be like this completely without arrays:
    with othergenerics as (
      select master.GENERICCODEID
      from ASMTRG_ARTICLEMASTER master
      from asmtrg_icfocusgroup fg
      join asmtrg_icfocusgrpchannel fgc on FGC.GROUPID = FG.ID and fgc.isactive=1
      join asmtrg_icfocusgengroup fgg on FGG.GROUPID = FG.ID and FGg.ISACTIVE=1
      where fgc.channelid=1 and fg.isactive = 1
      group by FGG.GENERICCODEID
    SELECT icfrd.*,
    WHEN EXISTS(select ta.genericcodeid from othergenerics ta where ta.genericcodeid = icfgrp.genericcodeid) THEN -1
    ELSE icfrd.icfgroupid
    WHERE (channelId IS NULL OR icfrd.CHANNELID = channelId)
    AND (asmCodeId IS NULL OR icfrd.ASMCODEID = asmCodeId)
    AND (yearId IS NULL OR icfrd.YEARID = yearId)
    AND (monthId IS NULL OR icfrd.MONTHID = monthId)
    ...The with clause (subquery factoring) you can think of as a kind of temp table called othergenerics created "on-the-fly".
    The optimizer may decide to actually create a temp table for you and use in the lookup, or it may decide to rewrite the query into suitable joins or nested loops or hashing - whatever the optimizer decides will be the optimal way of doing things :-)
    So unless you use your array other places in your function, I would recommend dropping the array completely, skip populating an array, and instead use a with clause for your temporary lookup.

Maybe you are looking for