Populating xmlclassgen classes from DOM/XML?

Can I use an XML document or a DOM to populate
classes generated by xmlclassgen (XML Class Generator for Java)?
http://technet.oracle.com/tech/xml/classgen/section.htm says:
"The generated Java source files can then be used to construct,
optionally validate, and print a XML document that is
compliant to the DTD specified"
but is there anyway to import an XML document and access
it through the API generated by xmlclassgen?

Mats Strandberg (guest) wrote:
: Can I use an XML document or a DOM to populate
: classes generated by xmlclassgen (XML Class Generator for
: http://technet.oracle.com/tech/xml/classgen/section.htm says:
: "The generated Java source files can then be used to
: optionally validate, and print a XML document that is
: compliant to the DTD specified"
: but is there anyway to import an XML document and access
: it through the API generated by xmlclassgen?
: Thanks
: Mats
Are you asking for the class generator to handle something like
xsl:import for the generated XML document to include?
Currently, no such functionality exists, but it can be
considered. Please describe in detail or pseudo code what
you're trying to do.
Oracle XML Team
Oracle Technology Network

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    [email protected] wrote:
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    You may want to check out this Java EE 5 Tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/5/tutorial/doc/bnbah.html
    It has an example of generating JAXB Java classes from an XML schema.
    Can you provide a sample xsd schema and the resulting Java class/classes you want to have produced?
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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jinyu Wang ([email protected]):
    Which version are you using? I can't reproduce the error with 9.0.2B version.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    Thanks for having a look at the problem. I am using the version with Java 2 Standard Edition Build 1.3.1-b24. The classgen -version option returns - and xmlparserv2.jar and xschema.jar are from the same distribution. Running the corresponding DTD from the same source work fine - I'm just havinf this problem with the XSD. Anything else I should look at?

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    here are some libraries which are open sources;
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    Message Edited by Intaris on 06-17-2009 05:24 AM
    Say hello to my little friend.
    RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant

    Hi Tst,
    Problem is that in order for the cast to yield any useful results, I have to make the inputs and outputs non-Dynamic which results in ONLY the data for the parent class being loaded.
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    Say hello to my little friend.
    RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant

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    Please guide.
    Thanks & Regards

    E.g. a simplified skeleton:
    namespace ConsoleCS
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    XDocument xdocument = XDocument.Parse(@"
    <Item>Test with a child element <more/> stuff</Item>
    <Item>Test with a CDATA section <![CDATA[<456>]]> def</Item>
    <Item>Test with a char entity: &#65;</Item>
    <SkipItem>Item to skip.</SkipItem>
    <!-- Fourteen chars in this element.-->
    StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(xdocument.ToString());
    XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(stringReader);
    while (xmlReader.Read())
    switch (xmlReader.NodeType)
    case XmlNodeType.Element:
    if (xmlReader.Name == "SkipItem")
    Console.WriteLine("Pushing to output ({0}).", xmlReader.Name);

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    Hope someone can help :)

    Hi there,
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    Any help is greatly appreciated, if anymore information is needed just let me know and I'll share what I got.

    Thanks for the reply.
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    I'm attaching my scheme and xml file.
    I get an error when trying to upload my schema. I am pasting the content of the file here. I call it proofout.xsd
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:element name="userList" type="UserList" />
    <xs:complexType name="User">
       <xs:element name="csrName" type="xs:string" />
       <xs:element name="csrExt" type="xs:int" />
       <xs:element name="csrFax" type="xs:string" />
       <xs:complexType name="UserList">
       <xs:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:element name="user" type="User" />

  • Getting from an xml file to an XMLBean argument to web service

    I'm a newbie here, so I apologize for the lack of understanding, but the docs are
    not helping me at all here.
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    After deploying my EAR, I downloaded the proxy jar and am trying to use that
    to develop a client outside workshop to call into my web service.
    ServiceTest_Impl proxy = new ServiceTest_Impl("<pathtoWSDL>");
    ServiceTestSoap soap = proxy.getServiceTestSoap();
    On that soap variable, I have a method:
    validateLoanApp(LOANAPPLICATION arg)
    LOANAPPLICATION exists as a class at com.foo.BAR.LOANAPPLICATION, and there's
    a LOANAPPLICATIONCodec in the same package, and a com.foo.BAR.holders.LOANAPPLICATIONHolder
    Now I have a file on disk that is an XML document. I'd like to read that file,
    convert it to a LOANAPPLICATIOAN, and pass it to my method. I cannot for the
    life of me figure out how to do this. The LOANAPPLICAITON class just has getters
    and setters, and I don't want to have to go through the document and hand parse
    it; there must be a way to do it automatically.
    I see the deserialize method, but that is expecting a DeserializationContext,
    which doesn't seem to have a constructor I can find. Any help here would be appreciated!

    Michael, thanks for the quick reply. And crud. Unfortunately, this document is
    huge and immensely complicated, so I was hoping to avoid using the getters and
    setters for it by populating the Javabeans in some automatic way. I guess I'll
    have to just send the doc as a String, and parse it in the client using the Factory.
    "Michael Wooten" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Brian,
    No, you won't have to "hand-parse" it, but something must :-)
    Those Codec classes are JavaBeans, not XMLBeans, so you won't find a
    method like
    parse(String xml), on them. If this arg type is really an XMLBean type,
    you should
    have a .jar file in the APP-INF/lib director (under the directory for
    your Workshop
    app), which has it (a LOANAPPLICATIONDocument class) in it. You should
    be able
    to use:
    LOANAPPLICATIONDocument mydoc = LOANAPPLICATIONDocument.Factory.parse(new
    to parse (and validate) the file for you. Then you can just use the "getters"
    on the mydoc object, with the "setters" on the LOANAPPLICATION class
    from the
    proxy .jar, to get the results you want.
    For the record, it has been brought to the attention of the BEA engineers
    myself, and others), that there is a real desire to just use XMLBeans
    with the
    XXX_Impl and XXXSoap classes in the client proxy .jar, and they are working
    this for a future release :-)
    Mike Wooten
    "Brian Sensale" <[email protected]> wrote:
    I'm a newbie here, so I apologize for the lack of understanding, but
    the docs are
    not helping me at all here.
    I'm trying to write a simple SOAP client to call into a JWS (document
    style) generated
    in Workshop and deployed in 8.1 SP2. The Web Service was in turn generated
    a Java Control with one method. That method took as an argument anXMLBean
    After deploying my EAR, I downloaded the proxy jar and am trying to
    use that
    to develop a client outside workshop to call into my web service.
    ServiceTest_Impl proxy = new ServiceTest_Impl("<pathtoWSDL>");
    ServiceTestSoap soap = proxy.getServiceTestSoap();
    On that soap variable, I have a method:
    validateLoanApp(LOANAPPLICATION arg)
    LOANAPPLICATION exists as a class at com.foo.BAR.LOANAPPLICATION, and
    a LOANAPPLICATIONCodec in the same package, and a com.foo.BAR.holders.LOANAPPLICATIONHolder
    Now I have a file on disk that is an XML document. I'd like to read
    that file,
    convert it to a LOANAPPLICATIOAN, and pass it to my method. I cannot
    for the
    life of me figure out how to do this. The LOANAPPLICAITON class just
    has getters
    and setters, and I don't want to have to go through the document and
    hand parse
    it; there must be a way to do it automatically.
    I see the deserialize method, but that is expecting a DeserializationContext,
    which doesn't seem to have a constructor I can find. Any help herewould
    be appreciated!

  • Pulling particular attributes from the XML Object

    Hi !
    My requirement is onChange of a value from the first drop down, particular values needs to load in the second drop down. Values that needs to pull are designed in XML Object as Map entries Key,Pair Values.
    We can pull the first drop down values from the XML Object using Rule library and find the following code snippet ;
    <set name='appData'>
    <invoke name='getExtension'>
    <invoke name='getObject'>
    <invoke name='findType' class='com.waveset.object.Type'>
    Here, Config_SDD_ReferenceData.xml is the file where the map entries are written and the ref name is appData. Later in BPE the code "appData.units" are referred in ValueMap property.
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    Please find the XML Object also;
    <Attribute name='units'>
    <MapEntry key='1' value='units1'/>
    <MapEntry key='2' value='units2'/>
    <MapEntry key='3' value='units3'/>
    Thanks in advance.

    u could use removeChild() method of the node interface....get the parent node named 'xxxxxx' from the DOM and perform a removeChild operation on it specifying the senderID, receiverID and dateTimeStamp Nodes as arguments to the method....
    Hope this helps

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    Any help would be appreciated as this is becoming very frustrating.
    Thanks in advance

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steve Muench ([email protected]):
    The xmlparserv2.jar in the download contains everything you need from DOM and SAX interfaces in the jar.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    Many thanks Steve - yes unzipping the jar file corrects problem.

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    DavidThi808 wrote:
    jtahlborn wrote:
    you can provide a schema when parsing an xml document in order to check for schema conformance, but that isn't going to affect your XPath queries at all. DOM content is never anything but strings.In the case of both dom4j/jaxen and the .NET runtime the values returned from XPath queries when a schema is provided are typed. So you get back numbers, dates, and booleans as well as strings. And for numbers you get correct comparisons so 20 > 1.i guess it's possible. i use schemas when parsing xml, and i've used xpath (infrequently), but i'm not sure that i've ever used them together in a way that i would see functionality like that.
    FYI, you use http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/xml/parsers/DocumentBuilderFactory.html#setSchema%28javax.xml.validation.Schema%29 to specify a schema while parsing with a DocumentBuilder.

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