Popup closes after af:input date is selected

i have several items on popup, one of which is af:inputDate.
When i click on the inputDate item, popup disappears.
i don't want the popup to slip away that way.
what might cause such mis-behavior and how can i fix it?

Hi, Grodno!
Which versin of jdeveloper r u using?
I had tried with the same scenario in jdeveloper
For me its working absouletly! Please give mo more description about your problem

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             Processing Mode
             Update Mode
             Nodata Indicator.
    These data i need to hardcore in the program itself for further processing of background schedule.
              How to do it, pls advise me on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Rajaram,
    As of my understanding do you want to put the following on your selection screen?
    Select Method (Genrate session/Call transaction)
    Processing Mode
    Update Mode
    Nodata Indicator
    then do so.
    There is a structure for call transaction parameters, which you can use for setting of selection screen and can set the default values as wellin initialization event.
    Structure name : CTU_PARAMS
    Reward pointsif useful.
    Thanks & Regards
    Rajini Rajuladevi
    Edited by: Rajini R M on Jun 4, 2008 8:44 AM

  • Datepicker on custom popup page close the popup page when date is selected

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    How do I prevent the popup page to be closed, when date is selected ?
    BR Klaus

    Is there a way to control the javascript in the
    standard datepicker.No.
    Why would you want the builtin date picker window to hang around after the user selects a date?

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    Thanks, Tony

    Hi Monica,
    Since the form is not submitting to the database try the other option I gave you.
    Remove the javascript from the SAVE button, set the Target to -No Target -.
    I assume you're using an Automatic Row Processing (DML) that saves the data to the database?
    If so, after that process, create a PL/SQL process using the following:
    -- Redirects the calling (parent page) then closes this popup window.
    htp.p('<script type="text/javascript">');
    Under the Conditional Processing for this process, select the 'SAVE' button (When Button Pressed).
    Remove any branches you have on the pop up page (assuming you have a branch that takes you to page 24).
    When you click the SAVE button, the DML process will run, saving the data to the database. Then the second process you just created will run which will close the pop up window, then reload the 'parent' page.

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    Thanks in advance,

    I've spotted two functions - AttachToSelectionSubject() and DetachFromSelectionSubject(). They take ISubject* as an argument.
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    Use a timer that is initalized in the constructor of the window you want to close after x seconds..
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    It is possible to stop the Tools options automatically opening if that is what you want. You can not have the tools options and the photo bin both open at the same time.
    To stop the tools options always opening, go to the options menu and uncheck the auto show tools options.

  • Last day of each month in a year based on a Input date?

    Hi all,
    I have a request from a customer who wants to have a yearly report created in BEx Query Designer which starts in January up to December and they want to have a Month To Date (MDT) and Year to Date (YTD) calculation of a key figure. This report will only show one year at the time based on the date the user give as input at the Variable Screen.
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    January: 31.01.2008  Key Figure = 1000. MTD = 1000 and YTD = 1000
    February: 29.02.2008  Key Figure = 2500. MTD = (2500-1000) 1500 and YTD = 2500
    March: 31.03.2008  Key Figure = 6000. MTD =(6000-2500)=3500 and YTD = 6000
    This means that I have to have a lot of hidden Key figures which gets restricted on the different month end dates and formulas to calculate the different MTD and YTD results for the months as the year progresses.
    The way I have solved it now is that I have a Customer Exit which gives me the Last day of last year (Exp: 31.12.2007) based on input date and use a Offset on the last day of last year date to get the different last dates of each month.
    Since we have a leap year (one extra day in February) this year, the offset to calculate the end month dates will be different for 2007 and next year (2009). This solution is not very flexible, and it will not give the correct MTD and YTD if the customer wants to go back to 2007 and off course next year (2009).
    One solution is to create 12 Customer Exits that gives me the different month end dates (January-December), and also takes in account leap year for February for the different years. These Exits will be based on the Input date the Customers put in at the variable screen.
    I would rather want to avoid making 12 new customer exits and want your advice and expertise to find out if this is possible in any other way (maybe with only 1 customer exit) to get the last date of each month based on an input date.
    Thanks for all your advices on beforehand.
    Oddmar Lid

    Thanks for you replay and documentation, but it doesn't give me excatly the functionality I'm after. The only MTD calculation code the document provides is the calculation of the following functionality:
    "Month to Date (MTD) u2013 From the 1st of month to u201CKey Dateu201D - for current year." This doesn't give the the functionality I want, which is to retrieve a given vaule for a Key Figure for the last dates of the months in a year to calculate MTD and YTD.
    This way I have created the query is to have multiple hidden Key Figures that calculates the MTD and YTD.
    In Columns in Query Designer it will look something like this:
    Selection: MTD January--> Date = 31.01.2008, Key Figure (Always Show)
    Selection: YTD January --> Date= 31.01.2008, Key Figure (Always Show)
    Selection: MTD February --> Date= 29.02.2008, Key Figure (Always Hide)
    Formula: MTD February --> MTD February - MTD January (Always Show)
    Selection YTD February --> Date = 29.02.2008, Key Figure (Always Show)
    And so on....
    This is off course a simplified version, but it shows the core of the solution. What I want to achive here is that the dates used to get the Key Figures (last date of a month) is calculated as flexible as possible, so that the users can go back and forth in time without worrying about the leap year problem and so on. I have now used an offset from the last date of last year and this is good for all the normal years, but when it is a leap year the query will use wrong dates to get the key figure vaule for the last date of each month.
    Any ideas on how to achieve this without creating 12 different Customer Exit variables (one for each end date of each month)?
    Oddmar Lid

  • Date picker for af:inputDate   is not picking up the correct input date

    view source:
    <af:inputDate value="#{bindings.DateField.attributeValue}" label="#{bindings.DateField.hints.label}"
    columns="#{bindings.DateField.hints.displayWidth}" shortDesc="#{CustomTooltip[DateField]}"
    autoSubmit="true" helpTopicId="AppDt" id="DateField" simple="true">
    <f:validator binding="#{bindings.DateField.validator}"/>
    *<f:converter converterId="CustomConverter"/>*
    Here I am not using <af:ConvertDateTime> insted using customConverter, so what code changes do I need to make sure the date picker always picks the already existind date in the inputDate rather picking the current date?
    Here is my CustomConverter.java
    public class CustomConverter extends DateTimeConverter implements ClientConverter, Converter
    public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String value)
    String dataType = (String) resolveExpression("#{bindings." + component.getId() + ".attributeDef.javaType.name}");
    if (dataType != null && !dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle.jbo.domain.Date") && !dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle.jbo.domain.Timestamp"))
    String test = null;
    if (context == null || component == null)
    throw new NullPointerException();
    if (value != null)
    // To solve DB transaction dirty issue, Check isEmpty and return null.
    if (value.isEmpty())
    return null;
    // the "value" is stored on the value property of the component.
    // The Unified EL allows us to check the type
    ValueExpression expression = component.getValueExpression("value");
    if (expression != null)
    Class<?> expectedType = expression.getType(context.getELContext());
    if (expectedType != null)
    System.out.println("expectedType Value:::" + expectedType.getName());
    // try to convert the value (Object) to the TYPE of the "value" property
    // of the underlying JSF component
    return TypeFactory.getInstance(expectedType, value);
    catch (DataCreationException e)
    String errorMessage;
    if (expectedType.equals(CustomNumber.class))
    errorMessage = "You can enter only Numbers in this field";
    errorMessage = e.getMessage();
    if (errorMessage != null)
    FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    FacesMessage fm = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Invalid Format" , errorMessage);
    ctx.addMessage(component.getClientId(), fm);
    catch (CustomDomainException e)
    int errorCode = e.getErrorMessageCode();
    String[] errorMessage = e.getErrorMessageParams();
    if (errorCode == 7 && errorMessage != null)
    String msg = "Invalid " + errorMessage[0];
    FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    FacesMessage fm = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "Application Error: ", msg);
    ctx.addMessage(component.getClientId(), fm);
    catch (JboException e)
    Throwable cause = e.getCause();
    if (cause == null)
    cause = e;
    test = "not good format";
    throw e;
    return null;
    return value != null? value: null;
    public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value)
    return value != null? value.toString(): null;
    public String getClientLibrarySource(FacesContext context)
    return null;
    public Collection<String> getClientImportNames()
    return Collections.emptySet();
    public String getClientScript(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
    String formatMask = (String) resolveExpression("#{bindings." + component.getId() + ".format}");
    if (formatMask != null)
    String dataType = (String) resolveExpression("#{bindings." + component.getId() + ".attributeDef.javaType.name}");
    if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle.jbo.domain.Date") || dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle.jbo.domain.Timestamp"))
    if (component == null)
    _LOG.severe("The component is null, but it is needed for the client id, so no script written");
    return null;
    // Add a JavaScript Object to store the datefield formats
    // on the client-side. We currently store the format string
    // for each and every field. It'd be more efficient to have
    // an array of formats, then store for each field the
    // index of the format, especially if we could delay outputting
    // these objects to when the <form> closes.
    String clientId = component.getClientId(context);
    if (clientId != null)
    // =-=AEW Only if Javascript...
    Map<String, Object> requestMap = context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
    // this fetch could be at the place where we append, but has been
    // moved ahead to optimize use of StringBuilder
    String jsPattern = getJSPattern(context, component);
    String loc = _getLocaleString(context);
    // FIX - figure out size!!!
    // 127 chars for javascript + length of jspattern + locale + 12 chars for
    // tranforming to name in the worst case.
    StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(139 + jsPattern.length() + loc.length());
    if (requestMap.get(_PATTERN_WRITTEN_KEY) == null)
    requestMap.put(_PATTERN_WRITTEN_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);
    // only create the _dfs object if it doesn't exist, so we don't
    // wipe out _dfs[xxx] values if we ppr the first date field on a
    // page with multiple date fields.
    buff.append("if(window['_dfs'] == undefined){var _dfs=new Object();}if(window['_dl'] == undefined){var _dl=new Object();}");
    return buff.toString();
    return null;
    return null;
    return null;
    private String _getLocaleString(FacesContext context)
    Locale dateTimeConverterLocale = getLocale();
    if (dateTimeConverterLocale != null)
    Locale defaultLocale = RenderingContext.getCurrentInstance().getLocaleContext().getFormattingLocale();
    if (!(dateTimeConverterLocale.equals(defaultLocale)))
    String loc = dateTimeConverterLocale.toString();
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(2 + loc.length());
    return (sb.toString());
    return "null";
    public String getClientConversion(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
    String formatMask = (String) resolveExpression("#{bindings." + component.getId() + ".format}");
    if (formatMask != null)
    String dataType = (String) resolveExpression("#{bindings." + component.getId() + ".attributeDef.javaType.name}");
    if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle.jbo.domain.Date") || dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("oracle.jbo.domain.Timestamp"))
    String jsPattern = getJSPattern(context, component);
    Map<String, String> messages = new HashMap<String, String>();
    if (jsPattern != null)
    Class<?> formatclass = formatMask.getClass();
    System.out.println("FormatClass::" + formatclass);
    System.out.println(" Format Mask : " + formatMask);
    // SimpleDateFormat sdfDestination = new SimpleDateFormat(formatMask);
    String pattern = formatMask; //getPattern();
    if (pattern == null)
    pattern = getSecondaryPattern();
    String key = getViolationMessageKey(pattern);
    Object[] params = new Object[]
    { "{0}", "{1}", "{2}" };
    Object msgPattern = getMessagePattern(context, key, params, component);
    //if hintFormat is null, no custom hint for date, time or both has been specified
    String hintFormat = _getHint();
    FacesMessage msg = null;
    String detailMessage = null;
    if (msgPattern != null)
    msg = MessageFactory.getMessage(context, key, msgPattern, params, component);
    detailMessage = XhtmlLafUtils.escapeJS(msg.getDetail());
    Locale loc = context.getViewRoot().getLocale();
    SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, loc);
    java.lang.Object obj = resolveExpression("#{bindings." + component.getId() + ".attributeValue}");
    String databaseDate=null;
    databaseDate = obj.toString();
    DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern,loc);
    System.out.println("DateComponent input value :::::::::::::::::::::::::"+databaseDate);
    Date today;
    try {
    // System.out.println("Before Conversion::::::::::::"+df.parse(databaseDate).toString());
    today = df.parse(databaseDate);
    today = new Date();
    System.out.println("After Conversion Date :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"+today.toString());
    //Date today = new Date();
    String dt = formatter.format(today);
    String exampleString = dt;
    String escapedType = XhtmlLafUtils.escapeJS(getType().toUpperCase());
    StringBuilder outBuffer = new StringBuilder();
    outBuffer.append("new TrDateTimeConverter(");
    // loc = getLocale();
    if (loc != null)
    if (msgPattern != null || hintFormat != null)
    messages.put("detail", detailMessage);
    messages.put("hint", hintFormat);
    // try
    // JsonUtils.writeMap(outBuffer, messages, false);
    // catch (IOException e)
    // outBuffer.append("null");
    outBuffer.append(')'); // 2
    return outBuffer.toString();
    catch(ParseException e)
    System.out.println("Parse Exception :::::::::::::::::::::"+e);
    return null;
    // no pattern-matchable date
    return null;
    return null;
    return null;
    protected String getJSPattern(FacesContext context, UIComponent component)
    String jsPattern = null;
    String datePattern = (String) resolveExpression("#{bindings." + component.getId() + ".format}");
    if (datePattern != null)
    String secondaryPattern = getSecondaryPattern();
    if (datePattern != _NO_JS_PATTERN)
    int length = datePattern.length() * 2 + 2;
    if (secondaryPattern != null)
    length = length + 3 + secondaryPattern.length() * 2;
    StringBuilder outBuffer = new StringBuilder(length);
    jsPattern = _getEscapedPattern(outBuffer, datePattern, secondaryPattern);
    jsPattern = datePattern;
    return jsPattern;
    private static void _escapePattern(StringBuilder buffer, String pattern)
    XhtmlUtils.escapeJS(buffer, pattern);
    private static String _getEscapedPattern(StringBuilder buffer, String pattern, String secondaryPattern)
    if (secondaryPattern != null)
    _escapePattern(buffer, pattern);
    if (secondaryPattern != null)
    XhtmlUtils.escapeJS(buffer, secondaryPattern);
    return buffer.toString();
    private String _getHint()
    String type = getType();
    if (type.equals("date"))
    return getHintDate();
    else if (type.equals("both"))
    return getHintBoth();
    return getHintTime();
    public static Object resolveExpression(String pExpression)
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
    ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
    ValueExpression valueExp = null;
    valueExp = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, pExpression, Object.class);
    return valueExp.getValue(elContext);
    private static final String _NO_JS_PATTERN = new String();
    private static final TrinidadLogger _LOG = TrinidadLogger.createTrinidadLogger(DateTimeConverter.class);
    // RenderingContext key indicating the _dateFormat object
    // has been created
    private static final String _PATTERN_WRITTEN_KEY = "org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.convert.DateTimeConverter._PATTERN_WRITTEN";
    *Problem is if any input date componet is displaying other than current date then the date picker is always picking the current date rather existing date*
    Please suggest me where to make changes?
    Edited by: 858782 on Oct 3, 2011 7:43 AM
    Edited by: 858782 on Oct 3, 2011 11:44 PM

    I need custom date foramts to be applied for different inputDates which are not defined in <af:convertDateTime>
    Edited by: 858782 on Oct 13, 2011 4:59 PM

  • Creation of error log  on input data  and stat report

    I am doing call transaction on <b>C202</b> transaction.my client asked me before uploading the file he needs some validations on input file and he is asking me to create  a log for all the validations.i have to place error lof for all the input data.
    •An error log will record all errors occurring during upload. For each error the list should
    contain the data (line) going in error and an error text in a subsequent column (subsequent to data). The change number used to perform  the upload will be stated in the header of the error list.A txt-file containing the error log will get the same name as the input file, but with an ending –err.xls.
    Therefore no Batch-Input-Session is needed.
    • After execution of the batch input program, the following analysis regarding execution will be shown:
    o Number of records in input file (including title, first line)
    o Number of records successfully updated
    o Number of records in error
    Number of records in input file (incl. first line) 4
    Number of records successfully updated:   3
    Number of records in error:      0
    How to do this according to client  requirements.can u help me to get a statastical way to represent errors.  Send me some smpale code for number of errors and no records gets success and no of failed.

    Hai Chandrasekhar
    Go through the following Code
    report Z_CALLTRANS_VENDOR_01
    no standard page heading line-size 255.
    Generated data section with specific formatting - DO NOT CHANGE ***
    data: begin of it_lfa1 occurs 0,
    KTOKK like lfa1-ktokk,
    NAME1 like lfa1-name1,
    SORTL like lfa1-sortl,
    LAND1 like lfa1-land1,
    end of it_lfa1.
    End generated data section ***
    data : it_bdc like bdcdata occurs 0 with header line.
    *DATA: LV_MESSAGE(255).
    data : it_messages like bdcmsgcoll occurs 0 with header line.
    data : V_message(255).
    data : V_flag.
    data : V_datum1 type sy-datum.
    data : begin of it_mesg occurs 0,
    end of it_mesg.
    *V_datum1 = sy-datum-1.
    parameters : P_Sess like APQI-GROUPID.
    perform Get_data.
    *perform open_group.
    loop at it_lfa1.
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF02K' '0100'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field using 'RF02K-KTOKK'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMF02K' '0110'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field using 'LFA1-NAME1'
    perform bdc_field using 'LFA1-SORTL'
    perform bdc_field using 'LFA1-LAND1'
    call transaction 'XK01' using it_bdc
    mode 'N'
    update 'S'
    messages into it_messages.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    if V_flag <> 'X'.
    perform open_group.
    V_flag = 'X'.
    perform bdc_transaction. "using 'XK01'.
    perform format_messages.
    refresh : it_bdc,it_messages.
    if V_flag = 'X'.
    perform close_group.
    *& Form Get_data
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM Get_data .
    FILENAME = 'C:\srinu_vendor.txt'
    DATA_TAB = it_lfa1
    NO_BATCH = 4
    OTHERS = 7
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    ENDFORM. " Get_data
    *& Form bdc_dynpro
    -->P_0061 text
    -->P_0062 text
    CLEAR it_BDC.
    it_BDC-DYNBEGIN = 'X'.
    APPEND it_BDC.
    Insert field *
    CLEAR it_BDC.
    it_BDC-FNAM = FNAM.
    it_BDC-FVAL = FVAL.
    APPEND it_BDC.
    *& Form format_messages
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM format_messages .
    loop at it_messages.
    ID = it_messages-MSGID
    LANG = 'EN'
    NO = it_messages-MSGNR
    V1 = it_messages-MSGV1
    V2 = it_messages-MSGV2
    V3 = it_messages-MSGV3
    V4 = it_messages-MSGV4
    MSG = V_message
    NOT_FOUND = 1
    OTHERS = 2
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    write : / V_message.
    clear : V_message.
    ENDFORM. " format_messages
    *& Form open_group
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM open_group .
    GROUP = P_Sess
    HOLDDATE = V_datum1
    KEEP = 'X'
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    write : / 'Session Creating wit Name : ',P_Sess.
    ENDFORM. " open_group
    *& Form close_group
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM close_group .
    ENDFORM. " close_group
    *& Form bdc_transaction
    -->P_0132 text
    FORM bdc_transaction. "USING VALUE(P_0132).
    TCODE = 'XK01'
    SIMUBATCH = ' '
    CTUPARAMS = ' '
    DYNPROTAB = it_bdc
    NOT_OPEN = 2
    OTHERS = 7
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    ENDFORM. " bdc_transaction
    Message was edited by: Sreenivasulu Ponnadi

  • Purchase Requisition No data satisfying selection criteria

    We have created a Maintenance Notification and converted it into Maintenance Order, after approval of maintenance Order it will generate a MM purchase requisition automatically.
    But upon checking on Me53N or any other report for MM PR the PR does not exist. on Me53n it gives the error: No data satisfying selection criteria
    but the PR exist on table EBAN.
    thanks God bless

    If you give proper inputs in ME5K or ME5A, you can get the PR list without any problem.
    Also, while selecting PR in ME53N, have you given proper PR number directly or are you searching through some Search help option??
    Please post your screen shots PM Order document flow, Operation tab, Components tab, ME53N search steps as well as MM PR reporting selection screen with that error message.

  • I have manually inputted data into a blank spreadsheet and would like to use a form to enter data into that sheet !!! How do I do that please

    I have manually inputted data into a blank spreadsheet and would like to use a form to enter data into that sheet !!! How do I do that please

    After creating your table, Tap the Tab marked "+" and select "Form" - you will be asked which table to use. (You should get into the habit of naming your tables - if the table name isn't visible, select the table and tap the Styles (Brush) Menu > Table > Turn ON table Name, then double tap on the Table to edit it.)
    Select the table you wish to to fill with a form and you will see a new form based on the header data.
    The form will allow you to add one row at a time and when you get to the last row, there is an option at the bottom of the form to add a new row using the "+" button. At the top of the form is the row header which you can rename by double tapping.
    You can also rename the form on the Tab by double tapping on the name.
    Try it out.

  • Selection Set - Import Master data (prompt selection)

    Hello Gurus,
    When we run the package "Import Master data from NW infoobject"  using data manager in BPC
    we have options to select ,Infoobject ,write mode ,format ,transformation file and Dimension ,all of this we can use the answer prompt and provide the inputs using UJD_TEST_PACKAGE and automate it.
    Now i want to also provide the inputs of "SET SELECTION" tab available on the package which are below ,so how to automate
    Attribute ,Hierarchy ,Language ,Attribute List
    in the prompt file in the UJD_TEST_PACKAGE

    Hi Peter,
    You can trigger a BPC load from back end too. For that you need to create variants for the program UJD_TEST_PACKAGE or create a custom program depending on the requirement and then create variants( for example to load cost center master data, create a variant for 0COSTCENTER ) for it. The values for the variant{as already mentioned by Gersh} would be the  text enclosed in square brackets after you run a Data Manager Package manually and then view details of the status.
    Steps are:
    1) Goto SE38
    2) Enter the program UJD_TEST_PACKAGE or the custom package
    3) Create a variant for the required master data/hierarchy load.
    4) Enter the details of variant by using the details after you have manually run a data manager package.
    You can test the package and include it in your pc's too.
    Edited by: Vinay Madhadi on Dec 16, 2011 5:01 PM
    Edited by: Vinay Madhadi on Dec 16, 2011 6:18 PM

  • Oracle apex popup using java script in tabular form select list(Am new to apex help me out... )

    Hi ...
      i have a tabular form
      have two columns in that form, kept as a select list by selecting that 1st select list data the related datas has to be popup after selecting that it has to be displayed in the  2nd column by using
    java script
    1st column empno-----by selecting the empno the related empname has to be popup
                     dept no....by selecting the deptno the related deptname has to be popup 
    thanks in advance,

    This is a very common question, see

  • Passing input Dates in a Crystal Report

    Post Author: Preethig
    CA Forum: Older Products
    Hi all,
    I am using Crystal reports 8.5 to develop my report. I use the the Crystal report Enterprise Version 8.0 to view my reports in the IE 6.0 Web browser.I communicate to the Crystal Enterprise through my Active Server Pages.(ASP 3.0)
    From my asp page redirect to the urlI use response.redirect
    Here is an example URL:
    http://Domain/Directory/Report.rpt?&prompt0=Valuemy url request is
    Response.Redirect("report.rpt?&prompt0=" & some random value & "&prompt1=" & DateField & "&prompt2 =" & DateField  )
    and I use "sf " query string parameter for passing new selection criteria
    There are three parametes defined in the Crystal report
    Prompt0 - To accept a Number
    Prompt1 - To accept a Date
    Prompt2 - To accept a Date
    Problem: Even after passing the input date parameters as the parameter values for the parameter "Prompt1" and "Prompt2" in my Active Server Page, on launch of the Crystal report in the Crystal enterprise Viewer, the Crystal reports' Dialog still prompts the user to give input dates.
    Need Solution for: I should be able to pass the date parameter values from the ASP page and susequently, the crystal dialog should not be prompted to get the input dates.Kindly suggest a solution.
    Thanks in advance!!Preethi

    Well, can you please post the details about your stored proc?
    <quote> I've checked that when calling one stored-procedure within a crystal report, one sequence will be selected for 2 times. Thus 2 will be added to the corr. sequence No.</quote>
    Question: What do you mean by that? How many times did you run the report?
    More details please.
    -Raj Suchak
    [email protected]

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