POPUP key lov stopped working in "Imported" application.

Hi ,
I have a perfectly running APEX application. For some testing purpose I exported the application and again "Imported" the application in same server.
But in the new application, POPup KEY LOV stopped working, i.e. if I press popup lov icon nothing appears, only "#" gets added to URL.
But the strange thing is If I create new page and use some POPup Key lov item then, it works fine.
APEX Version :
Theme : Theme 23 (Uniframe 23)

Check your browser console for errors

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    Hi all,
    I did my homework and solved this issue. First I would like to thank Patrick Wolf for the invaluable help he gives out on thread Re: Null value handling in LOVs The code presented here is just a minor edit to his code, but an essential one when dealing with Popup Key LOV items.
    Here's what I did:
    1. Create an Application Process.
    Name: RemoveNulls
    Sequence: 0
    Point: On Submit: After Page Submission - Before Computations and Validations
    Process Text:
        FOR rItem IN
          ( SELECT ITEM_NAME
               AND PAGE_ID          IN (TO_NUMBER(:APP_PAGE_ID), 0)
               AND LOV_DISPLAY_NULL = 'Yes'
               AND LOV_NULL_VALUE   IS NULL
            IF (V(rItem.ITEM_NAME) = '%null' || '%' OR V(rItem.ITEM_NAME) = 'undefined')
                Apex_Util.set_session_state(rItem.ITEM_NAME, NULL);
            END IF;
        END LOOP;
    END;Error Message: #SQLERRM#Condition: None
    2. You should be able to submit a Popup Key LOV with a NULL value now.
    Once again, THANKS, Patrick! You rock! I'm seriously thinking of trying ApexLib now :)

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    Is this a bug?

    I am also getting the same issue. Hope it could be a bug.
    Can anyone plz confirm this?

  • Change font color in the Text Field of a Popup Key LOV

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    I want to change the font color in the Text Field of the Popup Key LOV Item.
    I searched the forum but I cannot find an answer about this! Although I searched the CSS and the Popup Key LOV Template, but I do not know where to modify the font color.
    Has anyone an idea how to solve that problem?

    thank for your reply!
    I use style="color:#000000;" and it work in Firefox, but not in Internet Explorer 7.0!
    And that is not the first time, that there are differences in displaying those tags in the HTML Form Element Attributes and in css files, etc.
    Does anybody know I to solve that?
    Thank you,

  • Error while selecting NULL value from Popup Key LOV(numeric or value error)

    I have a item P1_DEPTNO with following properties.
    P1_DEPTNO - Popup Key LOV (Displays description, returns key value)
    select deptname d, deptno r from deptP1_DEPTNO item properties
    List of Values
      Named LOV - P1_DEPT_LOV
      Display Null - Yes // changed to Yes, so that it can accept NULL values.
      Null display value - NULL
      Null return value -   (blank)PL\SQL Process -
    v1 number;
    if :P1_DEPTNO is null OR :P1_DEPTNO = '' then
        v1 := 0;
        v1 := :P1_DEPTNO;
    end if;
    // rest of the PL\SQL process
    end;Now, when I run the page and select NULL value from Popup LOV and submit, I get the following error.
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error.When, I select any other value other than NULL, then it's working perfectly fine.
    Only in case of NULL value, I am getting this error.
    ANY idea, why this error is coming??

    Hi Varad,
    I did the following change
    Null display value - (blank) // by default it is displaying '%' in the select this
    Null return value - -1
    but when I select % (null value) from the popup list, it displays the return value -1 in the text field.
    My question is why it is displaying the return value -1 in the text field...*It should display the display value in the text field (i.e blank in this case)*
    then, I did the following change
    Null display value - (blank) // by default it is displaying '%' in the select this
    Null return value - // a single space, so that when I select %(null value) from the list, it should display blank in the text field...
    then I did the following change in the PL\SQL process.
    PL\SQL process
    v1 number;
    if :P1_DEPTNO = ' ' then // -- checking the value of single space ' ' when we select %(null) in the popup list, BUT even I select %(null), control is not coming here.
        v1 := 0;
        v1 := :P1_DEPTNO;
    end if;
    // rest of the PL\SQL process

  • Apex 3.2, How to use an onchange event with Popup Key LOV - it ignores me.

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    Seems simple enough, except that I can't figure out how to make the PopUp respond to onchange events. The default template seems to ignore javascript entered into the attribute fields that work in other form fields. I know this is simple do to for a select list - it works as expected there. A select list is not a good option because of the huge number of possible returned values.
    Even tried a different approach...to register the onchange event using the "addLoadEvent" with this code (this also does not work):
    function setThisUp() {
    var x = document.getElementById('P105_CTR_ID');
    x.onClick = popupLovChanged;
    function popupLovChanged() {
    alert('OMG IT WORKS!');
    If any of you have some advice on how to make onchange work, it would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    For those still looking for a solution.
    I found that you can overwrite the default javascript function passback(x) in the popup lov's template, just add your function in the After Field Text field of the template
    <script> function passBack(x) {
    opener.document.getElementById('P2_PROGRAMME').value = x;
    } </script>
    this is going to populate the 'P2_PROGRAMME' field with selected value, and focus on it.
    in your case, just add the codes you want to run into the passback function.
    hope this helps

  • Popup key LOV

    I have a group of users who are able to remove or reinstate a field called source.
    Active sources are displayed in a report and inactive sources are displayed in another report both are shown on the same page.
    Active sources have a statusflag of 0 while the inactive sources have a statusflag of 1.
    These sources are used as LOV on a form as a popup key LOV.
    When the general user clicks on the popup to pick a LOV, the popup lists all the active and inactive sources.
    How do I have the popup LOV only display the active (or statusflag =0) sources?

    How can I set a column in a tabular form to be a Popup Key LOV?
    I asked the same question here before, but there seems to be some issues in apex concerning tabular forms. This is what I figured out so far:
    1. If you set the column attribute in a tabular form as a Popup LOV, it works, but it doesn't return the display value, but the key value back to the tabular form. On a regular form, a Popup Key LOV returns the display value. The fact that the display value isn't returned, made this solution useless to me.
    2. I tried to define the popup key lov in the query with this syntax: [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10513_01/doc/apirefs.310/e12855/apex_item.htm#CHDHJICI|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E10513_01/doc/apirefs.310/e12855/apex_item.htm#CHDHJICI]. Then the Popup LOV did return the display value, but the Popup LOV for some reason references the wrong row! When you click the hour glass of the second row, the first row is affected, when you click the third row, the second row is affected, etc...
    You could start coding the whole popup behaviour, but for now, as far as I know, there is no possibility to use a Popup Key LOV on a tabular form in Apex. At least not without coding all the update logic yourself.

  • Item "Popup Key LOV" as Tree

    Hi All,
    As in item "Popup Key LOV" to display data as tree?

    A good solution might be to add a new "item" - "Tree Popup Key LOV" in the following versions of APEX?
    I'm creating an application entirely using APEX API, and I can not know in advance what will be "p_tnn" for item.
    if form1.rows_all.FieldValues [ 'mnemonic'] = 'OPERATOR' then
    form1.pagers8.Lines.Add ( 'p_item_default =>''Declare''| | chr (10 )||');
    form1.pagers8.Lines.Add ( '''r_id VArchar2 (150 );''|| chr (10 )||');
    form1.pagers8.Lines.Add ( '''begin''| | chr (10 )||');
    form1.pagers8.Lines.Add ( '''SELECT SURNAME ||''''''''|| NAME ||''''''''|| PATRONYMIC INTO r_id FROM sa_users WHERE ORA_NAME =: app_user;' '| | chr (10 )||');
    form1.pagers8.Lines.Add ( '''return r_id ;''|| chr (10 )||');
    form1.pagers8.Lines.Add ( '''end ;'',');
    form1.pagers8.Lines.Add ( 'p_item_default_type =>''PLSQL_FUNCTION_BODY'',');
    form2.pagers8.Lines.Add(' p_id=>'+items_id+' + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset,');
    form2.pagers8.Lines.Add(' p_flow_id=> wwv_flow.g_flow_id,');
    form2.pagers8.Lines.Add(' p_flow_step_id=> '+inttostr(tab_sequence*10+1+tempi3)+',');
    form2.pagers8.Lines.Add(' p_data_type=> ''VARCHAR'',');
    form2.pagers8.Lines.Add(' p_accept_processing=> ''REPLACE_EXISTING'',');
    end; Thank you for your quick answers!

  • Change the size of and number of rows retrieved in Popup Key LOV

    I have a Page Item of type Popup Key LOV (Displays description, returns key value).
    There are 100+ rows returned but each "page" in the popup window only holds 10, then the user has to click next to see the next 10 rows. Where can I change this setting so that 25 rows are returned per page?
    Also, is there a way to make this popup window wider so that a long string doesn't wrap, but stays on a single row.
    Edited by: mimi_jones on Nov 20, 2009 9:48 AM ADDED: APEX 3.1.1 Oracle 10g

    Go to Shared Components in the Application Builder for your app.
    Go to Templates.
    Go to Popup LOV template.
    The Window section allows you to change the height and width. The Pagination section allows you to change how many entries you see per page.

  • Popup Key LOV - Can you make the text black?

    Hi guys,
    If I use Display as "Popup Key LOV (Displays description, returns key Value)" , this LOV selection produces a text field that is read and has perfect functionality for my application .... if only the text were black instead of grey, which is harder to read.
    I've played around but had no luck. Is there any way of specifying this text as black?

    Did you ever figure out how to fix your problem? I have the same issue.
    In Firefox I can change the text color to red with - style="color:red".
    This has no impact in IE though. I just want to make it look the
    same as the other text on the screen.

  • Popup Key LOV | How to Wrap it, Split it?

    who knows how its possible to make Popup Key LOV page item wrap into multiple lines?
    | Subaru
    xxx 842 |

    Hello Suri,
    To create the Role Key
    In the SPRO CRM - UI Framework - Technical Role Definition - Define Role Configuration Key
    Then to assign the Business Role in the
    In the SPRO CRM - UI Framework - Business Roles - Define Business Role
    The field  for the Role Key is Config Key

  • Delete on key board stopped working. I have been using fn-delete and shift-delete. Any solution to resolve this without having to use fn/shift??

    delete on key board stopped working. I have been using fn-delete and shift-delete. Any solution to resolve this without having to use fn/shift??

    Yes but there's no point doing it here. As the Terms of Use make quite clear this is a User to User forum. It's Users like you talking to other Users. It's not a channel to communicate with Apple.

  • [SOLVED] Thinkpad Fn keys suddenly stopped working

    I'm on ThinkPad Edge 14. For some reason(s) unknown, my Fn keys stopped working after I restarted Arch a few hours ago.
    I've checked the BIOS, everything is fine (no settings unchanged). I tried checking if X (I'm on Gnome 3) can still detect the keys using xev (as outlined here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ex … oard_Keys) and the Fn key is detected as "XF86WakeUp" witht the keycode "151", so at least nothing is wrong with the actual physical button.
    What's more weird is that, I tried booting from another Hard Drive into Ubuntu, and the Fn key also didn't work (it has worked fine previously). What could be causing this?
    EDIT: Even weirder, Fn keys aren't working in Windows as well (I dual boot). BIOS's still unchanged, and this started happening when I was working with Arch, so I'm quite sure this can be fixed through Arch. Problem is, I don't know where to start. How can Arch affect Ubuntu & Windows when I didn't change BIOS?
    Last edited by splatterdash (2011-08-28 22:32:23)

    I found out the problem!
    I tried checking the Lenovo forums about the problem and found this: http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/ThinkPad-Ed … d-p/323077
    Apparently, it's possible that the Fn keys suddenly stopped working for no clear reason. In my case, it happened when I was on Arch, so I thought the problem was with Arch. Anyway, I updated the BIOS from Lenovo's site and everything's working fine now.

Maybe you are looking for