Popup messages for records

Hi Everyone,
Input enabled table can be seen on sap technical.
this table is connected to one ZTABLE in backend. After entering values in the row of input enbled table i want one popup message that so and so record getting updated to ZTABLE whether user enter 1 row or 2 row or 3 row etc  it should give popup message to all records.
Thanx in advance.

Hi john,
             For pop up first create a view with the pop up message which u want to display,
then create another window and embed this view to new window.
then in onaction of update write coding for calling the popup window.
            MODAL               = ABAP_TRUE
            WINDOW_NAME         = 'POPUP_WINDOW'    "window name
            TITLE               =  'TITLE'
           CLOSE_BUTTON        = ABAP_TRUE
           CLOSE_IN_ANY_CASE   = ABAP_TRUE  ).
           BUTTON_TEXT = 'Yes'
           ACTION_NAME = 'YES'
if u want values entered in input field to be displayed in popup, then do context mapping of the node which contains the values to context of popup view.

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    Hi again,
    1. message  in status bar for 3 seconds.
    2. just copy paste
    Report abc.
        percentage = 75
        text       = 'Please Wait....'.
    <b>wait up to 3 seconds.</b>
    amit m.

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    there is no such function in standard, but you can develope it yourself using the user exit
    Userexit is in enhancement MBCF0002 EXIT_SAPMM07M_001
    maintain the text as long text in material master alternative data
    send text with a function module as popup in above mentioned userexit

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    Thank you for your inputs.
    @Udo.... SMQR- no issues.
    The RFC destination is fine.
    @Abhishek The Idoc has not reached SAP. The xml messages in XI are in "Recorded for outbound processing" which is kinda like Scheduled, i think. Anyway I checked the R/3 cant find the messages or errors.
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    What do expect when recording with a seventy-five cent microphone into a two dollar built-in audio chip by a person with little or no audio recording experience?
    Logic cannot perform magic.
    Most users who want good (or even adequate) sound purchase external hardware which means a professional or semi-pro audio interface and at least one good microphone. Then they study or read up on best how to mic an acoustic piano. (and that's just for starters)
    To answer your question, it sounds like it in a tin can because:
    1. Too much room sound causing phase problems. Sound waves are bouncing off different walls, ceiling and reaching the mic at different times and canceling out some frequencies.
    2. Mic placement, it needs to be closer to the piano, preferably the back of the piano. The closer to the piano the mic is the less room sound you will pick up.
    3. The built-in mic isn't helping... obviously.
    You could've used Garageband or any number of free audio programs and gotten the same results.
    Logic is a professional (or was) audio program designed to be the centerpiece of a digital audio studio but it can't make a bad recording sound good... it may be able to improve it a bit but the biggest difference will be made by educating yourself on proper recording techniques and purchasing a decent audio interface and microphone.

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    Thank you
    Best regards

    Dear Manfred
    i think you want to change All condition records of some condition type In NACE , you want to change Date and Time ex:
    Am i right ?
    Yes it is possible in NACE T.code level only
    So here Give What is Your application like V2
    Now click on condition record and Just go to change mode And give application V2 Example
    after this change Date here it will applicable to all condition type what ever in your V2 Application and all condition type
    Apart from This i thing some Function Module May be there but i cant recall
    Please let me know
    Thanks a lot 

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    If you are talking about Safari on the iPad, there is no version of Adobe Flash for iOS and there never has been. Clear Safari, close the app and reset the iPad.
    Go to Settings>Safari>Clear History and Website Data
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    The money you are spending is for iCloud storage. The warning you are getting is in reference to storage on the iPhone. You cannot increase the storage on the iPhone except to delete content on the device. If you want to take more pictures, you need to remove some content from the device to create room on the iPhone.

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    To enable a track choose the track and click on the
    small button icon on the right just under the track
    name. The button will be red when enabled.
    I'm looking for such a button and don't see one. AFAICT the track name is "Male Basic." Near the track name I see three buttons: mute/unmute, solo, and show/hide volume curve. But that's it. To the right of that are the mixer controls, and no other obvious buttons that I can see. What does or should the button look like? And are we both referring to the same version of GB? I'm wondering if a later version of GB has the button, but version 1 doesn't?
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    I've tried to search the forum, but I haven't seen anything on this. That doesn't mean it isn't here, it just means I didn't find it.
    Sorry I forgot: APEX 3.2, Windows 2003 servers; Oracle 11g database. If you need more details, let me know.
    Edited by: dfcii_2 on Sep 1, 2010 5:27 PM

    Good morning Roel,
    The solution you proposed - creating a Region on Page 0 that reads from a table and displays ONLY if the record count in that table is > 0 works PERFECTLY! I tried it out and I get the expected results.
    For anyone else that may wish to try this, what I did was to include a :P0_MSG_COUNT variable and on each of my primary pages (those used most frequently and those refreshed by child pages), I included a process to re-check the table so each time the page was refreshed, if there was a message, it would display.
    Something like this:
    select count(1)
      into :P0_MSG_COUNT
      from MSG_TABLE;I set this procedure to run every time the page is loaded or refreshed. This will check to see if something was posted after the user logged into the application.

  • How to ignore the popup message in TCD mode

    Hi All,
    I'm relatively new to all this. Could anyone kindly show me how to ignore those pop up message (which requires click 'yes' 'no') during the TCD recording and replay?
    The trouble I'm having at the moment is that depending on the effective start date, transaction asks either:
    1) Do you want to delimit the existing record in popup window
    2) Do you want to delete the existing record in popup window
    3) record created - no popup
    What I want to achieve is that regardless of any of these messages, I still want the transaction to complete and having data updated.
    Many thanks in advance.

    You can Ignore the message if the message is of following types:
    If no message type is given for the rule with this mode in column MSGTYP, all application log messages are ignored.
    If a particular message type (A, E, I, S, W, X) is specified, application log messages with exactly this type are ignored. If you want several message types (but not all) to be ignored, specify several rules with this mode and the message type to be ignored in each case
    Please refer the below link:
    Hope the data was useful

  • Popup messages

        I have created a screen where a new entry will be made..
    After entering the details whn user clicks the submit button a popup message want to displayed in the other users system..
    If there are 5 users in the company..If one user enters a record means a message want to popup in the other 4 users screen..
    How it is possible..

    For setting system messages, the transaction SM02 is used by the administrator. In the background, the transaction supposedly triggers FM SM02_ADD_MESSAGE.
    (You can find more related function modules from function group SM02)
    You can call this function module from your program and pass the suitable parameters. Ensure all the parameters are properly set e.g. delete time so that the messages appear only for sometime.
    Edited by: Aditya Laud on Feb 11, 2008 2:04 AM

  • Handling popups in bdc recording

    I am doing bdc recording for a transaction, and there is a popup screen to be handled by the user, but when i am doing recording it is not recording the popup menus. can you please tel me how i can handle popups in BDC recording.
    It is very urgent.
    Thank you.

    Hi Ameen,
    Award points if useful...
    Step by Step approach to ceate simple BDC session program using reusable template.
    This step by step approach can be used to create a Simple BDC program i.e for a transaction which does not have any table control / looping at screen table. The same can also be enhanced to develop a program for transactions involving table controls .
    1. Create a new program as executable program using SE38 transaction code.
    2. Copy the following template code into your program .
    ---- Start of Template -
    DATA : BEGIN OF t_upload,
    END OF t_upload.
    *--- Tables
    DATA : BEGIN OF i_bdcdata OCCURS 0."to hold the transaction record
    DATA: END OF i_bdcdata.
    DATA: i_upload LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF t_upload," to hold file data.
    i_upload1 LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF t_upload." to hold file data.
    *--- Work Areas
    DATA: wa_upload2 LIKE t_upload,
    wa_upload LIKE t_upload,
    wa_upload1 LIKE t_upload.
    *--- Variables
    DATA: v_count1(4) TYPE n,
    v_error TYPE c,
    v_field(21) TYPE c,
    v_message(60) type 'C'.
    DATA: c_open TYPE c VALUE '(',
    c_close TYPE c VALUE ')',
    c_x TYPE c VALUE 'X'.
    refresh : i_upload , i_upload1 ,i_bdcdata.
    -------Selection Screen Design -
    *Selection screen for input of upload file address
    PARAMETERS : p_file LIKE rlgrap-filename OBLIGATORY.
    *--For popup to select file.
    PERFORM give_help.
    *--Data upload using WS_Upload.
    PERFORM get_data.
    PERFORM open_group.
    *--Insert transactions using BDCDATA table in the session.
    PERFORM do_transaction .
    *-- Close the session.
    PERFORM close_group.
    *& Form f_get_data
    For data upload from external file.
    FORM get_data.
    filename = p_file
    filetype = 'DAT'
    data_tab = i_upload
    conversion_error = 1
    file_open_error = 2
    file_read_error = 3
    invalid_type = 4
    no_batch = 5
    unknown_error = 6
    invalid_table_width = 7
    gui_refuse_filetransfer = 8
    customer_error = 9
    OTHERS = 10.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM. " f_get_data
    *& Form F_open_group
    To open session in session management.
    FORM open_group.
    v_session = 'TCODE'.
    client = sy-mandt
    group = v_session
    user = sy-uname
    keep = 'X'.
    ENDFORM. " F_open_group
    *& Form f_do_transaction
    Insert transactions in session after passing values to BDCDATA
    FORM do_transaction.
    LOOP AT i_upload INTO wa_upload .
    *---- insert your generated codes from recording at SHDB here
    *----- insertion ends
    perform bdc_transaction using 'TCODE'.
    ENDFORM. " f_do_transaction
    *& Form bdc_dynpro
    For appending screen details to BDCDATA
    FORM bdc_dynpro USING program dynpro.
    CLEAR i_bdcdata.
    i_bdcdata-program = program.
    i_bdcdata-dynpro = dynpro.
    i_bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
    APPEND i_bdcdata.
    CLEAR i_bdcdata.
    ENDFORM. "bdc_dynpro
    *& Form bdc_field
    For appending field details to bdcdata table
    FORM bdc_field USING fnam fval.
    CLEAR i_bdcdata.
    i_bdcdata-fnam = fnam.
    i_bdcdata-fval = fval.
    APPEND i_bdcdata.
    CLEAR i_bdcdata.
    ENDFORM. " bdc_field
    *& Form bdc_transaction
    For inserting Transaction in the session
    FORM bdc_transaction USING tcode.
    tcode = tcode
    dynprotab = i_bdcdata.
    ENDFORM. " bdc_transaction
    *& Form F_close_group
    For closing the session created in Session manager SM35
    FORM close_group.
    concatenate 'Session ' v_session 'successfully created' into v_field.
    MESSAGE v_field type 'I'..
    ENDFORM. "f_close_group
    *& Form f_give_help
    For user help to select file
    FORM give_help.
    mask = ',.,..'
    mode = 'O'
    filename = p_file
    inv_winsys = 1
    no_batch = 2
    selection_cancel = 3
    selection_error = 4
    OTHERS = 5.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0 AND NOT sy-msgty IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM. " f_give_help
    ---- End of Template -
    3.Go to the transaction SHDB in another session ( you can also give TCODE - OSHDB in transaction code window and hit enter ).
    4.Create you transaction recording in SHDB . Ensure your transaction recording takes care of input values to all the
    fields to which you intend to pass values in the BDC.
    5.Once your recording is done correctly create the program from recording in the SHDB transction . You will find the button to create program in SHDB . Choose the option of creating from file when you proceed through the subsequent steps.
    6. Define data type t_upload and structure wa_upload in the template program with fields of structure 'RECORD' from the program generated using SHDB recording ( replace the field1, field2 and so on as per your requirement). For your understanding you can remove the suffixes to the
    field name but keep the field size unchanged.
    7.Copy the coding existing between 'do' and 'enddo' statement from the generated program . Insert the copied code between the loop and endloop code of form 'Do_transaction '. Replace fields of structure 'RECORD' with respective fields of structure wa_upload.Insert constant values wherever possible in transaction recording.You can also handle customised data conversions here.
    8.Replace 'TCODE' in the template program with the transaction code you intend to process in this BDC.
    9.Please carry out further syntax check and resolve the related issues.
    This program will provide for input help to select upload file from local machine. The file needs to be in Tab delimited format and is assumed to have first row as column headers .
    On successful creation of session you will be prompted with a Information popup giving the name of session ,and will take you to the SM35 transaction to process your session.

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