POPUP WINDOW generation

i'd like to generate a popup window, much like how on apple's
website, the close-up pictures pop up (
or something similar. basically, i'd like my viewer to be able to
click on a small picture and have a bigger picture pop up in its
own window, w/ a close or X button. is that possible through the
"getURL" action script? i reckon that this AS only applies to URLs.
any direct help or link to a good source site would help.
thanks a million!!!

i always just make mine in flash. create a background that is
the same size as your stage. then turn it into a movieclip with a
blank first frame and a stop. make it like 20 frames. the first 10
for the popup window in animation and 10 for the out.
when a thumbnail is clicked it sets a variable equal to the
link of the image. when the popup gets to frame 10 you have code
there that takes that link and loads the image.
make a close button that goes to the 11 frame and plays.
i usually make the actions layer go like this.
frame 1 = stop();
frame 2 = "in";
frame 10 = stop(); and other code for loading an image.
frame 11 = "out"
frame 20 = nothing, let it loop around to the first frame
where a stop is and it is totally blank.
make sure this is on a layer that is higher than everything

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  • Need help with a popup window problem

    I have this code within my certAppB.js page :
    function AppSubmit() {
         str1 = "Submitting this form will begin the approval process.";
         str2 = "You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again.";
         str3 = "Do you want to continue submitting this form?";
         if((confirm(str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3))){
    Which produces a popup windows that says:
    Submitting this form will begin the approval process
    You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again
    Do you want to continue submitting this form?
    OK Cancel (these are 2 buttons)
    I want to change this to say:
    Submitting this form will begin the approval process. You will not be able to change this form once submitted. You also agree that the following statement is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief:
    "I, [User Name], hereby certify and state on behalf of [Company Name] that the energy use data contained on this form are accurately determined and stated in accordance with federal test procedures set forth in 10 CFR Part 430 or 431, or 42U.S.C.�6314, as applicable, including authorized waivers, as they currently exist on [Date]."
    Do you want to continue submitting this form?
    OK           Cancel
    So I have to pull the users [User Name], [Company Name], and the [Date].
    On the approverView.jsp login page ( which is the first login page users see after loggin) it shows
    the users full name, so I nabbed the code from that page:
    <jsp:include page="logo.jsp" />
    <jsp:include page="unav-navigate.jsp" />
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="info">
    <td width="25%" valign="top">
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="welcome">Welcome
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    <span class="sm">If you are not this person, please click <html:link styleClass="norm" href="/fake_name/logoff.do">here</html:link>.</span></td>
    <td width="2%"> </td>
    <td width="73%" valign="top"><jsp:include page="instruction.jsp" /></td>
    and made this code out of it to pull the username,companyname:
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="User"> User
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="Company">Company
         <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.companyName" scope="session"/>
    This is the userView.java page that is referanced :
    * Created on Mar 28, 2003
    * To change this generated comment go to
    * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code Template
    package org.fake.name.view;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.gama.cafs.businessobjects.TorqueDb;
    * @author chris
    public class UserView implements Serializable {
         private int userId;
         private int memberId;
         private int companyId;
         private String role;
         private String firstName;
         private String lastName;
         private String companyTitle;
         private String emailAddress;
         private String phoneNumber;
         private String companyName;
         private String address1;
         private String address2;
         private String address3;
         private String city;
         private String state;
         private String province;
         private String postalCode;
         private String countryName;
         private List productTypes = null;
         private List productTypeAcronyms = null;
         private List productTypeIds = null;
         private List tradeNameIds = null;
         private List tradeNames = null;
         private TorqueDb torqueDb = null;
         public UserView() { }
         * @return String
         public String getAddress1() {
              return address1;
         * @return String
         public String getAddress2() {
              return address2;
         * @return String
         public String getAddress3() {
              return address3;
         * @return String
         public String getCity() {
              return city;
         * @return String
         public String getCompanyName() {
              return companyName;
         * @return String
         public String getCompanyTitle() {
              return companyTitle;
         * @return String
         public String getCountryName() {
              return countryName;
         * @return String
         public String getEmailAddress() {
              return emailAddress;
         * @return String
         public String getFirstName() {
              return firstName;
         * @return String
         public String getLastName() {
              return lastName;
         * @return int
         public int getMemberId() {
              return memberId;
         * @return String
         public String getPhoneNumber() {
              return phoneNumber;
         * @return String
         public String getPostalCode() {
              return postalCode;
         * @return Set
         public List getProductTypes() {
              return productTypes;
         * @return String
         public String getProvince() {
              return province;
         * @return String
         public String getRole() {
              return role;
         * @return String
         public String getState() {
              return state;
         * @return int
         public int getUserId() {
              return userId;
         * Sets the address1.
         * @param address1 The address1 to set
         public void setAddress1(String address1) {
              this.address1 = trimString(address1);
         * Sets the address2.
         * @param address2 The address2 to set
         public void setAddress2(String address2) {
              this.address2 = trimString(address2);
         * Sets the address3.
         * @param address3 The address3 to set
         public void setAddress3(String address3) {
              this.address3 = trimString(address3);
         * Sets the city.
         * @param city The city to set
         public void setCity(String city) {
              this.city = trimString(city);
         * Sets the companyName.
         * @param companyName The companyName to set
         public void setCompanyName(String companyName) {
              this.companyName = trimString(companyName);
         * Sets the companyTitle.
         * @param companyTitle The companyTitle to set
         public void setCompanyTitle(String companyTitle) {
              this.companyTitle = trimString(companyTitle);
         * Sets the countryName.
         * @param countryName The countryName to set
         public void setCountryName(String countryName) {
              this.countryName = trimString(countryName);
         * Sets the emailAddress.
         * @param emailAddress The emailAddress to set
         public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {
              this.emailAddress = trimString(emailAddress);
         * Sets the firstName.
         * @param firstName The firstName to set
         public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
              this.firstName = trimString(firstName);
         * Sets the lastName.
         * @param lastName The lastName to set
         public void setLastName(String lastName) {
              this.lastName = trimString(lastName);
         * Sets the memberId.
         * @param memberId The memberId to set
         public void setMemberId(int memberId) {
              this.memberId = memberId;
         * Sets the phoneNumber.
         * @param phoneNumber The phoneNumber to set
         public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
              this.phoneNumber = trimString(phoneNumber);
         * Sets the postalCode.
         * @param postalCode The postalCode to set
         public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) {
              this.postalCode = trimString(postalCode);
         * Sets the productTypes.
         * @param productTypes The productTypes to set
         public void setProductTypes(List productTypes) {
              this.productTypes = productTypes;
         * Sets the province.
         * @param province The province to set
         public void setProvince(String province) {
              this.province = trimString(province);
         * Sets the role.
         * @param role The role to set
         public void setRole(String role) {
              this.role = trimString(role);
         * Sets the state.
         * @param state The state to set
         public void setState(String state) {
              this.state = trimString(state);
         * Sets the userId.
         * @param userId The userId to set
         public void setUserId(int userId) {
              this.userId = userId;
         * @return List
         public List getProductTypeAcronyms() {
              return productTypeAcronyms;
         * Sets the productTypeIds.
         * @param productTypeIds The productTypeIds to set
         public void setProductTypeAcronyms(List productTypeAcronyms) {
              this.productTypeAcronyms = productTypeAcronyms;
         public List getProductTypeIds() {
              return productTypeIds;
         public void setProductTypeIds(List productTypeIds) {
              this.productTypeIds = productTypeIds;
         private String trimString(String str) {
              String tmp = null;
              if (str != null)
                   tmp = str.trim();
                   tmp = str;
              return tmp;
         public List getTradeNameIds() {
              return tradeNameIds;
         public List getTradeNames() {
              return tradeNames;
         public void setTradeNameIds(List list) {
              tradeNameIds = list;
         public void setTradeNames(List list) {
              tradeNames = list;
         public TorqueDb getTorqueDb() {
              return torqueDb;
         public void setTorqueDb(TorqueDb db) {
              torqueDb = db;
         public int getCompanyId() {
              return companyId;
         public void setCompanyId(int i) {
              companyId = i;
    How do I insert the code I assembled:
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="User"> User
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="Company">Company
         <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.companyName" scope="session"/>
    INTO the function:
    function AppSubmit() {
         str1 = "Submitting this form will begin the approval process.";
         str2 = "You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again.";
         str3 = "Do you want to continue submitting this form?";
         if((confirm(str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3))){
    So that the popup window will show the [username], [CompanyName], [Date]. I can�t find any doc�s on how to insert logic into a function with str�s.
    Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    Applications used by me: Sun solaris 8 server, Tomcat 4.1.24, pulling from postgresql 7.3, and I edit in Eclipse 2.11.

    These two tags:
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    surround things you only want to happen if there is a userView object present.
    This tag:
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    is replaced with the value of userView.getFirstName().
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="User"> User
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    User Jim Steinberger !
    if the userView object is present and firstName == Jim and lastName == Steinberger.
    To insert those values into your JavaScript function:
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    function AppSubmit() {
    str1 = "Submitting this form will begin the approval process.";
    str2 = "You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again.";
    str3 = "You also agree that the following statement is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief:";
    str4 = "";
    str5 = "I, <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>, hereby certify and state on behalf of <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.companyName" scope="session"/> that the energy use data contained on this form are accurately determined and stated in accordance with federal test procedures set forth in 10 CFR Part 430 or 431, or 42U.S.C.?6314, as applicable, including authorized waivers, as they currently exist on " + new Date().getDate() + "/" + new Date().getMonth() + "/" + new Date().getFullYear() + ".";
    str6 = "Do you want to continue submitting this form?";
    if((confirm( str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3 + "\n\n\n" + str4 + "\n" + str5 + "\n" + str6 ))){
    Should become:
    function AppSubmit() {
    str1 = "Submitting this form will begin the approval process.";
    str2 = "You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again.";
    str3 = "You also agree that the following statement is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief:";
    str4 = "I, Jim Steinberger, hereby certify and state on behalf of Dynamic Edge, Inc. that the energy use data contained on this form are accurately determined and stated in accordance with federal test procedures set forth in 10 CFR Part 430 or 431, or 42U.S.C.?6314, as applicable, including authorized waivers, as they currently exist on " + new Date().getDate() + "/" + new Date().getMonth() + "/" + new Date().getFullYear() + ".";
    str6 = "Do you want to continue submitting this form?";
    if((confirm( str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3 + "\n\n" + str4 + "\n" + str5 + "\n\n" + str6 ))){
    after being processed by Tomcat and Struts. (Note: the function will not appear if userView is missing)
    By the way, you might be missing the closing bracket to function AppSubmit() { which might throw a JavaScript error. Just FYI :)
    Good luck!
    Jim Steinberger
    [email protected]

  • Can I launch a new JSP on a popup window, when cliking a HTMLB button ?

    Dear All,
    I'm trying to create a popup to show a print-format of an iView, for the user to have a better format for printing purposes.
    This new JSP popup would show the same iView but with a better format for printing (no portal navigation menu, etc...)
    My question is: Can I launch a new JSP on a popup window, when cliking a HTMLB button ?
    Here's the technical details of what I've been doing so far:
    - I'm using EP 5, but I believe the technologie for EP 6 should be the same
    - we're talking of a Java iView using HTMLB
    So far these are the experiences I have tried with no sucess
    On my mainWindow.jsp I have this piece of code, but it doesn't work:
    ResourceBundle res = componentRequest.getResourceBundle();
    IResource rs = componentRequest.getResource(IResource.JSP, "printFormat.jsp");
    String JSP_URL = rs.getResourceInformation().getURL(componentRequest);
      text="Print Format"
    <script language="Javascript">
    function showPopup(){
    mywindow = window.open ("<%=JSP_URL %>","mywindow","location=0,status=1, menubar=1, scrollbars=1, scrollbars=1, menubar=1,
    resizable=1, width=600,height=400");
    Thank you very kindly for your help.

    Hi Kiran,
    sorry for the late reply.
    Thank you so much for your JAR file.
    Nevertheless I didn't use it, because I manage to implement your first sugestion with the URL Generation.
    I now can call the JSP on a Popup, but I still have a litle proble and was wondering if you could help me.
    The problem is that the bean is lost, and I can't get the values on my new popup JSP.
    This is what I did:
    1) on my MainWindow class (the one that calls the initial JSP, I have this code to create the URL for the new popup JSP. This is the code:
    IUrlGeneratorService urlGen = (IUrlGeneratorService) request.getService(IUrlGeneratorService.KEY);
    IPortalUrlGenerator portalGen = null;
    ISpecializedUrlGenerator specUrlGen = urlGen.getSpecializedUrlGenerator(IPortalUrlGenerator.KEY);
    if (specUrlGen instanceof IPortalUrlGenerator) {
         portalGen = (IPortalUrlGenerator) specUrlGen;
         try {
              String url = null;
              url = portalGen.generatePortalComponentUrl(request, "Forum_IS.popvalues");
         } catch (NullPointerException e) {
              log.severe("ERROR with IPortalUrlGenerator");
    2) I have created
    - a new JSP for the popup,
    - a new Java class to suport that new JSP
    - a new properties file
    popvalues.properties with the following code:
    ServicesReference=htmlb, usermanagement, knowledgemanagement, landscape, urlgenerator
    MyPop is the new class that is associated with the new JSP popup.
    The problem now is that the bean was lost.
    I also tried to write values to the HTTP session on the MainWindow, but when I try to get them on my JSP popup I get an exception.
    How can I pass the values (or beans) to my new popup JSP ?
    Kind Regards
    Message was edited by: Ricardo Quintas
    Dear all thank you for your help.
    I have managed to solve the problem I had.
    Here's the problem + solution sumary.
    I have to remind you that we are talking of EP 5, PDK 5 (Eclipse version 2.1.0), with JAVA JDK 1.3.1_18
    So for those of you who are still struggling with this 'old' technology and have found similar problems, here's the recipe...
    I had a problem with launching a new JSP when clicking a HTMLb button.
    I wanted to create a JSP to present a 'print-format' of an iView.
    This new popup should present data in a simple format, and for that to happen it should use the same bean used by the 'parent' iView
    To create the new JSP popup I did the following:
    1) Create the PopWindow.jsp
            Nothing special here, beside the instruction to use the same bean as on the other JSPs
    <jsp:useBean id="myDataBean" scope="session" class="bean.DataBean" />
       2) Create the associated JAVA class
    MyPop.java.      This class will be used to call the PopWindow.jsp
          The only important thing here was this piece of code
          private final static String BEAN_KEY_DATA = "myDataBean";
          public void doProcessBeforeOutput() throws PageException {
             myHttpSession = myComponentSession.getHttpSession();
             myDataBean = (DataBean) myHttpSession.getAttribute(BEAN_KEY_DATA);
             myComponentSession.putValue(BEAN_KEY_DATA, myDataBean);
          Here you can see that I'm doing 2 diferent things:
          a) get the bean from the HttpSession
          b) and then kick it back again, but this time into this component session
       3) Created a new properties file
    popvalues.properties.      This file contains the follwing code:
          Contrary to some opinions on this discussion,
    you can't call a component in EP 5 by using ComponentName.JSPname.
    Or at least that didn't work for me.
    You nee to use an aproach like this one ComponentName.NewProperiesFileName
    4) On my main class MainClass.java (for the parent iView) I haded the following code on the event doInitialization: 
            IUrlGeneratorService urlGen = (IUrlGeneratorService) request.getService(IUrlGeneratorService.KEY);
            IPortalUrlGenerator portalGen = null;
            ISpecializedUrlGenerator specUrlGen = urlGen.getSpecializedUrlGenerator(IPortalUrlGenerator.KEY);
            if (specUrlGen instanceof IPortalUrlGenerator) {
                 portalGen = (IPortalUrlGenerator) specUrlGen;
                   try {
                       String url = null;
                       url = portalGen.generatePortalComponentUrl(request, "MyMainApplication.popvalues");
                       } catch (NullPointerException e) {
          The idea here was to build dinamicaly a URL to call the popup.
          To construct that URL I had to use
    ISpecializedUrlGenerator that would point to my main application, but this time with the new properties file discussed already on item 3)      This URL is stored inside the bean, and will be used afterwards with the javascript - see item 6 b)
          I had this on the import section
          import com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.urlgenerator.IUrlGeneratorService;
          import com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.urlgenerator.specialized.IPortalUrlGenerator;
          import com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.urlgenerator.specialized.ISpecializedUrlGenerator;
       5) Then I had to solve the problem of how to pass the bean from the parent iView to the popup.
          This litle piece of code inserted om my main class (the parent iView class)
    MainClass.java solved the problem: 
          import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
          request = (IPortalComponentRequest) getRequest();
          session = request.getComponentSession();
          session.putValue(BEAN_KEY_DATA, myDataBean);
          myHttpSession = session.getHttpSession();
          myHttpSession.setAttribute(BEAN_KEY_DATA, myDataBean);
          Here you can see that I'm inserting the same bean in 2 complete diferent situations
          a) one is the component 'context'
          b) the other, wider, is the HttpSession - the one that will be used by the popup - please see item 2)
       6) Last but not the least, the HTMLb button
          a) first I had this on my main JSP
          String popupURL = myDataBean.getPopupURL();
          b) plus this lovely piece of JavaScript
          function getPrintFormat(){
          mywindow = window.open ("<%=popupURL%>","mywindow","location=0,status=1, menubar=1, scrollbars=1, scrollbars=1, menubar=1, resizable=1, width=600,height=400");
          c) the HTMLb button was created like this
             text="Formato para Impressão"
           As you can see there's no event catch or call to the server. The only thing to consider is a call to the JavaScript function
           Está todo lá dentro.
           That's all there is to it.

  • Popup window in  servlets

    hi all,
    i have a problem.i have a servlet which generates a loginpage on which i have the username textbox and the password textbox and two buttons , "login" and "New User".when the user clicks on the "NewUser" a registration form will be opened where u have userid and password along with all the other general details . here in case the user enters a userid that is alredy existing in my user table then , on the same screen itself i want to give a alert message box , or a popup window saying "userid already existing , please try a new one". so how do i do it ? the servlet which generates the registration page is given below:
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.io.*;
    public class Register extends HttpServlet
         JdbcConnection connect=new JdbcConnection();
         OsbBean osbbean=new OsbBean();
         public void doPost (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException , IOException
              PrintWriter out=res.getWriter();
              Connection con=connect.getConnection();
              Statement stmt=connect.getStatement();
              ResultSet rs=null;
              String fromloginpg=req.getParameter("myregister");
              if(null!=fromloginpg && fromloginpg.equals("calling from loginpg"))
                   String registerdone=req.getParameter("btn_registerdone");
                   out.println("<title>Welcome To Online Stock Market</title>");
                   out.println("<font size='+1' color='#800000'><b>Please Enter Your Details</b></font>");
                   out.println("<form method=post action=''>");
                   out.println("<table align='center' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='70%'>");
                   out.println("<td>Full Name</td>");
                   out.println("<td><input type='text' name='text_username' size='20'></td>");
                   out.println("<td><input type='password' name='text_password' size='20'></td>");
                   out.println("<td><input type='text' name='text_job' size='20'></td>");
                   out.println("<td><input type='text' name='text_citystate' size='20'></td>");
                   out.println("<td>Zip Code</td>");
                   out.println(" <td><input type='text' name='text_zipcode' size='20'></td>");
                   out.println("<td>Creditcard Number</td>");
                   out.println("<td><input type='text' name='text_creditcard' size='20'></td>");
                   out.println("<td><input type='text' name='text_email' size='20'></td>");
                   out.println("<p align='center'><input align='center' name='btn_registerdone' type='submit' value='Done' ></p>");
              if(null!=registerdone && registerdone.equals("Done"))
                   int zip1=0;
                   long creditcard1=0;
                   int userid=0;
                   String username=req.getParameter("text_username");
                   String userpwd=req.getParameter("text_password");
                   String job=req.getParameter("text_job");
                   String citystate=req.getParameter("text_citystate");
                   String zip=req.getParameter("text_zipcode");
                   catch(NumberFormatException e) {
                        out.println(" numberformatexception in registeruser");
                        System.out.println("register user , zip problem");}
                   String creditcard=req.getParameter("text_creditcard");
                   catch(NumberFormatException e) {
                        out.println(" numberformatexception in registeruser");
                        System.out.println("register user , int problem");}
                   String emailid=req.getParameter("text_email");
                   osbbean.registerUser(username, userid, userpwd, job, citystate, zip1, emailid, creditcard1);
         public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)throws ServletException, IOException
              doPost(req, res);
    please help me out
    thanks in advance

    First, break the actual registration out into a seperate method (something like):
    private boolean registerUser( HttpServletRequest req )
        Connection con=connect.getConnection();
        int zip1=0;
        long creditcard1=0;
        int userid=0;
        String username=req.getParameter("text_username");
        String userpwd=req.getParameter("text_password");
        String job=req.getParameter("text_job");
        String citystate=req.getParameter("text_citystate");
        String zip=req.getParameter("text_zipcode");
        catch(NumberFormatException e)
            out.println(" numberformatexception in registeruser");
            System.out.println("register user , zip problem");
        String creditcard=req.getParameter("text_creditcard");
        catch(NumberFormatException e)
            out.println(" numberformatexception in registeruser");
            System.out.println("register user , int problem");
        String emailid=req.getParameter("text_email");
        // See if username exists prior to insert.
        PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(
            "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ... WHERE username = ?"
        ps.setString( 1, username );
        ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
        // if the result of the query is a count greater than 0
        //    then the username already exists
        if (rs.getInt(1) > 0)
            return false;
        // otherwise, username doesn't exist
        osbbean.registerUser(username, userid, userpwd, job, citystate, zip1, emailid, creditcard1);
        return true;
    }Then in the page generation, do the following (modifying doPost):
    public void doPost (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
    throws ServletException , IOException
        PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
        String errMsg = "";
        String fromloginpg = req.getParameter("myregister");
        if ("calling from loginpg".equals(fromloginpg))
            String registerdone = req.getParameter("btn_registerdone");
            if ("Done".equals(registerdone))
                if (!registerUser(req))
                    errMsg = "userid already existing , please try a new one";
        out.println("<table align='center' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='70%'>");
        if (!errMsg.equals(""))
            out.println( "<tr><td colspan=2>" + errMsg + "<td><tr>" );
    }If you really want a "popup box", then remove the conditional print of the error msg into the HTML table, and right after the open BODY tag add a dynamically generated JavaScript alert statement:if (!errMsg.equals(""))
        out.println( "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>" );
        out.println( "alert( ' " + errMsg + " ' )" );
        out.println( "</SCRIPT>" );

  • Popup window problem in tomcat

    I have this code within my certAppB.js page :
    function AppSubmit() {
         str1 = "Submitting this form will begin the approval process.";
         str2 = "You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again.";
         str3 = "Do you want to continue submitting this form?";
         if((confirm(str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3))){
    Which produces a popup windows that says:
    Submitting this form will begin the approval process
    You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again
    Do you want to continue submitting this form?
    OK Cancel (these are 2 buttons)
    I want to change this to say:
    Submitting this form will begin the approval process. You will not be able to change this form once submitted. You also agree that the following statement is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief:
    "I, [User Name], hereby certify and state on behalf of [Company Name] that the energy use data contained on this form are accurately determined and stated in accordance with federal test procedures set forth in 10 CFR Part 430 or 431, or 42U.S.C.�6314, as applicable, including authorized waivers, as they currently exist on [Date]."
    Do you want to continue submitting this form?
    OK           Cancel
    So I have to pull the users [User Name], [Company Name], and the [Date].
    On the approverView.jsp login page ( which is the first login page users see after loggin) it shows
    the users full name, so I nabbed the code from that page:
    <jsp:include page="logo.jsp" />
    <jsp:include page="unav-navigate.jsp" />
    <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="info">
    <td width="25%" valign="top">
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="welcome">Welcome
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    <span class="sm">If you are not this person, please click <html:link styleClass="norm" href="/fake_name/logoff.do">here</html:link>.</span></td>
    <td width="2%"> </td>
    <td width="73%" valign="top"><jsp:include page="instruction.jsp" /></td>
    and made this code out of it to pull the username,companyname:
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="User"> User
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="Company">Company
         <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.companyName" scope="session"/>
    This is the userView.java page that is referanced :
    * Created on Mar 28, 2003
    * To change this generated comment go to
    * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code Template
    package org.fake.name.view;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.gama.cafs.businessobjects.TorqueDb;
    * @author chris
    public class UserView implements Serializable {
         private int userId;
         private int memberId;
         private int companyId;
         private String role;
         private String firstName;
         private String lastName;
         private String companyTitle;
         private String emailAddress;
         private String phoneNumber;
         private String companyName;
         private String address1;
         private String address2;
         private String address3;
         private String city;
         private String state;
         private String province;
         private String postalCode;
         private String countryName;
         private List productTypes = null;
         private List productTypeAcronyms = null;
         private List productTypeIds = null;
         private List tradeNameIds = null;
         private List tradeNames = null;
         private TorqueDb torqueDb = null;
         public UserView() { }
         * @return String
         public String getAddress1() {
              return address1;
         * @return String
         public String getAddress2() {
              return address2;
         * @return String
         public String getAddress3() {
              return address3;
         * @return String
         public String getCity() {
              return city;
         * @return String
         public String getCompanyName() {
              return companyName;
         * @return String
         public String getCompanyTitle() {
              return companyTitle;
         * @return String
         public String getCountryName() {
              return countryName;
         * @return String
         public String getEmailAddress() {
              return emailAddress;
         * @return String
         public String getFirstName() {
              return firstName;
         * @return String
         public String getLastName() {
              return lastName;
         * @return int
         public int getMemberId() {
              return memberId;
         * @return String
         public String getPhoneNumber() {
              return phoneNumber;
         * @return String
         public String getPostalCode() {
              return postalCode;
         * @return Set
         public List getProductTypes() {
              return productTypes;
         * @return String
         public String getProvince() {
              return province;
         * @return String
         public String getRole() {
              return role;
         * @return String
         public String getState() {
              return state;
         * @return int
         public int getUserId() {
              return userId;
         * Sets the address1.
         * @param address1 The address1 to set
         public void setAddress1(String address1) {
              this.address1 = trimString(address1);
         * Sets the address2.
         * @param address2 The address2 to set
         public void setAddress2(String address2) {
              this.address2 = trimString(address2);
         * Sets the address3.
         * @param address3 The address3 to set
         public void setAddress3(String address3) {
              this.address3 = trimString(address3);
         * Sets the city.
         * @param city The city to set
         public void setCity(String city) {
              this.city = trimString(city);
         * Sets the companyName.
         * @param companyName The companyName to set
         public void setCompanyName(String companyName) {
              this.companyName = trimString(companyName);
         * Sets the companyTitle.
         * @param companyTitle The companyTitle to set
         public void setCompanyTitle(String companyTitle) {
              this.companyTitle = trimString(companyTitle);
         * Sets the countryName.
         * @param countryName The countryName to set
         public void setCountryName(String countryName) {
              this.countryName = trimString(countryName);
         * Sets the emailAddress.
         * @param emailAddress The emailAddress to set
         public void setEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {
              this.emailAddress = trimString(emailAddress);
         * Sets the firstName.
         * @param firstName The firstName to set
         public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
              this.firstName = trimString(firstName);
         * Sets the lastName.
         * @param lastName The lastName to set
         public void setLastName(String lastName) {
              this.lastName = trimString(lastName);
         * Sets the memberId.
         * @param memberId The memberId to set
         public void setMemberId(int memberId) {
              this.memberId = memberId;
         * Sets the phoneNumber.
         * @param phoneNumber The phoneNumber to set
         public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
              this.phoneNumber = trimString(phoneNumber);
         * Sets the postalCode.
         * @param postalCode The postalCode to set
         public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) {
              this.postalCode = trimString(postalCode);
         * Sets the productTypes.
         * @param productTypes The productTypes to set
         public void setProductTypes(List productTypes) {
              this.productTypes = productTypes;
         * Sets the province.
         * @param province The province to set
         public void setProvince(String province) {
              this.province = trimString(province);
         * Sets the role.
         * @param role The role to set
         public void setRole(String role) {
              this.role = trimString(role);
         * Sets the state.
         * @param state The state to set
         public void setState(String state) {
              this.state = trimString(state);
         * Sets the userId.
         * @param userId The userId to set
         public void setUserId(int userId) {
              this.userId = userId;
         * @return List
         public List getProductTypeAcronyms() {
              return productTypeAcronyms;
         * Sets the productTypeIds.
         * @param productTypeIds The productTypeIds to set
         public void setProductTypeAcronyms(List productTypeAcronyms) {
              this.productTypeAcronyms = productTypeAcronyms;
         public List getProductTypeIds() {
              return productTypeIds;
         public void setProductTypeIds(List productTypeIds) {
              this.productTypeIds = productTypeIds;
         private String trimString(String str) {
              String tmp = null;
              if (str != null)
                   tmp = str.trim();
                   tmp = str;
              return tmp;
         public List getTradeNameIds() {
              return tradeNameIds;
         public List getTradeNames() {
              return tradeNames;
         public void setTradeNameIds(List list) {
              tradeNameIds = list;
         public void setTradeNames(List list) {
              tradeNames = list;
         public TorqueDb getTorqueDb() {
              return torqueDb;
         public void setTorqueDb(TorqueDb db) {
              torqueDb = db;
         public int getCompanyId() {
              return companyId;
         public void setCompanyId(int i) {
              companyId = i;
    How do I insert the code I assembled:
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="User"> User
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/>
    <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.lastName" scope="session"/>
    <logic:present name="UserContainer" property="userView" scope="session">
    <span class="Company">Company
         <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.companyName" scope="session"/>
    INTO the function:
    function AppSubmit() {
         str1 = "Submitting this form will begin the approval process.";
         str2 = "You will not be able to come back to this form to edit it again.";
         str3 = "Do you want to continue submitting this form?";
         if((confirm(str1 + "\n" + str2 + "\n" + str3))){
    So that the popup window will show the [username], [CompanyName], [Date]. I can�t find any doc�s on how to insert logic into a function with str�s.
    Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    Applications used by me: Sun solaris 8 server, Tomcat 4.1.24, pulling from postgresql 7.3, and I edit in Eclipse 2.11.

    if the user info is in a bean, you can write it out:
    function AppSubmit() {
    str1 = "welcome, <bean:write name="UserContainer" property="userView.firstName" scope="session"/> ...";
    The javascript code will is interpreted only on the browser, it has no idea that it was written with fixed strings or inserted from the bean.
    If the user info is in form fields, you can do something like this:
    function AppSubmit() {
    str1 = "welcome, " + document.forms['myform'].username.value + " ...";

  • Popup Window Runtime Exception

    I am working on EP7 SP 15.
    I am trying to create a popup window but I have the following error:
    The initial exception that caused the request to fail, was:
       com.sap.tc.webdynpro.services.exceptions.WDRuntimeException: Parameter windowInfo must not be null.
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.ClientComponent.createModalWindow(ClientComponent.java:1028)
        at popapp.PopAppView.onActionCreatePopup(PopAppView.java:150)
        at popapp.wdp.InternalPopAppView.wdInvokeEventHandler(InternalPopAppView.java:148)
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.generation.DelegatingView.invokeEventHandler(DelegatingView.java:87)
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.controller.Action.fire(Action.java:67)
    The source code of my methods is:
    IWDWindow myPopup = wdContext.currentPopupNodeElement().getPopupAttribute();
         if (myPopup == null)
              IWDWindowInfo windowInfo = wdComponentAPI.getComponentInfo().findInWindows("PopWinView");
              myPopup = wdComponentAPI.getWindowManager().createModalWindow(windowInfo);
    Can anyone tell me what is wrong in my source code ?
    Thanks q lot for your help....

    this is due to two reasons
    1. u have not created this window .
    IWDWindowInfo windowInfo = wdComponentAPI.getComponentInfo().findInWindows("PopWinView");
    so create this first.
    and 2. the name of window is not spelled correctly.

  • Firefox should save session when only popup windows is open

    When I have some window with multiple tabs open and I click close button on top, it saves the session and quits. Thats ok. But when there is some hidden popup window open (or source code) it destroys the session and leaves the popup open!!!! So the menu is gone and you lose your session. When i restart FF tabs are gone. So it should save session when only some popup windows are open.
    Also it should ask what to do when i click close window, when it's unclear what to do

    It is always a good idea to close a Firefox session by clicking File > Exit or Firefox button > Exit for proper shutdown.
    Those pop-up windows are produced by JavaScript. JavaScript can disable certain features in the pop-up window. You can set some preferences using '''about:config''' so that those features are not disabled in the pop-up window. See:
    *How to use '''about:config''': http://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config
    #type '''''about:config''''' in the URL/Location bar and press the Enter key
    #if you see a warning, accept it (promise to be careful)
    #Filter = '''dom. disable_window_open_feature.'''
    #reset preferences you want to '''''false''''' by double-clicking on that preference in the lower panel on the '''about:config''' tab
    #Preferences you can reset in this case: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Prevent_websites_from_disabling_new_window_features
    <br />
    <br />
    '''You need to update the following.''' The Plugin version(s) shown below was/were submitted with your question and is/are out of date. You should update to avoid known security issues with the version(s) you have installed. Click on "More system info..." to the right of your question to see what was included with your question.
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.4.3"
    *Shockwave Flash 10.2 r159
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_24 for Mozilla browsers
    #'''''Check your plugin versions''''' on either of the following links':
    #*'''Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions'''
    #*There are plugin specific testing links available from this page:
    #'''Update Adobe Reader (PDF plugin):'''
    #*From within your existing Adobe Reader ('''<u>if you have it already installed</u>'''):
    #**Open the Adobe Reader program from your Programs list
    #**Click Help > Check for Updates
    #**Follow the prompts for updating
    #**If this method works for you, skip the "Download complete installer" section below and proceed to "After the installation" below
    #*Download complete installer ('''if you do <u>NOT</u> have Adobe Reader installed'''):
    #**SAVE the installer to your hard drive (save to your Desktop so that you can find it after the download). Exit/Close Firefox. Run the installer you just downloaded.
    #**Use either of the links below:
    #***https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Adobe+Reader+plugin+with+Firefox ''(click on "Installing and updating Adobe Reader")''
    #***''<u>Also see Download link</u>''': http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/
    #*After the installation, start Firefox and check your version again.
    #'''Update the [[Managing the Flash plugin|Flash]] plugin''' to the latest version.
    #*Download and SAVE to your Desktop so you can find the installer later
    #*If you do not have the current version, click on the "Player Download Center" link on the "'''Download and information'''" or "'''Download Manual installers'''" below
    #*After download is complete, exit Firefox
    #*Click on the installer you just downloaded and install
    #**Windows 7 and Vista: may need to right-click the installer and choose "Run as Administrator"
    #*Start Firefox and check your version again or test the installation by going back to the download link below
    #*'''Download and information''': http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/
    #**Use Firefox to go to the above site to update the Firefox plugin (will also install plugin for most other browsers; except IE)
    #**Use IE to go to the above site to update the IE ActiveX
    #*'''Download Manual installers'''.
    #**Note separate links for:
    #***Plugin for Firefox and most other browsers
    #***ActiveX for IE
    #'''Update the [[Java]] plugin''' to the latest version.
    #*Download site: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html (Java Platform: Download JRE)
    #**'''''Be sure to <u>un-check the Yahoo Toolbar</u> option during the install if you do not want it installed.
    #*Also see "Manual Update" in this article to update from the Java Control Panel in Windows Control Panel: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using+the+Java+plugin+with+Firefox#Updates
    #* Removing old versions (if needed): http://www.java.com/en/download/faq/remove_olderversions.xml
    #* Remove multiple Java Console extensions (if needed): http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_:_FAQs_:_Install_Java#Multiple_Java_Console_extensions
    #*Java Test: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml

  • How to get the values from popup window to mainwindow

    HI all,
       I want to get the details from popup window.
          i have three input fields and one search button in my main window. when i click search button it should display popup window.whenever i click on selected row of the popup window table ,values should be visible in my main window input fields.(normal tables)
       now i am able to display popup window with values.How to get the values from popup window now.
       I can anybody explain me clearly.

    Hi Kranthi,
    Every webdynpro component has a global controller called the component controller which is visible to all other controllers within the component.So whenever you want to share some data in between 2 different views you can just make it a point to use the component controller's context for the same. For your requirement (within your popups view context) you will have have to copy the component controllers context to your view. You then will have to (programmatically) fill this context with your desired data in this popup view. You can then be able to read this context from whichever view you want. I hope that this would have made it clear for you. Am also giving you an [example|http://****************/Tutorials/WebDynproABAP/Modalbox/page1.htm] which you can go through which would give you a perfect understanding of all this. In this example the user has an input field in the main view. The user enters a customer number & presses on a pushbutton. The corresponding sales orders are then displayed in a popup window for the user. The user can then select any sales order & press on a button in the popup. These values would then get copied to the table in the main view.

  • In a multiple monitor situation, how do I get popup windows to open on the same monitor as the parent application is displayed.

    I have two monitors. I have an application that I run all day, displayed on my secondary monitor. Whenever a popup windows is launched form that application, it always opens on the primary monitor. Very annoying. Any way to get the popup to launch in on the same monitor as the parent application?

    Did you solve this problem ?

  • Even though block popup windows is unchecked in content tab of options, I am still not getting any popups. Please help me.

    Hi - Even though block popup windows is unchecked in content tab of options, I am still not getting any popups. Please suggest how to over come this problem.

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem.
    *Switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window
    Did you make sure that your security software isn't blocking the pop-ups?
    Boot the computer in Windows Safe Mode with network support (press F8 on the boot screen) as a test.

  • SSO UIDPW not working for external Popup Window but works with SAPLOGONTICK

    Dear Experts,
    I have an issue with SSO user mapping (UIDPW), but the same scenario is working with SAPLOGONTICKET.
    Some list gets displayed in the Web Dynpro ABAP iView which has the hyperlinks where on click on the hyper link it opens a external popup window (another Web Dynpro Application) and display the summary some data.
    This scenario works when I set the logon method to SAPLOGONTICKET, but when I set it as UIDPW it won't work when a new window opens on click on the hyperlink from Web Dynpro iView as stated above. It asks to login to R/3 system.
    Can anyone please let me know what could be the reason it fails in External Popup window scenario when logon method as UIDPW.

    Hi Murthy,
    You can use application integrator iView to integrate your ABAP application into the portal and you'll be able to pass the variables <MappedUser>, <MappedPassword>, etc. assuming you know about the security risks in passing mapped info.
    Still, your ABAPers might need to handle the passed in variables in the first ABAP application and pass them onto the second one.  Again, without knowing how you navigate between the 2 apps and other details about your system landscape, versions, etc. this remains as a guess.  If you search SDN, you'll find many different solutions then you can choose one which is most suitable for your situation.

  • How to close main window on click of a button on popup window

    Hi All,
    I have created a web page which on certain condition display a popup window to to provide information. Wht i want is that when i click on close button on my popup window, my main window should also close.
    Can anyone please help with this requierment!!!

    Hi All,
    Could anyone of you please help me by answering the thread
    WDDOEXIT method not called when the application is closed from the portal
    Subash M

  • How to disable parent window while popup window is coming

    I am working on Oracle Applications 11i.
    I am able to get the popup window using the Java script in the controller.
    Please see the below code for the reference.
    String pubOrderId = pageContext.getParameter("orderId");
    StringBuffer l_buffer = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer l_buffer1 = new StringBuffer();
    l_buffer.append("javascript:mywin = openWindow(top, '");
    String url = "/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?page="+l_buffer1.toString();
    OAUrl popupUrl = new OAUrl(url, OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_SAVE );
    String strUrl = popupUrl.createURL(pageContext);
    l_buffer.append("', 'lovWindow', {width:750, height:550},false,'dialog',null);");
    But here the problem is, even though popup window is there, i am able to do the actions on the parent page.
    So how to disable the parent page, while getting the popup window.
    Thanks in advance.

    You can use javaScript for disabling parent window as well.
    Refer below link for the same:

  • RE: Getting multiple values from more than one multiple select popup window

    I have a button on a JSP of mine that when clicked creates a popup window (right now it is called popup.html) with a multiple select menu.
    My question is how do I get all the values selected from the menu into my JSP (sample.jsp) so that I can set each of the values for my bean.
    The other problem is that I have more than one select multiple menu.
    Please help if you can. Any advice or suggestions here would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you!

    I realize that I can use request.getParameterValues to get the values selected from my html because I am passing them to the hidden inputs I have and then using the request.getParameterValues to get each of the values.
    MY PROBLEM IS WHAT IF I HAVE 4 MULTIPLE SELECTS??? How can I use the same html popup menu to get the values from the 4 different multiple selects????
    I look forward to your response.
    This code is from my JSP:
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Field1" SIZE="15">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="F1Rad1">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="Permission">
    <input type=button name=choice onClick="window.open('optionPicker.html','popuppage','width=250,height=100');" value="Options"></TD>
    Here is my optionPicker.html code for the pop up menu:
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function sendValue(s)
    var boxSize= s.options[0].value;
    var restrict     = s.options[1].value;
    window.opener.document.addNewForm.F1Rad1.value = boxSize;
    window.opener.document.addNewForm.Permission.value = restrict;
    <form name=selectform>
    <select multiple name=selectmenu size="2">
    <option value="large">Large Text Input Area
    <option value="restrict">Restricted Access
    <input type=button value="Select Option(s) For Field" onClick="sendValue(this.form.selectmenu);">

  • How to pass the values from popup window to parent's window

    Hi Experts,
    in my application i need to develop one popup window in that i have created 4 dropdowns and one ok button , if i willl click on that ok  button the values should pass to parent window dropdownlistboxes
    can any body suggest how i will get the popup window values
    thanks in advance,

    Hi Ramani,
    I can provide few inputs on how can we control JSP 2 from JSP1.
    Here is the code. Check if you can convert this to make useful to you. I am not passing values but control.
    here it is:
    JSP 1.
    <h1>Page One</h1>
    <a href="/irj/portalapps/<PAR_FILE_NAME>/images/<HTML_PAGE_NAME>.html#part1">part 1</a>
    <a href="/irj/portalapps/<PAR_FILE_NAME>/images/<HTML_PAGE_NAME>#part2">part 2</a>
    <a href="/irj/portalapps/<PAR_FILE_NAME>/images/<HTML_PAGE_NAME>#part3">part 3</a>
    JSP 2.
    <h1>Page Two</h1>
    <a name="part1">
    <h3>Part 1</h3>
    <a name="part2">
    <h3>Part 2</h3>
    <a name="part3">
    <h3>Part 3</h3>
    This way you can move from one JSP to other.
    -Kedar Kulkarni
    reward points if useful.
    Message was edited by:
            Kedar Kulkarni

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