Porque no puedo ingresar a iMessage ni a FaceTime, iOS 6.0.1?

Si podía pero eh notado que ya no he podido quizás porque la actualización

Amigo ya supr porque y lo arregle en mi aparato, esto te pasa porque no tienes bien sincronizado la region o zona horaria de tu equipo...ve a ajustes...fecha y hora y ponle automatico o la correcta para el lugar donde vives y listo....intenta poner tu id de apple.
Seria mas facil si apple mandara un mensaje diciendo el motivo jejeje espero esto solucione tu problema.

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    Google translate:
    dmbmarta wrote:
    I bought my iphone on 2 May and still can not use it where I can make telephone complaint Someone to talk to and explain the problem.
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    You posted in the iPad forum instead of the iPhone forum. To get answers to your question, next time post in the proper forum. See https://discussions.apple.com/index.jspa  I'll request that Apple relocate your post.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Google translate:
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    Need more information. Could be the the apps require a newer model iPod or later iOS than your iPod.
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    Identifying iPod models

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    Hello @CarmenAngeles ,
    Welcome to the English HP Consumer Forums!
    If you prefer to post your question in your preferred language,
    Spanish: Foro de usuarios de HP http://h30467.www3.hp.com/
    Alternatively, please feel free to post a revised message in English.
    I did notice that you are trying to connect your scanner to your PC
    You do not need the printers claim code to connect the printer to the PC.
    The claim code is for the ePrint feature of the printer.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Provide the name of the program you are using so a Moderator may move this message to the correct program forum
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    This is an attempt to answer what I hope was your question translated using google translate:
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