Portal Master-detail form how to auto assign detail record sequence number

Portal Master-detail form how to auto assign detail record sequence number.Please help me?

You can just read the following section
Can I specify a sequence number generator as the default value for a form column?
Yes. Enter the following in the "default value" field for the column:
#<schema name>.<sequence name>.nextval
where <schema name> is the name of the schema containing the sequence, and <sequence name> is the name of the sequence. The entry is preceded by a "#".
For example, if the schema name is "SCOTT", and the sequence name is "CUSTOMER_SEQ", the default value entry is:
same way you can do for master - detail form.
for more information on forms please refer the following URL.
hope it helps.

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    I have two tables : empinfo(all basic details of emp) and leaves(empid,empname,date etc)
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    Please help.

    Start here http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23903_01/doc/doc.41/e21674/bldapp_frm.htm#BCEBEDIC
    By the time you understand create the form on a table, you will automatically learn how to add validations on that page or even a plsql process before the actual form DML runs

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    ALTER proc [dbo].[spCreateSequenceContainerFill]
    (@containerID as nvarchar(64),
    @lotNum as bigint,
    @customerID as int = 1164,
    @productID as int,
    @fillDateTime as datetime
    declare @checkcontainerID as bigint
    DECLARE @ID int;
    set nocount on
    SELECT @checkcontainerID = CONVERT(bigint, SUBSTRING(@containerID, 1, 6)) FROM ContainerFillHistory WHERE containerID = @containerID
    IF (@checkcontainerID is null)
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    If there is a no record with an ID then a new record is created and inserted in the table.  After 14 days it is OK to add another record with that ID and bump up the sequence number of the total records in the table.  Handling the non existing
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    So far I have this TSQL code.

    Please try the following and tweak accordingly.
    ALTER proc [dbo].[spCreateSequenceContainerFill]
    (@containerID as nvarchar(64),
    @lotNum as bigint,
    @customerID as int = 1164,
    @productID as int,
    @fillDateTime as datetime
    DECLARE @ID int;
    IF EXISTS (select * FROM ContainerFillHistory WHERE containerID = @containerID)
    SELECT @fillDateTime = DATEADD(DAY, -14, @fillDateTime)
    FROM ContainerFillHistory
    WHERE containerID = @containerID
    AND CAST(fillDateTime as DATETIME) > @fillDateTime --AND @fillDateTime >= DATEADD(DAY, 14, CAST(fillDateTime as DATETIME))
    RETURN; --//14 Days condition not met
    SELECT @ID = Max(ID) FROM ContainerFillHistory
    WHERE containerID = @containerID
    AND CAST(fillDateTime as DATETIME) <= @fillDateTime
    SELECT @ID = MAX(ID) FROM ContainerFillHistory ;
    SET @ID = 1 ;
    SET @ID = @ID + 1 ;
    INSERT INTO ContainerFillHistory(ID, containerID, lotID, customerID, productID, fillDateTime, purchorderNum)
    VALUES(@ID, @containerID, @lotNum, @customerID, @productID, @fillDateTime, null) ;

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    By the way, query works fine. It knows the master-detail relationship. It is just when creating a new detail record, the key not pass down from the master record.
    thanks - Patty

    hi,you can do it by:in detail form's foreign key field,set it's default value as master primary key ,example master page p1,primary key as p1_master,detail form p2,foreign key p2_foreign, set p2_foreign key 's default value &p1_master.
    Message was edited by:

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    Best regards,

    <b>Look at</b> ...explained wid examples
    Post back for any further questions ...

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    Tried using session storage objects, but made no headway.
    Would greatly appreciate pointers on how to go about doing this.

    If you are on a Portal Version lesser than, then please try the following to populate
    the PART_DESCRIPTION field.
    1> Edit the form and go to the Additional PL/SQl section and put the following code in the
    "...after displaying the page area" :-
    type t_vc_arr is table of varchar2(4000) index by binary_integer;
    l_arr_desc t_vc_arr;
    l_form_name varchar2(200);
    l_form_state varchar2(500);
    l_form_name := p_session.get_module().get_name();
    l_form_state := p_session.get_value_as_varchar2(
    p_block_name => 'MASTER_BLOCK',
    p_attribute_name => '_FORM_STATE'
    if l_form_state = 'QUERY_AND_SAVE' then
    select description
    bulk collect into l_arr_desc
    from <schema>.table_x;
    var descArr = new Array();
    var Fidx = 1;
    var formObj = document.WWVM'||p_session.get_id()||';
    var fieldName = "'||l_form_name||'.DETAIL_BLOCK.PART_DESCRIPTION.0";
    for i in 1..l_arr_desc.count loop
    end loop;
    for (var i=0; i < formObj.length; i++){
    if (formObj.elements.name == fieldName+Fidx){
    formObj.elements[i].value = descArr[Fidx-1];
    end if;

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    The things you forget when you haven't used them in a while.
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    When I generate the form using the wizard, how do I get the MASTER_ID on create so that I can immediately start adding the detail after creating the master (without having to go back to the report and select "Edit" (which works).
    Basically, what I am asking is: How do I get the MASTER_ID sequence value(key) generated at INSERT populated in a form variable so that I can move straight to adding detail lines?
    Thank you
    --Too Sleep Deprived to think this through.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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  • Master-Detail-Form; Hide/Show columns in detail form depending on column

    i have a master detail form. In the detail form i have the columns:
    ID, MASTER_ID_FK, PC_SOURCE, A_C1, A_C2, A_C3, B_C1, B_C2, B_C3
    The Column PC_SOURCE should be a LOV with values
    So if i choose or enter a master record the detail form appears and i can enter one or more detail records.
    PC_SOURCE is the first column.
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    Is that possible?
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    But this does not work, as there is not the value of the column fetched.
    And probably can´t work because of the more than one detail rows.
    Thanks & regards,

    The html for your detail form will be a table of input elements with names f01,f02,etc. The columns for the key fields are normally hidden so your PC_SOURCE column will probably use the name f03. The name for column A_C1 will be f04 etc.
    Once you have the input names for your columns you can create a dynamic action (DA) to hide the elements you want.
    You want the DA to fire when any PC_SOURCE element is changed so you want the when to be:
    Event: Change
    Selection Type: jQuery Selector
    jQuery Selector: input[name="f03"]
    Condition: no condition
    The action is to hide an element in the same row if the changed element is a value. So the action should be:
    Action: Execute JavaScript Code
    Fire when Event is: true
    Code: if(this.triggeringElement.value=="A"){$x_Hide('f04_'+this.triggeringElement.id.split('_')[1])}
    You then need lots of true actions for each element you want to hide.
    Rod West

  • Master detail form initial insert issue on details sub-region

    I created a master detail form with report which should do insertion on master and detail region/subregion.
    On insert mode I enter with data master and detail block, when I press "Create" button, insertion happens only on master block (order table) not and on detail block (order_item table).
    On EDIT mode it does insertions/updates on master and detail block without problems.
    Application Express
    Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release
    I appreciate your help.

    Something like this should do the work:
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER order_item_table_tr
       ON order_item_table
       IF :NEW.order_id IS NULL
          :NEW.order_id := v ('P1_ORDER_ID');
       END IF;
    END order_item_table_tr;
    /Make sure the Automatic Row Processing (DML) of the order table returns key into item > Return Key Into Item > P1_ORDER_ID (or however the primary key of the order table is named)
    Denes Kubicek

  • How to auto assign a number to some data using PL/SQL

    Assume that i have a few lines of data...
    How do i auto assign number to the data without hardcoding it?
    In this instance, i want p_id to be auto-generate...
    create or replace procedure insert_file
    p_id number,
    p_file_type varchar2,
    p_file_name varchar2
    insert into nyp_images values( p_id, p_file_type, sdo_geor.init('NYP_IMAGES_RDT') );
    select image into geor from nyp_images where image_id = p_id for update;
    sdo_geor.importFrom(geor, NULL, p_file_type, 'file', p_file_name);
    update nyp_images set image = geor Where image_id = p_id;
    end insert_file;
    Thanks and regards,

    In this case you could slightly change your procedure to
    create or replace procedure insert_file (
      p_file_type     varchar2,
      p_file_name     varchar2,
      p_id        out number
      insert into nyp_images values( your_seq.nextval, p_file_type, sdo_geor.init('NYP_IMAGES_RDT') )
         returning image_id into p_id;
      select image into geor from nyp_images where image_id = p_id for update;
      sdo_geor.importFrom(geor, NULL, p_file_type, 'file', p_file_name);
      update nyp_images set image = geor Where image_id = p_id;
    end insert_file;I highly reccommend you to take classes in this SQL and PL/SQL stuff or look for some external ressources that can guide you.

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    Please advice how to accomplish it...
    thanks in advance

    After user saves the forms that means commit to the database, so you can simply write a trigger like:
    before insert or update on TABLE1
    for each row
    :new.user_field := nvl(v('APP_USER'),user);
    Edited by: Aljaz on 4.3.2012 22:03

  • Master detail form - drop down list in detail (ADF)

    Been racking our brains for a few days/weeks about this one, and would be grateful for any pointers why this does not work.
    We have developed an in-house application for dealing with risk and chemical assessments.
    The process we have adopted allows users to create an assessment first then they are taken to another form where they are then able to add risk factors/ or chemicals relating to the assessment. The intention is to present the user with the ability to select from a drop down list which contains the chemical names.
    We have been going through the forums and have tried all the examples we can find (all the examples work on our system), but when we try to adapt them to our approach they create an error indicating that they cannot find the values in the entity object.
    Has anyone else come across the same problem or is it that the ADF is not suited to dealing with the master/detail approach and drop down menus.
    The drop down lists are in an ADF table.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Kuba,
    Thanks for the pointer, I think we tried that one early on. For the time being we have opted for using a selectInputText box, and that appears to be working. Well at least it has got us past the deadline for yesterday, now onto the next deadline.
    Thanks again!

  • In oracle forms how to restrict creating new record

    I have a multi record block, I dont want to create new record. If I use the down key after the last record control is moving to next record. I dont want this to happen. I want to scroll between first and last record.
    Can anyone tell me ?

    Look up the Forms Help for 'system.last_record'.
    I'd code the KEY-DOWN trigger on the block as...
    IF :System.Last_Record = 'TRUE' THEN
    Message('You are on the last row');
    END IF;
    This avoids any processing or validation work being done on leaving the current record or creating the new record.

  • Forms: how to use COUNT_RECORD to get the number of record retrieved?

    After GO_BLOCK(BlockName)EXECUTE_QUERY, there must a way to obtain the number of records retrieved.
    I like to use this number to display to number of records on the form.
    Clearly, a not so good way is:
    It queries table one more time.
    Could any one give a clue?
    Thank you.

    Dear Kiran,
    Fom tables EINE (inforec no, plant) and EINA (inforec no, material, vendor), you can get the desired information.

  • How to config to Time Recording ID Number are the same Personnel Number?

    Dear all,
    My schedule is Time Recording ID Number are the same Personnel Number. So Please hepl me config to Time Recording ID Number are the same Personnel Number. 
    Thank for your help.
    Huyen Nguyen

    The time recording ID is the link between your personnel number in SAP and the time data captured by a swipe card.
    When card is swiped on the terminal..the machine notes the timings, clock types, door ID, Card ID, etc.
    The system identifies the personnel in SAP on the basis of the ID number which will also be there on the swipe card.
    There isn't any config to maintain the ID in IT0050. Just maintain this value in IT0050 as any number, personnel number say, and use the same value while configuring data transfer frm recording machine to SAP via RFC.
    Hope this helps.

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