Portal with MS-ISA server

Anybody have any notes they are willing to share with this configuration? It seems the joint MS-SAP link detailing this is no longer available, or at least I cannot find it:
We have is working in a basic fashion, but man of the admin type pieces keep displaying "loading" and then just go blank... anybody solved a similar issue with ISA?

Hi Zack,
there is a /community [original link is broken] for a discussion of the issue.

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    I have a few external customers that are having issues logging in.  In all cases it is with the customer having Microsoft ISA firewalls.
    They can get to the site.  They put in their username and password.  The screen flashes back to the logon screen, no errors, just back to the screen.
    On the logs I seen the logon page request and the 200 OK but, the username and password never come across.
    I can not tell if the username and password are being blocked by the ISA server or when the logon screen is presented that the username and password fields are just not active.
    Has anyone else see or hear about this one?

    We are seeing a slightly different problem but certainly related. We are using a SAP cFolder server for PLM collaboration. Companies using a Microsoft ISA server are not seeing problems logging in but are seeing problems with the mass download feature. They are seeing the connection hang. Looking at the ISA log file on the server they are receiving an authentication problem and a broken connection. If you try a single file download everything works OK. Also vendors without ISA are working fine.
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    I've installed JAVA 1_4_2_13 and Download Manager, I configured the setting with the proxy connection (server ISA, user and pass) 
    but an error appears: 
    The basket content could not be read. The following exception occurred: 
    Unable to read data from the Service Marketplace: Check your settings and try again 
    In my ISA server I declared the form my IP to Internet permit all traffic out. 
    Somebody help me ??? what do I have to configure in my ISA Server to permit the connection? 
    Costa Gustavo

    Hi Ram, I solved the problem with download manager. 
    First my PC don't use as default gateway the ISA Server, I've another default gateway for my LAN. 
    Is it the problem because my PC never contact directly to SAP, I could solved this problem if my PC can contact directly the IP of SAP. 
    You will can set in your PC the gateway of ISA server and public DNS to contact SAP directly 
    For example: 
    I've default gateway for my LAN 
    My ISA server to internet is 
    Public DNS : (My ISP) 
    In your ISA server you can set a policy from your PC to External for all user with all traffic permit. 
    You try set in your PC the following: 
    Default gateway: 
    I hope this can resolve your problem 
    Costa Gustavo

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    My concern is that WCCP will redirect traffic to the content engine first, if the content is not available, wil the content engine then forward to the proxy for authentication prior to the request going out to the web?

    Since there has been no response to your post, it appears to be either too complex or too rare an issue for other forum members to assist you. If you don't get a suitable response to your post, you may wish to review our resources at the online Technical Assistance Center (http://www.cisco.com/tac) or speak with a TAC engineer. You can open a TAC case online at http://www.cisco.com/tac/caseopen
    If anyone else in the forum has some advice, please reply to this thread.
    Thank you for posting.

  • Testing an ISA Server Rule, the recursive query to other DNS Servers test fails

    I am trying to configure the following infrastructure with ISA Server 2006 and two W2003 servers (called "Server1" and "Server2") . "Server1" is a domain controller, and in
    "Server2" is the ISA Server installed, which also has
    attached two network Ethernet cards, one called "Internal Ethernet Card", and the other one called
    "External Ethernet Card".
    The infrastructure would be:  "Internal Ethernet Card"---- ISA Server ----"External Ethernet Card"---"Router"----"Internet"
    "Internal Ethernet Card" manages the internal package traffic of the infrastructure, the network segment which belongs is isolated from what we could called the Outbound traffic, which is linked to a router. "Internal Ethernet Card" it`s
    a virtual network.
    "Internal Ethernet Card" feature configuration is the following:
    - IP address:
    - Subnet Mask:
    - DHCP Enabled: No
    - DNS Server: (Must point to the DC "Server1" which has the DNS Service installed)
    - Default Gateway:  None  (because doesnt point to outside)
    - Primary WINS Server:  
    The "External Ethernet Card" provides, the outbound connection, and this card is connected to the physical router.
    It`s feature configuration is the following:
    - IP address:
    - Subnet Mask:
    - DHCP Enabled: No
    - Default Gateway:
    - DNS Servers: (Must point to the DC "Server1" which has the DNS Service installed)
    After configuring the network cards, I create the following rule in the ISA Server to allow the traffic towards outside from the server and the clients which have joined to the domain:
    Action: Allow.  Protocol: DNS.  From:"Server2".  To : External.  Condition: All Users
    After applying the changes to update the configuration, I enter in the Dns Server of "Server1" and in the "Monitoring" tab, I run a "recursive query to other DNS Servers" but fails.
    Only works the "simple query against this DNS Server".
    I don`t know why fails, but I`m stucked on this issue, because in the "Server1" DNS Server, in the "domain forward IP address list", I have added two DNS addresses which work OK.
    I would appreciate some help to solve this issue.

    Hello Ms. Long, 
    Yes, you are right. In the Server1 is configured the DNS server, to use forwarders whose are set in the field "Selected domain`s forwarder IP address list", two DNS address numbers obtained from "Open DNS", which work well.
    There is no DNS Server linked to the External NIC.
    The Server1 belongs to a private network configured as "VMnet3", which it is set as follows:
    IP address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DNS Server:
    I have tried to test your suggested idea:
    > set d2
    > google.com
    Server:  srv-dcfs-01.dominio.local
    SendRequest(), len 42
            opcode = QUERY, id = 2, rcode = NOERROR
            header flags:  query, want recursion
            questions = 1,  answers = 0,  authority records = 0,  additional = 0
            google.com.dominio.local, type = A, class = IN
    Got answer (113 bytes):
            opcode = QUERY, id = 2, rcode = NXDOMAIN
            header flags:  response, auth. answer, want recursion, recursion avail.
            questions = 1,  answers = 0,  authority records = 1,  additional = 0
            google.com.dominio.local, type = A, class = IN
        ->  dominio.local
            type = SOA, class = IN, dlen = 46
            ttl = 3600 (1 hour)
            primary name server = srv-dcfs-01.dominio.local
            responsible mail addr = hostmaster
            serial  = 41
            refresh = 900 (15 mins)
            retry   = 600 (10 mins)
            expire  = 86400 (1 day)
            default TTL = 3600 (1 hour)
    SendRequest(), len 28
            opcode = QUERY, id = 3, rcode = NOERROR
            header flags:  query, want recursion
            questions = 1,  answers = 0,  authority records = 0,  additional = 0
            google.com, type = A, class = IN
    DNS request timed out.
        timeout was 2 seconds.
    timeout (2 secs)
    SendRequest failed
    *** Request to srv-dcfs-01.dominio.local timed-out
    As you can see highlighted in bold, the problem remains in the "recursive query to other DNS Servers" check.
    Maybe is better to put the issue on the "Windows Server General Forum" , because the issue has not nothing in common with the ISA Server, dont you?
    Best regards

  • Problems with Forums publication on ISA server

    Hi all,
    I installed portal 7.0sps 14 and published it on Microsoft ISA Server. Now I faced with the problem - JIVE forums dont't work at all. If I try to work with portal without ISA using internal link, forums work fine. What I see working with ISA - it cuts part of the index.jspa, and forums don't work. I think it can be due to Content-Length attribute which appears only when I'm working with ISA.
    Http-headers from internal link:
    Headers sent from browser:
    (Request-Line)     GET /forums/index.jspa HTTP/1.1
    Accept     image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-application, application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument, application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-silverlight, /
    Accept-Encoding     gzip, deflate
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    Headers recieved by browser:
    (Status-Line)     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Language     en
    Content-Type     text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Date     Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:54:09 GMT
    Server     SAP J2EE Engine/7.00
    Transfer-Encoding     chunked
    Headers from external link (with ISA):
    Headers sent:
    (Request-Line)     GET /forums/index.jspa HTTP/1.1
    Accept     image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-application, application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument, application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-silverlight, /
    Accept-Encoding     gzip, deflate
    Accept-Language     ru
    Connection     Keep-Alive
    Cookie     UserUniqueIdentifier=1202886976569; jiveforums.admin.logviewer=error.size=0&debug.size=67&info.size=308&warn.size=0; PortalAlias=portal; saplb_*=(J2EE15233600)15233650; JSESSIONID=(J2EE15233600)ID2067924450DB01427929753435928352End; MYSAPSSO2=AjExMDAgABJwb3J0YWw6QW50b25HMDJtb3OIABNiYXNpY2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uAQAKQS1HT1JPS0hPVgIAAzAwMAMAA0VQUAQADDIwMDgwMjE1MDgyMAUABAAAAAgKAApBLUdPUk9LSE9W%2FwD0MIHxBgkqhkiG9w0BBwKggeMwgeACAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMAsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATGBwDCBvQIBATATMA4xDDAKBgNVBAMTA0VQUAIBADAJBgUrDgMCGgUAoF0wGAYJKoZIhvcNAQkDMQsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQUxDxcNMDgwMjE1MDgyMDAzWjAjBgkqhkiG9w0BCQQxFgQUpLiJi2aqtu%2FUaDhynzJrkPQ8uCkwCQYHKoZIzjgEAwQuMCwCFDxP9!P%2Fq!St0itPB9zludzDGFI9AhR8DW0zmxLNzzlVYY0LwsWUUj5h2w%3D%3D; SAPPORTALSDB0=urn%253Acom.sapportals.appdesigner%253Aframework%2526isPersonalizeMode%3Dfalse
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    Referer: https://external.site.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prteventname/Navigate/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!2fTMKBCstyle!2fframeworkPages!2fframeworkpage!2fcom.sap.portal.innerpage?InitialNodeFirstLevel=true&windowId=WID1203063577351
    Accept-Language: ru
    UA-CPU: x86
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Headers recieved by browser:
    (Status-Line)     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Connection     Keep-Alive
    Content-Language     en
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    Content-Type     text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Date     Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:55:12 GMT
    Server     SAP J2EE Engine/7.00
    Any help will be appreciated
    Thanks in advance

    Hi all,
    I installed portal 7.0sps 14 and published it on Microsoft ISA Server. Now I faced with the problem - JIVE forums dont't work at all. If I try to work with portal without ISA using internal link, forums work fine. What I see working with ISA - it cuts part of the index.jspa, and forums don't work. I think it can be due to Content-Length attribute which appears only when I'm working with ISA.
    Http-headers from internal link:
    Headers sent from browser:
    (Request-Line)     GET /forums/index.jspa HTTP/1.1
    Accept     image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-application, application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument, application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-silverlight, /
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    Accept-Language     ru
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    Host     internal.site.local
    Referer     http://internal.site.local/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prteventname/Navigate/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!2fTMKBCstyle!2fframeworkPages!2fframeworkpage!2fcom.sap.portal.innerpage?InitialNodeFirstLevel=true&windowId=WID1203063615598
    UA-CPU     x86
    User-Agent     Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; InfoPath.1)
    Headers recieved by server
    Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-application, application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument, application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, application/x-silverlight, /
    Referer: http://internal.site.local/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prteventname/Navigate/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!2fTMKBCstyle!2fframeworkPages!2fframeworkpage!2fcom.sap.portal.innerpage?InitialNodeFirstLevel=true&windowId=WID1203063615598
    Accept-Language: ru
    UA-CPU: x86
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; InfoPath.1)
    Host: internal.site.local
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Cookie: jive.vid=NlupVJWYuodKV5Fv; UserUniqueIdentifier=1202886504416; jiveforums.admin.logviewer=error.size=0&debug.size=67&info.size=308&warn.size=0; alreadyLogged=1208091749284; PortalAlias=portal; saplb_*=(J2EE15233600)15233650; JSESSIONID=(J2EE15233600)ID0611355850DB01467725737220293143End; MYSAPSSO2=AjExMDAgABJwb3J0YWw6QW50b25HMDJtb3OIABNiYXNpY2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uAQAKQS1HT1JPS0hPVgIAAzAwMAMAA0VQUAQADDIwMDgwMjE1MDgyMQUABAAAAAgKAApBLUdPUk9LSE9W%2FwD1MIHyBgkqhkiG9w0BBwKggeQwgeECAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMAsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATGBwTCBvgIBATATMA4xDDAKBgNVBAMTA0VQUAIBADAJBgUrDgMCGgUAoF0wGAYJKoZIhvcNAQkDMQsGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAcBgkqhkiG9w0BCQUxDxcNMDgwMjE1MDgyMTIzWjAjBgkqhkiG9w0BCQQxFgQUQxX!IL8yYvR8loz0Hyun4D6bIUQwCQYHKoZIzjgEAwQvMC0CFQCF9q3P7GbE7a1L0cbZWX40DVtXsgIUOUon7H3OzJPXrTMB3hr2qMxfwSU%3D; SAPPORTALSDB0=urn%253Acom.sapportals.appdesigner%253Aframework%2526isPersonalizeMode%3Dfalse; SAPWP_active=1
    Headers recieved by browser:
    (Status-Line)     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Language     en
    Content-Type     text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Date     Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:54:09 GMT
    Server     SAP J2EE Engine/7.00
    Transfer-Encoding     chunked
    Headers from external link (with ISA):
    Headers sent:
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    Any help will be appreciated
    Thanks in advance

  • Portal 4.0 with MS SQL Server 2000 using CLOBs

    I'm driving Portal 4.0 with MS SQL Server 2000. I have encountered serious
    problems when trying to persist events (e.g. RuleEvent) to database. In my
    application-config.xml file I have JdbcHelper attributes
    ShouldUseClobsForReads & -Writes set to 'false' as they should be or
    mssqlserver4v70 driver.
    It seems that when it is time to write the event to database, Portal4.0
    can't find JdbcHelper MBean configuration values and therefore it uses
    default values (=true) for both attributes.
    Otherwise reading and writing works fine with MS SQL Server 2000 (at least
    Any help appreciated.
    Here are some excerpts from the console output:
    PersistenceRequest::execute -> write to database
    [AbstractDatabasePersister.persist():135] Persister::persist -> write the
    events. size=2
    *** com.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.JdbcHelper.getInstance() @ JdbcHelper.java:122
    [JdbcHelper.getInstance():139] No instance found for
    [JdbcHelper.<init>():111] Unable to find JdbcHelper Configuration ...using
    defaults: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not in application context
    at com.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.JdbcHelper.<init>(JdbcHelper.java:102)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
    *** com.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.JdbcHelper.getInstance() @ JdbcHelper.java:122
    [JdbcHelper.getInstance():131] Got instance for
    [JdbcHelper._setClob():412] ######## JdbcHelper: String length = 496
    [JdbcHelper._setClob():420] ######## JdbcHelper: setting CLOB String with
    <7.1.2002 14:27:41 GMT+02:00> <Error> <Tracking> <Error persisting event to
    database. java.sql.SQLException: java.sql.SQLException: This JDBC 2.0 method
    is not implemented
    at com.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.JdbcHelper._setClob(JdbcHelper.java:424)
    at com.bea.p13n.util.jdbc.JdbcHelper.setClob(JdbcHelper.java:404)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)

    I would suggest better to have a backup of existing database remove your existing SQL server. Install the  one given by SAP. And restore your previous databases.

  • Perimeter authentication with ISA server and AD

    We have a Microsoft ISA server that does all authentication at the perimeter. I'm trying to set up a WLS 10 that can inspect and pass on the authenticated Subject to the (SQLServer) database when performing searches.
    I have configured the environment according to the steps in [url  http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs100/secmanage/sso.html], and I have set up my security realm with an Active Directory Authentication provider and a Negotiate Identity Assertion provider. But soemthing is obviously not working, since I see no signs of the authenitcated subject in the server log, and Security.getCurrentSubject() returns an empty Subject. What am I doing wrong?
    Edited by tdirrenb at 04/18/2008 6:33 AM
    Edited by tdirrenb at 04/18/2008 6:34 AM

    Hi Vinod,
    Looks like this is a AAA issue. Moving this to AAA domain for faster response.

  • ISA server Compatible with 2012 standred Edt. 64bit

    We are using ISA server 2006 in Window server 2003RS SP2 OS and we are upgrading our OS form 2003 to 2012 standred Edt. 64bit.
    So ISA server Compatible with 2012 standred Edt. 64bit?

    Please read this links:

  • Portal with a URL using a Web browser in java stack

    Dear all,
    I can access the portal with our URL using a Web browser from your client machines .
    i got the following option :
    SAP Library
    SAP Library contains the complete documentation for SAP Web Application Server.
    Web Services Navigator
    Web Services Navigator is a tool that gives you a short overview of a specific Web service based on its WSDL, and enables you to test your Web service by creating and sending a client request to the real end point.
    System Information
    System information provides administrators with an overview of the system configuration and its state. It shows all of the system's instances and processes, their current state and important parameters (such as ports) that may be required for support cases, as well as the versions of the components installed.
    UDDI Client
    The UDDI client provides query and publishing functions for different Web service entities (tModels, business services) to any UDDI compliant registry.
    User Management
    The user management administration console provides administrators with the functions they need to manage users, groups, roles, and user-related data in the User Management Engine (UME). Users without administrator permissions can use it to change their user profile.
    Web Dynpro
    Web Dynpro is a User Interface technology available within the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
    Various Web Dynpro tools provide administrators and application developers with performance measurement and application administration capabilities. The Web Dynpro runtime is already deployed.
    SAP NetWeaver Administrator
    A tool for administration and monitoring, offering a central entry point to the whole SAP NetWeaver system landscape. The SAP NetWeaver Administrator can be used in a central scenario where it is capable of operating an entire system landscape containing ABAP and Java systems as the application platform of SAP NetWeaver.
    J2EE Engine Examples
    This section contains several J2EE application examples that run on the J2EE Engine. The examples show some of the functions of both Java and the J2EE Engine. They can be easily deployed and tested by simply clicking on a button. The full source code of the examples is also available.
    when i click System Information:
    it ask user name () J2EE_ADMINand password (Installtion master password) ,after entered , i got below error .
    You are not authorized to view the requested resource.
      Details:   No details available
    Kindly suggest .

    It means what it sais, your J2EE_ADMIN user doesn't have enough authorization.
    Chech if the appropriate authorization is assigned in your abap stack which belongs to the java stack you logon to:
    Role SAP_J2EE_ADMIN should be assigned to user J2EE_ADMIN.
    Kind regards
    Edited by: Tom Cenens on Dec 17, 2010 2:55 PM

  • 2 Portal Instances on Same Server

    I am trying to create a second portal instance in a separate database on the same server. The 9iAS lives on another server. I have already successfully got the first portal up and running with web browser access. However, I'm not sure how to get the second portal up and running with that ssodatan script.
    I tried specifying a separate port (7778) in that script and started a second port listening in httpd.conf, but this doesn't work. I also tried specifying a separate port and separate url (like portal302 and portal302_sso) in the http parts of that script, but this didn't work either.
    Each portal has it's own login server installed, so I don't want to associate both portals with a single login server.
    Can someone help me??? Thanks.

    Presumably you installed both Portal instances in different schemas (i.e. Portal30 and Portal309 etc.). If so, then all you will have to do is run the ssodatan script against each, referencing the exact http address for each. Once you have done this you should be able to contact both from the same http port (i.e. port 80) by referencing them in the URL (i.e. http://www.foo.com/pls/portal30 and http://www.foo.com/pls/portal309.

  • Two sap enterprise portal in the same server

    We have installed a SAP Enterprise Portal on a linux server, all ok!!. but now we want to install another SAP Portal in the same server with the same ehp and same sp, but diferent url, is it possible? and we have something in mind when we began to install it..
    e.g. diferents ports or diferents database SID to avoid errors.

    Hi Carlos,
    SAP Software in general is flexible regarding this requirement.
    A SAP ID identifies the system, and the Instance ID is related to the Portnumbers that are used...
    So lets say you have an:
    - host called "linuxhost1" and
       - you installed a SAP system "AB1" and
          - the CI is 00 and SCS is 01
    then you can install multiple additional installations for example
    - host called "linuxhost1" and
       - you installed a SAP system "AB2" and
          - the CI is 02 and SCS is 03
    etc etc..
    As long as your host has enough resources you can fill it up...
    The instance numbers you chose are reflected in the portnumbers. So in my example above  the AB1 portal is called by http://linuxhost1:50000 and AB2 portal is called by http://linuxhost1:50200...
    So in other words the instance number of the CI is used in the portnumber of the java instance (5NN00).
    The above info is also spread among different SAP installation guides, and SAP help pages.

  • What is the mean of using Portal with Role Based security as entry point

    Hi Experts we have requirement of integration of Portal and MDM
    I am completely new to the MDM. So please give me some idea , what is the meanin for following points.
    1) Using the Portal with Role Based security as entry point for capacity and Routing Maintaince(These two are some modules).
    2) Additionally , Portal should have capability to enter in to the MDM for future master data maintence. Feeds of data will need to be come from  SAP 4.6c
    Please give me the clarity of what is the meanin of second point

    It requires the entire land scape like EP server and MDM server both should be configured in SLD.
    Your requirement is maintaing and updating the MDM data with Enterprise portal.We have some Business Packages to install in Portal inorder to access the functionality of MDM.
    Portal gives you a secure role based functionality of MDM through Single sign on (login into the portal access any application) to their end users.
    Please go through this link
    You need to develope some custom applications which should be integrated into the portal to access MDM Server master data
    The estimation involves as per your requirement clearly
    Its depends upon the Landscape settings, Requirement complexity,Identify how many number of custom applications need to be developed

  • Reporting Services through ISA server for All Authenticated Users

    Hello colleagues.
    I have MS SQL 2012 server with Reporting Services and it work via link:
    In LAN all work fine, but I want publish this resource via ISA for All Authenticated Users.
    When in publish rule I configure (in Condition) "All users" - all work fine, but when I configure "All Authenticated Users" - I have trouble on web form on
    https://reports2.domain.com/reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPat...  - scripts not work, because it run how "anonymous" (I see on ISA logging) and ISA block scripts.
    I can't use "All Users", because it's not secure.
    Maybe somebody publish Reporting Services through ISA server for All Authenticated Users?
    OR maybe - how on Reporting Services configure Negotiate authenticated for scripts?

    Hi Alexander,
    All users or applications who request access to report server content or operations must be authenticated using the authentication type configured on the report server before access is allowed. The AuthenticationType named RSWindowsNegotiate is supported
    by Reporting Services. To configure Windows Authentication on the Report Server, please see:
    Besides, we can publish report server via ISA server. Please note that you should use a new web port number with a new listener which shouldn’t be used by other web site for report server. Reference:
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support
    Katherine thanks for answer.
    Report Server service started as Domain account.
    I have in RSReportServer.config this:
    <RSWindowsNegotiate />
    In web.config I have this:
    <authentication mode="Windows" />
        <identity impersonate="true" />
    I can go (from Internet through ISA) to
    https://reports2.domain.com/reports  and LogOn Authentication is work, but scripts not work, because it run how "anonymous" (I see this on ISA logging) and ISA block scripts.
    Do you know where in Reporting Services configure run scripts with Negotiate authentication?

  • How do I access the AF Portal with SCR331 reader in Mac OS 10.5.6

    I have searched every website known to man and I am unable to find a way to access the AF Portal using a CAC reader issued to me. It is an SCR331. It shows up just fine in Keychain Access and I am successful in adding a new identity for the website. But when I go to the website www.my.af.mil and hit the button to access using my CAC card, it says that I have hit the Cancel button.
    Any ideas?

    To All,
    I encountered the same problems you describe with the Air Force portal. Followed all recommendations to no avail. After lots of trial and error this is what I did in my setup and worked:
    1. close all open programs. Open keychain access, connect the reader, insert CAC, select CAC keychain by clicking on it once, you will see a list with 3 certificates and 3 private keys to the right.
    2. double click on the certificates and find the one that shows "Usage Digital Signature, Non-Repudiation" and Purpose #1 Smartcard Logon, Purpose #2 Email Protection, Purpose #3 Client Authentication". This is the right certificate for online CAC authentication.
    3. control-click the CAC certificate identified as the right one in step 2 and create an identity preference for each server addresses that the AF Portal has:
    I had to create an identity preference for each; for some reason if I don't use all three, login fails.
    If you also want to access the virtual MPF, also create an identity preference with the following server: https://w20.afpc.randolph.af.mil/afpcsecurenet20/
    Note that these server addresses are case-sensitive and you need to put the "/" just as I did above.
    4. verify the identity preferences were created by selecting the login keychain, you should see them in there.
    5. open safari and enter: https://www.my.af.mil in the safari address bar. Enter PIN number if requested. I have noticed that sometimes it will work flawlessly and sometimes the server will reject the certificate and ask you to select a different one. If I select the one that says DOD EMAIL CA-15 and hit enter (sometimes repeatedly) it will then work. Don't know why this happens but have read is a USAF server-side issue.
    Once you are able to access the portal, logout and try the vMPF by entering https://w20.afpc.randolph.af.mil/afpcsecurenet20/ in the Safari address bar
    hit OK if presented with a consent screen. You may be given a username/password screen, reenter https://w20.afpc.randolph.af.mil/afpcsecurenet20/ into the address and try again, you should be in AFPC secure.
    I tested this in a 2008 white macbook with an OmniKey 3121 USB reader and an Oberthur ID One v5.2 CAC card. My OS is 10.5.6.
    Please let me know if this helps.
    R Burgos

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