Portlet Provider Update

Currently, in-order to add a JSP portlet to a provider (lets call it X) we add a new ID and the file name to the provider.xml file. Provider X is then deleted off the Portlet Repository, which deletes off all the portlets on all the pages that where contained in provider X. Then we add a new provider, calling it the same name, to the Portlet Repository. Then we have to add all the portlets back onto the pages. Refreshing provider X does not add the new portlet to the list. Any ideas why?

Once you delete your provider, all instances of its portlets (and their customizations) are removed from their respective pages. The provider is the only way the portal can talk to portlets. Once the provider is gone, the portlets are as well.
fyi - Each portlet instance has a unique identifier independant of its name or its provider's name.

Similar Messages

  • Virtual Host change doesnt update discoverer portlet provider image locatio

    We have recently created a virtual host for our oracle portal. Original was CUKPORTAL.cseu.root.local and the new virtual hosts created were bi.portal.uk (bi tier) my.portal.uk and sso.portal.uk (for IMT).
    All pages, images , portlets were updated to reflect the new URL's except for the discoverer portlet provider. Actually , it works fine except for the lcoation of the portlets reference to the original icons for the list of worksheets portlet. When we see the page source behind the html page where the portlet is on , I can see that the images (like the expand workbook image) , still reference the old URL ie CUKPORTAL.cseu.root.local:7780.....etc
    We have re-registered the provider with the new URL , ie bi.portal.uk:7779 etc but although the portlets can be called and placed in pages , the images do not appear as a result of the location to the images.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is the last problem before we go live.

    Its good that u pasted the complete log file. In your environment you have to run this upgrade tool only once from any of the middle tier.
    And with respect to your error that u got in precheck is quite simple. All u have to do is just run this script from by connecting to portal schema using sqlplus.
    Run dropupg.sql
    Location-------- /raid/product/OraHome_1/upgrade/temp/portal/prechktmp/dropupg.sql
    Later you re-run the upgrade tool and let me know the status.
    Good luck

  • Error while registering portlet provider WWC-43176

    I am not able to register my portlet provider. While i register, i get *"The provider URL specified may be wrong or the provider is not running. (WWC-43176)"* However, i am able to access my provider's test page, i tried using ip instead of host name but its still in vain. I replaced pdk jar files too...
    The URL i am using for accessing is :
    I get below messages when i access test provider page through above URL :
    Congratulations! You have successfully reached your Provider's Test Page.
    Recognizing Portlets...
    Recognizing initialization parameters...
    resourceServletMapping : /pdkresource
    Recognizing component versions...
    ptlshare.jar version:
    pdkjava.jar version:
    Ujjwal B Soni
    Edited by: user1584096 on 14 Sep, 2009 10:38 PM
    Edited by: user1584096 on 14 Sep, 2009 10:40 PM
    Edited by: user1584096 on 14 Sep, 2009 10:50 PM

    I resolved this error, actually, the provider page was under SSO authentication, removing it from portal settings resolved my issue. Now i am able to successfully register my provider.......
    Ujjwal B Soni
    <baroda, india, gujarat>

  • Error when registering a portlet provider

    I got the following error when registering a new portlet provider:
    An error occurred when attempting to call the providers register function. (WWC-43134)
    The following error occurred during the call to Web provider: 301: Moved Permanently (WWC-43147)
    May I know what I may have done wrong?
    I was able to open the portlet provider page by itself

    Can you double check whether the provider node is accessible from the portal middle tier (ping)?

  • Failed to register a web service portlet provider

    I'm trying to register a portlet provider in Portal 11g. however, the following error was returned. Is there anyone can help? Thanks.
    WSDL URL: http://host:port/webapp6/portlets/wsrp2?WSDL
    Internal error (WWC-00006)
    Unexpected error - User-Defined Exception (WWC-35000)
    An error occurred during the call to the WSRP Provider: java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is:
    HTTP transport error: java.io.InterruptedIOException: recv() timed out
    A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.
    Java stack trace from root exception:
    HTTP transport error: java.io.InterruptedIOException: recv() timed out
    A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.client.BaseHTTPClientTransport.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.StreamingSender._sendImpl(StreamingSender.java)
    at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.StreamingSender._send(StreamingSender.java:110)
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.v2.runtime.WSRP_v2_ServiceDescription_Binding_SOAP_Stub.getServiceDescription(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.client.design.v2.OraWSRP_v2_ServiceDescription_PortType.getServiceDescription(Unknown Source)
    java.io.InterruptedIOException: recv() timed out
    A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.client.BaseHTTPClientTransport.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.StreamingSender._sendImpl(StreamingSender.java)
    at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.StreamingSender._send(StreamingSender.java:110)
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.v2.runtime.WSRP_v2_ServiceDescription_Binding_SOAP_Stub.getServiceDescription(Unknown Source)
    at oracle.webdb.wsrp.client.design.v2.OraWSRP_v2_ServiceDescription_PortType.getServiceDescription(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: java.io.InterruptedIOException: recv() timed out
    A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.
    at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
    at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
    at HTTPClient.BufferedInputStream.fillBuff(BufferedInputStream.java:172)
    at HTTPClient.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java)
    at HTTPClient.StreamDemultiplexor.read(StreamDemultiplexor.java)
    at HTTPClient.RespInputStream.read(RespInputStream.ja (WWC-43273)

    Finally I restore both Portal 11g and SSO 10g from backup images and the portlets can be resigtered succesfully. It seems that something is corrupted.

  • When changing parameters in a disco workbook portlet provider refresh fail

    When changing input parameters in a discoverer workbook the automatic portlet provider refresh routine fails.
    We have published a report in Discoverer portal using portlet provider.
    When we change a parameter in the discoverer workbook and save it, then the automatic refresh of portlet with information about the parameters that are not recognized.
    Is it so that the portlet will be invalid and due to the workbook / work sheet parameter change. ?
    And the solution is then to create a new portlet? Or is it a bug?
    Have someone had this kind of issue?
    NOTE: We ar using Discoverer Plus and the server installation is Oracle Application Server Installation Guide10g Release 2 (10.1.2)

    There are no issues with your provider.xml. Let me explain the
    ideal situations where SSO feature of URL-based portlets will
    work -
    1. FORM based authentication :
    User information is submitted to the secure application through
    HTML FORM and the application as a response sends Cookies to the
    client. These cookies are stored by the client will be used as
    authentication tokens from then on.
    URL-based portlets work in a similar fashion where in Cookies are
    extracted by the provider (URLProvider) and the portlets make
    use of the stored cookies while sending a request.
    2. BASIC authentication :
    Its a simple and less secure authentication mechanism than FORM based
    authentication. User credentials are Base64 encoded and are sent
    over network to the secure application.
    Having said this, it is important to know if your FORUM application
    relies on cookies or not.

  • Error when creating portlet provider

    I tried to call Forms Server application from Oracle Portal as
    external application.
    External application works fine if I execute link in External
    application section.
    Problem arrise when I tried to create Portlet Provider for this
    external application.
    Portlet Provider Implementation style is set to WEB. When I
    choose Applay I get error:
    Error: An error occurred when attempting to call the providers
    register function. (WWC-43134)
    An unexpected error occurred: ORA-29532: Java call terminated by
    uncaught Java exception: java.io.IOException: Unexpected EOF.13
    XML-0121 : (Fatal Error) End tag does not match start
    tag 'INPUT'.
    XML-0121 : (Fatal Error) End tag does not match start
    tag 'FORM'.
    XML-0121 : (Fatal Error) End tag does not match start
    tag 'BODY'.
    XML-0210 : (Fatal Error) Unexpected EOF. (WWC-43000)
    An unexpected error occurred: java.io.IOException: Unexpected
    XML-0121 : (Fatal Error) End tag does not match start
    tag 'INPUT'.
    XML-0121 : (Fatal Error) End tag does not match start
    tag 'FORM'.
    XML-0121 : (Fatal Error) End tag does not match start
    tag 'BODY'.
    XML-0210 : (Fatal Error) Unexpected EOF.
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.SoapResponseProcessor.getDocument
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.SoapResponseProcessor.processSOAP
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.HttpProviderDispatcher.dispatch
    An unexpected error occurred: Unexpected EOF.
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrors(XMLError.java:208)
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.error(XMLError.java:114)
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.error(XMLError.java:152)
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLReader.popXMLReader
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseElement
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseRootElement
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(XMLParser.java:169)
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.SoapResponseProcessor.getDocument
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.SoapResponseProcessor.processSOAP
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.HttpProviderDispatcher.dispatch
    I found unsolved forum with the same problem on Metalink: Doc
    ID: 57590.996
    How can I solve this problem?
    Is it possible to add external application to portal as a
    portlet without creatin a Portlet Provider?
    Tomaz Podbersic

    A Connection timeout normally means that it is a valid
    host.domain, but the listener was down or it could not access
    that port.
    You say that you can reach the URL, is it on the same domain?
    Do you need a proxy to contact it. Can the Portal Machine see
    it okay?

  • Register the Discoverer portlet provider Error

    We have the following configuration:
    Oracle9iAS Infrastructure:
    Machine: Pentium 4
    S.O. Windows 2000
    Oracle9iAS MiddleTier:
    Machine: Pentium 4
    S.O. Windows 2000
    We need to develop a portal application using Discoverer Portlet. When we are trying to register the Discoverer Portlet Provider, we get the following error :
    An error occurred when attempting to call the providers register function. (WWC-43134)
    An unexpected error occurred: java.io.InterruptedIOException: recv() timed out
    A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately.
    at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead(SocketInputStream.java)
    at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java)
    at HTTPClient.ExtBufferedInputStream.fill(ExtBufferedInputStream.java:180)
    at HTTPClient.ExtBufferedInputStream.read(ExtBufferedInputStream.java:252)
    at HTTPClient.StreamDemultiplexor.read(StreamDemultiplexor.java:244)
    at HTTPClient.RespInputStream.read(RespInputStream.java:138)
    at HTTPClient.RespInputStream.read(RespInputStream.java:95)
    at HTTPClient.Response.readResponseHeaders(Response.java:914)
    at HTTPClient.Response.getHeaders(Response.java:627)
    at HTTPClient.Response.getStatusCode(Response.java:232)
    at HTTPClient.RetryModule.responsePhase1Handler(RetryModule.java:80)
    at HTTPClient.HTTPResponse.handleResponse(HTTPResponse.java:623)
    at HTTPClient.HTTPResponse.getInputStream(HTTPResponse.java:515)
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.HttpProviderDispatcher.dispatch
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.HttpProviderDispatcher.registerProvider

    I had a similar problem, first I made sure my discover connections worked by connecting to discover through IAS. Then when I registered the discoverer in portal, it timed out the first couple of times. I then refreshed the browser window a couple of times and it worked.

  • Getting FIOS Development Team to provide updates on the Idea Exchange

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  • Discoverer Portlet Provider Error

    Good day. I would like to seek anyone's assitance with the errors encountered below when trying to manipulate Discoverer Portlet Provider through Oracle Portal:
    1. While trying to view Discoverer Portlet Workbook or Worksheet:
    "The portlet has not been defined. The publisher must define the portlet by clicking on Edit Defaults for the portlet on the edit mode of this page. Please contact the publisher of this page."
    2. While trying to delete Discoverer Portlet Provider:
    "The page cannot be displayed" error from Internet Explorer.
    3. While trying to deregister Discoverer Portlet Provider:
    "The provider could not be contacted, do you still want to delete provider "DISCO_DATAMART_PROVIDER"?
    The provider could not be contacted and its deregistration function was not initiated. Deleting the provider will remove it from the portal. Additional action may be necessary by the provider to remedy the failure to call its deregistration function."
    Here's our infrastructure versions:
    Portal version
    Discoverer Version Release 2 (
    Previously, the highest release of patchset was installed in our machine but I've reverted it back to a lower patchset on both cases, same error was encountered for the above-mentioned.
    We've successfully registered discoverer portletprovider and created a public connection via "General Discoverer" in OEM. And Discoverer Viewer / Plus are working properly.
    I think this problem has been posted in metalink and some other sites but no definite answer yet (as far as I've read).
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance.

    It seems wherever section I post this I can't get any solution. I was instructed by someone in this forum to post this in the discoverer section. Up to now, no replies yet. I already raised a TAR for this and still no answer. I've researched through metalink and so many of us have this problem. Attention Oracle, we really need your assistance for this product of yours. Please help us out.

  • HTML portlet provider.xml

    can anyone tell me where is located the HTML portlet provider.xml file??

    AMN wrote:
    email81107 wrote:
    AMN wrote:
    email81107 wrote:
    That's right. You should login as portal.
    1. on Builder Page/ Administer tab, here you should be seeing page arranged into three columns. The central column will have three portlets and the top one should be this. This is the default arrangement. if you do not see it, then portal permissions seems to have been modified or the portlet has been removed from the page.
    2. The other way I told you is the alternate method to reach the same tool going directly through SSO server page.
    3. There is another way to get this: by adding this portlet into this page. For that, edit the page, and click the icon for add portlets in the top central columnar region. Now search for 'SSO Server Administration' in the search box. If the privileges are not modified, then you should be able to see it. Include it in that page.
    none of this worked!
    I think it works that's how you get (NOT got) access to the Add External Application tool. It was all meant to give you access to the tool.
    However, the tool couldnt do what you wanted to.
    you may want to check permissions for portal which seem messed up. you should be able to login to SSO server page using portal. You seem to have no privilege for it. It did not work for portal but worked for ORCLADMIN. That is why you cannot see the portlet on the builder/administer page too.
    no portlet was added or modified. I was able to get to my 'SSO Server Administration' by way of http://<server>.<domain>:7777/pls/orasso/orasso.home and logged in as ORCLADMIN.
    It's not to claim a credit; it is to describe a valid method. I do not wish to waste time on personal claims or disclaims.
    If you haven't read my message completely then you may be right.
    I wish you good luck in finding a solution.
    AMNthen you dont know how to incorporate this product into portal?
    who does know?

  • Portlet provider

    I am getting this message when I click on my Print Schedule link when connected as anything but portal user:
    REP-56071: Security check failed with error message: Error code30009 -
    Generic access check failed.
    This is the code under additional pl/sql on a portlet.provider:
    <TD> <FONT CLASS="PortletText1">');
    htp.p( '<a href="' ||
    'http://p4d2g.p4d2g.com:7778/reports/rwservlet?server=Rep_p4d2g&report=SP_SCHEDMTX&destype=cache&desformat=pdf&login_start_yy=2002&login_end_year=2003&sch_start_yy=02&login_school_code=CHS&all_students=N&student_fld=*CHS02007*&all_semesters=Y&semester_fld=&long_or_short=L&sched_or_wheel=S&print_one=N&print_phone=Y&print_relation=N&print_lock=N&print_ethnic=N&print_teacher=Y&print_room=Y&print_time=N&bell_to_print=&bell_desc=&complete=C&partial=P&manual=M&all_schools=N&school_fld=*CHS*&active_codes=ARH&%75%73%65%72%69%64%3D%53%54%41%52%53%33%2F%53%33%40%69%61%73%64%62' || ' target="new_window">' || 'Print Schedule' || '</a>');
    Thanks in advance,

    I am getting this message when I click on my Print Schedule link when connected as anything but portal user:
    REP-56071: Security check failed with error message: Error code30009 -
    Generic access check failed.
    This is the code under additional pl/sql on a portlet.provider:
    <TD> <FONT CLASS="PortletText1">');
    htp.p( '<a href="' ||
    'http://p4d2g.p4d2g.com:7778/reports/rwservlet?server=Rep_p4d2g&report=SP_SCHEDMTX&destype=cache&desformat=pdf&login_start_yy=2002&login_end_year=2003&sch_start_yy=02&login_school_code=CHS&all_students=N&student_fld=*CHS02007*&all_semesters=Y&semester_fld=&long_or_short=L&sched_or_wheel=S&print_one=N&print_phone=Y&print_relation=N&print_lock=N&print_ethnic=N&print_teacher=Y&print_room=Y&print_time=N&bell_to_print=&bell_desc=&complete=C&partial=P&manual=M&all_schools=N&school_fld=*CHS*&active_codes=ARH&%75%73%65%72%69%64%3D%53%54%41%52%53%33%2F%53%33%40%69%61%73%64%62' || ' target="new_window">' || 'Print Schedule' || '</a>');
    Thanks in advance,

  • Discoverer Portlet provider Register with Oracle AS Portal

    Hi All,
    I am trying to register the Discoverer portlet provider with Oracle AS Portal. I could able to launch the portal homepage successfully by giving the following url
    But, when I clicking the "login" to login it is giving me an error...
    I also ensured that OssoIPCheck parameter to be off in mod_osso.conf file.
    Please let me any configuration I need to do as part of this registeration. Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards

    Hi Michael,
    Thanks a lot for the prompt response. Actually we are going to provide an Oracle BI solution using OWB, Discoverer, Oracle 10g to one of our clients. And we personally feel that using Oracle 10g AS will prevent many unexpected problems in the application.
    But the decision of choosing the portal tool is pending at the clients side and we need to help them out with the better options.
    they are also looking for IBM websphere, and IBM has said that they have a portlet factory builder that helps portal to integrate with any other portlets.
    Is it so that the ability to integrate any kind of portlet lies with the portal independent of the kind of portlet?
    In our case... does it mean that IBM portal can integrate the discoverer portlet even if Discoverer does'nt provide for integration with non-Oracle portal?

  • Discoverer Portlet Provider, No Response from Application Web Server

    I must have some odd configurable incorrect. I hope one of you can help me out and point me in the right direction.
    My issue involves the "Discoverer List of Worksheets" portlet. It will display all the workbooks and I can drill in and see the worksheets, but, when I click/choose a worksheet, it will return within a couple seconds and display "No Response from Application Web Server" in bold red letters, then "There was no response from application ...", then "Please notify the site's webmaster ...". I have spent the day trying to lock down a log on the http server, j2ee, web cache and used enterprise manager to see logs which changed immediately after the error but didn't seem to find much.
    What am I missing? Is there a timeout somewhere? Does it look like I missed something when I configured anything?
    Below are the configurables and answers to some of the obvious questions.
    Windows 2003 sp1
    App Server
    ssl -> no
    sso -> yes
    provider registration:
    http ://luke.xxx.com/discoverer/portletprovider (actual does not have a space after "http")
    "cookie domain" not checked
    "user has the same identity ..."
    user/session --> "once per user session"
    from web cache log: - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:33 -0700] "GET /discoverer/portletprovider/viewer?event=openWorksheetForPortal&vw_allowsaving=false&vw_sam
    ME_241292&vw_partitionid=241292&&vw_return_url=eNrLKC ... 4hUQ%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 302 1909 "6959909483946,0" - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:37 -0700] "GET /osso_login_success?urlc=v1.4~534 ... 774851DD HTTP/1.1" 503 40
    2 "6959909483946,0"
    from middle tier http server log: - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:33 -0700] "GET /discoverer/portletprovider/viewer?event=openWorksheetForPortal&vw_allowsaving=false&vw_sam
    ME_241292&vw_partitionid=241292&&vw_return_url=eNrLKCk ... a4hUQ%3D%3D HTTP/1.1" 302 1921
    from infrastructure http server log: - - [18/Jul/2007:18:17:33 -0700] "GET /pls/orasso/orasso.wwsso_app_admin.ls_login?Site2pstoreToken=v1.4~BFE8 ... HTTP/1.1" 302 4998
    url being passed from provider:
    http ://luke.xxx.com/discoverer/portletprovider/viewer?event=openWorksheetForPortal&vw_allowsaving=false&vw_samewindow=false&vw_wspath=WS_INVOICE_DETAIL%2F1048&vw_connkey=cf_a101&vw_portletid=0&vw_instanceid=152576_DEFAULT_LIST_OF_WORKSHEETS_PORTLET_NAME_241292&vw_partitionid=241292&&vw_return_url=eNr ... 1z9AEA6Dsegw%3D%3D
    url that returns:
    http ://luke.xxx.com/osso_login_success?urlc=v1.4~0C549F ... 3E94
    the rest should be obvious:
    Processes in Instance: rc_luke_mt1_instance.luke.xxx.com
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
    dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 5352 | Alive
    OC4J | home | 2764 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_Portal | 2452 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_BI_Forms | 3644 | Alive
    WebCache | WebCache | 5372 | Alive
    WebCache | WebCacheAdmin | 2608 | Alive
    HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 5204 | Alive
    Discoverer | ServicesStatus | 5860 | Alive
    Discoverer | PreferenceServer | 5580 | Alive
    wireless | performance_server | 5216 | Alive
    wireless | messaging_server | 4872 | Alive
    wireless | OC4J_Wireless | 6116 | Alive
    DSA | DSA | N/A | Down
    Processes in Instance: rc_luke_infra1_instance.luke.xxx.com
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
    dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 2768 | Alive
    OC4J | oca | 2312 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_SECURITY | 5348 | Alive
    HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 3036 | Alive
    DSA | DSA | N/A | Down
    OID | OID | 2492 | Alive
    Congratulations! You have successfully reached your Provider's Test Page.
    Recognizing Portlets...
    Recognizing initialization parameters...
    oracle.portal.log.LogLevel : 7
    Recognizing component versions...
    ptlshare.jar version:
    pdkjava.jar version:

    i also got the same error on my IE when i want to run VPE Workbench 5.6
    the error :
    No Response from Application Web Server
    There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested.
    Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later.
    The error came up after i update the windows server (restart server), before that everything is running fine and ok.
    I dont know where the problem is. Is it because the update? or Application Server?
    I try to login to WEB CACHE MANAGER with the user/password default, but i still cant login.

  • Forms server 6i as a portlet provider, can we ?

    Can we register the appliation generated from a Forms Server 6i, as External provider and put the url that we put in the Browser - to run the first form- and put as the login url in the Login server 'Add an External Application' Dialog,and put the user credentials in the username , password fields , and if the user credentials changes over time , he will be prompted to update his credentials regarding this application. Did anyone have tested this scenario ? and if we can, do I need to do the rendering by myself using the JPDK classes for rendering and write my own authentication API ?
    Amr El Magayry

    Maybe you should install new Windows Server 2012 RDS CALs on the Windows Server 2008 R2 to achieve the target. Please refer to the following thread to see if it helps.
    Can we use Windows Server 2012 RDS CAL license in RDS 2008 R2 Server
    Best Regards,
    Andy Qi
    Andy Qi
    TechNet Community Support

Maybe you are looking for