PoSh: How to add the -Append parameter to the Tee-Object cmdlet in PoSh 2?

I have to support Vista systems in my test lab and have scripts that use the Tee-Object extensively.  Unfortunately, the Tee-Object in PowerShell 2.0 doesn't support the -Append parameter like it does in PowerShell 3.0 so the file I'm writing
to isn't correct on Vista systems.
What's the easiest way for me to enhance the PowerShell 2.0 Tee-Object cmdlet?  Can I just copy something from a system with PowerShell 3.0 on it and get it to work on a system with PowerShell 2.0 on it?

In my mind, Tee-Object simply takes two steps and makes it one. It shouldn't be too difficult to replicate it, just expect you'll have to do it with two lines. Those two steps are one, write to a file or set a variable, and two output the object, or pass
it to the next cmdlet. We don't have your command, but here's an example.
$a = Get-Process
$a | Tee-Object -FilePath c:\procs.txt #Writes to a file, and writes to the host
$a = Get-Process
$a | Out-File -FilePath c:\procs.txt -Append #Writes to a file
Write-Output -Verbose $a #Write to the host
Out-File should offer the -Append parameter in PS 2.0. If it doesn't, then try Add-Content whose whole purpose is to append data to an existing file. If you need help with modifying a specific command that includes Tee-Object, then be sure to share an example.

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    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
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    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

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    karol wrote:Why do you want a custom kernel in the first place?
    Moosey_Linux wrote:i´m trying to learn how to build my own custom kernel
    Reason enough IMO. But anyway... you refer to the Traditional build method in the wiki, but is it possible you didn't really read it? Or maybe you only skimmed it? Did you run make menuconfig? Did you try to build everything in instead of using modules? That mkinitcpio output suggests that you did.
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