Possible malware with accidental email jpg opened?

Due to some really strange email glitch (a really long story, don't ask how it happened because I have no idea), I got logged into someone's email that wasn't mine but a few of my emails were in the inbox, so I wanted to go through the emails and verify that no personal information was in the inbox before I logged out, and I saw an old email that said "your payment" so I clicked on the email. Inside there was an attachment that I accidentally clicked on (I swear I know not to open random attachments but I was trying to see what this was and literally just got my Mac on Saturday night and am getting used to how everything works). It downloaded and I opened a file called google.jpg, which was very obviously a scam, so I promptly deleted it and emptied it from my trash. Is there any way I could have gotten any kind of malware this way? I'm new to Mac and desperately hoping I didn't get some kind of malware on my 2 day old computer. Help very much appreciated!

Unless you start seeing symptoms, such as unexpected ads in browsers, or other odd behavior, I wouldn't be concerned. As I say, there's no currently known malware which can get installed through opening an image file, certainly not if you didn't see or authorize an installer process.

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    set visible to false
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    end tell
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    set default message format to DMF
    end tell

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    vijayr: Are u Vijay Ramanathan? Product Manager, Oracle UCM, u r my mentor sir.

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    I was a bit low on bandwidth, so could not visit the forum any sooner.DIS is dynamic integration studio, it works on the webdav protocol.
    you will need to install DIS on the client machines. The POC that i did was integration of SiteStudio with CheckOutAndOpenInNative.
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    it in the JSP, and then using the CIS or RIDC will execute the serverices. At present i am stuck in some other work, If i get this thing working i will
    update you. In the meanwhile if you have some question for me, feel free to throw them.

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    Hm, what I suggested might actually be a possibility then...
    Close whatever version you have open first...
    I think Adobe installs shortcuts for both 32 and 64 bit Photoshop in the start menu.
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    C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Photoshop.exe

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    Launch the Terminal app (/Applications/Utilities/), copy & paste in this one-line command, hit the return key, quit Terminal, and restart. The command resets the LaunchServices database.
    */System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user*
    After you sort this out, see:
    Switching from Windows to Mac OS X,
    Basic Tutorials on using a Mac,
    Mac 101: Mac Essentials,
    Anatomy of a Mac,
    MacTips, and
    Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow Leopard Edition.
    Additionally, *Texas Mac Man* recommends:
    Quick Assist.
    Welcome to the Switch To A Mac Guides,
    Take Control E-books, and
    A guide for switching to a Mac.

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    Read the following about, "Activation Lock".

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    Hey koo34,
    You can view your support profile for your Apple ID, including the products associated with it, through the following website:
    Apple - Support - My Support Profile
    I would suggest that you try to associate your device with your Apple ID through that site. The following article may have some more helpful information for you regarding this question:
    How to manage your AppleCare products
    Thanks for coming to the Apple Support Communities!

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