Possible to move contactperson from 1 customer to another ?

we have a reorganisation here where we also maintained contactpersons in the debiteur under XD02
know I'm curious if I can easily switch the contactpersons from 1 to the other ?
so I have a contactperson in 7200 and now I want to switch it to 7300
I looked at VAP2 but there I can't change the debiteur
is there a tcode where I can change also the debiteur ?
kind regards

The gifshare photo app (with which I am not personally familiar) shows this as one of the screen shots from the app in the iTunes Store.  This makes me think you have plenty of sharing options from within the app.

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    1. Use a foreach loop with file enumerator pointing to first directory.
    Inside loop have a ssis variable of type string to get filename (@[User::FileName])
    Choose option as Fully Qualified in loop
    2. Add another variable called @[User::DestFileName], set EvaluateAsExpression true for it and set expression like this
    REPLACE(@[User::FileName],<source directory path>,<destination directory path>)
    put actual paths in above expression in your case
    and another variable called @[User::RenameFileName], set EvaluateAsExpression true for it and set expression like this
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    4. Add a Script Task inside the loop and pass @DestFileName variable in ReadOnly mode and FileExists in ReadWrite mode
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    6. Choose ExpressionAndConstraint option for precedeence constraint from ScriptTask to above File System Task and choose constraint as OnSuccess and expression as
    @FileExists == True
    7. Add another File System task with operation as Move File Select IsSourcePathVariable as true and select @[user::FileName] variable and IsDestinationPath variable as true and select @[user::DestFileName] variable. Join Script Task as well as
    File System Task above to this task and choose constraint as OnSuccess and Multiple Constraint option as Or (dotted line)
    Then once executed it will work as per your requirement
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

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    Try a sector copy with CCC and enable using checksum file copy to insure integrity.
    Then Data Rescue 4 - try demo before buying
    Do a full erase of a drive before reusing.
    Invest in SoftRAID.com going forward as it "looks for" weak sectors, alerts.
    Also Google around but SMART Utility has been mentioned as an excellent program/utility -
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    And of course always have multiple backup sets, methods and know how to use and restore from. Even do a practice set. I would not use just TimeMachine for instance.
    And for some, only a mirror array (minimum two but really consider three drive mirror, with stripe reads to improve performance) can allow pulling one, add a new member and still have a two drive mirror.
    Cloud storage for backup. With OneDrive and Facebook backing up all the photos on all your devices, Macs and PCs as well as tablets and phones, you can have 100-200GB quite easily. And there is Google Drive and Amazon as well as others.
    A new data drive, a drive to do all  the recovery of files that were on the failed drive(s), and probably a clean system drive and use that as you recover and build your system back up.

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    I tryed types 301V and 309V, but the customer had to be the same. It only allows to move the pallets between different plants for the same customer.
    Best regards,
    Mojca Kukman

    There is no such movement type. Customers always look for one-step transactions and the only way to achieve this is through ABAP!
    Normally I do this:
    Create a Z-txn for customer input and on saving create 2 material documents (as in 2-step process).
    Best regards

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    Hi Marc,
    Thank you for your reply. I have some additional questions to your two options:
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    I get an error saying "Not on the same file system". However if I drop to
    a terminal and just use mv, that works.
    Is this a known issue?

    On Tue, 12 Sep 2006 12:59:23 +0000, Joseph Marton wrote:
    Hmm, yep get the smae problem when trying to move files.
    Copy works just great though.
    I know there are some issues in Gnome/Nautilus that's being worked upon.
    These are outlined in the Readme. For example it's not possible to copy a
    folder from Server A to Server B, then delete the folder form Server A.
    Finally later on copy the folder back to Server A from Server B.
    Also Gnome is leaking file handles, which could be the cause for the
    problem we're getting here.
    I'll ask my contact at Novell about this and have him enter it in as a bug
    if it's not a known issue.
    For a workaround you already have a good alternative of using mv in a
    Niclas Ekstedt, CNA/CNE/CNS/CLS
    Senior Network Consultant/NSC Sysop
    Telindus Sweden AB

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    Is it possible to do this without scripting? I'm pretty sure it used to be because I seem to remember doing it, just cant remember HOW I did. Maybe I'm wrong about this though.
    Thanks and sorry for the long post, this has been baffling me for weeks.

    Thanks Ed, but as I explained above
    "I know I can save down each adjustment as a separate file, lets a curve (acv) a selective color (ahu) file and load THAT in as part of my action. But I don't want to do that either"
    What I want to know is is there a way to move adjustment layers from one file to another in an action. I know also that you can use the clipboard to move pixel layers, but I've yet to find a way to move adjustments.

  • Move data from one table to another table

    Hi all,
    I  had a custom table called sales_data in that table there are  columns like JAn,FEB,upto DEC including other columns so in each month there is some data total data is  23000 count but each month has has specific data like JAn-2500,FEB-2000 like that it has total 23000 records
    My Requirement  is i have to move data from one table to another table that too if i will pass jan only jan data should move like that feb,march,.....
    in my table there is no month column i had get it from another table called gl_periods and by using cursor and case function i have written the code
    well while when i am inserting data am passing year,month as parameters but 23000 data is moving it should get like that.
    Please suggest me.its urgent
    Thank You

    Hi hamid,
                   Please go through the below procedure.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE APPS.copy_sales_to_forecast(p_fiscal_year varchar2,p_month number)
    CURSOR C1 IS select period_year,period_num,start_date,end_date from apps.gl_periods
                 where period_set_name='Accounting'
                 and   period_year=p_fiscal_year
                 and   period_num<=p_month;
    type type1 is table of xxc_forecast_data%rowtype;
    t1 type1;
    DELETE FROM xxc_forecast2
    where fiscal_year = crec.period_year
      and attribute1='Copied From Sales to Forecast Table of Month '||crec.period_num;
      product_category           ,
      product_sub_category       ,
      product_line               ,
      product_style              ,
      item_number                ,
      item_description           ,
      customer_name              ,
      customer_number            ,
      sales_channel              ,
      null      ,
        WHEN crec.period_num=1 THEN sales_amount_month1
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period1,
        WHEN crec.period_num=1 THEN sales_cost_month1
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period1,
        WHEN crec.period_num=1 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month1
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period1 ,
        WHEN crec.period_num=1 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month1
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period1,
        WHEN crec.period_num=1 THEN sales_res_cost_month1
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period1,
        WHEN crec.period_num=1 THEN sales_op_cost_month1
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period1,
        WHEN crec.period_num=1 THEN sales_ovhd_month1
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period1,
        WHEN crec.period_num=1 THEN sales_units_month1
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period1,
        WHEN crec.period_num=2 THEN sales_amount_month2
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period2,
        WHEN crec.period_num=2 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month2
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period2,
        WHEN crec.period_num=2 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month2
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period2,
        WHEN crec.period_num=2 THEN sales_res_cost_month2
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period2,
        WHEN crec.period_num=2 THEN sales_op_cost_month2
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period2,
        WHEN crec.period_num=2 THEN sales_ovhd_month2
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period2,
        WHEN crec.period_num=2 THEN sales_units_month2
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period2,
        WHEN crec.period_num=3 THEN sales_amount_month3
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period3,
        WHEN crec.period_num=3 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month3
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period3,
        WHEN crec.period_num=3 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month3
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period3,
        WHEN crec.period_num=3 THEN sales_res_cost_month3
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period3,
        WHEN crec.period_num=3 THEN sales_op_cost_month3
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period3,
        WHEN crec.period_num=3 THEN sales_ovhd_month3
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period3,
        WHEN crec.period_num=3 THEN sales_units_month3
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period3,
        WHEN crec.period_num=4 THEN sales_amount_month4
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period4,
        WHEN crec.period_num=4 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month4
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period4,
        WHEN crec.period_num=4 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month4
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period4,
        WHEN crec.period_num=4 THEN sales_res_cost_month4
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period4,
        WHEN crec.period_num=4 THEN sales_op_cost_month4
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period4,
        WHEN crec.period_num=4 THEN sales_ovhd_month4
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period4,
        WHEN crec.period_num=4 THEN sales_units_month4
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period4,
        WHEN crec.period_num=5 THEN sales_amount_month5
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period5,
        WHEN crec.period_num=5 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month5
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period5,
        WHEN crec.period_num=5 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month5
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period5,
        WHEN crec.period_num=5 THEN sales_res_cost_month5
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period5,
        WHEN crec.period_num=5 THEN sales_op_cost_month5
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period5,
        WHEN crec.period_num=5 THEN sales_ovhd_month5
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period5,
        WHEN crec.period_num=5 THEN sales_units_month5
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period5,
        WHEN crec.period_num=6 THEN sales_amount_month6
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period6,
        WHEN crec.period_num=6 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month6
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period6,
        WHEN crec.period_num=6 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month6
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period6,
        WHEN crec.period_num=6 THEN sales_res_cost_month6
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period6,
        WHEN crec.period_num=6 THEN sales_op_cost_month6
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period6,
        WHEN crec.period_num=6 THEN sales_ovhd_month6
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period6,
        WHEN crec.period_num=6 THEN sales_units_month6
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period6,
        WHEN crec.period_num=7 THEN sales_amount_month7
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period7,
        WHEN crec.period_num=7 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month7
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period7,
        WHEN crec.period_num=7 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month7
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period7,
        WHEN crec.period_num=7 THEN sales_res_cost_month7
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period7,
        WHEN crec.period_num=7 THEN sales_op_cost_month7
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period7,
        WHEN crec.period_num=7 THEN sales_ovhd_month7
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period7,
        WHEN crec.period_num=7 THEN sales_units_month7
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period7,
        WHEN crec.period_num=8 THEN sales_amount_month8
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period8,
        WHEN crec.period_num=8 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month8
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period8,
        WHEN crec.period_num=8 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month8
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period8,
        WHEN crec.period_num=8 THEN sales_res_cost_month8
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period7,
        WHEN crec.period_num=8 THEN sales_op_cost_month8
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period8,
        WHEN crec.period_num=8 THEN sales_ovhd_month8
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period8,
        WHEN crec.period_num=8 THEN sales_units_month8
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period8,
        WHEN crec.period_num=9 THEN sales_amount_month9
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period9,
        WHEN crec.period_num=9 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month9
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period9,
        WHEN crec.period_num=9 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month9
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period9,
        WHEN crec.period_num=9 THEN sales_res_cost_month9
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period7,
        WHEN crec.period_num=9 THEN sales_op_cost_month9
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period9,
        WHEN crec.period_num=9 THEN sales_ovhd_month9
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period9,
        WHEN crec.period_num=9 THEN sales_units_month9
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period9,
        WHEN crec.period_num=10 THEN sales_amount_month10
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period10,
        WHEN crec.period_num=10 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month10
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period10,
        WHEN crec.period_num=10 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month10
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period10,
        WHEN crec.period_num=10 THEN sales_res_cost_month10
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period10,
        WHEN crec.period_num=10 THEN sales_op_cost_month10
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period10,
        WHEN crec.period_num=10 THEN sales_ovhd_month10
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period10,
        WHEN crec.period_num=10 THEN sales_units_month10
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period10,
        WHEN crec.period_num=11 THEN sales_amount_month11
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period11,
        WHEN crec.period_num=11 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month11
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period11,
        WHEN crec.period_num=11 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month11
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period11,
        WHEN crec.period_num=11 THEN sales_res_cost_month11
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period11,
        WHEN crec.period_num=11 THEN sales_op_cost_month11
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period11,
        WHEN crec.period_num=11 THEN sales_ovhd_month11
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period11,
        WHEN crec.period_num=11 THEN sales_units_month11
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period11,
        WHEN crec.period_num=12 THEN sales_amount_month12
        ELSE 0
      END Transaction_quantity_period12,
        WHEN crec.period_num=12 THEN sales_mtl_cost_month12
        ELSE 0
      END item_material_cogs_period12,
        WHEN crec.period_num=12 THEN sales_mtl_ovhd_cost_month12
        ELSE 0
      END item_mtl_ovhd_cogs_period12,
        WHEN crec.period_num=12 THEN sales_res_cost_month12
        ELSE 0
      END item_resource_cogs_period12,
        WHEN crec.period_num=12 THEN sales_op_cost_month12
        ELSE 0
      END item_op_cogs_period12,
        WHEN crec.period_num=12 THEN sales_ovhd_month12
        ELSE 0
      END item_ovhd_cogs_period12,
        WHEN crec.period_num=12 THEN sales_units_month12
        ELSE 0
      END extended_amount_us_period12,
        WHEN crec.period_num=2 THEN sales_cost_month2
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period2,
        WHEN crec.period_num=3 THEN sales_cost_month3
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period3,
        WHEN crec.period_num=4 THEN sales_cost_month4
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period4,
        WHEN crec.period_num=5 THEN sales_cost_month5
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period5,
        WHEN crec.period_num=6 THEN sales_cost_month6
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period6,
        WHEN crec.period_num=7 THEN sales_cost_month7
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period7,
        WHEN crec.period_num=8 THEN sales_cost_month8
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period8,
        WHEN crec.period_num=9 THEN sales_cost_month9
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period9,
        WHEN crec.period_num=10 THEN sales_cost_month10
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period10,
        WHEN crec.period_num=11 THEN sales_cost_month11
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period11,
        WHEN crec.period_num=12 THEN sales_cost_month12
        ELSE 0
      END item_cogs_period12,
      a.fiscal_year   ,
      a.budget_entity  ,
      a.customer_id  ,
      a.inventory_item_id ,
      a.created_by ,
      a.last_updated_by ,
      a.creation_date ,
      a.last_update_date ,
      'Copied From Sales to Forecast Table of Month '||crec.period_num,
      a.attribute3 ,
      a.attribute4 ,
      a.attribute5 ,
      a.attribute6 ,
      a.attribute7 ,
      a.attribute8 ,
      a.attribute9 ,
      bulk collect into t1
      FROM  xxc_sales_data a 
      where  a.fiscal_year          = crec.period_year
    having CASE
                 WHEN crec.period_num=1  THEN sum(sales_amount_month1)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=2  THEN sum(sales_amount_month2)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=3  THEN sum(sales_amount_month3)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=4  THEN sum(sales_amount_month4)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=5  THEN sum(sales_amount_month5)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=6  THEN sum(sales_amount_month6)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=7  THEN sum(sales_amount_month7)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=8  THEN sum(sales_amount_month8)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=9  THEN sum(sales_amount_month9)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=10 THEN sum(sales_amount_month10)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=11 THEN sum(sales_amount_month11)
                 WHEN crec.period_num=12 THEN sum(sales_amount_month12)
                END !=0;
      FORALL i IN t1.first .. t1.last
      INSERT INTO xxc_forecast2 VALUES t1(i);
    Thank You

  • [CS3 JS]  Move pages from one document to another?

    First, a brief explanation of what I am trying to do. I have several individual chapters that I am including in an INDD book. However, I also want to be able to allow those individual chapters to stand alone, meaning that I want to add a cover/title page to each chapter file (these two pages would be placed before the current page 1 of each chapter).
    My preference would be to write a script that would open the cover/tp file and open the first chapter file; this part is no problem. Where I am running into trouble however, is the second step: moving the cover/tp pages (2 pages) over into the chapter file.
    Manually, I would open Cover.indd, activate the "move pages" menu, "Move pages: 1-2", "Destination: Before_Page 1", "Move to: Chapter1.indd".
    With over 100 chapters in the book, however, I would prefer to automate the process. I have looked into the Page.move and PageItem.move elements, but both look like they would require a location in the current document (either in (x,y) form or using "AT_BEGINNING".
    If I cannot get this to work, I will likely try to insert two blank pages, then cut/paste with a script, but I would prefer the "move" functionality, if it is possible.
    A couple of answers to potential questions:
    I can't simply place the INDD cover file b/c it uses a text variable to pull the chapter name; this personalizes each stand-alone chapter.
    Same answer to why I can't just slap the 2-page .pdf on the front of each. I need the text variable to still be active.
    Has anyone tried to move pages from one document to another using scripting? I tried to explain what I am trying to do, but if it doesn't make sense, I can try again. :)

    ok here we are
    I get a raw skeleton that you will have to adjust but it's functional.
    Use a PDF for placement as you can specify the page that you want to place.
    I don't know if you can do the same for indesign files.
    So basically, it starts adding 2 pages and placeing the pdf in the same time.
    After that, it creates the textVariable and the frame that will receive it.
    Here you are:
    //If a document is open
    var ad = app.activeDocument;
    //Pages placement
    for(i=0; i<2; i++)
    //Add 2 pages on top of the document;
    var tmpPg = ad.pages.add(LocationOptions.BEFORE, ad.pages[0]);
    //Here you place your pdf
    app.pdfPlacePreferences.pageNumber = i;
    tmpPg.place(File(cover.pdf), false)
    //You should specify page x and page y but ain't found yet the way to go.
    //Text variable creation
    //Check if the textVariable named "txtVar" does not already exist...
    //if not found, create the text variable named "txtVar"
    var txtVar = ad.textVariables.add();
    txtVar.variableType =VariableTypes.CUSTOM_TEXT_TYPE;
    txtVar.name = "txtVar";
    //Set the contents of the text variables to the string "test"
    ad.textVariables.item("txtVar").variableOptions.contents = "test";
    //these coordinates don't care aboutyour units but you may adjust them to your needs
    var y1 = ad.marginPreferences.left;
    var x1 = ad.marginPreferences.top;
    var y2 = y1+5;
    var x2 = x1+25;
    var myFrame = ad.pages[0].textFrames.add({geometricBounds:[y1,x1,y2,x2]});
    //Set the contents of the frame to the text variables "txtVar"
    //You may want to stylize the txtVar
    //In this case, either you use a existing characterStyle or you create one in the script
    Bye Loic

  • ABAP Question- line item transfer from one customer to another

    Dear SAP Guru's-
    I have a hot issue so any help would be greatly appreciate. 
    I have a customer that needs to move open A/R line items to one payer to another and without using F-30 or F-21, I recall seeing a program or t-code that gave one the ability to move the line items from one customer to another by selecting all line items or listing specific document numbers.  Does anyone know what I am talking about?
    If so, does anyone have any information that could share with me so that I can do it or any documentation to start me in the right direction?

    Thank you Murali and Sunil
    These t-codes are not helpful and tideous if you have many like a 1000 line items.  In addition, you lose the history, the due date information and the document type change for invoices, etc. 
    I KNOW I saw something that moved all or selected items by document number from one customer to another.  It was called payer to payer transfer.  I cannot find any information on it.
    Any help or more input, more points awarded.

  • Move photos from one roll to another?

    I have iphoto 6 and was wondering if I can move photos from one roll to another existing roll? When I moved photos from an external drive, photos that should have been lumped together ended up in different rolls so I'm trying to sort everything out. Is that possible?

    Yes you can as long as you do it via the iPhoto Window. Using the View -> Film Rolls command, you'll see the Rolls in the iPhoto Window, and you can drag a pic to the Title of the target roll.

  • Move data from one Application to another Application.

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to move data from one Application to another Application(we are working on SAP BPC 5.1/7.1 MS version).
    Can anybody please mention all the possible ways to achieve it.
    Thanks in advance.

    The best way to do this would be to use destination_app statement. Please refer to the below link from help.sap:
    Alternatively, you can definitely export the data from one application and import it to the second.
    Hope this helps.

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