Post submitted form to Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn

Is there a way for a person who  submitted a form to post their sbumission to Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn?

So you don't want them to share their data per se... You just want them to share the fact that they filled out the form.
Our forms do support a redirect URL after submission. You can have the form redirect back to a web page on your site (which will contain the share links) after its submitted.
That might accomplish your goal.

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    cd /Users/pratgupta/Desktop/Settinglinkedin/10marbutterfli
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    Some discussion on the Issue here
    Amit Battan
    Message was edited by: amitbattan
    Message was edited by: amitbattan

    I done one thing that is ...
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    Thanks in advance.
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    Hey Firefaux,
    I changed a setting in Firefox and it seemed to have solved my problems. Since CTRL+F5 seemed to work as a quick fix, that told me it was something to do with the cache.
    My browsers on my old laptop had never had their cached cleared (I have a problem deleting things :P).
    Go to Tools --> Options --> Network and under Cached Web Content, your cache may be set to 350mb just like mine was in my new Firefox. I had a moment of clarity and thought, "maybe since my computer is so new, I haven't browsed enough to fill my cache with information from various different sites, as opposed to just Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube."
    So I ticked the box "override automatic cache management" and set it to 0mb.
    Ever since then, I've had no problems with browsing (in Firefox, haven't attempted anything else since the problem was fixed immediately).
    I know nothing about caches and whatnot, but with the limit set to 0, I believe this is forcing the browser to reload a new page from scratch EVERY time since I have not allowed *anything* to be saved to memory.
    Hope this helps, please let us know if it works for you as well. I know I was experiencing massive buyer's remorse for days because of this problem.

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    Do you have a blackberry data plan active. On your account? You need an active blackberry data plan to use the majority of data functions on your phone, even if you are connected to wifi 

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    the only feature missing is facebook/twitter tabs not displaying notifications or new tweets
    Safari in itself does not support that feature but you can turn on Notifications in System Preferences > Notifications.
    You can add Facebook and Twitter accounts in System Preferences > Mail & Contacts & Calendars
    When someone has posted on your Facebook wall or tweeted, the notification will show up top right side of your screen under the Notification icon. Three black horizontal bars. Old notifications willl appear until you click the x to delete.

  • Bug submitting form with SpryUtils.submitForm

    You can view this problem here:
    In the SpryUtils.js file I have changed the final "return:
    false;" to "return: true;" as I want the form to submit to the
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    This works in IE... it submits the ajax hit with all the form
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    Please help

    The line you gave me was giving me syntax error.
    i played with it and found that if I removed all references
    to any return that it worked.
    So I this right now......
    '',{method:'post', url:'modpython/',
    No returns, and the Utils file has the original code with the
    return false at the end.
    I don't know what the syntax issue was but it is working in
    Safari, IE7 and FF and I want to give you a big kiss!
    Ok sorry for being inappropriate but I am extremely happy.
    Thanks Diana so much... if you ever have DB issues let me
    know. I owe you.

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    UPDATE: I just figured it out after having posted this no less than 10 mins ago. Thanks community, your genius overflowed to me and helped me solve my own problem. For anyone who is curious, in the Business Catalyst Admin Console, Under the Site Manager tab in the menu, you simply click "System Email" and the "Set default from email."   I can't believe I missed that, and I call myself a professional. Hope it helps someone else!

  • Submitting form via button click

    Hi, i have a following code and it doesnt work and i dont know why
    <jsp:useBean id="pageinfo" class="zrna.PageInfo" scope="session"/>
    <jsp:setProperty name="pageinfo" property="*"/>
    <script type="text/javascript">
         function clickEvent(form,md,wrkOn)
              form.mode.value = md;
              form.workingOn.value = wrkOn;
         function m(form){return true;}
    <form action="index.jsp" method=get >
         <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="">
         <input type="hidden" name="workingOn" value="">
         <input type="submit" value="Add" onclick="clickEvent(this.form,'add','Student')">
         <input type="submit" value="Alter" onclick="clickEvent(this.form,'alter','Student')">
         <input type="submit" value="Done" onclick="clickEvent(this.form,'general','')">
    So im trying to change jsp bean properties of pageinfo thru submiting form and it doesnt work. when button is clicked the page goes blank. What am i missing?

    is this page you posted "index.jsp"?
    Not sure offhand, but could the form submit before onclick fires? If so, change them to button types, not submit types.
    The bean has those named fields? Public get/set methods?
    Does useBean have to be this?
    <jsp:useBean id="pageinfo" class="zrna.PageInfo" scope="session">
    <jsp:setProperty name="pageinfo" property="*"/>

  • Submitted form emtpy under Acrobat Reader 9 (Mac OS X only)

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    > this.submitForm({ cURL: "", cSubmitAs: "PDF"});
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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Onewizard,
    I tried and checked this on different version of Acrobat and Reader however not able to replicate this behavior. I am on MAC 10.6.8

  • Popular request: How to Share articles via Facebook/twitter/eMail

    I wrote a comprehensive post on how to share your article via facebook, twitter or eMail or collect community comments right inside your folio. This is how I established an overlaying layer of comments and discussion in my DONE magazine.
    This is a bit complicated, has some problems, but is a popular request and might help you to enable more discussion about your content:
    Share Articles via Facebook, twitter or eMail
    I hope this covers all and is repeatable.

    Hi Johannes,
    Thanks a lot, it is very helpful!
    I actually wouldn't be posting here if I wouldn't have a problem with it though.
    The thing is, I can't get it to work!
    So to clear things up here is my HTML code I'm trying to get working on an InDesign document (based on your HTML 5 template - Facebook like button code within the "body" tag):
    <!DOCTYPE html>
              HTML5-1file-framework for use in Digital Publishing Suite from Adobe
              v0.2-110224 (Tested with drop9)
    <html laneg="en">
    <!-- title not visible in the viewer unless viewed with a browser / popup -->
    <title>HTML5 Framework for DPS</title>
              <meta charset="utf-8" />
                        meta viewport tag
                        this tag controls the rendering of the html on the devices. it might be handled differntly
                        between iOS/Android, so be carefull. this is a complete example tag. change for your needs or omit completly.
                        -Pagination of HTML stacks: omit completly or do not use user-scalable and target-densitydpi
                        -PinchZoom: use "Scale Content to Fit" in InDesign and use maximum-scale greater than 1.0, do not use user-scalable=no
              <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, target-densitydpi=device-dpi"/>
              <!-- your document css -->
              <style type="text/css">
              /* basic css reset */
              body {
                        margin: 0;
                        padding: 0;
                        /* make WebOverlay transparent in InDesign: "Use Transparent Background" */
                        /* use following line for semi-transparent-background (fourth value is alpha value) */
                        /* background: rgba(50,150,250,0.5); */
              /* your css styles here */
    <div id="fb-root"></div>
    <script>(function(d, s, id) {
      var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
      if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
      js = d.createElement(s); = id;
      js.src = "//";
      fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
    }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
    <div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="true" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true" data-font="tahoma"></div>
    What I do:
    I create an empty frame in my InDesign document.
    In  the overlay creator I tell it to be a Web Content.
    I select the HTML file containing above code.
    I update the article in the Folio Builder and test it on the iPad.
    The result is actually... nothing. The area in which the frame is, displays a small loading wheel and after that it's totally empty.
    What am I doing wrong??

  • Facebook/Twitter missing from drop down menu.

    For some reason my Facebook/twitter "quick" posts from the notification center pull down are not there and I have spent hours trying to figure it out... Any suggestions??

    whats up. had he same problem before. to get them back just go to settings, notifications, and go to share widget and swipe to on.

  • Facebook twitter?

    i know it was rumors.. and i swore i saw people using it on twitter...
    can you tweet ur song or post on facebook.... how ? i dont see it?

    It's in the iTunes store, not in your library. Go to any item and next to the "buy" button there's a drop down. There you can share a link to the item on Facebook, Twitter, Gift it, add it to a wishlist, or copy a link to it.
    That's it.

  • Submitting form with Enter key

    in standard html form, when you have form with submit button, the enter key when any form element is selected submits the form.
    This is very convenient for users, so I want this with UIX forms. I know it is possible (I have one form where it is working), but I can't get it working anywhere else.
    This code works:
    <uix:form method="post" name="newRoleForm">
    <uix:inlineMessage prompt="Role name">
    <uix:textInput name="newRoleName" />
    <uix:spacer width="15" />
    <uix:submitButton text="Create" formName="newRoleForm" />
    <uix:formValue name="jboEvent" value="newRole" />
    When I copy this code to another page, it does not work...
    Can somebody help, please?

    I've studied the HTML generated by UIX and it has following bugs and misfeatures:
    1. Misfeature: Submitting with Enter works ONLY if there is exactly one text field in the form (no submit button is actually needed), as Brian Stoler wrote. I don't understand reason for this.
    2. Bug: UIX generates javascript function "_submitOnEnter" which is called as event handler for "onKeyPress" event. But this function is erroneously generated multiple times, once for each form in the page. Browsers (Mozilla and IE) use the latest implementation. This function is different for forms with one text field and for forms with more text field, but only the first one can do the job. As a consequence of this, Enter can submit the form only if the last form on a page has single text field (which is for example not the case of search form with single field above another form...)
    Tested with UIX 2.1.7 in JDeveloper, using UIX as JSP tag library.
    1. Use Opera browser: it submits form with enter key even if there is no submit button (this does not work for the first text field in the form, because it has "onkeypress" event handler).
    2. Implement this feature by hand yourself, if you really need it (see below).
    3. Use accessKey: allows to submit form with Alt+<key> combination (followed by Enter with IE).
    Implementing Enter key submits with Javascript:
    1. Put the following function to the header (or to javascript library):
    function enter(e, frm) {
    var kc;
    if(window.event) kc=window.event.keyCode;
    else if(e) kc=e.which;
    else return true;
    if(kc==13) {
    return false;
    Function copied from UIX (C).
    2. Add this event handler to each input element:
    onKeyPress="return enter(event, 'formName');"
    It is obvious that this is error prone, but it works with all browsers...
    Will this be fixed in future versions?
    Why only form with one text field can be submitted?

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