Pourquoi je n'arrive pas a lire un film en telechargement ?

bonsoir ,
je vient de telecharger un film en hd et alors qu' itunes est a plus de la moitié du telechargement du film , je n'arrive toujours pas a le mettre en lecture ...
il y a bien un lecteur media qui s'ouvre mais le film ne demare pas et reste comme sur pause en permanence .
quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider ?

To export your PDF files to Excel files:
Using Web UI:
Log into https://exportpdf.acrobat.com/signin.html with your Adobe ID and password
Select “Export from PDF”
Click “Select Files” button then choose your PDF file
Select the format from the list below(In your case Excel)
Check ON “Recognized text in” if your PDF file is scanned images to recognize the image to text
Click “Export” button
Click “Download” button in the progress bar after completion of exporting to download the file to your computer.
Using Adobe Reader:
Launch Adobe Reader X or Reader XI
Select “Tools” and click “Sign In” link to sign in with your Adobe ID and password
Select “Export PDF” then click “Select PDF file” link to choose your PDF file
Select format from “Convert To” pull down menu(,xlsx)
Click “Convert”
Click “Download Converted File” link to download the file to your computer after the process is completed.
Download Files:
All exported files are stored at https://files.acrobat.com and you can login with your Adobe ID and password.
Or at Web UI you can click “FILES” next to “TOOLS” at top or click “View All files” in the file list of “Export from PDF” tool( or “Convert to PDF” or “Combine Files” tools for PDF Pack users) that will redirect you to the above site(https://files.acrobat.com)
From Reader you can click “Store Files” under “Tools” and click the link of “Open Acrobat.com Files”

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    What is the web browser that you use on your iPad?  Safari, Chrome, or Firefox?
    The problem does not appear to be related to Adobe Reader for iOS.
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    Google translate:
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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
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    Check this support document http://support.apple.com/kb/ts4451. Or this support document http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3694
    This information is from the second one. This generally means you are jailbroken or are trying to install non-standard software.
    Error 1004, 1013, 1638, 3014, 3194: These errors may be the result of the connection to gs.apple.com being redirected or blocked. Follow these steps to resolve these errors: 
    Install the latest version of iTunes.
    Check security software. Ensure that communication to gs.apple.com is allowed. Follow this article for assistance with security software. iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues.
    Check the hosts file. The restore will fail if there is an active entry to redirect gs.apple.com. Follow iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting to edit the hosts file or revert to a default hosts file. See section "Blocked by configuration: (Mac OS X/Windows) > Rebuild network information".
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.

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    you can update manually,
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    cc updates:  http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cc-updates-direct-links-windows.html

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    Bonjour, j'ai un soft en LV861 report 1.1.4 et pas de problème (des problèmes mais pas pour le chargement d'Excel ) Effectivement les chargements des vi dynamiques dans l'exe en fichier support ne sont plus d'actualité pour le report version LV 86 toolkit 1.1.3
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    Luc Desruelle | Voir mon profil | LabVIEW Code & blog
    Co-auteur livre LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
    CLA : Certified LabVIEW Architect / Certifié Architecte LabVIEW
    CLD : Certified LabVIEW Developer / Certifié Développeur LabVIEW

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    merçi de me répondre
    Cordialement, migg22

    JC51 a écrit :
    PS: Merci aussi de vos conseil sur la structuration de mon VI, je suis autodidacte et le seul a programmer en labview dans mon entreprise donc pour les échanges de bon(ne) procédé/méthode ce n'est pas évident... toute critique est bonne a prendre pour s'améliorer.
    le but n'est jamais de critiquer "négativement" mais d'aider à respecter les bonnes pratiques.
    Si je peux aider toujours avec plaisir!
    Luc Desruelle | Voir mon profil | LabVIEW Code & blog
    Co-auteur livre LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
    CLA : Certified LabVIEW Architect / Certifié Architecte LabVIEW
    CLD : Certified LabVIEW Developer / Certifié Développeur LabVIEW

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    Check this support document http://support.apple.com/kb/ts4451. Or this support document http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3694
    This information is from the second one. This generally means you are jailbroken or are trying to install non-standard software.
    Error 1004, 1013, 1638, 3014, 3194: These errors may be the result of the connection to gs.apple.com being redirected or blocked. Follow these steps to resolve these errors: 
    Install the latest version of iTunes.
    Check security software. Ensure that communication to gs.apple.com is allowed. Follow this article for assistance with security software. iTunes for Windows: Troubleshooting security software issues.
    Check the hosts file. The restore will fail if there is an active entry to redirect gs.apple.com. Follow iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting to edit the hosts file or revert to a default hosts file. See section "Blocked by configuration: (Mac OS X/Windows) > Rebuild network information".
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    If the errors persist on another computer, the device may need service.

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    Please read, and reply back here with information https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1499014
    -try some steps such as changing browsers and turning off your firewall
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    Talk to your contact in the Ivory Coast and see if FaceTime is permitted there.  A number of countries do not permit use of FaceTime and block it.

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    C’est justement ce que j’étais entrain de faire, revérifier tous les noms. Ça m’encourage si c’est ce que vous me suggérez aussi.
    Le 2015-04-30 à 11:19, jmlevy <[email protected]> a écrit :
    Problème avec Indesign CC, je n'arrive pas à faire un PACKAGE complet, Message : cannot copy necessary linked files(s). Pourtant les liens sont bien mis à jour dans le document. Je n'ai jamais eu de problèmes avec mon ancienne version CS.
    created by jmlevy <https://forums.adobe.com/people/jmlevy> in Forums en français - View the full discussion <https://forums.adobe.com/message/7498835#7498835>
    La première chose à faire est de vérifier si un des fichiers placés dans le document InDesign ne comprend pas de caractères « interdits » dans son nom (barre oblique, deux-points, etc.)
    If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: https://forums.adobe.com/message/7498835#7498835 and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer
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    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed an image in your message please visit the thread in the forum and click the camera icon: https://forums.adobe.com/message/7498835#7498835
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    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1516624 <https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1516624>.

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    je n'arrive pas à lire la carte mémoire de mon appreil photo avec un lecteur polyvalent

    excuser ma reponse partiellement en Anglais.
    Si vous avez "enabled" le "Large Document Format" dans le passer pour sauver en "PSB format". Alors vous pouver sauver votre travail dans se format. Je pense que s'ait 4Gig dans CS2.

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    <i>Locking duplicate thread.<br>Please continue here: [[/questions/994919]]</i>
    Sous linux avec Mozila FIREFOX
    Je n'arrive plus à lire mes mails?
    je n'arrive pas à lire mes mails ni à en écrire, je peux juste ouvrir la boite mails mais ni en ouvrir un, ni en effacer, il manque les icones pour supprimer , deplacer etc... les mails arrivent dans ma boite mais impossible de les ouvrir. que faire ???? message opération trops longue: charger mail de base

    You posted this with a Firefox/3.6.6 user agent.
    Did you post this using a different computer?
    You can check for problems caused by a possible corrupted user agent.
    *Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

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