Pourquoi mon iPad et iPhone ne reconnaissent plus le Apple tv avec AirPlay .tout allait bien encore hier.

IIpad ne reconnaît plus le Apple tv

Unfortunately, these are user to user forums here. Because of that and in order to protect you, I have asked the hosts to remove your personal information - it is not good to publish that in an open forum.

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    Did you already try to reset the phone by holding the sleep and home button for about 10sec, until the Apple logo comes back again?
    You will not lose data by resetting, but it can cure some glitches after installing new software.
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    je suis désolé
    : Google Translator French: Rough translation of the French into English:
    User is trying to print information onto paper to make a CD Sleeve, I believe. Here is what they wrote:
    Downloaded itunes 11
    Opened itunes on PC
    Create music CD
    Used "Print" in "file".
    Never had problem before but now list is unreadable and "crushed together".
    I went to "Layout" to change Format, but it works in Formats.
    How do I find the function I used before I upgraded?
    When I print, I use paper size a4 210 x 297 which corresponds to the size of a CD sleeve?
    Thank you in advance for you answers!
    ? Pourrait fonctionner?
    Mise en page de capture d'écran au format.
    Enregistrer sur le bureau.
    Imprimer l'image.
    Recréez manches CD à l'aide du programme Paint ou InDesign.
    Might work?
    Screen Capture layout in Format.
    Save to Desktop.
    Print image.
    Recreate CD Sleeve using Paint Program or InDesign.
    Print out.

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    Using FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4319
    Troubleshooting FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3367
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime: Set-up, Use, and Troubleshooting Problems
     Cheers, Tom

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    IIn spite of the fact that the iPad hasn't been dropped or abused in any way, it could still have hardware damage and that could be causing this behavior. Generally, the blue screen or blue halo is not a good thing. If you tried resetting the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons wit bout favorable results, the next step would be to restore the iPad.
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings - Apple Support
    If restoring doesn't work, make an appointment at an Apple Store and ask for their help.

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    Not sure if this helps...but I recently reset my apple ID on my main iTunes computer and had a problem getting my iPhone and iPad to recognize the new ID (ie, the phone asked for my password to my old ID when logging in).  A simple resynch didn't help...so a friend showed me to go into Settings>Store and click on my old apple ID (that was still recognized by the phone).  Then, I clicked log out, then log in, and logged back in with the NEW ID.  That instructed the phone to recognize the new ID to buy apps, etc.   Same process on the iPad.   You'll have to do a similar effort under settings>music and turn on iTunes Match (if applicable) under the new ID so it's recognized on your iPhone/iPad.  Seems easy in hindsight but quite frustrating in the meantime!   :-)

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    Go into the Settings on the device and then tap on App store & iTunes. There should be an option to change the Apple ID on your device in that tab.

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    Merci jmlevy de te pencher sur mon problème.
    Voilà une photo de mon panneau page :
    Puis une autre d'une page qui ne ressemble plus à rien après changement de pagination:
    Voici une ancienne page 28 devenue page 29. Fantastique, non ?
    On peut voir :
    Que mes blocs sont décalés par rapport à la maquette
    que le bloc noir de la page 28 déborde sur la page 29.
    Que mon bloc de texte est perturbé par l'ajout sous-jacent d'une page de maquette
    que ma pagination a conservé les attributs d'une page pair (numérotation à gauche) alors qu'elle est passée impaire.
    J'aurai considéré comme normal que mon ancienne p.28 se soit déplacée en page impaire avec le bloc texte bien placé ET avec les attributs de page (liés au gabarit, tels que pagination, filets, bas de page roulants) modifiés automatiquement. Or il n'en est rien.
    Tu me demandais des éclaircissements par rapport à "J'importe mes gabarits dans le document au fur et à mesure de la construction du livre et je libère les éléments de gabarit afin de pouvoir couler le texte et disposer l'icono. Lorsque c'est fait, je ne retourne pas dans le mode page d'InDesign. J'attaque la page suivante." Voici, plus en détails ce que je fais au moment où je monte une nouvelle page. Mes gabarits ont été  préparé en amont.
    J'ajoute une page au document (ex : une page de texte)
    je lui confère le gabarit qui va avec (ex : C-présentation ch1, cf plus haut)
    je libère les éléments de gabarits pour pouvoir couler le texte et disposer les images.
    quand ma page est finie je recommence l'étape 1.
    Est-ce que c'est à l'étape 3 que je me plante ?
    Est-ce qu'il y aurait d'autres explications à ce malheureux schmilblick ?
    Merci d'avance.

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    IIn spite of the fact that the iPad hasn't been dropped or abused in any way, it could still have hardware damage and that could be causing this behavior. Generally, the blue screen or blue halo is not a good thing. If you tried resetting the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons wit bout favorable results, the next step would be to restore the iPad.
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings - Apple Support
    If restoring doesn't work, make an appointment at an Apple Store and ask for their help.

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    Vous avez besoin du mot de passe pour votre ordinateur. Ce n'est pas un mot de pass d'Adobe.
    Vouz l'avez choisi quand vous avez allumé l'ordinateur le premiere fois, and si on le manque, l'ordinateur ni peut pas etre mis a jour, ni peut les logiciel s'installer.

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    Merci de votre aide

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    If you have iOS 7 then you must be a developer, so you should know that you should be posting in the developer forums : https://devforums.apple.com/index.jspa

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    My understanding is that whatever conversations I am having on iMessage on my iPad should also appear on my iPhone and vice versa.  In other words, if I start a conversation with you on imessage on my iPad, the identical conversation should be on imessage on my  iPhone. Is this true?  If it is, my  iPad and  iPhone aren't in sync this way. What do I have to do to get them in sync so that they are identical?
    Thank you.

    Check this excellent post by rbbcpa: iMessage on iPad and iPhone Explained...: Apple Support Communities

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    Presumably you mean you are sharing the same iCloud account? Except for turning off contacts on one of the devices, you can't stop sharing contacts. iCloud accounts are not designed to be shared among different people with different personal data.
    You should each gave your own personal iCloud account, setup under your own individual AppleID.
    You can still use the shared AppleID for the iTunes and AppStore purchases you already have though.

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