Powershell: How do I upload files with metadata from a manifest file?

I am using the script from this blog to try to upload files into SharePoint, using a manifest file to specify the metadata associated with each file. Right now, the script works, but is not populating
the metadata from the manifest (xml) file. When I write the $metadataManifest variable out to the console, I get the contents of my xml file, so the code is reading the file when it should. However when it gets to the line in bold ($metadataManifest.Columns.Column),
it does not go into that block...it just skips on to checkin the file. Again the $metadataManifest variable shows all the content in my xml manifest file. Here is what the script looks like...
#Get web and document library objects
$web = Get-SPWeb "http://companySite"
$Library = "My Library"
$docLibrary = $web.Lists[$Library]
$ManifestFilePath = "C:\PowerShellScripts\Manifest.xml"
$LocalPath = "C:\Upload\Test Upload\My Upload Directory\"
if ($ManifestFilePath)
$metadataManifest = (Get-Content ($ManifestFilePath))
write-host "Manifest file: " $metadataManifest
write-host "Manifest file not specified for categorising uploaded documents"
#Check for the LibraryStartFolder parameter to specify a root folder
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LibraryStartFolder')) {
$folder = $web.GetFolder($docLibrary.Title + $LibraryStartFolder)
$folder = $docLibrary.RootFolder
#Attach to local folder and enumerate through all files
if($IncludeSubFolders) {
$files = Get-ChildItem $LocalPath -Recurse
$files = Get-ChildItem $LocalPath
$files | ForEach-Object {
#Check if the object is a folder - if so, create it in doc library
if ($_.PSIsContainer) {
if (($IncludeSubFolders) -and (!$FlattenStructure)) {
#Generate folder path for creation in SharePoint
#by looking at the parent folder on the local path
$spFolderPath = ($_.Parent.FullName.Replace($LocalPath,"")).Replace("\","/")
#Get the folder into which the new folder will be created
#by adding the folder path generated above, if one existed
if ($spFolderPath -eq "") {
$currentFolder = $web.GetFolder($folder.Url)
$currentFolder = $web.GetFolder($folder.Url + $spFolderPath)
#Check to see if subfolder already exists
#and create it if not
$testFolder = $currentFolder.SubFolders[$_.Name]
if ($testFolder -eq $null) {
write-host "`nAdding folder" $_.Name "to" $docLibrary.Title "in" $web.Title "..." -foregroundcolor Green
$newFolder = $currentFolder.SubFolders.Add($_.Name)
write-host "`nFolder" $_.Name "already exists in" $docLibrary.Title "and shall not be created" -foregroundcolor Red
#Generate file path for upload into SharePoint
if ($FlattenStructure) {
$spFilePath = ("/" + $_.Name)
$spFilePath = ($_.FullName.Replace($LocalPath,"")).Replace("\","/")
$spFullPath = $folder.Url + "/" + $spFilePath
#Check if the file exists and the overwrite option is selected before adding the file
if ((!$web.GetFile($spFullPath).Exists) -or ($Overwrite)) {
#Add file
write-host "`nCopying" $_.Name "to" $spFullPath.Replace("/" + $_.Name,"") "in" $web.Title "..." -foregroundcolor Green
$spFile = $folder.Files.Add($spFullPath, $_.OpenRead(), $true)
#$spFile = $folder.Files.Add($folder.Url + "/" + $file.Name, [System.IO.Stream]$fileStream, $true)
$spItem = $spFile.Item
#Walk through manifest XML file and configure column values on the file
$metadataManifest.Columns.Column | ForEach-Object {
#Single value text columns
if (($_.Type -eq "Text") -or
($_.Type -eq "Choice") -or
($_.Type -eq "Boolean") -or
($_.Type -eq "Number") -or
($_.Type -eq "Currency")) {
$columnName = $_.Name
write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
$_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
$spItem[$columnName] = $_
write-host "Value set to"$_
catch {}
#Multiple line text column
catch {}
#Multiple choice columns
catch {}
#Hyperlink columns
catch {}
#Single User column
catch {}
#Multiple User column
catch {}
#Single value Managed Metadata column
catch {}
#Multi value Managed Metadata column
catch {}
#Update document with new column values
#Check in file to document library (if required)
#MinorCheckIn=0, MajorCheckIn=1, OverwriteCheckIn=2
if ($CheckIn) {
if ($spFile.CheckOutStatus -ne "None") {
$spFile.CheckIn("File copied from " + $filePath, 1)
write-host $spfile.Name"checked in"
#Approve file (if required)
if ($Approve) {
if ($spItem.ListItems.List.EnableModeration -eq $true) {
$spFile.Approve("File automatically approved after copying from " + $filePath)
if ($spItem["Approval Status"] -eq 0) { write-host $spfile.Name"approved" }
write-host "`nFile"$_.Name "already exists in" $spFullPath.Replace("/" + $_.Name,"") "and shall not be uploaded" -foregroundcolor Red
And here is what the manifest file looks like...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Column Name="Column1" Type="Text">
<Value>First File</Value>
<Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
<Column name="Column3" type="Text">
<Value>Some Data</Value>
<Column name="Column4" type="Text">
<Value>More Data</Value>
<Column Name="Column1" Type="Text">
<Value>Second File</Value>
<Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
<Column name="Column3" type="Text">
<Value>Some Data2</Value>
<Column name="Column4" type="Text">
<Value>More more Data</Value>
I can't figure out what am doing wrong...why my script is not iterating through the manifest file to upload the document along with the metadata. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks

Hi Spawn,
Name should not be a problem.. I will probably post you the entire code (I modified it to meet your goals for having multiple column xml nodes as well)
For the code snippet below:
a. In powershell all my changes will have ## prefixed comments
b. in XML I have changed one column name to "Name" to replicate your case and also added a parent node for making the xml well formed.
and the SharePoint output
Please see the code below
$web = Get-SPWeb "http://intranet/sites/test"
$Library = "My Library"
$docLibrary = $web.Lists[$Library]
$ManifestFilePath = "D:\Manifest.xml"
$LocalPath = "D:\UploadPath\"
if ($ManifestFilePath)
##read the xml file as an xml object
[xml]$metadataManifest = (Get-Content ($ManifestFilePath))
write-host "Manifest file: " $metadataManifest
write-host "Manifest file not specified for categorising uploaded documents"
#Check for the LibraryStartFolder parameter to specify a root folder
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LibraryStartFolder')) {
$folder = $web.GetFolder($docLibrary.Title + $LibraryStartFolder)
$folder = $docLibrary.RootFolder
#Attach to local folder and enumerate through all files
if($IncludeSubFolders) {
$files = Get-ChildItem $LocalPath -Recurse
$files = Get-ChildItem $LocalPath
$files | ForEach-Object {
#Check if the object is a folder - if so, create it in doc library
if ($_.PSIsContainer) {
if (($IncludeSubFolders) -and (!$FlattenStructure)) {
#Generate folder path for creation in SharePoint
#by looking at the parent folder on the local path
$spFolderPath = ($_.Parent.FullName.Replace($LocalPath,"")).Replace("\","/")
#Get the folder into which the new folder will be created
#by adding the folder path generated above, if one existed
if ($spFolderPath -eq "") {
$currentFolder = $web.GetFolder($folder.Url)
$currentFolder = $web.GetFolder($folder.Url + $spFolderPath)
#Check to see if subfolder already exists
#and create it if not
$testFolder = $currentFolder.SubFolders[$_.Name]
if ($testFolder -eq $null) {
write-host "`nAdding folder" $_.Name "to" $docLibrary.Title "in" $web.Title "..." -foregroundcolor Green
$newFolder = $currentFolder.SubFolders.Add($_.Name)
write-host "`nFolder" $_.Name "already exists in" $docLibrary.Title "and shall not be created" -foregroundcolor Red
#Generate file path for upload into SharePoint
if ($FlattenStructure) {
$spFilePath = ("/" + $_.Name)
$spFilePath = ($_.FullName.Replace($LocalPath,"")).Replace("\","/")
$spFullPath = $folder.Url + "/" + $spFilePath
#Check if the file exists and the overwrite option is selected before adding the file
if ((!$web.GetFile($spFullPath).Exists) -or ($Overwrite)) {
#Add file
write-host "`nCopying" $_.Name "to" $spFullPath.Replace("/" + $_.Name,"") "in" $web.Title "..." -foregroundcolor Green
$spFile = $folder.Files.Add($spFullPath, $_.OpenRead(), $true)
#$spFile = $folder.Files.Add($folder.Url + "/" + $file.Name, [System.IO.Stream]$fileStream, $true)
$spItem = $spFile.Item
## ensure we pick the corresponding node in the columns xml (first file, first xml node, second file - second node likewise)
#Walk through manifest XML file and configure column values on the file
$metadataManifest.FileData.Columns[$counter].Column | ForEach-Object {
#Single value text columns
if (($_.Type -eq "Text") -or
($_.Type -eq "Choice") -or
($_.Type -eq "Boolean") -or
($_.Type -eq "Number") -or
($_.Type -eq "Currency")) {
$columnName = $_.Name
write-host "Setting value on column"$columnName "..." -foregroundcolor Blue
$_.Values.Value | ForEach-Object {
$spItem[$columnName] = $_
write-host "Value set to"$_
catch {}
#Multiple line text column
catch {}
#Multiple choice columns
catch {}
#Hyperlink columns
catch {}
#Single User column
catch {}
#Multiple User column
catch {}
#Single value Managed Metadata column
catch {}
#Multi value Managed Metadata column
catch {}
#Update document with new column values
##increment the counter to read the next xml node
#Check in file to document library (if required)
#MinorCheckIn=0, MajorCheckIn=1, OverwriteCheckIn=2
if ($CheckIn) {
if ($spFile.CheckOutStatus -ne "None") {
$spFile.CheckIn("File copied from " + $filePath, 1)
write-host $spfile.Name"checked in"
#Approve file (if required)
if ($Approve) {
if ($spItem.ListItems.List.EnableModeration -eq $true) {
$spFile.Approve("File automatically approved after copying from " + $filePath)
if ($spItem["Approval Status"] -eq 0) { write-host $spfile.Name"approved" }
write-host "`nFile"$_.Name "already exists in" $spFullPath.Replace("/" + $_.Name,"") "and shall not be uploaded" -foregroundcolor Red
and the xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Column Name="Name" Type="Text">
<Value>First File</Value>
<Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
<Column name="Column3" type="Text">
<Value>Some Data</Value>
<Column name="Column4" type="Text">
<Value>More Data</Value>
<Column Name="Name" Type="Text">
<Value>Second File</Value>
<Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
<Column name="Column3" type="Text">
<Value>Some Data</Value>
<Column name="Column4" type="Text">
<Value>More Data</Value>
<Column Name="Name" Type="Text">
<Value>Third File</Value>
<Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
<Column name="Column3" type="Text">
<Value>Some Data</Value>
<Column name="Column4" type="Text">
<Value>More Data</Value>
<Column Name="Name" Type="Text">
<Value>Fourth File</Value>
<Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
<Column name="Column3" type="Text">
<Value>Some Data</Value>
<Column name="Column4" type="Text">
<Value>More Data</Value>
<Column Name="Name" Type="Text">
<Value>Fifth File</Value>
<Column Name="Column2" Type="Text">
<Column name="Column3" type="Text">
<Value>Some Data</Value>
<Column name="Column4" type="Text">
<Value>More Data</Value>
Thanks and Regards,

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    P.S. Points will be rewarded to all usefull answers.
    Edited by: Armin Reichert on Jun 30, 2008 6:12 PM
    Please stop this P.S. nonsense!

    you need to create three util class for that:-
    for example in my XML two tag item will be there e.g. Title and Organizer,and from ur WebDynpro view you need to pass value for the XML tag.
    And u need to call buildXML()function of builder class to generate XML, in that i have passed bean object to get the values of tags. you need to set the value in bean from the view ui context.
    Code for XMLBuilder:-
    Created on Apr 4, 2006
    This class is to created for having function for to build XML
    and to get EncodedXML
      and to get formated date
    package com.idb.events.util;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import com.idb.events.Event;
    public class XMLBuilder {
    This attribute represents the XML version
         private static final double VERSION_NUMBER = 1.0;
    This attribute represents the encoding
         private static final String ENCODING_TYPE = "UTF-16";
         /*Begin of Function to buildXML
    return: String
    input: Event
         public String buildXML(Event event) {
              StringBuffer xmlBuilder = new StringBuffer("<?xml version=\"");
              xmlBuilder.append("\" encoding=\"");
              xmlBuilder.append("\" ?>");
              xmlBuilder.append(getEncodedXML(event.getTitle(), "title"));
              xmlBuilder.append(getEncodedXML(event.getOrganizer(), "organizer"));
              return xmlBuilder.toString();
         /End of Function to buildXML/
         /*Begin of Function to get EncodedXML
    return: String
    input: String,String
         public String getEncodedXML(String xmlString, String tag) {
              StringBuffer begin = new StringBuffer("");
              if ((tag != null) || (!tag.equalsIgnoreCase("null"))) {
              return begin.toString();
         /End of Function to get EncodedXML/
         /*Begin of Function to get formated date
    return: String
    input: Date
         private final String formatDate(Date inputDateStr) {
              String date;
              try {
                   SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat =
                        new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
                   date = simpleDateFormat.format(inputDateStr);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   return "";
              return date;
         /End of Function to get formated date/
    Code for XMLParser:-
    Created on Apr 12, 2006
    This is a parser class
    package com.idb.events.util;
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
    import com.idb.events.Event;
    import com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDMessageManager;
    public class XMLParser {
    Enables namespace functionality in parser
         private final boolean isNameSpaceAware = true;
    Enables validation in parser
         private final boolean isValidating = true;
    The SAX parser used to parse the xml
         private SAXParser parser;
    The XML reader used by the SAX parser
         private XMLReader reader;
    This method creates the parser to parse the user details xml.
         private void createParser()
              throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException {
              // Create a JAXP SAXParserFactory and configure it
              SAXParserFactory saxFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
              // Create a JAXP SAXParser
              parser = saxFactory.newSAXParser();
              // Get the encapsulated SAX XMLReader
              reader = parser.getXMLReader();
              // Set the ErrorHandler
    This method is used to collect the user details.
         public Event getEvent(
              String newsXML,
              XMLHandler xmlHandler,
              IWDMessageManager mgr)
              throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException {
              //create the parser, if not already done
              if (parser == null) {
              //set the parser handler to extract the
              InputSource source =
                   new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(newsXML.getBytes()));
              //return the results of the parse           
              return xmlHandler.getEvent(mgr);
    Code for XMLHandler:-
    Created on Apr 12, 2006
    This is a parser class
    package com.idb.events.util;
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
    import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
    import com.idb.events.Event;
    Created on Apr 12, 2006
    *This handler class is created to have constant value for variables and function for get events,
        character values for bean variable,
        parsing thr date ......etc
    package com.idb.events.util;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.idb.events.Event;
    import com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDMessageManager;
    public class XMLHandler extends DefaultHandler {
         private static final String TITLE = "title";
         private static final String ORGANIZER = "organizer";
         IWDMessageManager manager;
         private Event events;
         private String tagName;
         public void setManager(IWDMessageManager mgr) {
              manager = mgr;
    This function is created to get events
         public Event getEvent(IWDMessageManager mgr) {
              manager = mgr;
              return this.events;
    This function is created to get character for setting values through event's bean setter method
         public void characters(char[] charArray, int startVal, int length)
              throws SAXException {
              String tagValue = new String(charArray, startVal, length);
              if (TITLE.equals(this.tagName)) {
              if (ORGANIZER.equals(this.tagName)) {
                   String orgName = tagValue;
                   try {
                        orgName = getOrgName(orgName);
                   } catch (Exception ex) {
    This function is created to parse boolean.
         private final boolean parseBoolean(String inputBooleanStr) {
              boolean b;
              if (inputBooleanStr.equals("true")) {
                   b = true;
              } else {
                   b = false;
              return b;
    This function is used to call the super constructor.
         public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName)
              throws SAXException {
              super.endElement(uri, localName, qName);
         /* (non-Javadoc)
    @see org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler#fatalError(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException)
    This function is used to call the super constructor.
         public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
    This function is created to set the elements base on the tag name.
         public void startElement(
              String uri,
              String localName,
              String qName,
              Attributes attributes)
              throws SAXException {
              this.tagName = localName;
              if (ROOT.equals(tagName)) {
                   this.events = new Event();
         public static void main(String a[]) {
              String cntry = "Nigeria";
              XMLHandler xml = new XMLHandler();
              ArrayList engList = new ArrayList();
              engList = xml.getCountries();
              ArrayList arList = xml.getArabicCountries();
              int engIndex = engList.indexOf(cntry);
              System.out.println("engIndex  :: " + engIndex);
              String arCntryName = (String) arList.get(engIndex);
                   ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + xml.getArabicCountryName(cntry));
    Hope that may help you.
    If need any help , you are most welcome.

  • Serving up files with Russian chars in the file name

    Anyone know how to get CF 8 to serve up CFM files with
    Russian characters in the file name? I can get IIS to server up
    .html files but .cfm files turn in to ?????????.cfm files.
    For example, this:
    becomes this ??????????????.cfm and throws a CF error (File Not
    Found) when clicking on the link. The strange thing is I can see
    the Russian characters in the status bar when I mouse over the link
    but CF can't handle it. And IIS will serve up the file and replace
    all the chars with their URL entity equivalent.
    Any suggestions on how to fix?

    Open the Script Editor or AppleScript Editor in one of the subfolders of Applications and run the following:
    tell application "Finder" to quit
    if (do shell script "defaults read com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles") is "1" then
    do shell script "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 0"
    do shell script "defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 1"
    end if
    delay 2
    tell application "Finder" to run
    If you change your mind later, run the script again.

  • Looking for pure Java API to read metadata from an MP4 file.

    Hi, I am looking for a pure Java api that can read MP4 metadata. I have been trying to look online for one but have not found anything
    suitable. If there are no good api's, can someone point me to resources on how to parse metadata from an MP4, tutorials would be great
    as well. I have looked online for that as well but have not found much. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Cross posted

  • How can i get the all values from the Property file to Hashtable?

    how can i get the all values from the Property file to Hashtable?
    ok,consider my property file name is pro.PROPERTIES
    and it contain
    8326=sun developer
    4306=sun java developer
    3943=java developer
    how can i get the all keys & values from the pro.PROPERTIES to hashtable
    plz help guys..............

    The Properties class is already a subclass of Hashtable. So if you have a Properties object, you already have a Hashtable. So all you need to do is the first part of that:Properties props = new Properties();
    InputStream is = new FileInputStream("tivoli.properties");

  • How do you move itunes with playlists from one computer to another

    how do you move itunes with playlists from a computer to ext hard drive, so it will play from the ext harddrive and not the computer

    Type "move itunes library to external hard drive" into the google search bar.

  • How to read a tab seperated data from a text file using utl_file

    How to read a tab seperated data from a text file using utl_file...
    I know if we use UTL_FILE.get_line we can read the whole line...but i need to read the tab separated value separately.....
    Thanks in advance...

    Naveen Nishad wrote:
    How to read a tab seperated data from a text file using utl_file...
    I know if we use UTL_FILE.get_line we can read the whole line...but i need to read the tab separated value separately.....If it's a text file then UTL_FILE will only allow you to read it a line at a time. It is then up to you to split that string up (search for split string on this forum for methods) into it's individual components.
    If the text file contains a standard structure on each line, i.e. it is a fixed delimited structure, then you could use external tables to read the data instead.

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