Powershell Variables

Hello there,
I have a code in a following way:
$a = "1234"$b = "`$a"$a
The Output of this code is:
Is it possible to use variable $b to get the content of variable $a when variable b includes variable a itself?  Something like that
*somestring* $b
Output of this should be: 1234
Thank you very much for help!

@Mike: you are right. This is working with that code. But I would like to read out the information out of a file. The file got the following content:
Submitter | 550000010 | c | 30 | $AR_SUBMITTER
I would like to use the $AR_SUBMITTER variable in my own code.
For that I use the following code:
FUNCTION getFile ($path)
$input = Get-Content $path | select-string -notmatch "#"
foreach ($line in $input)
$separator = $line.line.split("|")
$database_name = $separator[0].Trim()
$database_id = $separator[1].Trim()
$data_type = $separator[2].Trim()
$maximum_length = $separator[3].Trim()
$value = $separator[4].Trim()
return $value
$path = "file.txt"
$Output = getFile($path)
$test = """$Output"""
$test$test2 = (get-item Variable:$Output).Value
The Output here is:
@Bill: I can't use the get-item-option. For that I got the following error-Code:
Get-Item can't find path "Variable:\$AR_Submitter
Thanks for your help!

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    Any ideas how to do this?
    The reason behind this is that i want to create several different variables in a function.

    Solved it :)
    $Name = ("test" + "webapFeature")
    new-variable -name $Name
    -value "yo local"
    This creates a variable: $testwebapFeature
    with value "yo local"

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    Actual Return:
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      Output=input +6
    $output (Expected 7)   <----------------------------------------------------  return Output
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    Ok guys those are the script.
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    Dim PWD As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim Max As Integer
    Dim F1 As Worksheet
    Set F1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Foglio1")
    Max = F1.Range("A1").Value
    For i = 1 To Max
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    Good day All,
    I am attempting to create a script that watches a user account for a change in name. The reason is long, and unimportant, but I have created an automated script to log into Office 365, and get the user properties using 
    $checkName = Get-User -Identity [email protected] | FL DisplayName
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    DisplayName : First Last
    PS C:\Windows\system32>
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    $Result = "Name is Good!"
    $NagiosStatus = "0"
    $Result = "NAME HAS CHANGED!!"
    $NagiosStatus = "1"
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    This is so cool, and works perfectly! Thank you so much for the help!
    For anyone else who may be looking to do the same, I'll add my script with comments, so you can preform the whole of what I'm going to do as well. I've not completely finished tweaking it to work in Nagios, and I may update it after it does so others can
    use it as well, but here it is as it currently reports:
    # Nagios Username Detection Script
    # Author: Ricky and some other templates I've used online
    # Version 0.1
    # Will be updated once working to version 1.0
    # Compatibility:
    # Nagios Version: 3.x.4.x
    # Exchange Version: Office 365 2013
    # Powershell Version: 2.0
    # NSClient++ Version: 4.x
    #——– User ———–
    $user = “[email protected]
    #——– Password: SECURE - Use a secure string for authentication, required secure string to be made ———–
    $pass = Get-Content C:\Users\user\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\SecureStrings\365securestring.txt | convertto-securestring
    $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($user, $pass)
    # Link to description of creating secure string: http://community.office365.com/en-us/f/148/t/81993.aspx
    # Command to create a secure string: read-host -prompt "Enter password to be encrypted in mypassword.txt " -assecurestring | convertfrom-securestring | out-file C:\Users\...\365securestring.txt
    #——– Import office 365 Cmdlets ———–
    Import-Module MSOnline
    #———— Establish an Remote PowerShell Session to office 365 ———————
    Connect-MsolService -Credential $credential
    #———— Establish an Remote PowerShell Session to Exchange Online ———————
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    #———— Set the warning prefrence to prevent output from connecting
    $WarningPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
    #———— This command that we use for implicit remoting feature of PowerShell 2.0 ———————
    Import-PSSession $session | Out-Null
    $checkName = Get-User -Identity [email protected] | select DisplayName
    if($checkName.displayname -eq "First Last"){
    $Result = "Name is Good!"
    $NagiosStatus = "0"
    $Result = "NAME HAS CHANGED!!"
    $NagiosStatus = "1"
    Write-Host $Result
    Write-Host $NagiosStatus
    Thank you again Amit for your help! SO EXCITED TO HAVE THIS DONE!!

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    From a design perspective, I would suggest to use the Generic OLEDB database adapter.  There is an OleDB provider for Active Directory called ADsDSOObject. You can find it through a search on the Microsoft site.  It may be installed as a part of standard Windows or .Net.  Not sure. If you could get this registered on the PO server, you would be able to do a select and use the output as a native table instead of Powershell output parsing.
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    $a in $as
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        $total = 0
    foreach($a in $as)
                   if ( $a -as[int] -eq $null)
                { Write-host "this is not a valid number"
                    exit 1
                    $total += $a
                  Write-host "The total is $total"
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    The variable '$as' cannot be retrieved because it has not been set.
    At C:\cmd.practise\finalexam\foreachadd.ps1:8 char:15
    + foreach($a in $as)
    +               ~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (as:String) [], RuntimeException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VariableIsUndefined
    SQL 75

    You need to go back and study the very initial basics of PowerShell.  You are repeatedly guessing wrong and misunderstanding how this works. Without the fundamentals you will be forever lost.
    Try to understand why and how the following works.  Read the basics of using PowerShell variables and loops.
    foreach($a in $as){
    if($a -as [int]){
            Write-host "$a cannot be converted to a valid integer 32"
    Write-host "The total is $total"
    You also need to learn how to format your code.  Tat would make it easier for you too see your mistakes.

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    Hi Bjorn,
    Yes this is possible, but depends which information you want. The Health analyzer is a list, so you can use PowerShell to retrieve all list items and export them to a txt file.
    For regular text (like on a content web part) I am not sure how to do this, as I never had this requirement, but it should be possible as well.
    Nico Martens
    SharePoint/Office365/Azure Consultant

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    From your error messages to your output parameters, changing the colors of different PowerShell variables and outcomes is a straightforward and useful way to customize your PowerShell console. You can quickly identify ouputs, error messages, parameters and more with simple color cues – and when you're dealing with a longer script, being able to quickly identify anything is a huge help.In aguide on how to configure and customize your color settingsin PowerShell, Petri walks through each and every step, and even donates some of itsown custom PowerShell color themes scripts. (It should be noted that this only works for PowerShell console and not PowerShell ISE.) You can access your color configuration by entering:Powershell$host.privatedataThis will pull up a list of all your colors as they are currently set.Image credit:Jeff HicksNow...

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    Eason Huang:
    Are you serious? Just LOL! How did you check that no such document exists, if you arent even sure Lync support -Filter parameter or not?
    For your benefit, here is some material to read:
    https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg398125.aspx -->Get-CsUser
    Parameter: FILTER:
    Enables you to limit the returned data by filtering on Lync Server-specific attributes. For example, you can limit returned data to users who have been assigned a specific voice policy, or users who have not been assigned a specific voice policy.
    The Filter parameter uses the same Windows PowerShell filtering syntax that is used by the Where-Object cmdlet. For example, a filter that returns only users who have been enabled for Enterprise Voice would look like this, with EnterpriseVoiceEnabled representing
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    {EnterpriseVoiceEnabled -eq $True}

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    I have a script that I use to delete files with a certain file extension in a folder and its subfolders. I would like to enhance to the script by counting the total number of files and their combined size in MB that the script is deleting and use this information
    in a popup where a message will say something like "X No. Files deleted totalling YMB
    The existing script so far is:
    get-childitem  -include *.****.rfa -recurse | foreach ($_) {remove-item $_.fullname}
    Can any advise what I need to add as I'm quite new to powershell.

    So you do not know how to write a simple output statement.  I think you need to start here:
    Not specifically within Powershell no, like I said I only started looking at it this week as an alternative to VBS.
    Nothing is being declared.  You need to learn the basics of PowerShell.  We cannot teach you one line at a time.
    Really? So the author of
    this website is talking rubbish is he? ("Once data is assigned to a PowerShell variable, it’s automatically declared.")
    I never asked for line-by-line hand holding nor am I someone who wants others to write the entire code for me. Examples of previous scripts that perform similar or partial operations would have been a good way to guide a new user unfamiliar to this topic.
    Additionally posting modified(incorrect) and unfinished script examples without clearly stating what your code is doing nor that additional lines of code need to be added before the script will operate as outlined in the original post is confusing to someone
    with 0 experience in this area.
    On forums I frequent that are relevant to subjects which I have good experience with, whenever I respond to a genuine query of that has an example of what they are trying to create/modify, I will happily provide a full example and/or explain what I
    have done so the OP understands exactly what I did to achieve their request in my example. For someone with your points tally (and likely a respected poster amongst your peers on this site) responding with what is essentially "RFTM Noob" I trust you can understand
    is somewhat disappointing.

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    From your error messages to your output parameters, changing the colors of different PowerShell variables and outcomes is a straightforward and useful way to customize your PowerShell console. You can quickly identify ouputs, error messages, parameters and more with simple color cues – and when you're dealing with a longer script, being able to quickly identify anything is a huge help.In aguide on how to configure and customize your color settingsin PowerShell, Petri walks through each and every step, and even donates some of itsown custom PowerShell color themes scripts. (It should be noted that this only works for PowerShell console and not PowerShell ISE.) You can access your color configuration by entering:Powershell$host.privatedataThis will pull up a list of all your colors as they are currently set.Image credit:Jeff HicksNow...

  • Exchange Powershell return value from Get-command to variable.

    I am trying to create a powershell-script for our monitoring-software.
    The script is supposed to establish a connection to our exchange-server mgmt-shell and execute this command:
    I have the connection in place, but am missing the knowledge of how to return the result of the command to my script, which I can then pass to our monitoring-software.
    (The script take 2 parameters - host and command eg. exch01.domain and Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus).
    Current code:
    $statusAlive = "ScriptRes:Host is alive:"
    $statusDead = "ScriptRes:No answer:"
    $statusUnknown = "ScriptRes:Unknown:"
    $statusNotResolved = "ScriptRes:Unknown host:"
    $statusOk = "ScriptRes:Ok:"
    $statusBad = "ScriptRes:Bad:"
    $statusBadContents = "ScriptRes:Bad contents:"
    $pass = cat C:\securestring.txt | convertto-securestring
    $Cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "domain\administrator",$pass
    $host = $args[0]
    $command = $args[1]
    if (!$args[0]) {
    echo $statusUnknown"Host parameter is empty"
    if (!$args[1]) {
    echo $statusUnknown"Command parameter is empty"
    $session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://$host/powershell -Credential $cred
    Import-PSSession $session
    Remove-PSSession $session
    Now, how do I "catch" the value of the executed command and return it to a variable in the script?
    Best Regards,

    Hmm.. doesnt seem to work quite right.
    I added "Echo $result" after "Remove-PSSession $session", but then I just get a bunch of information..
    Script tmp_c3a1c132-f4d9-4d61... {Get-IRMConfiguration, New-MailUser, Get-PublicFolderMigrationRequestSta...
    RunspaceId : 2d179364-2df3-483d-a192-f5f4ca9453bb
    Identity : DB02 - Specielle\EXCHANGE01
    Id : DB02 - Specielle\EXCHANGE01
    Name : DB02 - Specielle\EXCHANGE01
    DatabaseName : DB02 - Specielle
    Status : Mounted
    InstanceStartTime : 01-03-2014 03:35:07
    LastStatusTransitionTime :
    MailboxServer : EXCHANGE01
    ActiveDatabaseCopy : EXCHANGE01
    ActiveCopy : True
    ActivationPreference : 1
    StatusRetrievedTime : 11-03-2014 08:30:15
    WorkerProcessId : 8124
    ActivationSuspended : False
    ActionInitiator : Unknown
    ErrorMessage :
    ErrorEventId :
    ExtendedErrorInfo :
    SuspendComment :
    RequiredLogsPresent :
    SinglePageRestore : 0
    ContentIndexState : Healthy
    ContentIndexErrorMessage :
    ContentIndexVersion : 1
    ContentIndexBacklog : 0
    ContentIndexRetryQueueSize : 0
    ContentIndexMailboxesToCrawl :
    ContentIndexSeedingPercent :
    ContentIndexSeedingSource :
    CopyQueueLength : 0
    ReplayQueueLength : 0
    ReplaySuspended : False
    ResumeBlocked : False
    ReseedBlocked : False
    MinimumSupportedDatabaseSchemaVersion : 0.121
    MaximumSupportedDatabaseSchemaVersion : 0.125
    RequestedDatabaseSchemaVersion : 0.125
    LatestAvailableLogTime :
    LastCopyNotificationedLogTime :
    LastCopiedLogTime :
    LastInspectedLogTime :
    LastReplayedLogTime :
    LastLogGenerated : 0
    LastLogCopyNotified : 0
    LastLogCopied : 0
    LastLogInspected : 0
    LastLogReplayed : 0
    LowestLogPresent : 0
    LastLogInfoIsStale : False
    LastLogInfoFromCopierTime :
    LastLogInfoFromClusterTime :
    LastLogInfoFromClusterGen : 0
    LogsReplayedSinceInstanceStart : 0
    LogsCopiedSinceInstanceStart : 0
    LatestFullBackupTime :
    LatestIncrementalBackupTime :
    LatestDifferentialBackupTime :
    LatestCopyBackupTime :
    SnapshotBackup :
    SnapshotLatestFullBackup :
    SnapshotLatestIncrementalBackup :
    SnapshotLatestDifferentialBackup :
    SnapshotLatestCopyBackup :
    LogReplayQueueIncreasing : False
    LogCopyQueueIncreasing : False
    ReplayLagStatus :
    DatabaseSeedStatus :
    OutstandingDumpsterRequests : {}
    OutgoingConnections :
    IncomingLogCopyingNetwork :
    SeedingNetwork :
    DiskFreeSpacePercent : 50
    DiskFreeSpace : 20.02 GB (21,498,761,216 bytes)
    DiskTotalSpace : 40 GB (42,946,523,136 bytes)
    ExchangeVolumeMountPoint :
    DatabaseVolumeMountPoint : E:\
    DatabaseVolumeName : \\?\Volume{e6cb407f-e4f2-11e2-93eb-005056ae239d}\
    DatabasePathIsOnMountedFolder : False
    LogVolumeMountPoint : F:\
    LogVolumeName : \\?\Volume{e6cb4087-e4f2-11e2-93eb-005056ae239d}\
    LogPathIsOnMountedFolder : False
    LastDatabaseVolumeName :
    LastDatabaseVolumeNameTransitionTime :
    VolumeInfoError :
    IsValid : True
    ObjectState : Unchanged
    RunspaceId : 2d179364-2df3-483d-a192-f5f4ca9453bb
    Identity : DB01 - Standard\EXCHANGE01
    Id : DB01 - Standard\EXCHANGE01
    Name : DB01 - Standard\EXCHANGE01
    DatabaseName : DB01 - Standard
    Status : Mounted
    InstanceStartTime : 01-03-2014 03:35:07
    LastStatusTransitionTime :
    MailboxServer : EXCHANGE01
    ActiveDatabaseCopy : EXCHANGE01
    ActiveCopy : True
    ActivationPreference : 1
    StatusRetrievedTime : 11-03-2014 08:30:15
    WorkerProcessId : 8140
    ActivationSuspended : False
    ActionInitiator : Unknown
    ErrorMessage :
    ErrorEventId :
    ExtendedErrorInfo :
    SuspendComment :
    RequiredLogsPresent :
    SinglePageRestore : 0
    ContentIndexState : Healthy
    ContentIndexErrorMessage :
    ContentIndexVersion : 1
    ContentIndexBacklog : 3
    ContentIndexRetryQueueSize : 0
    ContentIndexMailboxesToCrawl :
    ContentIndexSeedingPercent :
    ContentIndexSeedingSource :
    CopyQueueLength : 0
    ReplayQueueLength : 0
    ReplaySuspended : False
    ResumeBlocked : False
    ReseedBlocked : False
    MinimumSupportedDatabaseSchemaVersion : 0.121
    MaximumSupportedDatabaseSchemaVersion : 0.125
    RequestedDatabaseSchemaVersion : 0.125
    LatestAvailableLogTime :
    LastCopyNotificationedLogTime :
    LastCopiedLogTime :
    LastInspectedLogTime :
    LastReplayedLogTime :
    LastLogGenerated : 0
    LastLogCopyNotified : 0
    LastLogCopied : 0
    LastLogInspected : 0
    LastLogReplayed : 0
    LowestLogPresent : 0
    LastLogInfoIsStale : False
    LastLogInfoFromCopierTime :
    LastLogInfoFromClusterTime :
    LastLogInfoFromClusterGen : 0
    LogsReplayedSinceInstanceStart : 0
    LogsCopiedSinceInstanceStart : 0
    LatestFullBackupTime :
    LatestIncrementalBackupTime :
    LatestDifferentialBackupTime :
    LatestCopyBackupTime :
    SnapshotBackup :
    SnapshotLatestFullBackup :
    SnapshotLatestIncrementalBackup :
    SnapshotLatestDifferentialBackup :
    SnapshotLatestCopyBackup :
    LogReplayQueueIncreasing : False
    LogCopyQueueIncreasing : False
    ReplayLagStatus :
    DatabaseSeedStatus :
    OutstandingDumpsterRequests : {}
    OutgoingConnections :
    IncomingLogCopyingNetwork :
    SeedingNetwork :
    DiskFreeSpacePercent : 50
    DiskFreeSpace : 20.02 GB (21,498,761,216 bytes)
    DiskTotalSpace : 40 GB (42,946,523,136 bytes)
    ExchangeVolumeMountPoint :
    DatabaseVolumeMountPoint : E:\
    DatabaseVolumeName : \\?\Volume{e6cb407f-e4f2-11e2-93eb-005056ae239d}\
    DatabasePathIsOnMountedFolder : False
    LogVolumeMountPoint : F:\
    LogVolumeName : \\?\Volume{e6cb4087-e4f2-11e2-93eb-005056ae239d}\
    LogPathIsOnMountedFolder : False
    LastDatabaseVolumeName :
    LastDatabaseVolumeNameTransitionTime :
    VolumeInfoError :
    IsValid : True
    ObjectState : Unchanged
    I am only interested in the 2 "ContentIndexState" - how can I pick these 2 out and put them into a variable?
    I though the command "Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus" would only display these two, since it is what happens if I run the command inside PowerShell on the server itself.

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    I'm using the appropriate user and have permissions for deleting surveys. I delete the surveys, then if I refresh the repository or logout and log back in, they reappear. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

  • User search in group

    Hi All, Iam having a problem in searching the user in group tab. Iam having about 2500 users in portal and all og them are assigned to a group.When Iam searching the user in that group it is taking about 10 min to search for a single user. All the us