Pre-populating Entities

Hi All,
How would you pre-populate an entity with some values
e.g. in a non entity example we would have for the rule
Section 1 is satisfied if
the applicant name is known and
the applicant is present"Pre-populating these I would have to add
the applicant name = "John Doe"
the applicant is present (ALT+C)
So how would I pre-populate with entities
e.g. for the rule
Section 2 is complete if
the applicant is happy and
ForAll(aChild, Child name is known)
How do I create a few entities instance in the rule base in design time ?
Child 1: Molly,
Child 2: Boby,
Child 3, "unknown"
Hope that made sense

Unfortunately there is no way of creating entities in rules, this has to be done through another mechanism.
One way would be to write an Inferencing Listener to create the entities.

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    You should setup as new.
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    assuming the code hasn't changed between 10.1.3 and 11, you can have a look at these examples
    Let me know in case the code has changed

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    Neha Gupta

    Let me explain in this way:
    1) User got some default email address first time, this is not through any request.[e.g [email protected]]
    2) Now the user got married and she wants to change her email address as per her new lastname(through a request).[First name: Neha , Last Name : pqr]
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         [oim suggested email address: [email protected]]
    That's why we want only on modify page not on create page, as creation of email address is not requestable.

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    Sorry, we don't currently support creating forms with pre-filled data.

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    << Moderator message - Please do not offer points >>
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Oct 8, 2010 2:16 PM

    Moderator message - Cross post locked

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    Thanks in ADVANCE

    Have you declared the backing beans where the values of the combo box are stored at session scope ?

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    HI ,
    I have created one adapter with type "*Pre-Populate Rule Generator*", as per the link i follow::
    in this i want to pre populate the email id with firstname.lastname. i have successfully done the all the steps and mapping as per the link,but the emailid fileds in db tables has not reflected any changes with lastname.firstname.
    i found that the note mention that " *To make the field be auto-populated, the Auto-populate*
    *checkbox for the iPlanet Resource must be checked. Otherwise the*
    *Prepopulate button on the form has to be clicked for the field to update.*
    *To test the adapter, provision someone to iPlane"* but i'm not able to find such check box anywhere.please help as i'm new in oim.where exactly this check box is present.
    thanx in advance .

    No, my user has got provisioned, but my pre populate adapter is not in effect.
    I have created this pre populated adapter for concatinating the firstname and lastname and get populated in email.
    i have created one form using Generic Technology connectors that is provisioned with DB.
    here are steps which i have followed:
    1) create gtc for provisioning .
    2)created it resources with type : database.
    3)i created sandbox
    4)create application instatnce
    5)publish sandbox
    6) thenn i run the schedular catlog synchronization job.
    7) then i create the users
    8) then i add that user to the application instatnce by adding to cart.
    9) then get appear with a process form.
    then by submiting the state is converted to provisioned.
    then this form table i map with that adapter but still not refled any changes..
    is there any mistake in the above sequence or something wrong.please is very urgent.

  • Problem in pre populated adapter in OIM 11 g R2

    hii i have followed following steps regarding the pre populated adapter ,but no luck.
    java code :
    import oracle.iam.request.plugins.PrePopulationAdapter;
    import oracle.iam.request.vo.RequestData;
    public class Userfname implements PrePopulationAdapter {
    public Serializable prepopulate(RequestData requestData){
    String fname = "xyz";
    System.out.println("Returning fname ==== " + fname );
    return fname ;
    2)i have create a jar for this code and paste it into lib folder.
    3) i have create a plugin.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <oimplugins xmlns:xsi="">
    <*plugins pluginpoint="oracle.iam.request.plugins.PrePopulationAdapter">*
    *<plugin pluginclass= "" version="1.0" name="Userfname">*
    *<metadata name="PrePopulationAdapater">*
    4)i register the plugin using ant -f  pluginregistration.xml register
    5)i have restartthe oim server and then i create a user using the same app instatnce in which i have create the form(ie.register),and
    request acount-->select app instance ---> add to cart
    but the last name xyz as per the java code is not reflected in the dadbase table.
    please help
    tushar palekar

    I found that there is exception during registraion of plugin.xml in oim.
    **[java] Java Result: 1**
    **[delete] Deleting: c:\yash\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\server\plugin_utility\20130417160129.tmp**
    **[echo] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/jrf/PortabilityLayerException**
    +*[echo] at oracle.iam.platformservice.utils.PluginUtility.main(*+*
    +*[echo] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jrf.PortabilityLayerException*+*
    **[echo] at$**
    **[echo] at Method)**
    **[echo] at**
    **[echo] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(**
    **[echo] at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(**
    **[echo] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(**
    **[echo] ... 1 more**
    **[echo] classpath=C:\yash\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\server\ext\spring.jar;C:\yash\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\server\ext\jakarta-commons\commons-logging.jar;C**
    **[echo] was_home=null**
    **[echo] client_home=null**
    **[echo] xl_home=null**
    **[echo] mw_home=null**
    **[echo] newClasspath=C:\yash\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\server\ext\spring.jar;C:\yash\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\server\ext\jakarta-commons\commons-logging.ja**
    **Total time: 1 minute 21 seconds**
    please help as it is very urgent
    Thnks ,

  • Pre-populated PDF forms and form submission

    Ok, I must be blind or something, I've searched for answers to this question, and see unanswered posts around the web, and if there are answers, they don't help. Perhaps if someone can answer this, it will help many others as well:
    I've read about how FDF/XFDF (the older method) can be sent to the client side, which will open the specified PDF file (as specified using the "/F" flag in the FDF) and load the fields values also specified in the FDF (using the /FIELDS and /T flags, etc.). I was recently told that XFA is the new format, but reading the docs is not clear to me.
    QUESTION: What is the proper method to pre-populate the FIELDS of a PDF form (created using LiveCycle Designer, or Acrobat, or whatever) that gets sent to a client browser? Changes to this pre-populated data gets re-submited via an HTTP post button (or whatever) back to the server.
    Note: At the server backend, say using C# in Visual Studio 2005, I can simply read the posted HTML form and store the fields values into a database; However, I need to be able to pre-populate these PDF forms with selected patient names, etc., so that healthcare officials can complete them more easily BEFORE they get posted back to the server. These pre-populated fields (some of them anyhow) must STILL be editable (not flatten to static text or something).

    From your description, is doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the virtual enviroment. It does sound like the forms simply need to be Reader-enabled. This allows Reader to save filled-in forms, which is necessary when you want to email them. If all of your users can use Reader 11, the forms do not need to be Reader-enabled since it is capable of saving non-enabled form. To enable a form in Acrobat 10, select: File > Save As > Reader Extended PDF > Enable Additional Features

  • Pre populated Adapters

    Hi everyone!
    Hope you are having a great time. We would like to know what is the API or class or package that we can use in order to get the information from a user that is being created in OIM 11g. Based on the following scenario:
    We have a new user/employee, an HR system (PeopleSoft to be precise) process their corresponding data and sends a message to OIM. There's a Listener that catchs the message from PS and process the data in order to create a new user in OIM. According to the user's role we have to create some Resources (AD, Exchange, etc) and assign them to the user.
    We are trying to acomplish that trough a prepopulated adapter.
    (Is that correct?)
    Assuming that's the correct aproach, we must create the username for the AD Resource based on some of the user's informaiton (like first letter from the name, second from the last name and so on). So we are guessing that when PeopleSoft create the user in OIM, the pre-populated adapter is triggered and then we have to use the corresponding API in order to get the username and lastname from OIM and build the username for the AD Resource.
    We hope you can help us with that, Or if you think we are messing something up please, we will be glad to hear for suggestions.

    Thank you for the answer. Now we have a better perspective, yet, wouldn't be necessary, when creating the AD pre-populated to get the User info (from OIM) in order to create the username, pass, etc, that would be provisioned to AD?
    And that takes us to the first question.
    We would like to know what is the API or class or package that we can use in order to get the information from a user that is being created in OIM 11g
    So when we run the provisioning process, the Resource get created the way we want.

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    Thanks in advance.

    There are various ways this can be done. One way is to use a back-end application to pre-populate a copy of the PDF with the data and then serve it to the user, but that is quite complex to implement. Another way would be to use parameters in the URL to do it. That can be done more easily with a script.

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    Can any one please advise on how to get it done.
    Thank You in advance,
    Han Dao

    Hi Steve,
    The data is coming from web service that created in Workbench ES for all the fields including the DDL.

  • Form data pre population

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    Is there a way I can achieve this?

    This isn't the right forum group for talking about PDF Forms. This group is
    for dicussion of the LiveCycle Data Services server which supports Remoting,
    Messaging and Data Management from Flex applications.
    Sorry we can't help.

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