PRE8 Mixed Media Project Issues

Problem Description: When creating a New Project and after importing a combination of video (MOD) and still images (jpeg) I get a pop up that says "Premeir Elements 8 is running low on system memory. Please save any changes to you project and close PRE" or something similar to that message.
I just don't understand what I need to do to get PRE 8 to run on my system without running out of "system resources".
I have a separate hard drive for my PRE projects so that I am not running the program on the same drive that my projects are on. Please help, I am new to Premiere Elements, but have work a little with other Adobe products in the past. I know with some of their products you have to specify scratch disks to help the software to run smoothly. Is that what I am missing? When I purchased this product I kinda hoped that it would be just a simple drag&drop, edit the files in program, add effects/transitions/audio and then compile the final video, but I have not been able to successfully create anything with PRE on my very capable system...pretty sad.
Again please help,
I have a HPE Pavilion 180T PC
Intel i7 X980 CPU

Here is an ARTICLE on setting up one's computer for an editing session.
Here is an ARTICLE on Memory and Resources.
Good luck,
PS - there are several useful articles in the FAQ sub-forum, to the right on the main forum screen, that tell how to set up one's computer for Video editing and also for tuning one's OS.

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    NO no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!
    DO NOT USE ProRes 4444! Just because it has a higher number and higher data rate does NOT mean that it is appropriate for editing. What is it with people going "it is bigger, therefore it MUST be better." It isn't.
    Regular ProRes 422. Not HQ, NOT 444. 4444 is meant as an ANIMATION codec replacement for embedded alpha channel work, and HQ is for 10-bit and 2K workflows. The EX is an 8-bit codec, so ProRes 422 is the way to go.

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    Saying what CODECS you are working with was my question. 1080, 720, 4:3...really says nothing. There are a dozen 1080 codecs, another dozen 720 codecs, and nearly 100 4:3 formats.
    Best to capture all the footage to one uniform codec.
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    FAQ:How/Where do I report a bug?
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    We have created several Media Manager specific threads for your issues that are "stickied" at the top of this board.  These are :
    Media Manager Installation Issues
    Media Manager Design Issues
    Media Manager Audio Playback Issues
    Media Manager Video Playback Issues
    Media Manager General (Other) Issues
    Please post your Media Manager issues in the correct corresponding thread so that our FSC employees can identify and begin to resolve some of the problems being experienced by our Media Manager customers.
    Thank You!!
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer that solved your issue as the accepted solution.

    I can understand your point of view and I respect it in regards to Small Basic being a learning language. None the less, let me make a suggestion that would be more ageeable, I think,  to different kinds of people. Why not make different versions
    of this new language: version 1 for beginners that I heard would be out by the end of this year,
    version 2 for intermediates and version 3 for more advanced programmers. All this would culminate to the Visual Basic language. These 3 versions would smoothe out the gap between SB and Visual Basic. Your new programmers would
    evolve at the same time your versions would come out and Microsoft would have a long term policy of loyal programmers. 

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