Precompiled xquery functions

I'm trying to find the way to prepare and reuse queries thought the life of application.
I have a bunch of functions that call each other; all of them accept one string parameter and will be called frequently.
What I'm doing is:
1. Prepare following query for each function call (declarations of all and call of one of them):
declare function pg:fun1 ( $t as xs:string )
return "some_node"
declare function pg:fun2 ( $t as xs:string )
return ns:fun1 ( $local_var )
declare variable $p as xs:string external;
return ns:fun1 ( $p )
2. Call function this way:
self.__qe [ function ].setVariableValue ( "p", XmlValue ( XmlValue.STRING, str ( arg ) ) )
return self.__qe [ function ].execute ( self.__dc.qc )
If it would work that would serve my needs, but preparing (step 1) falls with error:
_dbxml.XmlQueryParserError: (6, "Error: Unrecognized character 'p' (0x70) [err:XPST0003], <query>:26:9")
that error on actual function call "return ns:fun1 ( $p )", so it's not sufficient to just declare external variable before query preparation
Maybe I'm taking completely wrong approach, but I couldn't find any tips on how to do that proper way. If somebody can tell me how to prepare bunch of functions and than just call them passing different parameter values, I would be much appreciated.

Hi Philippe,
You would be doing things in a correct manner if you were using XQuery syntax in your query. After unmangling what I think you mean from what you posted, you might want to try something like this:
declare function local:fun1 ( $t as xs:string )
declare function local:fun2 ( $t as xs:string )
local:fun1 ( $t )
declare variable $p as xs:string external;
local:fun1 ( $p )John

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- edited with XMLSpy v2005 rel. 3 U ( by () -->
    <schema xmlns="" xmlns:xdb="" xmlns:tns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
         <complexType name="entry">
                   <element name="base" type="string"/>
                   <element name="translation" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                                  <extension base="string">
                                       <attribute name="lang"/>
              <attribute name="xpath" type="string" use="required" xdb:SQLName="XPATH"/>
              <attribute name="locator" type="string" use="required"/>
         <simpleType name="languages">
              <list itemType="string"/>
                        <element name="entry" type="tns:entry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLName="ENTRY"/>
                   <attribute name="cid" type="string"/>
                   <attribute name="path" type="string"/>
                   <attribute name="lang" type="string"/>
                   <attribute name="langs" type="tns:languages"/>
                   <attribute name="oldversion" type="string"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- edited with XMLSpy v2008 ( by Jan-Erik Pedersen (HEWLETT PACKARD) -->
    <!--W3C Schema generated by XMLSpy v2007 ( by Scott Dismukes (Hewlett Packard)-->
    <schema xmlns="" xmlns:xdb="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:cns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
         <import namespace="" schemaLocation="../types.xsd"/>
         <complexType name="productFamilies">
                   <element name="productFamily" type="tns:productFamily" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                   <element name="product" type="tns:product" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
              <attribute name="lang" use="required" xdb:SQLName="LANG">
                        <restriction base="string">
                             <length value="5"/>
              <attribute name="version" use="required" xdb:SQLName="VERSION">
                        <restriction base="string">
                             <maxLength value="100"/>
         <complexType name="productCategory">
                   <element name="label" type="cns:label"/>
                   <element name="productCategory" type="tns:productCategory" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:defaultTable="ECG_REP_ECO_CATALOG_PC_TAB"/>
                   <element name="product" type="tns:product" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
              <attribute name="id" type="cns:id" use="required"/>
         <complexType name="productCategories">
                   <element name="productCategory" type="tns:productCategory" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
         <complexType name="column">
                   <element name="label" type="cns:label"/>
              <attribute name="id" type="cns:id" use="required"/>
         <complexType name="product">
                   <element name="label" type="cns:label"/>
                   <element name="column" type="tns:column" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
              <attribute name="id" type="cns:id" use="required"/>
         <complexType name="productFamily">
                   <element name="label" type="cns:label"/>
                   <element name="image" type="cns:image" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                   <element name="link" type="cns:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                   <element name="column" type="tns:column" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                   <element name="productCategories" type="tns:productCategories" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
              <attribute name="id" type="cns:id" use="required"/>
         <element name="productFamilies" type="tns:productFamilies" xdb:defaultTable="ECG_REP_ECO_CATALOG_TAB"/>
    xquery version "1.0";
    declare namespace typ = "";
    declare namespace c = "";
    declare namespace t = "";
    declare variable $c := $res/c:productFamilies;
    declare function local:pc($pc as element(c:productCategory), $x as xs:string) as element()
         <c:productCategory id="{$pc/@id}">
              <c:label>{data($es/t:entry[@xpath eq concat($x, "/label")]/t:translation)}</c:label>
              for $p in $pc/c:product
              return local:p($p, concat($x, "/product/[@id=", $p/@id, "]"))
              for $pcc in $pc/c:productCategory
              return local:pc($pcc, concat($x, "/productCategory[@id=", $pcc/@id, "]"))
    declare function local:p($p as element(c:product), $x as xs:string) as element()
         <c:product id="{$p/@id}">
              <c:label>{string($es/t:entry[@xpath eq concat($x, "/label")]/t:translation)}</c:label>
              for $col in $p/c:column
              <c:column id="{$col/@id}">
                        let $e := $es/t:entry[@xpath eq concat($x, "/column[@id=", $col/@id, "]/label")]
                        if(exists($e)) then string($e/t:translation)
                        else $col/c:label/text()
    <c:productFamiles xsi:schemaLocation="" lang="{$lang/lang/text()}" version="{$c/@version}">
         for $pf in $c/c:productFamily
         let $x := concat("/productFamily[@id=", $pf/@id, "]")
         <c:productFamily id="{$pf/@id}">
    (:xpath index can not be applied within function:)
              <c:label>{data($es/t:entry[@xpath eq concat($x, "/label")]/t:translation)}</c:label>
              for $img in $pf/c:image
              return $img
              for $link in $pf/c:link
              return $link
              for $col in $pf/c:column
              <c:column id="{$col/@id}">
                   <c:label>{data($es/t:entry[@xpath eq concat($x, "/column[@id=", $col/@id, "]/label")]/t:translation)}</c:label>
              for $pcs in $pf/c:productCategories
                   for $pc in $pcs/c:productCategory
                   return local:pc($pc, concat($x, "/productCategories/productCategory[@id=", $pc/@id, "]"))
         for $p in $c/c:product
         return local:p($p, concat("/product[@id=", $p/@id, "]"))
    Message was edited by:
    John Lee

    Am i missing a bit of the Xquery
    In 11.1,0.6.0 I get
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
    SQL> set echo on
    SQL> spool testcase.log
    SQL> --
    SQL> connect sys/ as sysdba
    Enter password:
    SQL> set define on
    SQL> set timing on
    SQL> --
    SQL> define USERNAME = HPECO
    SQL> --
    SQL> --
    SQL> --
    SQL> --
    SQL> drop user &USERNAME cascade
      2  /
    old   1: drop user &USERNAME cascade
    new   1: drop user HPECO cascade
    User dropped.
    Elapsed: 00:00:18.12
    SQL> grant create any directory, drop any directory, connect, resource, alter session, create view to &USERNAME identified by &PASSW
      2  /
    old   1: grant create any directory, drop any directory, connect, resource, alter session, create view to &USERNAME identified by &P
    new   1: grant create any directory, drop any directory, connect, resource, alter session, create view to HPECO identified by HPECO
    Grant succeeded.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
    SQL> alter user &USERNAME default tablespace &USER_TABLESPACE temporary tablespace &TEMP_TABLESPACE
      2  /
    old   1: alter user &USERNAME default tablespace &USER_TABLESPACE temporary tablespace &TEMP_TABLESPACE
    new   1: alter user HPECO default tablespace USERS temporary tablespace TEMP
    User altered.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    SQL> --
    SQL> alter session set events ='19027 trace name context forever, level 0x800'
      2  /
    Session altered.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.00
    SQL> --
    SQL> declare
      2    xmlschema xmltype := XMLTYPE(
      3  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      4  <!-- edited with XMLSpy v2008 ( by Jan-Erik Pedersen (HEWLETT PACKARD) -->
      5  <schema xmlns="" xmlns:xdb="" xmlns:tns="
    ository/types" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
      6     <complexType name="item">
      7             <simpleContent>
      8                     <extension base="tns:content">
      9                             <attribute name="id" type="tns:id" use="required"/>
    10                     </extension>
    11             </simpleContent>
    12     </complexType>
    13     <complexType name="items">
    14             <sequence>
    15                     <element name="item" type="tns:item" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    16             </sequence>
    17             <attribute name="id" type="tns:id" use="required"/>
    18     </complexType>
    19     <complexType name="mappings">
    20             <sequence>
    21                     <element name="item" type="tns:item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    22                     <element name="items" type="tns:items" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    23             </sequence>
    24     </complexType>
    25     <complexType name="local">
    26             <sequence>
    27                     <element name="common">
    28                             <complexType>
    29                                     <sequence>
    30                                             <element name="texts" type="tns:mappings"/>
    31                                             <element name="images" type="tns:mappings" minOccurs="0"/>
    32                                     </sequence>
    33                             </complexType>
    34                     </element>
    35                     <element name="section" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    36                             <complexType>
    37                                     <sequence>
    38                                             <element name="texts" type="tns:mappings"/>
    39                                             <element name="images" type="tns:mappings" minOccurs="0"/>
    40                                     </sequence>
    41                                     <attribute name="id" use="required">
    42                                             <simpleType>
    43                                                     <restriction base="string">
    44                                                             <maxLength value="32"/>
    45                                                     </restriction>
    46                                             </simpleType>
    47                                     </attribute>
    48                             </complexType>
    49                     </element>
    50             </sequence>
    51             <attribute name="lang" use="required" xdb:SQLName="LANG">
    52                     <simpleType>
    53                             <restriction base="string">
    54                                     <length value="5"/>
    55                             </restriction>
    56                     </simpleType>
    57             </attribute>
    58     </complexType>
    59     <complexType name="link">
    60             <sequence>
    61                     <element name="url" type="tns:url"/>
    62                     <element name="label" type="tns:label"/>
    63                     <element name="image" type="tns:image" minOccurs="0"/>
    64             </sequence>
    65             <attribute name="id" type="tns:id"/>
    66     </complexType>
    67     <complexType name="image">
    68             <sequence>
    69                     <element name="url" type="string"/>
    70                     <element name="label" type="tns:label" minOccurs="0"/>
    71             </sequence>
    72             <attribute name="id" type="tns:id" use="optional"/>
    73     </complexType>
    74     <simpleType name="id">
    75             <restriction base="string">
    76                     <maxLength value="100"/>
    77             </restriction>
    78     </simpleType>
    79     <simpleType name="label">
    80             <restriction base="string">
    81                     <maxLength value="200"/>
    82             </restriction>
    83     </simpleType>
    84     <simpleType name="content">
    85             <restriction base="string">
    86                     <maxLength value="4000"/>
    87             </restriction>
    88     </simpleType>
    89     <simpleType name="url">
    90             <restriction base="string">
    91                     <maxLength value="256"/>
    92             </restriction>
    93     </simpleType>
    94  </schema>');
    95  begin
    96    dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema
    97    (
    98        schemaurl => ''
    99       ,schemadoc => xmlschema
    100       ,local     => TRUE
    101       ,genBean   => false
    102       ,genTypes  => TRUE
    103       ,genTables => TRUE
    105    );
    106  end;
    107  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.35
    SQL> declare
      2    xmlschema xmltype := XMLTYPE(
      3  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      4  <!-- edited with XMLSpy v2005 rel. 3 U ( by  () -->
      5  <schema xmlns="" xmlns:xdb="" xmlns:tns="
    ository/trados" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
      6     <complexType name="entry">
      7             <sequence>
      8                     <element name="base" type="string"/>
      9                     <element name="translation" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    10                             <complexType>
    11                                     <simpleContent>
    12                                             <extension base="string">
    13                                                     <attribute name="lang"/>
    14                                             </extension>
    15                                     </simpleContent>
    16                             </complexType>
    17                     </element>
    18             </sequence>
    19             <attribute name="xpath" type="string" use="required" xdb:SQLName="XPATH"/>
    20             <attribute name="locator" type="string" use="required"/>
    21     </complexType>
    22     <simpleType name="languages">
    23             <list itemType="string"/>
    24     </simpleType>
    25     <element name="trados" xdb:defaultTable="ECG_REP_TRADOS_TAB" xdb:tableProps="VARRAY XMLDATA.ENTRY STORE AS TABLE ECG_REP_TRA
    26             <complexType>
    27                     <sequence>
    28                             <element name="entry" type="tns:entry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLName="ENTRY"/>
    29                     </sequence>
    30                     <attribute name="cid" type="string"/>
    31                     <attribute name="path" type="string"/>
    32                     <attribute name="lang" type="string"/>
    33                     <attribute name="langs" type="tns:languages"/>
    34                     <attribute name="oldversion" type="string"/>
    35             </complexType>
    36     </element>
    37  </schema>');
    38  begin
    39    dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema
    40    (
    41        schemaurl => ''
    42       ,schemadoc => xmlschema
    43       ,local     => TRUE
    44       ,genBean   => false
    45       ,genTypes  => TRUE
    46       ,genTables => TRUE
    48    );
    49  end;
    50  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.68
    SQL> declare
      2    xmlschema xmltype := XMLTYPE(
      3  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      4  <!-- edited with XMLSpy v2008 ( by Jan-Erik Pedersen (HEWLETT PACKARD) -->
      5  <!--W3C Schema generated by XMLSpy v2007 ( by Scott Dismukes (Hewlett Packard)-->
      6  <schema xmlns="" xmlns:xdb="" xmlns:tns="
    ository/eco/category" xmlns:cns="" targetNamespace="
    ategory" elementFormDefault="qualified">
      7     <import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
      8     <complexType name="productFamilies">
      9             <sequence>
    10                     <element name="productFamily" type="tns:productFamily" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    11                     <element name="product" type="tns:product" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    12             </sequence>
    13             <attribute name="lang" use="required" xdb:SQLName="LANG">
    14                     <simpleType>
    15                             <restriction base="string">
    16                                     <length value="5"/>
    17                             </restriction>
    18                     </simpleType>
    19             </attribute>
    20             <attribute name="version" use="required" xdb:SQLName="VERSION">
    21                     <simpleType>
    22                             <restriction base="string">
    23                                     <maxLength value="100"/>
    24                             </restriction>
    25                     </simpleType>
    26             </attribute>
    27     </complexType>
    28     <complexType name="productCategory">
    29             <sequence>
    30                     <element name="label" type="cns:label"/>
    31                     <element name="productCategory" type="tns:productCategory" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:defaultTa
    32                     <element name="product" type="tns:product" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    33             </sequence>
    34             <attribute name="id" type="cns:id" use="required"/>
    35     </complexType>
    36     <complexType name="productCategories">
    37             <sequence>
    38                     <element name="productCategory" type="tns:productCategory" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    39             </sequence>
    40     </complexType>
    41     <complexType name="column">
    42             <sequence>
    43                     <element name="label" type="cns:label"/>
    44             </sequence>
    45             <attribute name="id" type="cns:id" use="required"/>
    46     </complexType>
    47     <complexType name="product">
    48             <sequence>
    49                     <element name="label" type="cns:label"/>
    50                     <element name="column" type="tns:column" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    51             </sequence>
    52             <attribute name="id" type="cns:id" use="required"/>
    53     </complexType>
    54     <complexType name="productFamily">
    55             <sequence>
    56                     <element name="label" type="cns:label"/>
    57                     <element name="image" type="cns:image" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    58                     <element name="link" type="cns:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    59                     <element name="column" type="tns:column" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    60                     <element name="productCategories" type="tns:productCategories" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    61             </sequence>
    62             <attribute name="id" type="cns:id" use="required"/>
    63     </complexType>
    64     <element name="productFamilies" type="tns:productFamilies" xdb:defaultTable="ECG_REP_ECO_CATALOG_TAB"/>
    65  </schema>
    66  ');
    67  begin
    68    dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema
    69    (
    70        schemaurl => ''
    71       ,schemadoc => xmlschema
    72       ,local     => TRUE
    73       ,genBean   => false
    74       ,genTypes  => TRUE
    75       ,genTables => TRUE
    77    );
    78  end;
    79  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.65
      2  /
    Index created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    SQL> set pages 0 lines 160
    SQL> set long 10000
    SQL> --
    SQL> set autotrace on explain
    SQL> --
    SQL> xquery
      2  xquery version "1.0";
      4  declare namespace typ = "";
      5  declare namespace c = "";
      6  declare namespace t = "";
      8  declare variable $c := $res/c:productFamilies;
    10  declare function local:pc($pc as element(c:productCategory), $x as xs:string) as element() {
    11     <c:productCategory id="{$pc/@id}">
    12     {
    13             <c:label>{data($es/t:entry[@xpath eq concat($x, "/label")]/t:translation)}</c:label>
    14             ,
    15             for $p in $pc/c:product
    16             return local:p($p, concat($x, "/product/[@id=", $p/@id, "]"))
    17             ,
    18             for $pcc in $pc/c:productCategory
    19             return local:pc($pcc, concat($x, "/productCategory[@id=", $pcc/@id, "]"))
    20     }
    21     </c:productCategory>
    22  };
    24  declare function local:p($p as element(c:product), $x as xs:string) as element() {
    25     <c:product id="{$p/@id}">
    26     {
    27             <c:label>{string($es/t:entry[@xpath eq concat($x, "/label")]/t:translation)}</c:label>
    28             ,
    29             for $col in $p/c:column
    30             return
    31             <c:column id="{$col/@id}">
    32                     <c:label>
    33                     {
    34                             let $e := $es/t:entry[@xpath eq concat($x, "/column[@id=", $col/@id, "]/label")]
    35                             return
    36                             if(exists($e)) then string($e/t:translation)
    37                             else $col/c:label/text()
    38                     }
    39                     </c:label>
    40             </c:column>
    41     }
    42     </c:product>
    43  };
    45  <c:productFamiles xsi:schemaLocation="
    tegory.xsd" lang="{$lang/lang/text()}" versi
    on="{$c/@version}"> {
    46     for $pf in $c/c:productFamily
    47     let $x := concat("/productFamily[@id=", $pf/@id, "]")
    48     return
    49     <c:productFamily id="{$pf/@id}">
    50     {
    51             (:xpath index can not be applied within function:)
    52             <c:label>{data($es/t:entry[@xpath eq concat($x, "/label")]/t:translation)}</c:label>
    53             ,
    54             for $img in $pf/c:image
    55             return $img
    56             ,
    57             for $link in $pf/c:link
    58             return $link
    59             ,
    60             for $col in $pf/c:column
    61             return
    62             <c:column id="{$col/@id}">
    63                     <c:label>{data($es/t:entry[@xpath eq concat($x, "/column[@id=", $col/@id, "]/label")]/t:translation)}</c:lab
    64             </c:column>
    65             ,
    66             for $pcs in $pf/c:productCategories
    67             return
    68             <c:productCategories>
    69             {
    70                     for $pc in $pcs/c:productCategory
    71                     return local:pc($pc, concat($x, "/productCategories/productCategory[@id=", $pc/@id, "]"))
    72             }
    73             </c:productCategories>
    74     }
    75     </c:productFamily>
    76     ,
    77     for $p in $c/c:product
    78     return local:p($p, concat("/product[@id=", $p/@id, "]")) } </c:productFamiles>
    79  /
    ORA-19228: XPST0008 - undeclared identifier: prefix 'res' local-name ''
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

  • Including customized xquery functions in XQuery/XSLT expression Editor-OSB

    I have written a customized xquery function. I want this to be included in the List of Xquery Functions which is displayed by Oracle Service Bus in the XQuery/XSLT
    Expression Editor. OSB displays the built in xquery functions in the XSLT/Xquey Expression Editor. Is there any way to add the customised xquery to this list, so that it can be dragged and dropped later?

    I doubt if that is exposed out side of Oracle Engineering (Not public/documented). Please raise a support ticket for enhancement. If PM should concur you might get the steps that need to be performed for this feature.
    Edited by: Manoj Neelapu on Jun 8, 2010 8:37 AM

  • Xquery function in pl sql

    Hi all.
    Is some body know can XQuery functions be used/declared in pl sql? More deep, can I cover XQuery function by pl sql function or procedure? And how to input parameters/variables to Xquery function from pl sql?
    Any links to manual will be helpful.
    Best regards,

    Something like that?:
    SQL> create or replace procedure index_scan (index_name varchar2, name varchar2)
       xml   xmltype;
       select xmlquery (
    if ("article-by-title" = $index_name) then doc("/wiki")/root/page[title=$name]
    else if ("article-by-id" = $index_name) then doc("/wiki")/root/page[id=$name]
    else if ("link-by-target" = $index_name) then doc("/wiki")/root/page/links/link[@target = $name]
    else if ("article-by-cat" = $index_name) then doc("/wiki")/root/page/catlinks/catlink[@target=$name]
    else error(fn:QName("",  $index_name) , "Some error occured") '
                 passing index_name as "index_name", name as "name"
                 returning content)
         into xml
         from dual;
    end index_scan;
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec index_scan('My Index Name','My Name')
    BEGIN index_scan('My Index Name','My Name'); END;
    Error at line 20
    ORA-19112: error raised during evaluation: :My Index Name
    Detail: Some error occured
    ORA-06512: at "MICHAEL.INDEX_SCAN", line 5
    ORA-06512: at line 1Don't have your resources - therefore the error!

  • XQuery function : Adding day to current date

    I have a requirement to add 1 day to the current date during the Xquery transformation.
    Does anyone know if there is any xquery function that does that?
    From this link,
    it seems like there is a function, op: add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime, that serve this purpose, but I don't find it in OSB console IDE nor OEPE.

    You can use the below expression for adding 1 day (24 hrs) to a given current date:
    fn:current-dateTime() + xdt:dayTimeDuration("PT24H")

  • Recursive XQuery functions in transformation

    Using WLI 8.1sp2, I am trying to create a recursive XQuery function for use
    in a data transformation, but I get the error "unbound function: myFunction"
    whenever I try to do something like this:
    define function myFunction(element $x)
    // do something
    If the recursion is not there, it works fine, but that doesn't work for me
    as I need recursion. Also, defining functions like
    define function a($x)
    define function b($x)
    does not work either, and I get the same "unbound function" error message.
    I thought BEA's XQuery implementation was supposed to be 100% compliant with
    the August 2002 spec, which states "A function may be defined
    recursively--that is, it may reference its own definition."
    I have also tried adding a namespace qualifier to my function definition as
    well, but that doesn't work either. The error I get is "the QName
    ns0:myFunction is used instead of an expected NCName."
    Has anyone gotten recursive functions working in WLI 8.1sp2?
    Thanks in advance,

    Is the patch publicly available? I don't see it online at BEA's site.
    "bob smith" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:4190ed25$1@mail...
    Recursive functions do not work in 8.1sp2. There is a patch;
    It is fixed in sp4
    "Andy Goldstein" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    Using WLI 8.1sp2, I am trying to create a recursive XQuery function foruse
    in a data transformation, but I get the error "unbound function:myFunction"
    whenever I try to do something like this:
    define function myFunction(element $x)
    // do something
    If the recursion is not there, it works fine, but that doesn't work for
    as I need recursion. Also, defining functions like
    define function a($x)
    define function b($x)
    does not work either, and I get the same "unbound function" errormessage.
    I thought BEA's XQuery implementation was supposed to be 100% compliantwith
    the August 2002 spec, which states "A function may be defined
    recursively--that is, it may reference its own definition."
    I have also tried adding a namespace qualifier to my function definitionas
    well, but that doesn't work either. The error I get is "the QName
    ns0:myFunction is used instead of an expected NCName."
    Has anyone gotten recursive functions working in WLI 8.1sp2?
    Thanks in advance,

  • Documentation for XQuery Functions?

    I have been looking for more information on the Aqualogic specific XQuery functions but have so far come up short. In particular I want to know the details for fn-bea:uuid(). I would like to be able to generate a unique identifier to use for correlating messages that come through ALSB in my log. Is there somewhere that I can find a description of what this function does?

    WaltK wrote:
    Where do I find documentation for APEX provided javascript functions such as addRow();?
    addRow is undocumented.
    Documented JavaScript methods are described in the API Reference, other documentation for the current version is located on the APEX Documentation page. Documentation for previous versions is located in the documentation archive.

  • OSB: Calling XQuery from XQuery function

    In OSB, is it possible to call XQuery functions from an XQuery. I have a number of XQuery files (.xq) and I want to call them from another xquery file, is that possible. I tried calling directly but it didn't work. Is there a way?
    Thank you

    To use custom XPATH/XQuery functions, you need to register them into OSB runtime. Please refer -

  • OSB: How to recreate reusable XQuery functions

    OSB's XQuery implementation does not support the XQuery "module" which allows the creation of a function library so how can OSB provide function re-use?
    I know you can create XQuery transformations that can be called but these always need a "body" that makes a specific call so I'm finiding I have to copy useful XQuery functions from one transformation to another. Ideally I should be able to call an XQuery function external to the transformation.
    Does anyone have any pointers on this or is it a fundamental limitation of the OSB XQuery implementation?

    What we did is creating a seperate project in which we use most of XQuery stuff, using SaxonSA library to run and validate the queries.
    This project adds the following possibilities for xqueries:
    - Schema validation of XPath used in XQueries (including namespaces)
    - XQuery syntax validation (with errors at the exact line and position where it fails.
    - Allows the use of modules
    - Reqression testing XQueries
    Regrettably we can not do Java callout's from XQueries as this is not supported on the ESB.
    We also build a simple 'flattener' that takes a module based, schema enriched XQuery and then generates the XQuery that can be used on the ESB itself. The flattened query is also regression tested.
    Although it was quite some work to make it, it already has paid back the initial costs of the project in the second or third project we did. We since then have enhanced the project so it also can do regression message flow validation on the OSB (we already had valid input and output messages).
    The tool also greatly improves the stability of the code on the OSB, and reduces development time as we can build the XQuery from a unit test environment that will point out typos and other xpath related problems.
    We do have some fairly complex xqueries on the OSB, the number of xqueries in the project at the moment is 187 with 250 unittests.
    So, if Oracle is not going to include it in the OSB itself (which seems lilkely at the moment), you can build such a system yourself !
    Wim Veldhuis,
    PharmaPartners BV

  • Retrieving Principal Name (=User Id) via XQuery Function

    I'm using a custom identity asserter within my WLS to create the security context.
    The OSB documentation states, that there is a XQuery function to read the user id from the security context: fn-bea:userid (see XQuery Implementation - 11g Release 1 ( Note: I have noticed that Oracle makes a distinction between Function Extensions from Oracle Service Bus and Supported Function Extensions from Oracle a.k.a Oracle’s XQuery Implementation).
    When using this XPath function in my OSB installation I receive the following error: {bea-err}SYS001: This functionality has not been implemented (sorry) operator [QName {}userid]
    My questions:
    - Is this the correct function to read the user id/user name/principal information from the security context?
    - If it is, how can I make that function run in my OSB Domain? Is there a component I need to include/reference?
    - If not, what other options do I have? What is best practice? (e.g. Java Callout & accessing the HttpServletRequest object via Java?)
    Many thanks in advance.

    In OSB you can use fn-bea:lookupBasicCredentials($arg-string) function for the same.
    Here is the referece: XQuery Implementation - 11g Release 1 (

  • How I can create new XQuery functions in AQSB?

    I need create XQuery functions in AQSB to use them in proxy services. Is that posible?
    Thanks for your help!!! :-)

    Have you activated the IC in the last dialog box of the wizard. Expand the root Account and see if you were able to see your sample BC. If you found that check the box and it will be available in the IC.

  • Passing a node to Xquery function

    Hi All,
    I have two functions in my xquery. I'm trying to pass a node from one function to another function to check if it exists and do some processing on the text that is present in that node (if exists).
    declare function appendLines($node as element()) as xs:string {
         if(fn:exists($node) and $node/text() ne "") then
              fn:concat($node/text(),", ")
         else (
    Is the above call to that function is correct?

    declare function appendLines($node as node()*) as xs:string {
              if(fn:exists($node)) then
                   if(fn:string-length(fn:normalize-space($node/text())) > 0) then (     
                        fn:concat($node/text(), " ")
                   else (
              else (
    It worked with the above function.

  • Including XQuery Functions as part of Tranport Headers in OSB

    I want to include the current date and time as part of the name of the file generated by a business service.
    I tried to use an XQuery Context function which returns current date and time as part of fileName in the transport header (in proxy service).I received a transport error with the code 380001 at run time.
    Can you give me an alternate solution ?

    fn:current-dateTime() returns xs:dateTime type which is in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+-zz:zz
    Because of ':' in the dateTime type you wont be able to set it directly as a filename.
    To set the filename to contain date and time reformat the output of fn:current-dateTime() so that it does not contain any ':'.
    An example is:
    fn:replace(xs:string(fn:current-dateTime()), ':', '.')This gives a string as output in format:
    Which is a valid filename.
    Edited by: AbhishekJ on Jan 3, 2011 12:24 PM

  • Error while calling XQuery Function with xs:date type as Argument

    I have follwing function in my DataService .
    declare function tns:getXXXDetail($effectiveDate as xs:date,
    $cancelDate as xs:date) as element(ns26:XXXAccount)* {
    declare function tns:testGetXXXDetail($searchCriteria as element(ns15:locateMemberXXXDetail))
                   as element(ns26:XXXAccount)* {
    for $Account in tns:getXXXDetail($searchCriteria/ns16:accountTypeDates/ns18:effectiveDate,
    return $Account
    I am trying to test the getXXXDetail() function from testGetXXXDetail .
    The searchCriteria is a complex type with date elements effectiveDate and cancelDate, both are optional
    When i test with effectiveDate,cancelDate elements present in $searchCriteria its working fine.
    When i remove these dates element i am getting follwing error
    "expected exactly one item, got 0 items" error
    Any Clue ?

    When i remove these dates element i am getting follwing error"expected exactly one item, got 0 items" error
    Sounds like your schema for these items indicates minOccurs="1" (or relies on that as the default).
    Edit the schema and change the definitions to be...
    <xs:element name="effectiveDate" minOccurs="0" ... />

  • Xquery functions to check values in sequences

    Lets say we have an element xyz that occurs 1 or more times inside $body/request. I need to check whether one of its values is "X". Can we do this in XQuery?
    I have tried xquery examples given on but have not been able to get this working. It will be great is someone can illustrate how this can be done.

    This can be done with basic xQuery and comes down to the difference between '=' and 'eq'.
    '=' is an array operator where as 'eq' is for single comparisons.
    ('x' = ['x','y','z']) -> true
    ('x' = fn:tokenize('x-y-z', '-') -> true
    ('x' = \\ns:xyz) -> true
    ('x' eq \\ns:xyz[1]) -> true
    ('x' eq \\ns:xyz) -> error if more than 1 xyz!!

Maybe you are looking for