Preloader for external swf

first try, changed somethings from previous post, tried to
make different changes, instead of using if else tried to set an
onload handler both before and after the loadmovie sentence (not at
the same time of course), copy paste of what goes on each frame
(actionscript 1):
frame 1:
setProperty("", _focusrect, false);
Stage.showMenu = false;
fscommand("showmenu", "false");
fscommand("allowscale", "true");
var mensaje = "0 %";
this.createEmptyMovieClip("pantalla", 0);
pantalla._x = 0;
pantalla._y = 0;
loadMovie("centrino2x.swf", "pantalla");
frame 2
mensaje =
mensaje = Math.round(mensaje)+" %";
frame 3
if (pantalla.getBytesLoaded()==pantalla.getBytesTotal()) {
} else {
frame 4:
the result: the if else goes right by to next frame, so it
jumps as if the movie was whole loaded, remaining in last frame as
a blank screen till the movie loads. the message appears as 100% in
the half a sec it gets on screen. according to trace, bytes loaded
and bytes total = 0
version 2, i nearly copied it from a tutorial linked from
another post, most of the preloader stuff is nearly exact from the
tutorial, uses movieloader class (actionscript 2)
frame 1:
setProperty("", _focusrect, false);
Stage.showMenu = false;
fscommand("showmenu", "false");
fscommand("allowscale", "true");
var mensaje = "0 %";
this.createEmptyMovieClip("pantalla", 0);
pantalla._x = 0;
pantalla._y = 0;
var cargador:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var control:Object = new Objetc();
control.onLoadProgress = function(target, loaded, total) {
aviso.text = Math.round((loaded/total)*100)+" %";
control.onLoadInit = function () {
cargador.loadClip("centrino2x.swf", pantalla);
frame 2:
the result: it never changes frame (as if it never finishes
loading), message giving percentage loaded never appears, and
traces on event handlers for listener never come out
i have no idea what %$#"&#" is wrong, i have spend quite
a time on this, which at first seemed like the easiest part, any

when first executed pantalla.getBytesLoaded is probably 0 as
is pantalla.getBytesTotal() causing your problem.
to remedy, check that pantalla.getBytesLoaded()>0 and that

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    I used the CS5 Flash templates>sample files>preloader for external file, to create my preloader.
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    var contentLoader:Loader;
    function loadContent(url:String):void {
        contentLoader = new Loader();
        contentLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loading);
        contentLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, contentLoaded);
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        //Optionally change to a clip holder and set progressbar visibility.
    function loading(evt:ProgressEvent):void {
        var loaded:Number = evt.bytesLoaded / evt.bytesTotal;
    function setBarProgress(value:Number) { = value;
    Thanks in advance!

    put a stop() on the first frame of your external swf in an otherwise empty first frame.  when preloading is complete apply a play() to your loader's content cast as a movieclip:
    function contentLoaded(evt:Event):void {
        //Optionally change to a clip holder and set progressbar visibility.

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    onEnterFrame = function () {
    totalBytes = _parent.getBytesTotal();
    loadedBytes = _parent.getBytesLoaded();
    percent = Math.ceil((loadedBytes/totalBytes)*100);
    info_txt.text = percent+" %";
    if (percent>=100) {
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    I hope this is easy to understand. If NOT, just tell me. I'll
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    put a stop() on the first frame of your external swf in an otherwise empty first frame.  when preloading is complete apply a play() to your loader's content cast as a movieclip:
    function contentLoaded(evt:Event):void {
        //Optionally change to a clip holder and set progressbar visibility.

  • Play - Pause button for external .swf?

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         -Click one of the demo options (choose Ending a Period for this discussion)
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    The demo .swfs were created in Captivate so I don't have access to their timeline. They are loaded into an empty Loader component using the MovieClipLoader Class. Can anyone post some possible solutions to this problem? Thanks!

    What would that look like? Right now they're loading using the following code:
    btnCashCollect_btn.onRelease = function () {
          btnEndPeriod_btn.enabled = false;
          btnCashCollect_btn.enabled = false;
          btnFinancialMGMT_btn.enabled = false;
          _root.btnHome_mc._visible = false;
    So would I use something like:
    btnPause.onRelease = function() {
    Actually I just tried that and it didn't work...I need the buttons to work for multiple external swfs that will be loaded into myLoader

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    here is my actionscript -
    lBytes = _root.getBytesLoaded();
    tBytes = _root.getBytesTotal();
    percentLoaded = Math.floor((lBytes/tBytes)*100); = percentLoaded;
    loader.percent.text = percentLoaded + "% of " +
    Math.floor(tBytes/1024) + "K loaded.";
    if (lBytes>=tBytes && tBytes>0) {
    if (count>=12) {
    } else {
    } else {

    I am experiencing the exact same problem on my site -
    It works in flash player but not when live (tested safari and
    I don't know if you are using the same script as I am paul.
    I execute the following when each image button is pressed:
    button1.onRelease = function () {
    which runs this:
    function startLoading(whichImage) {
    loadMovie(whichImage, "_root.image_holder");
    _root.onEnterFrame = function() {
    infoLoaded = _root.image_holder.getBytesLoaded();
    infoTotal = _root.image_holder.getBytesTotal();
    percentage = (infoLoaded/infoTotal*100);
    _root.loader._yscale = percentage;
    _root.loader._visible = true;
    if (percentage>=100) {
    delete this.onEnterFrame;
    _root.loader._visible = false;

  • Preloader ignores external swf's actionscript

    Hey guys
    I have an External.swf file that is a video. The swf is 1135 frames long and running just fine by itself, stopping as I want when the actionscript says stop(); on the first frame and looping the end of the clip with gotoAndPlay(837).
    The preloader SwfLoader.swf linked to the External.swf shows the percentage of bytes loaded as it should. However, it runs the video (sound playing in the background) while the preloader shows the loading progress I think it's because it doesn't load the first frame first.
    Once the external swf is loaded, it plays the video again, still ignoring the first actionscript frame that says stop(); and the last frame gotoAndPlay(837).
    Thank you.
    Here is the preloader's actionscript on the first and only frame:
    import flash.geom.*
    import flash.display.*
    var loadurl:String = "External.swf";
    var nDepth:Number = 0;
    var nWidth:Number = 200;
    var nHeight:Number = 20;
    var nPadding:Number = 3;
    var cLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var oListener:Object = {onLoadInit:onContentLoaded};
    var mcLoader:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("Loader_MC", 0);
    var mcContent:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("Content_MC", 1);
    var mcLoadBarBg:MovieClip = mcLoader.createEmptyMovieClip("LoadBarBg_MC", nDepth++);
    var mcLoadBar:MovieClip = null; //Duplicated later with mcLoadBarBg
    var txtPercLoad:TextField = null; //Create after duplication
    var cMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
    mcLoader._alpha = 0;
    cMatrix.createGradientBox(nWidth, nHeight, 0, nPadding, nPadding);
    mcLoader.lineStyle(1, 0x000066, 100);
    DrawRect(mcLoader, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight);
    mcLoadBarBg.lineStyle(1, 0x0000FF, 0);
    mcLoadBarBg.beginGradientFill("linear", [0x006699, 0x0066FF], [100,100], [0, 255], cMatrix, SpreadMethod.PAD);
    DrawRect(mcLoadBarBg, 0, 0, nWidth - nPadding*2, nHeight - nPadding*2);
    mcLoadBar = mcLoadBarBg.duplicateMovieClip("LoadBar_MC", nDepth++);
    txtPercLoad = mcLoader.createTextField("PercLoad_TXT", nDepth++, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight);
    mcLoadBar._alpha = 80;
    mcLoadBarBg._alpha = 30;
    Translate(mcTextMask, nPadding, nPadding);
    Translate(mcLoadBarBg, nPadding, nPadding);
    Translate(mcLoadBar, nPadding, nPadding);
    mcLoadBar._xscale = 0;
    mcContent._alpha = 0;
    mcContent._lockroot = true;
    mcLoader._x = Stage.width/2 - mcLoader._width/2;
    mcLoader._y = Stage.height/2 - mcLoader._height/2;
    txtPercLoad._x = mcLoader._width/2 - txtPercLoad._width/2;
    txtPercLoad._y = mcLoader._height/2 - txtPercLoad._height/2;
    SetTextFormat(txtPercLoad, "0%");
    mcLoader._alpha = 100;
    cLoader.loadClip(loadurl, mcContent);
    _root.onEnterFrame = function()
       var nBytesLoaded:Number = mcContent.getBytesLoaded();
       var nBytesTotal:Number = mcContent.getBytesTotal();
       var nPercLoaded:Number = Math.round(nBytesLoaded / nBytesTotal * 100);
       if(nPercLoaded > 0)
          SetTextFormat(txtPercLoad, nPercLoaded.toString() + "%");
                mcLoadBar._xscale = nPercLoaded;
    function onContentLoaded(Void):Void
       //trace(_root + "::onContentLoaded");
       SetTextFormat(txtPercLoad, "100%");
       delete _root.onEnterFrame;
       delete oListener;
       delete cLoader;
       _root.onEnterFrame = function()
          //trace(_root + "::onContentLoaded::_root.onEnterFrame");
                var nInc:Number = 5;
                mcLoader._alpha -= nInc;
                mcContent._alpha += nInc;
                if(mcLoader._alpha <= 0) startLoadedContent();
    function startLoadedContent(Void):Void
       delete _root.onEnterFrame;
       mcContent._alpha = 100;;
    function DrawRect(mc:MovieClip, nX:Number, nY:Number, nW:Number, nH:Number, nR:Number)
       trace("DrawRect in: " + mc);
       if(nR == undefined) nR = 6;
    function SetTextFormat(txtField:TextField, sText:String)
       var txtFmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
       sText = "Loading... " + sText;
       txtFmt.font = "Verdana";
       txtFmt.align = "center";
       txtFmt.size = 11;
       txtFmt.color = 0x000066;
       txtFmt.bold = true;
       txtField.selectable = false;
       txtField.text = sText;
       txtFmt = null;
    function Translate(mc:MovieClip, nX:Number, nY:Number):Void
       mc._x = nX;
       mc._y = nY;

    Hi kglad,
    The external swf is a movieclip (flv embedded with an AS3 layer to control the timeline) exported as an swf file .
    The first frame of the external swf is just stop();
    I didn't know the proloader code was AS2 though
    The preloader works fine with the external swf locally, but the problem happens when I run them from my server.
    The external swf itself and its code works fine from the server, both combined don't, so I guess the problem comes from the preloader. Probably because of the AS being 2 insted of 3.

  • Control script for external swf

    I am loading an external swf to an empty container screen_mc
    with the following from the main timeline
    It loads and runs fine but I want to be able to stop and
    start the swf with buttons but no matter how I target the clip I
    cannot get either button to work - can anyone help?


  • Basic preloader for multiple swfs?

    I've looked at 100+ discussions around the web, not one good answer.
    I want some AS3 script equivalent to the following script (which I've made-up):
    loadallthefollowingswfs.intocache("home.swf", "products.swf", "contact.swf");
    I want a bunch of different swfs, all of which are in the same directory, to be loaded into the cache prior to viewing any of the swfs.
    I would like to put this script into the first frame of an index.swf
    Upon loading ALL of the swfs into the cache, it will move on to frame 2 of the index.swf and continue forward.
    All of the other discussions around the web state to either "have each swf load once it is opened" (I don't want that, I want them all preloaded into the cache prior to viewing any one of the swfs), or the discussions say "you should combine all of the flas into a single fla and just preload that one swf file (I don't want that either, I want seperate fla/swf files).
    Anyone have any suggestions on how to load multiple swfs into the cache when accessing one frame of an swf?
    Thank you.

    Actually I just want to ask you guys about  how will I be able to use these snippet? I tried to insert a trace inside the else area of the if statement, but, didn't showed up any results in the output window...
    BTW: I just paste this snippet inside a new layer new flash file and saved it along with the two .swf files.
    var swfA:Array=["home.swf","works.swf"];
    var index:Number = 0;
    var targetMC:MovieClip=this.createEmptyMovieClip("targetMC",this.getNextHighestDepth());
    targetMC._alpha = 0;
    var mcl:MovieClipLoader=new MovieClipLoader();
    var lo:Object = {};
    lo.onLoadInit = function(target:MovieClip)
    // all are  loaded.  do whatever
    trace("Load Ok...");
    function loadF()
    here's my code
    var swfA:Array=["home.swf","works.swf"];
    var index:Number = 0;
    var targetMC:MovieClip=this.createEmptyMovieClip("targetMC",this.getNextHighestDepth());
    targetMC._alpha = 0;
    var mcl:MovieClipLoader=new MovieClipLoader();
    var lo:Object = {};
    lo.onLoadInit = function(target:MovieClip)
    // all are  loaded.  do whatever
    trace("Load Ok...");
    function loadF()

  • Script for external swf transitions

    I borrowed some code to create menu transition swfs in which
    as a button is pushed, it will look to see if the current swf is at
    midframe and if so, play the exiting animation of that swf and then
    load and play the intor for the swf for that button selection (hope
    that makes sense).
    However, I have enhanced my swf files to have a number of
    stop actions for submenu items for that catagory so the swf does
    not automatically just play to the midframe and stop. Is there a
    way that I can modify the code so that if the swf is not at
    midframe yet, I can have it "gotoandplay" midframe if that makes
    Here's the code:
    on (release) {
    if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
    _root.currMovie = "OrangeAll";
    } else if (_root.currMovie != "OrangeAll") {
    if (container._currentframe >= container.midframe) {
    _root.currMovie = "OrangeAll";;


  • OnSoundComplete for external swfs

    My question is, does onSoundComplete works for sounds from
    externally loaded swfs (these are loaded into 2 different
    movieclips mc1 and mc2). I want swf1 to unload and swf2 to load
    after the sound in swf1 has completed.
    I used....
    mc1.song1.onSoundComplete = function(){
    And nothing happens when song1 has completed, and I know
    there is no problem with the external sounds because they play just
    fine when they need to.

    "Mike Eazy" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:e9e0hb$eqk$[email protected]..
    > Thats the problem, im sure the path is right because im
    using the same path i
    > used to pause, stop, play the sound, and i tried adding
    if mc1.getBytesLoaded
    > == mc1.getBytesTotal to it and it still doesnt work, any
    other ideas?
    Probably just missing the preloader part, as kglad mentioned.
    I have a Ver 6 demo, example if you want to look at it.

  • Preloader for external files

    Hi all I have a Director projector and when I click various
    buttons this opens external files. Sometimes the external files
    takes time to load. How can I create a preloader that the user can
    view while the particular external file loads. Any help will be

    Here's some info (and script) for loading assets from disk:
    Basically, for local files, you cannot determine the progress
    through a single large asset. The best you can do is monitor your
    progress through a list of assets.
    Another example that might be of help:
    -- Luke

  • Need Preloader for Multiple SWF files

    Hi forums, I'm new to Flash. I did the following:
    1. Created a complex home page, about 3.5MB in size, due to a
    large graphic I had to use many times over and couldn't make into a
    symbol (long story). It's called INDEX.SWF, with accompanying
    INDEX.HTML file from Flash
    2. Split pieces of the INDEX.SWF file into multiple SWF files
    to make it load faster
    3. Created multiple layers in INDEX.SWF using loadMovieNum to
    call to multiple SWF files from step 2
    This works OK, but I think a preloader would optimize my page
    animation. However:
    1. I don't understand how a preloader file gets recognized on
    the site load. If I create a file called PRELOADER.FLA and publish
    it, how does the site know to use it first? Does it need a special
    2. Once I understand #1 above, I might be able to use some
    sample preloader files I've found. It seems like all I have to do
    is change the actionscript to point to my main file, but not sure
    yet. I'll get to that next once I understand how the file even gets
    recognized and loaded. Thanks for your help!


  • How to set levels for external swf's??? loading code added!

    im using flash cs5, as2.
    i have a main index fla that loads into it 5 swf's.
    i need these 5 to be loaded into a lower level than the main index fla (index has to be the highest level)
    how can this be acheived?
    i have no idea on how or where to code this.
    my code for loading the movies is:
    var IndexLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
    var total = _root.getBytesTotal();
    var percent = int(IndexLoaded/total*100);
    var loadingName = "Loading.. " + percent + "%" + " of " + "Index";
    var checkFrameplay = 0;
    Loadtext_txt.text = loadingName;
    if (IndexLoaded == total) {
                    var n = 0;
    var movie:MovieClip = _root.StoredActions.Con.createEmptyMovieClip("movie"+n,n +1);
    var MovieLoaded = 0;
    percent = 0;
    _root.StoredActions.Con["movie"+n]._x = 3000;
    MovieLoaded = _root.StoredActions.Con["movie"+n].getBytesLoaded();
    loadTotal = _root.StoredActions.Con["movie"+n].getBytesTotal();
    percent = int(MovieLoaded/loadTotal*100);
    loadingName = ("Loading.. " + percent+ "%" + " of "+ n);
    Loadtext_txt.text = loadingName;
    if (loadTotal>10) {
                    if (MovieLoaded>=loadTotal) {
    if (n < _root.nMenus) {
    } else {
    thanks in advance for any help.

    i understand what you are saying about the code, im no advance user of as2 but i can say from all the research i have done, iv not seen anyone using this sort of code, its all over the place.
    but on the other hand, even though its a mess, its working and all the site functions and buttons work well with the code.
    basically the main.swf is the structure of the site, it has all the images/frames in the right places.  the other swfs load into a little window on the main.swf.  this window has some shading/reflections on it and the problem i have is when i scroll the movieclips, they scroll over the shading/reflections making it look tacky, if i didnt use any scrolling it would be fine but i need to use it due to having a small window.
    the content of the window is controlled by a button thats on the main.swf.
    each of the loaded swfs have dynamic text, movieclips, buttons to open external html windows.  nothing advance to be honest, all the interactive movieclips are controlled by clicking on them, navigating to another frame (using labels).
    i would upload the files for you to have a look but im under strict ruling that i cant share the content as its not yet been released to the public.
    i hope that helps clear a few things up for you.  if i cant get the levels to work then i guess it will have to stay like that or i will have to scrap the whole project and start again.

  • Preloader for external movie

    I have a web site with a main movie that call to an external
    My question is what is the action script to put a pre loader
    in the main movie that will show the loading progress of the
    external movie.
    (now the preloader is in the external movie and its take time
    until its showing the preloader and until then the page looks
    Thanks in advance.

    Here is a sample I made that uses the progressBar component.
    You could use
    something similar.
    Dan Mode
    *Must Read*
    *Flash Helps*
    "mijal2" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e2rfub$bbq$[email protected]..
    >I have a web site with a main movie that call to an
    external movie.
    > My question is what is the action script to put a pre
    loader in the main
    > movie
    > that will show the loading progress of the external
    > (now the preloader is in the external movie and its take
    time until its
    > showing the preloader and until then the page looks
    > Thanks in advance.

  • Unload event for external swf[urgently need help]

    hi all master,
    iI've mp3, eksternally loaded and I controlled from main time...
    the bugs are
    1. If I wanna go to another .swf file, i still can hear the sound...
    2. if I click the button wich linked to mp3.swf, the sound/song are duplicated by2, and then if I click again the sound are duplicated by3...
    how I can fix this problem??? oia, the buttons to call another swf are only in main swf,
    and here is the code:
    //zhe button
    var Xpos:Number = 140;
    var Ypos:Number =100;
    var swf:MovieClip;
    var loader:Loader = new Loader();
    // Btn function
    function btnClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
        loader=new Loader();
         var newSWFRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/" + + ".swf");
         loader.x = Xpos;
        loader.y = Ypos;
    // Btn listeners
    shout.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);
    song.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);
    gallery.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);
    about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);
    So, anybody can help me???

    then you can use:
    //zhe button
    var Xpos:Number = 140;
    var Ypos:Number =100;
    var swf:MovieClip;
    var loader:Loader;
    // Btn function   
    function btnClick(event:MouseEvent):void {     if(loader!=null)
    loader=new Loader();
         var newSWFRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/" + + ".swf");
         loader.x = Xpos;
        loader.y = Ypos;
    // Btn listeners
    shout.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);
    song.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);
    gallery.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);
    about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);

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