Basic preloader for multiple swfs?

I've looked at 100+ discussions around the web, not one good answer.
I want some AS3 script equivalent to the following script (which I've made-up):
loadallthefollowingswfs.intocache("home.swf", "products.swf", "contact.swf");
I want a bunch of different swfs, all of which are in the same directory, to be loaded into the cache prior to viewing any of the swfs.
I would like to put this script into the first frame of an index.swf
Upon loading ALL of the swfs into the cache, it will move on to frame 2 of the index.swf and continue forward.
All of the other discussions around the web state to either "have each swf load once it is opened" (I don't want that, I want them all preloaded into the cache prior to viewing any one of the swfs), or the discussions say "you should combine all of the flas into a single fla and just preload that one swf file (I don't want that either, I want seperate fla/swf files).
Anyone have any suggestions on how to load multiple swfs into the cache when accessing one frame of an swf?
Thank you.

Actually I just want to ask you guys about  how will I be able to use these snippet? I tried to insert a trace inside the else area of the if statement, but, didn't showed up any results in the output window...
BTW: I just paste this snippet inside a new layer new flash file and saved it along with the two .swf files.
var swfA:Array=["home.swf","works.swf"];
var index:Number = 0;
var targetMC:MovieClip=this.createEmptyMovieClip("targetMC",this.getNextHighestDepth());
targetMC._alpha = 0;
var mcl:MovieClipLoader=new MovieClipLoader();
var lo:Object = {};
lo.onLoadInit = function(target:MovieClip)
// all are  loaded.  do whatever
trace("Load Ok...");
function loadF()
here's my code
var swfA:Array=["home.swf","works.swf"];
var index:Number = 0;
var targetMC:MovieClip=this.createEmptyMovieClip("targetMC",this.getNextHighestDepth());
targetMC._alpha = 0;
var mcl:MovieClipLoader=new MovieClipLoader();
var lo:Object = {};
lo.onLoadInit = function(target:MovieClip)
// all are  loaded.  do whatever
trace("Load Ok...");
function loadF()

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    Hi forums, I'm new to Flash. I did the following:
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    symbol (long story). It's called INDEX.SWF, with accompanying
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    This works OK, but I think a preloader would optimize my page
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    recognized and loaded. Thanks for your help!


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    first try, changed somethings from previous post, tried to
    make different changes, instead of using if else tried to set an
    onload handler both before and after the loadmovie sentence (not at
    the same time of course), copy paste of what goes on each frame
    (actionscript 1):
    frame 1:
    setProperty("", _focusrect, false);
    Stage.showMenu = false;
    fscommand("showmenu", "false");
    fscommand("allowscale", "true");
    var mensaje = "0 %";
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("pantalla", 0);
    pantalla._x = 0;
    pantalla._y = 0;
    loadMovie("centrino2x.swf", "pantalla");
    frame 2
    mensaje =
    mensaje = Math.round(mensaje)+" %";
    frame 3
    if (pantalla.getBytesLoaded()==pantalla.getBytesTotal()) {
    } else {
    frame 4:
    the result: the if else goes right by to next frame, so it
    jumps as if the movie was whole loaded, remaining in last frame as
    a blank screen till the movie loads. the message appears as 100% in
    the half a sec it gets on screen. according to trace, bytes loaded
    and bytes total = 0
    version 2, i nearly copied it from a tutorial linked from
    another post, most of the preloader stuff is nearly exact from the
    tutorial, uses movieloader class (actionscript 2)
    frame 1:
    setProperty("", _focusrect, false);
    Stage.showMenu = false;
    fscommand("showmenu", "false");
    fscommand("allowscale", "true");
    var mensaje = "0 %";
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("pantalla", 0);
    pantalla._x = 0;
    pantalla._y = 0;
    var cargador:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    var control:Object = new Objetc();
    control.onLoadProgress = function(target, loaded, total) {
    aviso.text = Math.round((loaded/total)*100)+" %";
    control.onLoadInit = function () {
    cargador.loadClip("centrino2x.swf", pantalla);
    frame 2:
    the result: it never changes frame (as if it never finishes
    loading), message giving percentage loaded never appears, and
    traces on event handlers for listener never come out
    i have no idea what %$#"&#" is wrong, i have spend quite
    a time on this, which at first seemed like the easiest part, any

    when first executed pantalla.getBytesLoaded is probably 0 as
    is pantalla.getBytesTotal() causing your problem.
    to remedy, check that pantalla.getBytesLoaded()>0 and that

  • Preloader for multiple scenes

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    Here's my code:
    this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
    function loading(e:Event):void {
              var total:Number = this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
              var loaded:Number = this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
              bar_mc.scaleX = loaded/total;
              loader_txt.text = Math.floor((loaded/total)*100)+ "%";
              if (total == loaded) {
                        this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
    Also if I delete my contents in the "Main" scene and leave a single image, code works perfect.
    Preloader shows up and then loads my "Main" scene.
    How can I code it, as it first calculates my whole scenes, and shows my 1st scene "preloader" at the beginning.

    I followed the tutorial, here's the code he suggested.
    var l:Loader = new Loader();
    l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS. loop);
    l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE. done);
    l.load(new URLRequest("main.swf"));
    function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void
              var perc:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal;
              percent.text = Math.ceil(perc*100).toString();
    function done(e:Event):void
              percent = null;
    When I try to export this, flash gives me an error with line 2 and line 3.

  • Loading multiple swfs using air 3.6 for ios

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    Code description: A flash file made up of 4 frames with forward and back buttons that navigate from frame to frame. The code loads three different swf files in frames 2, 3 and 4.
    Frame 1:
    var myLoader:Loader;
    var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null);
    if(myLoader == null){myLoader = new Loader(); addChild(myLoader); }
    else {myLoader.unload();}
    Frame 2:
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest("file1.swf"),loaderContext);
    Frame 3:
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest("file2.swf"),loaderContext);
    Frame 4:
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest("file3.swf"),loaderContext);

    I've just tried loading, unloading and then loading again same SWF with 2 library objects linked for AS3 export. It worked both on simulator and on device in debug mode. When I look inside swf it does contain AS3 code.
    So is my swf a pure asset SWF? Or Intellij Idea 12 that I'm using does stripping automatically?
    And then I've read your comment at and run 'swfdump' utility on my .swf file. Looks like there's no ABC2 code, that's why app was able to load, unload and load again the same swf.
    public dynamic class extends flash.display.MovieClip
      native public function bg():*;
      native public var one:flash.display.MovieClip;
      native public var three:flash.display.MovieClip;
      native public var two:flash.display.MovieClip;
    public dynamic class extends flash.display.MovieClip
      native public function z1():*;
    I can access objects as instances through root  or as objects through getDefinition.
    private var aLoader : Loader;
    private function init():void
            private function load1():void
                aLoader   = new Loader();
                var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("levels/expirementlevel1.swf");
                var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null);
                aLoader.load(url, loaderContext); // load the SWF file
                aLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(, handleSWFLoadComplete1, false, 0, true);
            private function handleSWFLoadComplete1( {
                var levelObjectsMC:flash.display.MovieClip =;
                for (var i:uint = 0; i < levelObjectsMC.numChildren; i++){
                    trace ('\t|\t ' +i+'.\t name:' + levelObjectsMC.getChildAt(i).name + '\t type:' + typeof (levelObjectsMC.getChildAt(i))+ '\t' + levelObjectsMC.getChildAt(i).x);
                var LibraryClass:Class ="") as Class;
                var myLibraryObject:flash.display.MovieClip = new LibraryClass as flash.display.MovieClip;
                trace(' load 1 ' + myLibraryObject);
            private function load2():void
                aLoader   = new Loader();
                var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("levels/expirementlevel1.swf");
                var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null);
                aLoader.load(url, loaderContext); // load the SWF file
                aLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(, handleSWFLoadComplete2, false, 0, true);
            private function handleSWFLoadComplete2( {
                var levelObjectsMC:flash.display.MovieClip =;
                for (var i:uint = 0; i < levelObjectsMC.numChildren; i++){
                    trace ('\t|\t ' +i+'.\t name:' + levelObjectsMC.getChildAt(i).name + '\t type:' + typeof (levelObjectsMC.getChildAt(i))+ '\t' + levelObjectsMC.getChildAt(i).x);
                var LibraryClass:Class ="") as Class;
                var myLibraryObject:flash.display.MovieClip = new LibraryClass as flash.display.MovieClip;
                trace('load 2 x ' + myLibraryObject.x);

  • Putting a preloader for a loaded .swf in a Movie Clip

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    it does nothing in that context.  so use:
    container._x =-258;
    container._y =-235;
    // if you have a textfield with instance name preloaderTF
    preloaderTF.text=Math.round(100*container.getBytesLoaded()/container.getBytesTotal())+"% Loaded";
    delete this.onEnterFrame;

  • AIR for IOS, ApplicationDomain problem: Error #2007: Parameter Possible symbol clash in multiple swf

    I am exporting a game for IOS in Flash CS6.
    I have isolated classes, except a framework for static utilities that do not clash, but I still get this message when exporting for IOS.
    AIR for desktop, even with ApplicationDomain.currentDomain works and does not give any error. Same on android.
    When I export the same exact project for IOS, it triggers that error randomly in different parts.
    All related with a call to a method on superclass, the instantiation of an internal class, or of a Vector typed to a custom internal class.
    TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter Possible symbol clash in multiple swfs, abcenv must be non-null.
    The line that triggers the error:
    return new RouletteChoserItemDev(num, data);
    Any help is appreciated.
    I have changed the code into:
    var item:RouletteChoserItemDev;
    var MyClass:Class = RouletteChoserItemDev;
    item = new MyClass(num, data);
    Now I get this funny error:
    Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert device.plugins.rouletteLobby::RouletteChoserItemDev@6284bc9 to .
    Yes, cannot convert to ".", a dot!

    The way ApplicationDomain.sameDomain works on Android and Desktop, and on IOS, IS DIFFERENT!!!
    I probably have to file this under AIR bugs.
    - In loaded SWFs, classes which are not already stored in parent SWF CANNOT be instantiated.
    var c:MyClass = new MyClass(); // Will not work
    var c = new MyClass(); // Will not work
    var c:MyClass = getDefinitionByName("fullpackage.MyClass"); // Will not work
    var c = getDefinitionByName("fullpackage.MyClass"); // WORKS!!!!!
    var c:DisplayItem = getDefinitionByName("fullpackage.MyClass"); // WORKS!!!!!
    So, it seems that classes stored in local loaded SWF will not be accessible directly. Even though tracing it trace(MyClass) works well, the class cannot be used in code in any place. Variables cannot be typed, and class can only be instantiated with getDefinitionByName();
    All this, is true ONLY on IOS, same exact project and settings, will not trigger any error in AIR for Desktop or for Android.
    But since obviously we use the same codebase for all devices, this IOS *feature* has to guide the way we code, even though we break a few important OOP best practices.
    Hope I spared someone else the 3 days including an entire weekend I had to invest to find this out.

  • Loading multiple SWFs and storing them (code not working under Firefox 23 and Chrome)

    Hey guys,
    Anyone has any idea why this code suddenly don't work anymore? (It works under internet explorer but not firefox and chrome
    The code under is placed on my main swf to preload all my external swfs and store them for not having to wait too long to access them.
    Thx guys.
    I took the code from here btw:
    I'm running flash player 11.8.800.94... It used to work under Firefox and Chrome
    var _swfLoader:Loader;
    var _swfRequest:URLRequest;
    var _swfPathArr:Array = new Array("00.swf", "01.swf", "02.swf");
    var _swfClipsArr:Array = new Array();
    var _swfTempClip:MovieClip;
    var _loadedSWFs:int;
    function startLoading(pathArr:Array):void {
    _swfLoader = new Loader();
    _swfRequest = new URLRequest();
    function loadSWF(path:String):void {
    _swfRequest.url = path;
    function setupListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void {
    dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSwfComplete);
    function onSwfComplete(event:Event):void {, onSwfComplete);
    _swfTempClip =;
    _swfTempClip.customID = _loadedSWFs;
    if(_loadedSWFs <_swfPathArr.length - 1) {
    } else {

    Hi kglad,
    The problem was coming from my server.
    I recently played with some settings  from a "cache control tool" offered by my hosting but i thought i had it back at default. Turns out i must've missed something. Now i have the .html caching on and everything works good on all browser.
    I have another question tho...
    I'd like to know if there's a way to cache an html file without having to ask my hoster to cache all of my htmls...
    I'm using this code now but maybe there's a way to add something that will cache this page specifically?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <script language="javascript">AC_FL_RunContent = 0;</script>
    <script src="fluid_site.js" language="javascript"></script>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>
    <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
    <!--url's used in the movie-->
    <!--text used in the movie-->
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
        if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {
            alert("This page requires fluid_site.js.");
        } else {
                'codebase', ',0,0,0',
                'width', '100%',
                'height', '100%',
                'src', 'index',
                'quality', 'medium',
                'pluginspage', '',
                'align', 'middle',
                'play', 'true',
                'loop', 'true',
                'scale', 'showall',
                'devicefont', 'false',
                'wmode', 'window',
                'id', 'index',
                'name', 'index',
                'menu', 'false',
                'allowFullScreen', 'false',
                'movie', 'index',
                'salign', ''
                ); //end AC code
        <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="100%" height="100%" id="index" align="middle">
        <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
        <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
        <param name="MENU" value="false">
        <param name=wmode value=window>
        <param name="movie" value="index.swf" /><param name="quality" value="medium" /><embed src="index.swf" quality="medium" width="100%" height="100%" wmode="direct" name="fluid_site" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />

  • How does a pdf handle multiple SWFs at runtime?

    If a pdf has multiple SWFs in it, that get turned on and off multiple times, does each one run in its own instance of the Flash Player?
    If not, can they run separetely without problems?
    Can one SWF run for a while and then another SWF run, followed by a return to the first SWF to resume part way through or does it start it off from frame 1 again?

    When a Rich Media Annotation is activated it forms a new sandboxed instance of the FP runtime, so you can have several RMAs active at the same time without too many problems (aside from things like stealing focus from one another). They cannot see each other's libraries and you cannot share data directly between them as the LSO system is disabled, but basic string-form data can be tunneled via AcroJS if you know what you're doing.
    When an RMA deactivates, everything is wiped - Acrobat / Reader do not automatically store any 'resume data' but you can create a home-made resume system by coding the SWF to export/import state information to the PDF. You would have to ensure everything needed to 'resume' is packaged into the state data string, then read and parse it each time the SWF loads. Again, that data packet is not visible to other content.

  • Loading multiple swf's in runtime and playing them one after other

    I am looking for help in loading multiple swf's as a playlist and playing them one after other on top of the other, so here even we have to play with display list for the visiblity.
    Tried to load single files but not getting for multiple files, what will be the event with which the dynamically loaded swf switch to other.These file names will be mentioned in XML file.
    Please let me know your thoughts and will be greatfull if anybody can help with the script or any kind of tutorials.

    First of all am thanking you for showing your kind intrest towards this thread, and appreciate for spending time to work out this issue.
    I will explain you in deatil the issue what am facing,I am working on a project where basically dealing with flv player and videos, am trying to play multiple flv videos of a 3d human character who is speaking out a number like 3550.
    Here we are using multiple video files and joining them like videos where character says 3 then 1000 then  5 then 50.
    The issue here is after every video there is a fraction of second where the character is disappearing from the stage which we can't afford because all the numbers have to be played at once to show it as one single digit.
    So thought of trying swf's instead of flv so that we can omit the gap between the numbers, but even in this swf's also having same issue for a fraction of second the character is missing from the stage.
    I am looking for a solution to this, either the way can work out as flv or swf.For flv am trying to edit some player where we can remove the delay between the clips.
    I am attaching new swf where the character is speaking 3 numbers like 3,1000,40.You can notice there is a flicker between the swf's.
    Can we use Display list with which we can omit that gap.
    Looking for your thoughts and help.
    Thank you

  • How to Configure Cisco ASA 5512 for multiple public IP interfaces

    I have a new ASA 5512 that I would like to configure for multiple public IP support.  My problem may be basic but I am an occasional router admin and don't touch this stuff enough to retain everything I have learned.
    Here is my concept.    We have a very basic network setup using three different ISPs that are currently running with cheap routers for internet access.  We use these networks to open up access for Sales to demo different products that use a lot of bandwidth (why we have three)
    I wanted to use the 5512 to consolidate the ISPs so we are using one router to manage the connections.  I have installed an add on license that allows multiple outside interfaces along with a number of other features.
    Outside Networks (I've changed the IPs for security purposes)
    Outside1 E 0/0 : gateway
    Outside2 E 0/2: 255.255.248 gateway
    Inside1 : E 0/1
    Inside2 : E 0/3
    My goal is to have Inside 1 route all internet traffic using Outside1 and Inside 2 to use Outside2.    The problem is I can't seem to do this. I can get inside 1 to use outside 1 but Inside2 uses Outside 1 as well.
    I tried adding static routes on Outside2 to have all traffic use gateway but that doesn't seem to work.   
    I can post my config up as needed.  I am not well versed in Cisco CLI, I've been using the ASDM 7.1 app.  My ASA 5512 is at 9.1.   
    Thanks in advance for the suggestions/help

    I have been away for a while and am just getting caught up on some posts. so my apology for a delayed response.
    I find the response very puzzling. It begins by proclaiming that to achieve the objective we must use Policy Based Routing. But then in the suggested configuration there is no PBR. What it gives us is two OSPF processes using one process for each of the public address ranges and with some strange distribute list which uses a route map. I am not clear what exactly it is that this should accomplish and do not see how it contributes to having one group of users use one specific ISP and the other group of users use the other ISP>
    To the original poster
    It seems to me that you have chosen the wrong device to implement the edge function of your network. The ASA is a good firewall and it does some routing things. But fundamentally it is not a router. And to achieve what you want were a group of users will use a specified ISP and the other group of users will use the other ISP you really need a router. You want to control outbound traffic based on the source of the traffic, and that is a classic situation where PBR is the ideal solution. But the ASA does not do PBR.

  • One Account for Multiple Businesses

    I run a number of small companies and want to use Skype to handle the phone calls.
    Each company needs to have its own phone number.
    I know that I can have up to 10 numbers associated with one account, which is great. However I don't know the specifics of how this will work in practice.
    What I need to know is:
    1. Will I be able to tell which number was called when receiving a call (so that I can answer with the appropriate company name)?
    2. Will I be able to tell which number was called if the call goes to an answerphone?
    3. Will I be able to customise the answerphone outgoing message so that it's different for each number?
    4. Can two people on separate devices be logged into the same account with these multiple numbers at the same time?
    4a. If so, can these two people call each other using this account?
    4b. If so, can they each answer separate calls?
    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

    Hi, Arlandria, and welcome to the Community!
    The answer to most of your questions being, "no," please do reach out to the Skype for Business people for information on how best to set up Skype for Business:
    Using Skype in your business
    Transform the way your business works with cost effective and collaborative tools.
    Contact our solutions team
    Best regards,
    Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

  • How to load multiple swfs to my main flash file??

    I am using the following code
    In actions for Frame 1:
    var myrequest:URLRequest=new URLRequest("A.swf");     
    var myloader:Loader=new Loader();
    img1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickButton);
    function clickButton(event:MouseEvent):void{               
    img1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_5);
    function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_5(event:MouseEvent):void
    In action for Frame 13:   (img2 is another button)
    img2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadFunction);
    function unloadFunction(event:Event):void{
    This code works perfectly fine. My only problem is, How do I get multiple swf loaded. When I tried to copy and paste the same code for the other swf, but the following errors appear. I'm pretty sure theres a way to have multiple swfs (btw the multiple swfs will be linked from different frames).
    Scene 1, Layer 'PAGES!', Frame 2, Line 7 1021: Duplicate function definition.
    Scene 1, Layer 'PAGES!', Frame 2, Line 2 1151: A conflict exists with definition myloader in namespace internal.
    Scene 1, Layer 'PAGES!', Frame 2, Line 1 1151: A conflict exists with definition myrequest in namespace internal.
    Can someone please help me with this. Thanks

    You define the same variable or function names more than once in a file.  But you can reuse them in other frames.  Try something more like the following in frame 2....
    myrequest=new URLRequest("A.swf");     
    leave all of the rest out for starters... the same function from frame 1 can be re-used without rewriting them.  I don't know what the deal is with img1, but if you need to change what it does, then add that back in.

Maybe you are looking for