Premiere no longer playing or exporting audio

Major problem today folks.  When I attempt to play a timeline or clip in Premiere I get absolutely NO audio.  I see the meter moving, I've checked all of my settings but still no audio.  I've restarted and done everything I can think of to make audio work.  I have a big project due so please help.

With Adobe's help on the phone this morning I was able to find the problem.  In the playback tab in preferences the Audio Device had disappeared causing the application to be reinstalled.  Once reinstalled we set it to Adobe Desktop Audio and it began working.  In Audition, the new project I had created, during this fiasco, was corrupt so I couldn't get any audio from it.  All is well now.

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    This may be something obvious to experienced users, and admittedly, I'm new to Premiere, but after two hours of digging through documention, forum posts, and Google, I'm giving up and asking here:
    Basics:  MacBook Pro 13, Mac OS 10.8.5, Premiere Pro CS6.
    I have a project in which I've replaced the audio track recorded with the video camera, added a separate black video track for fading effects, synchronized audio and video, added some fade in/out on the audio, and trimmed everything.  Once this was done I applied Sequence -> Render Entire Work area.  When I export to a .mov file -- with a 4:3 crop on the picture -- I get the video with all the fade from/to black effects in place, but no sound.
    I've tried this three times.  The audio track is not muted.  I have both "export video" and "export audio" checked.  Nothing.  I even loaded this generated .mov file into a new project, and there is simply no audio at all.  Below are screen shots, of the general workspace and of the export dialogue window.
    Please help.

    Try a different Audio CODEC first.
    I am sure what you have chosen is not Default.

  • Premiere Pro Crackling / Popping When Exporting Audio

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    Whatever it is seems to be specific to Premiere.  I exported it as a 24-bit Wav with no problems, and then sent it through Media Encoder to turn it into a 16-bit DVD PCM audio track again with no problems.  Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

    First a few questions...
    1. Are you playing the move back using QuickTime player?
    2. Do you happen to be using a Firewire audio interface (i.e., Presonus StudioLive)
    3. Does it happen if you play the audio back through the internal speakers?
    A couple of things to try...
    1. download and install VLC <VideoLAN - Download official VLC media player for Mac OS X>
    2. try playing back your movie and see if the popping still exists.
    If you are using a Firewire audio interface (even if you adapt it to Thunderbolt), I found a strange work around that allows me to play movies back in the QuickTime player. I launch Adobe Audition ... and the popping no longer exists.
    I think it's an Apple bug with the QuickTime player. Hope one of these solutions works fro you!

  • Adobe Premiere Pro wont play any video/audio

    Hello! i recently got an Adobe creative cloud membership. and so i have been editing a video. no problems, no lag, nothing, its all been wonderful.
    but i sent the video to SpeedGrade, then exported from there and had an audio sync issue, that i decided to fix by aligning the old video clips audio with the new graded versions video.
    upon importing (old non graded and new greaded versions) the 8 minute files, and double clicking them to view them, they wouldn't play, even after a couple minutes.
    and they wouldn't play in the timeline either.
    so i tried many things, restarting, deleting my preference files, deleting and re-installing the application, using different video files + projects.
    i even tried an old project that i had. no other applications are suffering from this problem. (like after effects or speedgrade, they are 100% fine)
    i also tried different settings, including ones with the mercury playback engine. no luck
    No other forum has helped.
    i have a 21.5 inch Imac, with an intel i5 processor.
    8 gig of RAM. a 500gb HD
    and an AMD Radeon HD 6750M 512 MB
    i am running OS X 10.8.2

    it was a video i was working on. i didnt export it to speedgrade though, i used dynamic link (send to speedgrade command) and sent the entire timeline to speedgrade.
    i quite premiere because i didnt need it any more (at that point because i was using speed grade) then i exported out of speedgrade the graded clip and brought that into premiere. and now premiere wont play anything.
    UPDATE: however when i scrub, it plays through the video but i dont hear audio (even though the setting for that is turned on).
    and when i press the space bar (or the play/stop button) over and over after i scrubbed a little bit, it will jump back and forth, so obviously not a hard drive permission/read error.
    and lastly, when i try to change the amount of zoom it has in the viewer (fit, 10$, 100%, 50% etc.) it crops the image and then the applications becomes unresponsive.

  • Premiere Pro only plays half of audio file. PLEASE HELP

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    Any ideas what I could try?

    Hi ktully450,
    See if this article helps:

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    As Airplay works with your local network and there haven't been any recent updates that could affect Airplay, reports of others having similar issues are likely coincidental. In addition to your Apple TV try restarting the iPad and your router.

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    Hi Raman,
    I think we have found the source of the problem. It relates to how different browsers are detected by Adobe when updating Flash Player.
    To make the videos play within PDFs either from DVD or on the hard drive, it is now essential that Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin (now version 11.5.502.113) is installed. (Adobe Reader 10 had its own internal flash player, so an external player was not needed)
    We have discovered that, when Google Chrome is the browser, automatic updates of Flash do NOT download this programme. Flash 11 ActiveX is the only programme that is downloaded, and the videos do NOT play from DVD or harddrive.
    Also, it is not possible to manually download Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin as this option is not presented to the user. Presumably Adobe have set it up this way, because the Adobe site recognises Chrome is being used, and assumes that the computer does not need the plugin flash player, as Chrome has its own internal flash player. However, other programmes may need it!
    We went to FileHippo to download the non-IE version (even though we were using Chrome!) at
    Then the videos played from DVD or harddrive.
    I have not been able to test how this works with other browsers. I hope that Adobe can sort this problem out asap!

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    As Airplay works with your local network and there haven't been any recent updates that could affect Airplay, reports of others having similar issues are likely coincidental. In addition to your Apple TV try restarting the iPad and your router.

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    The audio is a .wav file created in Audacity.
    The OS is Windows XP
    The verison is CS4
    I have included images of the Sequence settings and the playback settings because I was not sure what information you would need.
    I am not sure what you mean by waiting for the Audio to conform but I know I have imported the audio and gone back the next day and tried to place it in the timeline and it still did not work.

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    langlitzfamily wrote:
    Looking for suggestions.
    Reset the PRAM > Resetting your Mac's PRAM and NVRAM
    Clean it > Memtek CD and DVD Lens Cleaning Kit
    Have it serviced > Apple - Support - iMac - Service FAQ
    In that order.

  • Export Media in Premiere Pro CS6 ONLY produces an Audio File in Media Encoder

    First, all the system info:
    Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1
    Intel HD Graphics 3000 Display Adapter
    I’m using Premiere Pro CS6 Version 6.0.5 (001  (MC: 264587)) “Mighty Kilt”
    Version (64 Bit) of Adobe Media Encoder CS6
    Other Adobe applications installed: AIR, Creative Cloud, Download Assistant, Encore CS6 Library, Flash Player 12 ActiveX, Flash Player 12 Plugin, Help Manager, Premiere Pro CS6, Premiere Pro CS6 Functional Content, Reader XI
    I’ve run check for updates on both Premiere Pro and Media Encoder and everything is up to date
    I'm producing a two disc, dual layer DVD set for 100 families of my son's marching band.
    I have a half hour "masterwork" of interviews, performance segments, rehearsal sequences, credits, etc that I've edited together complete with sound, etc.
    I also then have various other video segments from the season, some high quality (1920x1080) and some lower quality.
    Rather than import everything into Encore and have Encore transcode them all at the same quality, I wanted to ensure that the half-hour piece and certain other segments were transcoded as high quality as possible and given the largest file sizes I could and then transcode other segments at lower quality levels as needed so everything would fit on the discs.
    The company I'm using to duplicate/replicate the 100 DVDs from my Master DVD advised me to encode them FIRST in Premiere Pro as desired, and THEN import those files into Encore.
    I've used Adobe Media Encoder a lot to export the individual segments into files I could upload to Youtube and have had no problem for the last several months.
    But now, two things happen:
    1) AME automatically designates the "Output File" with an .aac extension (see attached)
    2) When I do an "Import As" of the AME encoded file in Encore it only loads an audio file (obviously)
    Here are the settings I use in my Export Media dialogue in Premiere Pro CS6:
    Format: MPEG2-DVD
    Preset: NTSC Widescreen High Quality
    Output Name (and filetype): ______ name with Save as Type of "Video Files(*.mpg)
    BOTH the "Export Video" and "Export Audio" boxes are checked (see attached screen print)
    Filters Tab: left as is, don't do anything here
    Multiplexer Tab:
    choose the "DVD" button (vs the "None" button)
    Bitrate Type: left as Variable which is what is selected as a default
    Video Tab:
    Codec: Reads MainConcept MPEG Video
    Quality: increase it to the max of 5
    TV Standard: NTSC
    Frame Rate: 29.97
    Field Order: None (Progressive)
    Pixel Aspect Ration: Widescreen 16:9
    Render at Maximum Depth box checked
    Bitrate Encoding: I choose CBR for my high quality segments and VBR 2-pass for my lower quality segments
    Bitrate: kick it up to the max for high qulaity segments, adjust as needed to get the filesize I want for my lower quality segments
    Audio Tab:
    Audio Format: Dolby Digital
    Codec: Dolby Digital
    Bitrate: At least 320, sometimes higher for the segments I want to be the highest quality
    I check the "Use Maximum Render Quality" box
    I chose "Queue" for everything and then let it run overnight
    And yes, the original media has BOTH a video track and an audio track that works (see Screenprint)
    So... what am I doing wrong, helpful experts????

    Larry, Mark, Jim & Bill -
    It is 1 am Tuesday morning and I'd do a primal scream if my family weren't all sleeping upstairs.
    Somewhere along the way, I either read or was given the advice to just skip AME, load my videos as timelines in Encore, and just do the transcoding there.
    I spent almost a day trying to figure out how to get "buttons" for my menus I was building (they weren't appearing in Encore's library like they should) and eventually found a simply workaround.
    So I then spent the last 24 hours or so building all my menus, creating small clips for my "motion menu" buttons, getting all that straightened away.
    Got really excited earlier tonight since it seemed like I was nearly finished and coming down the home stretch.
    I hit "build" in Encore, went away for a couple hours, and came back to find a big error message awaiting me telling me that "Encoding Failed."
    I have read a lot of posts, and the outlook is not good, or at least the possible solution not simple or short from a time perspective.
    I have a 100 families awaiting their DVD they've paid for that they initially were told they'd have by mid-February. I've been telling everybody that they would have it - guaranteed - by this weekend when there's a band festival that would be ideal for distribution. The DVD duplication company says they have to have it by Wed morning at the absolute latest. Meaning I've got about 24 hours to figure this out and burn my dual-layer masters of the two DVDs or once again tell people "I know I guaranteed you'd have it by this weekend, but I don't have it ready yet."
    Almost as importantly, I can't afford to keep spending the hours and hours and hours on this that I have. It's impacting my personal and professional life.
    Thus the primal scream.
    The posts I read about the encoding failure all pretty much advise that I use AME to do all the transcoding work. Which of course brings me squarely back to my original problem: I cannot get a video file out of AME.
    I'm embedding a screenshot of what I see when I click on the pull-down menu in the AME dialogue window. The problem: there is no MPEG2-DVD option listed to be chosen.
    Although I'm relatively new to forums, I've read enough posts by now that it seems like most people are in crisis mode when they post. So I realize my situation is not all that unique. But from a newbie rookie in the field to you experts, I REALLY could use some assistance right now, because between this and the long, cold winter we've had, I'm about to lose it.  :-)
    P.S. Mark, in answer to your question about frame rates, I have 18 different videos/films/projects that I'm including in my two DVD-set. There have probably been nearly 6-7 different cameras that have contributed footage to one or more of those films by borrowing camcorders of different brands and types and quality levels from people. Nearly every one of those 18 films have multi-camera sequences in them. And many films are collections of sequences which themselves are "nested sequences" sometimes three deep.  In otherwords, there is no way I can tell you all the various frame rates that may be represented among these 18 separate projects and I certainly can't go back and hope to change them all to the same one.
    Help. Please.  :-)

  • Premiere Pro CS5 not exporting audio

    Hi all,
    I've already searched Google and these forums extensively but can't seem to solve this problem even with all the solutions I've seen. I've never had any trouble in the past with exporting and/or audio, but the project I'm working on won't export properly.
    I'm exporting a ~4 minute video with a mix of camera (Canon 60D) audio, audio from my Rode mic, and an mp3 as background music. The audio plays fine in the timeline, but I can't seem to get the export settings right. I've tried H.264, Vimeo HD, and exporting JUST the audio to no avail. The audio is AAC, which I've tried 48 and 44.1 kHz.
    The video exports perfectly in 1920 x 1080 but has absolutely no audio.
    Can anyone help me with this? The render time is super long on my old Macbook so I've just been exporting sections at a time.
    Thanks! Let me know if I should provide any additional information.
    Edit: I've also tried exporting through Media Encoder CS5; same result.

    Hi, I'm having pretty much the same problem but after trying several of these solutions i'm still stuck,
    I've completed a 30 minute film using 3 different types of digital cameras.
    When i try to export it my system crashes and i have to open it again.
    the project file is 35GB and i have over 100GB space on my external usb hard drive, so i know there is enough space, i also deleted temp files and unused files too.
    I contacted an experienced film maker and took my hard drive to him so he could export it on his system and that also crashed, but he was able to export the entire video of the sequence but unticking the export audio, so i have a 30 minute film with no sound and i've put it down to an audio issue.
    I had the same problem when trying to export the film when it was just 20 minutes long, i then cleared the media cache and deleted a lot of unwanted files etc, and then i was able to export the film. now it's 10 minutes longer and the issue seems impossible to solve.
    the only solution i can think of is to delete the last 10 minutes of audio (which isn't really an option) or somehow record the audio into a seperate file and import it into the project
    I'm not entirely sure of the exact details you would need from me but if there is any please ask
    Using windows 7
    4.00GB of RAM
    Dual processor
    Thanks for reading!

  • A slide show with audio created in PSE 9 plays fine in edit.  When brought to Premier Elements for dvd burn, the audio no longer plays.  It appears in the edit, but no audio is played.  This happens consistently.  What setting might be wrong?

    A slide show with audio created in PSE 9 plays fine in edit.  When brought to Premier Elements for dvd burn, the audio no longer plays.  It appears in the edit, but no audio is played.  This happens consistently.  What setting might be wrong?

    That Photoshop Elements 9.0.3 Update has generally been discouraged by the Photoshop Elements gurus. But, I am not going to factor that into this at this point.
    This is what I would ask you to look at in the Elements Organizer 9 accessed from the Photoshop Elements 9 or Premiere Elements 9.
    a. Create your slideshow in the Elements Organizer 9/Create/Slideshow/Slideshow Editor. Then use the Output option of Edit with Premiere Elements.
    From your description, you are probably using the Output Option of Burn to Disc DVD which will take your slideshow directly in the Disc Menu section of Premiere Elements 9. The preferred transfer of the Elements Organizer 9 slideshow to Premiere Elements 9 Editor is by the non wmv route "Edit with Premiere Elements" not the wmv route of Burn to Disc DVD.
    Let us explore if any of the above is involved in your issue and then we will decide what next if necessary.

  • A movie I bought a while ago will no longer play, instead it just shows a black screen and no audio. All of the other movies in my library play fine. Any ideas as to whats going on or how to fix it? Thanks for any help.

    A movie I bought a while ago will no longer play, instead it just shows a black screen and no audio. All of the other movies in my library play fine. Any ideas as to whats going on or how to fix it? Thanks for any help.

    Hi 22chill,
    I recommend that we delete and re-download the movie from your purchase history:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Matt M.

  • TS3789 I have similar problem, my apple tv which has always worked properly with my Samsung tv will no longer play any audio after the latest 5.1 upgrade. Very frustrating as it was working perfectly before. I am starting to not trust apple upgrades until

    I have similar problem, my apple tv which has always worked properly with my Samsung tv will no longer play any audio after the latest 5.1 upgrade. Very frustrating as it was working perfectly before. I am starting to not trust apple upgrades until proven for example ios6 on iPhone with that stupid map app instead of google maps.
    I just want to buy and hear my iTunes music and videos on my apple tv, could before cant now. Thank you apple. Time to pack up the apple tv and start torrenting without the ios-bs.
    Disheartened apple fan.

    Welcome to the  discussion forums.
    Try going to synching in the sources menu on your tv and selecting 'change itunes library', when it gives you the passcode check itunes to see if the tv is showing up as a new device, if so try entering the pass code. It may be that your tv is seeing itunes as a different library because of a recent upgrade.

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