Price Protection from Schools' bookstores???

Hi there,
Is there anyone of you purchased iMac G5 Rev B in schools' bookstores weeks before the New iMac iSight came out?
I was wondering if schools' bookstores offer any rebate for us students like people got rebate from Apple...

Call them and ask.
If you are a long-time customer and/or persuasive enough you might be able to strike some kind of mutual agreement.
Good Luck!

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    If you purchased your MacBook Pro through the Apple Store, you have fourteen calendar days to return it, assuming that it wasn't a custom configuration in which case they won't take it back. Apple will charge you a 10% restocking fee if, as I would presume, you've opened the box.
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    There is no std report for the same....but you can see the PO price history from ME1P tcode....and price change in MMR can see from :
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    The D810 requires Camera Raw 8.6 or later - the latest version that is compatible with Photoshop Elements 12 is Camera Raw 8.5 as far as I can see.
    You need to either buy a new version of Photoshop Elements or use the free Adobe DNG converter.
    DNG  Converter 8.8
    Win –
    Mac –
    Useful Tutorial

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    Mac OS X versions 10.6.7 and later have built-in detection of known Mac malware in downloaded files. The recognition database is automatically updated once a day; however, you shouldn't rely on it, because the attackers are always at least a day ahead of the defenders. In most cases, there’s no benefit from any other automated protection against malware.
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    A web operator who tells you that you have a “virus,” or that anything else is wrong with your computer, or that you have won a prize in a contest you never entered, istrying to commit a crime with you as the victim.
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    Follow these guidelines, and you’ll be as safe from malware as you can reasonably be.
    Never install any commercial "anti-virus" products for the Mac, as they all do more harm than good. If you need to be able to detect Windows malware in your files, use ClamXav — nothing else.
    Could Linc, should he come across this, or anyone else, clarify his statements?
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    1) The apps rarely run well, and often cause a lot of crashing. The app knows it isn't registered and continually tries to quit. The hack tells it to keep running. That's the minor issue compared to the next.
    2) The number one way crooks are getting malware onto Macs is just this way. Hacked commercial software. That software isn't just hacked, they almost all also contain code that isn't part of the original app at all. Like key loggers, back doors, and other malware you most definitely don't want on your computer. When you enter your admin password to install the illegal software you downloaded, the extra stuff you don't know about get installed with it. These people are so persistent, there were even torrent downloads of Mavericks online almost as soon as Apple released it. Really! Who would be dumb enough to download Mavericks from a file sharing site when you can already obtain a genuine copy for free from Apple?
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    Hi expert,
         I had a difficult problem:
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         Today, my Key user came accross a prblem: In our company, for batch processing of material master, we use a IDOC to process inputting material master fields including the price determination field. But, because absence of the key user, price determination were set blank (neither 2 or 3, In MBEW table, field MLAST is blank) when inputting material master. all data were imported without error warnings. But ,acturally, all materials' price determination in accounting view 1 was set Blank! This is a big problem that we can not release standard price or do any other price changing~~~.
         I have used CKMM to try to change price determination. But it failed: it can not identify this situation because old price determination must be set  a word rather than blank in CKMM.
          I don't know any other solutions to change price determination from Blank into 2.  Specially, some materials that had already lots of movements and prices changing.
         Hope you can help me out. Very thankful!

    Currently the materials are inconsistent and there is no way to repair them with the standard
    programs. The problem should be corrected by Sap Support. Please create a oss message
    providing a detailed description of the incidence and the remote connection to check the problem
    in the system.
    Sorry for not giving you a better alternative.

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    Hi Satish,
    Please assign the org det. rules to org det. profile with Sales and Service scenarios and then assign the org. det. profile to transaction type. The below screenshot is just for your reference.
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