Print Report RDLC without preview ... very important for me.

Hello, I want to ask you about print Report RDLC without preview .
I saw this article here :
but I did not understand because the code is long and I think difficult.
could you put simple code please?
Thanks a lot.

Would that fix this mod_jk problem? Do you mean to say that I have those permissions when I actually edit those files?
I think the wiki is also mistaken assuming that JAVA_HOME is in the /opt directory.

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  • How to print the report directly without previewing (report viewer) using c# windows application

    Currently, we are using crystal report to all of our reporting applications, but since I/users have encountered some issues about CR's speed to load only a simple report, maybe it is now time for us to adopt a new reporting environment in which I think SSRS
    can fill this problem.
    To start with, I have here a sample code, that uses the crystal report to print the report directly without previewing:
    csCashInvoiceCal csCashCal; --Crystal report name .rpt
    dsCsReceipt dsCs; --created dataset
    DataTable u;
    DataRow s;
    private System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument printDocument1;
    private System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog printDialog1;
    ParameterValues paramValue;
    ParameterDiscreteValue discreteValue;
    ParameterFieldDefinition fieldDefinition;
    private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
    private void loadReceipt2()
    dsCs = new dsCsReceipt(); --created dataset
    u = dsCs.Tables.Add("DtCsReceipt");
    u.Columns.Add("Qty", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    u.Columns.Add("UOM", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    u.Columns.Add("Description", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    u.Columns.Add("UnitPrice", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    u.Columns.Add("Discount", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    u.Columns.Add("Amount", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    for (int i = 0; i < dgvDesc.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
    s = u.NewRow(); double.TryParse(dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Discount2.Name].Value.ToString(), out discount);
    s["Qty"] = double.Parse(dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Qty.Name].Value.ToString());
    s["UOM"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Uom2.Name].Value.ToString();
    s["Description"] = invcode + dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Description.Name].Value.ToString();
    s["UnitPrice"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[UnitPrice.Name].Value.ToString();
    if (discount != 0)
    s["Discount"] = "(" + string.Format("{0:0.##}", discount) + "%)";
    s["Discount"] = "";
    s["Amount"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Amount2.Name].Value.ToString();
    catch (Exception) { }
    csCashCal = new csCashInvoiceCal();
    private void loadParameter2()
    ParameterFieldDefinitions paramFieldDefinitions;
    paramValue = new ParameterValues();
    discreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
    paramFieldDefinitions = csCashCal.DataDefinition.ParameterFields;
    discreteValue.Value = date;
    fieldDefinition = paramFieldDefinitions["Date"];
    discreteValue.Value = txtcsno.Text;
    fieldDefinition = paramFieldDefinitions["InvoiceNo"];
    discreteValue.Value = txtNameTo.Text;
    fieldDefinition = paramFieldDefinitions["CustomerName"];
    discreteValue.Value = txtAdd.Text;
    fieldDefinition = paramFieldDefinitions["CustomerAddress"];
    ------other parameters----
    private void commonParam()
    private void print2()
    using (printDocument1 = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument())
    using (this.printDialog1 = new PrintDialog())
    //this.printDialog1.UseEXDialog = true;
    this.printDialog1.Document = this.printDocument1;
    DialogResult dr = this.printDialog1.ShowDialog();
    if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
    int nCopy = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.Copies;
    int sPage = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.FromPage;
    int ePage = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.ToPage;
    string PrinterName = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
    csCashCal.PrintOptions.PrinterName = PrinterName;
    csCashCal.PrintToPrinter(nCopy, false, sPage, ePage);
    catch (Exception err)
    This is only a simple sales receipt application that uses dgv and textboxes to push its data to dataset to the crystal report, a simple one but there are instances that it is very slow.
    But I'm having trouble implementing this using SSRS, since I'm only new to this one, wherein I created the report using report wizard, with two button options inside the form for print preview or direct print selection. Actually, it is very easy to implement
    with print preview because it uses reportviewer. My problem is that how can I print the report directly without using a reportviewer?
    So here is my code so far which I don't know what's next:
    private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
    ReportParameter[] parameter = new ReportParameter[11];
    private void loadParameter3()
    parameter[0] = new ReportParameter("InvoiceNo", txtcsno.Text);
    parameter[1] = new ReportParameter("Date", date);
    parameter[2] = new ReportParameter("CustomerTin", txtTin.Text);
    parameter[3] = new ReportParameter("CustomerName", txtNameTo.Text);
    parameter[4] = new ReportParameter("CustomerAddress", txtAdd.Text);
    parameter[5] = new ReportParameter("Agent", agent);
    parameter[6] = new ReportParameter("Discount", "Discount: ");
    parameter[7] = new ReportParameter("TotalDiscount", lblDiscount.Text + "%");
    parameter[8] = new ReportParameter("TotalSales", rdtotal);
    parameter[9] = new ReportParameter("Tax", rdtax);
    parameter[10] = new ReportParameter("TotalAmount", rdnet);
    private void loadReceipt3()
    DataSet dsrs = new DataSet();
    DataTable dtrs = new DataTable();
    DataRow drs;
    dtrs.Columns.Add("Qty", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dtrs.Columns.Add("UOM", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dtrs.Columns.Add("Description", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dtrs.Columns.Add("UnitPrice", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dtrs.Columns.Add("Discount", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dtrs.Columns.Add("Amount", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    for (int i = 0; i < dgvDesc.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
    drs = dtrs.NewRow();
    drs["Qty"] = double.Parse(dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Qty.Name].Value.ToString());
    drs["UOM"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Uom2.Name].Value.ToString();
    drs["Description"] = invcode + dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Description.Name].Value.ToString();
    drs["UnitPrice"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[UnitPrice.Name].Value.ToString();
    if (discount != 0)
    drs["Discount"] = "(" + string.Format("{0:0.##}", discount) + "%)";
    drs["Discount"] = "";
    drs["Amount"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Amount2.Name].Value.ToString();
    catch (Exception) { }
    int addtlRow = 7;
    if (addtlRow > (count - 1))
    addtlRow = addtlRow - (count - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < addtlRow; i++)
    LocalReport localreport = new LocalReport();
    localreport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("dsSalesReceiptSsrs", dtrs));
    //what's next....
    So what's next after local..refresh()? Actually, I have googled a lot but I didn't found the exact solution that I'm looking for which confuses me a lot.
    Anyway I'm using VS 2010 with sql server 2012 express.
    You're help will be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    After some further studies with ReportViewer controls and with the use of this tutorial @ :, which helps me a lot on how to print a report without using a report viewer, I found out what is missing
    with my code above and helps solve my question.
    Here's the continuation of the code above:
    private void loadReceipt3()
    LocalReport localreport = new LocalReport();
    localreport.ReportPath = @"..\..\SsrsCashReceipt.rdlc";
    localreport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("dsSalesReceiptSsrs", dtrs));
    private IList<Stream> m_streams;
    private int m_currentPageIndex;
    private void Export(LocalReport report)
    string deviceInfo =
    Warning[] warnings;
    m_streams = new List<Stream>();
    report.Render("Image", deviceInfo, CreateStream,
    out warnings);
    foreach (Stream stream in m_streams)
    stream.Position = 0;
    private void print4()
    if (m_streams == null || m_streams.Count == 0)
    throw new Exception("Error: no stream to print.");
    PrintDocument printDoc = new PrintDocument();
    PrintDialog printDlg = new PrintDialog();
    printDlg.Document = printDoc;
    DialogResult dr = printDlg.ShowDialog();
    if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
    if (!printDoc.PrinterSettings.IsValid)
    throw new Exception("Error: cannot find the default printer.");
    printDoc.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(PrintPage);
    m_currentPageIndex = 0;
    public void Dispose()
    if (m_streams != null)
    foreach (Stream stream in m_streams)
    m_streams = null;
    private Stream CreateStream(string name, string fileNameExtension, Encoding encoding, string mimeType, bool willSeek)
    Stream stream = new FileStream(name + "." + fileNameExtension,
    return stream;
    private void PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs ev)
    Metafile pageImage = new
    // Adjust rectangular area with printer margins.
    Rectangle adjustedRect = new Rectangle(
    ev.PageBounds.Left - (int)ev.PageSettings.HardMarginX,
    ev.PageBounds.Top - (int)ev.PageSettings.HardMarginY,
    // Draw a white background for the report
    ev.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, adjustedRect);
    // Draw the report content
    ev.Graphics.DrawImage(pageImage, adjustedRect);
    // Prepare for the next page. Make sure we haven't hit the end.
    ev.HasMorePages = (m_currentPageIndex < m_streams.Count);
    Thank you very much for this wonderful tutorial. :)

  • How to enable a disabled iPad without losing very important pictures?

    How can you enable a disabled iPad without losing very important pictures?

    If you have important files, photos, videos which are only on your iPad, you need to backup frequently to your computer or iCloud.
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode? how-to-unlock-open-forgot-code-passcode-password-login.html
    iOS: Device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    How can I unlock my iPad if I forgot the passcode?
    How to Reset a Forgotten Password for an iOS Device
    Using iPhone/iPad Recovery Mode
    You may have to do this several times.
    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just canceling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Use the backup you make to iCloud or a computer.
    iTunes: About iOS backups -

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    Dear sir
    am using i6+. Iam facing some problems regarding apps download . I just start using iPhone.
    my problem is when i go for download some apps from web page I can't download only some zip shows on 2nd web page i mean whin i click on download link for som app atumaticaly open another broswing page and zip and app name shows but I can't install that app in my iphone .
    all thes apps very important for my business.
    kindly  sugest me how can i insttal these aaps in my iPhone.these apps not avlable in google play store and itune app store .
    wat can i do ?

    The ONLY apps that can be installed will be found in the iTunes app store.
    You cannot load any other apps at all.

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    Why can't we see the details of a picture or video taken with our iphone or Ipad? Detail like when it was taken the picture or when the movie was filmed. I think that this very very important for our memories.

    Yes, I know that, but it was easier to see it on the Iphone self, like the other company phones. The name of the picture taken should be the date when it was taken.

  • Report Generation without previewing

    i am generating report by clicking menu. Code under menu is...
    Suppose i am viewing the detail of customers. i want to print the report of customer detail whose detail iam viewing. i want to generate report by clicking button without previewing report. what would be the code of it?

    place a button on ur report and in action trigger use srw.run_report for calling 2nd report.
    srw.run_report('report path & name destype=.......');
    pass value for DESTYPE what u want eg printer, screen, file. U can also pass other paramters.

  • Tomcat Wiki: very important for newbies

    Hi everyone!
    I have a very important suggestion (important for newbies or ... me) for the tomcat wiki. To work with tomcat without problems you must have permissions on the configuration files. So i think the wiki must have something related to permissions and groups like
    gpasswd -a <user> tomcat.
    All the configuration files bundled with the tomcat package doesn't have the permissions for any user to read its content. The only easy way to have access to this files is adding your user to the tomcat group.
    I hope this helps.
    See ya!
    PD: sorry if you notice my poor english.

    Would that fix this mod_jk problem? Do you mean to say that I have those permissions when I actually edit those files?
    I think the wiki is also mistaken assuming that JAVA_HOME is in the /opt directory.

  • Unable to print from iPhoto without preview.

    Hi everyone, new to this, so please bear with me. Old Toad can you help me please, I love my Mac OS X, and am reasonably savvy, but suddenly iPhoto will not print from the File Menu without going in to Preview? In Preview, you have to click again on File and Print, and not print from the button on the bottom of the Preview Screen. I have had my Mac for one year, and learning all the time, but she has not always done this, please tell me what to do in laypersons language, many thanks for any help.
    Jane S.

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Just select the thumbnail and type Command-P. That will open the print window and you can go from there. OR, double click on a thumbnail to bring up the Edit mode and then use the File->Print menu. Apple moved the Print option to the Edit mode. That has confused a lot of us at first.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • Print  Report automatically without dialog

    I have requirement to print output of report from another program automatically. Below is mycode.My problem is that it is displaying Print dialog although I have set No dialog as X in GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS.Am I doing something wrong ?
    Any help appericiated.
                     DESTINATION                    = USR01-SPLD
                     IMMEDIATELY                    = 'X'
                     LAYOUT                         = iv_paart
                     LINE_COUNT                     = iv_linct
                     LINE_SIZE                      = iv_linsz
                     NO_DIALOG                      = 'X'
                     OUT_ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS         = gs_arc_par
                     OUT_PARAMETERS                 = gs_pri_par
                     VALID                          = gv_valid
                    VALID_FOR_SPOOL_CREATION       =
                     ARCHIVE_INFO_NOT_FOUND         = 1
                     INVALID_PRINT_PARAMS           = 2
                     INVALID_ARCHIVE_PARAMS         = 3
                     OTHERS                         = 4
        SUBMIT Ztest WITH SELECTION-TABLE lt_param
                            TO SAP-SPOOL
                            SPOOL   PARAMETERS gs_pri_par
                            ARCHIVE PARAMETERS gs_arc_par
                            WITHOUT SPOOL DYNPRO
                            AND RETURN.
                  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                          WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.

    Hi Bruno,
    Thanks for replying.I copy your code also but it still display me dialog for printer. the dialog box is not for asking output device but printer.I couldn't paste screen here.Giving details below.
    Printer :  name,status,type where,and Properties pushbutton
    Print Range
          w_param      TYPE pri_params,
          w_arc_params TYPE arc_params,
          v_valid      TYPE c LENGTH 1.
    DATA: t_param TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsparams.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_param> LIKE LINE OF t_param.
        curr_report     = 'ZPRINTTEST1'
        selection_table = t_param
        OTHERS          = 1.
    LOOP AT t_param ASSIGNING <f_param>.
      <f_param>-low = 'A'.
    WRITE: /001 'START'.
        copies                 = 1
        destination            = 'FRON'
        immediately            = 'X'
        layout                 = 'X_65_255'
        line_count             = 10
        line_size              = 255
        no_dialog              = 'X'
        out_archive_parameters = w_arc_params
        out_parameters         = w_param
        valid                  = v_valid
        archive_info_not_found = 1
        invalid_print_params   = 2
        invalid_archive_params = 3
        OTHERS                 = 4.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *  MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    *          WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ARCHIVE PARAMETERS w_arc_params
    WRITE: /001 'END'.
    write: /001 'Value Field:', p_field.

  • Why can I not print multiple files to one sheet and create a PDF of that format via Print dialogue on Mac? Very important part of workflow!!!!

    Try this if you use mac.
    Create a multiple page PDF. Three pages.
    Go to print.  - Multiple pages per sheet so that you see all three pages on your sheet to be printed.
    At this point, on a windows machine, you can print this as a PDF.  On Mac, it only lets you save as PDF (Not with the format selected).
    WHY has this functionality been removed from the Mac version of Acrobat XI??? Adobe?

    Unfortunately, Rave's response is quite incorrect on two major points.
    The Adobe PDF PostScript printer driver instance was indeed part of the Macintosh version of Acrobat Pro until a few years ago.
    However, it was NOT Adobe that killed the feature. Apple did! In one of the MacOS updates, Apple fully removed the capability that Adobe had to support this virtual printer. There was nothing that Adobe could do about this, regrettably. Adobe didn't cripple anything. Complain to Apple!
    However, Adobe does provide a replacement for it that will yield similar results, but it is not available in Acrobat or Adobe Reader!!! In most applications' print dialogs (such as Word) - which printer you select is irrelevant, click on the PDF button and select the Save as Adobe PDF option. This will save your document as a PDF file with Adobe technology. But again, this is not available from with Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
    However, you should note that the process that you previously followed and you would like to continue to use is commonly referred to as “refrying a PDF” and is strongly discouraged even where it continues to work under Windows. Why? The print function of Adobe applications including Acrobat and Reader is optimized for PostScript for printing, not for creation of PDF. Resultant PDF files have lost any transparency (it has been flattened) and all color management has been lost.
    What you are really trying to do is to create a pre-imposed PDF file from an existing PDF file. Going through PostScript was and still is a very bad idea.
    There are some third party plug-ins to Acrobat, such as Quite Imposing (Quite Software, <>) and PDF Snake (<>) as well as some “free” (you get what you pay for) solutions you can look up on the web that can do PDF imposition without ruining your PDF via PostScript.
    Hopefully this can assist you.
              - Dov

  • Very very important for me... Can I Found old versions of apps that are compatible whith my ios?

    I have a 2G ipod touch and I had to restore it... Can I Found old versions of apps that are compatible whith my ios? I can't download apps because they need ios 5.0 or superior.
    Now I have no apps installed because I didn't found anyone compatible.
    I need apps like pdf readers, gmail... The most importat for me now is a PDF Reader, only with a solution for this I wold be very happy.
    I'll be very grateful if you answer this question. Please, I need help.

    If you previously purchased the app you may be able to redownload by:
    'Last Compatible' Version of Apps for Users Running Legacy Versions of iOS - Mac Rumors
    To more easily find compatible apps:
    iOSSearch - search the iTunes store for compatible apps.
    Apple Club - filter apps by iOS version.


    public class ForTest2 {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              int i=0, j = 0;
              for (j=0; j < 10; j++) {
                   System.out.println("i is: " + i);
                   System.out.println("j is: " + j);
              System.out.println("Final i is: " + i);
              System.out.println("Final j is: " + j);
    }j ends up being 10. Why? It should only be 9. This is as when j is 10 the for loop fails, so j++ shouldnt happen.

    First, please, please, please stop using all caps. It's extremely annoying.
    Second, don't mark your question as urgent or important. It is 100
    % guaranteed NOT to get you help any faster, and it might just delay you getting help because it's annoying.
    As for your question, you're misunderstanding how the for loop works. j HAS to become 10 for it to end. The loop body executes as long as j < 10. If j didn't become 10, the loop body couldn't terminate, because j<10 would always be true.
    The body is executed, the j++ is executed, then the j<10 is tested.
    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
        // body
    // is equivalent to
    int j;
    j = 0;
    while (j < 10) {
        // body

  • I can no longer view source files in Firefox 6. This is very important for my job as an SEO consultant.

    Under View I can no longer read the Source files for a webpage. As an SEO consultant this is vital for my work. Please can you restore this feature for FireFox 6.

    You can also use these shortkeys:
    * Web Console -> CTRL + SHIFT + K
    * Scratchpad -> SHIFT + F4
    * View Page Source -> CTRL + U
    * Error Console -> CTRL + SHIFT + J
    Check and tell if its working.

  • Overnight my contact list went from 1492 contacts to 52.. With help from Apple support I retrieved all of my contacts.  Here is the problem, I lost the groups.  None of my contacts are sorted into groups as they used to be which is very important for me.

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    thanks for any help anyone can give me getting contacts back into the groups that I had established.  By the way, the group names are still there, but they are all empty.

    What Mac do you have, with what version of OS X?

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