Printing AdvanceddataGrid with itemrenderers

     I'm using AdvanceddataGrid in my project. Where in i have used the itemrenderers to add images in the AdvanceddataGrid. I need to have the printing functionality for this project. For that i have added a Print button. Whenever the user presses the Print button, i'm printing the AdvanceddataGrid. My problem in printing is, flex ignores the images that i have added through the itemrenderer in the Advanceddatagrid.
     It would be great if someone helps me to print the advanceddatagrid along with the itemrenderers.

Hi Arun,
If you can send me a sample code which reproduces your problem it may be helpful...
Bhasker Chari.S

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  • Vertically scrolling an AdvancedDataGrid with custom ItemRenderers results in corruption

    I've logged a jira item about this ...
    It's probably a good idea to throw it open to the forum as well to see if anyone has encountered this before.
    In short, I have an AdvancedDataGrid with custom ItemRenderers on each of the columns that are responsible for rendering the cell data. If the ADG is resized so that it's not all visible, and the scrollbar is scrolled all the way up and all the way down a couple of times, and the ADG is then resized again so that all the rows are visible, there's something very wrong with the result. Basically it looks as though extra rows are being drawn behind the existing ones, all on top of one another, resulting in a corrupted display.
    I've actually gotten it to reproduce itself every time, if you check out the jira item above for executable code and follow the instructions you should see it, and there's a screenshot of the result as well.
    As I detail in the jira commentary, it's definately something to do with the renderers. As the scroll bar is moved up and down extra renderers are consantly being created, and old ones don't seem to be GC'd at any point, and furthermore seem to be drawn onscreen even when they're not being used to explicitly draw the cells of the ADG. If this -is- the case then there's a memory leak here as well.

    Throwing the code inline to make it easier to try out ...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                import ADGIssue.*;
                import mx.collections.*;
                import mx.controls.*;
                import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.*;
                import mx.core.IFactory;
                import spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer;
                public var expenses:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
                    {Expense:"Taxes", Amount:100, Cost:80, Discount:20},
                    {Expense:"Rent", Amount:200, Cost:90, Discount:21},
                    {Expense:"Bills", Amount:300, Cost:100, Discount:22},
                    {Expense:"Books", Amount:400, Cost:110, Discount:23},
                    {Expense:"Food", Amount:500, Cost:120, Discount:24},
                    {Expense:"Goldfish", Amount:600, Cost:130, Discount:25}
                public var cache:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
                protected function init():void
                    var grp:AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup = new AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup();
                    grp.headerText = "Expenses";
                    grp.dataField = "Expense";
                    grid.groupedColumns = new Array();
                    grp = new AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup();
                    grp.headerText = "Finances";
                    grp.children = new Array();
                    var col:AdvancedDataGridColumn = new AdvancedDataGridColumn();
                    col.headerText = "Amount";
                    col.dataField = "Amount";
                    col.itemRenderer = new ADGIssueItemRendererFactory("Amount");
                    col = new AdvancedDataGridColumn();
                    col.headerText = "Cost";
                    col.dataField = "Cost";
                    col.itemRenderer = new ADGIssueItemRendererFactory("Cost");
                    col = new AdvancedDataGridColumn();
                    col.headerText = "Discount";
                    col.dataField = "Discount";
                    col.itemRenderer = new ADGIssueItemRendererFactory("Discount");
                    grid.dataProvider = expenses;
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <mx:VDividedBox x="35" y="29" width="80%" height="600">
            <mx:AdvancedDataGrid  height="400" id="grid" designViewDataType="flat"  width="100%"/>
            <s:TextArea text="just some text to take up a wee bit of space" width="100%"/>
    </s:Application> (in package ADGIssue)
    package ADGIssue
        import flash.utils.Dictionary;
        import mx.core.IFactory;
        public class ADGIssueItemRendererFactory implements IFactory
            private var _label:String;
            public function ADGIssueItemRendererFactory(label:String)
                trace("Creating Factory for: "+label);
                _label = label;
            public function newInstance():*
                return new ADGIssueItemRenderer(_label); (also in package ADGIssue)
    package ADGIssue
        import components.*;
        import mx.controls.Label;
        import mx.controls.listClasses.*;
        import mx.core.*;
        import mx.logging.ILogger;
        import mx.logging.Log;
        import mx.logging.LogEventLevel;       
        public class ADGIssueItemRenderer extends Label implements IDataRenderer
            private var _label:String;
            private var countvalue = 0;
            private static var count:int = 0;
            public function ADGIssueItemRenderer(label:String)
                trace("Creating Renderer for: "+label+" with count: "+count);
                _label = label;
                this.countvalue = count;
                count ++;
            override public function set data(rowData:Object):void
                if (rowData)
                    this.text = countvalue+":"+rowData[_label];
                    trace("RENDERING: "+this.text);
    run the MXML and follow the instructions in the JIRA item ...
    1. resize the ADG so that not all of the ADG is visible vertically, and the verticle scrollbar is shown. In the example attached the ADG is in a split panel, so the split bar can be dragged up to conceal some of the rows and display the scrollbar.
    2.  drag the scroll thumb all the way to the top of the scrollbar, and all the way to the bottom and back to the top several times.
    3.  Resize the ADG again so that all the rows are visible.
    and the corruption should be clear to see. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:
    Anyone ever seen anything similar ? And if so, any workarounds or fixes ?

  • Printing problems with hp laserjet cp1515n [found problem]

    Dear Arch users,
    A couple of weeks ago I installed for the first time an Arch linux on my brand new Dell laptop with an UEFI MB. It took a while until I could understand how UEFI works but eventually I sort it out and got Arch installed. Unfortunatelly there are some small problems to be straiten out. One of them is the fact that printing with my laser printer (see subject line) is not working.
    for the last couple of days I was searching through all post I could find around on the internet, mainly here at the Arch forum. Unfortunatelly I could not find anything nearly describing what I am living on my system. Well here is a brief description of what is happening. After installing Arch, I opted for KDE desktop environment and I made the full instalation. After installing additional software (gimp, inkskape, etc.) I needed to install my printer. At first I couldn't get permission. Than reading the Arch tutorial for CUPS, I saw that the 'lp' permission was not setup properly. Well Have done as described there. Then I tryed to install using the GUI from KDE for installing an usb printer and for my surprise there was not such an option. I intalled than de hp-toolbox, and than it was easy to install the printer. It was automatically recognized and everything was there. The problem was, when I open an archive (text, web page, doesn't matter) and send it to print, the spooler went well theoretically sent to printer and then popped up a notification saying printing finished. Opening the printing cue, I can see that the archive was still there and marked as pending. That was the point where I started to search around for potential solutions or similar solutions.
    After sudying a lot I came to a conclusions that it probably have something to do with permissions. Unfortunately I could not find out where or which permissions to change in order to get something printed. I found some "debugging" and information commands and I am posting the results here;
    # systemctl status cups
    cups.service - CUPS Printing Service                                                                                     
              Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; enabled)                                                 
              Active: active (running) since Tue 2013-01-29 13:26:21 BRST; 4h 43min ago                                     
            Main PID: 525 (cupsd)                                                                                           
              CGroup: name=systemd:/system/cups.service                                                                     
                      └─525 /usr/sbin/cupsd -f                                                                               
    Jan 29 17:39:46 XXXX-archs hp[12186]: io/hpmud/musb.c 588: invalid usb_open: Permission denied                           
    Jan 29 17:40:14 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Started CUPS Printing Service.                                                   
    Jan 29 17:43:27 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Started CUPS Printing Service.                                                   
    Jan 29 17:44:19 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Started CUPS Printing Service.
    Jan 29 17:44:26 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Started CUPS Printing Service.
    Jan 29 17:44:51 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Started CUPS Printing Service.
    Jan 29 17:45:05 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Started CUPS Printing Service.
    Jan 29 17:56:35 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Started CUPS Printing Service.
    Jan 29 17:56:36 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Started CUPS Printing Service.
    Jan 29 17:56:36 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Started CUPS Printing Service.
    # systemctl status cups.socket
    cups.socket - CUPS Printing Service Sockets
              Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.socket; enabled)
              Active: active (running) since Tue 2013-01-29 13:26:10 BRST; 4h 45min ago# /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb
    DEBUG: list_devices
    DEBUG: libusb_get_device_list=10
    DEBUG2: Printer found with device ID: MFG:Hewlett-Packard;CMD:PJL,PML,PCLXL,POSTSCRIPT,PCL;MDL:HP Color LaserJet CP1515n;CLS:PRINTER;DES:Hewlett-Packard Color LaserJet CP1515n;MEM:MEM=55MB;COMMENT:RES=600x8; Device URI: usb://HP/Color%20LaserJet%20CP1515n?serial=00BRAS85501Y
    direct usb://HP/Color%20LaserJet%20CP1515n?serial=00BRAS85501Y "HP Color LaserJet CP1515n" "HP Color LaserJet CP1515n" "MFG:Hewlett-Packard;CMD:PJL,PML,PCLXL,POSTSCRIPT,PCL;MDL:HP Color LaserJet CP1515n;CLS:PRINTER;DES:Hewlett-Packard Color LaserJet CP1515n;MEM:MEM=55MB;COMMENT:RES=600x8;" ""
    Jan 29 13:26:10 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Starting CUPS Printing Service Sockets.
    Jan 29 13:26:10 XXXX-archs systemd[1]: Listening on CUPS Printing Service Sockets.
    # lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 03f0:4417 Hewlett-Packard EWS UPD
    Bus 003 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
    Bus 004 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
    Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0bda:0129 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTS5129 Card Reader Controller
    Bus 003 Device 004: ID 0c45:648d Microdia
    Bus 004 Device 004: ID 0cf3:e004 Atheros Communications, Inc.
    # /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb
    DEBUG: list_devices
    DEBUG: libusb_get_device_list=10
    DEBUG2: Printer found with device ID: MFG:Hewlett-Packard;CMD:PJL,PML,PCLXL,POSTSCRIPT,PCL;MDL:HP Color LaserJet CP1515n;CLS:PRINTER;DES:Hewlett-Packard Color LaserJet CP1515n;MEM:MEM=55MB;COMMENT:RES=600x8; Device URI: usb://HP/Color%20LaserJet%20CP1515n?serial=00BRAS85501Y
    direct usb://HP/Color%20LaserJet%20CP1515n?serial=00BRAS85501Y "HP Color LaserJet CP1515n" "HP Color LaserJet CP1515n" "MFG:Hewlett-Packard;CMD:PJL,PML,PCLXL,POSTSCRIPT,PCL;MDL:HP Color LaserJet CP1515n;CLS:PRINTER;DES:Hewlett-Packard Color LaserJet CP1515n;MEM:MEM=55MB;COMMENT:RES=600x8;" ""
    # lpinfo -v
    network ipps
    network smb
    direct hp
    network socket
    network http
    network ipp
    file cups-pdf:/
    network lpd
    network beh
    network https
    direct ptal
    direct hpfax
    # usb-devices
    T:  Bus=01 Lev=01 Prnt=01 Port=02 Cnt=01 Dev#=  3 Spd=480 MxCh= 0
    D:  Ver= 2.00 Cls=00(>ifc ) Sub=00 Prot=00 MxPS=64 #Cfgs=  1
    P:  Vendor=03f0 ProdID=4417 Rev=01.00
    S:  Manufacturer=Hewlett-Packard
    S:  Product=HP Color LaserJet CP1515n
    S:  SerialNumber=00BRAS85501Y
    C:  #Ifs= 2 Cfg#= 1 Atr=c0 MxPwr=2mA
    I:  If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=07(print) Sub=01 Prot=02 Driver=(none)
    I:  If#= 1 Alt= 0 #EPs= 2 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=01 Prot=01 Driver=(none)
    The out put from the last command (usb-devices) I only copyed the relevant part from the printer in question.
    the couple of last lines of CUPS error.log are;
    E [29/Jan/2013:17:44:48 -0200] [Job 14] Stopping unresponsive job.
    E [29/Jan/2013:17:52:25 -0200] [Client 14] Request for subdirectory "/admin/log/error_log?".
    E [29/Jan/2013:17:52:41 -0200] [Client 14] Request for subdirectory "/admin/log/error_log?".
    E [29/Jan/2013:18:05:47 -0200] [cups-deviced] PID 14408 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
    E [29/Jan/2013:18:16:37 -0200] [cups-deviced] PID 15151 (dnssd) stopped with status 1!
    I hope somebody could help me out to find where to change permission (if necessary) or point me out to an different road.
    Last edited by camarao (2013-02-08 02:36:36)

    OK here am I again.
    as mentioned before I created an bogus printer with:
    lpadmin -p test -v file:/dev/null
    verified the presence of the printer;
    lpstat -p
    $ lpstat -p
    printer Color_LaserJet_cp1515n disabled since Fri 01 Feb 2013 02:55:59 PM BRST -
            reason unknown
    printer hp930c is idle.  enabled since Thu 31 Jan 2013 11:30:21 PM BRST
    printer test is idle.  enabled since Fri 01 Feb 2013 02:54:57 PM BRST
    At first "test" printer was disabled for an uknown reason.
    tried to use lpadmin -p test to enable the printer as described on the previusly mentioned web site, but couldn't get to enable printer "test". After reading alittle more on the internet I found the command cupsenable <printer> and indeed it changed the printer status.
    tried to print;
    echo test | lp -d test
    $ echo test | lp -d test
    lp: Destination "test" is not accepting jobs.
    I tried to change the condition of the Color laser printer but did not made any difference with the cups command.
    Conclusion: how can I modify this status to make the printer accept jobs?

  • Printer problem with HP Z3100

    I have been printing on my Z.3100 with CS4 Photoshop for over a year with no problem. Also was working fine with CS5 Photoshop for about a month in 64-bit mode. Now, when I select Papers/Quality the selection area is blank. This printer works perfectly fine with other applications such as Illustrator and InDesign. I switched to 32-bit mode and uninstalled and reinstalled the driver several times. I downloaded the driver again from HP and uninstalled and reinstalled and it didn't help. I then took the plunge and deactivated PS and uninstalled and reinstalled it (in 32-bit mode) and that didn't make any difference. Also, many times when I switch back and forth between Papers/Quality and other selections Photoshop crashes. Can you help. Thanks

    Thank you, C-Wave. That is what I have done. I have reinstalled each printer driver, PS and Raster, and each is assigned to its own printer (installed with HP Printer Setup Assistant). That hasn't helped. I can'tthink of anything I have added or changed that could possibly have affected the system so I am baffled.
    I am using Snow 10.6.4,  2x2.8 ghz quad-core Intel Xeon with 6 gb. Have three internal and three external drives.

  • Printing problem with Photoshop CS 6 extended and HP printer

    Hi all, long time browser, first time poster.
    This is a weird issue, it should be noted from the first that I only have weird computer issues. I work at a technical High School where we have the whole Adobe CS6 Extended suite installed. We are running it under a fully patched version of Windows 7 and all the CS6 updates have been applied on 25 machines that all have the same issue. The problem is that when the students go to print to our HP Color Laser jet CP6015DN, the job can been seen loading into the queue, it races up to about 45MB, then sort of strolls to load the rest of the document, usually about 59 to 75 MB's in size. Then I watch the message go to processing, the front panel of the printer says processing, then the print job disappears from the printer queue and the printer and there is no print out. I printed out the usage job log and it shows none of the failed attempts to print and I check the event log page which does not show the errors either.
    Looks like a bad printer driver, right? So I download the new HP Universal printer driver, I normally do not do the Universal driver route as so many of my older printers have problems with it, but the CP6015DN seems to have trouble accessing the extended tray 5 with the specific drivers, but I have the same printing issue with the new Universal driver and the PS driver. So I wander through the HP manual and it suggests using profiles to print to the printer and move the color handling from Printer Manages Colors to Photoshop manages colors and I track down the ICC profiles for the printer on the HP site as the link in the book is dead, so try the CP6015srgb_d50.icc, CP6015_cmyk_d50.icc and CP6015.icc, I try all of these profiles with the newest PS printer driver and the same error, goes to the printer and into the bit bucket. Still no printout or error message.
    Strange thing is that if I do a test print, it prints fine, if I open a tif file in Photoshop, it prints fine, now the teacher says if they print to the Xeorx 7760 in the next room, it also prints out fine. It should be noted that we had so many issues with configuring the Xerox and adjusting controls it was the reason we purchased a HP proofing printer in the first place. But the next door lab is all Apple, which doesn't seem to have this issue. So I open the test document and save it as a PDF file instead the native Photoshop format, and it prints fine, which from what I've been reading on the internet may be the preferred way of printing proofs, I don't know, I've never really used Photoshop, but the teacher says this isn't an acceptable fix and the students should be expected to manage a number of revisions saved to PDF format, me I just go up a number at the end of the file name for every correction when editing documents.
    Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.
    Windows 7 X64
    Photoshop version 13.0.1 x64
    HP Color Laserjet CP6015 DN model number Q3932A
    Dell Optiplex 980 i5-650,  3.2Ghz, 8 GB RAM.

    Yes, Photoshop is up to date at Version 13.0.6.  I have even gone so far as to uninstall CS 6 and put CS 5 back on and still the same thing.  This is really frustrating, the people at Canon try to be helpful but wind up saying it's an Adobe problem and of course you can't talk to real people anymore about CS 6.  My research on the Internet has turned up nothing so I'm stuck.

  • How to do two sided printing automatically with HP 7520 printer

    All that I am trying to do is to make my printer do two sided or double sided printing.  No matter what I check IT DOES NOT WORK.  I checked "2-sided, 1 to 2, NOTHING.  What amazes me is that this worked until recently and now it just will not do double sided printing.  I am probably doing something wrong, but WHAT?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Generally speaking, duplex printing is accessed / adjusted from Printing Preferences.
    If you are printing from within an application, for example, within Word or within your Browser, you might reach Printing Preferences from Print Preview.
    Manage Print Output with Print Preview
    Print Preview – Accessing the Printing Preferences
    Browser Page > File > Print Preview > Properties
    Properties Accesses Printing Preferences:
    Paper Source (Tray Selection), Paper Size, Media, Orientation, Print on Both Sides, Page Order
    Reference: Printing Preferences
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to say Thank You!
    And...Click Accept as Solution when my Answer provides a Fix or Workaround!
    I am pleased to provide assistance on behalf of HP. I do not work for HP. 
    Kind Regards,

  • Printing problem with HP LaserJet Printer since Mavericks Installed

    I'm working on iMac and I have recently installed OSX Mavericks.
    I have now printing troubles with my printer HP LaserJet P1102w.
    Sometimes it prints, sometimes it doesn't.
    When it doesn't print I often need to suppress the file in the printer task and then print again. And there it works.
    I have tried to solve the problem by installing all the HP drivers, and also made a Reset printing system, but it does'nt change anything.
    Any Idea ?
    Thank you for any help.

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    /var/log ▹ cups ▹ error_log
    from the hierarchical list on the left side of the Console window. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar. Then select the messages from the time of the last failed printing attempt. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    If there are runs of repeated messages, post only one example of each. Don’t post many repetitions of the same message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.

  • Printing issue with DeskJet 6940

    About every 20 pages or so, printing in portrait mode, the printer does a form feed after printing about 1 1/2" of text. It happens intermittently, and there is no apparent logic or pattern.
    I have reinstalled the driver, changed the USB cord, but to no avail. My LaserJet CP3505 on the same computer does not exhibit this issue.
    Using Windows XP with SP 3, Dell Dimension 3150 with 3.25 GB ram. It also happened with earlier XP versions, so its not an operating system upgrade problem.
    It happens with B/W or color printing, always using 8 1/2 x 11 paper from the upper tray. It does not appear to happen when printing in two-sided mode.
    I don't know what to try next! Does anyone have an idea?

    I have an older HP non-wi-fi printer connected to my Apple Airport Express wireless router which includes a USB port. This makes the printer available with my wireless network which I've used for printing wirelessly with my former Apple PowerBook and now with my MacBook Pro for years. I'm now able to print from my iPhone and iPad as well.
    You need to have the printer connected to a wireless router for your wi-fi network, or purchase a printer that is wi-fi capable and if you do that you might as well purchase an AirPrint compatible printer which doesn't require a wi-fi printing app purchased from the app store.

  • Is HP Smart Web Printing compatible with Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit and Internet Explorer 8 and 9?

    Is HP Smart Web Printing compatible with Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit and Internet Explorer 8 and 9?

    HP Smart Web Printing has been replaced with HP Smart Printing.  It does support Windows 7 and IE 6 to IE9.  See this page for information.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

  • Auto adjustment of page orientation causes printing issues with documents that have a page width greater than its page height.

    Since an upgrade from Word 2003 to Word 2010, we are experiencing printing issues with certain
    documents that have a page width greater than its page height.
    In Word 2003, it was no problem to set the page width greater than the page height while setting the page orientation to "portrait".
    In Word 2010, this seems impossible: despite leaving the page orientation to "portrait", if one changes the page width/height as stated,
    Word 2010 automatically adjusts the orientation to "landscape". Resetting the orientation to "portrait" will flip the page's width/heigth settings.
    This behaviour causes printing problems: the page prints out 90° rotated.
    I do not believe this is a printer driver issue: I tried several different printer drivers, and all give the same (bad) result. Setting the printer driver's page orientation settings (before printing) makes no difference, as
    Word 2010 seems to force the page orientation settings.
    Inserting the documents 90° rotated is not an option, since it causes problems with the printing margins.
    This is very annoying, since we have to print official documents of a municipality (driver's licences).
    Is there a workaround for this issue?
    Laurent Grandgaignage
    Sysadmin Gemeentebestuur Stabroek, Belgium

    Thank you for using
    Microsoft Office for IT Professionals Forums.
    From your description, we can follow these steps to test this issue
    Step 1: Repair Office 2010
    Start, and then click Control Panel.
    Programs and Features.
    Click the
    Office 2010 program that you want to repair, and then click
    Repair, and then click Continue. You might need to restart your computer after the repair is complete.
    Step 2:
    Rename the global template (Normal.dotm)Follow the steps for the operating system that you are using:
    Windows Vista and Windows 7
    Exit Word 2010
    In the
    Start Search box, type the following text, and then press
    Normal.dotm, and then click Rename.
    Oldword.old, and then press ENTER.
    Microsoft Windows XP
    Exit Word 2010
    Start, and then click Run.
    In the
    Open box, type the following text, and then press ENTER:
    %userprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates
    Normal.dotm, and then click Rename.
    Oldword.old, and then press ENTER.
    Close Windows Explorer.
    How to troubleshoot print failures in Word 2010, Word 2007, and Word 2003
    Please take your time to try the suggestions and let me know the results at your earliest convenience. If anything is unclear or if there is anything
    I can do for you, please feel free to let me know.
    Hope that helps.
    William Zhou CHNPlease remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • Canon 860 Series (Pixma) Printer Problems with OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) – links to Canon Support Site with Drivers and Software with install tips

    After spending several hours sorting out Canon Pixma OSX problems here are my thoughts:
    Canon 860 Series (Pixma 868) Printer Problems with OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) – links to Canon Support Site with Drivers and Software with install tips
    - New imac and MacBook Pro 2012 (OSX 10.8.2) had a problem using Canon Pixma 868 printer on network and would not scan or print using Canon Pixma software (Pixma MP Navigator 2.1 & Photo Print), which has advanced scanning and photo printing functions. 
    - When I connected the canon printer to my imac, OSX 10.8.2 automatically downloaded and installed drivers for Canon 860 series printer. I could then add the new printer (select ‘apple menu’ / ‘system preferences’ / ‘print and scan’ / “+”) and printer would work while connected via USB but could not get to print or scan over network wifi. 
    - The original Canon 860 Series CD does not work with 10.8 and the manual / online instructions did not make sense (as based on CD install). 
    1) Install Canon Printer Drivers and Software (from official Canon site)
    Go to canon support site, review FAQ, then download and install following Pixma 860 Series software & drivers for OSX 10.8 (links see below). The version I downloaded is in brackets but check for updated version. Full instructions are below.
    Canon 860 Series Drivers & Software  for OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion:
    The base software and drivers needed for using Canon 860 Series on Mac OS X 10.8 (USB) are
    1 Printer Driver
    (Canon MX860 series CUPS Printer Driver Ver. (03-Aug-2012))
    2 Scanner Driver
    (Canon MX860 series Scanner Driver Ver. 14.11.4a (03-Aug-2012))
    3 Network Tool
    (Canon IJ Network Tool Ver. 4.1.0 for Intel Mac (27-Dec-2012)
    Canon Software for using advanced printing and scanning functions (while connected to network)
    4 Solution Menu
    (Canon Solution Menu Ver. 1.4.1 (27-Jul-2012 ))
    5 MP Navigator EX
    (Canon MP Nav EX Ver. 2.1.3 (02-Auf-2012))
    6 Easy-PhotoPrint EX
    (Canon Easy-PhotoPrint EX Ver. 4.1.6 (21-Jan-2013 ))
    Canon Support (HK) – check your local site
    Select Product and drivers from support site eg
    1. Choose a product category
    Multifunctional Printers
    2. Choose a product series
    3. Choose a product model
      Pixma MX868
    4. Choose type of document
    Downloads or FAQ
    If you have problems installing the software under 10.8, see the FAQ on Canon site. You will need to allow software installs from “unidentified developers by using “Control” Key or by changing your system preferences)
    2) Check Canon Printer and Software Working while connected via USB
    Once you have downloaded and installed drivers and software and restarted computer, check that the printer and Canon Pixma software (Pixma MP Navigator 2.1 & Photo Print) are working via USB.  Open the Canon IJ Network Tool App (Applications / Canon Utilities /IJ Network Tool / Canon IJ Network Tool App) and make sure you can see the Canon MX 860 series (xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx) and that it shows the correct SSID Wifi settings (under the Canon IJ Network Tool App ‘Setup menu’).  This is normally done as part of the automatic install but worth double checking
    3) Add new network printer using ‘apple menu’ / ‘system preferences’ / ‘print and scan’ / “+”).
    After you have checked USB printing turn off printer, unplug the USB cable and shutdown the Canon IJ Network Tool App.
    Then turn the printer back on and wait 30s. Then add a new printer using ‘apple menu’ / ‘system preferences’ / ‘print and scan’ / “+”). Once you select “+” (add new printer), wait 10-30s for the Wifi Networked Canon MX 860 Series printer to appear in the new window eg Canon MX 860 series (xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx) (Kind: “Canon IJ Network”)
    DO NOT ADD THE MX 860 SERIES BONJOUR SCANNER (the Bonjour Scanner is the built-in software, is not needed and often appears first on the add printer list).  The Canon scanner can be accessed used through the MP Nav EX Ver. 2.1.3 software (which has much better functions)
    You will now have two Printer Canon MX860 (USB) and Canon MX860 (Wifi / Network). Set the Canon MX860 (Wifi / Network) as default and test print and scan
    If the Wifi Networked Canon MX 860 Series printer does not appear, check the printer and make sure that the printer can see the wifi network. On the printer select Menu / Settings / Device Settings / Lan Settings / WLAN Setting List.  It should say WLAN Active, identify the SSID and have an IP address
    If the printer can not see the Wifi Network, plug the USB cable back in, then open the Canon IJ Network Tool App (Applications / Canon Utilities /IJ Network Tool / Canon IJ Network Tool App). Make sure you can see the Canon MX 860 series (xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx) and that it has your SSID settings (under setup), if it has this info, restart the computer and the printer and try again

    Hi, thaks for response, meant to post as a discussion (not question), wanted to save others time if they get the same problem

  • Printer Sharing with eMac, iMac, and iBook not working

    Hello, everyone. I hope you guys can help me out with this:
    I have an Epson Stylus CX4600 hooked up to my eMac via USB. My eMac prints fine with it. The eMac is getting its internet via an Ethernet wire going downstairs into my Linksys Router, which sends my Shaw internet to my iBook, my iMac, and my eMac.
    I want to allow the iMac and iBook to access the printer over the network directly, so I can just print from those computers and have it come out the eMac printer.
    I've looked at many articles on this. So far I've installed the drivers on all computers, plus they can all network to each other over File Sharing, so they are connected.
    But I haven't been able to print yet. The most I've been able to do is get the files I try to print from the iBook and iMac to show up on the eMac, in its printer queue. Only it didn't show up for a LONG time. And when it did, the jobs automatically stopped and everytime I clicked start, it would automatically switch back to stopped again. The files would not print.
    At this point, I want to get the iBook connected to it first. If I can do that, I'll try the iMac. But the iBook is first priority. I've tried making it connect to the Printer using IPP (IP Printing), and the result was... what I explained in the above paragraph. I also tried just ordinary Printer Sharing, but it said something close to this:
    "Unable to locate eMac.local, Unknown host."
    That hardly makes sense, because at that time I also tried getting the iBook connected to the eMac over File Sharing which worked. For some reason, the "eMac.local" and "iMac.local" files don't show up in my Network thing when I connect to them, or even when they're not connected. HOWEVER, I think they did at one point. I could swear I saw "eMac.local" and "iMac.local" in the Servers folder in the Network section of the iBook at one point. But it's no longer there.
    Please help. I've described my problem as well as possible. What a long post. If there's any way to make my eMac, iMac, and iBook be able to print through my Epson Stylus CX4600 at any time directly, then I'll do it.

    Yes. I did say that my eMac, iMac, and iBook are all
    connected to the internet and networked to each other
    over the Linksys router. I believe the router is
    still on factory settings because we never really
    "set" or programmed anything with it.
    Mac OS 9.2.2 on the iMac, Mac OS X 10.4.8 on the
    other two. IP addresses? is what I would use to connect to the
    eMac from the other computers.
    This is the eMac's IP, correct? Did you type it into Network, or was it assigned by the router's DHCP? is what I would use to connect to the
    iBook from the other computers.
    This is the iBook's IP, right? Again, fixed or DHCP? is what I would use to connect to the
    iMac from the other computers.
    Same for this IP.
    The iBook, as I've said, is wired. No wireless
    connections to speak of.
    Okay. Now, if the router is handing out IP addresses via DHCP, what range was it configured for? My Linksys, for example, is configured to hand out IPs in the range to It has the IP, so the IPs through are available for me to hand out as fixed IPs. If I was to hand out as a fixed IP, the router's DHCP server would have a potential problem, as it might hand out that address too, and only one device can have a particular IP address on a particular network. If your router is handing out, .101, and .102 via DHCP, you could and probably do have a conflict if you've got those addresses set up as fixed IPs. In particular, if you have anything else on the network, including Bonjour-enabled devices such as printers, you're likely to have a conflict.
    Best way to resolve a conflict, if any:
    1 set all the Macs to either DHCP, or if fixed IPs are required, to a fixed IP outside the range of the DHCP range on the router. (Or you could just turn off DHCP on the router.)
    2 check the router to be sure that DHCP is set the way you want it, and the DHCP pool is what you think it is.
    3 shut down the Macs.
    4 turn off the router, wait 30 seconds, turn it back on.
    5 turn the Macs back on, one at a time.
    On my Linksys, the way to set the DHCP pool is simple:
    1 log into the router. (My router IP: Yours would be Hit the 'Setup' tab. Verify the gateway IP. (Should be the router's IP. If it's not, something very strange is happening.) Verify the start of the DHCP pool. Verify that DHCP is on (or off, as you want). Verify the end of the DHCP pool. (My start is, and there are 245 IPs in the pool, so the end is If I changed the number of IPs to 200, the end of the pool would be, and I'd be able to set the IPs to 254 as fixed IPs if I wanted.) If your router allows for IPs to be reserved, you can set up reserved IPs for one or more of your Macs. (A reserved IP is an IP the router holds for a specific device. The network card in each computer has a specific MAC address; if that address is registered with the router, then every time that computer is turned on and connected it will get the IP that was reserved for it... so long as that IP is in the DHCP range and DHCP is turned on. Think of it as a fixed IP without your having to actually fix the IP.)

  • Can I set up multiple usb hard drives- one for time machine and a second for media? Can one also print wirelessly with an old HP C6280 printer?

    Can I set up multiple usb hard drives- one for time machine and a second for media?
    Can one also print wirelessly with an old HP C6280 printer?

    Can I set up multiple usb hard drives- one for time machine and a second for media?
    Can one also print wirelessly with an old HP C6280 printer?
    Possibly by using an Airport Express, but depends on what type of port connection the printer requires.

  • How can I replace my old print driver with my new printer driver on 13

    how can I replace my old print driver with my new print driver on photo elements 13

    The print driver is not installed in PSE.
    Check with the manufacturer of your printer.

  • My reminders are gone from my Ical since upgrade.  What do I need to do to input reminders in Ical and be able to print reminders with my ical.  Thank you

    My reminders are gone from my Ical since upgrade.  What do I need to do to input reminders in Ical and be able to print reminders with my ical.  Thank you

    I totally agree.  I just wasted .5 hrs trying to figure out how to manipulate and sync the reminders with the iCAl.  Thanks for posting this thread online, I can stop wasting my time now.  Apple, please change it back or make these apps sync. 
    Side note.  I was creating my to do list and found the ability to asign a date by draging the task to the calendar in the bottom right.  Then I discovered that I can drag that same reminder/to-do task into iCal and it will be created as an event. Would be great if I could simply sync the reminders to iCal instead of draging them over though.  Then when I make the change in one the other can update with the next sync.  This also prevents human error if I drag and drop the reminder onto the wrong date in iCal.

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