Printing Crystal report using Generic Text output - formating lost

Hi. I have an accounting system using Crystal to generate it's business forms, in particular invoicing as reports. Recently we have installed new printing system that needs generic text to capture and create the business forms (invoices) into a graphic and text. When Crystal sends data to Generic Text Printer, you can view it ok as a preview but it moves text around , bunches it up and formatting is never the same for two documents. I need resolution as the printing software needs fixed text in a specific location within the data file.  Is there a way in Crystal to format fields so they dont move the data and bunch it up. The business forms written in Crystal have sub reports that are supressed if no data is to be printed, but finding text is moving and hard to capture a fixed location in text file. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you for your responses.
Yes, I'm using a bundled version that came with VS 2005.
I'd love to download this update, but I cannot get there! I don't have an login and password for this site, and I don't know how to get them.
This is all I'd found about this issue in this thread:
"I opened an incident with Business Objects.  They said there is not a way to do what we want to do with the Crystal Reports for .NET assemblies.  They are going to implement a way to create a postscript file and include it in Service Pack 3 of Crystal XI Release 2.  They would not say how the postscript will be created (ie, ExportToDisk or any other method), only that they would include it in CRXI Release 2 SP3 which they intend to release sometime this coming winter. "
"Just an update...this has been fixed in Crystal XI Release 2 Service Pack 3.
I just finished testing, and it now allows you to print to a file without prompting the user.  We are now able to create a postscript file."
Edited by: Peter Afonin on Jul 16, 2008 11:52 AM

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    I need to show infinity symbol (u221E) in reports. I am using a formula and based on certain criteria i have to display infinity symbol.
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    Can someone let me know how do i do this

    Thanks for your reply
    The version is JRC
    It would not be feasible to upgrade at this moment, we are already in production and need a solution for showing infinity in PDF.
    Can you suggest something using crystal formulas could be possible or any other solution please .

  • Print crystal report in A5 paper tray

    Dear Experts,
    I am using VB.NET
    We have different printers like "Lexmark Optra T612_DB", "HP Universal Printing PCL 5 (v4.7)", etc., in the network, there will be 2 or more trays for each printer. One of the tray has A5 paper in it. While printing Crystal report,
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    Currently with the following lines of .NET code, it is always printing in Tray 2
    report.PrintOptions.PaperSize = PaperSize.PaperA5;
    report.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Landscape;

    Unfortunately, it will be up to you to find out what tray the correct paper size is in, then set that to the report. The CR APIs do not look up these values, they just expect you to know these and set them.

  • Print a report in crystal Report using SDK

    Hi Dear;
    any body can publish a sample code how can i print a report built in crystal report using SDK?

    Hi Dany,
    Hope the following code will help u .
    before calling the function make a XML by using dataset.writexml, in which you have to pass the name of your stored procedure.
    for this you have to decalre commantype as stored procedure.
    first parameter of this is rpt name . asecon paramer is ur xml name which you got from DAtaset.writexml.
    Sub ShowReport(ByVal rptName As String, ByVal SourceXML As String)
                Dim oSubReport As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.SubreportObject
                Dim rptSubReportDoc As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
                Dim rptView As New CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer
                Dim rptPath As String = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath & "\" & rptName
                Dim rptDoc As New CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument
                For Each oMainReportTable As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table In rptDoc.Database.Tables
                    oMainReportTable.Location = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath & "\" & SourceXML
                For Each rptSection As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Section In rptDoc.ReportDefinition.Sections
                    For Each rptObject As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportObject In rptSection.ReportObjects
                        If rptObject.Kind = CrystalDecisions.Shared.ReportObjectKind.SubreportObject Then
                            oSubReport = rptObject
                            rptSubReportDoc = oSubReport.OpenSubreport(oSubReport.SubreportName)
                            For Each oSubTable As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table In rptSubReportDoc.Database.Tables
                                oSubTable.Location = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath & "\" & SourceXML
                        End If
                rptView.ReportSource = rptDoc
                Dim oFrm As New System.Windows.Forms.Form
                rptView.DisplayGroupTree = False
                rptView.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill
                rptView.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
                oFrm.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)
                oFrm.Name = "rptForm"
                oFrm.Text = "rptForm"
                oFrm.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized
                oFrm.TopMost = True
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End Sub

  • Print Crystal Report directly from C# without using Report Viewer

    Hello All,
    I need to print a crystal report directly to the printer without using ReportViewer in C#. I've a CrystalReport2(belowCode) which requires a query (Select * from JobHeader where JobNumber='J012345') to display all the data. I'm stuck with database connection
    and putting all the data to DataAdapter in C# (Below Code). I also have 8 subreports in my CrystalReport2. Can somebody please give me hand on this? I'm struggling with it. Thanks.
    using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
    using System;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    namespace csharp_win_printtoprinter
    /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for Form1
    /// </summary>
    public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
    //CR Variables
    ReportDocument crReportDocument;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;
    private System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog printDialog1;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Button button2;
    private System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument printDocument1;
    private CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer crystalReportViewer1;
    private CrystalReport1 CrystalReport11;
    private Chart Chart1;
    /// <summary>
    /// Required designer variable
    /// </summary>
    private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
    public Form1()
    // Required for Windows Form Designer support
    // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
    /// <summary>
    /// Clean up any resources being used
    /// </summary>
    protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
    if( disposing )
    if (components != null)
    base.Dispose( disposing );
    #region Windows Form Designer generated code
    /// <summary>
    /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
    /// the contents of this method with the code editor
    /// </summary>
    private void InitializeComponent()
    this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
    this.printDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog();
    this.button2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
    this.printDocument1 = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
    this.crystalReportViewer1 = new CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer();
    this.Chart1 = new csharp_win_printtoprinter.Chart();
    this.CrystalReport11 = new csharp_win_printtoprinter.CrystalReport1();
    // button1
    this.button1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 16F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
    this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(32, 56);
    this.button1.Name = "button1";
    this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(160, 104);
    this.button1.TabIndex = 0;
    this.button1.Text = "Print Report No Choose Printer";
    this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);
    // button2
    this.button2.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 15.75F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0)));
    this.button2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(272, 56);
    this.button2.Name = "button2";
    this.button2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(160, 104);
    this.button2.TabIndex = 1;
    this.button2.Text = "Choose Printer";
    this.button2.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button2_Click);
    // crystalReportViewer1
    this.crystalReportViewer1.ActiveViewIndex = 0;
    this.crystalReportViewer1.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
    this.crystalReportViewer1.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default;
    this.crystalReportViewer1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(47, 188);
    this.crystalReportViewer1.Name = "crystalReportViewer1";
    this.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = this.CrystalReport11;
    this.crystalReportViewer1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(903, 296);
    this.crystalReportViewer1.TabIndex = 2;
    // Form1
    this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
    this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(1164, 505);
    this.Name = "Form1";
    this.Text = "Form1";
    this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Load);
    /// <summary>
    /// The main entry point for the application
    /// </summary>
    static void Main()
    Application.Run(new Form1());
    private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    crReportDocument = new ReportDocument();
    //Create an instance of a report
    crReportDocument = new CrystalReport2();
    //Use error handling in case an error occurs
    //Set the printer name to print the report to. By default the sample
    //report does not have a defult printer specified. This will tell the
    //engine to use the specified printer to print the report. Print out
    //a test page (from Printer properties) to get the correct value.
    System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument printDocument = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument();
    crReportDocument.PrintOptions.PrinterName = printDocument.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
    //Start the printing process. Provide details of the print job
    //using the arguments.
    crReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(0 ,true , 1, 1);
    //Let the user know that the print job is completed
    MessageBox.Show("Report finished printing!");
    catch(Exception err)
    MessageBox.Show(err.ToString(), "Unexpected exception");
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    private void button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    //Open the PrintDialog
    this.printDialog1.Document = this.printDocument1;
    DialogResult dr = this.printDialog1.ShowDialog();
    if(dr == DialogResult.OK)
    //Get the Copy times
    int nCopy = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.Copies;
    //Get the number of Start Page
    int sPage = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.FromPage;
    //Get the number of End Page
    int ePage = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.ToPage;
    string PrinterName = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
    crReportDocument = new ReportDocument();
    //Create an instance of a report
    crReportDocument = new Chart();
    //Set the printer name to print the report to. By default the sample
    //report does not have a defult printer specified. This will tell the
    //engine to use the specified printer to print the report. Print out
    //a test page (from Printer properties) to get the correct value.
    crReportDocument.PrintOptions.PrinterName = PrinterName;
    //Start the printing process. Provide details of the print job
    //using the arguments.
    crReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(nCopy, false, sPage, ePage);
    //Let the user know that the print job is completed
    MessageBox.Show("Report finished printing!");
    catch(Exception err)

    1. This is a VB.Net forum not a Visual C# forum. For Visual C# questions try this forum.
    Visual C#
    2. Crystal Reports are not supported by Microsoft. Therefore, unless somebody responding in the Visual C# forum has experience with whichever version of Crystal Reports you are using, you will probably not receive an answer in the Visual C# forum. SAP has
    their own assistance for Crystal Reports using Visual Studio. You can try to find an appropriate forum to ask questions in at SAP in the below link.
    SAP Community Network
    La vida loca

  • Unable to print crystal report over web using ActiveX Control

    Post Author: jimmyp
    CA Forum: General
    We have a problem with printing crystal report over web using ActiveX Control.  When clicking print button, it only shows a blank dialog web crystal viewer page without any error.  The page just simply hangs.  We installed the PrintControl DLL and enable all the security setting for ActiveX Control for IE.  It still does not print.  Does anyone know why?  
    Bundle Crystal Report v10 2.0
    IE 6.0 or higher.
    Appreciate for your help.

    Post Author: Ian Kulmatycki
    CA Forum: General
    A team member here found this, I haven't read it, I'm not sure if our problems are related to this, but hopefully it helps someone:
    When Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is enabled, using the ActiveX control to print reports from a Crystal 10 DHTML viewer results in the following error message:
    "A communication error occurred, printing will be stopped."
    How can this error message be resolved?
    This is a known issue with Crystal Reports 10 and Crystal Enterprise 10 viewers and has been tracked. The Track ID is ADAPT00282199.
    This error occurs due to the receiving application performing a case-sensitive check for the HTTPS request header value "ON". When a sender application sends the value as "on" in lower case, the error occurs. The update below changes the receiving application to be case-insensitive.
    Hot Fixes or Service Packs address this issue as indicated below. With the updates, this issue is resolved.
    Unless indicated otherwise, Weekly Hot Fix updates from our FTP site have only been tested with English versions of products.
    For Crystal Reports 10 and Crystal Enterprise 10, the update for this issue is included in the Crystal 10 Viewers Weekly Hot Fix (WHF). This is available in English only at the following location:
    This issue is addressed in the following components (and later versions):
    PageObjectModel.dll, version, dated 8/25/2004
    ReportRenderer.dll, version, dated 8/25/2004
    WebReporting.dll, version, dated 8/25/2004

  • How do you reference a Formular Object on a Crystal Report using Java

    Hi all,
    I am trying to reference an object on my report which contains a Formula field.
    I have read the following 2 threads, but they refer to textObjects:
    [How do you reference a textObject on a Crystal report using Java|Re: How do you reference a textObject on a Crystal report using Java?]
    [Changing the text of ITextObject programatically|Re: Changing the text of ITextObject programatically]
    But I cannot even get those to work. I can reference a object which refers to a database field but as soon as I try
    reference a textObject or reportObject I just get a NULL variable.
    Below is the code I am useing
    IReportObject dbField = reportClientDocument.getReportDefController().findObjectByName("BOB1");
    IReportObject textBob = reportClientDocument.getReportDefController().findObjectByName("BOB2");
    "BOB1" is the name of my DB field Object, and "BOB2" can be a Text box or a Formula item and I just get nothing.
    I have just tested it with a FieldHeadingObject and that returns a valid object, so clearly I am going about this the wrong way
    for objects I place on the reports which are not driven by the database items.
    Ultimately what I want to do is reference an object in the Report Footer which will contain the RecordCount of the number of
    records contained in the report, which I am them going to use to determine if the report holds data,
    if it does I will print it, else ignore it and move on the the next report. I am doing this so that I can at an extra filter to split
    a report up into groups and produce a sinlge PDF for each group instead of one massive PDF containing all the groups.
    So if someone has a solution to any of my problems I would be very greatful, and I dont mind being told Im an idiot and should
    rather do it another way, as long as you supply that other way
    Thanks for the help
    Edited by: Darren Jackson on Dec 16, 2009 7:29 PM
    Forgot to add am using CR4Ev2 SP3

    Right I have made some headway.
    Firstly, Im an idiot. I was making changes and setting up test fields on my report, but then when running the app, I had it looking at
    the backup report, which would explain why all the new textbox fields were not being found.
    The stupiditity did force me to delve deep and work out a fair bit of how the reports work, so cant complain too much. BUT, I am still
    not able to return values of Formula fields and formulas extra. Could someone tell me if this is even possible. I get retrieve the formula field
    name, and properties but not its value once the report has been populated. Am I wasting my time?
    Well I will continue dismantling my reports till I find the answer, or someone points me in the right direction.
    If any one is interested this is the code I used to drill down to my text boxes:
    IReportObject recCount = reportClientDocument.getReportDefController().findObjectByName("TB1");
    ITextObject obj_RecCount = (ITextObject) recCount;
    Paragraphs objP = obj_RecCount.getParagraphs();
    for (int i = 0; i < objP.size(); i++){
         ParagraphElements pE = objP.getParagraph(i).getParagraphElements();
         for (int j = 0;j < pE.size(); j++){
              IParagraphTextElement pEE = (ParagraphTextElement) pE.getParagraphElement(j);

  • Print crystal report without preview

    Dear All,
    i want print crystal report without preview.
    when i click print button i want show printer list install in that computer.
    so user can choose which printer that use to print. I means like if we printing document from office, we can choose the printer.
    how that i can do that?
    please help.
    best regards,

    Since this issue has little to do with sql server, I suggest you post your question to a forum for CR
    SAP CR community

  • Need to sum hh:mm:ss in crystal report using Running Total Fields

    I am new to .Net and crystal reports so please go easy on me.
    I am trying to develop a crystal report using Visual Basic .NET. I have a column which displays the "Inbound Time" in "hh:mm:ss" format. I have to sum the total inbound time and display it.
    I tried using the Running Total and i am not successful.
    Here is the code which I am using in the Running total
    if isNumeric({Report3;1.TotalInboundTime}) then
    CStr ({Report3;1.TotalInboundTime});
    NumberVar array test2 := [ToNumber(left(CStr({Report3;1.TotalInboundTime}),2)),ToNumber(mid(Cstr({Report3;1.TotalInboundTime}),4,2)),ToNumber(right(Cstr({Report3;1.TotalInboundTime}),2))];
    StringVar test1 := CStr( (ToNumber(test2[1])3600)+(ToNumber(test2[2])60)+(ToNumber(test2[3])));
    InboundTime is the time field which is in "hh:mm:ss"  format.

    Hello Bharathi,
    There are a couple of KBs about this. I haven't tested them myself, but you could give them a try:
    [How sum multiple time fields in Crystal Reports|]
    [Creating a running total to show the difference between two datetime fields |]
    [Totalling time values that are stored as numbers in the database|]

  • Crystal reports using xml at run time??

    Post Author: avnkkishore
    CA Forum: General
    I have very simple requirement.
    I would like to create a crystal
    report using XML. This
    XML file will be decided at run time
    (not at design time).
    Hence i have added a crystal report viewer control to my windows form and did
    not choose any data source (i left it blank currently). Now i am trying to load
    XML file with the following simple code.
    crLogOnDetails = new PropertyBag();
    crLogOnDetails&#91;"Local XML File"&#93; = @"C:\Hosts.xml";
    crLogOnDetails&#91;"Local Schema File"&#93; = @"C:\Hosts.xsd";
    ConnectionInfo conn = new ConnectionInfo();
    conn.Attributes = crLogOnDetails;
                // create
    "Host" table
    CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Table tbl;
                tbl = new
                tbl.Name =
    tbl.ConnectionInfo = conn;
    rcDoc.DatabaseController.AddTable(tbl, null);
    I am getting exception exactly at the above line (i.e. when adding table to
    Database Controller) saying "COMException was unhandled" with error code
    0x80004005 Unspecified error.
    Can any one please help me regarding how to resolve this.
    Thanks in advance,

    I am using VB6 as the front end and Microsoft Access to hold the data and Crystal Reports 8.5. I have a staff name parameter that I want the user to select which staff name to print the report.  If there is
    a new staff the name is not in the list of parameters.  How do I add to the parameter list at run time from the staff table?
    I am afraid that these forums don't support VB6, you could refer to this thread:
    Where to post your VB 6 questions
    You could consider posting this issue in these forums below:
    These forums do not support Visual Basic 6, however there are many third-party support sites that do. If you have a VB6-related question please visit these popular forums:
    VB Forums
    VB City
    In addition, issues related to Crystal Reports are not supported either since it belongs to third-party.
    You could post issues related to Crystal Reports to its forum to get dedicated supports.
    SAP Crystal Reports for .NET forum:
    Thanks for your understanding.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Crystal report 8.5/ changing the format conditionally

    Post Author: Amsa
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    Using Cyrstal Report 8.5  I have a letter on the crystal report which get populated from the sql database by the sql procedure..That letter includes the Name and the full address. And if the customer has the apt number it prints that as well.So this is how it goes. Amin Shah91 09 Tample AveApt # 31Elmont NY, 11373     so each line there is accociated with the field from the stored procedure. But what happens is that when the customer doesnt have the Apt # that line prints empty and there comes a blank line. So for that I have to shift that TownState row up.   I don't know how to do this. If anyone can help  please.Thanks.   

    Post Author: rroberson
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    split up the section the address is in so that Apt # 31 is in its own section (can all still be in details or a single group -- you just break it apart using "insert section below" or by splitting the section with your mouse).  Lines below show breaking of sections. __________  Amin Shah91 09 Tample Ave ____________ Apt # 31_____________Elmont NY, 11373_______________  Then choose "suppress blank section" for the Apt #31 section.  If you have anything in the section besides database fields you will need to conditionally suppress those as well so that the section really is blank (and therefore will be suppressed by the 'suppress blank section'). 

  • How to print Crystal Reports XI

    Help! I need to print my report using Crystal Reports XI. In order to do this, I need a password, but the person who registered the product and created the password is no longer here. No one knows the password.
    How do I print or get another password?

    Hi Jane,
    We need to have password for the database  when we want to preview the report.
    For now if we don't have the password try to create the new database or get the password for your old database from your DBA.
    But, try to check if the previous person who know she password has left the report with in any location with saved data option .
    I.e. To save the report with Preview mode as you want to have a  look at the report template.
    Else we need to create a new database with ODBC Connection, and  create a new report.

  • Printing Crystal reports via Great Plains 10

    I am unable to print (to printer) crystal reports in Great Plains 10. I can preview the report, export and print the exported file but the Print button does not respond when I click it (no errors, nothing) in the Crystal preview screen. We are using Crystal XI, Developers Kit.
    I have set the report to 'No Printer', verified that I can print other files from the server, verified the default printer and I have spokes to GP (Microsoft), nothing has helped with this issue.
    MS Windows Server 2003
    Standard Edition

    Hi Carolyn,
    Great Plains is an OEM partner of ours and they MUST resolve this issue for you. If they can not figure out what the problem is they can create a case on line to get help from Support to help you.
    Not sure if you have Crystal Reports Designer or not but if you do can you print from the Designer? If you can then it's an issue in Great Plains software.
    Thank you

  • Problem with NIReport.llb\Print HTML Report using on different machines

    We have 5 machines here in our workgroup which have the same state regarding security patches and other system updates. We recently found out that there is a problem with the NIReport.llb\Print HTML Report using on the different machines.
    If I would open the VI on MachineA the control could be loaded. If I would open the VI on MachineB the control could be loaded. If I would copy the VI from MachineB to MachineA and open the VI the control could not be loaded. If I would copy the VI from MachineA to MachineB and open the VI on MachineB the control could be loaded. MachineB could load the version from MachineA and MachineB but on MachineA only the own version will load. I have seen that both versions have the same GUID for the Microsoft Webbrowser but are different in some other aereas.
    Since printing HTML Reports is part of the application which will be distributed as application I want to know if someone else have seen such a behaviour or has got problems distributing an application.
    Also I want to know which additional information is stored in an Active-X container about the control beside the GUID.
    We have Win XP Prof SP2 with MS IE 6.0.2900.2180 on all machines in the workgroup.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

    Hi Tom,
    this is the VI <vi.lib>\Utillitiy\NIReport.llb\Print HTML Report using copied from a machine that can load and run the VI and it will print. On this machine the control in the VI is white.
    This VI will give the "Control could not be loaded" message on my machine.
    The file shdocvw.dll is 2006-10-23 16:18 size 1.460 KB and I verifyed that both machines have the same version of this file.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions
    Print HTML Report using IE.png ‏11 KB

  • Problem in printing Crystal Report from SAP Business One - the printing cut in it width margins

    i'm trying to print crystal report layout from sap b1. when i preview the report as pdf file, i have the option to choose Fit in size option and then the layout print O.k with out any margins that been cut.
    The problem start when i'm trying to print the layout directly from sap b1 (printer button) which cause the page to be cut in it width margins.
    How can i control the printing of crystal layout when i'm printing it directly from sap b1? do i have the option to chose 'Fit page size' from sap system?

    Please check SAP note:
    1820939 - Page settings of Crystal Reports not transferred
    Thanks & Regards,

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    I rushed to secure a nickname on Game Center yesterday as soon as the new iOS was released. I logged in with my Apple ID, went through the location, DOB, terms, etc. process and then selected a nickname. I was granted the name and was logged in. Toda

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    hi everyone... i have installed the SRDemo application i have also created the db schema and bd connection but when i run the application and enter one of the pass and username i always get the same error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: oracle.adf.view

  • How do you when Ipod's battery is dead?

    Accidently left my cased ipod in my jacket pocket and threw it into the wash. It was only in there for a couple of minutes but thats all it took. I knew the Ipod wasn't too wet because I couldn't see any water under the screen, but the battery was go

  • Control VIEW cursor with SUD Dialog

    Hello, I've developed a little SUD dialog and sticked into the bottom of VIEW. I the TopArea I've "CurveChart2D". With the dialog I want to change the cursor type and mode (see code below) If I try to change the cursor from this script (the script is