Printing progressive numbers

Hi All,
Below is a reply (Peter) posted and I am trying to follow it. I do
everything he outlined but when I click on section all I see is text or
blank page. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
You don't duplicate the image to 100 pages.
Make sure you are in Word Processing mode (choose a blank WP mode template).
Select the ticket design:
Menu > Arrange > Send Objects to Background
Menu > Arrange > Lock
Menu > Format > Advanced > Capture Pages… > Name: > Ticket
Now use this Section available from the Section pull down menu on the Toolbar and the image will appear in the background on each page.

taz101 wrote:
I need to print two part tickets for a fund raiser. I will need 160 tickets on 3x5" index cards and they need to be numbered (both parts). I followed every step as Peter outlined and named the capture and clicked OK. The only option I have on the drop down is the First Page Only.
I just tried it again and it still will not work.
I think there's a much simpler method than the one Peter described.
If you're printing directly on individual cards, the numbering part will be easy.
Open a blank Page layout document.
Go File > Page Setup...
Choose a page size as close to 3 x 5" as possible. Choose the orientation that will be most comfortable when setting up your ticket.
If the page size is larger than 3x5, you'll need to either adjust a margin or add a layout guide line to keep yourself within the 3 x 5" (less margins) print area. Which margin you use depends on your printer and your page orientation.
(Modify the set-up instructions to fit your situation.)
Add the graphics objects you need. Add one or more text frames to hold the fixed text that will appear on each ticket.
Add one text box for the ticket number. In side the box type "Ticket " (no quotes, and note the space after the word), then go Insert > Page Number.
Press command-+ to increase the type size to the size you want.
Set the font and colour as you wish.
Resize the box to hold the largest number you'll need.
When all is set, Select the Text box, then press command-D to duplicate it.
Use the Metrics Inspector to rotate the second text box 270°, then drag it into position on the stub at the left end of the ticket.
Drag the first box to a position near the bottom of the main portion of the ticket.
When you are satisfied with the layout of your ticket, print a test copy.
Adjust as (and if) necessary.
*When you have one finished copy:*
Click the View button and choose to Show Page Thumbnails.
Click on the thumbnail for the first (and only) page to select it.
Start pressing command-D to duplicate the page.
When you get 8 pages, press command-A to select all of them.
Press command-D to duplicate all of them (You'll now have 16 pages/tickets.)
Press command-A once more to select all 16 tickets.
Press command-D nine times to make a total of 160 tickets.
Scroll to check that the last card/ticket is numbered "Ticket 160".

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    Here is a modified version of my original script which was posted in :
    This time, with a single run, we may define the number of consecutive invoices to create.
    --[SCRIPT openAndNameInvoiceWithAnumber]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : openAndNameInvoiceWithAnumber.scpt
    déplacer le fichier créé dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Pages et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    aller au menu Scripts , choisir Pages puis choisir openAndNameInvoiceWithAnumber
    crée un nouveau document à partir du modèle personnel prédéfini
    et renomme le document avec un nouveau numéro.
    Il insère également le numéro de facture au début du document.
    L'aide du Finder explique:
    L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
    Save the script as Script, Application or Application Bundle:
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Pages:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Pages and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    go to the Scripts Menu, choose Pages, then choose openAndNameInvoiceWithAnumber
    will create a new document from the defined user template
    and name it with a new number.
    It also insert the invoice number at the very beginning of the document.
    The Finder's Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
    Yvan KOENIG (Vallauris, FRANCE)
    2010/12/20 edited to apply if the template is a flatfile one.
    2011/01/11 added ability to build several invoices in a single call
    property theApp : "Pages"
    property theExt : ""
    property myTemplate : "ma_facture.template" (*
    Adapter à vos besoins
    Put your preferred template name *)
    property fichierNum : "le_numéro.txt" (*
    Adapter à vos gouts
    Put your preferred text file name *)
    on run
    if theApp is "Pages" then
    set theExt to "pages"
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The application “" & theApp & "” is not supported !"
    error "L’application « " & theApp & " » n’est pas gérée"
    end if
    end if
    if my parleAnglais() then
    set nombredefactures to my askAnumber("Enter the number of consecutive invoices needed", 1, "i")
    set nombredefactures to my askAnumber("Saisir le nombre de factures consécutives demandé", 1, "i")
    end if
    repeat nombredefactures times
    my buildaninvoice()
    end repeat
    end run
    on buildaninvoice()
    set {p2myTemplate, numero} to my prepare()
    set numero to text -5 thru -1 of ("0000" & numero) (* pour numéro de 5 chiffres *)
    set UNTITLED_loc to my getLocalizedFrameWorksName(theApp, "Untitled")
    tell application "Pages"
    close document UNTITLED_loc
    end try
    end tell -- to Pages
    tell application "Pages"
    open p2myTemplate
    set theDoc to numero & "." & theExt
    set name of document 1 to theDoc
    tell document 1
    tell body text
    if my parleAnglais() then
    set paragraph 1 to "invoice #" & numero & return & paragraph 1
    set paragraph 1 to "facture n°" & numero & return & paragraph 1
    end if
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    end buildaninvoice
    on getLocalizedFrameWorksName(theApp, x)
    local p2bndl
    set p2bndl to (path to application support as text) & "iWork '09:Frameworks:SFApplication.framework:Versions:A:Resources:"
    set x_loc to my getLocalizedName(theApp, x, p2bndl)
    return x_loc
    end getLocalizedFrameWorksName
    on getLocalizedFunctionName(theApp, x)
    local p2bndl
    set p2bndl to (path to application support as text) & "iWork '09:Frameworks:SFTabular.framework:Versions:A:Resources:"
    set x_loc to my getLocalizedName(theApp, x, p2bndl)
    return x_loc
    end getLocalizedFunctionName
    on getLocalizedName(aa, tt, ff)
    tell application aa to return localized string tt from table "Localizable" in bundle file ff
    end getLocalizedName
    on prepare()
    local d1, d2, p2d, containerOfTemplates, pathToTheTemplate, p2n, nn
    tell application theApp
    set d1 to localized string "Templates" (* nom local du dossier "Modèles" *)
    set d2 to localized string "My Templates" (* nom local du dossier "Mes Modèles" *)
    end tell -- theApp
    set p2d to (path to application support from user domain) as Unicode text
    set containerOfTemplates to p2d & "iWork:" & theApp & ":" & d1 & ":" & d2 & ":"
    set pathToTheTemplate to containerOfTemplates & myTemplate & ":"
    set pathToTheTemplate to pathToTheTemplate as alias
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The template “" & pathToTheTemplate & "” is unavailable! Please make sure the template file “" & myTemplate & "” is installed in Numbers “Templates:My Templates” folder, then rerun this script."
    error "Le modèle « " & pathToTheTemplate & " » est introuvable! Veuillez installer le fichier modèle « " & myTemplate & " » dans le dossier « Modèles:Mes modèles » de Numbers avant de relancer ce script."
    end if
    end try
    tell application "System Events"
    if class of disk item (pathToTheTemplate as text) is file then
    (* flat file *)
    set p2n to containerOfTemplates & fichierNum
    if not (exists file p2n) then
    make new file at end of folder containerOfTemplates with properties {name:fichierNum}
    write "100" to file p2n (* mettez le numéro de départ de votre choix *)
    end if -- not…
    (* package *)
    set p2n to "" & pathToTheTemplate & fichierNum
    if not (exists file p2n) then
    make new file at end of pathToTheTemplate with properties {name:fichierNum}
    write "100" to file p2n (* mettez le numéro de départ de votre choix *)
    end if -- not…
    end if
    end tell -- System Events
    set nn to read file p2n
    set nn to ((nn as integer) + 1) as text
    write nn to file p2n starting at 1
    return {pathToTheTemplate, nn}
    end prepare
    on parleAnglais()
    local z
    tell application theApp to set z to localized string "Cancel"
    on error
    set z to "Cancel"
    end try
    return (z is not "Annuler")
    end parleAnglais
    Asks for an entry and checks that it is an floating number
    set myInteger to my askAnumber(Prompt, DefaultValue, "i")
    set myFloating to my askAnumber(Prompt, DefaultValue, "f")
    on askAnumber(lPrompt, lDefault, IorF)
    local lPrompt, lDefault, n
    tell application (path to frontmost application as string)
    if IorF is in {"F", "f"} then
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt & " (" & (1.2 as text) & ")" default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as number (* try to convert the value as an number *)
    return n
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    display alert "The value needs to be a floating number." & return & "Please try again."
    display alert "La valeur saisie doit être un nombre décimal." & return & "Veuillez recommencer."
    end if
    end try
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as integer (* try to convert the value as an integer *)
    return n
    on error
    if my parleAnglais() then
    display alert "The value needs to be an integer." & return & "Please try again."
    display alert "La valeur saisie doit être un nombre entier." & return & "Veuillez recommencer."
    end if
    end try -- 1st attempt
    end if -- IorF…
    end tell -- application
    Here if the first entry was not of the wanted class
    second attempt *)
    tell application (path to frontmost application as string)
    if IorF is in {"F", "f"} then
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt & " (" & (1.2 as text) & ")" default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as number (* try to convert the value as an number *)
    return n
    on error
    end try
    set n to text returned of (display dialog lPrompt default answer lDefault as text)
    set n to n as integer (* try to convert the value as an integer *)
    return n
    on error
    end try -- 1st attempt
    end if -- IorF…
    end tell -- application
    if my parleAnglais() then
    error "The value you entered was not numerical !" & return & "Goodbye !"
    error "La valeur saisie n’est pas numérique !" & return & "Au revoir !"
    end if
    end askAnumber
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 11 janvier 2011 09:30:37

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    How do I print a Numbers document on my Mac?  All I get is the heading!

    Hi L,
    What do you see after Menu > File > Print?
    Are you using Numbers 2.3 (Numbers '09) or Numbers 3.1?
    Please reply with a screen shot of a small part of your screen (large shots are often difficult to read).
    To take a screen shot,
    1. hold down the shift and command keys, then type 4. The cursor will change to crosshairs. Release the shift and command keys.
    2. Drag over that part of your screen then release the mouse/trackpad. A screen shot will appear on your desktop.
    3. In a reply to a message, click on the camera icon in the Toolbar above your reply and
    4. Choose File > Choose > Insert Image.
    If this does not work, Close the Insert Box (red cross on the top right) and go back to Step 3. Camera icon sometimes needs a wake-up call, but works the second time.
    Remove any personal details before taking the screen shot.

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    Hi Stuart,
    This sounds strange. Please reply with a screen shot of (a small part of) your document.
    To take a screen shot, hold down the shift and command keys, then type 4. The cursor will change to crosshairs. Release the shift and command keys. Drag over that part of your screen then release the mouse/trackpad. A screen shot will appear on your desktop. In a reply to a message, click on the camera icon in the Toolbar above your reply and
    Choose File > Choose > Insert Image
    You may have to try this twice. Camera icon sometimes needs a wake-up call, but works the second time.
    Remove any personal details before taking the screen shot.

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    Have anyone come across this and solved it. Pls help.
    Useful answers are rewarded.

    try this
    don't forgot to write 3zc otherwise it will show '*' ones the page no will exceed 10.
    reward points if helpfull

  • Printing a Numbers document

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    No matter what I did, when I tried to drag a rectangle around the unwanted pages, all my wanted pages were highlighted too. It was like one big graphic object. If I tried to drag the corners to reduce the size of the table, it did just that made everything smaller, but didn’t get rid of the extra rows and columns that I did not want.
    So I fumbled around and finally realized that there was a “tab” at the bottom of the last row. What did it do? I still don’t really know but when I clicked on that tab and dragged down I got more rows. So I tried to drag the tab up and delete down. I couldn’t get this method to work with rows but I was able to get rid of extra columns using the “tab” to the right of the last column.
    In trying to drag , I realized I could highlight rows. I did so and hit the delete key. I finally got my table down to four pages just the way I wanted it! Don’t ask me how.
    Try the simple bit of highlighting unwanted parts and using the delete key.
    Also the Sheet Inspector (2nd from left) tells you how many pages in your table. Mine was 12! I got it down to four. But I somehow managed to add one more row and was back up to five. Used the “tab” and deleted the unwanted row and went back to four pages.
    I will be sure to look at the Sheet Inspector before I print.
    I don’t know if any of this helps.

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    Why won't my printer print page numbers in a document? The page numbers show in print preview, but will not print on document.

    Perhaps you have set the margins so tight to the edge of the paper that you have gotten into the non-printing area for your printer. Most printers have a dead zone.
    What are your margin settings?

  • How can I add header on printing with Numbers

    How can I add header on printing with Numbers? The previous version use to have it and I cannot find it in the new one ...

    Hi Tanya,
    Glad to hear that you found how to edit page headers and footers in Numbers 3.2. I agree that Help in Numbers 3 is woeful. No searchable PDF to download and use offline. All is online (one page at a time) and we need to know the terms we are looking for before we look.
    The first HelpDesk:
    For printing to paper where layout is important, I use Numbers '09 (Numbers 2.3) with its Print View. But it is orphanware. As the name suggests, there has not been a major overhaul since 2009. With that in mind, it is a useful version to hang onto while we hope and wait (and provide feedback to Apple) for something in future versions of Numbers 3.x to provide better layout capability.
    Indeed, each new update of Numbers 3.x has restored more of the old features while adding new features that are enhancements over Numbers '09. Many of the Numbers 3 enhancements reflect long-awaited wishes through this forum, and were passed on by Numbers Feedback to Apple. So it seems that Apple does take heed of feedback.
    In the meantime, I enjoy the charm of Numbers '09 whilst exploring the new features of Numbers 3.
    What has been GAINED in Numbers 3 is here:
    (Very long thread because it started with Numbers 3.0, and enhancements have continued through Numbers 3.2).
    Hints on workarounds in Numbers 3 is here:
    Some workarounds are no longer needed, but what amazes me is how many Numbers '09 features (the so-called "lost" features) were not lost; the settings have simply been moved. Moreover, many features such as margin settings carry over with a Numbers '09 document or template into Numbers 3.
    Hints for layout on screen before printing to paper:
    Try Alignment Guides and Rulers as suggested here:
    Print View workarounds
    Use a layout guide:
    Layout Guide for Numbers

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    Hi Snowflake,
    I suggest:
    grab the yellow dot and fill down.

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    In excel it is actually in the page setup dialog. under the "sheet" tab. Numbers doesn't have one table per page (excel is basically one large table of cells). So printing header and column labels doesn't really work in numbers, because those labels don't show up until you click inside the tables. If you notice when you do that they abstruct the view of everything else that might be near the edge of the table.
    The other posters response is the best way to do it. you can get column Numbers (but not letters) by using the column command in an extra row at top also. Thre is a way if you really want column letters, but it ain't pretty. Let us know if you want that too.

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    FingerPrint is not listed as supported on this page: AirPrint Basics
    You might check with the makers of FingerPrint.

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    If not, is it something HP might consider when updating the software in the future please?

    You are most welcome. As mentioned above, HP Photo Creations has many more options. I've played around with it but for just printing photos, like many people do, a simpler product is the way to go.
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