Problem building with ant

Hi all,
For some reason i get the following error message when trying to build any of the code in the j2ee tutorial.
Error while setting up environment for the application. Choose 'close' to terminate the application
If anyone has any ideas as to why this happens, any help would be much appreciated.

i'm using windows xp pro. i have actually sorted that problem out by replacing ant 1.3 with ant 1.5
I now have another error message. When i try to run the application client with the foolowing command:
C:\forte4j\j2sdkee1.3\bin>runclient client \examples\ears\SavingsAccountApp.ear -name SavingsAccountClient -textauth
I get the following
Initiating login ...
Username = null
Enter Username:guest
Enter Password:guest123
Binding name:`java:comp/env/ejb/SimpleSavingsAccount`
Application threw an exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: SavingsAccountHome
Unbinding name:`java:comp/env/ejb/SimpleSavingsAccount`
Not sure why i am getting the exception.

Similar Messages

  • J2EE Tutorial: Exception when building with ant

    I am trying to build the converter example on page 48 of the J2EE tutorial using ant. Ant seems to choke on the following line from the build.xml:
    <property environment="myenv" />
    The output of the "ant converter" command is:
    Buildfile: build.xml
    /usr/j2sdkee1.3/j2eetutorial/examples/src/build.xml:18: /usr/j2sdkee1.3/j2eetutorial/examples/src/build.xml:18: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
    --- Nested Exception ---
    /usr/j2sdkee1.3/j2eetutorial/examples/src/build.xml:18: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
    --- Nested Exception ---
    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
    at java.lang.String.substring(
    Total time: 1 second
    My best guess is that the "myenv" line in the build.xml requires some additional attribute. I'm using ant version 1.3. My OS is Solaris (noted for possible environment-related issues).
    Thanks in advance!
    Eric Smith

    On Windows XP Pro, the line
    <property environment="myenv" />
    in the init target of build.xml for the j2ee tutorial examples triggers a windows error message:
    16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem
    Error while setting up environment for the application. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.
    <<Close>> <<Ignore>>
    So it looks as if ant is trying and failing to access the winnt system environment here.
    According to Ant Developers Handbook (Sams, October 2002, chapter 4, p. 151), the ant environment property "specifies a prefix, giving access to OS-specific environment variables. This is not supported on all platforms." Until this problem is fixed, it appears that on XP systems anyway, any ant settings in build.xml files that rely on direct access to the system environment will fail. Here is some debug output from the j2ee tutorial examples init target which demonstrates this:
    C:\apps\j2sdkee1.3.1\j2eetutorial\examples>ant init
    Buildfile: build.xml
    [echo] starting init target
    [echo] reached marker 1
    [echo] reached marker 2
    [echo] value of J2EE_HOME is ${myenv.J2EE_HOME}
    [echo] finished init target
    where the task:
    <property environment="myenv" />
    (which generates the OS error popup noted above) occurs between marker 1 and marker 2. Clearly the value of J2EE_HOME is NOT being successfully read from the system environment here.

  • Build with ant in a new way

    Hello everyone,
    I'm not sure if the title is proper, but I have a project to upgrade to weblogic 10, along with the upgrade I'm going to enhance the build files. Currently we have 450 ant file. There are many dependencies and all build files have hardcoded paths such "c:\sourcecode ...". Our application is about 6000000 lOC. Anyway, my job is to replace these paths with properties and change some old ant tasks.
    You now imagine what I'm going to go through. Obviously, I need to edit 450 (can build tool for that) and do check in and out. Then test to make sure I didn't missed up with the dependency.
    I'm no expert in ANT but we did some evaluation to ANT, Maven, Jam and we found ANT is the best fit for our environment because we have some structuring issues.
    While working I have got this idea, however I'm not sure if it's the best, so I hope you can help here and give me your advice.
    I will create a utilityBuild.xml. This ant file will contain the entire tasks we perform in all the 450. Rest of 450 ant will perform call to this utilityBuild.xml whenever it needs to do something e.g .
    {color:#008000}<!-- Create Jar file of the classes in the ${tempdir} and then apply appc compilation on them-->{color}
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="appc"/>
    Note: UTILITYBUILD = utilityBuild.xml
    UtilityBuild.xml has this task as
    {color:#008000}<!-- Perform weblogic.appc on the given Jar file to generate the Skeleton files -->{color}
    <target name="appc" depends="jar.ejb" >
    <java classname="weblogic.appc" fork="yes">
    <sysproperty key="weblogic.home" value="${WL_HOME}"/>
    <arg line="-compiler javac ${appdir}/${jarfile}"/>
    <pathelement path="$classpath"/>
    The {color:#ff0000}*benefit*{color} of doing this is {color:#ff0000}*if we decide to use wlcompile and wlappc instead of the above we only need to change one place utilityBuild.xml*{color} . I understand that I can make a custom ant task instead of relying on the properties that's passed when calling the child ant task.
    {color:#0000ff}*For complete Source file* {color}
    <project name="SIMIS" basedir=".">
    <!-- set global properties for this build -->
    <property environment="env"/>
    <property file=""/>
    <target name="maketempdir" description="Create ${tempdir} directory">
    <echo message="#### S T A R T B U I L D I N G ####"/>
    <echo message="Started on ${TODAY} at ${TSTAMP}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${tempdir}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${tempdir}/META-INF"/>
    <copy todir="${tempdir}/META-INF">
    <fileset dir="${xmldir}">
    <include name="*.xml"/>
    <!-- Clean all build related dirs, jars and xmls -->
    <target name="cleantemp" description="Deletes ${build.dir}/** and ${dist.dir}/**." >
    <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" failonerror="false">
    <fileset dir="${clientclasses}" includes="**/*EJB.class"/>
    <fileset dir="${tempdir}" includes="**/*"/>
    <delete dir="${tempdir}"/>
    <echo message="#### E N D B U I L D I N G ####"/>
    <!-- Perform weblogic.appc on the given Jar file to generate the Skeleton files -->
    <target name="appc" depends="jar.ejb" >
    <java classname="weblogic.appc" fork="yes">
    <sysproperty key="weblogic.home" value="${WL_HOME}"/>
    <arg line="-compiler javac ${appdir}/${jarfile}"/>
    <pathelement path="$classpath"/>
    <target name="jar.ejb" >
    <jar jarfile="${appdir}/${jarfile}"
    basedir="${tempdir}" update="yes">
    <target name="javac">
    <javac srcdir="${sourcedir}" destdir="${destinationdir}" includes="${include}" excludes="${exclude}" classpath="${classpath}" />
    <target name="copy" description="copy contents to directory">
    <copy todir="${todir}">
    <fileset dir="${fromdir}">
    <include name="${include}"/>
    <exnclude name="${exclude}"/>
    <target name="clean" description="clean contents of directory">
    <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" failonerror="false">
    <fileset dir="${cleandir}" includes="${include}" excludes="${exclude}"/>
    <target name="delete" description="delete entire directory">
    <delete dir="${deletedir}"/>
    <!-- deploy split directory application -->
    <target name="deploy"
    description="Deploy ear to WebLogic on ${wls.hostname}:${wls.port}.">
    CMN_Core_Session.xml (one of the 450 files)
    <project name="default" default="build">
    <!-- Specific Properties to this file. Please don't change these names, because it has been used by the ${UTILITYBUILD} -->
    <property file="../"/>
    <property name="srcdir" value="${SOURCE_CODE}/gosi/core"/>
    <property name="xmldir" value="${SOURCE_CODE}/gosi/core/projects/session"/>
    <property name="jarfile" value="CMN_Session.jar"/>
    <!-- Main build task for this ant file -->
    <target name="build" description="Builds components.">
    <!-- Create Temp folders and copy the deployment descriptor their -->
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="maketempdir"/>
    <!-- Compile the java classes in to ${clientclasses} -->
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="javac">
    <property name="sourcedir" value="${srcdir}"/>
    <property name="destinationdir" value="${clientclasses}"/>
    <property name="include" value="**/*,**/*"/>
    <property name="exclude" value="**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/"/>
    <!-- Compile the java classes again in to ${tempdir} this folder will be used to create the Jar file -->
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="javac">
    <property name="sourcedir" value="${srcdir}"/>
    <property name="destinationdir" value="${tempdir}"/>
    <property name="include" value="**/*,**/*,**/*"/>
    <property name="exclude" value="**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/*,**/"/>
    <!-- Create Jar file of the classes in the ${tempdir} and then apply appc compilation on them-->
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="appc"/>
    <!-- Remove all file in ${tempdir} -->
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="cleantemp"/>
    <!-- Main deploy task for this ant file -->
    <target name="deploy" description="Deploy the components">
    <ant inheritAll="true" dir="${ROOT}" antfile="${UTILITYBUILD}" target="deploy"/>
    gosiProperties file
    ### Build Files Properties File ###
    -- Configure the global properties for the ant build files
    -- You may need to change this section to match your machine
    -- Here we set the JARs directory and server and client classes
    -- Set the ClassPath for the ant tool
    Thanks and regards
    Edited by: Nawaf on Mar 9, 2008 8:18 AM

    Any idea, I'm looking for your opinion, what do you think of the above

  • Building with Ant

    I try to build my application using Ant. Here is the fragment
    from build.xml:
    <java jar="${flex.mxmlc.jar}" fork="true">
    <arg line="-file-specs ${src.dir}/${}.mxml"/>
    <arg line="-load-config ${flex.dist.config}"/>
    When I run this, I get this error:
    [java] command line: Error: default arguments may not be
    interspersed with other options
    [java] Use 'mxmlc -help' for information about using the
    command line.
    When I do not use "-load-config" option, I get following:
    [java] defaults: Error: unable to open './flex-config.xml'
    What is wrong?

    I wasn't able to reproduce the first error you got. But the
    second error happens for me.
    Somehow, invoking mxmlc.jar from a directory other than the
    flex frameworks directory leads to an error where it's looking for
    files relative to flex frameworks.
    I got around this by specifying a dir to invoke the VM in.
    <property name="flex.dir" value="c:\flex\sdk" />
    <property name="flex.mxmlc.jar"
    value="${flex.dir}/lib\mxmlc.jar" />
    <java jar="${flex.mxmlc.jar}" dir="${flex.dir}/frameworks"
    <arg line="-file-specs ${src.dir}/${}.mxml"/>


    someone know why when a build the same code I create with the DollyXs and use in my Xcode in Eclipse appear this message error?
    [echo] Now compiling FR file /Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/source/sdksamples/myplugin/ for mac
    [exec] Beginning ODFRC
    [exec] CFURLGetFSRef failed - maybe the output directory doesn't exist (ODFRC.res)
    [echo] FR Compilation Complete: Attempting to build C++ files...
    [exec] xcodebuild: Warning: configuration release is not in the project. Building default configuration.
    I see in archived post some guy have the some problem and fix that when he changed the location form release build. I try to do the some, but i don't have success.
    Thanks a Lot!

    The full build message.
    Buildfile: /Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/projects/MyPlugin/build.xml
    [echo] Now compiling FR file /Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/source/sdksamples/myplugin/ for mac
    [exec] Beginning ODFRC
    [exec] CFURLGetFSRef failed - maybe the output directory doesn't exist? (ODFRC.res)
    [echo] FR Compilation Complete: Attempting to build C++ files...
    [exec] xcodebuild: Warning: configuration release is not in the project. Building default configuration.
    [exec] Checking Dependencies...
    [exec] PhaseScriptExecution "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj/../../../source/sdksamples/myplugin/"
    [exec] cd "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj"
    [exec] /bin/sh -c "\"../../../devtools/bin/odfrc-cmd\" -d DEBUG -d MACINTOSH -d __GNUC__ -o \"$REZ_COLLECTOR_DIR/$INPUT_FILE_NAME.rsrc\" \"$INPUT_FILE_PATH\""
    [exec] Beginning ODFRC
    [exec] ResMergerCollector "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj/build/ s/MyPlugin.rsrc"
    [exec] cd "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj"
    [exec] /Developer/Tools/ResMerger -dstIs DF "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj/build/ s/" -o "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj/build/ s/MyPlugin.rsrc"
    [exec] ResMergerProduct "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj/../debug/sdk/MyPlugin.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources/MyPlug in.rsrc"
    [exec] cd "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj"
    [exec] /Developer/Tools/ResMerger "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj/build/ s/MyPlugin.rsrc" -dstIs DF -o "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj/../debug/sdk/MyPlugin.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources/MyPlug in.rsrc"
    [exec] Touch "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj/../debug/sdk/MyPlugin.InDesignPlugin"
    [exec] cd "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj"
    [exec] /usr/bin/touch -c "/Users/rbueno/Development/Indesign Plugin Editor/sdk/build/mac/prj/../debug/sdk/MyPlugin.InDesignPlugin"
    [exec] ** BUILD SUCCEEDED **
    [echo] C++ Build Complete
    Total time: 6 seconds

  • Problem building with WLW 10.1

    I get this message in the .log file everytime I clean the project. <BR><BR>
    !ENTRY com.bea.workshop.controls.core 2 2 2007-09-20 13:59:20.278 <br>
    !MESSAGE Failed to find class org.apache.beehive.controls.runtime.generator.apt.<b>ControlMemeberTypeAnnotationProcessorFactory</b>, skipping annotation processing for this factory.<br>
    Please note the class name in bold. There is a typo but IDE is skipping annotation processing and it is causing me loads of grief. <br><br>
    Can anyone from the product team respond to this?

    I have not seen this error occur earlier.
    could you send a copy of the project to me via email ?
    my email address is akraj at bea dot com

  • Compiling Flash Builder Projects with ant - error

    I'm fairly new to FlashBuilder as well as using ant to build projects.
    I'm working on a project in FlashBuilder 4.5. I'm using a 3rd party SWC that contains an alchemy-compiled C application in the SWC. Building my entire project within FlashBuilder is working fine. However, due to other parts of the project (not imported into FlashBuilder) I need to build with ant on occasion.
    The Class specific to the C app within the SWC is throwing errors when building with ant - it says it can not find the source. I had one recommendation to look into adding/editing something within the build.xml file, but I don't know what that addition/edit would be.
    Any help appreciated.

    Apparently related to switching workspaces... the error log identifies a path to an old workspace I changed out of weeks ago. I created a new workspace and moved the project (just the source, etc, not the settings) into it. been running fine for a while now... though funny how this problem didn't show up until yesterday.

  • Building J2EE examples with Ant 1.3 on WinXP

    I just installed J2EE 1.3.1 and set all environment variables according to J2EE/Ant documentation. I am trying to build the examples with Ant 1.3 and just before it tries to compile the first example, I get a "NTVDM.EXE Error while setting up environment" error window. This occurs every time I try this examples build. After I close this error window, the compiles fail mostly because the javax.ejb package classes cannot be found.
    Have I overlooked something here? Can anyone shed some insight on this problem?

    Didn't think I'd be replying to so many of my own messages :-) ..., but anyway the problem with the NTVDM.EXE error message does not go away. I found that it's happens when Ant reads the system environment in the "property" task in build.xml under examples directory:
    <property environment="myenv" />
    references to ${myenv.J2EE_HOME} and so on
    So I replaced occurences of ${myenv.<J2EE_HOME>} with the literal value, in my case, "C:\j2sdkee1.3.1" and now it works. Hope this helps.

  • Deploying BPEL with Ant Problems

    Hi, I am trying to automate BPEL deployment using HP Deployment Manager, and need to learn how to use Ant to deploy our BPEL processes. I have setup a SOA Suite installation to play around with Ant, but I can't seem to get Ant to work from command line. I am able to deploy a sample process using JDev both by the Deploy option or with the Ant option, but I get errors when using command line.
    I navigated to the location of build.xml in a DOS prompt, ran ant, and get the following error:
    C:\JDeveloper\jdev\mywork\BPEL\HelloWorld\build.xml:27: Cannot find ${oracle.home}/integration/bpel/utilities/ant-orabpel.xml imported from C:\JDeveloper\jdev\mywork\BPEL\HelloWorld\build.xml
    I'm assuming this is because JDeveloper sets up it's own environment variables for running Ant within the IDE - what do I need to do to have it run in command line mode? The deployments will ultimately be run on RHEL4 - but for testing on windows do I need to set these to look like %ORACLE_HOME%, etc in build.xml?
    Any ideas?

    Update: Problem solved by setting ORACLE_HOME and BPEL_HOME

  • Help -- Who has experience with ant and build.xml files ?

    I think my build.xml file is missing setting a classpath I need, but I have never played around with a build.xml file. Could someone help ?
    Thank you.

    A lot of people here use ant. But not all of us can read your mind, and those of us that can are sadistic bastards that like to force people to provide details of their problems just for the hell of it.
    So please do the following:
    * Go through an ant tutorial or other introductory docs, doing an example or two if present.
    * Set up your build.xml according to what you've learned.
    * If it still doesn't work, post the relevant portions of it (hopefully you'll have a small, representative sample that reproduces the problem), along with your relevant directory and file structure, the command you're running, and what error messages you're getting.

  • JSP problem with ANT

    I built up a web site and I want to test them using ANT. It works fine with other web page, however it doesn't work with web pages with "session" statement. For example in login.jsp I have the following statement
    session.setAttribute("user", request.getParameter("userName"));
    And if the user's name and password are correct, the user is directed to home.jsp, where i have the following statement to retrieve the user's name:
    String id=session.getAttribute("user").toString();
    In order to test the above 2 pages with ANT, I have the following code in builder.xml:
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <project name="proj" default="test" basedir=".">
    <target name="test">
    <get src="http://path/login.jsp?userName=id&passWord=1111" dest="1.html" />
    When I run the script, I get the error that the home.jsp cannot be opened (see below)
    [get] Error opening connection Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://path/home.jsp
    I am pretty sure the above error is caused by the "session" statement, because if I remove the statement in home.jsp, the page can be correctly opened. But I really need the "session" statement, Can someone tell me how to deal with it?
    thanks a million.

    Usually with a 500 error there's more detail in a server log somewhere. Can you find anything in stderr.log or some such?

  • Problems building a stand alone application with LV 8.6.1.

    I'm having problems building  a stand alone application with LV8.6.1. I'm using a USB- 6008 DAQ and USB-6501 Digital device in the application. I already have an simple executable on the machine so the Run time Engine is already installed.  For the USB DAQ device, I assume I need to include the DAQmx8.8 as one of the installers. When I attempt to build the application, I'm prompted for several disk, one being a distribuition disk 1. I have the installation disk for the developer package. I did not  see a distribuiton disk as one of the installation disks. When I insert disk 1 I get an error that another application is trying to run. Could someone tell me which installers I need to include and where do I find the "distributor" disk.
    Thank you,

    are you building installer for the first time on this PC?...It usually asks for the drivers CDs and some toolkits if required.
    you just need to use drivers CDs (comes with LabVIEW) from which you installed on this PC. If you have ever upgraded drivers, then you have to use the latest CDs only.......
    another issue may be ...when u insert the driver disk, it has autorun, it will launch drivers installation wizard....close that and then try to build distribution......... 
    Message Edited by Anil Reddy on 09-25-2009 01:22 PM
    Anil Punnam
    LV 2012, TestStand 4.2..........

  • Error while building Web Services for Invoking PL/SQL with ANT

    i tried to build the demo- webservice for plsql- stored procedure, but while i want to run the demo with ant i get the following error:
    The same Error occures while Run the Demo with seperate commands: Step 5a(1) Assembly:
    [mkdir] Created dir: D:\ORAWebServices\webservices_demos\webservices_demos\db\plsql\build\classes\service
    [java] Fehler:
    D:\ORAWebServices\webservices_demos\webservices_demos\db\plsql\build.xml:45: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    D:\ORAWebServices\webservices_demos\webservices_demos\common.xml:74: Java returned: 1
    Total time: 3 seconds
    The Database runs on a remote system and the service-connfig.xml is updated.
    Thanks for Help.

    I assume you have OC4J 10.1.3 webservices installed. Then you should not be using service-config.xml. Check out the 10.1.3 documentation about WebServiceAssembler. I am afraid, you are using 10.1.2 style service-config.xml along with 10.1.3 style WebServiceAssembler.

  • In IOS7 none of my YouTube movies show up on my site build with iWeb and its YouTube widget. On an iPad running IOS6 the site still works fine, and all movies play well. What is going on,and what can I do to solve this problem ???

    In IOS7 none of my YouTube movies show up on my site build with iWeb and its YouTube widget. On an iPad running IOS6 the site still works fine, and all movies play well. What is going on,and what can I do to solve this problem ???

    It's only Safari/iOS7. Chrome iOS7 works fine.
    Go to YT and grab the code.
    Paste it in a HTML Snippet.

  • LV Version/Runtime Question (working with LV 8.2.1 -- problems with a VI that was original build with LV 7.1)

    Hi there,
    currently i have a strange problem and i hope some of you can help me.
    Ok first i explain my situation:
    My task is to expand a old testsystem that was written with LV 7.1.
    During the time they began to work with LV 8.2.1 and saved the testsystem-VI with the new LV version.
    Ok now my problem:
    I have added some SubVIs (build with LV 8.2.1) to the testsystem which open a connection to a DUT (device under test) via fbus, usb or bluetooth (the drivers are designed for .net). But i always get a strange error message when the subVIs try to open the connection ("...Please check your connection string..").
    First i checked the handover of the variables in the testsystem but found no mistakes. I also tested all SubVIs seperatly with TestVIs and they worked perfectly!!!
    My question:
    The main VI was original build with LV 7.1. Could it be possible that LV uses an old or several runtime engines to execute my testsystem which causes such strange problems (For me its the only logical explanation why it works with my Test-VIs but not with the testsystem)?  
    But maybe you know more about such problems
    Greetings, wonx

    Hi wonx,
    it's really hard to say what might be the problem without knowing your project.
    Have you already performed a mass compile in LV8.2? If not, I would suggest to do so. Please see following link for an explanation of how the mass compile option in LabVIIEW works.

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