I have a WSDL that has been generated for MS SQLServer stored proc. I have created SOAP request using XML Spy and posted request to server succesfully.
Imported the same WSDL and created Partner Link in BPEL process successfully but When i try to assign values to Input variable (XSD), I am getting Error : Problem Building Schema.
Then I clicked on check box for details, it shows :
Exception: Invalid reference: ''
I appreciate any help in this.
Here WSDL file :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- edited with XMLSpy v2007 ( by Move (Move) -->
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:tns="http://DWLV06ENG030/Deleteme/deleteme" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:sql="" xmlns:sqltypes="" xmlns:sqlmessage="" xmlns:sqlresultstream="" name="deleteme" targetNamespace="http://DWLV06ENG030/Deleteme/deleteme">
          <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified">
               <xsd:simpleType name="nonNegativeInteger">
                    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:int">
                         <xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
               <xsd:attribute name="IsNested" type="xsd:boolean"/>
               <xsd:complexType name="SqlRowSet">
                         <xsd:element ref="xsd:schema"/>
                    <xsd:attribute ref="sqltypes:IsNested"/>
               <xsd:complexType name="SqlXml" mixed="true">
               <xsd:simpleType name="SqlResultCode">
                    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:int">
                         <xsd:minInclusive value="0"/>
          <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified">
               <xsd:import namespace=""/>
               <xsd:complexType name="SqlMessage">
                    <xsd:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
                         <xsd:element name="Class" type="sqltypes:nonNegativeInteger"/>
                         <xsd:element name="LineNumber" type="sqltypes:nonNegativeInteger"/>
                         <xsd:element name="Message" type="xsd:string"/>
                         <xsd:element name="Number" type="sqltypes:nonNegativeInteger"/>
                         <xsd:element name="Procedure" type="xsd:string"/>
                         <xsd:element name="Server" type="xsd:string"/>
                         <xsd:element name="Source" type="xsd:string"/>
                         <xsd:element name="State" type="sqltypes:nonNegativeInteger"/>
                    <xsd:attribute ref="sqltypes:IsNested"/>
          <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified">
               <xsd:import namespace=""/>
               <xsd:import namespace=""/>
               <xsd:complexType name="SqlResultStream">
                    <xsd:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                         <xsd:element name="SqlRowSet" type="sqltypes:SqlRowSet"/>
                         <xsd:element name="SqlXml" type="sqltypes:SqlXml"/>
                         <xsd:element name="SqlMessage" type="sqlmessage:SqlMessage"/>
                         <xsd:element name="SqlResultCode" type="sqltypes:SqlResultCode"/>
          <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://DWLV06ENG030/Deleteme/deleteme" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified">
               <xsd:import namespace=""/>
               <xsd:import namespace=""/>
               <xsd:import namespace=""/>
               <xsd:element name="sp_deleteme">
                              <xsd:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="name" type="xsd:string" nillable="true"/>
               <xsd:element name="sp_deletemeResponse">
                              <xsd:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="sp_deletemeResult" type="sqlresultstream:SqlResultStream"/>
     <wsdl:message name="sp_deletemeIn">
          <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:sp_deleteme"/>
     <wsdl:message name="sp_deletemeOut">
          <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:sp_deletemeResponse"/>
     <wsdl:portType name="SXSPort">
          <wsdl:operation name="sp_deleteme">
               <wsdl:input message="tns:sp_deletemeIn"/>
               <wsdl:output message="tns:sp_deletemeOut"/>
     <wsdl:binding name="SXSBinding" type="tns:SXSPort">
          <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
          <wsdl:operation name="sp_deleteme">
               <soap:operation soapAction="http://DWLV06ENG030/Deleteme/deleteme/sp_deleteme" style="document"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal"/>
                    <soap:body use="literal"/>
     <wsdl:service name="deleteme">
          <wsdl:port name="SXSPort" binding="tns:SXSBinding">
               <soap:address location="http://DWLV06ENG030/Deleteme/deleteme"/>

i tried a bit with your xsds in the wsdl. The only way to get jdeveloper work with the xsd is to put them in one file (see below). Another way is perhaps using 4 files with real imports and location attributes...
Like you see, i had to change the xmlns:xsd to xmlns.
<schema targetNamespace=""
<simpleType name="nonNegativeInteger">
<restriction base="int"/>
<attribute name="IsNested" type="boolean"/>
<complexType name="SqlRowSet">
<element ref="schema"/>
<attribute ref="IsNested"/>
<complexType name="SqlXml" mixed="true">
<simpleType name="SqlResultCode">
<restriction base="int"/>
<complexType name="SqlMessage">
<sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<element name="Class" type="this:nonNegativeInteger"/>
<element name="LineNumber" type="this:nonNegativeInteger"/>
<element name="Message" type="string"/>
<element name="Number" type="this:nonNegativeInteger"/>
<element name="Procedure" type="string"/>
<element name="Server" type="string"/>
<element name="Source" type="string"/>
<element name="State" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
<attribute ref="IsNested"/>
<complexType name="SqlResultStream">
<choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element name="SqlRowSet" type="this:SqlRowSet"/>
<element name="SqlXml" type="this:SqlXml"/>
<element name="SqlMessage" type="this:SqlMessage"/>
<element name="SqlResultCode" type="this:SqlResultCode"/>
<element name="sp_deleteme">
<element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="name" type="string" nillable="true"/>
<element name="sp_deletemeResponse">
<element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="sp_deletemeResult"

Similar Messages

  • "Problem building schema" exception in BPEL Designer

    Hi all,
    I use BPEL Designer and encounter the following problem:
    I built a web service based on the Oracle Toplink How To demo. The web service has one published method that returns a custom 'Customer' object.
    I deployed the web service on my localhost (AS 10.1.3)
    In my BPEL process, I create a partnerlink based on the WSDL that was generated by JDeveloper and let BPEL Designer create a local copy.
    Then I created an invoke and had the wizard create in- and output variables for the invoke.
    When I select either the input- or output variable in the structure pane, I get an error message when I click on the 'parameters' entry. The message shown is 'Exception - problem building schema!'
    When I check the 'show detailed node information' box no additional info is shown!
    Any Idea what might go wrong?
    The WSDL looks as follows:
    <schema xmlns="">
    <import namespace="urn:customer-example" schemaLocation="Customer.xsd"/>
    <schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="http://examples.ox.model/types/"
    elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:tns="http://examples.ox.model/types/" xmlns:wsdl=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soap11-enc=""
    <import namespace=""/>
    <import namespace="urn:customer-example" schemaLocation="Customer.xsd"/>
    <complexType name="getCust">
    <element name="cust" type="tns:Customer" nillable="true"/>
    <complexType name="Customer">
    <element name="gender" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="dateOfBirth" type="dateTime" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="phoneNumbers" type="ns1:vector" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="shippingAddress" type="tns:Address" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="billingAddress" type="tns:Address" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="firstName" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="lastName" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <complexType name="Address">
    <element name="postalCode" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="suite" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="street" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="province" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="city" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <complexType name="getCustResponse">
    <element name="result" type="tns:Customer" nillable="true"/>
    <complexType name="version">
    <complexType name="versionResponse">
    <element name="result" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="getCustElement" type="tns:getCust"/>
    <element name="getCustResponseElement" type="tns:getCustResponse"/>
    <element name="versionElement" type="tns:version"/>
    <element name="versionResponseElement" type="tns:versionResponse"/>
    <schema xmlns="" targetNamespace=""
    elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:tns=""
    xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <import namespace="http://examples.ox.model/types/"/>
    <import namespace="urn:customer-example" schemaLocation="Customer.xsd"/>
    <complexType name="vector">
    <extension base="tns:list">
    <complexType name="list">
    <extension base="tns:collection">
    <complexType name="collection">
    <element name="item" type="anyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <message name="UpdCustWS_getCust">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns0:getCustElement"/>
    <message name="UpdCustWS_getCustResponse">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns0:getCustResponseElement"/>
    <message name="UpdCustWS_version">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns0:versionElement"/>
    <message name="UpdCustWS_versionResponse">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns0:versionResponseElement"/>
    <portType name="updCustWS">
    <operation name="getCust">
    <input message="tns:UpdCustWS_getCust"/>
    <output message="tns:UpdCustWS_getCustResponse"/>
    <operation name="version">
    <input message="tns:UpdCustWS_version"/>
    <output message="tns:UpdCustWS_versionResponse"/>
    <binding name="updCustWSSoapHttp" type="tns:updCustWS">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <operation name="getCust">
    <soap:operation soapAction="http://examples.ox.model//getCust"/>
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
    <operation name="version">
    <soap:operation soapAction="http://examples.ox.model//version"/>
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
    <soap:body use="literal" parts="parameters"/>
    <service name="updCustWS">
    <port name="updCustWSSoapHttpPort" binding="tns:updCustWSSoapHttp">
    <soap:address location="http://localhost:7780/toplinkDemo-toplink-context-root/updCustWSSoapHttpPort"/>
    any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance,

    I know it's an old thread, but I'm having the same issue.
    I have created an EJB3 web service that returns an object with 2 nested objects. The autogenerated WSDL looks something like this:
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <definitions xmlns="" xmlns:tns0="" xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:tns="" name="CRMBusinessWSService" targetNamespace="">
    <schema xmlns="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:soap11-enc="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <import namespace=""/>
    <complexType name="Businesses">
    <element name="partyId" type="long" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="businessContactPoints" type="ns1:list" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="businessAddresses" type="ns1:list" nillable="true"/>
    <complexType name="BusinessAddresses">
    <element name="locality" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="paon" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="siteUseType" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="locationId" type="long" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="townName" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <complexType name="BusinessContactPoints">
    <element name="telCountryCode" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="partyId" type="long" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="telAreaCode" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="queryBusinessesFindByPartyId" type="tns:queryBusinessesFindByPartyId"/>
    <complexType name="queryBusinessesFindByPartyId">
    <element name="int_1" type="int"/>
    <element name="queryBusinessesFindByPartyIdResponse" type="tns:queryBusinessesFindByPartyIdResponse"/>
    <complexType name="queryBusinessesFindByPartyIdResponse">
    <element name="return" type="tns:Businesses" nillable="true"/>
    <schema xmlns="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soap11-enc="" xmlns:tns="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <import namespace=""/>
    <complexType name="list">
    <extension base="tns:collection">
    <complexType name="collection">
    <element name="item" type="anyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    <message name="CRMBusinessWS_queryBusinessesFindByPartyId">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:queryBusinessesFindByPartyId"/>
    <message name="CRMBusinessWS_queryBusinessesFindByPartyIdResponse">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:queryBusinessesFindByPartyIdResponse"/>
    <portType name="CRMBusinessWS">
    <operation name="queryBusinessesFindByPartyId">
    <input message="tns:CRMBusinessWS_queryBusinessesFindByPartyId"/>
    <output message="tns:CRMBusinessWS_queryBusinessesFindByPartyIdResponse"/>
    <binding name="CRMBusinessWSSoapHttp" type="tns:CRMBusinessWS">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <operation name="queryBusinessesFindByPartyId">
    <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <service name="CRMBusinessWSService">
    <port name="CRMBusinessSessionEJB" binding="tns:CRMBusinessWSSoapHttp">
    <soap:address location=""/>
    The web service runs fine and returns a valid XML document (like below):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env=""
    <ns0:turnover xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:employeesLocal xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:employeesNational xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:businessName xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:classificationSic xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:registeredBusinessName>Bob The Builder</ns0:registeredBusinessName>
    <ns0:classificationLacors xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:sbaLinkNumber xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:legalStatus xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:localAuthority xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:dateCommencedTrading xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:businessDirectoryListing xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:businessStage xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:classificationBcl xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:employeesGlobal xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:descriptionOfBusiness xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:businessContactPoints xsi:type="ns1:vector">
    <ns1:item xsi:type="ns0:BusinessContactPoints">
    <ns0:telCountryCode xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:contactTelephoneNumber xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:telExtensionNumber xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:contactEmailAddress>[email protected]</ns0:contactEmailAddress>
    <ns0:registeredBusinessName>Bob The Builder</ns0:registeredBusinessName>
    <ns0:telAreaCode xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns1:item xsi:type="ns0:BusinessContactPoints">
    <ns0:telExtensionNumber xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:contactEmailAddress xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:registeredBusinessName>Bob The Builder</ns0:registeredBusinessName>
    <ns0:businessAddresses xsi:type="ns1:vector">
    <ns1:item xsi:type="ns0:BusinessAddresses">
    <ns0:registeredBusinessName>Bob The Builder</ns0:registeredBusinessName>
    <ns0:saon xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:dateOfOccupancyAtthisaddr xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:streetDescriptor>Acacia Avenue</ns0:streetDescriptor>
    <ns0:postcode>B37 6AQ</ns0:postcode>
    <ns0:countyName xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:usrn xsi:nil="1"/>
    The problem is that I'm trying to transform this message in BPEL/ESB but the mapper does not understand the schema as described in the WSDL and will not let me do 'for-each' or 'if' actions on the collections of addresses for example.
    I've tried injecting my own WSDL into the EJB3 web service through annotations, but it will not compile....
    Can anybody help????

  • WSDL compatibility with BPEL Designer

    I created a web service via axis and generated the wsdl with axis. Using the BPEL designer to create a new process I now am able to invoke that web service by giving the wsdl file to the invoke dialoge.
    The result is, that the oracle parser is NOT able to read the axis generated wsdl file due to error like:
    Reference to undeclared namespace prefix: 'wsdlsoap'. Context: XXXXX
    Is there a was to drive the designer with axis generated wdsl docs?
    thanx, mirco

    Hi Kiran,
    Eclipse requires to detect new plugins.Usually you only need to launch Eclipse with the 'clean' optionnal parameter (run "eclipse.exe -clean").
    If the setup of the BPEL Designer plug-in have been completed properly, you should see the the 'Oracle BPEL Project' item under de 'New Project' wizard menu.
    Hope this could help.
    Edmond Cissé.

  • Problems with BPEL Designer ERROR build.xml:28: ORABPEL-00000

    following problem could someone help me, please
    I'm using Oracle BPEL Designer Plugin bpelz_0.9.10_win32.exe installed manually on Eclipse 3.2 SDK???
    Buildfile: C:\Programme\eclipse\workspace\SyncHelloWorld\build.xml
    [bpelc] bpelc> validating "C:\Programme\eclipse\workspace\SyncHelloWorld\SyncHelloWorld.bpel" ...
    C:\Programme\eclipse\workspace\SyncHelloWorld\build.xml:28: ORABPEL-00000
    Exception not handled by the Collaxa Cube system.
    An unhandled exception has been thrown in the Collaxa Cube system. The exception reported is: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main
         at com.collaxa.cube.util.JavaHelper.javac(
         at com.collaxa.cube.util.JavaHelper.javac(
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.compileGeneratedClasses(
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.transformClientSide(
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeProcessor.transformClientSide(
         at com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeParserHelper.compileClientSide(
         at com.collaxa.cube.ant.taskdefs.Bpelc.execute(
         at org.eclipse.ant.internal.core.ant.EclipseDefaultExecutor.executeTargets(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.AntLaunchDelegate$
         at Source)
    Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main
    Handled As: com.collaxa.cube.lang.compiler.CubeCException

    Where does your JAVA_HOME variable point to? To JRE or JDK? This looks like Eclipse can't find javac in your path.

  • Oracle BPEL Designer with JDev

    Can I suggest that the JDev BPEL designer checks for process name validity BEFORE all other error checking?
    Otherwise, a poor developer might find that their entire project is unusable because they've introduced a period in the project name...
    Still, it's not like I'm not used to restarting projects over and over again because one little change breaks the entire project...
    Ahem. Thanks.

    thank you for the feedback, and yes we have changed this for (being beta soon)
    reg. clemens

  • Eclipse BPEl Designer -Changes to bpel.xml not saved

    Is it possible to save changes made to bpel.xml file while using Eclipse? I was trying to set up preference properties in that file.
    Any say?

    According to our experience, JDEV BPEL Designer encoutered the same problem, you'd better modify the bpel.xml descriptor using external editor such as ultraedit, and save it.
    Modification of bpel.xml works fine for the first time, but often rolled back to the former edition once I restart the JDEV designer. Guess it is a bug.

  • BPEL Designer within JDeveloper

    Hi there,
    I am looking to leverage my version of JDeveloper 10.1.3 to include a BPEL Process Project (currently using it for J2EE app).
    I am trying to avoid downloading the specific JDev BPEL Designer.
    Is this possible? Do I need an extension of some kind?
    Many thanks!

    yes - as already posted multiple times .. the bpel/esb designer is a plugin for 10.1.3 JDeveloper ide .. as long as you are not a beta progrom participant you will have to wait ..

  • JDeveloper Bpel Designer plugin

    Have anyone used the BPEL Designer for JDeveloper. I'm new the bpel arena, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    You can get access to the JDev plug in through the 10.1.2 beta program. Please send an email to [email protected] with 10.1.2 beta in the subject.
    Thank you,

  • BPEL Designer Extension Points?

    I'm wondering if there's any way to extend JDeveloper BPEL Designer? I know there's something for Eclipse - see for example :
    "Extension Points The project should be architected as a set of plug-ins, each of which provides the ability for other groups or vendors to further extend and customize the functionality in a well-defined manner. Here is a list of possible extension points that it may provide:
    Runtime environment pairing (Validation, Compilation, Deployment)
    Addition of specific functions
    Extensions to BPEL palette definition
    BPEL element extensions and visual tool contributions"

    We are currently working on making the BPEL Designer extensible so as to allow for new activities, wizards, etc to be written by customers and partners. Is this what you are looking for? If so, this functionality is planned for 2006 and should apply to both thre Eclipse and JDev BPEL Designer plug-ins.
    Regarding source code, we are not planning to make source code available to the JDeveloper BPEL Designer plug-in, though we have proposed to open source our Eclipse BPEL Designer and co-lead that project with IBM (as you may have seen).
    If you are asking a different question than either of these, drop me an email or you also may want to post to the OTN BPEL forum:
    David Shaffer
    Director Product Mgmt, Oracle BPEL Process Mgr
    [email protected]
    W: 650.506.1729

  • JDeveloper BPEL Designer Extension Points?

    I'm wondering if there's any way to extend JDeveloper BPEL Designer? I know there's something for Eclipse - see for example :
    "Extension Points The project should be architected as a set of plug-ins, each of which provides the ability for other groups or vendors to further extend and customize the functionality in a well-defined manner. Here is a list of possible extension points that it may provide:
    Runtime environment pairing (Validation, Compilation, Deployment)
    Addition of specific functions
    Extensions to BPEL palette definition
    BPEL element extensions and visual tool contributions"

    We are currently working on making the BPEL Designer extensible so as to allow for new activities, wizards, etc to be written by customers and partners. Is this what you are looking for? If so, this functionality is planned for 2006 and should apply to both thre Eclipse and JDev BPEL Designer plug-ins.
    Regarding source code, we are not planning to make source code available to the JDeveloper BPEL Designer plug-in, though we have proposed to open source our Eclipse BPEL Designer and co-lead that project with IBM (as you may have seen).
    If you are asking a different question than either of these, drop me an email or you also may want to post to the OTN BPEL forum:
    David Shaffer
    Director Product Mgmt, Oracle BPEL Process Mgr
    [email protected]
    W: 650.506.1729

  • JDeveloper Bpel Designer plugin download

    i cant locate the plugin on the oracle's site to download..
    ive been reading throug a tutorial on the same but its so irritating that i cant locate the plugin for download
    I even sent an email to [email protected] with "10.1.2 beta" as the subject...but no news yet.
    can someone please tell me how to go about this?

    BPEL PM 10.1.2 preview 3 will be available for public download on OTN at the end of this month. It includes the JDev BPEL designer.

  • BPEL designer and SOA Suite

    I installed the SOA Suite and installed it on window. I was under the impression that the BPEL designer is a part of the soa suite. But I am not able to find it. Any idea what I missed or how to get the bpel designer.
    I just downloaded Jdeveloper but I am not sure if that is sufficient to start using the bpel designer.

    Jdeveloper 10.1.2 contains also the BPEL designer. You need this version for the BPEL process manager < 10.1.3
    Jdeveloper 10.1.3 contains the ESB designer in addition.

  • BPEL Designer for JDeveloper?

    I just installed JDeveloper and the BPEL Process Manager. My organization will be taking over an existing Oracle BPEL project and the old project lead indicated we should use the BPEL Designer.
    I have been searching for the referenced BPEL Designer extension to JDeveloper for the last few hours. It has so far alluded me. Can someone provide the download URL: or explain what must be done. I went to the JDeveloper extensions site and it is not listed there.
    Is ther a BPEL Designer for JDeveloper?

    I downloaded Oracle JDeveloper 11G, the Technology Preview and installed the BPEL Process manager. I'm not able to create a BPEL process as described in the startup screen that pops up from the Windows Start menu when you select JDeveloper BPEL Designer.
    I notice when I go the JDeveloper about box/Extensions list that all the BPEL stuff is grayed out with a description that it has been disabled by the user. I didn't touch a thing! How do I enable BPEL in JDeveloper?
    I did a search on Google and found a reference to the file, but when I search my computer I only find such a file for the Jdeveloper IDE itself and there's no reference to BPEL anywhere.
    I'd love to start learning BPEL, but can't seem to get past this obstacle!

  • BPEL designer default relative URI when importing wsdl

    I'm using BPEL designer The designer generated a reference service wsdl file "MyServiceRef.wsdl" that imports the service "MyService.wsdl" I intended to use.
    The import line reads like:
    <import namespace="http://my.namespace/" location="../public_html/WEB-INF/wsdl/MyService.wsdl"/>
    When deploying the BPEL project, I got error that "Failed to read wsdl", in which the deploying process looked for the wsdl file at location
    <BPEL HOME>\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_ProjectName_ff8d276f54525c078b0828ce6f764002.tmp
    I tried to modify the line to use the full URI to point to the correct location but it wouldn't compile. Can someone help point out what is wrong?

    1. The web service "MyService" was generated using BPEL designer's wizard: New -> Business Tier -> Java Web Services (There's one java class compiled within the project.)
    2. When I was adding the service into my BPEL flow, jdeveloper automatically generated the reference "MyServiceRef" as mentioned in the first post. This reference service imports MyService, at relative URI as correctly described in the import statement.
    3. Compiling the BPEL ->success
    4. Deploying BPEL, somehow it looks for MyService.wsdl at a wrong location
    <schema xmlns="">
    <import namespace="http://my.namespace/FlowName" schemaLocation="FlowName.xsd"/>
    <schema xmlns="" targetNamespace=""
    elementFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:tns="http://my.namespace/" xmlns:wsdl=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soap11-enc="">
    <import namespace="http://my.namespace/FlowName" schemaLocation="FlowName.xsd"/>
    <element name="Demo_ServiceElement">
    <element name="String_1" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="String_2" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="Demo_ServiceResponseElement">
    <element name="result" type="string" nillable="true"/>
    <message name="MyService_Demo_Service">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:Demo_ServiceElement"/>
    <message name="MyService_Demo_ServiceResponse">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:Demo_ServiceResponseElement"/>
    <portType name="MyService">
    <operation name="Demo_Service">
    <input message="tns:MyService_Demo_Service"/>
    <output message="tns:MyService_Demo_ServiceResponse"/>
    <binding name="MyServiceSoapHttp" type="tns:MyService">
    <soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
    <operation name="Demo_Service">
    <soap:operation soapAction="http://oracle.crm.dnbconnect//Demo_Service"/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <service name="MyService">
    <port name="MyServiceSoapHttpPort" binding="tns:MyServiceSoapHttp">
    <soap:address location=""/>
    #### Deployment incomplete. ####
    D:\work\jdevhome\jdev\mywork\QuickStartWrkspc\FlowName\build.xml:79: A problem occured while connecting to server "localhost" using port "8888": bpel_FlowName_1.0.jar failed to deploy. Exception message is: ORABPEL-05215
    Error while loading process.
    The process domain encountered the following errors while loading the process "FlowName" (revision "1.0"): Failed to read wsdl.
    Error happened when reading wsdl at "D:\product\\OracleAS_1\bpel\domains\default\tmp\.bpel_FlowName_1.0_ff8d276f54525c078b0828ce6f764002.tmp\MyServiceRef.wsdl", because "Error reading import of file:/D:/product/ Failed to read wsdl file at: "file:/D:/product/", caused by: : D:\product\\OracleAS_1\bpel\domains\default\tmp\public_html\WEB-INF\wsdl\MyService.wsdl (The system cannot find the path specified)".
    Make sure wsdl exists at that URL and is valid.

  • Problem building schema on WSDL for Partnerlink

    We use PL/SQL webservices, which are being generated with JDeveloper. As long as it contains single Object Types, there's no problem with defining the WS as Partnerlink and using it.
    However, we've made one service that returns several occurrences (array). That shouldn't be a problem. But, ... I can define the partnerlink on the basis of the WSDL, but when I try to access the variables it generates with it, i get an exception with the following message: Problem building schema. Detailed node information shows: 'Invalid reference: ''
    Generated by the Oracle JDeveloper 10g Web Services WSDL Generator
    <!--Date Created: Tue Sep 13 15:03:40 CEST 2005-->
         <definitions name="aanvraagWS" targetNamespace="http://nl/nak/aanvraagService/aanvraagWS.wsdl">
         <schema targetNamespace="">
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AvrgAvrgOtUser" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="id" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="oogstjaar" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="aanvraagNummer" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="rleId" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="kotId" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="aantalVerpakkingen" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="verpakkingsvorm" type="string"/>
    <element name="totaalGewicht" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="indBemonsterdNaDrogen" type="string"/>
    <element name="partijnummerHandelaar" type="string"/>
    <element name="opmerkingen" type="string"/>
    <element name="datumBemonstering" type="dateTime"/>
    <element name="plombenummer" type="string"/>
    <element name="indSpoedonderzoek" type="string"/>
    <element name="bemonsterdDoor" type="string"/>
    <element name="pdtId" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="procesInstanceId" type="decimal"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_addaanvraag_Out" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="paanvraagotInout" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgAvrgOtUser"/>
    <element name="pserviceberichttypeOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgServiceBerichtOtUser"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AvrgServiceBerichtOtUser" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="serviceCode" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="serviceBericht" type="string"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_getaanvraag_Out" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="paanvraagotOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgAvrgOtUser"/>
    <element name="pserviceberichttypeOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgServiceBerichtOtUser"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_findaanvraag_Out" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="paanvraagotOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgAvrgOtUser"/>
    <element name="pserviceberichttypeOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgServiceBerichtOtUser"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AvrgWngOtUser" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="id" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="wmrId" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="prrId" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="avrgId" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="waardeNumeriek" type="decimal"/>
    <element name="waardeAlfanumeriek" type="string"/>
    <element name="datumUitvoering" type="dateTime"/>
    <element name="uitvoerder" type="string"/>
    <element name="istId" type="decimal"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_addwaarneming_Out" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="pwaarnemingotInout" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgWngOtUser"/>
    <element name="pserviceberichttypeOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgServiceBerichtOtUser"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_getwaarneming_Out" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="pwaarnemingotOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgWngOtUser"/>
    <element name="pserviceberichttypeOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgServiceBerichtOtUser"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_findwaarneming_Out" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="pwaarnemingotInout" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgWngOtUser"/>
    <element name="pserviceberichttypeOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgServiceBerichtOtUser"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_listwaarnemingperaanvraag_Out" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="pwaarnemingctOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgWngCt"/>
    <element name="pserviceberichttypeOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgServiceBerichtOtUser"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AvrgWngCt" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="array" type="ns1:ArrayOfnl_nak_services_AvrgWngOtUser"/>
         <complexType name="ArrayOfnl_nak_services_AvrgWngOtUser">
         <restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
    <attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgWngOtUser[]"/>
         <complexType name="nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_listwaarnemingperwerkmonster_Out" jdev:packageName="">
    <element name="pwaarnemingctOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgWngCt"/>
    <element name="pserviceberichttypeOut" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgServiceBerichtOtUser"/>
         <message name="addaanvraag0Request">
    <part name="xxpAanvraagOt_inoutxx" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgAvrgOtUser"/>
         <message name="addaanvraag0Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_addaanvraag_Out"/>
         <message name="getaanvraag1Request">
    <part name="pAanvraagid" type="xsd:decimal"/>
         <message name="getaanvraag1Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_getaanvraag_Out"/>
         <message name="findaanvraag2Request">
    <part name="pOogstjaar" type="xsd:decimal"/>
    <part name="pAanvraagNummer" type="xsd:decimal"/>
         <message name="findaanvraag2Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_findaanvraag_Out"/>
         <message name="addwaarneming3Request">
    <part name="xxpWaarnemingOt_inoutxx" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgWngOtUser"/>
         <message name="addwaarneming3Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_addwaarneming_Out"/>
         <message name="getwaarneming4Request">
    <part name="pWerkmonsterId" type="xsd:decimal"/>
    <part name="pAanvraagId" type="xsd:decimal"/>
    <part name="pBepalingId" type="xsd:decimal"/>
         <message name="getwaarneming4Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_getwaarneming_Out"/>
         <message name="findwaarneming5Request">
    <part name="xxpWaarnemingOt_inoutxx" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AvrgWngOtUser"/>
         <message name="findwaarneming5Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_findwaarneming_Out"/>
         <message name="listwaarnemingperaanvraag6Request">
    <part name="pAanvraagId" type="xsd:decimal"/>
         <message name="listwaarnemingperaanvraag6Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_listwaarnemingperaanvraag_Out"/>
         <message name="listwaarnemingperwerkmonster7Request">
    <part name="pWerkmonsterId" type="xsd:decimal"/>
         <message name="listwaarnemingperwerkmonster7Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:nl_nak_services_AanvraagWSImpl_listwaarnemingperwerkmonster_Out"/>
         <portType name="AanvraagWSPortType">
         <operation name="addaanvraag">
    <input name="addaanvraag0Request" message="tns:addaanvraag0Request"/>
    <output name="addaanvraag0Response" message="tns:addaanvraag0Response"/>
         <operation name="getaanvraag">
    <input name="getaanvraag1Request" message="tns:getaanvraag1Request"/>
    <output name="getaanvraag1Response" message="tns:getaanvraag1Response"/>
         <operation name="findaanvraag">
    <input name="findaanvraag2Request" message="tns:findaanvraag2Request"/>
    <output name="findaanvraag2Response" message="tns:findaanvraag2Response"/>
         <operation name="addwaarneming">
    <input name="addwaarneming3Request" message="tns:addwaarneming3Request"/>
    <output name="addwaarneming3Response" message="tns:addwaarneming3Response"/>
         <operation name="getwaarneming">
    <input name="getwaarneming4Request" message="tns:getwaarneming4Request"/>
    <output name="getwaarneming4Response" message="tns:getwaarneming4Response"/>
         <operation name="findwaarneming">
    <input name="findwaarneming5Request" message="tns:findwaarneming5Request"/>
    <output name="findwaarneming5Response" message="tns:findwaarneming5Response"/>
         <operation name="listwaarnemingperaanvraag">
    <input name="listwaarnemingperaanvraag6Request" message="tns:listwaarnemingperaanvraag6Request"/>
    <output name="listwaarnemingperaanvraag6Response" message="tns:listwaarnemingperaanvraag6Response"/>
         <operation name="listwaarnemingperwerkmonster">
    <input name="listwaarnemingperwerkmonster7Request" message="tns:listwaarnemingperwerkmonster7Request"/>
    <output name="listwaarnemingperwerkmonster7Response" message="tns:listwaarnemingperwerkmonster7Response"/>
         <binding name="AanvraagWSBinding" type="tns:AanvraagWSPortType">
    <soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
         <operation name="addaanvraag">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
         <input name="addaanvraag0Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <output name="addaanvraag0Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <operation name="getaanvraag">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
         <input name="getaanvraag1Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <output name="getaanvraag1Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <operation name="findaanvraag">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
         <input name="findaanvraag2Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <output name="findaanvraag2Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <operation name="addwaarneming">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
         <input name="addwaarneming3Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <output name="addwaarneming3Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <operation name="getwaarneming">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
         <input name="getwaarneming4Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <output name="getwaarneming4Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <operation name="findwaarneming">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
         <input name="findwaarneming5Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <output name="findwaarneming5Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <operation name="listwaarnemingperaanvraag">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
         <input name="listwaarnemingperaanvraag6Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <output name="listwaarnemingperaanvraag6Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <operation name="listwaarnemingperwerkmonster">
    <soap:operation soapAction="" style="rpc"/>
         <input name="listwaarnemingperwerkmonster7Request">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <output name="listwaarnemingperwerkmonster7Response">
    <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="aanvraagWS" encodingStyle=""/>
         <service name="aanvraagWS">
         <port name="AanvraagWSPort" binding="tns:AanvraagWSBinding">
    <soap:address location=""/>

    Well, the problem is caused by the fact that BPEL does not yet support soapenc:Array types. We've created a workaround by defining two Services, one that has only single returntypes and one that has the multiple returntypes (which are defined using soapenc:Array). There are other solutions, but those are very complicated. Hope this helps!

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