Problem displaying fonts in Messages view box

I am running JDeveloper9i and when i compile code everything that comes in the messages view box comes corrupted, can u please help.
p.s It does work changing fonts in Tools->Preferences :(

Any updates?

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    Here are screenies using Chrome and firefox:
    Much help will be appreciated, Thanks!

    oninski21 wrote:
    any other options? i have to check it all over again?
    I don't really know what that means, but trying to fix an issue with code that has that many errors is something like chasing your tail. If you fix the validation errors, there is a pretty good chance it will clear up your problem.
    Something else about correcting validation errors, once you fix one, revalidate the page, because many times errors have a cascading effect that cause other errors.

  • Problem displaying data in Crystal Viewer

    First time posting on here, so apologies if I've got the wrong thread....
    Currently developing an application that uses ASP, via a COM+ object to connect to SQL Server 2005 Db.  My problem is that since the users default printer might not be visible on the application server anymore, we have had to use a Crystal viewer on the front end to print.  To do this we have moved some code from the COM+ and placed it in an asp page. 
    This page then creates a connection and runs a stored procedure, putting the results of the query into a recordset.  This is then used to populate CrystalRuntime Application, Report and PageEngine objects.  This page #Includes the SmartViewerActiveX.asp file which then in turn calls rptserver.asp.
    The viewer is displayed on the screen, but with the fields displaying only the field types, no data from the Db is displayed.  I have no idea why and am at my wits end!!!   Can anyone give any advice or hints that I could investigate.  I've never used Crystal Viewer before and could do with any helpfull advice.   The SmartViewerActiveX.asp and rptserver.asp files have not been ameneded.  Do I need to do anything with the ttx files????
    Thanks in advance....
    Code of the originating asp page :-
    <object runat=server progid = Print.print id=objPrint></object>
    <object runat=server progid = com.session id=objSession></object>
    <object runat=server progid = com.login id=objLogin></object>
    <object runat=server progid = com.request id=objRequest></object>
    <!#INCLUDE FILE="gen_funcs.asp">
    <!#INCLUDE FILE="">
         Dim rsSession
         Dim strUserID
         Dim iUserType
         Dim strSalutation1
         Dim strNewRequestASP
         Dim rsDetails     
         Dim varRetValue
         Dim Comm
         Dim Conn
         Dim ADORs
         Dim adoRS1
         Dim adoRS2
         Dim adoRS3
         Dim oApp
         Dim oRpt
         Dim oPageEngine
         strUserID = getWindowsLogIn
         'Retrieve Session Data from session object
         Set rsSession = objSession.GetDetails(strUserID)
         strSalutation = rsSession.Fields("login_data")
         iUserType = rsSession.Fields("user_type")
         Set rsSession = Nothing
         varRetValue = "true"
    If IsObject(session("oRpt")) then
         Set session("oRpt") = nothing
    End if 
    set Comm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    set session("AdoRS") = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    mStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=DEV;Data Source=GBNBS1501;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GBNBS0500;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False"
    mstr=replace(mstr, "Integrated Security=SSPI;","")
    Conn.Open Mstr & ";Trusted_Connection=no", "crystaluser", "crystalpassword"
    set Comm.ActiveConnection = Conn
    Comm.CommandText = "usp_get_customer_letter"
    Comm.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    Comm.Parameters.Append Comm.CreateParameter("@requestID", adBigInt, adParamInput, 8, Request.QueryString("RequestID"))
    set session("AdoRS") = Comm.Execute
    If Not IsObject (session("oApp")) Then                             
         set session("oApp") = Server.CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application.11")
    End If
    If IsObject(session("oRpt")) then
         Set session("oRpt") = nothing
    End if
    'This "While/Wend" loop is used to determine the physical path (eg: C:\) to the
    'Crystal Report file by translating the URL virtual path (eg: http://Domain/Dir) 
    dim path
    Path = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")                    
    While (Right(Path, 1) <> "\" And Len(Path) <> 0)                     
    iLen = Len(Path) - 1                                                 
    Path = Left(Path, iLen)                                              
    path=path + "Reports\"
    set session("oRpt") = session("oApp").OpenReport(path & "Letter.rpt", 1) 
    session("oRpt").MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = False
    session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = False
    Set crDatabase = session("oRpt").Database
    Set crTables = crDatabase.Tables
    Set crTable = crTables.Item(1)
    crTable.SetPrivateData 3, session("AdoRS")
    on error resume next
         adoRS1 = objPrint.GetSubReportSuccessful(Request.QueryString("RequestID"))
         adoRS2 = objPrint.GetSubReportUnsuccessful(Request.QueryString("RequestID"))
            'This section adds subreport data for successful traces to the letter
         If adoRS1.EOF = False Then
                 Set crSections = session("oRpt").Sections
                  For x = 1 To crSections.Count
                      Set crSection = crSections(x)
                      Set crReportObjs = crSection.ReportObjects
                          For y = 1 To crReportObjs.Count
                              If crReportObjs.Item(y).Kind = crSubreportObject Then
                                  Set crSubreportObj = crReportObjs.Item(y)
                                  If crSubreportObj.Name = "Schemes" Or crSubreportObj.Name = "WelshSchemes" Then
                                      Set crSubreport = session("oRpt").OpenSubreport(crReportObjs(y).Name)
                                      Set crDatabase = crSubreport.Database
                                      Set crTables = crDatabase.Tables
                                      Set crTable = crTables.Item(1)
                                      crTable.SetPrivateData 3, adoRS1
                                  End If
                              End If
              End If
            'This section adds subreport data for unsuccessful traces to the letter
               If adoRS2.EOF = False Then
                 Set crSections = session("oRpt").Sections
                  For x = 1 To crSections.Count
                      Set crSection = crSections(x)
                      Set crReportObjs = crSection.ReportObjects
                          For y = 1 To crReportObjs.Count
                             If crReportObjs.Item(y).Kind = crSubreportObject Then
                                  Set crSubreportObj = crReportObjs.Item(y)
                                  If crSubreportObj.Name = "Unsuccessful_traces" Then
                                      Set crSubreport = oRpt.OpenSubreport(crReportObjs(y).Name)
                                      Set crDatabase = crSubreport.Database
                                      Set crTables = crDatabase.Tables
                                      Set crTable = crTables.Item(1)
                                      crTable.SetPrivateData 3, adoRS2
                                  End If
                              End If
              End If
    If IsObject(session("oPageEngine")) Then                             
         set session("oPageEngine") = nothing
    End If
    set session("oPageEngine") = session("oRpt").PageEngine
    set Conn = nothing
    set Comm = nothing
    <!-- #include file="SmartViewerActiveX.asp" -->

    Here's the code...
    <object runat=server progid = Print.print id=objPrint></object>
    <object runat=server progid = com.session id=objSession></object>
    <object runat=server progid = com.login id=objLogin></object>
    <object runat=server progid = com.request id=objRequest></object>
    <!#INCLUDE FILE="gen_funcs.asp">
    <!#INCLUDE FILE="">
         Dim rsSession
         Dim strUserID
         Dim iUserType
         Dim strSalutation1
         Dim strNewRequestASP
         Dim rsDetails     
         Dim varRetValue
         Dim Comm
         Dim Conn
         Dim ADORs
         Dim adoRS1
         Dim adoRS2
         Dim adoRS3
         Dim oApp
         Dim oRpt
         Dim oPageEngine
         strUserID = getWindowsLogIn
         'Retrieve Session Data from session object
         Set rsSession = objSession.GetDetails(strUserID)
         strSalutation = rsSession.Fields("login_data")
         iUserType = rsSession.Fields("user_type")
         Set rsSession = Nothing
         varRetValue = "true"
    If IsObject(session("oRpt")) then
         Set session("oRpt") = nothing
    End if 
    set Comm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    set session("AdoRS") = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    mStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=DEV;Data Source=GBNBS1501;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=GBNBS0500;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False"
    mstr=replace(mstr, "Integrated Security=SSPI;","")
    Conn.Open Mstr & ";Trusted_Connection=no", "crystaluser", "crystalpassword"
    set Comm.ActiveConnection = Conn
    Comm.CommandText = "usp_get_customer_letter"
    Comm.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    Comm.Parameters.Append Comm.CreateParameter("@requestID", adBigInt, adParamInput, 8, Request.QueryString("RequestID"))
    set session("AdoRS") = Comm.Execute
    If Not IsObject (session("oApp")) Then                             
         set session("oApp") = Server.CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application.11")
    End If
    If IsObject(session("oRpt")) then
         Set session("oRpt") = nothing
    End if
    'This "While/Wend" loop is used to determine the physical path (eg: C:\) to the
    'Crystal Report file by translating the URL virtual path (eg: http://Domain/Dir) 
    dim path
    Path = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")                    
    While (Right(Path, 1) <> "\" And Len(Path) <> 0)                     
    iLen = Len(Path) - 1                                                 
    Path = Left(Path, iLen)                                              
    path=path + "Reports\"
    set session("oRpt") = session("oApp").OpenReport(path & "Letter.rpt", 1) 
    session("oRpt").MorePrintEngineErrorMessages = False
    session("oRpt").EnableParameterPrompting = False
    Set crDatabase = session("oRpt").Database
    Set crTables = crDatabase.Tables
    Set crTable = crTables.Item(1)
    crTable.SetPrivateData 3, session("AdoRS")
    on error resume next
         adoRS1 = objPrint.GetSubReportSuccessful(Request.QueryString("RequestID"))
         adoRS2 = objPrint.GetSubReportUnsuccessful(Request.QueryString("RequestID"))
            'This section adds subreport data for successful traces to the letter
            If adoRS1.EOF = False Then
                 Set crSections = session("oRpt").Sections
                  For x = 1 To crSections.Count
                      Set crSection = crSections(x)
                      Set crReportObjs = crSection.ReportObjects
                          For y = 1 To crReportObjs.Count
                              If crReportObjs.Item(y).Kind = crSubreportObject Then
                                  Set crSubreportObj = crReportObjs.Item(y)
                                  If crSubreportObj.Name = "Schemes" Or crSubreportObj.Name = "WelshSchemes" Then
                                      Set crSubreport = session("oRpt").OpenSubreport(crReportObjs(y).Name)
                                      Set crDatabase = crSubreport.Database
                                      Set crTables = crDatabase.Tables
                                      Set crTable = crTables.Item(1)
                                      crTable.SetPrivateData 3, adoRS1
                                  End If
                              End If
              End If
            'This section adds subreport data for unsuccessful traces to the letter
               If adoRS2.EOF = False Then
                 Set crSections = session("oRpt").Sections
                  For x = 1 To crSections.Count
                      Set crSection = crSections(x)
                      Set crReportObjs = crSection.ReportObjects
                          For y = 1 To crReportObjs.Count
                             If crReportObjs.Item(y).Kind = crSubreportObject Then
                                  Set crSubreportObj = crReportObjs.Item(y)
                                  If crSubreportObj.Name = "Unsuccessful_traces" Then
                                      Set crSubreport = oRpt.OpenSubreport(crReportObjs(y).Name)
                                      Set crDatabase = crSubreport.Database
                                      Set crTables = crDatabase.Tables
                                      Set crTable = crTables.Item(1)
                                      crTable.SetPrivateData 3, adoRS2
                                  End If
                              End If
              End If
    If IsObject(session("oPageEngine")) Then                             
         set session("oPageEngine") = nothing
    End If
    set session("oPageEngine") = session("oRpt").PageEngine
    set Conn = nothing
    set Comm = nothing
    <!-- #include file="SmartViewerActiveX.asp" -->

  • Fireworks having problem displaying fonts?

    I'm using Fireworks MX 2004 and have found that several fonts are displaying incorrectly in that only the botom half of each letter is displaying.
    I've looked at the font file and thats fine, tried it in other applications such as flash, word, powerpoint where it's absolutely fine, so am guessing its a fireworks problem. Tried reinstalling the font, but cant seem to work out whats causing the problem. They are all .ttf files.
    Any suggestions? been scratching my head over this one for days.

    Another workaround I've done in that situation is to add a small character (such as a period) above, below, or to the side of the character I want, separated by a considerable amount of whitespace. I'll try to get the periods off my canvas or to an area where I can cover them with a solid color rectangle. It's a silly solution, but I can usually get it to work.
    Or! If you don't have areas of solid color, you could still add the periods and white space, then apply a vector mask to the object so that only the desired character shows. (Wish I'd thought of this idea before today. Would have saved me a bunch of stupid rectangles! )

  • Problems displaying fonts

    I am developing my first application using JavaFX 2.2 and I am not able to get a good visualization of the texts. The majority of texts in the application are displayed using Label controls, and I have read that, since Javafx 2.1, font rendering has been improved, including anti-aliasing and subpixel LCD treatment. However, I see some problems in my fonts, like wrong letter glyphs, unexpected colors etc.
    As Linux is my execution environment, I have tried to configure fonts in the system through Gnome options, but it does not seem to affect to the application. I have also checked that my FreeType version is quite modern and I have changed the configuration of the fonts.conf, but neither it worked.
    I have tested some JVM parameters, like -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings, but it only works if the graphical aceleration is disabled, so it is not a solution for me.
    The only thing that I can configure and seems to affect to the application is the antialiasing level in the NVidia controls, but it has the drawback that the smoothing is lost and the overall result is even worse.
    The operating system is a RHEL 6.2 and the grhaphic card an NVidia Quadro 2000D. The JavaFX version I am using is the 2.2 Developer Preview b19 and the fonts in the application are Arial and Consolas.
    As I have read in the JavaFX documentation, although with Text you can make some adjustments regarding fonts, that is not the case when using Label.
    Is it possible to change the configuration of fonts rendering in JavaFX to improve the visualization? How?
    Edited by: vshorreo on 16-ago-2012 23:55

    I have also tested the application in some PCs with Windows and the visualization problems are significantly lower.

  • Problem displaying an error message

    I'm having a trouble displaying text stored in a session scope variable, and I'll try to explain this here with a small example. ps: I'm using IBM's RAD (Eclipse Enhanced IDE) to develop JSF.
    Let's just say I take the following steps:
    1 - I create a new Dynamic Web Project Called Test
    2 - I add a new Faces JSP File called index.jsp (into WebContent folder of
    3 - I add a command button to the page (using the extended
    hx:commandExButton tag, inside a form and, inside a scriptcollector,
    this is all added automatically)
    4 - I add an output text component to the page (outside the form but still
    inside the scriptcollector tag, and visually below the button)
    5 - I add a new java.lang.String Session Scope Variable called test
    6 - I add to the command button tag the atribute action with the value
    7 - I check faces-config.xml for the correct mapping between pc_Index and
    the Index.jsp backing bean
    8 - I create a new method in the corresponding pagecode file (backing
    bean) - public void proceedAction () - with only one line:
    which should put the String object "xpto" into the test variable
    9 - I drag and drop the test variable to the outputText in the IDE (i believe all
    it does is to add value="#{sessionScope.test}" to outputText tag)
    And everything runs ok, the message is displayed when the button is clicked, just as I wanted. The thing is, I have a slightly more complex application in JSF on which I can't make this work.
    Basicly i have radio buttons and different destinies upon click of a "next" button. And an error message in an output field should be displayed when no radio button is selected, since the page remains the same. but I can't make the message appear, it only appears when I click "Previous" on another page to get back to the first one. Then the message magicly appears (and it shouldn't even appear those times...)
    Any ideas? Any help would be most apreciated, thanks.

    I'm having a trouble displaying text stored in a session scope variable, and I'll try to explain this here with a small example. ps: I'm using IBM's RAD (Eclipse Enhanced IDE) to develop JSF.
    Let's just say I take the following steps:
    1 - I create a new Dynamic Web Project Called Test
    2 - I add a new Faces JSP File called index.jsp (into WebContent folder of
    3 - I add a command button to the page (using the extended
    hx:commandExButton tag, inside a form and, inside a scriptcollector,
    this is all added automatically)
    4 - I add an output text component to the page (outside the form but still
    inside the scriptcollector tag, and visually below the button)
    5 - I add a new java.lang.String Session Scope Variable called test
    6 - I add to the command button tag the atribute action with the value
    7 - I check faces-config.xml for the correct mapping between pc_Index and
    the Index.jsp backing bean
    8 - I create a new method in the corresponding pagecode file (backing
    bean) - public void proceedAction () - with only one line:
    which should put the String object "xpto" into the test variable
    9 - I drag and drop the test variable to the outputText in the IDE (i believe all
    it does is to add value="#{sessionScope.test}" to outputText tag)
    And everything runs ok, the message is displayed when the button is clicked, just as I wanted. The thing is, I have a slightly more complex application in JSF on which I can't make this work.
    Basicly i have radio buttons and different destinies upon click of a "next" button. And an error message in an output field should be displayed when no radio button is selected, since the page remains the same. but I can't make the message appear, it only appears when I click "Previous" on another page to get back to the first one. Then the message magicly appears (and it shouldn't even appear those times...)
    Any ideas? Any help would be most apreciated, thanks.

  • How to access MailItems within the Message View?

    I'm working on an Outlook 2013 plugin that needs to access the emails currently displayed in the Message View.
    I already searched around a lot but I could only find ways to list emails by folder (and also the current folder). E.g.
    Outlook.MAPIFolder curFolder = this.Application.ActiveExplorer().CurrentFolder;
    Outlook.Items mailItems = curFolder.Items;
    MailItem item = mailItems.GetFirst();
    This would work fine if the user didn't apply any search filters; but if a filter is applied via the instant search bar this code would produce the same list of MailItems as if the filter wasn't applied.
    I thought of two ways of potentially solving this but couldn't find any resources online that worked for either. 1) Preferably, get direct read access to the MailItem list currently rendered within the Message View. 2) Alternatively, read the value in the instant
    search text-box and apply that to the currently selected folder using the Items.Find()
    From what I've read I don't think either of these elements have supported direct access in the Outlook Object Model; but there must be some way to solve this problem. I've also tried using
    but this appears to output a DASL query in the format ("{00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/85700003" = 0) so I'm unsure if this is could be reformatted or be used as a filter.
    Any guidance or explanations would be greatly appreciated; thanks in advance.

    Hello Davon,
    The Filter property is useless in that case. I spent some time researching that and found the following way:
    GetTable method of the TableView class returns a Table object
    that represents all of the Microsoft Outlook items that are contained in a TableView object.
    Here is what MSDN states:
    The GetTable method of the TableView object
    returns a table of items from one or more folders in the same store or spanning over multiple stores, in an aggregated view. For example, an aggregated view obtained by a search across all mail items by using Instant Search. This behavior differs from the GetTable method
    of the Folder object,
    which obtains a table object that contains items from the same folder.
    private void DemoViewGetTable()
    // Obtain the Inbox folder.
    Outlook.Folder inbox =
    as Outlook.Folder;
    // Set ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder to Inbox.
    // Inbox must be the current folder
    // for TableView.GetTable to work correctly.
    Application.ActiveExplorer().CurrentFolder = inbox;
    // Ensure that the current view is a table view.
    if (inbox.CurrentView.ViewType ==
    Outlook.TableView view =
    inbox.CurrentView as Outlook.TableView;
    // No arguments are needed for View.GetTable.
    Outlook.Table table = view.GetTable();
    Debug.WriteLine("View Count="
    + table.GetRowCount().ToString());
    while (!table.EndOfTable)
    // First row in Table.
    Outlook.Row nextRow = table.GetNextRow();
    + " Modified: "
    + nextRow["LastModificationTime"]);

  • No display of error message log in dialog box

    Dear MM Experts,
    During enter incoming invoice (MIRO), when we click simulate after entering all necessary data, all error & warning messages are displayed in a dialog box if there is red traffic light. In our case despite red traffic light error messages are not displayed as shown in below screen shot. Only warning messages are displayed & document canu2019t be posted. Please let me know if anyone has encountered such behavior & knows the solution. We just want to see the error messages in dialog boxes so that necessary data can be entered and document can be posted.
    Additional information: 1. No GR needs to be done, 2. GR based IV is unchecked in PO, 3. No validation is active for the company code,
    Thanks & regards,

    Thanks for your response.
    Our problem is not to post a particular invoice doument, the main problem is that error log is not displayed in MIRO. For example if balance is not zero then this error should be displayed in error log dialog box, which is not happening due to which we are not able to post any invoice document as error is not known to the user. Please let me know if any suggestions.
    Additional information: We have deactivated all validations & BADis. We also tried to compare with other systems where error log is displayed properly however our ABAP consultant could not find any difference. Any Input on how to compare is also welcome.
    Thanks & best regards,

  • How to change color of background and font in Message Boxes

    I have a req, where I have to display a warning message for certain condition. I did that using pagecontext.putDialogMessage(msg).
    But the business wants to have the displayed message in a more bright color. I didn't come across any documentation on how to change the background and font of a Message Box. Can you please help me out in solving this issue ??

    user597481 ,
    Here are my responses:
    For displaying a warning message, putDialogMessage takes only an OAException bean.
    OAException is a java class and not a java bean.I'm not clear on how to use a OARawTextBean to display a warning message. I tried looking thru dev guide but still am not clear on how to do it.
    1)Add a raw text bean in pagelayout region at the top.
    2) Now in ur code whenever u need to throw exception, set some page parameter say xxx=true and then, use pageContext.redirectToCurrentPage
    that will redirect the flow to process request.3)In process request based on page parameter xxx=true, u can get exception message and use setValue in raw text bean to show it.
    I hope this is clear

  • Problem displaying the output in the same view

    hi Gurus,
    I have developed an web dynrpo application and have three views, in the first view I am having an input field from which I am calling a BAPI by giving that input field value as input to the BAPI.
    Now is it possible to display the output also retrived from the BAPI on the same view.
    Thanks and regards

    hi LM,
    Thanks for your fast response.
    I think I was not clear in explaining my problem.
    I have a view in which I have an input field which is the input to the BAPI, now on entering the value in the input field I have a submit button, on clicking the BAPI should be executed and also the the output should be displayed on the same view.
    Now regarding the mapping both the input and output are in the same context, would that a problem.
    And also after getting the output from the BAPI I have to do some validations based on the output from the BAPI and get some message printed on the view.
    Please help me in this issue.
    Thanks and regards

  • Mail Composed, and incoming messages displayed Font too small.

    Most emails I receive and my outgoing composed messages use a font size around 12 point. People who receive my emails see a normal size, but while I am composing or reading incoming messages the font displayed is too small and difficult to read.
    When I use other applications where I also use or view a 12 point font, and have the viewing magnification set to 100%, the displayed font is just fine. I think this is due to my screen resolution which is set to 1280x800 on my 13" MacBook.
    When I change my screen resolution to 1024x768, the mail displayed 12 point font becomes readable, and in other applications the 12 point font at 100% magnification is the same as when I was using the 1280x800 screen resolution.
    I have tried entering Command-Plus to magnify the displayed mail message, it actually increases the font size in the message rather than magnifying the message and keeping the font the same.
    Is there another way I can magnify just the displayed message without magnifying the whole desktop/screen?
    Thanks in Advance.
    Jeff Cameron

    Yes, setting the monitor to the default resolution, it does look fine. But for applications like Word, Pages, Preview and many other when you set the display zoom magnification to 100.00 regardless of the screen resolution the text seems normal, but in Mail, there is no screen zoom magnification, and so the higher the screen resolution, the smaller the text in composed and received messages is.

  • Mail not displaying Message Viewer window

    Just installed Lion on a 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac. After installing Lion, Mail refuses to display the message viewer window. I can open 'file > new message' and 'file > new note' windows but when selecting 'new viewer window' nothing happens, the same if I select 'Mail > Preferences'. Mail seems to be connecting and downloading messages okay but I can't view them!
    Any help appreciated!

    Simular problem:
    Its iMail Version 6.3 (1503) which comes with a fresh install of 10.8.3.
    Any email base64 encoded is corrupted or not shown.
    eg Any message from and Exchange Client that has both plain text and html in the same message where the plain text section is Base64 encoded.
    Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    base 64 encoded block
    Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    base 64 encoded block
    The work arround it to switch to the classic view, open the message there, then switch back to the modern view and the text of the message magically appears. Its probably something to do with the way in which the new iMail processes message bodies, that the older style viewer had fixed. (You can switch between classic view and modern view under the Vieweing preferences tab)
    It also seems to impact sent messages or anything thats been base64 encoded.
    Hopefully its such a major bug it will be fixed soon. (lol, like some of the bugs in iMail on 10.6.8 were fixed ?)

  • Even though I have LCD font smoothing disabled, Mountain Lion still uses it in PDF views, Safari's location bar, Mail's message view, and the dialogs for mounting encrypted disk images.

    Even though I have LCD font smoothing disabled, Mountain Lion still uses it in PDF views, Safari’s location bar, Mail’s message view, and the dialogs for mounting encrypted disk images. Is there any solution to this problem? Also diabled the Smoothing in the SystemPrefs and also via Terminal. Font smoothing is still there. Very annoying, especially in PDF attachments in Apple Mail.

    Try feeding Safari a user-defined CSS file with font-smoothing tweaks (including none). The filename and its filesystem location are arbitrary. Use your favorite coding editor.
    Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Style Sheet:
    Here is an example with all elements uncommented. Pick the one that works best for your Safari viewing and comment out the others:
    Preview. Try Preview > Preferences > PDF > Smooth text and line art (uncheck)

  • Using Boxes or Compact display option in Messages

    Is there a way to return to the Boxes display option in Messages under Mavericks? I was never a fan of the Balloons, which appears to be the only display option now.

    Open a Finder window.
    Go to the View Menu and chose View Options
    In here chose to display the Modified column.
    Now use the Go Menu and hold down the ALT key and select the Library that appears.
    Now navigate to the Preferences folder
    Find the item and highlight it.
    In a view that display the columns such as Cover Flow check the date (and possibly time) that the files was last Modified.
    Now open Messages.
    If the setting in Mesaages > Preferences > Viewing have Changed again remake them to what you want.
    Does the Modified column show the current time  that you do this ?
    If it does not then you may not own the file or have Permission to write to it.
    with the file still highlighted use the CMD and i keys together (Get Info)
    In the panel that opens scroll to the bottom.
    Your shortname should be lists with Read and Write permissions.
    Also if you highlight your name and then use the cogwheel type icon it should have, in greyed out text as if already done, "Make yourShortname (me) the Owner"
    If you have Read and Write Permissions and the "Make" item is greyed out then you Own the file and have the correct permissions.
    9:08 pm      Monday; November 11, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

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