Problem displaying PDF stored in BLOB column

Hello everyone.
I've been trying to follow this tutorial on displaying PDFs stored in BLOB columns. This is being performed on Apex 4.2, with my DB running 11g. I've got my procedure, which I'll post below:
create or replace procedure "PDF" (p_id IN gvo_documents.doc_id%type)
    l_lob    blob;
    l_amt    number default 30;
    l_off   number default 1;
    l_raw   raw(4096);
    select contents into l_lob
        from gvo_documents
         where doc_id = p_id;
-- make sure to change this for your type!
    owa_util.mime_header( 'application/pdf' );
 l_lob, l_amt, l_off, l_raw );
          htp.prn( utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2( l_raw ) );
          l_off := l_off+l_amt;
          l_amt := 4096;           
    end loop;
           when no_data_found then
I am trying to run this through a PL/SQL dynamic region and while I don't receive any error's, the content displayed is a huge mess of garbled text and odd characters. I've tried to run this procedure on numerous other document types, including word files and jpeg images, all with the necessary changes in my procedure, and regardless of what I use, I still get a large mess of strange characters. Does anyone have any information or ideas about why this is happening?

If I understand correctly, your requirements needs to be broken down into two problems:
1) click link that pops up a window displaying a new APEX page
2) an APEX page the displays the document, not downloads it.
I haven't done #1 (yet).
However, you may be able to generate a URL that points to the new page as part of the SELECT statement for the Report.
This has a related question, but no answer yet:
open pdf in popup browser window
The key is target="_blank" for the anchor tag.
To generate the URL, you should use the APEX_UTIL.prepare_URL() function.
If that doesn't work, a Dynamic Action that does some magical JavaScript stuff may be needed.
For #2, I lost the URL that showed how to display a PDF as part of a "form" page.
From what I remember:
Start with a blank page with one blank HTML region (all the Items go in the HTML region)
Add an Item for the PK/Doc_ID
part I forgot Create a Data Manipulation Process
- Automated Row Fetch
- On Load - After Header
- (stuff for your table/view)
part I forgot Create an (I believe) "File Browser" item type. For Settings:
- Storage Type "BLOB column specified in Item Source" (and place the column name of the BLOB there)
- MIME Type Column: (column name) -- since you have multiple types, this is a MUST HAVE
- Filename Column: (column name) -- I highly recommend you have this.
- Content Disposition == INLINE <-- this is the kicker
Also, you will need a Browser Plugin for each of the MIME Types (otherwise, the browser may try to 'download' the file)
Browsers can handle Image types internally. Adobe's plugin can handle PDFs. I don't know about Word/Excel.
Again, I don't remember the exact details, but that should cover most of it.

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    If you uploaded the image via the Application Builder, you can use an image tag like so:
    &lt;img src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#my_image.jpg" /&gt;If you followed the upload/download how to, you should be able to reference an image like this:
    &lt;img src="download_my_file?p_file=1232897645" /&gt;Where 1232897645 is the unique ID of the uploaded image. To make referencing images easier, you could write a version of the download_my_file procedure that takes in the name of the image as a parameter.

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    select "ROWID",
    "CONTACT#" "CONTACT_H",nvl(dbms_lob.getlength(STIMG),0) IMAGE
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    select "ROWID",
    "CONTACT#" "CONTACT_H",decode(nvl(dbms_lob.getlength(stimg),0),0,null,
    '<img style="border: 4px solid #CCC; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px;" '||
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    Report did'nt run with following error,
    report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    Win Server 2008
    Oracle Database :11G R2
    Apex Ver :4.2

    Sajjad wrote:
    I altered student table to store photoes of students. For this I added STIMG as blob, MIMETYPE,FILENAME,IMAGE_LAST_UPDATE COLUMNS to studentadmitted table. Image stored and displayed in report very nicely. With the following query
    select "ROWID",
    "CONTACT#" "CONTACT_H",nvl(dbms_lob.getlength(STIMG),0) IMAGE
    Images are displayed in column but they have different sizes.Stick to declarative BLOB images as above. They can be resized in reports using CSS. Add a style sheet in the page Inline CSS property:
    td[headers="IMAGE"] img {
      display: block;
      width: 75px;
      border: 1px solid #999;
      padding: 6px;
      background: #f6f6f6;
    }where the <tt>IMAGE</tt> value in the attribute selector is the table header ID of the image column. Setting only one dimension (in this case the width) scales the image with the correct aspect ratio. (The border, padding and background properties are just eye candy...)
    However, if the original images are large then scaling them in the browser this way is a huge waste of bandwidth and produces poorer quality images than creating proper scaled down versions using image tools. Downloading megapixel images and then reducing them to thumbnail size results in pointlessly pushing millions of bytes that will never be seen.
    For improved performance and image quality, and where you require image-specific scaling the best approach is to use the database ORDImage object to produce thumbnail and preview versions automatically. Note that this is not possible in Oracle XE as Multimedia is not included

  • Display a PDF from a BLOB Column on a page.

    Hi Folks.
    I have PDFs stored in BLOB columns in the database.
    Is there a way to display these to the APEX user on the page at runtime?
    Any pointers appreciated.
    Meantime I'm going to experiment.

    I suppose this depends really on what you want.
    You have at least two choices.
    1) Allow the user to download the pdf and then they get the option to save it or open it in a new window
    2) You can also get them to open it. You can open it in a new window by adding "_blank"
    in the target.
    The sample application has procedures download_my_file and custom_image_display which will show you how to achieve this.
    The only other way you could possibly do it is open it as a plugin. Thats way beyond my knowledge, but I'm sure someone else will chip in.

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    servlet uploading picture to database
                   boolean isMultipart = FileUpload.isMultipartContent(req);
                   DiskFileUpload upload = new DiskFileUpload();
                   List items = upload.parseRequest(req);
                   Hashtable textFields = new Hashtable();
                   byte[] data = new byte[4096];
                        Iterator iter = items.iterator();
                             FileItem item = (FileItem);
                                  textFields.put(item.getFieldName(), item.getString());
                                  data = item.get();
                   String sqlStatement = "INSERT INTO cds VALUES('" textFields.get("id")"'," +
                                            "'" textFields.get("album") "','" textFields.get("interpreter") "'," +
                                                      "'" textFields.get("gr1") "','" textFields.get("gr2") "','" textFields.get("price") "')";
                   String sqlStatement2 = "INSERT INTO pics VALUES('" textFields.get("id") "','" data "')";
    servlet to download picture
    String SQL =
         "SELECT Picture " +
         "FROM pics " +
         "WHERE id = '" + request.getParameter("id") + "'";
         ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(SQL);;
         Blob blob = null;
         blob = rs.getBlob(1);
         request.setAttribute("blob", blob);
         System.out.println("just above OutputStream");
         InputStream in = blob.getBinaryStream();
         ServletOutputStream sout = response.getOutputStream();
         int b;
         while ((b = != -1) {
    img tag in JSP
    <img src="LoadImageServlet?id=some id>
    plus i am using
    Tomcat 5.0
    mySQL 4.0
    debuging in eclipse
    thanx for help once more, Libor.

    are there any exceptions throws by the jdbc code
    is the code in a doGet
    you should do a if(
    Is your mapping code working

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    I believe you should be able to get it to work by doing the grants to the user specified in the DAD (i.e. the user that is logging into Oracle) rather than PUBLIC (someone else may correct me on this?).
    If you're concerned that the procedure could be called by others then I guess you could do some sanity checking within the procedure, for example checking v('APP_USER') or maybe v('SESSION') or perhaps do something clear with the REFERER http header? I haven't thought this through yet but I'm pretty sure you should be able to tie it down a bit more.

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    Any help greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks

    Hello Ike.
    I have downloaded the IDE and I am following the installation steps.
    I have performed step 3 and I have the following questions.
    1) I can see a node in JDeveloper called but not one named format template. Should I be able to? Also, could not find this in the IDE download folders. Where should I be looking.
    2) I have executed the 'Run' on the node. The result was...
    \j2sdk1.4.2_13\bin\java.exe -jar D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\jdev\lib\ojc.jar -source 1.3 -target 1.2 -noquiet -warn -nowarn:320 -nowarn:486 -nowarn:487 -deprecation:self -nowarn:560 -nowarn:704 -nowarn:489 -nowarn:415 -nowarn:909 -nowarn:412 -nowarn:414 -nowarn:561 -nowarn:376 -nowarn:371 -nowarn:558 -nowarn:375 -nowarn:413 -nowarn:377 -nowarn:372 -nowarn:557 -nowarn:556 -nowarn:559 -encoding Cp1252 -g -d C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\classes -make C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\classes\BIPublisherIDE.cdi -classpath "\j2sdk1.4.2_13\jre\lib\rt.jar;\j2sdk1.4.2_13\jre\lib\i18n.jar;\j2sdk1.4.2_13\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;\j2sdk1.4.2_13\jre\lib\jsse.jar;\j2sdk1.4.2_13\jre\lib\jce.jar;\j2sdk1.4.2_13\jre\lib\charsets.jar;\j2sdk1.4.2_13\jre\classes;C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\classes;C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\lib\collections.jar;C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\lib\i18nAPI_v3.jar;C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\lib\;C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\lib\jdom.jar;C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\lib\versioninfo.jar;C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\lib\xdochartstyles.jar;C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\lib\xdoparser.jar;C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\lib\xmlparserv2-904.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14dms.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\jdbc\lib\orai18n.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\jdbc\lib\ocrs12.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\diagnostics\lib\ojdl.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\lib\dms.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\j2ee\home\lib\activation.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\j2ee\home\lib\ejb.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\j2ee\home\lib\jms.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\j2ee\home\lib\jta.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\j2ee\home\lib\mail.jar;D:\NGC IT\Software\Oracle\Java Developer\j2ee\home\lib\servlet.jar" -sourcepath C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\src;\j2sdk1.4.2_13\ C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\src\bipublisher\api\ C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\src\bipublisher\api\ C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\src\bipublisher\api\ C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\src\bipublisher\config\ C:\BIPublisherIDE\BIPublisherIDE\src\bipublisher\utility\
    Error: cannot read: java.lang.Object
    [11:07:06] Successful compilation: 0 errors, 0 warnings.
    Can you suggest why I get "Error: cannot read: java.lang.Object"
    Many thanks

  • [XSQL] Displaying PDF stored in database as BLOB

    Dear Sirs,
    we have PDF stored in the database as BLOB.
    I have written a PLSQL function which I call accordingly
    <xsql:ref-cursor-function >
    however what I get is the following
    <row num="1">
    instead of having the customer's browser starting up Acrobat.
    It looks to me as if the data is the HEX of the BLOB:
    25 %
    50 P
    44 D
    46 F
    2D -
    31 1
    2E .
    32 2
    0A Line Feed
    This coincides with what previously reported
    "BLOB data is serialized as hex bytes in XSU."
    I understand that "XSQL has no built-in support for BLOB data, but it is extensible via user-written action handlers or user-written serializers."
    I have the feeling that I should use an appropriate serializer for this purpose but it is not entirely clear to me how ...
    Any suggestion is appreciated.
    Looking forward your advice.
    Regards and thanks

    The following serializer
    public void serialize(Document document, XSQLPageRequest xsqlpagerequest) throws java.lang.Throwable {
    NodeList nodelist=document.getElementsByTagName("*");
    OutputStream outputstream=xsqlpagerequest.getOutputStream();
    String DocString = new String();
    for (int loopIndex=0; loopIndex<=10; loopIndex++) {
    if (loopIndex == 6 ) { DocString=displayStrings[loopIndex];}
    byte abyte0[] = oracle.xml.sql.core.OracleXMLConvert.convertHexStringToByte(DocString);
    outputstream.write(abyte0, 0, abyte0.length);
    works fine however the Internet Explorer 5.5 displays the native PDF code instead of firing the plugin... any suggestion ?

  • Problem in displaying images stored in Blob variable

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement where i need to retrieve the image stored in Blob variable in DB and display the image in JSP page.
    I have written the below code to achieve this, it works fine
    In JSP, I am calling a action in the <img tag
    <img src='${}/> In my controller class
    InputStream inputStream=accessoryPicturesLOB.getPicture().getBinaryStream();
    byte[] theBytes = new byte[inputStream.available()];;
    response.getOutputStream().write(theBytes);But the problem is, *if i right click on the image and select save picture as option i get a error saying "The system cannot find the specified file "*
    Can you please tell me what is wrong in my approach/code
    Is there any better approach to display image that is store in Blob variable ?
    Please help on this.
    Thanks in advance.

    You need at least to set the filename in the content disposition header.

  • Displaying the image stored in Blob column

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to print the report with an image. I've stored the image in a Blob column and the format of the image is Jpg.
    I'm using the Reports 10g( When I'm trying to print the report, I'm getting an error Rep-62203. I want to know whether there are any settings which i need to set to display the image item. I mean to say that are there any registry settings.
    Alok Dubey
    Edited by: Alok Dubey on Dec 1, 2008 12:55 PM

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to print the report with an image. I've stored the image in a Blob column and the format of the image is Jpg.
    I'm using the Reports 10g( When I'm trying to print the report, I'm getting an error Rep-62203. I want to know whether there are any settings which i need to set to display the image item. I mean to say that are there any registry settings.
    Alok Dubey
    Edited by: Alok Dubey on Dec 1, 2008 12:55 PM

  • How to classify the type of the file which stored in Blob column

    I have a table which will stored various kinds of documents (e.g. PDF, MS word, MS Excel etc...) into blob column.
    How can I read them from the database through web and display them into the correct software? i.e. when the file is PDF, it can be opened by Acrobat reader and .doc can be opened by MS word

    A bit off the topic of Oracle Text, but the client typically determines the application that will be used (you have your apps associated with file extensions on your machine and I have mine). Are you having problems related to this, or is this a question in advance of trying it out?

  • Report with a Download link for a Pdf stored in Blob in database FND tables

    We attach a pdf file in the Receivables invoices in Oracle EBS. We use APEX to report from EBS tables. We have a requirement to have a APEX report to display the pdf attached to the invoices with a capability to download the pdf. These pdf are stored in a blob column in fnd_lobs table.
    Any pointers on how to approach is highly appreciated.

    check this How to Upload and Download Files in an Application
    let me know if you have any doubts

  • Apache FOP PDF Save in BLOB column

    I just want to call Apache FOP in an APEX process to create PDF reports and save these reports in a BLOB column in the same database. So I can email these reports in another process using APEX_MAIL. Does anyone know a way to achieve this?

    If I understand correctly, your requirements needs to be broken down into two problems:
    1) click link that pops up a window displaying a new APEX page
    2) an APEX page the displays the document, not downloads it.
    I haven't done #1 (yet).
    However, you may be able to generate a URL that points to the new page as part of the SELECT statement for the Report.
    This has a related question, but no answer yet:
    open pdf in popup browser window
    The key is target="_blank" for the anchor tag.
    To generate the URL, you should use the APEX_UTIL.prepare_URL() function.
    If that doesn't work, a Dynamic Action that does some magical JavaScript stuff may be needed.
    For #2, I lost the URL that showed how to display a PDF as part of a "form" page.
    From what I remember:
    Start with a blank page with one blank HTML region (all the Items go in the HTML region)
    Add an Item for the PK/Doc_ID
    part I forgot Create a Data Manipulation Process
    - Automated Row Fetch
    - On Load - After Header
    - (stuff for your table/view)
    part I forgot Create an (I believe) "File Browser" item type. For Settings:
    - Storage Type "BLOB column specified in Item Source" (and place the column name of the BLOB there)
    - MIME Type Column: (column name) -- since you have multiple types, this is a MUST HAVE
    - Filename Column: (column name) -- I highly recommend you have this.
    - Content Disposition == INLINE <-- this is the kicker
    Also, you will need a Browser Plugin for each of the MIME Types (otherwise, the browser may try to 'download' the file)
    Browsers can handle Image types internally. Adobe's plugin can handle PDFs. I don't know about Word/Excel.
    Again, I don't remember the exact details, but that should cover most of it.

  • How to open PDF stored as blob

    How can i open PDF that is stored in the database as BLOB from Forms 10g. Any method to directly open the PDF instead of generating physical PDF file in AS and open in client by webutil.showdocument.
    Thanks in advance

    The second option is not working here.
    I have another solution
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT(''); this open the pdf file in the browser without displaying
    a blinking command prompt (as like in the option 1).
    But in all the cases we are opening the physical file, I am looking to open directly from the BLOB column.
    If I should first generate the physical file from the BLOB column, then plz help me to get the code
    Thanks to both of you.

  • Display PDF stored in database

    A page has a region of type “PL/SQL Procedure (anonymous block)” and the following region source:
    The code for the Get_Image procedure is shown below. This procedure extracts PDF images from a BLOB column in the database.
    When the page is executed, a popup window with the title “File Download” appears and the user is asked whether to open or save the file. If the user chooses to open the file, another popup window appears in which the user is asked to select the program to be used to open the file. If the user selects Acrobat Reader, the PDF image is displayed correctly. How can the image be displayed without any user intervention?
    The get_image procedure is as follows:
    PROCEDURE get_image (id_in IN NUMBER) IS
    vblob BLOB;
    buf RAW(32000);
    buf_size INTEGER := 32000;
    offset INTEGER := 1;
    len NUMBER;
    mime_type VARCHAR2(30);
    -- get image_data and its mime type from the database
    SELECT image,image_type
    INTO vblob,mime_type
    FROM payslip_archive_local
    WHERE id=id_in;
    owa_util.mime_header(mime_type, false);
    -- set the mime type for the http protocol
    -- read the data with htp package
    WHILE offset < len
    -- check for exception
    htp.p(SQLCODE || SQLERRM);
    END get_image;

    Forms can only show binary formats that are wrapped as OLE components and we discourage using this because OLE wont work on teh web, which is the only runtime available for Forms 9i and above.
    I suggest writing a Java Servlet that streams the document from the database to the local client

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