Problem for loading 0employee

i  am loading data for the hr module .In hr module there is one
infroobject ie 0Employee which is always taking lots of time
may i know what could be the reason usually 5 hour are the mendatary part of delay and some time it takes more than more than 5 hours to complete that

Hi UromTani,
I am glad that you have solved the problem and thanks for your share
us the solution here, so it would be helpful for other members who get the
same issue and we will close this case.
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    If "Load VRML" is used, in the executable, you will encounter a LabVIEW Error 7 due to a path problem in the following vi:
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    The File Not Found problem will prevent the vrml file from loading.  Navigating down into the subVI's of the "Load VRML" shown above easily reveals the problem.  I've included a screenshot of the diagram of that VI.  The relative
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    WRL Debug.jpg ‏77 KB

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks a lot for the feedback!  This was reported to R&D (# 47F9DJIQ) for further investigation.
    Justin D

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    Could anyone help me in correcting the below script for ctrl file inorder to load the data which is in mentioned format.
    Any help really appreciated.
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    Create table samp
    no number,
    col1 clob,
    col2 clob
    Ctrl File
    options (skip =1)
    load data
    infile 'c:\1.csv'
    Replace into table samp
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    I can't reproduce it on my CTL file:
    load data
    INFILE *
    Replace into table samp
    fields terminated by ","
    trailing nullcols
    col1 Char(100000000) ,
    col2 Char(100000000) enclosed by '"' and '"'
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      2  (
      3  no number,
      4  col1 clob,
      5  col2 clob
      6  );
    Table created.
    SQL> host sqlldr scott/tiger control=c:\temp\samp.ctl log=c:\temp\samp.log
    SQL> select * from samp
      2  /
    SQL> SY.

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    Switch on Indicator: Handling Duplicate Data Records
    If this indicator is set, duplicate data records (that is, records with the same key) are handled during an update in the order in which they occur in a data package.
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    For time-dependent attributes, the validity ranges of the data record values are calculated according to their order (see example).
    If the indicator is not set and error handling is deactivated, the request terminates once data records with the same key are detected. If error handling is activated, data records that have the same key are written to the error stack of the DTP.
    If during your data quality measures you want to make sure that the data packages delivered by the DTP are not modified by the master data update, you must not set this indicator.

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    Not Charge
    - See:    
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
    - Try another cable. The cable for 5G iPod (lightning connector) seems to be more prone to failure than the older cable.
    - If a 5G iPod               
    Iphone 5 lightning port charging problem - SOLUTION!
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Got the a.m. problem. iTunes Store is not loading at all. Safari in the same way. It stops while loading any site. After "www." the developement bar stops and is giving up as well. Guess for malfunction of Safari also the problem for the iTunes Store occurs.
    What can I do? I do not remember having changed anything. All version are on the newest version and should be ready to go.
    Thanks for all your comments and help which are much appreciated.

    i think i could say they're only saving grace is being able to swap music from different computers. Had to go on my old mac g5 to access the store as it still has the old version of itunes and then transfer them with the shared library feature. But still it shouldn't have been that hard. Very disappointed with the lack of support from one of the biggest companies in the world. such an inconvenience, especially when it's then that's losing the money with the lack of access to the store.

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    If  you  have iOS 4.2.1 or later on the iPod and there was version compatible with that version, then you should be able to get a compatible version by:
    App Store: Downloading Older Versions of Apps on iOS - Apple Club 
    App Store: Install the latest compatible version of an app
    You first have to download the non-compatible version on your computer. Then when you try to purchase the version on your iPod you will be offered a compatible version if one exists.

  • Problem in loading animated gif

    I have problem in loading animated gif with ClassLoader. Here is the code:
    ClassLoader loader=this.getClass().getClassLoader();
    URL res = loader.getResource(name);
    if (res!=null) {
    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(res);
    if (icon != null) {
    Image image = icon.getImage();
    if(icon.getImageLoadStatus() == MediaTracker.COMPLETE)
    return (Image) image;
    } else {
    System.out.println("Failed to load "+name+" error "+icon.getImageLoadStatus());
    Only when the gif is an animated gif, I get error message: Failed to load and icon.getImageLoadStatus() returns 2. Otherwise, it works.
    Anyone encounters the same problem as me?

    I think the problem is the asynchronous loading of the gif.
    when you call f(icon.getImageLoadStatus() == MediaTracker.COMPLETE)
    I think it is comming back MediaTracker.LOADING .
    for an animated gif, it may not come back COMPLETE until after running thru
    the whole automation. instead you could just check:
    (icon.getImageLoadStatus() != MediaTracker.ERRORED)

  • Problem in Loading Multiple image in Single Sprite/MovieClip

    Hi All,
    I am having a killing problem in loading multiple images in single movie clip/sprite using a separate class.
    Here is the class
    package com.project.utils{
        import com.project.*;
        import com.project.utils.*;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        public class ImageLoader extends EventDispatcher {
            public var imgloader:Loader;
            public var imgMc:MovieClip;
            public var imgObject:Object;
            public var loaded:Number;
            public function ImageLoader():void {
                imgMc = new MovieClip();
                imgObject = new Object();
                imgloader = new Loader();
            public function loadImage(imgHolder:MovieClip, imgObj:Object):void {
                imgMc = new MovieClip();
                imgObject = new Object();
                imgloader = new Loader();
                imgMc = imgHolder;
                imgObject = imgObj;
                imgloader.load(new URLRequest(imgObj.FilePath));
            private function onImgLoad(Evt:Event):void {
                var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(;
                try {
                } catch (error:Error) {
                try {
                    if (imgObject.URL != undefined) {
                        imgMc.buttonMode = true;
                        imgMc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                        imgMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                } catch (err:Error) {
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD"));
            private function onImageClicked(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                trace("Image Attrs:"+imgObject.URL +" Target "+imgObject.Target);
            private function onImgLoadProgress(Evt:ProgressEvent):void {
                if (Evt.bytesLoaded>0) {
                    loaded = Math.floor((Evt.bytesLoaded*100)/Evt.bytesTotal);
                    dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_PROC",loaded));
            private function onImageLoadFailed(Evt:IOErrorEvent):void {
                trace("Image Loading Failed");
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_FAIL"));
    Here I am loading some images using the above class in a for loop, like
                for (var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
                    //imgLoader=new ImageLoader;
                    var target:MovieClip=videolist_mc["list" + mcCount + "_mc"];
                    var imgObj:Object=new Object;
                    target.list_mc.urlObj=new Object  ;
                    target.list_mc.lable_txt.htmlText="<b>" + list[i].Label + "</b>";
    In this case, the works only on the last movie clip from the for loop. For example, if i am trying to load three image in three movie clips namely img_mc1,img_mc2 and img_mc3 using the for loop and, I am getting the image loaded in the third movie clip only img_mc.
    See at the same time, If i uncomment onething in the for loop that is
    //imgLoader=new ImageLoader;         
    its working like a charm. But I know creating class objects in a for loop is not a good idea and also its causes some other problems in my application.
    So, help to get rid out of this problem.

    package com.project.utils{
        import com.project.*;
        import com.project.utils.*;
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        public class ImageLoader extends EventDispatcher {
            public var imgloader:Loader;
            public var imgMc:MovieClip;
            public var imgObject:Object;
            public var loaded:Number;
            public function ImageLoader():void {
    // better add you movieclip to the stage if you want to view anything added to it.
                imgMc = new MovieClip();
                imgObject = new Object();
                imgloader = new Loader();
            public function loadImage(filepath:String):void {
                imgloader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,onImgLoadPr ogress);
                imgloader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR,onImageLoadF ailed);
                imgloader.load(new URLRequest(filepath));
            private function onImgLoad(Evt:Event):void {
                var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(;
                try {
                } catch (error:Error) {
                try {
                    if (imgObject.URL != undefined) {
                        imgMc.buttonMode = true;
                        imgMc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                        imgMc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImageClicked);
                } catch (err:Error) {
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD"));
            private function onImageClicked(evt:MouseEvent):void {
                trace("Image Attrs:"+imgObject.URL +" Target "+imgObject.Target);
            private function onImgLoadProgress(Evt:ProgressEvent):void {
                if (Evt.bytesLoaded>0) {
                    loaded = Math.floor((Evt.bytesLoaded*100)/Evt.bytesTotal);
                    dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_PROC",loaded));
            private function onImageLoadFailed(Evt:IOErrorEvent):void {
                trace("Image Loading Failed");
                dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("CustomEvent.ON_IMGE_LOAD_FAIL"));
    Here I am loading some images using the above class in a for loop, like
                for (var i=0; i < 3; i++) {
                    var imgLoader:ImageLoader=new ImageLoader();
                    var target:MovieClip=videolist_mc["list" + mcCount + "_mc"];
                    var imgObj:Object=new Object;
                    target.list_mc.urlObj=new Object  ;
                    imgLoader.loadImage(pass the image file's path/name);
                    target.list_mc.lable_txt.htmlText="<b>" + list[i].Label + "</b>";

  • Server 2008R2 mapping to shared folders fails users of Windows 8.1 but seems OK on Windos 8.0 and no problems for Windows 7

    Having read what I could from the related questions, the answers still elude me.  This issue apparently is specific to Windows 8.1.
    First, a little background.
    1:  The server is not on a domain,  The system runs Server 2008-R2 standard with all folders shared across a standard "Workgroup" type network.  They would prefer to
    leave this layout intact. 
    2:  The shared folders are nothing but Data files.  There are no active system folders or anything used in an "active" environment.  They are mostly Word doc, excel
    files, pdf, txt, etc.  However, due to the requirements of the software that needs to access these files, they Must
     reside on a mapped network drive letter. Nothing else works due to the way the SQL database program stores the reference points back to the data.
    I have had some success using what amounts to a “simulated” mapping using  WebDAV to access the server.  But access speed is a lot slower ad file size is limited.
    3:  The system has been configured as-is for the past 3 years with Users all on Windows 7 x64 (mixed OS, some Home Premium, some Professional) and the only problems that come up are when
    access is through an ISP that blocks port 445.  This was the original reason for finding a WebDAV/Cloud method just for those Users since they were unable to Map drives to anything on the Office Servers from their Home Internet even when using a VPN.
    When Windows 8.0 became the only version available, I added a few users whose new laptops came with 8.0 from the vendors.  While there were a very few minor problems, for all practical
    purposes, I was still able to provide access to the mapped folders.
    As the Windows 8.1 roll-out progressed, some users were successfully upgraded while others  are still stuck in Windows 8.0.  The issues with this seem to be hardware related and vary
    depending on the Make and model of the laptop.  I have been assured that eventually all of these will be able to advance to 8.1.  But this delay has given me an excellent mixed OS environment for testing.
    On the users who have not yet purchased new equipment and who are still using Windows 7.  There has been no change.  Their drive mapping is stable and they can always connect as usual. 
    Those blocked from lack of port 445 or still blocked.  Systems inside the Office and those with ISP's who allow port 445 can use all mapped drives as normal.
    Users who had Windows 8.0 and who have not yet been able to upgrade to 8.1 also have been unaffected.  Same results as Windows 7. 
    Users who got the Windows 8.1 upgrade as well as those that came factory loaded with Windows 8.1 seem to be a never-ending list of problems.  The ones that came native with 8.1 are worst
    of all.  The list of error codes runs through everything that has to do with “communication with the server”.  As far as I have seen, this appears to be the issue.
    Whether they are in the office on a wired network connection or at home on a Wi-Fi connection, the issues have the same results but the actual error codes may vary slightly.  All of
    them refer back to an inability to communicate with the server.
    Nothing on the server has changed in any way.  Users with Windows 7 continue to have zero problems,  Users with Windows 8.0 seem to be doing fine as well.  Only those with Windows
    8.1 are affected and their problems are dramatic with everything from a total loss of drive mapping to misdirected data when the maps are active.
    I have tried to make the drives automatically remap on reboot. I have tried registry modifications.  I have done everything I can think of to make a difference but the results are the same
    for every system using 8.1.  The mapped drive letters invariably disappear.  Sometimes while the system is in use ( I think I have been able to trace this to times when the system enters Sleep or Hibernate) but always when the system reboots. 
    One detail that might point to somewhere is that the "time to connect" when mapping the drive is so long that I believe some of the original failures were due to not waiting for a
    minimum of 3 or 4 minutes to give time for the Shares to show-up in order to map them.  Once the mapping is successful, the file access speed seems normal.  But invariably, the drive becomes "unmapped" repeatedly each day.
    I know this was a long question but I have tried to provide every possible detail for anyone who has experienced events like this who may already have a solution.  I would even be glad
    to purchase a 3rd party application if that is what it takes to get this to work.  My next planned effort is to try using Server 2013 but I am afraid that might open another can of worms for those who still use Windows 7.
    I have also been told that this is in some way related to the push to "Cloud" support in Windows 8.1 OS but I do not see where this would come in.  I can say that this was the
    one place where things continued to work as before.  People who had Windows 8.1 and who had to use the CLOUD copies of our data are still able to connect to it with no problems.
    Any suggestions appreciated.  Preferably those that would not need extensive changes to the basic network structure.  This "workgroup" consists of less than 25 users and any
    extreme measures would be hard to justify

    I sugget you try to ping server so that we can verify the connectivity.
    Can windows 8.1 access Windows Server 2008R2?
    Also,please check the event viewer to see if some error log appeared when the issue occurred.
    Kelvin Xu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem with loading pics in a photo gallery

    Ok.. I don't know what is the problem for this.. maybe
    someone with more experience bumped to this too.. and can help me
    I will put the link here so u can see it but before u open
    it, pay attention of the mess.. pictures are loaded one over
    another or not loaded at all.. There are 2 panels of the same pics
    and code, the second one loads the pics the same way as the first
    one right after the first one has finished loading all of the pics.
    But strangely the second panel with pics has absolutely no problem
    with positioning the pics correctly with their correct size even
    the first time u open it. (this comes from the swf of the pic that
    loads in the loader; they all load in loaders positioned by me).
    After the gallery has loaded the first time and u Refresh the
    page.. u will see the gallery works perfect. If u want to see the
    mess up again, just delete ur temporary internet files and refresh
    the page again. Here is my gallery (not finished yet):
    When I test this in flash with simulate download, all works
    fine except that some pics show progress of loading (I've made
    listeners for that) and on complete I trace it completed loading
    but they don't show up..
    So I can't figure out what might be causing this problem...
    As far as my logic goes.. I can tell that if in the second
    panel the pics load succesfully every time, this means that the
    problem comes only the first time they are being loaded.. for me
    this doesn't make any sense.. and I see as solution to make some
    invisiblemovie clip that will load all of my pics for the first
    time and then the actual visible movie clips that are visible will
    continue so there are no problems.
    I don't know if this will work.. it is just my thinking.
    Maybe there is some other way to fix this when they load the
    first time.. maybe telling the code to load it.. and reload it
    after that ?
    Any ideas what could be causing this problem ?
    Hope someone can explain to me..
    Thanks in advance...

    can u give me an example with onLoadInit() or preloader code
    as u mention so I can get a clear view of what u mean cuz now I am
    a bit confused what must wait for loading to be completed the main
    swf or the swfs of the pictures that have a code inside to get the
    size of the loader?

  • New Problem - video loads, plays a bit, pauses, then plays without sound.

    On the first time that I used the TV-Out feature of the iPod, videos that normally were playing properly started to lag. The video would play about 15 seconds, then stop playing for a few seconds, then start again, but without sound. I just thought it might be because of the TV-Out feature, but after that incident, a large amount of my videos have been doing this, without using the TV-Out.
    My first use of the tv-out feature was around the time that I first updated the iPod firmware. I now realise that I have no need of the updated firmware, so would be willing to restore the iPod to factory settings, but would rather get some opinions first.
    Although these videos had played normally before, now they (and most all videos I have added since), do this when playing:
    Load up normally, play normally for about 15 seconds, pause and do nothing, then continue playing but without sound. If I use the clickwheel to skip ahead after it pauses, it will play normally for another 5 seconds or so and then pause and cut the sound again.
    I had not experienced anything like this before that first time I used the TV-out capability. Nor had I experienced it before updating the iPod. Now, many, but not all of my videos are doing this.
    Oh, it seems only the videos longer than 10 minutes are doing this... all the others work... some more testing would be needed to be certain. Video podcasts are playing fine. So... anyone else had this happen?

    This problem seems to occur for the 60GB models that are using the new firmware 1.1. It has been posted all over google and the only fix to this problem is to downgrade to 1.0. The problem is reported as not to affect the 30GB models but there are a few videos on my ipod (30GB) that suffer from this as well. I haven't downgraded by 30GB one to check if it fixes it, but I can assure you that it will fix the problem for the 60GB one (I used to have that one before).

  • HT1926 having problem up loading Itunes, comes up that 'Apple mobile Device failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services' how do i fix this??

    I am having problems up loading Itunes, comes up that 'Apple mobile Device failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services' how do i fix this??

    Hello hurleygirl63,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with iTunes.  I recommend following the steps in the article below:
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • Problem in loading data to DSO

    I have a problem in loading the data to DSO through Info package. The delta request has been running for a long time, but no data has been loaded. The job details screen is showing as below.
    Previously there was no issues with this chain.
    Can some one guide me to solve this issue please.?

    Hi Ragu,
    The same issue has been happened for me long time back. I have solved this issue by running the Repair Full request and then Init. delta without Data Transfer.
    May be this may also work for you.
    1.Delete the request by marking it as RED
    2.Run Info package Repair full Request.
    Once this is success,
    3.Change Info package and Run Init delta without data transfer
    4. If it pop ups Init Delta already exists,then delete the previous init from the source.
    after the init delta is ended fine, then change your Info package to Delta as it is before.
    Hope it helps.

Maybe you are looking for