Problem importing ARIA PEOPLE APP in HTMLDB 2.0

I am trying to install the ARIA application in HTMLDB but when I run the script
I get the following error:
wwv_flow_api.create_install (
ERROR at line 187:
ORA-06550: line 187, column 14:
PLS-00302: component 'CREATE_INSTALL' must be declared
ORA-06550: line 187, column 1:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored
Can someone help me?
My DB version is 10gR2
Solaris 10
The ARIA application is in the following URL:

have a look at my previous post on this:
Re: navigation bar links broken in v2
my prob was with the NAV_BAR subtemplate in the page template. The way the template works in v2.0 has changed from v1.6

Similar Messages

  • Problem importing the plugin app

    I always getting the same error during the installation of my application: Keine weiteren Daten aus Socket zu lesen / no more data to read from socket
    It looks like it has to do with the PDF plug-in from Anton Sheffler because it always appears at the same position.
    It also doesn't matter if I try to install it via Webbrowser or SQL Developer.
    But when I try to install it on another Workspace on it works.
    But on my local instance it fails. It is the same APEX version installed: Application Express
    My local instance is only a XE database:
    APPLICATION 400 - Logbuch
    Set Credentials...
    Check Compatibility...
    Set Application ID...
    ...authorization schemes
    ...navigation bar entries
    ...application processes
    ...application items
    ...application level computations
    ...Application Tabs
    ...Application Parent Tabs
    ...Shared Lists of values
    ...Application Trees groups
    ...comments: requires application express 2.2 or higher
    ...PAGE 0: 0
    ...PAGE 2: LOG - CHARTS
    ...PAGE 6: LOG - FILE EDIT
    ...PAGE 11: LOG - PDF Export
    ...PAGE 30: LOG - ABOUT
    ...PAGE 50: MobileReport
    ...PAGE 101: LOG - LOGIN PAGE
    ...breadcrumbs templates for application: 65600
    ......Page template 32083097154288305019
    ......Page template 32083098261282305021
    ......Page template 32083098555117305022
    ......Page template 32083098838398305022
    ......Page template 32083099435185305023
    ......Page template 32083100449910305024
    ......Page template 32083101849964305026
    ......Page template 32083103637474305028
    ......Page template 32083103950923305029
    ......Page template 32083104252133305032
    ......Page template 32083104562677305032
    ......Page template 32083104847161305033
    ......Page template 32083105162238305034
    ......Page template 32083105444763305036
    ......Page template 32083105759111305036
    ......Page template 33837641362132922718
    ......Page template 37308597950957478679
    ...button templates
    ......Button Template 32083106047815305036
    ......Button Template 32083106232810305039
    ......Button Template 32083106445518305040
    ......Button Template 32083106653096305043
    ...region templates
    ......region template 32083106856673305044
    ......region template 32083107144561305045
    ......region template 32083107457828305045
    ......region template 32083107733492305046
    ......region template 32083108040175305046
    ......region template 32083108359753305046
    ......region template 32083108638471305046
    ......region template 32083108953606305046
    ......region template 32083109243176305046
    ......region template 32083109537446305047
    ......region template 32083109834502305047
    ......region template 32083110151878305047
    ......region template 32083110434314305049
    ......region template 32083110746950305049
    ......region template 32083111062447305049
    ......region template 32083111337684305052
    ......region template 32083111631768305052
    ......region template 32083111937278305052
    ......region template 32083112240043305052
    ......region template 32083112547315305052
    ......region template 32083112841432305052
    ......region template 32083113152102305053
    ......region template 32083113464410305053
    ......region template 33848184561983111964
    ......region template 37060830663698409636
    ......region template 37307024442861466908
    ...List Templates
    ......list template 32083113745241305053
    ......list template 32083114044044305055
    ......list template 32083114257697305055
    ......list template 32083114536207305055
    ......list template 32083114860437305055
    ......list template 32083115154832305055
    ......list template 32083115442319305056
    ......list template 32083115737773305057
    ......list template 32083116044770305057
    ......list template 32083116333460305063
    ......list template 32083116646006305064
    ......list template 32083116938819305064
    ......list template 32083117238123305064
    ......list template 32083117561050305064
    ......list template 32083117858349305064 templates template 32083118142757305064 template 32083118661727305069 template 32083119137779305071 template 32083119633067305072 template 32083120133675305072 template 32083120662231305073 template 32083121138710305073 template 32083121455216305073
    ...label templates
    ......label template 32083121750607305074
    ......label template 32083121848870305077
    ......label template 32083121957090305077
    ......label template 32083122057906305077
    ......label template 32083122144002305077
    ...breadcrumb templates
    ......template 32083122258144305077
    ......template 32083122343381305079
    ...popup list of values templates
    ......template 32083123064463305082
    ...calendar templates
    ......template 32083122441866305079
    ......template 32083122655597305080
    ......template 32083122863647305081
    ...application themes
    ......theme 32083123250781305084 options used by application 65600
    ...Language Maps for Application 65600
    ... translations used by application: 65600
    ...messages used by application: 65600
    ...dynamic translations used by application: 65600
    ...web services (9iR2 or better)
    ...shared queries layouts
    ...authentication schemes
    ......authentication 31813313140617421226
    ......authentication 31845554673807759745
    ......authentication 31845554764970759745
    Fehler bei Rollback
    Fehler beim Start in Zeile 23.745 in Befehl:
    wwv_flow_api.create_plugin (
      p_id => 41073893256060555494 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
    ,p_plugin_type => 'REGION TYPE'
    ,p_display_name => 'Embedded PDF'
    ,p_image_prefix => '#PLUGIN_PREFIX#'
    ,p_plsql_code =>
    'function render_pdf'||unistr('\000a')||
    '( p_region              in apex_plugin.t_region'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', p_plugin              in apex_plugin.t_plugin'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', p_is_printer_friendly in boolean'||unistr('\000a')||
    'return apex_plugin.t_region_render_result'||unistr('\000a')||
    'c_my_name varchar2(1000) := ''NL.AMIS.SCHEFFER.REGION.PDF'';'||unistr('\000a')||
    'l_width number;'||unistr('\000a')||
    'l_height number;'||unistr('\000a')||
    'l_landscape varchar2(1);'||unistr('\000a')||
    'l_format varchar2(10);'||unistr('\000a')||
    'l_font varchar2(30);'||unistr('\000a')||
    'l_fontsize number;'||unistr('\000a')||
    'l_header varchar2(3276'||
    't_rc sys_refcursor;'||unistr('\000a')||
    't_file_id number;'||unistr('\000a')||
    'type tp_settings is record'||unistr('\000a')||
    '( page_width number'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', page_height number'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', margin_left number'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', margin_right number'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', margin_top number'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', margin_bottom number'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', encoding varchar2(100)'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', current_font pls_integer'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', current_fontsizePt pls_integer'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', x   number'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', y   number'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', page_nr pls_integer'||unistr('\000a')||
    'type tp_objects_tab is table of number(10) index by pls_integer;'||unistr('\000a')||
    'e tp_pages_tab is table of blob index by pls_integer;'||unistr('\000a')||
    'type tp_char_width_tab is table of pls_integer index by pls_integer;'||unistr('\000a')||
    'type tp_font is record'||unistr('\000a')||
    '( char_width_tab tp_char_width_tab'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', standard boolean'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', family varchar2(100)'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', style varchar2(2) -- N Normal'||unistr('\000a')||
    '-- I Italic'||unistr('\000a')||
    '-- B Bold'||unistr('\000a')||
    '-- BI Bold Italic'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', subtype varchar2(15) := ''Type1'''||unistr('\000a')||
    ', name varchar2(100)'||unistr('\000a')||
    ', encoding varchar2(100) := ''WINDOWS-1252'''||unistr('\000a')||
    wwv_flow_api.create_plugin_attr_value (
      p_id => 41072593744003455937 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
    ,p_plugin_attribute_id => 41072593138116454266 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_display_sequence => 10
    ,p_display_value => 'Helvetica'
    ,p_return_value => 'HELVETICA'
    wwv_flow_api.create_plugin_attr_value (
      p_id => 41072594147812457118 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
    ,p_plugin_attribute_id => 41072593138116454266 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_display_sequence => 20
    ,p_display_value => 'Times-Roman'
    ,p_return_value => 'TIMES'
    wwv_flow_api.create_plugin_attr_value (
      p_id => 41072594553007458523 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
    ,p_plugin_attribute_id => 41072593138116454266 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_display_sequence => 30
    ,p_display_value => 'Courier'
    ,p_return_value => 'COURIER'
    wwv_flow_api.create_plugin_attribute (
      p_id => 41072595143095465121 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
    ,p_plugin_id => 41073893256060555494 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_attribute_scope => 'COMPONENT'
    ,p_attribute_sequence => 6
    ,p_display_sequence => 60
    ,p_prompt => 'Fontsize'
    ,p_attribute_type => 'NUMBER'
    ,p_is_required => false
    ,p_default_value => '12'
    ,p_is_translatable => true
    wwv_flow_api.create_plugin_attribute (
      p_id => 41071266040010638110 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
    ,p_plugin_id => 41073893256060555494 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_attribute_scope => 'COMPONENT'
    ,p_attribute_sequence => 7
    ,p_display_sequence => 70
    ,p_prompt => 'Header'
    ,p_attribute_type => 'TEXT'
    ,p_is_required => false
    ,p_is_translatable => true
    ,p_help_text => 'An optional header text. You can precede this text with an alignment hint'||unistr('\000a')||
    'C: centered'||unistr('\000a')||
    'L: left aligned'||unistr('\000a')||
    'R: right aligned'||unistr('\000a')||
    'C:This is an example of a Centered Header Text'
    Keine weiteren Daten aus Socket zu lesenHope for help. I do not want to drop the plug-in!
    Edited by: Tobias Arnhold on Nov 15, 2011 10:57 PM
    I just dropped the PDF Plugin and it worked well! Strange I don't understand... Maybe it could have to do with some session time out problems?

    I can't write a plugin in one statement :). It's the export script from Apex. Something like
    wwv_flow_api.create_plugin (
      p_id => 5238337935213717 + wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset
    ,p_flow_id => wwv_flow.g_flow_id
    ,p_plugin_type => 'REGION TYPE'
    ,p_display_name => 'Embedded PDF'
    ,p_image_prefix => '#PLUGIN_PREFIX#'
    ,p_plsql_code =>
    'function render_pdf'||chr(10)||
    '( p_region              in apex_plugin.t_region'||chr(10)||
    ', p_plugin              in apex_plugin.t_plugin'||chr(10)||
    ', p_is_printer_friendly in boolean'||chr(10)||
    'return apex_plugin.t_region_render_result'||chr(10)||
    'c_my_name varchar2(1000) := ''NL.AMIS.SCHEFFER.REGION.PDF'';'||chr(10)||
    'l_width number;'||chr(10)||
    'l_height number;'||chr(10)||
    'l_landscape varchar2(1);'||chr(10)||
    'l_format varchar2(10);'||chr(10)||
    'l_font varchar2(30);'||chr(10)||
    'l_fontsize number;'||chr(10)||
    'l_header varchar2(3276'||
    't_rc sys_refcursor;'||chr(10)||
    't_file_id number;'||chr(10)||
    'type tp_settings is record'||chr(10)||
    '( page_width number'||chr(10)||
    ', page_height number'||chr(10)||
    ', margin_left number'||chr(10)||
    ', margin_right number'||chr(10)||
    ', margin_top number'||chr(10)||
    ', margin_bottom number'||chr(10)||
    ', encoding varchar2(100)'||chr(10)||
    ', current_font pls_integer'||chr(10)||
    ', current_fontsizePt pls_integer'||chr(10)||
    ', x   number'||chr(10)||
    ', y   number'||chr(10)||
    ', page_nr pls_integer'||chr(10)||
    'type tp_objects_tab is table of number(10) index by pls_integer;'||chr(10)||
    'e tp_pages_tab is table of blob index by pls_integer;'||chr(10)||
    'type tp_char_width_tab is table of pls_integer index by pls_integer;'||chr(10)||
    'type tp_font is record'||chr(10)||
    '( char_width_tab tp_char_width_tab'||chr(10)||
    ', standard boolean'||chr(10)||
    ', family varchar2(100)'||chr(10)||
    ', style varchar2(2) -- N Normal'||chr(10)||
    '-- I Italic'||chr(10)||
    '-- B Bold'||chr(10)||
    '-- BI Bold Italic'||chr(10)||
    ', subtype varchar2(15) := ''Type1'''||chr(10)||
    ', name varchar2(100)'||chr(10)||
    ', encoding varchar2(100) := ''WINDOWS-1252'''||chr(10)||
    ' tp_font_tab is table of tp_font index by pls_integer;'||chr(10)||
    'type tp_pls_tab is table of pls_integer index by pls_integer;'||chr(10)||
    '-- pacakges globals'||chr(10)||
    'pdf_doc blob; -- the blob containing the build PDF document'||chr(10)||
    'objects_tab tp_objects_tab;'||chr(10)||
    'pages_tab tp_pages_tab;'||chr(10)||
    'settings tp_settings;'||chr(10)||
    'fonts tp_font_tab;'||chr(10)||
    'used_fonts tp_pls_tab;'||chr(10)||
    't_ncharset varchar2(1000);'||chr(10)||
    't_lan_ter  varchar2(1000);'||chr(10)||
    'procedure init_core_fonts'||chr(10)||
    'tion init_standard_withs( p_compressed_tab in varchar2 )'||chr(10)||
    'return tp_char_width_tab'||chr(10)||
    't_rv tp_char_width_tab;'||chr(10)||
    't_tmp raw(32767);'||chr(10)||
    't_tmp := utl_compress.lz_uncompress( utl_encode.base64_decode( utl_raw.cast_to_raw( p_compressed_tab ) ) );'||chr(10)||
    'for i in 0 .. 255'||chr(10)||
    't_rv( i ) := utl_raw.cast_to_binary_integer( utl_raw.substr( t_tmp, i * 4 + 1, 4 ) );'||chr(10)||
    'end loop;'||chr(10)||
    'return t_rv;'||chr(10)||
    'fonts( 1 ).famil'||
    'y := ''helvetica'';'||chr(10)||
    'fonts( 1 ).style := ''N''; -- Normal'||chr(10)||
    'fonts( 1 ).name := ''Helvetica'';'||chr(10)||
    'fonts( 1 ).standard := true;'||chr(10)||
    'fonts( 1 ).char_width_tab := init_standard_withs'||chr(10)||

  • Problems importing the sample applications into htmldb 2.0

    When I try to install the sample applications from the htmldb studio page into the htmldb 2.0 I get the following error.
    1 error has occurred
    File is not a valid HTML DB application export file.
    I am trying to load the file. I have read that the applications are upward compatable.

    was told on the htmldb 2 tech day that you did not need to unzip the file but will try to do that now.
    Thanks ken.

  • Bizarre issue: Missing only 3 of 400 Facebook friends from Windows 8 People app

    I have a bizarre issue with the Windows 8 people app that I'm trying to resolve. 
    I have successfully linked my Facebook account (as well as Gmail, Skype, and Twitter accounts) to my Windows 8 people app. 
    The app successfully imports 99% (>400) of my Facebook friends, except for **the three Facebook friends with whom I interact the most***. I do see their contacts imported for Gmail and Skype, but there is no Facebook entry for them (so I cannot link their
    contact entry to their Facebook account). 
    This is a bizarre issue, especially because the app seemingly works perfectly for all but my closest friends. I guarantee I am Facebook friends with these "missing" people. 
    Any ideas? I've tried unlinking *all* accounts, then re-linking. No luck. I have tried displaying all contacts, or only Facebook / Skype / Gmail contacts.
    I'm running a fresh install of Windows 8 Pro. 

    I noticed that some of my colleagues are missing from the People app, which syncs to our Exchange 2010 server. It didn't take too long to figure out what was going on. In at least two cases, the People app has "merged" the records of two different individuals.
    I haven't done any testing to determine the pattern because in my case it might be a perfect storm: In one department, we have two Lauren's and two Mark's. But in the People app, only one Lauren and one Mark appear. But each of those records contain much of
    their namesake's information, along with their own. E.g., in the People app, the sole Lauren has two e-mail addresses, two mailing addresses, two home phones, two mobile phones, three work phones (the department line plus each of their personal lines), even
    two titles. There is only one photo and one first name and one last name. Mark follows same pattern.
    Note that this problem occurs both on the People App running on Windows 8 Pro (on a regular laptop) and on the Surface. (As as aside, this problem does *not* appear on a Windows Phone 7.5.)
    To get to the bottom of this issue I did a test. I created a new contact in Outlook with the same first name as a current record, but other than the first name, this new record had no other fields in common with the old record. In the People app, the new
    record appeared as expected. As soon as I added gave the new record the same mobile phone number as the old contact, the records merged in the People app. Surprisingly, changing the mobile number on the new contact did not "unmerge" the records. Now the old
    contact has two mobile numbers.
    While I have the floor, I should point out to any MS employees listening that the search function in the People app really stinks. I have 100 contacts from my company with our acronym in both the Company Name field and the e-mail address, and yet when I
    search for that acronym, at best I get a few one-off records with the acronym in the first name field (e.g., our "All Staff" record). I say "at best" because for some reason, at the moment, search doesn't seem to be working at all.
    For the record, in general I like the approach Microsoft is taking, and I really want the Surface and Windows 8/Windows RT to succeed. The clean look of the People app is so much better than the pseudo address book on the iPad--but it can be even better.
    I'd like to see more display options (at least show the Company name under the contact in the list, and I'd like to be able to sort by First Name, Last Name or Company. And, of course, I want search to work!
    That is all.

  • Exporting to Excel from Aria People Search

    Is it possible to export to Excel from Aria People Search.
    I would like to output the Org Chart (built in) and the Tree (I created) to an Excel file.
    Does anyone know how to do this?

    If you are using 10g, then OLE2 is supported. However, it will be executed in the App Server Machine.
    If you want to do the operation in the Client machine (as how it was done in the Client / Server), you need to use Client_OLE (Which is part of WebUtil).
    Look at
    for more details on WebUtil.

  • Problems importing - cannot connect

    Im having problems importing pics into iPhoto .. basically my library worked fine up til recently. I house my photos on a PC server and use iPhoto to organize them by importing them over my wifi network. This worked fine until I recently renamed my wifi for unrelated reasons.. now, I cannot view a pic full size within iPhoto as it tries to connect to (the PC) and cannot. Now, this address is fine, I can manually connect to a server, so i'm wondering if iPhoto has some hidden logon settings somewhere?
    To complicate matters further, eve if i store photos locally on the mac HD they fail to import with the same "connection failed..." error - even though it should not be going to the network folder!

    I house my photos on a PC server and use iPhoto to organize them by importing them over my wifi network.
    So you were running a Referenced Library where the files are not copied to the Library on import? In this scenario iPhoto makes an alias to the actual location of the files. Unfortunately aliases are very limited and once the path to the files changes - especially when the files are on different volume - you're going to have trouble.
    Some folks have had success using an app like [FileBuddy|> to reattach broken aliases, however, I've no idea as to its capabilities across a wireless network to an PC server.
    I suspect the problem importing is also related to the same problem. When iPhoto imports a pic it does a Duplicate Check against files already in the Library and if it cannot connect to them well then it cannot do the check, and then it won't import.
    A simple test will confirm (or undermine) my suspicion: create a new Library (Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library') and see if you can import to it.
    Bluntly, iPhoto's abilities to run Referenced Libraries across volumes are poor. I wouldn't use it in that scenario. For the set up you describe Aperture is a much more robust option.

  • I've a problem with my mail app

    I have a problem with my mail app, after upgrading mavericks.
    My mail app was worked well, before I upgrade.
    Now, my mail app is working only with icloud account.
    I can use my gmail account with safari or other web browsers, but not in the mail app.
    That was happening both of my macbook pro, and macbook air, but not on my iPad and iPhone.
    I tried deleting account and re added it, but that doesn't solve the problem.
    what should i do..??

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard (command-C). Paste into a reply to this message (command-V).
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Problem Importing photos from camera to iPhoto

    Help. For a while I had no problems importing photos from my camera now I get the following error message:- /private/var/folders/CC/CC5eraW2GGCddoAX3DUGjE+TM/-Tmp-/iPhoto/PICT1015.JPG
    Does anyone know what this means? What I have done to my computer to cause this? and how to fix it. Thank you.

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions.
    Launch Image Capture (in your Apps Folder) and use it to move the pics to the desktop. Then try import from there.
    If that works, then use your camera to reformat your card, and see if that works in the future.

  • Problem Importing Contacts from CSV to Outlook 365 Home Premium

    I have exported contacts from gmail to Outlook CSV format, unable to import to Outlook 365.  Error suggests:
    There was a problem importing your contacts.    
    Phone numbers and websites can only contain English characters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9), and specific symbols (such as @). Please try again.
    I exported from Outlook 365 a CSV file and column by column copy/value pasted the data from the gmail generated file to the Outlook 365 (People) CSV and saved.  I also searched for any such vaguely referenced trouble spot character and removed anything
    that feel out of description (I didn't find anything obvious)
    characters left in place on emails were (underscore _), characters left in several phone numbers were (comma's , (pause prompts)).  I may have a phone number or 2 that also contain the English character "x".
    Please help

    Make sure you exported the Gmail contacts as Outlook CSV format.
    In addition, you can also try exporting the contacts as the vCard format, test if it can be imported into Outlook properly.
    If you deleted the column of phone, import the contacts into Outlook, will the same error show up?
    If you have an account, you can try import the contacts to, create the account in Outlook, after the contacts sync completes, move the contacts to the target account.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problems importing Photoshop edited images...

    Hi to all of you smart people. Let me know if there is already a thread on this topic...
    So here's my question. I am having problems importing images I converted to grayscale in photoshop into iPhoto. They show in iPhoto as if they are negatives. Thanks!

    Hi Rebecca, Yes that is a known problem and there are numerous threads on the subject. Do a search for "greyscale" or "grayscale" (how do you spell grey anyways?)

  • Can't import/load a spreatsheet into HTMLDB

    I've a problem whith trying to import a spreadsheet into my HTMLDB Workspace.
    The installation worked ok, and I've runned the recompile script and the patches also.
    When I try to import/load a txt file(seperaded by empty space or \t) I get an "Page can not be found" error. When I open the D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\http_1\Apache\Apache\logs\error_log I see the following error code.
    File does not exist: d:/oracle/product/10.2.0/http_1/apache/apache/htdocs/index.html
    File does not exist: d:/oracle/product/10.2.0/http_1/apache/apache/htdocs/pls/database_access_descriptor
    But I've no idea what the problem can be, anyone has an idea?
    I've the
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release database installed and the Oracle-HTTP-Server 2.2.1. HTMLDB version
    Richard van der Haag

    Are those error messages the newest messages in the log? From what you've said so far it sounds like your ApEx installation works except for this import operation. Is that true?

  • The import cannot be resolved

    i have added a new project to the exixting fine working project and added new java files. But i cant access some packages of old projects from within these new java files as i get the error "The import cannot be resolved". I have set class path correctly..
    Please tell me the possible causes of this problem.
    Waiting for your reply..

    Are the libraries included in the compile path?
    The error it sounds, is that the compiler cannot locate the JAR/class files for classes within the namespace.

  • Problem with Wifi Traveler app and ipass

    This product is causing lots of problem on my Nokia E72 phone. First it was working okay, asking me to update it, but after I installed the iPass plug in , then it manipulated my phone's internet connection and many of my apps couldn't get connected to my Home's Wifi network and load up and even this app would'nt let my Apps to use the 3G netowrk of my Provider to get connected unless I was out of the range of my Home Wireless Connection. I tried everything to enabling and disabling the Internet connection in the App, changing the Access Point , disabling the IPass , nothing worked .
     I even tried to update the app but it fails. I tried to unintall the apllication and it fails, I removed then Ipass plugin of the app , and it made it much worse...  now vice versa , my apps can never connect to 3G network, and only bring the option to get it connected to WIFi. 
    Tired to install the Ipass Plug in again , but now it doesn't get installed, it asks for Wifi Travelers to be updated first, but that one fails to be updated either. The app cannot be uninstalled too, leaving me in limbo. I tired to reinstall the application, but it fails ... does any one who how to get rid of this app or at least make it to update ? This app is just driving me nuts, Thanks
    Go to Solution.

    This problem with deleting protected iPass WiFi access point is SOLVED.This is the way:
    READ POINT 3c FIRST!!   After that,read from the beggining.
    1.stop any connection/ data or wifi/. -DONT touch iPass wifi app.
    2.go to psiloc world traveller -iPass wifi app - and choose DISABLED.
    3.go to settings-installations-already installed-choose REMOVE psiloc world traveller /both apps from there/..Big one and the small one-about 22kb.
    4.go to settings-connectivity-settings-network destinations-chek is the access point deleted..
    If not,you must go to little bit complicated way..
    1a.establish wifi connection-NOT by iPass Wifi app./ONLY WI FI - NOT DATA / connection.
    2b.go to psiloc world traveller-open it-go to iPass wifi app, go to UPDATE it..Make update of iPass wifi app,after that choose DISABLE.
    3c.It is recommandable -before any work on removing protected access point  - to move temporary all access points to another destination,/protected acces point cant be moved/ in order to make protected access point /iPass wifi/ be alone in the folder/destination/ INTERNET-or the folder where it is ...If it is neccessary open new destination folder...And put all other access points there..I do that before removeing this **bleep**...protected acc.point.,CLOSE ALL CONNECTIONS - IT IS VERY IMPORTANT - go to app manager/ installations/-REMOVE Psiloc world traveller-DONT TOUCH ANY WIFI APPS-Remove both Psiloc traveller apps..Big one and the small one.
    5e.Restart phone.
    6f.Make check,your internet acc.point destination would be empty - without iPass access point **bleep**....If it is all Ok,you must  bring back your old access point order.
    7g.remember,removing of psiloc world traveller you automatically removed protected iPass wifi access point.DONT TRY TO REMOVE iPass WIFi application itself!

  • Live tiles for emails and people app not updating.

    I just got a new WP8 Nokia 822 this week and started seeing that I am not able to access my emails from the tiles.  When I hit the tile it just comes back to the tiles.  When I finally get to the emails I will delete one and the number on the tile does not change nor can I re access the emails.  I turn phone off and on, get into the email and the one I deleted is there again.
    Also, when I go to the people app I am trying to filter my contact list.  I have unchecked facebook about ten times and the contacts are still showing up on my contact list.  I tried to go into one of my contacts to add a picture and it keep kicking me back to the list.  
    I wasn't sure if I would like this phone to begin with, now I am really not liking it.  Anyone else having these types of problems?

    This is not normal at all.
    Try doing a hard reset; go to Settings tap About and then tap reset your phone.  This will reset your phone to factory defaults.  All data and loaded applications will be deleted.
    If that doesn't work get a replacement.

  • Bpel: problems importing schema from http-url

    i have problems importing the schema "". I'm using JDeveloper and SoaSuite with the patch
    The problem can be reproduced very easily:
    * create a new "BPEL Process Project" from template "Synchronous BPEL Process" and use all default settings
         -> deploying to my local app-server works
    * add a new variable to the process
         * select "Element" as type
         * click "Browse Elements..."
         * click "Import Schema File..."
         * enter ""
         * select "Imported Schemas/addressing/EndpointReference"
         * finish creating variable
    * save all and deploy
         -> the ant console shows the following error:
    C:\oracle\JDeveloper\jdev\mywork\TejTest\BPELProcess1\build.xml:79: A problem occured while connecting to server "" using port "8888": bpel_BPELProcess1_1.0.jar failed to deploy. Exception message is: ORABPEL-05215
    Fehler beim Laden von Prozess.
    Bei der Prozessdomäne sind folgende Fehler beim Laden des Prozesses "BPELProcess1" (Revision "1.0") aufgetreten: BPEL-Validierung nicht erfolgreich.
    Validierung der BPEL-Quelle nicht erfolgreich. Fehler:
    [Fehler ORABPEL-10902]: Kompilierung nicht erfolgreich
    [Beschreibung]: in "bpel.xml", XML-Parsing nicht erfolgreich. Grund "nicht definiertes Teilelement.
    In WSDL-Datei bei "file:/C:/oracle/product/" ist das Teilelement der Nachricht "{}BPELProcess1ProcessRequest" in keinem der Schemas definiert.
    Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Schreibweise des QName-Elements korrekt ist und dass der WSDL-Import vollständig ausgeführt wurde.
    [Mögliche Behebung]: n/v.
    Wenn Sie ein Patch auf dem Server installiert haben, stellen Sie sicher, dass die bpelcClasspath-Domäneneigenschaft die Patch-Klassen enthält.
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessHolder.bind(
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.DeploymentManager.deployProcess(
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.DeploymentManager.deploySuitcase(
    at com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.BPELDomainManagerBean.deploySuitcase(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    sorry for the german message, i couldn't get the english version. basically it says that "{}BPELProcess1ProcessRequest" is not defined in any schema, what is very strange because before importing the schema from http..., the element ...BPELProcess1ProcessRequest has been found.
    another strange thing is that if i download the schema from and import it from a local file, everything works as expected.

    When importing a schema there are two attributes to the import element to be aware of: namespace and schemaLocation. I think this is the basis of confusion, particularly where the same value is used for both in this case.
    I suspect that the schema import works for ax90033 because the schemaLocation is being specified as "".
    The W3C has some further information on this at which gives an indication of the complexity that lies behind schema imports.

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