Problem importing JPEGs

i'm trying to build a slideshow in final cut pro. about half of the 25 images i dragged over imported and the other half didnt. i'm not sure why as they are all jpeg images. i did take a few screenshots. the error simply says, "File Error: Unknown File"
Hppefully someone can help:
the error:
the file info:

I checked that one out. Can't import it into FCP either. Opened in photoshop and converted to photoshop format and it imported fine. Opened in Preview (in case you don't have Photoshop) and saved as photoshop format, imported fine that way too.
So that's a workaround if you like - I'm sure someone will eventually figure out why it won't import.
EDIT (post crossed with above)
Nice one David, seems to be related to the colour profile. If you open in PS and just remove the profile it can be imported.
Message was edited by: Denis Murphy

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    video likes 72 dpi ( though some will say it doesnt matter .. thats a long story ). basically video 'shows' 72 dpi ( basically what the monitor resolution is...typically 72 dpi ).  As you know from print and dimensions, there is a relative sorta thing with byte count ( file size in bytes ), ppi ( I usually say dpi but in video its ppi ....same thing basically )..., and dimensions ( width x height ).
    soooo , as you know in print and web stuff...there is a relationship between number of dots or pixels, dimensions in inches or pixels, and overall byte count of file size....
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    Also, in print and going offest press.. its nice to go with cmyk ( for color separations ).. but in video and web its best to go with RGB.
    The video stuff doesnt deal with vector stuff... it just sees and deals with bitmapped stuff...vector stuff is a mathematical sorta thing whereas video stuff is just plain old bitmaps ( like BMP, TIF, JPG, etc )...
    Ideally your still images and graphics in a video editing program would be bitmapped rgb 72 ppi.. and match exactly the dimension of your video format ( eg. 1080p ).  That said, it is normal to have LARGER images ( still images and graphics ) than your project dimensions if you PLAN ON SCALING AND MOTION )... like, your original graphic or pic can be larger than the project if you plan on scaling it down over time to make it look like you are zooming out in the video ....
    To get the best results of a graphic or picture in a video is to have it exactly the project size ( eg. 1920x1080 px at 72 ppi for full HD ).
    soooooo.... if you convert your vector to bitmap, save as psd or tif or something... at 72ppi , with the dimensions in inches or pixels that equals the video ( 1920x1080 for example )... you will see what you want in your second sample ( the original )...
    ps.. you can import layers to the video if you wanna do a psd file and have ONE of those layers the one you use in your video ...can label it something like " video layer " ... whatever...

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    Than LR should have brought in the RAW files as well. ACR is the RAW
    processing engine used by LR under the covers so anything not supported by
    ACR would not be supported by Lightroom.
    Are you shooting RAW plus JPEG? By default, Lightroom will stack then
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    still import the JPEGS.

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    Hi Uli,
    thanks for pointing me to your thread. I followed the discussion with great interest. Actually, I think the effect I am describing here is of different nature and a LOT stronger, at least for the type of images I've tested.
    I did some more experiments yesterday with interesting results:
    1) When I export a processed RAW from LR to JPEG or PSD, no matter what Color Space (I tested AdobeRGB, sRGB and ProphotoRGB), and re-import those JPEG/PSD's to LR, they look absolutely identical to the RAW I started with. Also, at first glance, they look similar when opened in CS2, but only because I tested with color images. I can indeed see small differences when testing with B/W, as you described in your "Color management bug" thread.
    2) When I change the color space of an PSD or JPEG inside CS2 (I used the default setting 'relative colorimetric') and save it to JPEG and then import this JPEG to LR, colors are far off. The strength of this mostly reddish color cast depends on the color space of the imported JPEG, strongest for Prophoto, less strong for Adobe and sRGB. Interestingly, when I convert the color space inside CS2 and save the result to PSD, it will display correctly when imported in LR. Another interesting side effect: the thumbnails of LR-exported JPEG's in the "Open" dialogs of CS2 and LR (I guess those are not color-managed) show the typical color-flatness for the Adobe and even more the ProPhoto version. For the CS2-converted JPEG's, all thumbnails look just a colorful as the thumbnail of the sRGB version.
    3) Such an image which doesn't display correctly in LR will keep its color cast when exported again to a JPEG (not sure about PSD). So something goes wrong with the color conversion during the import of such CS2-converted images.
    My explanation so far is that CS2 uses a slightly different way of coding the colorspace information in the metadata of JPEG's which somehow prevents LR to recognise the color space correctly.
    Can you confirm this behaviour?

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    Thanks in advance for all of the help.

    Will I have to do that for every picture? I am able to open them in Preview and resave them and they work fine. Is there a camera setting that I need to use to dictate how the pix are imported?
    Thanks for your help!

  • Imported JPEG causes ptroblems when publishing

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    JPEG as a
    It is published OK several times and then on athe next
    attempt to publish it
    slows down and throws a message that the computer run out of
    virtual memory
    and will take it from some other processes. This takes a
    couple of minutes
    nd then the resulting SWF is about 10 times the size it was
    before and shows
    no backgrownd.
    The JPEG is still in the FLA, but it is empty.
    I delete is completely, import again - same story - compiles
    well only
    several first times.
    Tries it with other JPEGs - same result.
    Without JPEG thisfla compiles without problems
    The JPEG in question is a photo taken by low resolution
    digital camera, 1276
    by 958 pixel and 330 K

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    Version of Flash is 8, AS version 2
    I cannnot see file size abnormality here.
    The most puzzling is that after I remove and re-import the
    image it compiles
    well several times? before the problem repeats. It looks like
    something is
    accumulationg over repeated publishing.
    Or my code might have some hidden side effect which does
    something with the
    "arunbe" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:emgpb5$601$[email protected]..
    > Its somewhat a difficult problem, i never met before.
    > But, I need some more details.
    > May i know whats the file size of your main fla file in
    which you are
    > importing the image ??? And what version you are using
    now ????
    > Onething is sure, its only due to the upnormal file
    > Check it out....

  • Problems when jpeg encoding multiple images

    Hi, im trying to write a servlet which generates multiple thumbs. However when encoding for the second time i get an error reading encoded JPEG Stream.
    I can't figure out the problem
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder;
    public class Thumbs extends HttpServlet {
      private String dbDriver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
      private String dbURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/shopper?";
      private String userID = "javauser";
      private String passwd = "javadude";
      private Connection dbConnection;
      //Initialize global variables
      public void init() throws ServletException {
      //Process the HTTP Get request
      public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
          String foreignNr = request.getParameterValues("p")[0];
          String maxDim = request.getParameterValues("s")[0];
          if (foreignNr != null){
            int foreignID = Integer.parseInt(foreignNr);
            int maxDimension = Integer.parseInt(maxDim);
            OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
        } catch (Exception ex){
      public void writeThumbnailPictures(OutputStream out,int foreignID,int maxDimension){
          dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL, userID, passwd);
          PreparedStatement pageStatement;
          pageStatement = dbConnection.prepareStatement(
              "select * from pictures where ForeignID = ?");
          pageStatement.setInt(1, foreignID);
          ResultSet recs = pageStatement.executeQuery();
          while ( {
            byte[] data = recs.getBytes("Picture");
            if (data != null) {
              Image inImage = new ImageIcon(data).getImage();
              // Determine the scale.
               double scale = (double)maxDimension / (double)inImage.getHeight(null);
               if (inImage.getWidth(null) > inImage.getHeight(null)) {
                   scale = (double)maxDimension /(double)inImage.getWidth(null);
               // Determine size of new image.
               // One of them should equal maxDim.
               int scaledW = (int)(scale*inImage.getWidth(null));
               int scaledH = (int)(scale*inImage.getHeight(null));
               // Create an image buffer in
               //which to paint on.
               BufferedImage outImage = new BufferedImage(scaledW, scaledH,
               // Set the scale.
               AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform();
               // If the image is smaller than
               // the desired image size,
               // don't bother scaling.
               if (scale < 1.0d) {
                   tx.scale(scale, scale);
               // Paint image.
               Graphics2D g2d = outImage.createGraphics();
               g2d.drawImage(inImage, tx, null);
               // JPEG-encode the image
               JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
        catch(Exception ex){
      //Clean up resources
      public void destroy() {

    I am facing same problem while generating the thumbs. Did you figure out what the problem is? if you have the solution, do post it.
    Thanks in advance

  • Import JPEG files become corrupt

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    TIFFs are the same way.
    If I open the photos in Photoshop and save them as PSD they work just fine (other than the much larger file size) and PNG files work fine as well.
    I have several hundred photos to put in this very lengthy slideshow so I'm looking for a fix without having to batch all the files to save as PSD which will each up my hard drive space.

    I am a big fan of keeping images in .PSD format and ascribe to John's suggestion. I even did an ARTICLE on automating the resizing in PS, prior to Import. While primarily written for use with an NLE (where I create the vast majority of my SlideShows), the same applies to Encore.
    Good luck,

  • Problems importing Nikon D4s NEF files to LR5, Bridge, Photoshop CC / CC2014?

    Is anyone having a problem importing Nikon D4s NEF files into Lightroom 5, Bridge or PhotoshopCC / CC2014 or Photoshop5?
    I am running the latest updates: LR5.5, RAW 8.4, Photoshop CC latest update which, as far as I am aware, are all supposed to support the D4s NEFs but none will read the files; LR5.5 just shows "Preview unavailable for this file", Bridge just shows a blank and Photoshop shows "Photoshop cannot open this file".
    I have tried 14 bit, 12bit uncompressed; but only jpegs show up??
    All running on an iMAC 2.93Ghz Core i7 mid 2010; 16GB Ram and also on a Mid 2011 Macbook pro 2.2Ghz core i7 with 16GB Ram. 
    Is this camera supported fully yet?
    Is anyone else having similar problems?
    Any ideas?

    You probably used Nikon software to transfer the photos to your computer. This causes corruption of the file so taht Adobe Software cannot read it.
    To uncorrupt the files, see Fix Corrupted Nikon NEF Images

  • Aperture not showing (just black) newly imported JPEG files

    RE: Aperture not showing newly imported JPEG files.
    In fact its just black instead of the actual image. (see attached screen shot)
    When double clicking on this - i.e. to go to the edit mode, the image then appears.
    If I return to the viewing screen without changing anything to that image it remains black.
    If I make any kind of change to the image, the image will appear when returning to the viewing screen.
    Aperture seems only to have started behaving like this after update to OS X  10.10 (Yosemite)
    I have the latest Aperture 3.6
    Latest Digital Camera Raw 6.00 Build 761.5 and Digital Camera Raw Support 6000 Build 131.1
    RAW files (taken with same camera) are displayed without any issues.
    JPEG image files have been taken with a Sony RX100
    JPEG image files taken with the same device imported into Aperture before OSX update to 10.10 have appear to have no issues
    I cannot say if JPEG files taken with a different device have similar issues.
    All files have been been reprocessed to latest edition of aperture
    I have had other issues of other types of files (i.e. TIFF output  files 'unsupported image format' behaving oddly including inconsistent behaviour after having been processed by 3rd party aperture plug-in's -  although this has now largely been solved.
    I remember having similar issues of files behaving strangely in Aperture after last update to OS X (Mavericks) - forget how this was solved -  but I'm pretty sure it was not an issue involving JPEGS
    Many thanks

    ...this sounds very similar to the problem I had on a previous aperture update and I had a similar issue  -  to that - with the .tiff files output from RAW files and an HDR plug-in.
    In the first instance, I cannot remember for sure, but maybe it was something to do with not having the latest RAW File update for Aperture specific to that latest Aperture Update and specific to a Sony RX100 (or it could have been a Nikon d700).
    I found the RAW file update  -  I'm not sure it was being made available from the App Store -  and everything was fine.
    With the more recent issue, I'm pretty sure this was resolved by updating to the latest Photomatix HDR plug-in.
    So I'm just stuck on the issue with the JPEGs now.

  • Problem Importing .jpg

    When I import jpegs about half will end up with "Lightroom has encountered problems reading this photo." and will appear very fuzzy unless viewed as a thumbnail. I tried importing from the hard drive rather than a memory card, but got the same result.
    The jpegs appear normal in other programs (Preview and iPhoto). I imported into iPhoto, exported, and then the photo imported into Lightroom OK. While this workaround works, I have hundreds of these photos and the fix process is tedious.
    Here is a link to a "bad" file:
    I'm using the latest Lightroom (3.4.1) on Mac 10.6.7.
    What is wrong with the file and can I fix before importing without going through the tedious iPhoto process.
    Thanks for any help.

    trshaner wrote:
    I downloaded and imported the file into LR on my Windows7 64bit system without any issues. It looks just fine and gave me no error mesages.
    If it were file corruption why wouldn't I encounter the same problem with my Windows 7 LR? Could this be a Mac file format compatibility issue?
    That's interesting have others here been able to load it on Windows?
    Shouldn't be any compatibility issues between OS's that I know of for jpegs.

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    Please help anyone

    Never mind, I figured it out, have to save files in RGB format, not CMYK

  • Getting error message on import that says can't import jpeg files and won't import

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    Not an old camera problem - most likely a memory card format problem - when was the last time you reformated yoru card?
    What camera do you have? Does image capture work?

  • Problems importing Bitmaps into Editing Workspace

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    I am using Photoshop Elements 6 and I have captured literally hundreds of BMP Files from a home made video.
    I am trying to produce a number of animated sequences by removing the background to leave the subject matter which I then intend to overlay onto a new background in a series of frames.
    The Problem I am having is that when I try to view the image in the Editing Workspace, the image resolution is distorted and stretched out horizontally!
    The original file is 640 X 480 Pixels and around 900Kb. I am using Windows XP SP2 with 512MB Ram and 3.06Ghz Pentium 4.
    I can view the thumbnails in the organiser OK but for some reason when I go to edit it appears as a thin line across the editing workspace at 1%. When I have tried to edit the Image Size it is showing the Document Size as being 0.18cm Wide by 0.14cm High with a resolution of 8902.125 !!!!pixels/inch when it should be about 72?
    I have imported one of the BMP files into Fireworks and exported it as a PNG then edited it in PE with no problem.
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    I have just spent over a hour on the phone to Adobe Technical Support who could not help me.
    I have un-installed and re-installed and it has not solved the problem.
    Has anybody got any ideas please so I do not have to re-save every file as a PNG or do you know of an alternative method of producing the animation?

    Are you saying that the problem is with BMP files only?
    Did you tried to edit the same file in other editors like Photoshop or any other??
    Try to crop the same file in Organizer, if it works reset editor preferences and try again...
    + Ripple (VJ)

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    I am a new MacBook Pro owner with Leopard 10.5.1 and iLife 08. Absolutely impressed by the system, but a bit disappointed that importing JPEG formatted photos from files sometimes results in garbled photos in iPhoto and Aperture, even though the originals are simply fine. Tried to used other software like GIMP, but the issue remains.
    Is this a known Mac OS X problem? If so, does anyone have a solution for it?
    I would be eternally grateful for any help I can get on the isue.

    Sorry, forgot to mention that I'm asking for my New iPad

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