Problem in capturing audio signal

Hello Everyone,
I am new to LabVIEW. I am trying to capture the sound signal, whenever a known frequency and amplitude is generated. I am recording the signal continously, but am unable to record the signal having only that particular frequency and amplitude.
Please help me.

There are some good Frequency Content functions in LabVIEW.  Look in the Waveform Measurement palette.  From there, you can get your frequency components and their amplitude.  When you see what you want, save the data.
There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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    Hello all,
    i'm installed the WTK SDK 3.0 for osx and everything works well. Some test applications also work.
    Now I'm trying to realize my project and get strange error.
    I want to capture some audio form the microphone. But when i do so the Emulator strikes with this error: Player cannot be created for capture://audio
    so i tried this: System.getProperty("supports.recording") and it returns false. But when i read over the specification of the WTK it says that it should support the Audio capturing. Is this error based on the implementation of the WTK on OSX or have some Windows users also the same problem?
    here is my implementation for the Audio recording:
    public void commandAction(Command comm, Displayable disp){
                    p = Manager.createPlayer("capture://audio");
                    RecordControl rc = (RecordControl)p.getControl("RecordControl");
                    ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    recordedSoundArray = output.toByteArray();
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                } catch (MediaException me) {
                } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            } else if(comm == playCommand) {
                try {
                    ByteArrayInputStream recordedInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream
                    Player p2 = Manager.createPlayer(recordedInputStream,"audio/basic");
                }  catch (IOException ioe) {
                } catch (MediaException me) {
        any help would be grateful!
    thx and greetings
    Edited by: nYmou on Jun 1, 2010 3:44 AM

    Note: This thread was originally posted in the [Sun Java Wireless Toolkit|] forum, but moved to this forum for closer topic alignment.

  • Problem in capturing audio

    i want to capture audio from microphone and save it as a file.
    i m new in jmf.i download jmf2.1.1 and in demo , it was complied succesfully but when i run this program that time devicelist not found & exit my program.
    this is the code...
    Vector deviceList = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new
    AudioFormat(AudioFormat.LINEAR, 44100, 16, 2));
    if (deviceList.size() > 0)
    di = (CaptureDeviceInfo)deviceList.firstElement();
    i m using jdk1.3 and window millanium.
    plz help me how can i solve this problem .. And Any one who have a right code for recording audio from mic and save as a file plz send me..
    my E-mail : [email protected]
    Thanks for Advance

    hi reggiee,
    hey i really appreaciate the way u r responding man, thanks a lot.
    Using JMF2.1.1 actually am able to capture audio with the file type is .WAV, but now the problem starts .
    1) The capturing procedure works for only 4 seconds and exits(that i guess can b set by changing the time period, am i correct).
    2) The captured audio when i open it plays so fastly as if its been forwarded that u cant understand wht exactly is captured.
    3) Another problem is the captured file is to heavy, for a around 28 sec capture it comes around 1.2Mb(file size).That i guess is too much.Do tell me some remedy for this .
    The code is in file.
    Now wht am looking for is ,
    1) How can i able to start and stop the audio capturing in the run time.
    2) At present it is capturing as .WAV type, can i capture by some other type say ".mid", ".au" ,".rmf" ? If so plz let me know.
    Please do send me the change code also.If u have any.
    Please do suggest me some remedy forthe said problems.
    Am looking for replies of all u guys.Its been very urgent.
    thanks in advance

  • Capture Audio which can be heard from speakers..

    I am currently facing a problem in capturing audio which can be heard from the speakers.. i.e. i want to capture audio generated by other applications. Till now I have been successful in capturing audio from microphone using JMF and Java Sound too.. But I fail to understand what capture device should I use to capture internal sound i.e. sound generated by other applications.. pls. help me out regarding this.. Can DirectSoundCapture (capture device) be used to capture such sounds or can it just capture sounds from microphone..? Pls. help me soon.. Thanks in advance :)

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  • Is there a VI which reads audio signals off optical SPDIF port?

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    Hi Bhuvana,
    There are not any VIs in LabVIEW designed specifically for SPDIF.  There is, however, a tutorial on reading an SPDIF signal using LabVIEW FPGA.  You may also be interested in this thread which discusses the use of a digital data acquisition board and the rate needed to read an SPDIF signal. 
    Jennifer R.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    You make no grammatical sense.

  • Problems capturing audio under linux

    Hello. I have developed an application that captures audio using the Audio API of JFM. The problem is when I start capturing audio under Linux (all the audio devices are well configurated), the JVM returns the following error:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : Illegal request to write non integral numbre of
    frames (13107 bytes)
    The piece of code that causes the error is :
    while(!stop) {
    numBytesRead =,0, data.length); bufferoutput.write(data,0,
    numBytesRead); }
    where inputLine is a TargetDataLine.
    Under Windows this runs OK. Anyone know why not under Linux?

    I'm developing a videoconferencing application on Linux and I can't
    capture audio; I get messages like these: "couldn't initialize audio device"
    or " or " Cannot open audio device for input." from JMStudio.
    Have you got any idea about the problem ?

  • Problem capturing audio

    I am trying to capture audio using jmf 2.1.1.e in Linux (SuSE 8.1) with jdk 1.4.2_04. I have "alsa" properly installed. However, when I try to capture using jmstudio, I am shown "javaSound audio", LINEAR, 44100 Hz, 16 bits, stereo, little endian and after cliking OK I get :"Could't initialize the Capture Device".
    I also try to run a code to capture audio, using the following:
    Vector audioDevices = CaptureDeviceManager.getDeviceList(new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.LINEAR, 44100, 16, 2));
    CaptureDeviceInfo audioCDI = (CaptureDeviceInfo)audioDevices.elementAt(0); //I get javaSound
    ds = Manager.createDataSource(audioCDI.getLocator());
    processor =;
    But I get the following exception:
    LINEAR, 44100.0 Hz, 16-bit, Stereo, LittleEndian, Signed
    LINEAR, 44100.0 Hz, 16-bit, Mono, LittleEndian, Signed
    LINEAR, 22050.0 Hz, 16-bit, Stereo, LittleEndian, Signed
    LINEAR, 22050.0 Hz, 16-bit, Mono, LittleEndian, Signed
    LINEAR, 11025.0 Hz, 16-bit, Stereo, LittleEndian, Signed
    LINEAR, 11025.0 Hz, 16-bit, Mono, LittleEndian, Signed
    LINEAR, 8000.0 Hz, 16-bit, Stereo, LittleEndian, Signed
    LINEAR, 8000.0 Hz, 16-bit, Mono, LittleEndian, Signed
    Audio not supported: interface TargetDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED, 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, little-endian, audio data, and buffers of 22050 to 22050 bytes
    Audio not supported: interface TargetDataLine supporting format PCM_SIGNED, 44100.0 Hz, 16 bit, stereo, little-endian, audio data, and buffers of 22050 to 22050 bytes Cannot open audio device for input. Error instantiating class: : Cannot open audio device for input.
    at AVTransmit2.createProcessor(
    at AVTransmit2.start(
    at AVTransmit2.main(
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at AVTransmit2.waitForState(
    at AVTransmit2.createProcessor(
    at AVTransmit2.start(
    at AVTransmit2.main(
    Has anybody ever had this problem?? Do you know where the problem is? Do you know how to solve it??
    Could you be so kind as to help me, please???
    Thank you very much in advance.

    Hi wew64.
    I m new to JMF. I just made a simple media player not any more. can you please tell me what is "alsa" and "arts".
    actually I want to control my Sound card properties like "Microphone, Line In, etc...." is it possible in java if it is please tell me.
    I will be very thankful to you
    I m very upset about it because it is minimum 3-weeks late, my project is pending on this stage. All i want to do, just to mute the volume of "line in" (property in my sound card, which takes audio data from a TvTunner card and leaves this audio data out to the speakers.)so that only the audio from my computer's( any application like media player) can goes to the speakers, not the audio comming from the TvTunner(My TvTunner is opperated by the application provided by the vendor, I did not develop this on my own in java. I just made my media player in java). Yes this is the PROBLEM that both audios from TvTunner card and from My Application are being transmitted to speakers simultanously. But i want, when my application is running, the audio comming from TvTunner should be muted and when my application is exited, the TvTunner's audio should be unmuted. And this is only done by Line In property because Audio from TvTunner card is got by the Sound card through the Line In property.
    I tried my best to find out the solution but could not get any thing right.
    Please Help me

  • Capturing Audio from DAT

    I'm trying to capture audio from a DAT deck (Tascam DA-20) into FCP HD by routing it through my JVC BR-DV600U DV deck (RCA output from DAT, RCA input to DV deck, Firewire into FCP).
    The DV deck's input is set to line-in, and the audio is being routed through (audio meters on DV deck mimic those on DAT deck, and I can hear the audio through the headphones jacked into my DV deck).
    However, when I try to capture the audio on FCP, I am unsuccessful, prompting the following window from FCP: "Error: Final Cut Pro HD was unable to read the movie file just captured."
    Now, I use the same set up I described above to capture footage from my Beta deck into FCP with no problems (route Beta signal through DV deck and firewire it into FCP). This leads me to believe that perhaps the glitch lies within my Capture Presets.
    At first, I tried to capture the signal as an Audio-Only DV NTSC 48 Khz/Non-controllable device. After that failed, I tried to create my own capture preset, but am not sure it will make a difference, as the only input choices I am given are DV Audio, Built-In Audio, and None.
    Any suggestions?

    Why not capture the audio content outside of FCP, check the sample rate for 48Khz/16-bit, convert if necessary, save as an AIFF file, and then import that resulting sound file into FCP?
    Any good audio app, including STP will do captures.
    You are probably going to need to do some cleanup on the audio anyway before you use it, so why not just use an audio app to do it beforehand?
    Besides, if you have an audio device (PCI card or Firewire device) in your Mac, you can use the S/PDIF port for your connection to the DAT and do a digital transfer when you import.
    As I understand the way you are doing it now, you are taking digital content from the DAT, converting it to analog for the connection into your deck, and then re-converting it into digital when you capture it back into FCP.
    One big advantage of digital audio (and video) is to avoid generation loss and added noise during transfer if you go D-to-D.
    If you don't have an audio card or Firewire A/D audio I/O device with S/PDIF ports in your Mac, then see if you can find a friend who has one and can do the transfer for you. Then he can give you the file on a CD-ROM.
    That's what I'd do.

  • Getting echo when capturing audio with JMF

    I have just downloaded JMF 2.1.1 and have cribbed one of the examples to produce an application that will capture audio input, process it and pass it straight to the speakers. However, I am getting echo, i.e. the input signal appears twice at the speakers, shifted by about half a second.
    Now, before you tell me that it is due to feedback from the speakers to the microphone, I must tell you that my audio signal is from a radio plugged into the mike socket of my PC, so there is no chance of any external feedback.
    Below is the code:
    public class ExampleClass2 implements ControllerListener {
         private Object waitSync = new Object();
    private boolean stateTransitionOK = true;
         private Processor proc;
         public ExampleClass2 () {
              MediaLocator locator = getLocatorByName ("JavaSound audio capture");
              try {
                   proc = Manager.createProcessor(locator);
                   waitForState (Processor.Configured);
    //               waitForState(Processor.Started);
    //          proc.getGainControl().setMute(true);
              } catch (Exception ex) {
    * Block until the processor has transitioned to the given state.
    * Return false if the transition failed.
    boolean waitForState(int state) {
         synchronized (waitSync) {
         try {
              while (proc.getState() != state && stateTransitionOK)
         } catch (Exception e) {}
         return stateTransitionOK;
    * Controller Listener.
    public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent evt) {
         if (evt instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent ||
         evt instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent ||
         evt instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) {
         synchronized (waitSync) {
              stateTransitionOK = true;
         } else if (evt instanceof ResourceUnavailableEvent) {
         synchronized (waitSync) {
              stateTransitionOK = false;
         } else if (evt instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
         public static void main (String [] args) {
              ExampleClass2 two = new ExampleClass2();
    Now, the really interesting thing is that if I uncomment the lines that mute the processor, I get only a single signal out of the speakers. It appears as if there is some connection between the mike input and speaker output.
    Just to make sure, I tried this with JMStudio and got the same result. When I captured input, I got two signals output until I pressed the mute button, when I got one signal.
    I also get the same problem if I use a Player, rather than a Processor.
    I am running on Win95, JDK1.3.
    Any thoughts?

    i'm having the same problem. but i tried with teh audio property settings. and get resolved. wat solution u found? i would like to know how u solved your problem, plz let me know very soon.
    Parth Pandya
    I have just downloaded JMF 2.1.1 and have cribbed one
    of the examples to produce an application that will
    capture audio input, process it and pass it straight
    to the speakers. However, I am getting echo, i.e. the
    input signal appears twice at the speakers, shifted by
    about half a second.
    Now, before you tell me that it is due to feedback
    from the speakers to the microphone, I must tell you
    that my audio signal is from a radio plugged into the
    mike socket of my PC, so there is no chance of any
    external feedback.
    Below is the code:
    public class ExampleClass2 implements
    ControllerListener {
         private Object waitSync = new Object();
    private boolean stateTransitionOK =
    ansitionOK = true;
         private Processor proc;
         public ExampleClass2 () {
    MediaLocator locator = getLocatorByName ("JavaSound
    d audio capture");
              try {
                   proc = Manager.createProcessor(locator);
                   waitForState (Processor.Configured);
    //               waitForState(Processor.Started);
    //          proc.getGainControl().setMute(true);
              } catch (Exception ex) {
    * Block until the processor has transitioned to
    d to the given state.
    * Return false if the transition failed.
    boolean waitForState(int state) {
         synchronized (waitSync) {
         try {
    while (proc.getState() != state &&
    & stateTransitionOK)
         } catch (Exception e) {}
         return stateTransitionOK;
    * Controller Listener.
    public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent evt)
    vt) {
         if (evt instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent ||
         evt instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent ||
         evt instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent) {
         synchronized (waitSync) {
              stateTransitionOK = true;
    } else if (evt instanceof ResourceUnavailableEvent)
         synchronized (waitSync) {
              stateTransitionOK = false;
         } else if (evt instanceof EndOfMediaEvent) {
         public static void main (String [] args) {
              ExampleClass2 two = new ExampleClass2();
    Now, the really interesting thing is that if I
    uncomment the lines that mute the processor, I get
    only a single signal out of the speakers. It appears
    as if there is some connection between the mike input
    and speaker output.
    Just to make sure, I tried this with JMStudio and got
    the same result. When I captured input, I got two
    signals output until I pressed the mute button, when I
    got one signal.
    I also get the same problem if I use a Player, rather
    than a Processor.
    I am running on Win95, JDK1.3.
    Any thoughts?

  • TV Anywhere Plus problem! NO Audio at all!

    The thing is, that with the msi software (TVR) i can't get any audio, not even from the radio. Video is great, i connect through Coaxial from my cable tv provider, but there is no audio at all. So, i tried other software, in this case "ChrisTV", which detected that through the coaxial cable there was also an audio signal, having no problems watching tv or listening to the radio.
    So, i ask, why can TVR detect the audio signal? ....i really want to use MSI software, cos the other program is shareware...and it's kinda ridiculous that i can't use the software i paid for, in first place.
    Help please!

    @Stu! Dude congratulate me!hehe!
    WHOOOPI! At last! I am able to make the audio work! And that is great! I am now getting an audio output nice and clear! Yahoooo! WOWOWEEE!
    I did not touch or remove any codecs installed in my system as you suggested. What I did was, uninstalled TVR bundled software and the game that I installed earlier.
    Two days prior to the installation of the TV@nywhere Plus card and bundled software, I installed a game (pirated ) And just last night when I got the time to play it, I found out that the game in the middle of the play hangs-up.
    So this afternoon (here) I decided to removed and un-installed the game and the TVR bundled software, but leaving ChrisTV Pro in my system. (just wanted to know what will happen after the 21 days trial period expires )
    But before re-installing TVR bundled software, I did a disk clean-up first and then defragmentation on my HDD. And that's it! Dunno if the game I installed was the culprit and causing the problems. Anyway, the most important thing is, I got the audio works and that is more important to me and made me feel happy!
    I tried the "capture audio only" using different audio level recording settings, and what a surprise! The recorded audio captured output set at 100% is superb! I can now use it to make MP3 audio files of all the video concerts in DVDs, VCDs, and VHS that I have.
    @Moderator Stu,
    Disregard my previous statements and comments (below) that I made earlier in this thread. I am retracting and taking all back what I've said. . My apologies to MSI and to the product itself. 
    I can attest that TV@nywhere Plus is a great product! I am happy with it!
    It's party time!!! Yahooo! Wowowee!
    Quote from: jebs on 21-August-06, 21:03:17
    My other QUESTION:
    Why MSI is marketing this if they know there is a glitch on their product? On the first place why selling it to the public? For sure they've tested this product before releasing it to the market. MSI should do something about it. They should make or create a much better working software application for this product. If other application software companies can run their product without or with a minor glitch, why can't they?  

  • Unable to capture audio from BlackMagic HD Extreme via Voice Over tool

    Hi !
    I'm trying to capture audio via my BlackMagic HD Extrem card using the Voice Over tool in FCP6, but I can't, no audio is incoming.
    I can ingest audio with video using log and capture, then I know my card and my cables are working.
    I tried to set the BM card as audio input in my Audio's System Prefereces Pane, but it isn't working either.
    I've been looking on the BM website, but I found nothing.
    Can you help me ?

    Thanks for the reply.
    Looking at system preferences I found that audio input was set microphone. Don't know how it happened. I switched it to DeckLink and now FCP displays 16 input channels in Log and Capture dialog. I didn't try to capture yet but I think it solved the problem, because before I had only two channels displyed.

  • Emulator on OSX don't support capturing audio, is this a BUG?? SDK 3.0

    Hello all,
    well i'm trying to capture audio with the emulator on OSX. When i test the System Properties for capturing audio i always get FALSE.
    I tried the same application on Windows XP with the SDK 3.0 and it works, i'm getting True and can capture the audio with my microphone.
    Now i want to know if this is only a Bug and could be fixed or is the support for capturing audio on Mac OSX not implemented yet?

    What kind of problem about the display image in signature?
    How do you add the image into the message body when you send the message?
    Does it show correct through Web-based access?
    Outlook 2007 doesn't support some of Style Element, you may reference the link as below:
    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    Thanks for your reply,  I know that some Style Elements won't be supported in Outlook, but this is not the reason.
    Please refer to my post previously, I post it but get no response.

  • Problem with USB audio device

    Hi all
    I have many problem with a USB device sound, i have a plantronic headset with a usb adapter to connect on my macbook pro, I have already this problem in the past but i have found a astuce to fix this problem. Before, when i'm on teamspeak 2, 3 or other software to capture audio with my headset, after 10 minutes, the sound make noise and i have a robotic voice... Since mac OS 10.5.7 apple have change the USB audio driver. i have found on internet the previous driver and change it on mac os X but since the new mac os 10.6.5 the problem com back with the previous or the new driver audio. I don't know if other people have this problem but this is very annoying.
    I have test my device on windows with boot camp many hour and nothing, no problem of distord sound or robotic voice.
    PS : I'm french and my english can be bad, sorry for that.

    Apparently, your previous search for audio issues in these forums missed this one:

  • Using video and audio signal from a camera connect...

    Why is it not possible and is skype intending to implement the ability to use the video signal form a digital camcorder connected to a tv?
    A lot of people these days have digital camcorders or digital cameras that produce video signal. Why can't those be supported as video input by skype?

    BC825 wrote:
    .....  Previously I had a HDMI to DVI cable and I had to awkwardly move the image off the PC monitor to the HDTV but with no sound.  Should I send the equipment (Kanex VGA to HDMI converter and associated cables) back to B&H while I can still return them and get refunded....
    The following ports are at the back of your computer:  
    Figure 4: Back I/O panel
    1 - USB 2.0: 4
    2 - LAN
    3 - DVI-D
    4 - D-SUB port (VGA port)
    5 - Audio: Line in
    6 - Audio: Line out
    7 - Audio: Microphone
     You already mentioned DVI-HDMI : it works but no sound. That's true because DVI does not carry audio signals. All you need is using RCA cable to connect port #6 to your TV.
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
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