Problem in creating a Regular Expression with gnu

Hi All,
iam trying to create a regular expression using gnu package api..
i need to validate the browser's(MSIE) userAgent through my regular expression
userAgent is like :First one ==> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
i wrote an regular expression like this:
Actaully this is validating my userAgent and returns true, my problem is, it is returning true if userAgent is having more words at the end after Windows NT 5.0 like Second One ==> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0) Testing
i want the regularExpression pattern to validate the First one and return true for it, and has to return false for the Second one..
my code is:
import gnu.regexp.*;
import gnu.regexp.REException;
public class TestRegexp
public static boolean getUserAgentDetails(String userAgent)
     boolean isvalid = false;
     RE regexp = new RE("Mozilla.*(.*)\\s*(.*)compatible;\\s*MSIE(.*)\\s*(.*)([0-9]\\.[0-9])(.*);\\s*(.*)Windows(.*)\\s*NT(.*)\\s*5.0(.*)");
     isvalid = regexp.isMatch(userAgent);
     return isvalid;
public static void main(String a[])
     String userAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)";
     boolean regoutput = getUserAgentDetails(userAgent);
     System.out.println("***** regoutput is ****** " + regoutput);
}please help me in solving this..
Thanks in Advance..

Ofcourse, i can do comparision with simple string matching..
but problem is the userAgent that i want to support is for all the MSIE versions ranging from 5.0 onwards, so there will the version difference of IE like MSIE 6.0..! or MSIE 5.5 some thing like that..
any ways i will try with StringTokenizer once..!
seems that will do my work..

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      I am working on firming up the call policy on my VCS Expressway to try to better intercept the SIP spam requests it is getting from internet ip numbers. Right now those spam requets are getting rejected by the loop detection but I want to intercept them before they even do a search on the Expressway. It seems that the call policy rules I create without regular expressions are functioning fine but I don't think I have the syntax correct for the regular expressions.
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    Default Zone access rules do not relate to this at all and you can keep those set to 'No'.
    How exactly are you placing the test calls when attempting to verify this?
    I created the following CPL rule on my X7 VCS (With being the IP address of my VCS):
    Source pattern:
    Destination pattern: \d{7,17}@10\.10\.10\.10
    Action: Reject
    I then proceeded with placing a SIP call from an unregistered C20, calling the URI '[email protected]' while running a diagnostics log on my VCS with Network log level set to 'DEBUG', and captured the following in that log:
    Incoming INVITE:
    2013-02-22T16:03:36+01:00 vcs02 tvcs: UTCTime="2013-02-22 15:03:36,598" Module="network.sip" Level="INFO":  Src-ip="10.x.x.x"  Src-port="5060"   Detail="Receive Request Method=INVITE, Request-URI=sip:[email protected], Call-ID=9dd19ad75b1063ecf716461b149e9e2a"
    2013-02-22T16:03:36+01:00 vcs02 tvcs: UTCTime="2013-02-22 15:03:36,598" Module="network.sip" Level="DEBUG":  Src-ip="10.x.x.x"  Src-port="5060"
    |INVITE sip:[email protected] SIP/2.0
    Call processing logic, showing CPL matching:
    2013-02-22T16:03:36+01:00 vcs02 tvcs: Event="Search Attempted" Service="SIP" Src-alias-type="SIP" Src-alias="10.x.x.x" Dst-alias-type="SIP" Dst-alias="sip:[email protected]" Call-serial-number="0886391c-7d01-11e2-adf5-0050569a08fd" Tag="08863aac-7d01-11e2-bd2e-0050569a08fd" Detail="searchtype:INVITE" Level="1" UTCTime="2013-02-22 15:03:36,601"
    2013-02-22T16:03:36+01:00 vcs02 tvcs: Event="Call Attempted" Service="SIP" Src-ip="10.x.x.x" Src-port="5060" Src-alias-type="SIP" Src-alias="sip:10.x.x.x" Dst-alias-type="SIP" Dst-alias="sip:[email protected]" Call-serial-number="0886391c-7d01-11e2-adf5-0050569a08fd" Tag="08863aac-7d01-11e2-bd2e-0050569a08fd" Protocol="UDP" Auth="NO" Level="1" UTCTime="2013-02-22 15:03:36,601"
    2013-02-22T16:03:36+01:00 vcs02 tvcs: UTCTime="2013-02-22 15:03:36,602" Module="network.cpl" Level="DEBUG":  Remote-ip="10.x.x.x"  Remote-port="5060"   Detail="CPL: "
    2013-02-22T16:03:36+01:00 vcs02 tvcs: UTCTime="2013-02-22 15:03:36,602" Module="network.cpl" Level="DEBUG":  Remote-ip="10.x.x.x"  Remote-port="5060"   Detail="CPL:   "
    2013-02-22T16:03:36+01:00 vcs02 tvcs: UTCTime="2013-02-22 15:03:36,602" Module="network.cpl" Level="DEBUG":  Remote-ip="10.x.x.x"  Remote-port="5060"   Detail="CPL: matched "
    2013-02-22T16:03:36+01:00 vcs02 tvcs: UTCTime="2013-02-22 15:03:36,602" Module="network.cpl" Level="DEBUG":  Remote-ip="10.x.x.x"  Remote-port="5060"   Detail="CPL: "
    VCS responds to INVITE with 403 Forbidden:
    2013-02-22T16:03:36+01:00 vcs02 tvcs: UTCTime="2013-02-22 15:03:36,616" Module="network.sip" Level="DEBUG":  Dst-ip="10.x.x.x"  Dst-port="5060"
    |SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
    As you can see, on my VCS everything seems to work as expected. I'd recommend you capture a similar diagnostics log on your own VCS to check what is different in your test call compared to the output above.

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    (.*Is there.*) && (.*library.*) && !((.*badword.*) || (^$))
    Is there any Java regex library that allows these operators?
    I know that in principle these operators should be available, since Regular languages are closed under union, intersection, and complement.

    AND is implicit,
    xy -- means x AND yThat's not what I need, though, since this is just
    concatenation of a regex.
    Thus, /xy/ would not match the string "a y a x",
    because y precedes x.So it has to contain both x and y, but they could be
    in any order?
    You can't do that easily or generally.
    "x.*y|y.*x" wouldll work here, but obviously
    it will get ugly factorially fast as you add more
    terms.You got that right: AND means the regex operands can appear in any order.
    That's why I'm looking for some regex library that does all this ugly work for me. Again, from a theoretical point of view, it IS possible to express the described semantics of AND with regular expressions, although they will get rather obfuscated.
    Unless somebody has done something similar in java (e.g., for C++, there's Ragel: , I will probably use some finite-state-machine libraries and compile the complex regex's into automata (which can be minimized using well-defined operations on FSMs).
    You'd probably just be better off doing multiple
    calls to matches() or whatever. Yes, that's another possibility, do the boolean operators in Java itself.
    Of course, if you
    really are just looking for literals, then you can
    just use str.contains(a) && !str.contains(b) &&
    (str.contains(c) || str.contains(d)). You don't
    seem to need regex--at least not from your example.OK, bad example, I do have "real" regexp's in there :)

  • Regular expressions with multi character separator

    I have data like the
    where |`| is the separator for distinguishing two fields of data. I am having trouble writing a regular expression to display the data correctly.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> declare
      2  l_string varchar2 (200) :='123` 456 |`|789 10 here|`||223|`|5434|`}22|`|yes';
      3  v varchar2(40);
      4  begin
      5  v:=regexp_substr(l_string, '[^(|`|)]+', 1, 1);
      6  dbms_output.put_line(v);
      7  v:=regexp_substr(l_string, '[^(|`|)]+', 1, 2);
      8  dbms_output.put_line(v);
      9  v:=regexp_substr(l_string, '[^(|`|)]+', 1, 3);
    10  dbms_output.put_line(v);
    11  v:=regexp_substr(l_string, '[^(|`|)]+', 1, 4);
    12  dbms_output.put_line(v);
    13  v:=regexp_substr(l_string, '[^(|`|)]+', 1, 5);
    14  dbms_output.put_line(v);
    15  end;
    16  /
    789 10 here
    5434I need it to display
    123` 456
    789 10 here
    yesI am not sure how to handle multi character separators in data using reg expressions
    Edited by: Clearance 6`- 8`` on Apr 1, 2011 3:35 PM
    Edited by: Clearance 6`- 8`` on Apr 1, 2011 3:37 PM

    Actually, using non-greedy matching, you can do what you want with regular expressions:
    VARIABLE     l_string     VARCHAR2 (100)
    EXEC  :l_string := '123` 456 |`|789 10 here|`||223|`|5434|`}22|`|yes'
    ,     REPLACE ( REGEXP_SUBSTR ( '|`|' || REPLACE ( :l_string
                                     , '|`|'
                                      , '|`||`|'
                                     ) || '|`|'
                        , '\|`\|.*?\|`\|'
                        , 1
                        , LEVEL
               , '|`|'
               )     AS ITEM
    FROM     dual
    CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= 7
        1 123` 456
        2 789 10 here
        3 |223
        4 5434|`}22
        5 yes
        7Here's how it works:
    The pattern
    ~.*?~is non-greedy ; it matches the smallest possible string that begins and ends with a '~'. So
    REGEXP_SUBSTR ('~SHALL~I~COMPARE~THEE~', '~.*?~', 1, 1) returns '~SHALL~'. However,
    REGEXP_SUBSTR ('~SHALL~I~COMPARE~THEE~', '~.*?~', 1, 2) returns '~COMPARE~'. Why not '~I~'? Because the '~' between 'SHALL' and 'I' was part of the 1st pattern, so it can't be part of the 2nd pattern. So the first thing we have to do is double the delimiters; that's what the inner REPLACE does. The we add delimiters to the beginning and end of the list. Once we've done prepared the string like that, we can use the non-greedy REGEXP_SUBSTR to bring back the delimited items, with a delimiter at either end. We don't want those delimiters, so the outer REPLACE removes them.
    I'm not sure this is any better than Sri's solution.

  • Regular Expressions with Java Regex

    I'm playing around with regex and there's something I can't get to work. What I need, is to capture words between 2 other words and the words captured has to be higher than 5 characters, so for example:
    Pattern "Just testing on something with regular expressions" and suppose I'll try to match all the words between "testing" and "regular", then only the word "something" should come out because "on" and "with" are not larger than 5 chars.
    Now I'm quite new to regexps and I know that ((?<=\btesting\b).*(?=\bregular\b)) will return " on something with "
    But I can't seem to come up with an expression that would only output the word "something". I've tried a few expressions like ((?<=\btesting\b)((?:[\s\w{1,3}])*(\b\w{4,}\b)*(?:[\s\w{1,3}])*)*(?=\bregular\b)) which also returns " on something with " The others I tried would either return the whole " on something with " or return "Not Found!"
    Does anyone have a tip for me? I'm well aware that it's not too hard to do something like this in Java, but I'm really looking to study regular expressions and would like to accomplish this using a regular expression.
    The Java program I use is the following:
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_16\bin>java RegexTest "((?<=\btesting\b).*(?=\bregular\b))" "Just testing on something with regular expressions"
    public class RegexTest {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Pattern RegexCompile = Pattern.compile(args[0]);
              Matcher m = RegexCompile.matcher(args[1]);
              boolean found = m.find(); // Perhaps there's another function to find () that would do the job?
              if (found)
              System.out.println(; // Perhaps group() is not the right function for this case?
              System.out.println("Not Found!");
    Edited by: dli2k3 on Sep 19, 2008 11:32 AM
    Edited by: dli2k3 on Sep 19, 2008 11:33 AM

    You're talking about a two-stage operation: find everything between those two words, then filter out anything that's less than five letters long. There's no single regex that will accomplish all that in one step.
    By the way, please use &#x7B;code} tags when you post source code.

  • Regular expressions with dates and multiple matches

    I am currently attempting to automate modifying start and end dates within a .config file via powershell but I am having issues identifying the regular expression for the end date section since both are on the same line in the file. Below is the string that
    I want to change.
    Sometimes the dates are blank and sometimes the dates are filled in.
    Dates are always in the same format (yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm).
    I also want to note that there are multiple instances of 'StartDate="" EndDate=""' for other applications throughout the same config file so I cannot limit the expression to not include the App name. 
    I do not want to limit the search to a line number since there are instances where admins will add an extra space in the config file that may throw off the line number.
    I want to replace the dates or lack there of in their respective spots on the line below via powershell:
     <App name="TestApp" StartDate="2012-03-22 13:30" EndDate="">
    I am successfully able to use 
    $startRegex = '(?<=<App name="TestApp" StartDate=")([^"]*)'
    to replace the StartDate but I can't seem to single out the EndDate with regular expression. What expression can I use to have it ignore what is in the quotations after StartDate and only pay attention to the EndDate value?
    Below is a snippet: 
    $path = d:\inetpub\website\app.config
    $startRegex = '(?<=<App name="TestApp" StartDate=")([^"]*)'
    $starttime = (get-date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm")
    (gc $path) -replace $startregex, $starttime | set-content $path
    I want to accomplish the same for EndDate.
    Thanks in advance!

    If you do this with XML it will be painless and less prone to error.

  • Regular Expression with comma and encapsulated charaters

    Would appreciate some help. Looking for a regular expression to remove comma's from encapsulated text as follows
    For example
    - Input
    1,"This is a string, need to remove the comma",Another text string,10
    - Required output
    1,"This is a string; need to remove the comma",Another text string,10
    Have tried to use the REGEXP_REPLACE but could not grasp the pattern matching.
    Thanks John

    John Heaton wrote:
    Thanks for the solution,this works great for a single field encapsulated by " and containing ,. I am parsing several different file definitions so it would need to cascade through the string for a undetermined number of times and replace all occurrences. Then try (performance-wise) MODEL solution:
    with t as (
    select '1,"This is a string, need to remove the comma",Another text string,10' txt from dual union all
    select '1,"remove this comma,",Another text string,10,"remove this comma,",xxx,"remove this comma,",11' txt from dual
    select txt_original,
    from t
    partition by(row_number() over(order by 1) p)
    dimension by(1 rn)
    measures(txt txt_original,txt,0 quote)
    iteration_number + 1 = length(txt[1])
    quote[1] = case substr(txt[1],iteration_number + 1,1)
    when '"' then quote[1] + 1
    else quote[1]
    txt[1] = case substr(txt[1],iteration_number + 1,1)
    when ',' then case mod(quote[1],2)
    when 1 then substr(txt[1],1,iteration_number) || ';' || substr(txt[1],iteration_number + 2)
    else txt[1]
    else txt[1]
    1,"This is a string, need to remove the comma",Another text string,10 1,"This is a string; need to remove the comma",Another text string,10
    1,"remove this comma,",Another text string,10,"remove this comma,",xxx,"remove this comma,",11 1,"remove this comma;",Another text string,10,"remove this comma;",xxx,"remove this comma;",11

  • Regular expression with delimited string

    I'm trying extract all characters in a string (as word or words) which is delimited by ' -- '
    Been playing around with regular expression and got as far as this;
    with t_vw
    as (select 'hello -- world' txt from dual
    union all
    select 'hello-world' from dual
    union all
    select 'hello' from dual
    union all
    select 'hello -- world -- bye' from dual
    union all
    select 'hello--worldbye' from dual
    select txt, regexp_substr(txt,'[^ -- ]+',1,1) word1,
    regexp_substr(txt,'[^ -- ]+',1,2) word2,
    regexp_substr(txt,'[^ -- ]+',1,3) word3
    from t_vw;
    It's returning;
    "hello -- world" "hello","world",""
    "hello-world"          "hello","world",""
    "hello"               "hello","",""
    "hello -- world -- bye"     "hello","world","bye"
    "hello--worldbye"      "hello","worldbye",""
    So it seems to work in all cases apart from when there are no spaces before/after "--".
    Any ideas?

    Please enclose your code in *{noformat}{noformat}* tags to preserve your formatting and to prevent the forum software from mangling your regular expressions.
    Also, you've given your input and show the output that you are getting, but I don't know what your issue is.  If you could include the desired output and explain how it differs from what you are getting so far that would help.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Replace: regular expression with argument

    New to jdeveloper, I'm trying to use its Replace-facility. Problem is: how to refer to matched groups in replacement string?
    I've tried "public void set([\w(]*)" as argument, how then to refer to the match ([\w(]*) ?
    Using $1 just gives the literal $1.
    (This site uses $1, $2 etc for java regular expression arguments
    Thanks in advance.

    Strangely enough nor \1, \2 or $1, $2 works on "replace in files". On "replace" \1, \2 etc works. Bug or feature?

  • Regular expression with newline in clob

    I have a clob that used end of line as chr(10).
    But if chr(10) comes in a line enclosed by quotes it needs to be skipped and be replaced by nothing.
    So the question is almost like this thread
    Regular expression
    But instead of looking for ',' I am looking for chr(10) between quotes.
    If I use the regular expression in the above forum, I donot get the same result....
    Any ideas?
    Thank you

    BTW, you can create your own function, e.g.:
    SQL> drop table t;
    Table dropped
    SQL> create table t (str clob);
    Table created
    SQL> insert into t values('John'||CHR(10)||'Doe'||CHR(10)||'"$85'||CHR(10)||'256"'||CHR(10)||'Programmer'||CHR(10)||'"$42'||CHR(10)||'857"');
    1 row inserted
    SQL> insert into t values('John,Doe,"$85,256",Programmer,"$42,857"');
    1 row inserted
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete
    SQL> select rownum, str from t;
        ROWNUM STR
             1 John
             2 John,Doe,"$85,256",Programmer,"$42,857"
    SQL> create or replace function selective_replace(p_str    clob,
      2                                               p_border varchar2,
      3                                               p_sign   varchar2) return clob is
      4    l_str      clob := p_str;
      5    l_str_part clob;
      6    l_count    number := 0;
      7  begin
      8    loop
      9      l_count := l_count + 1;
    10      exit when regexp_instr(l_str, p_border||'[^'||p_border||']*'||p_border, 1, l_count)=0;
    11      l_str_part := regexp_substr(l_str,p_border||'[^'||p_border||']*'||p_border, 1, l_count);
    12      if instr(l_str_part,p_sign)>0
    13      then
    14       l_str_part := replace(l_str_part, p_sign);
    15       l_str := regexp_replace(l_str, p_border||'[^'||p_border||']*'||p_border, l_str_part, 1, l_count);
    16      end if;
    17    end loop;
    18    return(l_str);
    19  end;
    20  /
    Function created
    SQL> select str, selective_replace(str,'"',CHR(10)) new_str from t;
    STR                                                                              NEW_STR
    John                                                                             John
    Doe                                                                              Doe
    "$85                                                                             "$85256"
    256"                                                                             Programmer
    Programmer                                                                       "$42857"
    John,Doe,"$85,256",Programmer,"$42,857"                                          John,Doe,"$85,256",Programmer,"$42,857"
    SQL> select str, selective_replace(str,'"',',') new_str from t;
    STR                                                                              NEW_STR
    John                                                                             John
    Doe                                                                              Doe
    "$85                                                                             "$85
    256"                                                                             256"
    Programmer                                                                       Programmer
    "$42                                                                             "$42
    857"                                                                             857"
    John,Doe,"$85,256",Programmer,"$42,857"                                          John,Doe,"$85256",Programmer,"$42857"


    EX- IF I GIVE THE INPUT "#java#", it will give me error,
    whereas IF I GIVE THE INPUT "java", it will not give me error.

    This guy's been shouting questions at us for over a month now. We should stop making fun of him and start helping him:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class StopShouting {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Toolkit kit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
            kit.setLockingKeyState(KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK, false);

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    ok i think im not the only but i want this say to me in lameman terms lol, ok so i have everything checked with the artwork on my ipod and it wont let me load any artwork on my ipod, it shows up in my librey and my music part of itunes but when i dis

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    Hi How to disable option available in Local File Button in a ALV Output List . That is When is Run a Report output is diaplayed then i click LOCAL File Button . It display following option (Unconverted ,Spredsheet,Richtext format,Html Format,In the C

  • Why can't I do this??!?!

    Post Author: mstrmp3 CA Forum: Formula This could not be easier, but I'm missing something. 2 db's, one has customer name info the other has customer invoice info. (they both have invoice # data, although not the same field) main report: print custom

  • Dock Problem after 10.5.3 Update

    Hi! I'm having a 10.5.2 Server running and serving profiles over OD. The basic configuration was a 10.5.2 Server with 10.5.2 Clients. This worked perfectly. Now I've updated the clients to 10.5.3 and now I have several problems: The Dock is "locked":