Problem in using AdvanceDataGrid as tree with drag n drop functionality

Hi All,
I am using AdvancedDataGrid as tree for displaying my data. Within this ADG tree I have to enable drag n drop i.e. user can select one node and will able to drop that on another node within tree.
Overwritten dragDrop handler event for ADG.
Issues: Not getting target node on which I am dropping currently selected node.

Please don’t use this forum for support questions, go use flexcoders or the Adobe forums instead.
On 2/10/09 11:21 PM, "rakess" <
[email protected]> wrote:
A new discussion was started by rakess in
Developers --
  Problem in using AdvanceDataGrid as tree with drag n drop functionality
Hi All,
I am using AdvancedDataGrid as tree for displaying my data. Within this ADG tree I have to enable drag n drop i.e. user can select one node and will able to drop that on another node within tree.  
Overwritten dragDrop handler event for ADG.
Issues: Not getting target node on which I am dropping currently selected node.
View/reply at Problem in using AdvanceDataGrid as tree with drag n drop functionality <>
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    Kind regards.

    Sure you can build it, I just don't think anyone has, you could also use their solution as well in an APEX page it's just a matter of integration.

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    I don't know if it's what you are looking for, but I programmed a small example of pure-JavaFX-DnD just recently and made a blog post about it:

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    Hi Frank
    Thanks for responding.
    We like to show on our custom "context menu" using PopupHints (not using facet name contextmenu) with 3 commandMenuItems.
    Since component id is needed by PopupHints to place this custom "context menu", we tried
    RichTree dropTree = (RichTree)dropEvent.getDropComponent();
    alignId = dropTree.getClientId(context);
    // alignId = pt1:pt_region1:1:pt1:pc1:navTree
    getClientId returns us the tree id and hence the context menu is placed next to tree.
    We like to place the context menu next to a target node of the tree when dragging and dropping.
    But we couldn't figure out how to get that node id.
    In your suggestion,
    List dropRowKey = (List) dropEvent.getDropSite();
    RichTree dropComponent = (RichTree) dropEvent.getDropComponent();
    how do we then get the id of this node then ? What's the method ?
    Thanks Frank

  • Can you use a custom cursor with drag and drop?

    Hi there! I'm a newbie flash user and working on a simulation for a graduate course in instructional design. I'm using Flash Professional CC on Mac. Here's what I'm trying to do. I have several draggable sprites on the stage and three target sprites. I have specified the original x,y locations of the sprites and have set the end x,y locations as those of each of the three targets. Items must be dragged to one of the three targets.
    Some questions:
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    2. To make my project more "fun" for kids, I wanted to customize the cursor with a graphic of  hand. When I tried this in the flash file it works perfectly until I add the drag and drop functionality for the wasted items. Then the cursor will more around  but not pick up any items. Once I revert back to the standard pointer, the correct drag and drop functionality is restored.
    3. I have it set to snap back to the original location if learner attempts to drop the item on the wrong target. I want to be able to play a sound file when that happens, as well as play a sound file when it lands on the correct target, as well as shrink the item and change its opacity so that it appears invisible. I want to give the illusion of it being placed into the bin. I have no idea as to the proper way to code these events so that they happen.
    4. I've watched dozens of hours of youtube tutorials before coming here. I'm a quick study, but am very new to action script. In one of the videos the developer showed referencing an external action script file which I don't think is an option in CC. The coding method he used seemed much more streamlined and "clean" than the chunks I'm working with now. Is there an easy way for me to code information about these objects  than the way I've got it here now? I hate starting new things with bad habits. The perils of self-teaching.
    I'm pasting my code from the actions panel below so you can see what's going on:
    /* Custom Mouse Cursor
    Replaces the default mouse cursor with the specified symbol instance.
    customcursor.mouseEnabled = false;
    customcursor.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_CustomMouseCursor);
    function fl_CustomMouseCursor(event:Event)
      customcursor.x = stage.mouseX;
      customcursor.y = stage.mouseY;
    //To restore the default mouse pointer, uncomment the following lines:
    customcursor.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_CustomMouseCursor);
    //set up variables and objects for dragging
    var offset:int = 10;
    var appleStartX:int = 243;
    var appleStartY:int = 156;
    var appleEndX:int = 522;
    var appleEndY:int = 22;
    apple.buttonMode = true;
    apple.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    apple.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var cupStartX:int = 39;
    var cupStartY:int = 266;
    var cupEndX:int = 520;
    var cupEndY:int = 175;
    cup.buttonMode = true;
    cup.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    cup.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var barStartX:int = 178;
    var barStartY:int = 234;
    var barEndX:int = 522;
    var barEndY:int = 22;
    bar.buttonMode = true;
    bar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    bar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var orangeStartX:int = 284;
    var orangeStartY:int = 102;
    var orangeEndX:int = 522;
    var orangeEndY:int = 22;
    orange.buttonMode = true;
    orange.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    orange.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var bottleStartX:int = 172;
    var bottleStartY:int = 303;
    var bottleEndX:int = 520;
    var bottleEndY:int = 175;
    bottle.buttonMode = true;
    bottle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    bottle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var bananaStartX:int = 113;
    var bananaStartY:int = 123;
    var bananaEndX:int = 522;
    var bananaEndY:int = 22;
    banana.buttonMode = true;
    banana.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    banana.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var napkinStartX:int = 248;
    var napkinStartY:int = 271;
    var napkinEndX:int = 520;
    var napkinEndY:int = 175;
    napkin.buttonMode = true;
    napkin.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    napkin.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var yogurtStartX:int = 27;
    var yogurtStartY:int = 136;
    var yogurtEndX:int = 518;
    var yogurtEndY:int = 329;
    yogurt.buttonMode = true;
    yogurt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    yogurt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var strawberryStartX:int = 120;
    var strawberryStartY:int = 285;
    var strawberryEndX:int = 522;
    var strawberryEndY:int = 22;
    strawberry.buttonMode = true;
    strawberry.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    strawberry.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var sandwichStartX:int = 7;
    var sandwichStartY:int = 364;
    var sandwichEndX:int = 522;
    var sandwichEndY:int = 22;
    sandwich.buttonMode = true;
    sandwich.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    sandwich.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var juiceStartX:int = 88;
    var juiceStartY:int = 347;
    var juiceEndX:int = 518;
    var juiceEndY:int = 329;
    juice.buttonMode = true;
    juice.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    juice.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var foilStartX:int = 39;
    var foilStartY:int = 416;
    var foilEndX:int = 520;
    var foilEndY:int = 175;
    foil.buttonMode = true;
    foil.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    foil.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    var waxbagStartX:int = 235;
    var waxbagStartY:int = 342;
    var waxbagEndX:int = 522;
    var waxbagEndY:int = 22;
    waxbag.buttonMode = true;
    waxbag.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
    waxbag.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
    function startDragging (e:MouseEvent) {
    function stopDragging (e:MouseEvent) {
      switch (e.currentTarget) {
      case apple:
      if (apple.x < appleEndX - offset || apple.x > appleEndX + offset || apple.y < appleEndY - offset || apple.y > appleEndY + offset) {
      apple.x = appleStartX;
      apple.y = appleStartY;
      else {
      apple.x = appleEndX;
      apple.y = appleEndY;
      case sandwich:
    if (sandwich.x < sandwichEndX - offset || sandwich.x > sandwichEndX + offset || sandwich.y < sandwichEndY - offset || sandwich.y > sandwichEndY + offset) {
      sandwich.x = sandwichStartX;
      sandwich.y = sandwichStartY;
      else {
      sandwich.x = sandwichEndX;
      sandwich.y = sandwichEndY;
      case orange:
    if (orange.x < orangeEndX - offset || orange.x > orangeEndX + offset || orange.y < orangeEndY - offset || orange.y > orangeEndY + offset) {
      orange.x = orangeStartX;
      orange.y = orangeStartY;
      else {
      orange.x = orangeEndX;
      orange.y = orangeEndY;
      case strawberry:
    if (strawberry.x < strawberryEndX - offset || strawberry.x > strawberryEndX + offset || strawberry.y < strawberryEndY - offset || strawberry.y > strawberryEndY + offset) {
      strawberry.x = strawberryStartX;
      strawberry.y = strawberryStartY;
      else {
      strawberry.x = strawberryEndX;
      strawberry.y = strawberryEndY;
      case napkin:
    if (napkin.x < napkinEndX - offset || napkin.x > napkinEndX + offset || napkin.y < napkinEndY - offset || napkin.y > napkinEndY + offset) {
      napkin.x = napkinStartX;
      napkin.y = napkinStartY;
      else {
      napkin.x = napkinEndX;
      napkin.y = napkinEndY;
      case bar:
    if (bar.x < barEndX - offset || bar.x > barEndX + offset || bar.y < barEndY - offset || bar.y > barEndY + offset) {
      bar.x = barStartX;
      bar.y = barStartY;
      else {
      bar.x = barEndX;
      bar.y = barEndY;
      case juice:
    if (juice.x < juiceEndX - offset || juice.x > juiceEndX + offset || juice.y < juiceEndY - offset || juice.y > juiceEndY + offset) {
      juice.x = juiceStartX;
      juice.y = juiceStartY;
      else {
      juice.x = juiceEndX;
      juice.y = juiceEndY;
      case foil:
    if (foil.x < foilEndX - offset || foil.x > foilEndX + offset || foil.y < foilEndY - offset || foil.y > foilEndY + offset) {
      foil.x = foilStartX;
      foil.y = foilStartY;
      else {
      foil.x = foilEndX;
      foil.y = foilEndY;
      case banana:
    if (banana.x < bananaEndX - offset || banana.x > bananaEndX + offset || banana.y < bananaEndY - offset || banana.y > bananaEndY + offset) {
      banana.x = bananaStartX;
      banana.y = bananaStartY;
      else {
      banana.x = bananaEndX;
      banana.y = bananaEndY;
      case bottle:
    if (bottle.x < bottleEndX - offset || bottle.x > bottleEndX + offset || bottle.y < bottleEndY - offset || bottle.y > bottleEndY + offset) {
      bottle.x = bottleStartX;
      bottle.y = bottleStartY;
      else {
      bottle.x = bottleEndX;
      bottle.y = bottleEndY;
      case waxbag:
    if (waxbag.x < waxbagEndX - offset || waxbag.x > waxbagEndX + offset || waxbag.y < waxbagEndY - offset || waxbag.y > waxbagEndY + offset) {
      waxbag.x = waxbagStartX;
      waxbag.y = waxbagStartY;
      else {
      waxbag.x = waxbagEndX;
      waxbag.y = waxbagEndY;
      case cup:
    if (cup.x < cupEndX - offset || cup.x > cupEndX + offset || cup.y < cupEndY - offset || cup.y > cupEndY + offset) {
      cup.x = cupStartX;
      cup.y = cupStartY;
      else {
      cup.x = cupEndX;
      cup.y = cupEndY;
      case yogurt:
    if (yogurt.x < yogurtEndX - offset || yogurt.x > yogurtEndX + offset || yogurt.y < yogurtEndY - offset || yogurt.y > yogurtEndY + offset) {
      yogurt.x = yogurtStartX;
      yogurt.y = yogurtStartY;
      else {
      waxbag.x = waxbagEndX;
      waxbag.y = waxbagEndY;

    Some questions:
    1. Can I specify more than one End x,y location for a draggable sprite?
    yes, use an if-else statement
    I'm creating a lesson to teach kindergartners how to sort lunchroom waste. If they have a napkin, for example, it could either go into the compost OR into the recycling. In cases like this where an item could really be placed into more than one bin, I want them to get it right if they do either of those things, rather than forcing them to choose which one.
    2. To make my project more "fun" for kids, I wanted to customize the cursor with a graphic of  hand. When I tried this in the flash file it works perfectly until I add the drag and drop functionality for the wasted items. Then the cursor will more around  but not pick up any items. Once I revert back to the standard pointer, the correct drag and drop functionality is restored.
    assign your cursor's mouseEnabled property to false:
    3. I have it set to snap back to the original location if learner attempts to drop the item on the wrong target. I want to be able to play a sound file when that happens, as well as play a sound file when it lands on the correct target, as well as shrink the item and change its opacity so that it appears invisible. I want to give the illusion of it being placed into the bin. I have no idea as to the proper way to code these events so that they happen.
    use the sound class to create a sound:
    // initialize your correct sound once with
    var correctSound:Sound=new CorrectSound();  // add an mp3 sound to your library and assign it class = CorrectSound
    // apply the play() method everytime you want your sound to play:;
    // change an object's opacity:
    someobject.alpha = .3;  // partially visible
    someobject.alpha = 1;  // fully visible
    someobject.visible=false;  // not visible, at all.
    // change an object's scale
    someobject.scaleX=someobject.scaleY=.5;  // shink width and height by 2
    someobject.scaleX=someobject.scaleY=1;  // resize to original
    4. I've watched dozens of hours of youtube tutorials before coming here. I'm a quick study, but am very new to action script. In one of the videos the developer showed referencing an external action script file which I don't think is an option in CC. The coding method he used seemed much more streamlined and "clean" than the chunks I'm working with now. Is there an easy way for me to code information about these objects  than the way I've got it here now? I hate starting new things with bad habits. The perils of self-teaching.
    you could google: 
    actionscript 3 class coding
    actionscript 3 object oriented programming
    p.s.  you can simplify and streamline your coding by learning about arrays and using hitTestObject.

  • Captivate Drag and Drop Functionality

    Please could someone confirm when Captivate will ship with drag and drop functionality as standard rather than as an extension only available to subscription or ASA users?

    Adobe doesn't usually give any advance confirmation dates for when they will ship a new product version or patch.

  • Drag and Drop Functionality in ADF

    Hi, i have a cuestion,
    I need to develop an application, but i have to determine if it is possible.
    I explain..
    I have to make an applicacion with elements with drag and drop functionality, i mean.. 3 to n containers on the page, a toolbar, with the possible elements to drag and drop on the containers,
    later on i have to join that elements with lines, and to save the view, so, when the users open their workspace, they can see their last view saved state.
    In a few words, that's my issue.
    I ve been search about it, and i found something about drop target option about panel box componnents, but nothing about drawing lines and saved view states.
    Do you know about some examples, o an example application, any help resource will be wellcome
    Thanks in Advance!!!!

    There isn't a "painting" function built-in.
    You can do drag and drop in ADF Faces between components though.
    If you want to show relationship between components with lines - you might want to look into the Hierarchy Viewer.

  • The drag and drop functionality is grayed out in Captivate 8. How do I turn this on?

    I'm trying to play with drag and drop functionality in Captivate 8, but it's grayed out. All the tutorials I've watched show it working, but in my project, I can't access it. Any ideas?

    I asked about this in another thread, to add a list of what is NOT supported in responsive projects to the documentation:
    objects detected by the HTML5 tracker
    Drag&Drop as you discovered
    line shape
    free polygon shape
    This is my list. Answer in another thread from the staff was: what is dimmed, grayed out is not available. Not a pleasant way to discover limitations, although I understand not everything could be implemented in this very first version of Captivate responsive design functionality.

  • Problem with Drag and drop in panel dashboard

    I am having problem with drag and drop in panel dashboard.
    I will explain what i am doing.
    I am using Oracle three column template in First region i am having a table that showing all customer.
    I drag one record from my table and drop it on customer info (CIF) page on second region it is working fine.
    my CIF page has a dashboard with 6 panel box. i am showing 6 different jsff in 6 panel box.
    I put drop target in each jsff
    <af:dropTarget dropListener="#{backingBeanScope.backing_customerinformation.handleItemDrop}"
    <af:dataFlavor flavorClass="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.model.RowKeySet"
    when i put drop target my panel boxes moves only when i drag it to another panel box header not entire part of panel box.
    if i remove the drop target then panel box move normally as the example given on: [] but in taht case i am not able to drag and drop my data

    You must be an Oracle employee as you're referring to a component in the upcoming JDeveloper version which has yet been released to the general public. Oracle employee's are, I believe, directed to post on internal Oracle forums.

  • Problem with Drag and Drop on a JTree

    I would like to have a JTree with drag and drop support with the following characteristics:
    1) The JTree holds near 100 different kinds of TreeNodes
    2) The drag and drop operation uses TreeNodes as Transferable
    3) The drop operation adds a new TreeNode child on the TreeNode that accepts the drop
    4) There are some rules for a TreeNode to accept the drops by example:
         Type1 can accept Type2
         Type2 can accept Type3
         All other combinations are not allowed
    I am using the following classes to support this behavior
    The question is:
    How to change the cursor shape when the mouse is over a node to show graphically the drop accepting rules.?
    I can not use the the following methods to change the cursor-shape
    Case they receive a DropTargetDragEvent witch don�t knows nothing about the TreeNode type dragged.
    I can not create a TreeNode on the method GestureListener.dragGestureRecognized cause this could not work when dragging between two diffents JVM.

    You might want to search this forum for this class : It pretty much does the job.

  • Unable to use "drag and drop function" from outlook

    We are changing from Lotus to outlook and this has made a problem with getting pdf-files into OAWD directly .
    Procedure was like this in Lotus
    1. We get documents (FI, F-43, aso ) by email
    2. We use OAWD function "drag and drop" , document is attached to a document type and workflow is triggered
    3. We pick up documents from Business workplace , handle the document and send it to the approver (who earlier got it directly in their mailbox "lotus")
    so far so good , everything worked well
    Unfortunately we changed to outlook, non attached files can be "drag and dropped" into OAWD (I understand the part about outlook is showing links instead of "real" pdf and know this is part of the problem)
    My question, it can not be possible that we have to manually save the documents/attached files from outlook into "desktop" to later use the drag and drop function?
    I have read about the programms to solve problem , ex "inPuncto", but our experts says there will be problem with connector to workflow from OAWD.
    I have my greatest doubts about that because this must be really two diffrent moduls, one for converting from outlook and the other must be unchange (undependent of the earlier procedure). SAP can not know from what program the documents will be dragged? 
    Suggestion about some OAWD-adaptor ?
    Any suggestions about great solutions ?

    it seems there is no way.
    See note 1797073
    Is there someone with a better solution?

  • Tree Component Drag and Drop

    Hi, I've been playing around with a trail version of flex and
    was interested to know if anybody had tried to implement the drag
    and drop functionality of the Tree component to a TileList? After
    much messing about I noticed the format of the Tree data in the
    DragSource was different to that of other lists. I've tried
    overriding the addDragData method to see if I can change the format
    of the data although this seems to cause problems when the Drag
    complete event is triggered. Any ideas or help would be

    Hey, Thanks for the reply. Yes this appears to work although
    it took a bit of messing around and I still had to override the
    dragCompleteHandler method of the Tree component to get the tree
    view to update. One issue I do have (This appears to be an issue
    with the tree component) is as you drag and drop files across from
    one tree to another, when you remove the last child node the parent
    node which has a folder icon changes to a document icon. Is there a
    way around this?

  • I am trying to drag and drop one page of a .pdf into another .pdf in Acrobat Reader.  I used to be able to drag and drop from one .pdf to another.

    I am trying to drag and drop one page of a .pdf into another .pdf in Acrobat Reader.  I used to be able to drag and drop from one .pdf to another.

    If you could drag and drop pages before, it wasn't in Reader. You no doubt had Adobe Acrobat (Pro or Standard) which shouldn't be confused with Adobe Acrobat Reader. They recently added Acrobat to the name of Adobe Reader so the confusion about which product you had and/or have is understandable.

  • Using NetBeans and Eclipse to drag and drop forms, controls etc

    Hi, can you use NetBeans and Eclipse to drag and drop like say with C# in MS Visual Studio ?
    like forms and listboxes, textboxes etc ??

    And [this is a good place to start|]

  • How to use the palette or drag and drop functions in netbean?

    Is there anyone who can help me out on using drag and drop function in netbean to design GUI inteface..??
    Is palette is the tool that can be used to drag and drop.??
    thank you in advance.

    I actually really like the GUI builder in netbeans. I used to be a big eclipse user so I am very familiar with coding GUIs by hand, and most of what I do involves GUI's or at least swing.
    At first I hated netbeans, I hated that I couldn't edit the code most. Then I decided to take a deep breath and really examine the issue. What I discovered is that most of the edits I wanted to make but couldn't really weren't the right way to be doing it in the first place, for the rest the code is actually really easy to change you just have to know how.
    Now my palette is huge, probably about 250 objects in it organized into sections that work for me. Basically if I want a object to do something that is not already in the palette I simply write a new object and add it to the palette. I started small like with rounded buttons/progress bars, and as I got comfortable I now have some fairly advanced objects like grids, isometric grids, alpha composits, an animated hourglass countdown timer, and an animated "loading/activity" indicator that is not tied to a progress indicator.
    The main reason I stuck with the netbeans drag and drop GUI builder is it's layout manager is really a very nice layout manager, you couldn't pay me enough to go back to eclipse or codeing GUIs by hand, as I can now do in one day what used to take me several weeks.
    So what I am saying is stick with netbeans and the drag and drop, it sucks at first, but once you get to a point where you are comfortable with it and adding to the palette it will become a great tool.

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